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1 Out and about!

• Reading comprehension – Can understand basic sentences naming familiar, everyday items if
supported by pictures.
• Reading accuracy – Can recognize simple words and phrases related to familiar topics if supported
by pictures.

• Listening comprehension – Can recognize words and simple pictures related to familiar topics, if spoken
slowly and clearly and supported by pictures.
• Listening accuracy – Can hear the individual vowel and consonant sounds in simple words, if
supported by pictures.

• Spoken production – Can express likes and dislikes in relation to familiar topics in a basic way.
• Spoken production – Can reproduce words from taught vocabulary lists.

• Written accuracy and appropriacy – Can write some familiar words.
• Written production – Can write simple sentences using familiar words, given prompts.

Key vocabulary Phonics STEAM Grammar
café The sounds a /æ/ as in bricks I like parks.
castle bag and e /e/ as in leg cement I don’t like stores.
farm bag pan spaghetti He likes parks.
house cap peg steel She doesn’t like stores.
library cat pen straws Does she like playgrounds?
museum clap pet strong Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.
park leg ten tower Do you like …?
playground man wet wood Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
river mat There’s a river.
school There are houses.
store There isn’t a playground.
swimming pool There aren’t any farms.
Let’s make … .


M01 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 38 03/08/2020 13:48

Students will make a town guide. They will choose places in town and find photos and pictures or draw
pictures. Then they will say the places they like using I like … . They will be encouraged to describe the
places using there is and there are and to talk about the activities that can be done at the place. Finally,
they will add their page about their chosen favorite places to a class collection to make a town guide.
Materials: a folder, plastic sleeves, paper, markers, pencils, glue


Students will learn about materials used to build a house. They will think about how materials fit together
to make a structure strong. They will investigate how to make a tower stronger using different materials
and designs. They will experiment by building towers with different materials using their own designs.
Materials: clay, cups, construction paper, dry spaghetti

Pearson English Portal digital resources

Go to the Pearson English Portal and click on “Resources,” for more teaching resources, including videos
and games.


• Students will learn about algorithms by using logical reasoning to predict an outcome.
• Students will learn about sequencing by arranging a series of steps to achieve an outcome.

Students will count items and do simple additions.


Listening to what our friends want to do and then making decisions that suit everyone.

Make your own picture dictionary.
This feature occurs in each Vocabulary lesson and
encourages students to process new vocabulary
through drawing and writing.

Design a game. Draw and write.

Students design a game using the new vocabulary
they’ve learned in the unit. They draw a picture of castle park
it and write about it.

Act out the story in groups.

This feature occurs in each Story lab lesson and will
help students revisit and produce core language
learned so far in the unit, as well as collaborate
with other students in a fun context.

My game is
There’s a/an
There are
There isn’t/aren’t any


M01 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 39 03/08/2020 13:49

How can I create a town guide?

1 Out and about!

How can I create a town guide?
3 Where can you find these
things? Point and say.


1 Where do you want 2 Stick the items on

to go in the town? the places in the town.

4 Listen and point. Then


sing along and dance.

TIME Here, there, here!

I like it here, I like it there,

I like it, like it everywhere!
There are stores and there’s a school.
There’s a castle and a pool!
I like it here, I like it there,
I like it, like it everywhere!

10 ten eleven 11

Lesson flow

Warm up Critical Lesson Presentation Practice Code Cracker Song Objective

thinking objective Practice review

Warm up
• Greet students by saying Hello, I’m (name). Then
I will learn about places in town. introduce another member of the class whose
name you know: This is (name).
KEY LANGUAGE • Have students work in groups of three and
café park introduce themselves and then introduce their
friends to each other: I’m (name). This is (name).
castle playground
• Monitor Listen and provide support if
farm river
needed. Take notes on any general issues with
house school
pronunciation and intonation.
library store
museum swimming pool


M01 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 40 03/08/2020 13:49

• Draw a person on the board wearing a cap, 3 Where can you find these things? Point and
holding a camera and a brochure in his hand. say.
Write the name of your town. Say He’s a tourist (Answers: chair – castle, boat – water,
in town. Where can he go? Some students may ice cream – café)
want to provide the answers in English, but
accept L1, too. • Say the words and ask students to point and
say them (a chair, a boat, an ice cream). Ask
• Involve Students will learn to sing a song with where in the picture we find these things.
words for places and actions for here, there, and Students can also talk about where else they
everywhere. The rhythm, music, and actions will might find these things.
help both memory and recall of the new language. • Students cannot see these things in the main
artwork, so they must logically reason where
Lesson objective they could be found.
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will • Challenge Ask students what other things can
learn about places in my town. be found in a café, a lake/pond, and a castle.

