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4 Movie magic

• Response to a text – Can predict what a short, simple text is about from the title, a picture, etc., if
guided by questions or prompts.
• Reading comprehension – Can describe how a character in a simple story or text feels based on their
words or actions.

• Listening development – Can recognize simple expressions of agreement and disagreement in short,
informal discussions, if the speakers talk slowly and clearly.
• Listening comprehension – Can understand simple expressions about likes and dislikes in short, simple
stories or dialogs, if spoken slowly and clearly.

• Spoken accuracy and appropriacy – Can address or respond to others appropriately in a variety of
familiar situations.
• Spoken production – Can talk about topics relevant to them and their personal experiences in a
simple way.
• Spoken production – Can talk about plans for the near future in a simple way.

• Text development and written process – Can use adjectives to add detail to simple phrases or

Key vocabulary Phonics STEAM Grammar Culture

actor /ʃ(ə)n/ and /f/ animator Time to Fly is better/more anime

animation animation century interesting than Circus barbecue
character dolphins frame cherry blossom
director image Time to Fly isn’t funnier earthquake
than Circus Days.
expensive phone loop haiku
Time to Fly is as bad
famous moving picture as/isn’t as funny as Circus Japan
film (v) phenakistoscope Days. Japanese
frightening second Time to Fly is the best/ kimono
scene sequence the funniest/the most picnics
science fiction spin interesting movie. sakura
script zoetrope The movie might be good. sushi
sound effects The tickets might not sell.


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Students will plan and create a trailer for a movie. They will show the trailer to both their classmates and
their family and friends.
Materials: paper, pen or pencil, tablet, smartphone or camera


Students will find out about how an animation loop works. They will do an experiment to create their own
animation loop.
Materials: (per student) press-out phenakistoscope, a pencil with an eraser at the end, a thumbtack,
a mirror

Pearson English Portal digital resource

Go to the Pearson English Portal and click on “Resources” for more teaching resources, including videos
and games.

• Students will use information ranking movies to create comparative sentences.

Students will learn how to solve word problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.


Students will learn the value of listening to others and respecting their opinions.


Students will learn about culture in Japan.

Work with a partner. Write and role-play a dialog between two people in the photo.
A feature for students to use their imagination and create a short dialog, then role-play it.

Work as a group. Practice and perform the song.

Students collaborate and use their singing skills to perform the unit song Favorite Movie.

Write a short blog post about your classmates’ favorite movies.

An activity for students to create a blog post using core vocabulary from the unit.

Work in pairs. Think of six movies and make cards like Nora’s. Decide the ratings together.
Students make movie rating cards together producing core language from the unit.

Act out the story in groups.

This feature occurs in this Story lab lesson and will help students revisit and
produce core language learned so far in the unit, as well as learn how to
manipulate the English language.

Draw your favorite movie character and write a description.

Students use their artistic skills to draw their favorite movie character and
produce core language through writing a character description.

Can you make a different animation with your phenakistoscope?

Students make their own short animation by creating a phenakistoscope.


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How can we make a movie trailer?

4 Movie magic
How can we make a movie trailer?
2 039
Read the leaflet
and complete. Then
listen and check
Do you want to be in a movie?
We’re making an adventure
1 in your town and we
your answers.
need lots of actors for two scenes!
If you want to be an 2
actor cameras director
for a day, please go to the town
movie scenes
square at 10 a.m. on February 22nd.
You will see the camera operators
with their 3 and other
equipment. Give your name to the
4 .
We will film the 5 on
February 27th and 28th.
We hope to see you there!

3 Think and discuss.

1 Look at the photo. Think and talk 1 Would you like to work on
with your class. Then write notes. a movie set?
2 Would you prefer to be a
director or an actor? Why?

I can see … I think … I wonder …

4 Work with a partner. Write and role-play
a dialog between two people in the photo.

56 fifty-six fifty-seven 57

Lesson flow

Warm up Critical Lesson Presentation Practice Practice Production Objective

thinking objective review

• Explain to students that they have to describe

one of the movies on the board without using
I will learn about movie sets. any words. They can only use sounds and mime.
Demonstrate and have students guess the movie.
KEY LANGUAGE • Students either play the game in pairs or small
groups, or have each student come to the front.
actor movie
cameras scenes CRITICAL THINKING
director • Ask students How can we make a movie trailer?
Explain that they will make a movie trailer as
Warm up their final project. Ask what they will need to
• Play Guess the movie. Brainstorm the names of think about for their project. Write ideas on the
movies and write them on the board. board (for what type of movie will the trailer
be, where it will be shot, who will be in it, etc.).


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• Involve Next, ask students to think about what • Then have students read and complete the text
they will learn so that they can complete the with the words in the box.
project in English (vocabulary for movies, how to • Play audio 039 and have students listen to check
create a trailer, etc.). Ask them to discuss ideas their answers.
with their partner.
• Assist Go around the class and ask each student COMMUNICATION
to share one idea. Write the ideas on the board. Practice
Encourage students to use English, but also accept 3 Think and discuss.
more complex ideas in L1 and provide the English
• Write movie set on the board and ask students
to think what it might be like to work on a
movie set (exciting, busy, and stressful are
Lesson objective
possible answers). Discuss as a class.
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
• Go through the questions together as a class.
learn about movie sets.
Give students time to think before having them
ask and answer the questions with a partner.
• Involve Students will learn to recall and identify
what they already know about movies and • Differentiation Have less confident students
learn new language to be able to discuss them work with a stronger partner to ask and answer
in English. the questions.
• Monitor Go around the class and assist with
CRITICAL THINKING any vocabulary queries and pronunciation
Presentation issues.
1 Look at the photo. Think and talk with your
class. Then write notes. CREATIVITY
• Pre-teach set, camera, microphone, camera Production
operator, director, and actor. Ask students 4 Work with a partner. Write and role-play a
to point at the things in the photo to test dialog between two people in the photo.
• Put students in pairs. Ask them to choose two
• Draw three columns on the board. At the head people from the photo.
of each, write see, think, and wonder.
• Have them think what has happened, what
• After you ask each question below, allow they are saying to each other, and what is
students time to think and make notes before about to happen. If necessary, allow them to
discussing as a class. Write ideas on the board refer back to the notes they made in Activity 1
in the relevant column. to help them.
• Have students look at the photo. Ask What • Students write their dialog with their partner.
can you see in the photo? Then ask What do Allow them time to practice before they
you think is happening? Finally, ask What do perform their dialog in front of the class. Have
you wonder? Explain that students must think students applaud and praise each performance.
about questions they want to ask that can’t be
• Extra Students write about the adventure
answered by what they see in the photo (e.g.,
movie mentioned in the leaflet in Activity 2.
Are they making a movie?).
Encourage them to give the movie a title and
• Have students copy their favorite ideas from the write a brief description of what happens in
board to add to their own notes. the movie.

Practice Objective review

2 039 Read the leaflet and complete. Then • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I know about
listen and check your answers. movie sets.
(Answers: 1 movie, 2 actor, 3 cameras, 4 director, • Involve Encourage awareness of what students
5 scenes) know by eliciting full sentences using the new
• Give brief definitions of the words in the box and vocabulary.
elicit what the word is (e.g., this person is in a
movie – actor, you use these to make a movie –
cameras, etc.).


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Amazing movies

Amazing movies I will learn

talk abou
words to 3 041
Look at the song and guess the 5 Ask and answer. Do a survey
VOCABULARY t movies.
missing words. Then listen and check. and make a bar graph.

favorite love music screen year What’s your favorite movie?

1 040
Look quickly at the text and answer. Then read and listen.

1 What is it? an email an article an invitation

4 Work as a group. Practice and
perform the song. The Snowball
2 How many movies does it talk about? five four eight
Here are six fun facts about our When they started to film Favorite movie The Dinosaurs
favorite movies … the movie Iron Man, they
Who’s your favorite character?
They used tortoises to make some of the didn’t have a script. They
What’s your favorite scene?
frightening dinosaur sound effects in wrote some of the scenes
Who’s your 1 actor? Class 5’s favorite movies
the first Jurassic Park movie. A tortoise just before they started to 8
Who do you like to see on the
can be a very good actor! film them! 7
2 ? 6
Steven Spielberg is a very famous movie Making an animation 5
director. He is very good at his job, can be very expensive. Movies feed our imagination, 4
Movies give us information, 3
but he didn’t go to film school. He just It cost more than 2
practiced making movies! $260,000,000 to make Kids everywhere 3 1
Disney’s Tangled! animation,
Science fiction movies sometimes have The Winners Star The
In one scene in the second Fun and laughs and education! snowball girl Dinosaurs
very interesting characters. R2-D2 is a
very famous character in the Star Wars Harry Potter movie, we can see What’s your favorite 4 ?
movies. He doesn’t speak – he just makes a man with a movie camera. Oops! What do you like to hear?
noises. But did you know that in the first Next time you plan to watch a movie, What are your favorite sound effects? 6 Write a short blog post
Star Wars script, he spoke English? try to find out some fun facts about it! What’s your favorite movie this about your classmates’ favorite
5 ? movies.

