Essay True Friends
Essay True Friends
Essay True Friends
Crafting an essay on the topic of "True Friends" may seem deceptively straightforward, as the theme
is inherently personal and relatable. However, delving into the intricacies of friendship, loyalty, and
authenticity presents a unique set of challenges. The difficulty lies not only in articulating one's own
thoughts and experiences but also in striking a balance between universality and individuality.
To capture the essence of true friendship, the writer must navigate the fine line between
sentimentality and cliché. It requires a delicate touch to express the depth of emotions associated
with genuine companionship without succumbing to overly used phrases and predictable anecdotes.
The challenge intensifies when attempting to offer a fresh perspective on a topic that has been
explored countless times.
Moreover, defining the qualities of a true friend demands a nuanced understanding of human
relationships. Balancing personal anecdotes with broader insights while avoiding overly idealistic
portrayals or overly critical perspectives adds another layer of complexity. The writer must grapple
with the task of providing a realistic portrayal of friendship that resonates with readers without
falling into the trap of oversimplification.
Furthermore, structuring the essay poses its own challenges. Arranging ideas coherently and
developing a narrative that engages the reader throughout requires a keen sense of storytelling.
Transitioning seamlessly between personal reflections, supporting evidence, and overarching themes
demands finesse and precision.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "True Friends" is no easy feat. It demands the ability to
navigate the delicate balance between the personal and the universal, the sentimental and the
authentic. Crafting a piece that offers fresh insights while avoiding clichés requires a level of skill
and creativity that challenges even the most seasoned writers.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other writing tasks, a variety of resources are
available. Professional writing services like offer support in crafting well-
researched, original essays tailored to specific topics and requirements. These services can be
valuable for individuals seeking guidance or support in tackling the complexities of essay writing.
Essay True FriendsEssay True Friends
Health Organization And Center For Disease Control And...
Hemophilia Epidemiology
Student Name
Institutional Affiliation
This paper on the epidemiology of hemophilia is very comprehensive. It involves
substantial research on the topic from various books and websites of highly
recognized organizations such as World Health Organization and Center for Disease
Control and Prevention. The purpose of this paper is to determine the causes, effects
and prevalence of hemophilia in the world. The paper will also cover on severity and
management of the disorder all over the globe. The research conducted will also
describe the various factors that enable patients to survive with the disease in both the
developed and the developing countries. Hemophilia being a very serious disease which
is hereditary acquired, all the successful efforts towards the treatment of the disease will
also be recorded. I hope that the recommendations will be of great impact to the health
Hemophilia is a group of hereditary genetic disorders that affects the body s ability to
cause blood clotting which stops bleeding after a blood vessel is broken. According to
Zerwekh, Miller, Cliburn (2012) hemophilia is a rare condition with only about one
instance in every 1000 births for hemophilia type A and one in every 50000 births for
hemophilia type B. In total only around 18000 people are hemophilic in the United
States of America. Every year in the U.S, around 400 babies are born with the disorder (
Home | Hemophilia | NCBDDD
Essay Understanding and Preventing Air Pollution
Understanding and Preventing Air Pollution
Air pollution is a major problem affecting the entire world. In the United States some
progress has been made in reducing air pollution through the Clean Air Acts passed by
the Congress. Still there is a lot to be done. To prevent air pollution it is important to
understand how the air is being polluted, how it impacts on the ecosystem and what we
can do about it.
Earth is surrounded by layers of gases known as atmosphere. The layer closest to the
earth is called the troposphere. It extends up to ten miles above the surface of the earth.
Over the troposphere is the stratosphere which extends from ten to forty miles above the
earth ( Gutnick pg. 9). Ozone is a part of the stratosphere ... Show more content on ...
Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas which is emitted through the
process of incomplete combustion of fossil fuel. Carbon monoxide is a deadly gas that,
when inhaled, combines with the blood and renders them incapable of carrying oxygen.
Methane occurs as a principal ingredient in natural gas, and is produced by the bacterial
decomposition of plant and animal matters. Methane in the troposphere absorbs heat and
causes greenhouse effect ( Gutnik pg. 15).
A sulfur based gas occurs mostly as sulfur dioxide (SO2) which is a colorless, tasteless,
foul smelling , heavier than air gas. Besides naturally produced from activities of the
volcanoes or decomposition of organic material in swamps, it also is produced by the
burning of sulfur containing fossil fuels. Sulfur dioxide combines with water vapor in
the air, forming sulfurous acid (H2SO3), a major component of acid rain ( Gutnik pg. 15).
Ozone is a form of oxygen (O3) and a major air pollutant in the troposphere. It is very
harsh and irritant to the lungs, and can be a serious problem for people with lung
disorders. Ozone in the stratosphere, on the other hand, is good and acts as a filter to the
sun s harmful rays which can reach the earth s surface, causing skin cancer to the
Liberalism Vs Conservatism
Liberalism and Conservatism The differences between Liberalism and Conservatism are
vast. These philosophies are in opposition to each other. Liberalism is based on active
government involvement in the lives of people to make sure that they are taken care of
financially, rights are not violated, and that their healthcare needs are taken care of;
mostly by the government. Liberalismbelieves that people cannot take care of themselves
without government involvement (Sidlow, 2017). On the other hand, Conservatismplaces
a high value on being free of government control or regulation. They also hold tight to
traditional American values and traditions (Sidlow, 2017). Some of these values are
rooted in religious and Christian ideas. Conservatism... Show more content on ...
