Japhat Civil Work Boq

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Sl. Ag.

Description of Work Unit Rate Amount


1 1 EXCAVATION:- Earth work excavation for foundations of

buildings and depositing at site with an initial lead of 50 Mts
including all operational, incidental, labour charges such as shoring
sheeting, planking, strutting etc., complete for finished item of work

From average ground level to 1.5m depth

Mechanical Excavation 176 Cum 280.00 49,343.84

2 2 BACK FILLING: back filling with excavated avalabil soil 104 Cum 170.00 17,680.00

3 3 P.C.C 1:4:8 proportion using 40 mm nominal size hard

broken granite/trap machin crushed hard broken metal
inculding cost an conveyance of all operational inculding
labour charges such as centring frame work mixing concrete
laying vibrating curing etc., complete for finishing item of
work (including Footing, plinth beam, flooring, road)

41 Cum 5,500.00 222,986.50

4 4 Vibrated Reinforced Concrete works with Ready Mix

Concrete shall include cost and Conveyance of all materials
to the site, tools & plants, Scaffolding, mechanical mixing,
laying, mechanical vibration of concrete by pan and / or
needle vibrator, finishing, curing and all incidental works and
operational works complete for finished item of work. For all
RCC works 20mm and down graded machine crushed HBG
metal shall be used. Work includes performing standard tests
as per IS - 456 such as slump cone tests, cube tests, etc., and
other tests as called for and submission of test reports for
approval by consultant. Excluding the cost of shuttering
(Form work)

M30 Grade (including Footing, plinth beam, pedestial,

column , slab, slab beam ) 163 Cum 7,650.00 1,250,555.45

5 5 Providing, fixing and stripping off steel shuttering for the all
items of RCC works including the cost of centering and
staging etc., complete all as per drawings, specifications and
as directed.
925 Sqm 450.00 416,431.80

6 6 Fabrication and fixing in position reinforcement steel for

RCC work at all levels and locations including the cost of
binding wire, straightening, cutting, bending, placing in
position etc., as per drawings and specifications including the
cost of labour etc., complete. Rate including, men,
machinery, consumables, tools & tackles etc.

a) TMT steel bars of grade Fe- 500 make of material

JAIRAJ/Dhanalakshmi/Radha/suguna/kamadhenu (For
footing/pedestial, column, plinth beam, slab beam , slab) 17 M.T 90,000.00 1,548,000.00
b) TMT steel bars of grade Fe- 500 make of material
JAIRAJ/Dhanalakshmi/Radha/suguna/kamadhenu (only for
VDF) 1 M.T 90,000.00 108,000.00
7 7 CRS masonry in foundations and plinth in CM 1:6
proportion, courses not less than 150mm tk using through/
bond stones at every 2m in each course including curing & 2
line dressing for a width of 1.5 cm. for edges of corner stones,
curing etc., in between the stoned boulder stones or aggregate
to be well packed, the cement morter to be packed using
water, so that the morter covers all the gaps in between stone
boulders and binds properly, this shall be done each and
every course as per specification Complete finished Item of
work as directed.

32 Cum 5,400.00 170,586.00

Sl. Ag.
Description of Work Unit Rate Amount

8 8 Providing 200 mm tk. brick masonry using best quality table

moulded well burnt bricks in cement mortar 1:6 as specified
including raking of joints, scaffolding, curing etc., at all
heights including all labour & material etc., cement, above
basement at all levels (Brick are to be immersed in water
before construction and sand for mortar shall be screened
wherever necessary.) Rate of brick shall be mentioned along
with the tender.Complete finished Item of work as directed.

38 Cum 7,850.00 301,440.00

9 9 Plastering 20 mm tk in two caoats with a base coat of 16

mm tk in two coats with a base coat in CM (1:4) prop with
dubara sponge finishing for inculding cost and conveyance of
all materials and all operational incidental labour charges and
396 Sqm 650.00 257,400.00

10 10 Providing & laying of 150 mm thk Vaccum Dewatered

flooring with mix 1:1.5:3 using 60% of 20mm and down
guage and 40% of 12 mm and down guage hard granite metal
including placing reinfircement steel of 5Kg/ sqm, side
panelling machine mixing placing mechanical trowelling,
finishing smooth curing, cutting grooves 5X50 mm deep of
an area not exceeding 20 Sqm and filling with calpar-200/
equelent material cleaning etc.,complete as directed.