2 Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. Chorus

7 042
Listen to how
animation characters scene science fiction script sound effects we say the colored letters.
Listen again and repeat.
1 This is a part of a movie where everything happens:
2 This type of movie is often about space or the future: I’m watching an
animation about
3 When we watch a movie we hear people talking and we also hear these:
dolphins on
4 This is the word for a person (or sometimes an animal or a robot) my phone.
in a story or movie: It makes
5 Actors need to read this and learn their words: me laugh!
6 When you make this type of movie, you don’t film real people:

58 fifty-eight fifty-nine 59

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Presentation Practice Song Production Production Production Presentation Objective
objective review

Warm up
• Have students think about what the last movie
I will learn words to talk about movies. they saw at the movie theater was, what it was
about, what actors were in it, who the director
KEY LANGUAGE was, and what their opinion of it was.

Key vocabulary Phonics • Write on the board: The last movie I saw at
the movie theater was Indiana Jones, a man
actor film /ʃ(ə)n/ and /f/
looking for treasure, Harrison Ford and Kate
animation frightening animation
Capshaw, Steven Spielberg, It was really exciting.
character scene dolphins Alternatively, choose another movie. Have students
director science fiction laugh imagine these are answers to questions. Elicit what
expensive script phone the questions are and write on the board (What
famous sound effects was the last movie you saw at the movie theater?
What was it about? Who were the actors? Who
was the director? What did you think of it?).

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• Students ask and answer the questions to discover Production
all about their partner’s last visit to a movie theater. 5 Ask and answer. Do a survey and make a bar
Lesson objective
• Model the speech bubble by asking a student
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will What’s your favorite movie? Encourage the
learn words to talk about movies. student to answer with a complete sentence.
• Elicit what the tally marks in the survey mean
• Involve Students will learn new movie words. They
(each represents a person). Explain that students
will practice identifying and making sentences with
need to ask their classmates the question before
these words.
recording the results in a survey.
Presentation • Students complete their survey. When they have
1 040 Look quickly at the text and answer. finished, have them look at the bar graph. Ask
Then read and listen. them to explain it (the numbers are people and
the bars show the number of people who like the
(Answers: 1 an article, 2 five)
movies). Students complete their graphs.
• Students quickly look at the text and answer the
questions. CREATIVITY
• Play audio 040. Students read while they listen. Production
• Digital literacy Students go online to find other fun 6 Write a short blog post about your
facts about movies. Students tell the class their facts. classmates’ favorite movies.
• Explain that students are going to write a blog
post using the information in Activity 5.
2 Look and read. Choose the correct words and
• Write three titles on the board: Class favorites,
write them on the lines.
Our favorite movies, and What we love
(Answers: 1 scene, 2 science fiction, 3 sound watching.
effects, 4 characters, 5 script, 6 animation)
• Have students choose one of the titles and use
• This is an exam preparation type activity for the information from the bar chart they created
Cambridge Young Learners English Exam: Flyers, in Activity 5 to write their blog post.
Reading and Writing, Part 1. After students have
completed the task, explain this to them and ask
how they found it.
• Direct students to the words in the box. Have them Presentation
read the sentences and write the correct words. 7 042 Listen to how we say the colored
letters. Listen again and repeat.
• Students will learn the sounds /ʃ(ə)n/ and /f/.
3 041 Look at the song and guess the missing
• Play audio 042. Students listen and read. Ask
words. Then listen and check.
How do we say the letters in red, blue, and
(Answers: 1 favorite, 2 screen, 3 love, 4 music, green? (red – /ʃ(ə)n/, blue – /f/, green – /f/).
5 year)
• Play the audio again. Students repeat,
• Read the song lyrics together and explain any emphasizing the /ʃ(ə)n/ and /f/ sounds.
unknown words. Students complete the gaps with • Assist Play the Phonics Pronunciation video
the words in the box. while students sit and watch quietly. Play it
• Play audio 041 while students listen and check again and have students copy what they see
their answers. and hear.

Objective review
• Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can use
4 Work as a group. Practice and perform words to talk about movies.
the song.
• Involve Encourage awareness of what students
• Put students in small groups. Explain that it is know by eliciting full sentences using the new
up to each group to decide how to perform the vocabulary.
song. Groups may sing together or some lines
may be sung solo, for example.
• Groups practice the song.
• Groups perform the song in front of the class.

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Language lab

Language lab I will com

pare 3 Make three different correct 6 Play Movie ratings.
GRAMMAR: MAKING COMPARISONS sentences about Nora’s ratings.
My movie is
1 She thinks is as exciting The Inventor.

as .
Watch 2 She thinks isn’t as funny My movie is
the video. as . Vacation.
better / worse / funnier /
than Circus
more interesting 3 She thinks isn’t as
Days. frightening as .
good / bad / funny / How frightening is your movie?
Time is as as
to Fly isn’t
4 Listen and circle. Then listen

The Inventor has four stars.

the best / the worst / again and practice the dialog.
the funniest / movie.
A: I think Vacation is 1 the funniest / Vacation has three stars.
the most interesting
the most exciting movie.
My movie is more frightening than yours.
B: I 2 agree / don’t agree . I think The
Zoo is 3 the funniest / the most exciting One point for you!

2 Read the cards. Check CODE CRACKER

the correct sentences. A: OK. Let’s put five stars for Vacation and 7 Read the word problems
five stars for The Zoo. and write the answers.
B: I think The Inventor isn’t 4 as funny as /
as frightening as Space Kids.
A: I 5 agree / don’t agree . Let’s put three Bankside Movie Theater
stars for The Inventor and four stars for
Space Kids. Adult ticket $12 Child ticket $8
Circus Days The Robots
Time to Fly Dreams
How frightening? How frightening? B: OK.
How frightening? How frightening?
1 Bella wants to buy two adult
Listen to other people’s opinio tickets and two child tickets. How
How funny?
How funny? How funny? How funny? ns.
much money does she need?

How exciting? How exciting? How exciting? How exciting? 5 Work in pairs. Think of six
Amil’s dad has $38. How many
movies and make cards like Nora’s.
adult tickets can he buy?
Decide the ratings together.
Nora thinks … Hi, I’m Nora.
Here are my 3 Flo has $50. She’s going to buy
1 Dreams is more frightening than Circus Days. movie ratings! five child tickets. How much
2 Dreams isn’t as frightening as Time to Fly. change will she get?

3 The Robots is the funniest movie. Answer:

4 Dreams is the most exciting movie.

60 sixty sixty-one 61

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Video Presentation Code Cracker Practice Practice Values Production Math Objective
objective Practice Production Production review

Warm up
• Brainstorm movies and write them on the board.
I will compare things. Next, brainstorm adjectives of opinion, such as
frightening, bad, etc. Write these on the board.
KEY LANGUAGE • Have students complete the sentence prompt
Time to Fly is better/more interesting than Circus I think … is … with the movies and adjectives as
Days. many times as possible in a given time limit.
Time to Fly isn’t funnier than Circus Days. • Students discuss their sentences with a partner.
Time to Fly is as bad as/isn’t as funny as Circus Encourage them to ask questions to get more
Days. information, such as Why do you think that?
Time to Fly is the best/the funniest/the most
Lesson objective
interesting movie.
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
compare things.


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• Involve Students will learn to use comparative
and superlative structures. They will practice by Production
comparing different movies. 5 Work in pairs. Think of six movies and make
cards like Nora’s. Decide the ratings together.
• Students will learn the value of listening to
1 Watch the video. others and respecting their opinion.
• Play the Unit 4 video. Ask students to sit and • Have students work in pairs and get them to
watch quietly. think of six movies they have both seen.
Presentation • Students agree the rating for how frightening,
funny, and exciting each movie is using the
• Point at the grammar box and make sentences using
same system as in Activity 2. Encourage
the words and expressions. Ask students to repeat.
students to use I agree and I don’t agree.
• Students make sentences using the words in the box.
• Students create cards for their movies.
• Remind students to use the Grammar Reference on
page 149 of their Student’s Books.

