Essay About Nursing Profession
Essay About Nursing Profession
Essay About Nursing Profession
Crafting an essay on the subject of the nursing profession presents both challenges and opportunities
for exploration. At first glance, one might assume that the vastness of the topic provides an
abundance of material to work with, but navigating through the myriad aspects of nursing demands
careful consideration. The difficulty lies not in the scarcity of information but rather in the need to
strike a balance between depth and breadth.
The multifaceted nature of the nursing profession requires a nuanced approach. One must delve into
the historical roots of nursing, exploring its evolution and the pivotal figures who shaped its
trajectory. Simultaneously, attention must be paid to contemporary issues, from the challenges faced
by nursing professionals to the ongoing advancements in medical technology.
Moreover, the ethical dimensions of nursing add another layer of complexity. Addressing the values,
principles, and moral dilemmas inherent in the profession demands a thoughtful and empathetic
analysis. Balancing the technical expertise required with the compassionate care that defines nursing
is a delicate task, requiring a nuanced discussion.
The essay must also encompass the diverse roles within the nursing profession, from bedside nurses
to nurse educators and administrators. Each role contributes uniquely to the holistic healthcare
system, and understanding these nuances is crucial for a comprehensive essay.
Additionally, the dynamic nature of healthcare and the constant evolution of medical practices
require staying abreast of current trends and innovations. Keeping the content relevant and up-to-
date adds a layer of challenge to the writing process.
In conclusion, while composing an essay about the nursing profession may seem daunting, it is
equally rewarding. Navigating the intricacies of nursing necessitates a careful blend of historical
insight, contemporary awareness, ethical considerations, and an understanding of the diverse roles
within the profession. As challenging as it may be, the exploration of the nursing profession is an
enriching journey that sheds light on the vital contributions of these healthcare professionals.
For those seeking assistance with essays or similar projects, various resources are available, including
online platforms like , where one can find support for a range of topics and
academic endeavors.
Essay About Nursing Profession Essay About Nursing Profession
Ultra High Performance Concrete ( Uhpc )
Ultra high performance concrete (UHPC) represents a major progress step over normal
strength concrete (NSC) and high strength concrete (HSC), through the achievement of
very high strength and very low permeability. Basically, the UHPC is a concrete with
compressive strength ranging 120 to 400 MPa, this ultra high strength is achieved
through different techniques including the use of improved materials, ultra fine
pozzolans (e.g. silica fume), low water cement ratio, improved quality and higher dosage
of superplasticizer, use of fibers (metallic or synthetic) to increase the energy absorption
capacity and decrease brittleness, high cementitious materials content, longer mixing
time and heat treatment [1]. UHPC tensile strength varies from 10 to 30 MPa; and the
modulus of elasticity is in the range of 60 100 GPa [2].
Using UHPC in the construction of new bridges and the renewal of existing highway
bridge network can minimize maintenance requirement in the construction of new long
life bridges resulting in low life cycle costs [3].
Despite its exceptional material properties, UHPC s initial construction cost is
significantly higher than that of normal strength concrete (NSC), which limited its use in
North America and elsewhere. To address some of the challenges facing bridge owners,
the structural efficiency and cost effectiveness of using UHPC in composite construction
is investigated in this paper. Therefore, combining NSC with UHPFRC in a composite
The Holy Spirit Intercession In The United States
The Spirit Intercedes for Us
Romans 8:26 27 gives one of the roles the Spirit plays in the life of believers; and, that
is in the area of intercession. Intercession can be defined as an act of intervening or
mediating between differing parties, particularly the act of praying to God on behalf of
another person . There are a number of instances in the Old Testament where the act of
intercession is found. Whereas these were literal events, they also pictured the
intercessory role that the Holy Spirit would have towards the believers in the New
Testament. Below is an analysis of Gen 18 (Abraham interceding for Lot) and how it
pictured how the Spirit intercedes for believers.
In Genesis 18:7 the Lord mentions that He shall not hide anything from ... Show more
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Peradventure there be fifty righteous within the city: wilt thou also destroy and not spare
the place for the fifty righteous that are therein? In Gen
Kamugisha 2
18:25, the Lord mentions that He would not destroy the righteous with the wicked;
actually, in Gen 18:26 the Lord assures Abraham that If He was to find in Sodom fifty
righteous within the city, then He would spare all the place for their sakes. In Gen
18:27 33, Abraham goes ahead to plead before the Lord to spare the city whether there
be found forty five, forty, thirty, twenty, or ten righteous. The Lord was not angry with
Abraham, and, He assured him all through that for the righteous sake, He would spare the
In this passage, Abraham represents the Holy Spirit, Lot represents the believers, and the
wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah represents the wickedness on the earth. Below are
primary lessons on the Spirit s intercession for the believer;
Just like the Lord would not hide anything from Abraham, so does He with the Holy
Spirit the Father does not hide anything from the Holy Spirit. The Spirit searches all
things including deep things of God. The reason Abraham was able to intercede for Lot
was because the Lord revealed to him what He was going to do. Similarly, the Spirit is
able to intercede for believers because the Lord reveals all things to the
Summary Of Minorities In The Rise Of The Rocket Girls
To be treated as lesser or unworthy is a terrible thing. What happened to all men are
created equal ? I guess that only applies if you are a straight, white man. A minority is a
part of a population differing from others in some characteristics and are often subjected
to different treatment. That said, minorities were mistreated and shoved to the back of
history. In Aria by Richard Rodriguez the Rodriguez family feel what it means to be a
minorityin their everyday life. They re held at arm s length by the people around them,
and struggle to assimilate. In Rise of the Rocket Girls by Nathalia Holt it s not race that
sets these women behind. It is simply the fact that they are women. In both novels
society is presenting more challenges to a certain group, but that does not stop them.