285 Sqm 1,300.00 370,500.00

11 11 Grove Cutting For VDF flooring (3x3m) 200 Rmt 135.00 27,000.00

12 12 Providing & fixing in position steel rolling shutters as per

design & drawing, using18g steel laths,pressed steel guides
heavy MS pipe shaft coiled springs, locking patti, MS
brackets, ball bearings, including one coat of approved make
zinc chromate metal primer,2 coats of approved make and
shade synthetic enamel paint, scaffolding,
staging,cleaning,welding,grouting, curing etc., complete with
gear operated system.
16 Sqm 5,050.00 80,800.00

13 13 Providing and applying approved Painting to Internal make

and oil bound distemper paint two coats painted over a white
cement primer coat (total in three coats) to plastered surface
including cost and conveyance of paint, labour, scrubbing and
cleaning & preparing the surface including scaffolding, etc;
complete for interior surface, ceilings, walls etc; complete.
finished item of work.
396 Sqm 250.00 99,000.00

14 14 Providing & applying Painting to external walls with ACE

painting of approved colour in two coats over one coat of
primer including cast of materials and labour charges etc,.
Complete finished item of the work.
396 Sqm 250.00 99,000.00

15 15 Moorum filling from the out side brought (shed area) 171 Cum 600.00 102,600.00

3 Advance for Civil work 30%.
4 Rock quantity has given by surveyer
Sl. Ag.
DESCRIPTION Nos Length Breadth Depth Quantity Unit
No No

1 1 EXCAVATION:- Earth work excavation for foundations of buildings

and depositing at site with an initial lead of 50 Mts including all
operational, incidental, labour charges such as shoring sheeting,
planking, strutting etc., complete for finished item of work including.

From average ground level to 1.5m depth

Mechanical Excavation
Footing F1 4 2.500 2.200 2.600 57.200
F2 4 2.500 2.200 2.600 57.200
F3 2 2.300 2.000 2.600 23.920
F4 2 2.700 2.700 2.600 37.908
176.228 Cum

2 2 P.C.C 1:4:8 proportion using 40 mm nominal size hard broken

granite/trap machin crushed hard broken metal inculding cost an
conveyance of all operational inculding labour charges such as
centring frame work mixing concrete laying vibrating curing etc.,
complete for finishing item of work

Footing F1 4 2.500 2.200 0.100 2.200

F2 4 2.500 2.200 0.100 2.200
F3 2 2.300 2.000 0.100 0.920
F4 2 2.700 2.700 0.100 1.458
Plingth Beam - Long walls 3 19.000 0.450 0.100 2.565
Plingth Beam - short walls 4 15.000 0.450 0.100 2.700
Flooring 1 19.000 15.000 0.100 28.500
40.543 Cum

3 3 Vibrated Reinforced Concrete works with Ready Mix Concrete shall

include cost and Conveyance of all materials to the site, tools &
plants, Scaffolding, mechanical mixing, laying, mechanical vibration
of concrete by pan and / or needle vibrator, finishing, curing and all
incidental works and operational works complete for finished item of
work. For all RCC works 20mm and down graded machine crushed
HBG metal shall be used. Work includes performing standard tests as
per IS - 456 such as slump cone tests, cube tests, etc., and other tests
as called for and submission of test reports for approval by consultant.
Excluding the cost of shuttering (Form work)