Practice CODE CRACKER Production

6 Play Movie ratings.
2 Read the cards. Check the correct sentences.
• Students work with a different partner than in
(Answers: 1, 2, 4) Activity 5. Have students use the cards they made.
• Coding Syllabus: Students will use information • Go through the dialog together. Make sure
ranking movies to create comparative sentences. students understand that they have to use
• Explain or elicit what a movie critic is (someone comparative structures to compare their movies
who reviews movies). Explain that Nora is and score a point.
a movie critic and these are her opinions of • Say How frightening is your movie? Students take
four movies. the first of their cards and compare it with their
• Do sentence 1 together as a class. Students partner’s. Continue with funny and exciting.
count the stars in the “How frightening?”
category of the two movies. Ask Which one
has more stars? (Dreams). Then ask Does Nora Production
think Dreams is more frightening than Circus
7 Read the word problems and write the
Days? (yes). Students check box 1.
• Students complete the rest of the sentences.
(Answers: 1 $40, 2 three, 3 $10)

Practice • Students will learn how to solve word problems

using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
3 Make three different correct sentences about
Nora’s ratings.
• Go through the first problem. Elicit the answer.
(Suggested answers: 1 Time to Fly, Circus Days,
Ask students if they used addition, subtraction,
2 The Robots, Circus Days, 3 Dreams, Time to Fly)
multiplication, or division (addition and
• Students use the information in Activity 2 to multiplication). Invite a student to show how
complete the sentences. they figured out the problem on the board
(2x12=24, 2x8=16, 24+16=40).
• Students figure out the remaining word
4 043 Listen and circle. Then listen again and
problems. Encourage students to say whether
practice the dialog.
they used addition, subtraction, multiplication,
(Answers: 1 the funniest, 2 don’t agree, 3 the or division and to show their working out.
funniest, 4 as frightening as, 5 agree)
• Extra Have students work in pairs to create
• Play audio 043 and pause it after the first their own word problems for another pair.
sentence. Ask Is Vacation the funniest or the most
exciting movie? Students circle the correct option. Objective review
• Continue the audio. Students circle the correct • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can
options. compare things.
• Have students read the dialog and identify the • Involve Encourage awareness of what students can
expressions the speakers use to show agreement do by having them compare movies they have seen.
(I agree and I don’t agree).

M04 English Code TB5 AmE_23299.indd 117 22/10/2020 10:00

Story lab

Story lab I will read

about two
a story William pushed the door open but he couldn’t see the man.
READING children
who love m He shouted loudly, “Excuse me, sir! You have to come back.
You dropped some money. And some papers, too.”
The man heard him and turned around. “Oh!” he said.
1 Look at the pictures. What is 2 044
Read and listen. “Thank you! The money isn’t as important as the papers.
the story about? You can keep the money, boy.” He smiled and went back
inside. The children were excited. “Now we can watch the

A LUCKY DAY movie!” Betty said. “Do you think there are any tickets left?”
“I hope so!” William replied.
Life wasn’t easy for William and his sister Betty.
Their family didn’t have a lot of money. One day, They bought tickets and watched the movie. It was
William and Betty were looking at the window very exciting, and their favorite actors were in it.
of a toy store when they saw a really interesting One scene was frightening, but there were some
toy. “Look, Betty!” said William. “It goes around funny scenes, too. When the movie finished, they
and you can see the pictures moving. It’s went outside. There was a poster on the wall.
wonderful! It’s like watching a movie!” “Look at the picture on that poster,” said William.
Then they went to look at the new movie
“It’s the man who gave us the money!”
“Yes! But it’s the most expensive toy theater. “I’d love to watch a movie,” Betty
in the store!” said Betty, sadly. said. “But movie tickets are expensive, too!” “Wow!” said Betty. “I can’t believe it. He’s the
director of the movie! He’s called Max Chapman.”
There were a lot of people outside the movie
theater. A man with very smart clothes
“We met a famous director!” William smiled. “And look, we have some money left.
was hurrying toward the door. He dropped
We can buy the toy with moving pictures. Thank you, Mr. Chapman!”
something on the ground, but he didn’t
notice. “Stop!” shouted the children. But the
man didn’t hear them. He opened the door
of the movie theater and went inside. 4 Look at the box. Circle the phrase that 5 Act out the story
is in the story. Then read and write in groups.
the correct phrase.
3 Number the events from the story in order. 6 Draw your favorite
I hope so. I hope not. movie character and
a They went to look at the new movie theater.
write a description.
1 Betty: Do you think there are any tickets left?
b The children watched the movie.
William: What does he/she look like?
c They saw a poster with a photo of the man on it.
2 William: Do you think the movie will be frightening? What does he/she do?
d A man dropped some money and some papers. Betty: . I don’t like
e William and Betty looked at a toy in the window of a store. frightening movies!

f They bought the toy. 3 Betty: Do you think the toy store will be open?
g The man gave the money to the children.

62 sixty-two sixty-three 63

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Pre-reading Reading Comprehension Comprehension Act out Production Objective
objective review

• Put students in pairs and ask each student to

choose a place from their list.
I will read a story about two children who love • Have a student pick one of the adjectives from
movies. the bag and read it out loud to the class. Students
race to write a sentence using the places they
Warm up have selected with their partner and the adjective.
• Before the class, write adjectives on pieces of The first to complete the sentence in each pair wins
paper, such as adjectives of opinion and size, for a point.
example. Fold each piece of paper and put it into • Students continue choosing places and selecting
a bag, hat, or box. adjectives.
• Students write down as many different places
they can think of in a given time limit. Examples Lesson objective
can be my bedroom, the movie theater, the park, • Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
downtown, etc. read a story about two children who love movies.


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• Involve Students will listen to and read a story • Ask Who says this phrase and why? (William
about children who love movies. They will then because he wants there to be some tickets left).
describe their favorite movie character. Explain that we use I hope so, usually in response
to a question beginning Do you think …?, when
CRITICAL THINKING we want something to happen.
Pre-reading • Elicit when we use I hope not (usually in response
1 Look at the pictures. What is the story about? to a question beginning Do you think …? when we
(Answers: Two children who want to see a don’t want something to happen).
movie. They see a man drop papers and money. • Students complete the dialog with the two phrases.
He gives them the money, so they buy tickets to • Extra Before class, prepare question cards that
see a movie, where they discover the man was students can respond to with I hope so or I hope
the director of the movie. With the rest of the not, e.g., Do you think it’s going to rain? Do you
money, they buy a toy called a zoetrope.) think the movie is going to be funny?, etc. Students
• Students look at the pictures and discuss what take turns to ask the questions. Their partner
is happening in each. responds with either I hope so or I hope not.
• Have them make predictions about what the CREATIVITY
story is about. Elicit and write on the board.
Encourage students to explain their predictions. Act out
5 Act out the story in groups.
Reading • Put students in groups of four and ask them
2 044 Read and listen. to decide who plays the narrator and each
character. Alternatively, students may want to
• Pre-teach the following words: smart, hurry, drop. play multiple characters in smaller classes.
Ask questions to check students’ understanding.
• Each group practices before acting out in
• Play audio 044 and have students listen and front of the class. Encourage groups to make
follow the story in their Student’s Books. changes to the story. Ask the class if they can
• Check which predictions on the board are correct. guess what changes were made. After each
• Read the story as a class and have students read a group has acted the story out, ask the class to
sentence each. applaud and give words of encouragement.

3 Number the events from the story in order.
6 Draw your favorite movie character and write
(Answers: 1 e, 2 a, 3 d, 4 g, 5 b, 6 c, 7 f) a description.
• Focus students’ attention on the sentences. • Students think who their favorite movie
Students identify the event that happened first character is and why before telling a partner.
in the story (William and Betty looked at a toy • Ask the questions in the yellow box to one or
in the window of a store.). two students to check understanding.
• Students work in pairs to put the rest of the • Students draw their favorite movie character
events in order. and write a description using the questions in
• Challenge Students think of a movie they know the yellow box as prompts.
well. Have them write sentences to summarize • Students present their favorite movie character
the events in the movie. Students give their to the rest to the class. Encourage them to say
sentences to a classmate who also knows the why this is their favorite movie character.
movie. Ask them to put the events in order.
• Extra Students describe their favorite movie
character without mentioning the name for the
Comprehension rest of the class to guess who it is.
4 Look at the box. Circle the phrase that is in the
story. Then read and write the correct phrase. Objective review
(Answers: I hope so. 1 I hope so., 2 I hope not., • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can read
3 I hope so.) a story about two children who love movies.
• Direct students’ attention to the two phrases in • Involve Encourage awareness of what students
the box. Ask Which phrase is in the story? Students can do by asking them to give you a summary of
read A Lucky Day to find the answer (I hope so.). the story.