Even today minorities are still at a disadvantage. That does not stop people from
pursuing their goals and dreams. As a student perseverance is needed because you cannot
give up easily or you just will not make it. Aria has many counter arguments and debates
revolving around assimilation. To better visualize the meaning of assimilationimagine
having a group of blue blocks all exactly the same. You bring in a few different colored
blocks red, yellow, green ones. In order for them to fit in you paint them all blue. Isn t
that erasing part of who they are? That was a main point in why bilingual children
shouldn t be forced to learn a new language in order to learn. Supporters of bilingual
Objectification In The 18th Century
The views of women have changed over time but have always had objectifying
tendencies. During the 18th century, cosmetic alteration to natural beauty and
materialism heightened, which resulted in a change on the way society viewed women.
This change objectified women and scrutinize them more than previous periods. Authors
such as Alexander Pope and Jonathan Swiftconvey these views throughout their
writings. Pope s Rape of the Lock exposes the materialism used in objectifying women,
mainly in the upper class societal levels. The plot of the story centers a materialistic
goal, as the lock of hairthat was cut from a woman s head,it became, so called, evidence
of a man s sexual conquest. Other sexual conquests, forced or not, are spoken with
anything but love and only those of material items such as garters and gloves.
Objectification is specifically shown when men and women are transformed into
different beings; as men are transformed into women and women are transformed into
material objects. The poet finally delivers the ultimate objectification by degrading and
wrongly immortalizing the name Belinda, who is the victim in his tale. Swift s The
Lady s Dressing Room highlights the grotesque nature behind a cosmetic image, while
blaming women for their natural, bodily habits. When a male sneaks into a Lady s
dressing room, he scrutinizes things that are only natural and what he thought to be a
beautiful sacred place. He was overall baffled by how the object of his affection
The Lady Of Shalott Poem Analysis
These are some of the chosen lines of Alfred Lord Tennyson s from his poetic work; I
will start my claim to peruse my viewpoint by above mention reference because it is
relevant about the subject matter, in addition, these are from the poem of The Lady of
Shalott. Then the second thing is, it s about mythical LANDSCAPE among Tennyson s
finest achievements that symbolize states of human consciousness; the dreamlike
quality of his vision, combined with his ability to see at close range with preternatural
clarity and detail, rendered his dreams more vivid than our realities. Ultimately it will
get me to explore the THEMES of REALITY and FANTASY from his poetic diction.
First, Tennyson starts out The Lady of Shalott with a quiet description ... Show more
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The entire poem is constructed in this way, often opting for words languid , driveth
galingale slumberous etc. that, especially when describing sleepy imagery, force the
reader to slow down and contain stresses that give the poem a form of hypnotic rhythm,
relating back to sleep and escapism. In addition to his use of phonetics and rhythm,
Tennyson includes various images that make the sleep state , and therefore the state the
Lotus eaters offer, more appealing. The charmed sunset linger d low , like downward
smoke and than tir d eyelids upon tir d eyes are all examples that possess connotations
of laziness or sleep, and therefore makes a more attractive option as opposed to the toil
experienced by the rest of the world, enhancing the desire for escape. as accomplishes
this by contrasting the positive aspects of the world of escapism with reality and its
In the end, to sum up, from the poem The Lady of Shalott Tennyson focused on two
main subjects the Lady s isolation in the tower as a fantasy and her decision to
participate in the living world as reality. If we search for the theme of Fantasy, it is
everywhere all over the poem as the whole subject matter has come from the imaginative
world of Celtic
Trials And Tribulations Of Men Vs Women
Title: Trials and Tribulations of Men Vs Women in Slavery
Text: Harriet Jacobs, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (1861)
Theme: Men Vs Women: Life in Slavery
Thesis: In Harriet Jacobs, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (1861), she pointed out
the fact that, Slavery is terrible for men; but it is far more terrible for women (240).
Throughout the narrative, slavery is shown to be different for woman mentally,
physically, and emotionally in comparison to men. There is a distinct difference in
treatment between men and woman in their work and most things physical; Jacobs s
narrative utilizes sensory language and imagery to convey the difference in types of
abuse they were subjected to. Similarly, in slavery, unfortunately there was always a loss
of innocence; Jacobs showcased how men and women lost that innocence in different
ways by utilizing symbolism and significant word choice. Jacobs also emphasizes the
emotional hardships baring children can have when enslaved, something a man will
never understand, by using repetition of words, direct comparisons, and tone. Jacobs
emphasizes these points to gain sympathy from her audience and expose the burdens and
sufferings of the female slave.
Point 1: Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl illustrated an obvious difference in the
type of abuse felt by slave men and women; Jacobs utilized brutal and sensory word
choice and vivid imagery for men and less descriptive words when telling about the
abuse for women in her