4 008 Listen and point. Then sing along
and dance.
1 Where do you want to go in the town?
• Play audio 008 and ask students to read along
• Ask students to look at the picture. Ask Where with the song quietly.
do you want to go in the town? Then point and
• Play the audio again. Have students sing along,
say Yes, the castle!
and show them the actions. You may need to
• Revise previous vocabulary. Ask Can you see a repeat the song with actions a few times for
girl? Who else can you see? Say Yes, two boys. students to remember.
They are all friends.
• Actions are: Here (point at the floor with both
• Differentiation Stretch: Ask students who they hands), there (shield eyes and look at something
go to town with. Support: Write the beginning nearby), everywhere (stretch arms out with palms
of the sentence on the board, e.g., I go to town up. You can use the “Dance Move” cards to help
with … . guide students.
• Students practice singing several times to become
CRITICAL THINKING familiar with the tune, actions, and lyrics, then
Practice get them up and dancing. You don’t need space.
Students can dance by their desks. Let them have
2 Stick the items on the places in the town.
fun and come up with their own ideas for dance
(Answers: Students stick the cake on the café, movements. They could mime pushing a cart in
the rubber ring on the water, and the flag on the store, writing in a notebook at school, making
the castle.) swimming movements, etc.
• Introduce the items on the stickers (cake, rubber • Extra Play charades with places. Have students
ring, and flag) by pointing at them and saying act out being at a place, doing what they might
the words. Encourage students to say the words do there, and ask others to guess where they are.
out loud.
• Ask students to look at the picture and guess Objective review
where the stickers go. • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I know places
• Assist Have a volunteer come to the board and in my town.
demonstrate where the stickers go by holding • Involve Encourage awareness of what students
up their Student’s Book. As they do this, say Yes, can do by eliciting the new vocabulary words and
the cake goes here. Or That’s right. The flag their actions.
goes there.
• To reinforce critical thinking, ask students
questions in L1 to ensure understanding and
encourage discussion about the reasons for
their guesses.


M01 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 41 03/08/2020 13:49

Where are they?

Where are they?

4 Mom is busy today!
I will learn
Read, draw, and number.

1 009
Listen, point, and repeat.
Go to the …
1 park 2 library

3 farm 4 store

5 school
1 house 2 store 3 library

5 Where are they? Write. 6 Where can you do

these things? Write. Then say.
4 farm 5 museum 6 playground
1 play

2 eat and drink

3 climb

1 farm 2 4 swim
7 park 8 café 9 river
I can swim in a
swimming pool. I can eat and
drink in a café.

10 swimming pool 11 castle 12 school

7 Make your own picture
dictionary. Draw and
3 4 write town words.
2 010
Listen and circle. 3 Look at 1. Circle the
places you like. Then say.
1 school / playground

2 café / castle I like the park!

I like the swimming
pool and the farm!
3 farm / museum
castle park
4 river / store
5 6
12 twelve thirteen 13

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Presentation Practice Practice Code Cracker Practice Practice Picture Objective
objective Practice dictionary review

Warm up
• Encourage everyone to recite the days of the week.
I will learn town words. Then play Buzz. As a class, students take turns
saying days of the week. The student whose turn it
KEY LANGUAGE is to say Saturday or Sunday replaces it with buzz.

café park • Then have students play Buzz in groups of three.

castle playground
Lesson objective
farm river
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
house school
learn town words.
library store
museum swimming pool • Involve Students will learn 12 new place words
that relate to everyday lives.