M04 English Code TB5 AmE_23299.indd 119 22/10/2020 10:00

Experiment lab

Experiment lab I will find

out how
an animat
loop work Materials
How can we make
an animation loop? Press-out phenakistoscope
A pencil with an eraser at the end
1 045
Read and listen. 1 ■ Press out and make your
A thumbtack

Moving pictures
Watch the video about A mirror
■ Push the thumbtack through
looped animation.
the middle of the circle into the
pencil eraser. 4 Read and circle.

This toy is called a The phenakistoscope works best

One image in a movie is called a frame. When phenakistoscope. when I spin it very quickly /
you see each frame, your brain remembers
quickly / slowly / very slowly .
it for a fraction of a second. If a movie has When people
more than ten frames per second, your brain started to make The phenakistoscope works best
doesn’t see separate images – it sees one animated movies, when I put my eye very close to /
moving picture. they drew the
close to / far from the slots.
Movie cameras take lots of photos per second. pictures by hand.
A movie has thousands of frames. Animation It took a long
works in the same way. Animators have to time! Walt Disney had a team of artists. They drew 2 ■ Stand in front of the mirror, with
make lots of frames. thousands of pictures to make each movie. the pictures facing the mirror.
In the 19th century, when there weren’t any It is expensive to create a lot of frames, so ■ Spin the paper circle and look
movie theaters or TVs, people enjoyed looking animators often repeat sequences of frames to through the slots.
at machines save money. A repeated sequence is called a loop.
that made You can use a loop when a character is running, ■ Can you see the picture moving
pictures seem or throwing and catching a ball. in the mirror?
to move. Now animators can use 3 Spin your phenakistoscope
computers to make animations. slowly and spin it quickly.
These children They draw one picture of a
are playing character and write some
with a zoetrope. code, telling the character
how to move.

3 Can you make a different animation with your phenakistoscope?

1 Press out the circle with eight sections.
2 Read and circle. 2 Draw an image in each section.
3 Glue the circle onto your phenakistoscope.
1 A movie or animation must have more than two / ten frames per second.
4 Spin your phenakistoscope. Does the animation
2 A zoetrope is a person / machine that makes pictures seem to move. work? Do you need to change it?
3 Walt Disney’s team of artists drew pictures by hand / used computers . 5 Show your animation to your classmates.
4 A repeated sequence of frames is called a loop / program .

64 sixty-four sixty-five 65

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Video Pre-reading Reading Reading Experiment Production Objective

objective time review

Warm up
• If the technology is available, show the class
I will find out how an animation loop works. a selection of clips from animated movies or
cartoons. Ensure that you show them old and
KEY LANGUAGE new animation from companies such as Disney,
Looney Tunes, Hanna-Barbera, Pixar, Studio Ghibli,
animator phenakistoscope
Cosgrove Hall, and Aardman Animations, for
century second example. Alternatively, ask students to go online
frame sequence to watch clips at home before the lesson.
image spin • Students work in groups. Have them make notes
loop thousand of what is happening in the clips as they watch.
moving picture zoetrope Also, ask them to consider what happened before
the clip and what will happen next. If students
are watching the clips at home, ask them to make
notes as they watch. Discuss as a class.

M04 English Code TB5 AmE_23299.indd 120 22/10/2020 10:00

• If necessary, show the clips again. Students discuss
in their groups how each animation was made.
Depending on the clip, this will range from pencil This activity encourages Collaboration. For further
and paper drawings to computer-generated support download our Collaboration checklist.
images to stop-motion (when materials like clay
Experiment time
are used to create models, which are then filmed).
How can we make an animation loop?
Lesson objective • Materials: (per student) press-out
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will phenakistoscope on page 165, a pencil with an
find out how an animation loop works. eraser at the end, a thumbtack, a mirror
• Differentiation Check students’ understanding
• Involve Students will find out about how an by asking What do you need? (a press-out
animation loop works. They will do an experiment phenakistoscope, a mirror, etc.), How can
to create their own animation loop. you do the experiment? (By pressing out the
phenakistoscope, etc.).
• Direct students to the two sentences in Step 4.
• Go to the Pearson English Portal and click on Have them predict what they think will happen
“Resources” for more teaching resources about this when they do their experiment. Do the first step
topic, including a video on animation. of the experiment as a demonstration.
Pre-reading • Students do the experiment and record their
findings by circling the correct words in the two
• Write the following words on the board: zoetrope
sentences in Step 4. Ask Were your predictions
and phenakistoscope. Direct students to the two
correct or incorrect?
photos in the text. Have students think what
a zoetrope and a phenakistoscope (fen-ak-IS-
to-scope – /fenækɪstoʊskoʊp/) is and how they CREATIVITY
work. Elicit ideas and write these on the board. Production
Reading 3 Can you make a different animation with your
1 045 Read and listen.
• Make sure there are sufficient circles of paper
• Play audio 045 and have students listen and read.
and glue for each student. Use the press-out on
Answer any vocabulary queries or have other
page 167 of the Student’s Book.
students explain any unknown words.
• Go through the steps together. Check
• Check which ideas from the Pre-reading on the
understanding by asking questions, e.g., Where
board are correct. If students are still unsure what
do we draw an image?, etc.
the words on the board are and how they work,
ask them to go online to find out. • Demonstrate the activity by creating your own
animation and phenakistoscope.
Reading • Students create their own animations to use
2 Read and circle. with their phenakistoscopes. Encourage them to
(Answers: 1 ten, 2 machine, 3 drew pictures by make changes to their animations if necessary.
hand, 4 loop) • Students show their animations to the rest of
• Direct students to the four sentences. Read the first the class. Have a vote to find the class favorite.
together and elicit the correct answer. • Challenge Have students go online and
• Students circle the correct words. research zoetropes. Then have them tell the
class what they discovered about them.
• Assist Allow students to reread the text before
circling the correct words.
Objective review
• Extra Write the following on the board: image,
frame, loop, sequence, century, animator, second. • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I know how
an animation loop works.
• Put students in pairs and ask them to choose four
words each. Make sure each student chooses • Involve Encourage awareness of what students
different words from their partner. Students then know by asking them to describe how to create
write a definition of each word. an animation loop. Also, refer them back to the
animation clips and elicit which of these used an
• Students read their definitions to their partner.
animation loop.
Have them try to guess the words.


M04 English Code TB5 AmE_23299.indd 121 22/10/2020 10:00

Movie makers

Movie makers I will talk

might happ what
Writing lab I will write
en. movie revie

1 046
Listen and circle. Then listen again and check your answers. 1 Use the notes to complete the movie review.
1 The movie will / won’t / might 2 The movie will / won’t / might
Title of movie Mars Vacation
be funny. be frightening.
3 The movie will / won’t / might 4 Harry will / won’t / might be
Live-action or live-action my review of “mars vacation”
have sound effects. the director.
Actor(s) Viv Jones
5 Harry will / won’t / might be 6 His mom will / won’t / might
Main character(s) Lola Moonstar
an actor. buy a ticket.
What happens? beginning: Lola and family go to Mars

2 Look at the notes and say sentences. bad characters chase them
end: bad characters return to their
Use might and a verb from the box.

be (2) make (2) sell write Who will or might children and teenagers
enjoy it? adults?

Class 6 short movie

Mars Vacation is a fantastic 4 characters are
Katie – sound effects? Amil – script? 1 science fiction movie. chasing them.
Pip – director? Max – posters? Katie might make It’s the most exciting movie this year!
the sound effects. I love the movie because lots of exciting things
Flo & Bill – actors? Sophie – tickets?
The main character is called happen. The special effects are amazing. The
2 . The actor who best part is when the bad characters leave Mars

3 Play Throw the ball.

plays her is 3 . She’s
my favorite actor because I think she’s really
and return to their 5
I think 6 and 7
Liam, the camera might break. Kelly, the movie might be really good. good at doing scary scenes. At the beginning
love this movie, and 8 might enjoy
of the movie, Lola travels to Mars with her
it, too.
family. They are all frightened because the

I hope not! I hope so! 2 Underline the opinions in the movie 4 Write a movie review.
review in 1.
1 Write a rough draft.