M30 Grade
Footing F1 4 2.300 2.000 0.650 11.960
F2 4 2.300 2.000 0.650 11.960
F3 2 2.100 1.800 0.600 4.536
F4 2 2.500 2.500 0.600 7.500
Pedestial C1 4 0.750 1.050 2.350 7.403
C2 4 0.750 1.050 2.350 7.403
C3 2 0.450 0.750 2.400 1.620
C4 2 0.450 0.450 2.400 0.972
Column C1 4 0.600 0.900 4.300 9.288
C2 4 0.600 0.900 4.300 9.288
C3 2 0.350 0.600 4.300 1.806
C4 2 0.450 0.450 4.300 1.742
Plingth Beam - Long 3 19.000 0.300 0.450 7.695
Plingth Beam - short 4 15.000 0.300 0.450 8.100
slab 1 19.000 15.000 0.150 42.750
slab beam 3 19.000 0.300 0.600 10.260
7 15.000 0.300 0.600 18.900
stair beam 1 2.800 0.230 0.450 0.290
163.471 Cum
Sl. Ag.
DESCRIPTION Nos Length Breadth Depth Quantity Unit
No No
4 4 CRS masonry in foundations and plinth in CM 1:6 proportion,
courses not less than 150mm tk using through/ bond stones at every
2m in each course including curing & 2 line dressing for a width of
1.5 cm. for edges of corner stones, curing etc., in between the stoned
boulder stones or aggregate to be well packed, the cement morter to be
packed using water, so that the morter covers all the gaps in between
stone boulders and binds properly, this shall be done each and every
course as per specification Complete finished Item of work as

Long Walls 3 19.000 0.450 0.600 15.390

Short Walls 4 15.000 0.450 0.600 16.200
31.590 Cum

5 5 Providing 200 mm tk. brick masonry using best quality table moulded
well burnt bricks in cement mortar 1:6 as specified including raking of
joints, scaffolding, curing etc., at all heights including all labour &
material etc., cement, above basement at all levels (Brick are to be
immersed in water before construction and sand for mortar shall be
screened wherever necessary.) Rate of brick shall be mentioned along
with the tender.Complete finished Item of work as directed.

Side walls 2 19.000 0.200 3.000 22.800

End walls 2 15.000 0.200 3.000 18.000
Deduction door / RS -1 4.000 0.200 3.000 -2.400
38.400 Cum

6 6 Fabrication and fixing in position reinforcement steel for RCC work at

all levels and locations including the cost of binding wire,
straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position etc., as per
drawings and specifications including the cost of labour etc.,
complete. Rate including, men, machinery, consumables, tools &
tackles etc.

Footing/column/Pedestal/Plinth beam/slab/ slab beam 17.200

17.200 M.T

7 7 Fabrication and fixing in position reinforcement steel for RCC work at

all levels and locations including the cost of binding wire,
straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position etc., as per
drawings and specifications including the cost of labour etc.,
complete. Rate including, men, machinery, consumables, tools &
tackles etc. - only for VDF

1.200 M.T

8 8 shuttering
Footing F1 8 2.300 0.650 11.960
8 2.000 0.650 10.400
F2 8 2.300 0.650 11.960
8 2.000 0.650 10.400
F3 4 2.100 0.600 5.040
4 1.800 0.600 4.320
F4 4 2.500 0.600 6.000
4 2.500 0.600 6.000
Pedestial C1 8 0.750 2.350 14.100
8 1.050 2.350 19.740
C2 8 0.750 2.350 14.100
8 1.050 2.350 19.740
C3 4 0.450 2.400 4.320
4 0.750 2.400 7.200
C4 4 0.450 2.400 4.320
4 0.450 2.400 4.320
Column C1 8 0.600 4.300 20.640
8 0.900 4.300 30.960
Sl. Ag.
DESCRIPTION Nos Length Breadth Depth Quantity Unit
No No
C2 8 0.600 4.300 20.640
8 0.900 4.300 30.960
C3 4 0.350 4.300 6.020
4 0.600 4.300 10.320
C4 4 0.450 4.300 7.740
4 0.450 4.300 7.740
plingth beam - long walls 6 19.000 0.450 51.300
plingth beam - short walls 8 15.000 0.450 54.000
slab 1 19.000 15.000 285.000
slab beam 6 19.000 0.600 68.400
3 19.000 0.300 17.100
14 15.000 0.600 126.000
7 15.000 0.300 31.500
stair beam 2 2.800 0.450 2.520
1 2.800 0.230 0.644
925.404 Sqm

9 9 Plastering 20 mm tk in two caoats with a base coat of 16 mm tk in

two coats with a base coat in CM (1:4) prop with dubara sponge
finishing for inculding cost and conveyance of all materials and all
operational incidental labour charges.
Side walls 4 19.000 3.000 228.000
End walls 4 15.000 3.000 180.000
Deduction door/RS -1 4.000 3.000 -12.000
396.000 Sqm

10 10 Providing & laying of 150 mm thk Vaccum Dewatered flooring with

mix 1:1.5:3 using 60% of 20mm and down guage and 40% of 12 mm
and down guage hard granite metal including placing reinfircement
steel of 5Kg/ sqm, side panelling machine mixing placing mechanical
trowelling, finishing smooth curing, cutting grooves 5X50 mm deep
of an area not exceeding 20 Sqm and filling with calpar-200/ equelent
material cleaning etc.,complete as directed.