M01 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 42 03/08/2020 13:49

Presentation Practice
1 009 Listen, point, and repeat. 5 Where are they? Write.
• Point at each of the places in the photos and ask (Answers: 1 farm, 2 castle, 3 store, 4 café,
What place is this? to elicit any words students 5 school, 6 museum)
already know. • Point at the pictures and ask Where is she?, Where
• Play audio 009. Students listen, point at the is he?, and Where are they?
places, and repeat the words. • Show students the example and elicit how to spell
• Monitor In L1, ask students what places they have farm. Allow them to do the activity on their own.
been to today. Elicit school and house. • Differentiation Stretch: If students finish quickly,
CRITICAL THINKING have them work in pairs to ask and answer the
questions Where is she?, Where is he?, and Where
Practice are they? as they point at the pictures at random.
2 010 Listen and circle. Support: Help those who are having trouble by
(Answers: 1 school, 2 castle, 3 museum, giving them two options to choose from, e.g., Is
4 river) he at the swimming pool or the castle?

• Ask students to look at the words and ask each CRITICAL THINKING COMMUNICATION
other What’s this? They should find the correct
pictures in Activity 1.
6 Where can you do these things? Write. Then say.
• Play audio 010. Demonstrate the first item
on the board by listening and circling the (Suggested answers: 1 park / playground,
correct word as you hear it (school). Then have 2 café / house, 3 playground / park / farm,
students listen and circle the words. 4 swimming pool / river)
• Check by asking volunteers to circle the correct • Review the words play, eat and drink, climb,
words on the board. and swim by asking students to act them out.
• Extra Ask students to work with a partner. • Show students the examples in the Student’s
Student A says a place and Student B says Book and ask Where do you play? Elicit at the
the corresponding number from Activity 1. park, at the playground, and at school. Tell
them that when they talk about where they do
something, they use the preposition at.
• Let students decide the best places for the
3 Look at 1. Circle the places you like. Then say.
• Demonstrate the activity by circling and saying CREATIVITY
two places you like, e.g., I like the river and the
café. Do choral repetition. Picture dictionary
• Monitor Write I like … on the board. Have 7 Make your own picture dictionary. Draw and
students say the places they like in pairs. Walk write town words.
around and listen as they do this. • Ask students to use a new notebook or the back
of their English notebooks to create a picture
dictionary for all of the new words they’ll learn
Practice CODE CRACKER throughout the book.
• Show students the examples in the Student’s Book
4 Mom is busy today! Read, draw, and number.
and encourage them to use their imagination to
(Answers: 1 park, 2 library, 3 farm, 4 store, draw pictures to represent the words.
5 school)
• Brainstorm and write a list on the board.
• Show a flashcard of Mom and say she is very Encourage students to write the words neatly
busy going to many places around the town. under the pictures they draw.
Point at the picture in Activity 4 and ask
students to name the places.
Objective review
• Ask students to draw in the route Mom takes
• Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can use
and number them according to the list of
town words.
places Mom goes. Say One: park and students
draw the path to the park, and so on. • Involve Encourage awareness of what students
can do by eliciting the new vocabulary words and
having students point at pictures of them.


M01 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 43 03/08/2020 13:49

Language lab 1

Language lab 1 I will talk

town word out
ab 4 Plan a day out with a partner. Ask and answer. Then write.
like / don’ a b c
t like.

1 011
Watch. What does Milly like? Check or cross .
Do you like parks? Do you like park a? No, I don’t. I like park b.
Yes, I do.

I like parks.
I don’t like stores. 1 I like park b . 2 I don’t like .

Does she like playgrounds? 3 My partner likes . 4 My partner doesn’t like .

Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.
a b c
He likes parks. Do you like
She doesn’t like stores. swimming pools?

Milly likes … 1 I swimming pool . 2 I don’t swimming pool

1 2 3
3 My partner swimming 4 My partner doesn’t
pool . swimming pool .

5 Which places do you like? Write for Values

Listen to your friends.

you and your partner. Now decide.

Where do you want to go? 7 How do you and your
friends decide what
CODE CRACKER to do? Check the
correct box.

2 011
Watch again and circle. 3 Read and draw or .
Me My partner Our choice
1 I only do what
I want to do.
1 Anna likes / doesn’t like clothes stores. 1 I don’t like castles. Pool
2 I listen to my
2 Milly likes / doesn’t like cars. 2 Leo doesn’t like stores. friends and we
3 Milly likes farms.
6 Now talk about your choice.
decide together.