The sound effects might be good.

3 Make notes about a real movie. 2 Edit your draft. Did you answer all
of the questions? Did you include
Don’t write complete sentences.
We might not need a director. your opinions?
Use the headings from the table
in 1. 3 Write a clean version of your review.

66 sixty-six sixty-seven 67

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Presentation Practice Practice Production Objective

objective review

• Put students in pairs and explain that they have

to guess their partner’s character by only asking
I will talk about what might happen. Yes/No questions (Does your character have
black hair? and Was your character in a science
KEY LANGUAGE fiction movie?, etc.). If necessary, quickly review
simple present and simple past question forms
The sound effects might be good. (see page 143 of English Code Level 3 for simple
We might not need a director. present questions and page 147 of English Code
Level 5 for simple past questions).
Warm up • Assist Allow students a few moments to think of
• Ask students to think of a movie character they the questions they are going to ask. Encourage
like, but one that is different from the character them to write these down if necessary.
they chose in the Story lab lesson. • Students take turns to ask their questions to guess
their partner’s movie character.


M04 English Code TB5 AmE_23299.indd 122 22/10/2020 10:00

• Students say sentences using the information
Lesson objective
in the notes, might, and the verbs in the box.
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will Remind them to use any other necessary words.
talk about what might happen. If necessary, direct their attention to the example
in the speech bubble.
• Involve Students will learn how to use might
• Differentiation Allow students to write the
and might not to talk about the possibility of
sentences down before saying them.
something happening. They will gain confidence
using the new language through real-life COMMUNICATION
Presentation 3 Play Throw the ball.
• Put two columns on the board. At the top of one, • Ask students to imagine that they are going
put a checkmark and at the top of the other, put to make a short movie. Put students in small
a question mark. groups and have them brainstorm all the
• Tell the class about your definite and possible possible things that might or might not happen
future plans using the present progressive and while they are making the movie (e.g., the
might/might not. For example, On Saturday, I’m sound effects might be terrible, the camera
playing tennis with my friend. We might go for might break, we might not have any actors,
coffee when we finish playing. We’re not sure., etc.). Remind students to use might or might
etc. Write them on the board in the correct column not and encourage them to be as imaginative
(play tennis – checkmark, go for coffee – question as possible.
mark). • Clear a sufficient space in the middle of the
• After you say subsequent plans, elicit from classroom and have students stand in a circle.
students the correct column to put them in. Get a ball or a scrunched-up piece of paper
and throw it to a student. Ask them to say
• Draw students’ attention to the grammar box.
a sentence that they brainstormed in their
Make sentences from the words and have students
groups. When they have done that, have them
say a student’s name and throw the ball or
• Remind students to use the Grammar Reference on piece of paper to that student, who then says
page 149 of their Student’s Books. one of their sentences. Continue.
Practice • Extra Play Throw the ball with students saying
1 046 Listen and circle. Then listen again and a possible future plan. Explain that these can
check your answers. be true plans, or they can make them up.

(Answers: 1 might, 2 won’t, 3 will, 4 won’t,

5 might, 6 will) Objective review
• Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can talk
• Play audio 046. Students listen and circle the
about what might happen.
correct words to complete the sentences.
• Involve Encourage awareness of what students
• Play the audio again while students listen and
can do by having them tell you all about any
check their answers.
possible future plans they have or any that their
• Elicit why the speakers are using might/might not classmates might have.
(possibility) and will/won’t (certainty).

2 Look at the notes and say sentences. Use might
and a verb from the box.
(Answers: Katie might make sound effects., Amil
might write the script., Pip might be the director.,
Max might make the posters., Flo and Bill might be
the actors., Sophie might sell the tickets.)
• Have students look at the job information in the
Class 6 short movie notes. Then have them look at
the verbs in the box. Students decide which verbs
are used with each activity in the notes.


M04 English Code TB5 AmE_23299.indd 123 22/10/2020 10:00

Writing lab

Movie makers I will talk

might happ what
Writing lab I will write
en. movie revie

1 046
Listen and circle. Then listen again and check your answers. 1 Use the notes to complete the movie review.
1 The movie will / won’t / might 2 The movie will / won’t / might
Title of movie Mars Vacation
be funny. be frightening.
3 The movie will / won’t / might 4 Harry will / won’t / might be
Live-action or live-action my review of “mars vacation”
have sound effects. the director.
Actor(s) Viv Jones
5 Harry will / won’t / might be 6 His mom will / won’t / might
Main character(s) Lola Moonstar
an actor. buy a ticket.
What happens? beginning: Lola and family go to Mars

2 Look at the notes and say sentences. bad characters chase them
end: bad characters return to their
Use might and a verb from the box.

be (2) make (2) sell write Who will or might children and teenagers
enjoy it? adults?

Class 6 short movie

Mars Vacation is a fantastic 4 characters are
Katie – sound effects? Amil – script? 1 science fiction movie. chasing them.
Pip – director? Max – posters? Katie might make It’s the most exciting movie this year!
the sound effects. I love the movie because lots of exciting things
Flo & Bill – actors? Sophie – tickets?
The main character is called happen. The special effects are amazing. The
2 . The actor who best part is when the bad characters leave Mars

3 Play Throw the ball.

plays her is 3 . She’s
my favorite actor because I think she’s really
and return to their 5
I think 6 and 7
Liam, the camera might break. Kelly, the movie might be really good. good at doing scary scenes. At the beginning
love this movie, and 8 might enjoy
of the movie, Lola travels to Mars with her
it, too.
family. They are all frightened because the

I hope not! I hope so! 2 Underline the opinions in the movie 4 Write a movie review.
review in 1.
1 Write a rough draft.

The sound effects might be good.

3 Make notes about a real movie. 2 Edit your draft. Did you answer all
of the questions? Did you include
Don’t write complete sentences.
We might not need a director. your opinions?
Use the headings from the table
in 1. 3 Write a clean version of your review.

66 sixty-six sixty-seven 67

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Practice Production Production Production Objective

objective review

• Ask students what information they expect to find

in a movie review (factual information about the
I will write a movie review. movie, what the plot is, who the actors are, and
the critic’s opinion). Elicit and write on the board.
Warm up • Ask students if they have ever read a movie
• Before the class, find a movie review online. This, review. If so, have them tell the class about it.
preferably, should be one that students can get Ask Was it a good review or a bad review? Did it
the gist of. persuade you to go watch the movie?
• Write review and critic on the board. Elicit what • Either display the review on the board or make
these words mean (A review is someone’s opinion enough copies for each student. Have students
of a movie, etc., A critic is someone who writes quickly read it. Ask Does the critic have a good or
reviews.). bad opinion of the movie?
• Students discuss how important reviews are.


M04 English Code TB5 AmE_23299.indd 124 22/10/2020 10:00

Lesson objective
3 Make notes about a real movie. Don’t write
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
complete sentences. Use the headings from the
write a movie review.
table in 1.

• Involve Students will learn to write a movie • Students think of a movie they know well and make
review. They will gain confidence through notes about it using the chart in Activity 1. Allow
scaffolded writing tasks, to enable them to write them to use the internet to find out information
their review. about the actors if it’s available. If a lot of students
choose the same movie, encourage some to choose
Practice another movie they know well.
1 Use the notes to complete the movie review. • Monitor Go around the class and assist with
(Answers: 1 live-action, 2 Lola Moonstar, any queries.
3 Viv Jones, 4 bad, 5 planet, 6 children,
7 teenagers, 8 adults)
• Go through the notes together and answer any
vocabulary queries. Students might not know 4 Write a movie review.
live-action, so explain that a live-action movie is • Ask students to write a movie review using the
one that doesn’t include animation. notes they made in Activity 3 and adjectives of
• Have students quickly read the review. Ask Does opinion.
the critic like or dislike the movie? (The critic likes • First, have them write a rough draft of their
the movie.). Have students explain how they know review. When they have done this, have them
this (the rating at the end of the review, the use of swap with a partner. Ask students to then read,
adjectives like fantastic and exciting, etc.). comment, and give encouragement on their
• Students reread the review and use the partner’s rough draft. Have them check if it
information in the notes to complete the missing includes all the information in the table and
words. Students check their answers with a adjectives of opinion. Students also check their
partner. partner’s spelling and use of grammar.
• Have students tell a partner if they would like to • Students use their partner’s suggestions to write
watch this movie after reading the review. the final version of their review.