1 19.000 15.000 285.000

285.000 Sqm

11 11 Grove cutting For VDF 1 200.000 200.000

200.000 RMT
12 12 Providing and fixing M.S safety Grills with 10 mm square bars
spacing 125 mm c/c with outer ms 30x30x 4 mm angle frame with
fastenings and finishing with two coats of approved make & shade
synthetic enamel paint in addition to one coat of zinc chromate primer
complete finished item of work.
0 0.000
0.000 Sqm
13 13 Providing & fixing Aluminum glazed Doors & Windows of approved
make as per design and drawing with sliding glazed shutters, using
2mm thk. 16 micron matt finish anodising, including the cost of
glazing clips, " modi flot " clear glass, 4mm thk. EPDM gasket,
locking arrangement, handles, fixing the frame to the
masonry/columns with suitable size and number of anchor fasteners
etc,. to match the existing builing complete as directed.

0 0.000
0.000 Sqm

14 14 Providing & fixing in position steel rolling shutters as per design &
drawing, using18g steel laths,pressed steel guides heavy MS pipe shaft
coiled springs, locking patti, MS brackets, ball bearings, including one
coat of approved make zinc chromate metal primer,2 coats of
approved make and shade synthetic enamel paint, scaffolding,
staging,cleaning,welding,grouting, curing etc., complete with gear
operated system.
1 4.000 4.000 16.000
Sl. Ag.
DESCRIPTION Nos Length Breadth Depth Quantity Unit
No No
16.000 Sqm

15 15 Providing and applying approved Painting to Internal make and oil

bound distemper paint two coats painted over a white cement primer
coat (total in three coats) to plastered surface including cost and
conveyance of paint, labour, scrubbing and cleaning & preparing the
surface including scaffolding, etc; complete for interior surface,
ceilings, walls etc; complete. finished item of work. plastering
396.000 Sqm
16 16 Providing & applying Painting to external walls with ACE painting of
approved colour in two coats over one coat of primer including cast of
materials and labour charges etc,. Complete finished item of the work.
396.000 Sqm

17 17 Moorum filling from the out side brought (flooring) 1 19.000 15.000 0.600 171.000
171.000 Cum
Dis. no. of items Nos in one item length ø of bar (mm) wt./m
F1 & F2 bottom(0.3+0.3 for L) 8 21 2.9 12 0.89
F1 & F2 bottom 8 24 2.6 12 0.89
F1 & F2 top 8 8 2.9 10 0.62
F1 & F2 top 8 9 2.6 10 0.62
F1 & F2 side bars 8 3 2.9 10 0.62
F1 & F2 side bars 8 3 2.6 10 0.62
F4 bottom 4 26 3.1 12 0.89
F4 top 4 9 3.1 10 0.62
F3 bottom(0.3+0.3 for L) 2 15 2.7 12 0.89
F3 bottom 2 18 2.4 12 0.89
F3 top 2 7 2.7 10 0.62
F3 top 2 8 2.4 10 0.62
column bars C1 & C2 8 12 7.8 25 3.86
stirups master 12 37 3 8 0.40
column bars C3 4 8 7.8 25 3.86
flooring 1 97 15 8 0.40
1 77 19 8 0.40
PB1 3 6 19 16 1.58
3 2 19 12 0.89
PB2 4 6 15 16 1.58
4 2 15 12 0.89
PB striups 3 95 1.6 8 0.40
4 75 1.6 8 0.40
SB1 3 6 19 25 3.86
3 2 19 16 1.58
SB2 7 6 15 25 3.86
7 2 15 16 1.58
Stair beam 1 3 2.8 25 3.86
1 2 2.8 16 1.58
SB striups 3 127 1.8 8 0.40
7 100 1.8 8 0.40
slab 2 100 19 8 0.40
2 128 15 8 0.40
total weight kg

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