4 I like museums.
I like park a. Carla likes park c.
We both like swimming pool c!
14 fourteen fifteen 15

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Video Presentation Practice Practice Practice Code Cracker Production Values Objective
objective Practice Production review

Warm up
• Put the flashcards for the places around town
I will talk about town words using like / don’t like. on the board and have students say the words.
Ask students to classify them as “building” or
KEY LANGUAGE “outside.”

I like parks. • Differentiation In L1, ask students to classify the

flashcards any way they want to. Suggest places
I don’t like stores.
they have or haven’t been to, or things that are in
He likes parks. their community and things that aren’t, or places
She doesn’t like stores. they want to visit and places they don’t.
Does she like playgrounds?
Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t. Lesson objective
Do you like …? • Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. talk about town words using like / don’t like.


M01 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 44 03/08/2020 13:49

• Involve Students will learn how to ask and answer
about places in town they like or don’t like.
5 Which places do you like? Write for you and
Video your partner. Now decide. Where do you
1 011 Watch. What does Milly like? want to go?
Check or cross . • Students work with the same partner as in
(Answers: 1 , 2 , 3 ) Activity 4 to arrange a series of steps to achieve
an outcome – in this case, planning a day out.
• Have students look at pictures 1–3. Ask What does
Milly like? Have students predict before they listen. • After recording their preferences in the chart,
students decide which park and pool they want
• Tell students to cross or check the places according
to go to on a day out. They can use We both
to what Milly does and says. Play the video Unit 1
like … and Let’s go to … .
or audio 011.

• Show students the grammar box and read the
examples. Ask which are like and which are don’t Production
like sentences. 6 Now talk about your choice.
• Ask students to show you a happy face for positive • Have students work with a new partner and
sentences and a sad face for negative sentences as report their decision about where to go on
you read them out. their day out using the language in the speech
Practice • Extra Have students work in groups of three.
2 011 Watch again and circle. Ask them to turn back to the vocabulary on
(Answer: 1 likes, 2 likes) page 12 and decide where they want to go on
a day out together using all of the possible
• Tell students to listen and circle. Play audio 011.
places around town and the language they
Practice have used in this lesson.
3 Read and draw or . • Extra Have a spelling competition. Divide the
(Answers: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ) class into teams. Say a town word. The first
team to write it correctly on the board wins a
• Read the sentences and make a happy face if it point. The first team to five points wins.
expresses like and a sad face if it expresses don’t
like. Read again and have students make faces, too.
• Students draw a happy or sad face according to Values
whether the statement expresses like/likes or don’t/ Production
doesn’t like. 7 How do you and your friends decide what to
do? Check the correct box.
• Have students work with a new partner. They
This activity encourages Collaboration. For further check the box that indicates the way they make
support download our Collaboration checklist. their decisions.
Practice • Point out that it’s always good to listen to your
friends and make decisions together.
4 Plan a day out with a partner. Ask and answer.
Then write.
• Point at the pictures of the parks. Ask students Objective review
to complete the first two sentences with the • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can talk
letters of the parks they like and don’t like. about town words using like / don’t like.
• Indicate and practice the language and the • Involve Encourage awareness of what students
responses in the speech bubbles. Then have can do by showing them pictures of places and
students ask and answer in pairs. Ask them to asking Do you like …? and Does she/he like …?
record their partner’s information about parks
in full sentences, (Juan/Maria) likes park a.
She/He doesn’t like park b.
• Ask students to do the same for swimming pools.
Tell them to use the park sentences as models.


M01 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 45 03/08/2020 13:49

Story lab

Story lab I will read

about a to
a story 5 Thank you! 6
Good morning, Miss Kelly!


Look! A band!

1 012
Read and listen. Why is 2

it a special day in Castle Town? Wow! The town is

A special day
beautiful today!
Good morning! Come
into school. Where
are Anna and Leo?
You’re welcome!
Listen, Anna! I
1 can hear music!
We’re here,
7 We have a big cake!
Miss Kelly!

happening, I don’t know!
Leo? 4 Oh, no! Look, Anna!

3 I like the castle!

Happy birthday, Castle Town!