Production Objective review

2 Underline the opinions in the movie review in 1. • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can write
(Answers: fantastic, exciting, good, scary, a movie review.
frightened, exciting, amazing, best) • Involve Encourage awareness of what students
• Brainstorm adjectives and write these on the can do by having them read their review to
board. Elicit adjectives of opinion as well as other the class.
categories of adjective, such as size, etc. Then have
students discuss which adjectives on the board are
normally used to talk about a person’s opinion.
• Students then underline the adjectives of opinion
in the movie review.
• Challenge Have students replace the positive
adjectives of opinion in the review with negative
adjectives of opinion.


M04 English Code TB5 AmE_23299.indd 125 22/10/2020 10:00

Project and Review


Make a movie trailer Create Show and tell

Step 2 Create your movie trailer. Show your movie

Step 1
trailer to the class.
Plan Look at your storyboard and
your script. What parts of
The first scene was
Research your trailer might be difficult the most exciting.
Plan the scenes for
to make? What can you do to
your movie trailer. make these parts easier?
Watch some movie trailers.
Change your storyboard and The voice-over
Choose three exciting or
Think about these questions script if you need to. was very clear.
interesting scenes from the movie
when you watch the trailers: for your trailer. Practice the trailer.
What happens in a movie Make a storyboard for each If possible, film your trailer with
trailer? scene, and write the script. a camera, phone, or tablet.
What is a movie trailer for? Decide what everyone is going to This scene might be too long.
How many scenes are there? do. Think about: director, camera We can make it shorter.
operator, actors, voice-over,
How long are they? These sound effects might
sound effects, music.
How many characters do not be possible! Let’s
you see? choose a different scene.

Can you hear: actors talking?

a voice-over? sound effects?
If there is music, what kind of
music is it? Is it happy, exciting,
Think about movies that your
group likes, and choose a movie
Scene 1 script Now I can …
Ben: Help!
to make a trailer for.
Sound effects: (dragon roaring) … use words to talk
about movies.
Ben: The dragon is faster than
me. I’m scared!
… compare two things.
Mother: Ben! I can’t help you! Run!
Voice-over: Sometimes life is full … talk about what
of danger. Show your movie trailer to might happen.
Sound effects: ( frightening music) your friends or family. Ask
them what they like about it. … write a movie review.

68 sixty-eight sixty-nine 69

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 At home Now I can Objective
objective review

• Students tell a partner about any possible plans

they have using might and might not.
I will make a movie trailer.
Lesson objective
Warm up • Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
• Ask students to think of their five favorite new make a movie trailer.
words from the unit. Have them write sentences
with these words missing. Students swap sentences • Involve Students will learn how to make their own
with a partner to try to guess the missing words. movie trailer. They will use the language learned
• Brainstorm movies and write them on the board. from the unit to understand how to complete their
If necessary, elicit additional movies from students project and present it to the rest of the class.
by saying, e.g., In this movie, toys come to life.
Students compare the movies using frightening,
funny, and exciting.


M04 English Code TB5 AmE_23299.indd 126 22/10/2020 10:00

Step 1 At home
Research Show your movie trailer to your friends or family.
• Read the questions together. Ask the first two Ask them what they like about it.
questions and have students discuss them in pairs • Have students record themselves on video at home
(a lot of exciting scenes are usually included in a describing their movie trailer to their family or
trailer, a trailer is used to advertise a movie). friends. Less confident students can describe their
• Play a number of appropriate movie trailers. Students movie trailer with the aim of reviewing the new
use the questions to analyze each of the trailers. language from the unit.
Encourage them to make notes. Discuss as a class. Now I can …
• Ask students to work in small groups. Have them • Show students the Now I can … box and read
agree on a movie they want to make a trailer for. the sentences. Have students repeat, then ask
Step 2 questions to check understanding, e.g., Can you
talk about what might happen? (I might hang out
with friends on the weekend, etc.).
• Groups think of the three scenes they want to
• Involve Ask students to consider how they feel
include in their movie trailer. Explain that students
about these statements. Explain that if they feel
will be recreating the scenes for the trailer, so
confident about a statement, they can stick on
they also have to think what roles each will have
the light bulb sticker. If they do not feel confident
(actors, director, camera operator, etc.).
about a statement, tell them that they can come
• Write storyboard on the board. Either elicit what back to that statement and stick on the sticker
this is or have students use a dictionary to find out when they do.
(a drawing of each scene showing what is going to
• Monitor Go around the class and have students
choose and say the statement they are the most
• Groups create storyboards for their trailer. Explain confident about. Make notes of the statements
that storyboards are a basic plan of what happens that the fewest students choose and make sure
in a trailer. They don’t have to be detailed you review the content in the future.
drawings, and students can even draw stick figures
to represent people. Objective review
• Ask groups to then create the script for their trailer. • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can make
Explain that this must include dialog, a voiceover, a movie trailer.
and any sound effects. • Involve Encourage awareness of what students
can do by having them tell you how they made
Step 3
their movie trailer.
• Groups analyze their storyboards and script. Have Assessment pack
them think if anything is going to be too difficult or • For grammar and vocabulary assessment, have
ambitious to create. If so, encourage them to think students complete the Practice and Unit Tests in
of an alternative scene for their trailer. the Assessment Pack.
• Groups practice their trailer with each student
Pearson English Portal games
focusing on the role that they have.
Go to the Pearson English Portal and click on
• When groups are happy with their trailer, ask them
“Resources” for a class game.
to use a tablet, a smartphone, or a camera to film it.
• Encourage groups to use websites and computer
programs to edit and add any special effects to
their trailer.

Step 4
Show and tell
• Each group shows their movie trailer to the rest of
the class.
• During each trailer, the rest of the class takes notes
of the things that they like about it or what they
might improve.
• After the final movie trailer, have a class discussion
to talk about what students thought of each one.

M04 English Code TB5 AmE_23299.indd 127 22/10/2020 10:00

2 Checkpoint

2 Checkpoint UNITS 3 AND 4

1 047
Listen and draw the path on the flowchart. Then listen again and
circle T (True) or F (False).

1 Dev is playing baseball tomorrow morning. T/F

2 Katie thinks skateboarding is the most boring sport in the world. T/F
What are you doing on Saturday?
3 On the weekend she’s eating in a restaurant. T/F
4 She thinks the movie won’t be frightening. T/F
I/…ing I/…ing I/…ing I/…ing

2 Read and complete the 3 Play Test your memory.

conversation between two
different children. Use the Imagine you are doing three Tell your
flowchart to help you. activities this week. Make notes. group about
1:15 2:00 2:30 3:45 your partner’s
A: What are you 1 Swap books and read your partner’s plans.
next Wednesday? information. Try to remember it!
Lucky you! I think …/most … sport in the world. B: We’re 2
horseback riding.
Activity When? Possible plans
I agree. I don’t agree. I think …/more … than … A: Lucky you! I think horseback
riding is the 3 r�l�e�-ska�i�g We�n�s�ay migh� go wi�h
interesting sport in the world. 10:45 my br�t�e�

B: I don’t agree. I think baseball

might/ might/ might/
is 4 interesting Anna is roller-skating
5 horseback riding. on Wednesday. Correct! You
score a point.
A: It might 6 sunny

4 Write a message inviting a friend to the

I hope so! I hope not! on Saturday.
B: I 7 so!
movies. Use some words from the box.
I’m …ing/movies/ I’m …ing/movies/ I’m …ing/movies/ A: We’re going to the movies this
this evening. next Friday. tomorrow afternoon. evening. We’re 8 characters director expensive famous
animation science fiction movie adventure movie a science fiction movie. frightening sound effects
B: Are you looking 9
to it?
Are you looking forward to it? Hi, Jake. I’m going to the movies at 4:30
A: No, not at all. Science fiction on Thursday. Do you want to come with Test your
is the 10 kind me? It’s an adventure movie. I think it
no/not at all/ with English
yes/can’t wait/ of movie. will be better than Three Chances, but Benchmark
best kind of movie worst kind of movie B: I agree. I’m not going! it might be frightening … Young Learners

I’m not going. I might go, too. I want to buy a ticket!

5 Follow a new path through the flowchart with
a partner and do a role-play.

70 seventy seventy-one 71

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Listening Reading Writing Writing Speaking Objective

objective review

• Students compare their plans with a partner.