The war on terrorism is a divisive issue. Liberals believe that the US needs to stop
causing anger with foreign countries, and that the US has an arrogant foreign policy that
angers other countries as well (, n.d.). Social security has also been a
hot button issue between the parties for a long time. Conservatives feel that our social
security system is in serious financial trouble, and changes are necessary so that the US
will be able to maintain the system for future generations. Liberals do not feel that our
current system is in financial trouble, and if we make changes to the system, people may
lose their benefits. However, liberals think that a cap on wealthy people receiving
benefits (, n.d.). Liberals and conservatives also see the government s
role in religion, and the separation of church and state differently. Liberals support the
separation of church and state and feel that the government should not dictate how, or if,
people should have a religious belief, and they feel the government should not have a say
in religious proceedings. On the contrary, conservatives feel that the government should
still support and uphold the beliefs of the founding fathers and the role that their
Christian views played in setting up our country. Conservatives feel that God should not
be removed from government buildings or schools (,
Cinderella In The 1950 s
Cinderella lived with her step mother and was always pushed around and forced to
work. Cinderella s step mother was not kind to Cinderella. Her step mother was always
making Cinderella do everything and not her two step sisters. Cinderella s step sisters,
Drizella and Anastasia were the favorite to their mother. The fairy godmother came to
save Cinderellas night and used her magic powers to help Cinderella, as she was a
caring and nice godmother to Cinderella. The prince was a good man trying to find the
perfect women for him at his royal ball.
The illustrations in this story were very bold and colorful and full to the page. They
show the clothing was worn in the 1950 s time period. The plot of this story is that
Cinderella has a cruel
The Article On The Global Food Crisis
In the article How to feed nine billion that s written by Evan Fraser Andrew Rimas,
who each bring their own view towards as they raise the issue of global food crisis.
The global food crisis is an ongoing stigma in today s world, one that has afflicted the
lives of millions across the globe. The article speaks about the global food market, of
how fragile it is, by using various real life examples supported by statistics. It does so,
however, from almost an purely economic standpoint. It highlights the highs and lows
of the market, but also how quick is to change and how it has effected nations such as
Africa and Russia, but never undermining the true magnitude of it s presence in today
s world, labeling it a matter of Disaster or survival (Fraser E., Rimas A., 2012).
Solutions offered relate to the problems trifling our economies, and explaining how
economic management can help solve this crisis as well as technological innovation.
Thus this article attempts to educate the reader of the current state of the global food
market but as well as the severe effects it can have if not cared for properly. The
critical reflection will weight the strengths and weakness of the article. Throughout the
article the authors attempt to relay how truly dynamic the global food market is and
how fragile it is, as well as how this poses major problems for the future ahead. The
article starts by referring to an drought in South Africa in 1992, where it s people was
aided by the use
Evaluation of Talisman Energy s Hydraulic
Fracturing Practises in Hudson Hope
To meet the demand of oil in today s oil dependent society, Talisman Energy is looking
to exploit a mine located in Hudson Hope, British Colombia. The most suitable
extraction process is hydraulic fracturing, which currently presents several environmental
concerns to the residents located near the mine, and a representation of the general
public who believe that hydraulic fracturing is not an ethical method of extraction.
Talisman Energy has recently been granted a long term contract to utilize fresh water
from BC Hydro s Williston Reservoir. Local residents are concerned about the additives
used in Talismans fracking process, as well as the ... Show more content on ...
The company is an active member of the United Nations Global Compact, and is included
in the Dow Jones Sustainability North America Index.
In July 2011, Talisman Energy was granted permission to build a fresh water
withdrawal pipe link to tap BC Hydro s Williston Reservoir for its fracking operations
in the Montney Deep Shale Formation. This was granted in the form of a long term
water licence that would allow for the necessary constant fresh water source for its
fracking operations located near the small town of Hudson Hope. Talisman s initial
proposal includes its proposed water withdrawal figures, totalling 484 million gallons of
fresh water3. This amount of water is comparable to the amount of water that could be
stored in about 3, 47 story high rises.
It is no surprise that the residents of Hudson Hope have expressed concern in Talismans
permanent water licence. In addition, a drought in July 2010 leaves the Williston
Reservoir levels lower than usual. Residents have also expressed concern over the
additives that are added to the fracking fluid. Due to the intense crack propagation
induced by fracking, these additives are subject to enter the ground water supply, and in
the past have been present in drinking water. Hydraulic fracturing poses several
environmental concerns that question its ethical
Chemical Reactions And Chemical Reaction Types Essay
This paper is about chemical reactions and chemical reaction types. All the data gathered
was from conducting multiple experiments. Each experiment was performed carefully
and analyzed to obtain the necessary information for the paper. That information included
the four signs of a chemical change, the rnx type, and more.
A chemical reaction is a process in which elements or compounds react with one another
to create new or different substances. There are two parts to a reaction. Those two parts
are the products and the reactants. The reactants are the chemicals or chemical
compounds that are going through the reaction itself. The products are chemical
elements or chemical compounds that are produced as a result of the reactant or
reactants reacting. There are four key indications that there s a chemical reaction is
taking place. Those four signs include a change in color and/or odor, formation of a
precipitate or a gas, the release or absorption of energy (light, heat, electricity), and if the
reaction is irreversible. Along with this information, there are ways to predict the
products of a reaction.
When dealing with chemical reaction there are equations called chemical equations.
Chemical equations give the reactants and products of a chemical reaction. When given
just the reactants of an equation, you can predict the products by balancing each side of
the equation. The products and reactions are separated by an rnx arrow