3 Look at the story again. Then read and circle.

1 It plays music. a band / the school

2 It’s red and yellow. the museum / the castle

3 It’s 100 years old! Castle Town / Miss Kelly

Help! I

can’t stop!
It’s red and yellow! What makes the castle red and yellow today? Check .
2 Look at the story. Then match and number. 1 Anna
1 2 3

a b c d 2 Leo

3 Miss Kelly

4 Castle Town
5 Act out the story in groups.
16 sixteen seventeen 17

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Pre-reading Reading Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension Act out Objective
objective review

LESSON OBJECTIVE Lesson objective

I will read a story about a town. • Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
read a story about a town.
Warm up
• Involve Students will listen to and read a story
• Have students stand up and remind them of the
about a town. They will use the information from
actions for the song on page 11.
the pictures and words to understand the story.
• Play audio 008 and have students sing along and
do the actions. Pre-reading
• Monitor Ask more confident students to stand at • Ask students to look at the pictures and have them
the front of the class for others to copy. Watch guess in L1 what will happen in the story. Write
and listen to students and provide support if some ideas on the board. Once you’ve read the
needed. Take notes on any general issues with story together, you can compare these ideas and
pronunciation and intonation. discuss any similarities or differences with students.


M01 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 46 03/08/2020 13:49

COMMUNICATION • Ask students to check the thing that makes the
Reading castle red and yellow today (lights).
1 012 Read and listen. Why is it a special day • Assist Before checking the thing that makes the
in Castle Town? town red and yellow today, encourage students
to find the red and yellow colors in the story.
(Answers: The town is 100 years old. / It is the
town’s birthday/anniversary.)
• Play audio 012 and have students listen and
follow the story in their Student’s Books. Ask This activity encourages Collaboration. For further
Why is it a special day? (The town is celebrating support download our Collaboration checklist.
its centenary – 100th birthday.) Ask what things
show us that it’s a special day (band, balloons, Act out
cake, banner, party). 5 Act out the story in groups.
• Challenge Have students close their Student’s • Put students in groups of seven and ask them to
Books. Hold up the story cards one by one and decide who plays each character. The characters
ask students to retell the story in their own words. are Anna, Leo, delivery boy, balloon seller, Miss
Kelly, and Lily and Lee from Level 1.
Comprehension • Assist Before students act out the story,
2 Look at the story. Then match and number. have them read it as a group. Then have
them read it again with each student reading
(Answers: a 3, b 2, c 4, d 1)
their character’s lines. This will help them to
• Ask students to look at the pictures and match remember their lines.
them to the numbers and names of the people in
• Have each group of students act out the story in
the story.
different corners of the classroom. If you have
• Tell students that the characters are the people in time, ask each group to act out the story in front
a story and the setting is the place. of the rest of class.
• Extra In pairs, have students name the places they • Differentiation Stretch: Put students in groups
can see in Castle Town that they have learned in of the same ability and have the groups with
the unit so far. more confident students make changes to the
story. For example, they can change the ending,
change what happens in the middle, or extend
3 Look at the story again. Then read and circle. the story. They could give those who have no
(Answers: 1 a band, 2 the castle, 3 Castle Town) lines speaking parts. Support: For those who
• Ask students to read the sentences and circle the need more support, allow them more time to
correct answers. read and practice the story.

• Have students check their answers with a partner. • Extra Have students work in pairs to brainstorm
Then check as a class. special days they have: birthdays, school
• Ask students to look at the story and circle where graduations, and so on. Make a list on the board
they found the information they needed. in English, and together make a list of food and
• Challenge As a class, write a summary of the story activities related to the celebrations. Encourage
on the board. Ask students to offer sentences and students to use the English words they know and
write them on the board in order, e.g., Anna and supply any other words for them as needed.
Leo walk to school. They see a boy on a bike with
Objective review
a cake … .
• Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can read a
CRITICAL THINKING story about a town.
Comprehension • Involve Encourage awareness of what students can
do by asking them to read a few lines from the story.
4 What makes the castle red and yellow today?
Check .
(Answer: 3 It’s lit red and yellow for the
• Point at the pictures and describe them
(paintbrushes and paint, red and yellow leaves,
red and yellow lights).


M01 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 47 03/08/2020 13:49

Phonics lab

Phonics lab I will learn

and e soun a
Experiment lab I will learn
building m

1 013
Listen and repeat. Then write a or e.
Watch a video about buildings
How can I build
1 What do we need to build a tower?
a house? Check or cross .
1 c p 2 b g 3 m t 4 p g 5 t n 6 p t
Look! This is

2 014
Listen and chant. 4 Look and match. the Eiffel Tower.