• Extra Have students work with a partner. Student
I will review Units 3 and 4. A rereads the story from Unit 3 and Student B
rereads the story from Unit 4. Have them close their
Warm up books and summarize the story to their partner.
• Ask students to make a list of all the new words
they remember from Units 3 and 4. Have students Lesson objective
compare lists with a partner. Students choose five • Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
words from their list and write a definition for review Units 3 and 4.
each. Students say their definition to a partner,
who has to say the word. • Involve Students will review all the language
• Students use some of the new words they learned in Units 3 and 4. They will consolidate
remember to write five fixed future plans using the their knowledge in a series of activities to test all
present progressive. Explain that the plans don’t four skills.
have to be real plans that students have.

M04 English Code TB5 AmE_23299.indd 128 22/10/2020 10:01

• Have students swap notebooks with a partner
1 047 Listen and draw the path on the flowchart. in their group. Give them a time limit to try and
Then listen again and circle T (True) or F (False). memorize the information in their partner’s chart.
(Answers: Students draw a line between: “What • Students return the notebook to their partner
are you doing on Saturday?” – image of the before telling the rest of the group about their
skateboard – “Lucky you! I think …/most … sport partner’s activities. Students score one point for
in the world” – “I don’t agree. I think …/more … each detail they remember correctly. Remind
than …” – the picture of the rain cloud – “I hope students to use the present progressive.
not!” – “I’m … -ing/movies/next Friday. science fiction
movie” – “Are you looking forward to it?” – “yes/
can’t wait/best kind of movie” – “I might go, too.”,
1 F, 2 F, 3 T, 4 F) 4 Write a message inviting a friend to the movies.
Use some words from the box.
• Ask students to look at the pictures and sentences
on page 70. Ask them to discuss with a partner what • Direct students to the words in the box. Check
they can see in each of the photos and pictures. understanding by asking questions such as Which
word describes something that costs a lot of
• Explain to students that they will hear information
money?, etc.
about future plans and they need to draw a path
that connects the first sentence at the top of the • Explain that students have to write a message
page to one of the three sentences at the bottom inviting a friend to the movies using the words in
depending on what they hear. the box and their own ideas. Have them read the
example message.
• Play audio 047. Students listen carefully and draw
their path. • Students write their message. Have them read it out
loud to the class. Encourage students to give praise.
• Assist Pause the audio to allow students to decide
• Play the audio again while students listen and Speaking
answer the questions.
5 Follow a new path through the flowchart with
CRITICAL THINKING a partner and do a role-play.
Reading • Students create a new path through the
flowchart. Encourage them to think of extra
2 Read and complete the conversation between
information for each stage.
two different children. Use the flowchart to
help you. • Students work with a partner to ask and answer
questions about their plans for Saturday.
(Answers: 1 doing, 2 going, 3 most, 4 more,
5 than, 6 be, 7 hope, 8 watching, 9 forward, • Extra Have students ask and answer about the
10 worst) pictures on pages 42–43 and 56–57. Encourage
more confident students to use words they
• Students read and complete the conversation don’t know in English and look them up in the
using the information in the flowchart. dictionary.
• Extra Students act out the conversation with a
partner. Have them swap roles when they have Objective review
• Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I know
Units 3 and 4.
• Involve Encourage awareness of what students
Writing know by eliciting the new language from Units 3
3 Play Test your memory. and 4.
• Read the instructions, the example in the • Have students go to the Progress Chart in their
chart, and the speech bubbles together. Check Workbooks and stick on their Now I can stickers.
students’ understanding by asking questions,
such as How many activities are you doing this Assessment pack
week? and Who do you swap books with?, etc. • For grammar and vocabulary assessment, have
• Have students work in small groups of even students complete the Checkpoint Test in the
numbers. Ask them to copy the chart in their Assessment Pack.
notebooks and complete it with their three • For skills assessment and GSE, have students
activities, when they are doing them, and any complete the Progression Test in the Assessment
possible plans associated with each activity. Pack.


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3 Read again and correct the sentences.
1 The Japanese word for cherry blossom is kimono.

Japan 2 All cherry blossom festivals happen at the same time in the spring.

1 Look at the pictures. What can

3 Hanami means “having picnics.”
Japan is a country in Asia. It is made
you see in all of them? up of four big islands and thousands of
smaller ones. The capital city, Tokyo, is
4 049
Listen and check the correct answer.

2 048
Read and listen.
one of the biggest and busiest cities in
the world. Japan has lots of earthquakes,
1 Why is the girl called Sakura?
a because her parents love cherry blossoms
and its highest mountain, Mount Fuji, is
an active volcano. b because she was born in the spring
Cherry blossom in Japanese culture 2 What food does Sakura like best in a hanami bento box?

Fun Fact!
Anime is a very popular style of a sushi b fish cakes
Japanese animation. In this frame
3 What is Sakura’s favorite anime movie called?
from an anime movie, the air is full Japan has more than 60,000 people
of beautiful pink blossom falling a Five Centimeters per Second b Five Meters per Minute
who are over 100 years old.
from a cherry tree – in Japanese, this 4 Why does Sakura like the character Takaki?
is called sakura. a because he’s a good friend b because he lives in a city
Every spring, at different times, 5 What are Sakura and Billy going to do together?
there are cherry blossom festivals, a draw an anime character b write a haiku poem
or hanami, all over Japan. Sakura
usually appears first in Okinawa in
January, then in other parts of Japan
in February, March, April, and May.
Hanami means “looking at flowers.” My Culture
Lots of people go to parks to look
at the blossom and have picnics or 5 Find out about special flowers and
barbecues under the cherry trees with blossoms in your country.
their families and friends.

6 Make some cherry blossom art.

You will often see cherry blossom in 1 Decide what you want to make,
Japanese paintings, on posters, and on for example:
traditional clothes. It is a very important
a painting, a 3-D scene, a design for
symbol in Japanese culture. Cherry blossom
a kimono, an anime-style drawing.
doesn’t stay on the trees for very long, so
this symbol means that nothing lasts forever. 2 Look at the internet to get some ideas.
Then make your art.
3 Look at other students’ work. Tell your
classmates what you did.

72 seventy-two seventy-three 73

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Presentation Pre-reading Reading Comprehension Comprehension Production Production Objective
objective review

Warm up
• Show students where Japan is on a map. Ask them
I will learn about culture in Japan. questions to find out what they know about the
country, e.g., What sport is popular in Japan?
KEY LANGUAGE (sumo wrestling, baseball, etc.).

anime Japanese • Have students work in small groups and make

a fact file about Japan. They can include things
barbecue kimono
like population, area of land, capital city, famous
cherry blossom picnics
landscapes, famous buildings.
earthquake sakura
• Challenge Have students write a paragraph in
haiku sushi
their notebooks about Japan using their fact files.
Japan Encourage them to work individually, then swap and
read each other’s paragraph. They can give points
for spelling and content, and write the number of
points and good job or good try in their notebooks.

M04 English Code TB5 AmE_23299.indd 130 22/10/2020 10:01

• Play audio 049 again while students check their
Lesson objective
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
• Extra Ask students to go online to find out about
learn about culture in Japan.
the movie Five Centimeters per Second. Have them
find out about the plot and who the characters
• Involve Students will learn about culture in Japan
are. Then watch the movie as a class or ask
and make a cherry blossom art picture. They will
students to watch it at home. Then students write
have an insight into Japan and can compare the
a summary of the movie and say whether they
similarities and differences with their own culture.
liked it or not and why.
• Have students quickly read the introduction text
about Japan in the top-right of page 72. Ask
What fact surprised you the most? Elicit answers 5 Find out about special flowers and blossoms in
from students. your country.
• Brainstorm all the flowers and trees in students’
Pre-reading own country and write on the board. Allow
1 Look at the pictures. What can you see in all students to use L1.
of them? • Have students choose five of the L1 words on
(Answers: cherry trees in blossom / cherry blossom) the board and ask them to find their English
• Have students look at the pictures and photos on translation. Students tell the class the English for
page 72. Elicit what can be seen in all of them. their chosen words.
• Then ask students if there are any flowers and
Reading trees that have cultural importance in their
2 048 Read and listen. country, like cherry trees in Japan. Encourage them
• Play audio 048. Students listen while they read. to find out what the flowers and trees are and why
they are important.
• Digital literacy Have students go online and
find out more information about cherry blossom • Assist Allow students to use the internet to find
festivals, such as what people typically eat when out if they don’t know.
they have a picnic, when the cherry blossom
festival typically takes place in Tokyo, and if cherry
blossom has featured in any famous Japanese Production
artwork, for example. Students present what they 6 Make some cherry blossom art.
discovered to the class. • Before the class, find some examples of
Comprehension cherry blossom art online and display on the
interactive whiteboard.
3 Read again and correct the sentences.
• Students discuss with a partner which examples
(Answers: 1 The Japanese word for cherry of the art they like and why.
blossom is sakura., 2 Cherry blossom festivals
happen at different times in the spring., • Read the instructions together and ask questions
3 Hanami means “looking at flowers.”) to check understanding, such as Where can you
look to get some ideas? (the internet).
• Direct students to the three sentences. Explain that
• Students create their cherry blossom art.
they all contain incorrect information.
• When students have finished their pictures,
• Students reread the text and correct the sentences.
display them on the classroom wall. Students
• Differentiation Students correct the sentences describe and explain their picture to their
before reading the text to check their answers. classmates.
• Challenge Students write a sentence that contains
incorrect information about the text. Have them Objective review
swap with a partner to see if they can find and
• Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I know about
correct the information.
culture in Japan.
Comprehension • Involve Encourage awareness of what students
4 049 Listen and check the correct answer. can do by asking them to give you a summary of
what they know about culture in Japan, then read
(Answers: 1 b, 2 b, 3 a, 4 a, 5 b)
a paragraph from the text out loud.
• Play audio 049 and have students listen.
• Students check the correct answers and compare
with a partner. 131

