SQL Injection
SQL Injection
SQL Injection
Abstract:––In these days the use of the World Wide Web (WWW) is increasingly rapidly, so there are lot of problems
comes from hacking. One of the most important fields of Hacking is Banking Sector. In case of Banking System there are
lots of transactions daily, soproviding the security from the attackers is necessary. Now these days the major issues of the
security in the Banking Transaction are SQL Injections, which are creating a serious issues regarding the attacks of Banking
applications and acquiring the secret information‘s such as id and Password and accessing the bank databases through the
SQL injections. My main motive to presenting this paper is describing the sql injection method, techniques and how to
prevent this situation? These methods we can protect transaction from the attack by using SQL injections.These methods are
used to denote the parameters that are used to attack by the SQL injections and analyzed by the transactions which cause
illegal access. By these methods we can totally protect the applications without any hacking of the database and completely
condemned the attacks and it will not generate any wrong transactions as a correct one. In an SQL injection attack, an
attacker might insert a malicious SQL query as input to perform an unauthorized database operation. Using SQL injection
attacks, an attacker can retrieve or modify confidential and sensitive information from the database.
"An attack technique used to exploit web sites by altering backend SQL statements through
manipulating application input." SQL injection is an attack in which malicious code is inserted
In to strings that are later passed to an instance of SQL Server for parsing and execution. Any procedure that constructs SQL
statements should be reviewed for injection vulnerabilities because SQL Server will execute all syntactically
valid queries that it receives. Even parameterized data can be manipulated by a skilled and determined attacker. List of some
SQL Injection attacker bank are
1. Forex Swiss Bank Vulnerable to SQL Injection [1]
2. HDFC Bank Database Hacked by zSecure team using SQL injection vulnerability [2]
[1] SQL Injection Vulnerability found in Dukascopy by zSecure Team. Dukascopy offers direct access to the Swiss Foreign
Exchange Marketplace. This market provides the largest pool of ECN spot forex liquidity available for banks, hedge funds,
other institutions and professional traders. To accommodate the existing banking relationships of its clients, Dukascopy
offers full Prime Broker capability with give up facility, by utilizing an extensive network of banking partners. [5]
[2] ZSecure team is back in news again, this time they have discovered a critical SQL injection vulnerability in HDFC
Bank's Web Portal. Using this critical flaw HDFC Bank's various databases can be accessed and dumped as well. This
critical flaw really affects the customer relations of HDFC Bank's and this really questions the existing security in place
within bank.HDFC Bank is the leading bank in India but they lack behind the basic security that needs to be implemented.
ZSecure team claimed in their blog post that even after sending they complete details about the vulnerability and even after
conducting the vulnerability assessment from the third party service provider they were not able to discover this critical flaw
which existed in their web portal. This really raises a big question on their existing security policy. [6]
SQL Injection is a type of security exploit in which the attacker adds Structured Query Language (SQL) code to a Web form
input box to gain access to an organization's resources or to make changes to data. Using this technique, hackers can
determine the structure and location of key databases and can download the database or compromise the database server.
"What makes this vulnerability so pervasive is that SQL Injection attacks can prey on all types of Web applications - even
those as simple as a monthly loan payment calculator or a 'signup for our customer newsletter' form," .
"SQL Injection is successful only when the web application is not sufficiently secured,". "Unfortunately, the majority of
websites and web applications are not secure. Thus, we are advising all organizations to use 'input validation' for any form to
ensure that only the type of input that is expected is accepted." [1]
An important concept to grasp here is that a certificate is used to establish the secure SSL connection. This is a
good thing, if you have a good certificate and are connecting directly to the website to which you intended to use. Then all
your data is encrypted from your browser to the SSL website where the bank‘s website will use the information from the
certificate it gave you to decrypt your data/credentials. If that is truly the case, then it is pretty darn hard for a hacker to
decrypt the data/credentials being transmitted, even if he is able to sniff your data.
This is a bad thing if you have a ―Fake‖ certificate being sent from the hacker, and you are actually connecting to his
machine, not directly to the bank‘s website. In this case, your credentials are being transmitted between your browser and the
hacker‘s machine. The hacker is able to grab that traffic, and, because he gave you the certificate to encrypt the
data/credentials, he can use that same certificate to decrypt your data/credentials.
Vulnerability Guard: Vulnerability Guard detects theWildcard characters or Meta characters and prevents themalicious
X – Log Authentication: X-Log valuator validate from-Log Generator where the Sensitive data‘s are Stored fromthe
Database, The user input fields compare with the dataexisted in X-Log generator if it is identical then the queryis allowed to
Stored Procedure: Testing the size and data type ofinput and enforce appropriate limit. Stored Procedures isused to validate
user input and to perform server sidevalidation. The safety of stored procedures depends on theway in which they are coded
and on the use of adequatedefensive coding practices. These Three input filtrations areused to improve the scalability,
performance andoptimization.
AMNESIA (Analysis and Monitoring for Neutralizing SQL Injection Attacks) is the prototype tool that
implements our techniqueto counter SQLIAs for Java-based web applications. AMNESIA is developed in Java and its
implementation consists of three modules that leverage various existing technologies and libraries:
Analysis module: This module implements Steps 1 and 2 of our technique. Its input is a Java web application and it outputs
list of hotspots and a SQL-query models for each hotspot. For the implementation of this module, we leveraged JSA [5]. The
analysis module is able to analyze Java Servletsas well as JSP pages.
Instrumentation module: This module implements Step 3 of our technique. It inputs a Java web application and a list
ofhotspots and instruments each hotspot with a call to the runtime monitor. We implemented this module using INSERT,a
generic instrumentation and monitoring framework for Java developed at Georgia Tech [4].
Runtime-monitoring module:This module implements Step 4 ofour technique. It takes as input a query string and the IDof
the hotspot that generated the query, retrieves the SQLquerymodel for that hotspot, and checks the query againstthe model.
For this module, we also leveraged INSERT.
Figure 6 shows a high-level overview of AMNESIA. In thestatic phase, the Instrumentation Module and the Analysis
Moduletake as input a web application and produce (1) an instrumentedversion
of the application, and (2) an SQL-query model for eachhotspot in the application. In the dynamic phase, the
Runtime-Monitoring Module checks the dynamic queries while users interactwith the web application. If a query is
identified as an attack, it is blocked and reported. [2]
Step III: Now, you need to provide mechanism to avoid SQL Injection. For this, escape special characters like ", ', \
We can escape special characters (prepend backslash) using mysql_real_escape_string or add slashes functions. In most
cases PHP will this do automatically for you? But PHP will do so only if the magic_quotes_gpc setting is set to on in the
php.ini file. If the setting is off, we use mysql_real_escape_string function to escape special characters. If you are using PHP
version less that 4.3.0, you can use the add slashes function instead.
name = mysql_real_escape_string ($_POST['username']);
$password = md5 ($_POST ['password']);
$result = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE username = '$username' AND password = '$password'");
Here, we use the MD5 (Message Digest 5) Algorithm, that generates the message digest for the password. So, while writing
the script for registration page, care must be taken that the md5 of the password entered by the user must be stored in the
database, instead of the actual text password.
// Redirect
header('Location: http://www.example.com/loggedin.php');
You are done!! This code will help prevent the SQL injection problem. However, it must be noted that no script is 100%
secure. So, it is advisable to provide multilevel security process, which makes the login more secure.
In this paper we mention there are lot of mechanism and technique used to prevent the SQL Injection in Banking
Transaction. We have presented a survey reports on various types of SQL Injection attacks in Bank, Methods, and
Prevention Techniques. At Last Conclusion the best and suitable techniques are Amnesia and X-Log Authentication. In this
technique we use different type‘s language such as Java and Php.
1. Research Book ―SQLInjectionWhitePaper‖.
2. AMNESIA: Analysis and Monitoring for Neutralizing SQLInjection Attacks William G.J. Halfond and Alessandro
Orso, College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology, ASE’05, November 7–11, 2005.
3. ―Securing Web Application Code by Static Analysis and Runtime Protection‖, In Proceedings of the 12th
International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 04), May 2004.
4. Steve Fried‘s Unixwiz.net Tech Tips ―SQL Injection Attacks by Example‖.
5. Report on ―Dukascopy: Forex Swiss Bank Vulnerable to SQL Injection‖.
6. Report on ―HDFC Bank Database Hacked by zSecure team using SQL injection vulnerability‖.
7. Research Book ―SQL Injection Attacks and Defense‖ author Justin Clarke.
8. ―Preventing SQL Injection Attacks Using AMNESIA‖ William G.J. Halfond and Alessandro OrsoCollege of
Computing Georgia Institute of Technology , ICSE’06, May 20–28, 2006, Shanghai, China.
9. ―A Survey on SQL Injection: Vulnerabilities, Attacksand Prevent ion Techniques‖ Diallo Abdoulaye Kindy and
Al-Sakib Khan PathanDepartment of Computer Science, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia.
10. M. Ruse, T. Sarkar and S. Basu. Analysis & Detection of SQLInjection Vulnerabilities via Automatic Test Case
Generation ofPrograms. 10th Annual International Symposium on Applicationsand the Internet pp. 31 – 37 (2010)
11. Preventing SQL Injection Attacks in Stored Procedures Wei, M. Muthuprasanna, SurajKothari Dept. of Electrical
and Computer Engineering Iowa State University Ames, IA – 50011.