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Workbook answer key and notes

1 Read the descriptions. Write the words. 5 Solve the math problems about the movies in 4.
(Answers: 1 camera, 2 scene, 3 actor, 4 movie, (Answers: a 81 million dollars, b 631 million dollars,
5 director) c 146 million viewers)
2 Complete the information about the movie. Use • Students will use addition and subtraction to solve
the words from 1. the word problems.
(Answers: 1 movie, 2 scene, 3 director, 4 actors, 6 Think of an actor you like and an actor you don’t
5 cameras) like. Write their names in the bubbles. Then write
sentences to compare them.
3 024 Listen and check the answers to 2.
7 In pairs, talk about the actors you chose in 6.
4 Number the pictures in order. Then describe them
Respond to opinions.
to a partner.
• Students will learn the value of listening to others
(Answers: a, c, d, b)
and respecting their opinions.
Amazing movies • Encourage students to use I agree and I don’t agree.
1 Read and sort. Use a dictionary to help you.
Story lab
(Answers: sight: scene, animation, sound: sound
1 Match to make phrases from the story A Lucky
effects, music, feelings: frightening, interesting)
2 Read and match. (Answers: 1 d, 2 a, 3 c, 4 e, 5 b)
(Answers: 1 b, 2 e, 3 a, 4 d, 5 c)
2 Read and circle T (True) or F (False).
3 In pairs, ask and answer the questions in 2. (Answers: 1 F, 2 T, 3 F, 4 T)
4 025 Listen and label the pictures. What are
3 Write who said it? Write Betty, William, or Max.
they watching?
(Answers: 1 William, 2 Betty, 3 Betty, 4 Max)
(Answers: 1 a comedy, 2 a horror film, 3 a 3D film)
• Explain that the direct speech sentences do not
5 Complete the sentences with -tion and -ph.
appear in the story, so students have to imagine
Then say.
which character said each sentence.
(Answers: The dolphin laughed at the animation
4 Complete the sentences.
on its phone.)
(Answers: 1 lucky, 2 honest, 3 poor, 4 excited,
Language lab 5 generous)
1 Read the reviews and write the titles. 5 Compare yourself to the characters.
(Answers: 1 Miss Kate’s Mystery in Texas, • Students use the words in Activity 4 to compare
2 The Finders, 3 Police Patrol, 4 A Dog’s Paradise) themselves to Betty, William, and Max.
2 Read 1 again and answer the questions. 6 Answer for you. Then ask and answer with a
(Answers: 1 Miss Kate’s Mystery in Texas. 2 Police partner.
Patrol, 3 A Dog’s Paradise, 4 The Finders) 7 Think of a movie you want to see soon. Read and
check .
3 In pairs, write a short song or chant for one of
the movies in 1. Experiment lab
• Read the chant together. Ask which movie in 1 Read the article Moving Pictures again. Then
Activity 1 it is about (The Finders). answer in full sentences.
• Students work in pairs and choose a movie in (Answers: 1 One image in a movie is called a
Activity 1 to write a short song or chant about. frame., 2 A movie has thousands of frames.,
4 Read and circle T (True) or F (False). Then correct 3 In the past, animators drew thousands of
the false statements. pictures by hand., 4 Animators use computers
(Answers: 1 F Avengers was more expensive than to make animations., 5 A repeated sequence of
Star Wars., 2 T, 3 F Avengers is funnier than Star frames is called a loop.)
Wars., 4 F Star Wars is more frightening than 2 Complete the chart.
Avengers.) (Answers: 2 remember, 3 animation, 4 enjoy,
5 drawing, 6 create, 7 repetition)

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3 Read and solve the math problems. Show your 2 Complete with words from the word snake.
work. 2 movies, ​3 science fiction, ​
(Answers: ​1 director, ​
(Answers: ​1 The movie finishes at 5:00 4 famous, ​5 scene, ​
6 script, ​
7 character, ​8 actresses)
(3.5+1.5 = 5), ​2 The actor is 29 when he finishes 3 Complete the chart.
the movie (25+4=29), ​3 12 million more people
(Answers: ​1 the best, ​2 worse, ​3 more interesting, ​
saw Benjamin Rabbit than Sandtown. (34-22=12))
4 the most famous, ​5 the most frightening, ​
Experiment time 6 more exciting)
1 Complete the chart. Then share your ideas with 4 Read and circle the correct words.
a partner. (Answers: ​1 might, ​2 might, ​3 might not, ​4 might, ​
• Discuss with students the importance of recording 5 might, ​6 might not)
results during experiments. Then have students
complete the chart with information about their CHECKPOINT 2
experiment. 1 027 Listen and follow Ben’s path.
2 Read the example. Then write your own report. (Answers: sport 10:30 – teammates – Sunday – the
• Students read the example before writing their worst – Sounds difficult)
report about their experiment. 2 Look at and listen to 1 again. Circle the best
3 Talk about your report with a partner. answer.
(Answers: ​1 b, ​2 a, ​3 a, ​4 b)
Movie makers
3 028 Listen and follow Kelly’s path in 1.
1 Unscramble the words and label the pictures.
(Answers: roller-skating 4:15 – family – Sunday –
(Answers: ​1 writer, ​2 sound engineer, ​3 extras, ​
the most interesting – Sounds fun)
4 audience, ​5 script, ​
6 poster)
4 Read the review of the movie Kelly saw and
2 Read and complete the conversation.
answer the questions.
(Answers: ​1 It might be a musical., ​2 We might
(Answers: ​1 Lucas at Work, ​2 It’s a live-action
see another dance., ​3 That would be great!)
comedy movie., ​3 She loves the movie because lots
3 026 Listen and check. Then act out the of interesting and crazy things happen., ​4 very
conversation. silly and very funny, ​5 Children, teenagers, and
4 Work in pairs. You are making a movie. Say your adults will love this movie.)
three biggest worries. 5 Write a review of a movie you’ve seen.
Writing lab 6 Talk about what you’re doing on Saturday and
Sunday with a partner.
1 Write the names of three movies you have seen
recently and color the stars. SAKURA
2 Choose one of the movies from 1 and write what 1 029 Listen to the conversation and answer
happens. the questions.
3 Make a poster for the movie you wrote about (Answers: ​1 cartoons, ​2 Hello Kitty, ​3 Pokémon, ​
in 2. Include the following: 4 superheroes)
• Live action or animation?, Number of actors, Names 2 Read and answer the questions.
of two main characters, Who will or might enjoy it?.
(Answers: ​1 Japan, ​2 look like people with large
4 Read the example. Then write a review of the eyes, ​3 reflects mood, ​4 draw the pictures by
movie. hand and then put them onto the computer)
PROJECT 3 Interview six people to find out which TV
1 Think about your movie trailer and answer the cartoons they like best.
questions. 4 Write about a popular cartoon in your country.
2 Write up your project report using the answers What is it about? Who are the central characters?
in 1. Where do they live? What do they do?
3 Share your report with a partner. Ask questions. 5 In groups, invent a cartoon character. Think
about what is special about the character. Draw
REVIEW a picture of your cartoon character. Look at the
1 Circle words in the word snake. Ideas Box below.
(Answers: famous, scene, actor, director, movie, 6 In the same groups, write a short story with your
frightening, sound effects, script, animation, ideas from 5.
expensive, character, science fiction)

M04 English Code TB5 AmE_23299.indd 133 22/10/2020 10:01

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