1 bricks 2 wood 3 cement 1 Build a tower.

A man and a pan.
Cats on a mat. You need:
Ten pets. spaghetti
Oh no! Oh no! 4 straws 5 steel 6 spaghetti
Ten wet pets!
2 Now listen, read,
You need:
and check your answers. cups
construction paper
Houses are made of cement
and bricks and steel. There
is wood in this house, too.

3 015
Listen and play the game.
This house is strong. 2 Can you put books on your
tower? Is it strong? Circle.

3 Which house is strong? Spaghetti Cups

Look and circle a or b. tower tower
I can put Yes / No Yes / No
a b
books on
my tower.
My tower is Yes / No Yes / No
a = clap e = hop on one leg strong.

18 eighteen nineteen 19

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Presentation Chant Practice Practice Objective

objective review

Warm up
• Review town words with students. Put the color
I will learn the /æ/ and /e/ sounds. The sounds a flashcards on the board and ask What places do
/æ/ as in bag and e /e/ as in leg. you like? Encourage students to use full sentences.
• Ask students to work in groups of four and
KEY LANGUAGE together write a list of all of the places around
The sounds a /æ/ as in bag and e /e/ as in leg. town they have visited since you last saw them.
Ask them to share their list with another group.
bag man pet
cap mat ten Lesson objective
cat pan wet • Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today
clap peg I will learn the a and e sounds.
leg pen


M01 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 48 03/08/2020 13:49

• Involve Students will learn the sounds /æ/ and /e/
through words that have these sounds as middle
sounds. Both /æ/ and /e/ are short sounds. Practice
3 015 Listen and play the game.
(Answers: Example 1: clap, Example 2: hop.
1 013 Listen and repeat. Then write a or e. Clap, hop, hop, clap, hop, clap, hop, hop, clap)
(Answers: 1 a, 2 a, 3 a, 4 e, 5 e, 6 e)
• Play audio 015. When students hear words with
• Elicit the names of the things (cap, bag, mat, peg, the /æ/ sound in them, they clap their hands.
ten, pet). Ask students to write the letter a or e in When they hear words with the /e/ sound, they
the spaces provided. hop on one leg.
• Play audio 013 and have students repeat the • Assist Prepare the listening activity by saying
words, pointing at the correct photos as they do the /æ/ and /e/ sounds in isolation and having
so. Then have students complete the words. Play students clap or hop before playing the audio
the audio again if necessary. with words.
• Assist Play the Phonics Pronunciation video. Ask
students to sit and watch quietly. Play it again and Practice
ask students to copy what they see and hear.
4 Look and match.
• Extra Ask students to work in pairs. Have students
(Answers: a: mat, cap, man, pan,
ask and answer about the pictures using What’s
e: pen, peg, leg, wet)
this? It’s a … . Then, as a class, encourage
students to think of more words that have the • Ask students to match the images of the /æ/ words
target sounds as middle sounds and write a list on to the “a” balloon seller and the /e/ words to the
the board. Practice them. “e” balloon seller by continuing the line of the
balloon string.
COMMUNICATION • Involve Challenge students to do the activity
Chant without checking the words in Activities 1 and 3.
2 014 Listen and chant. Tell them to cover Activities 1 and 3 and look only
when they are stuck.
• Check that students understand the meaning
of the words in bold by saying the words • Extra Encourage students to make up a chant of
and asking them to point at the pictures in their own using the new /æ/ and /e/ words.
Activity 1. Talk about the picture. Say The Objective review
cats are wet. The man is holding a pan. Ask
students to count the cats (ten). Tell them they • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I know the
are sitting on a mat. a and e sounds.

• Play audio 014 for students to listen. Then play • Involve Encourage awareness of what students
the audio again and encourage students to can do by eliciting words with the /æ/ and /e/
join in. sounds.

• Monitor Have students say the chant in pairs,

alternating lines, then saying the last line
together. Go around the room, listening to their
pronunciation. Pay particular attention to the
/æ/ and /e/ sounds.


M01 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 49 03/08/2020 13:49

Experiment lab

Phonics lab I will learn

and e soun a
Experiment lab I will learn
building m

1 013
Listen and repeat. Then write a or e.
Watch a video about buildings
How can I build
1 What do we need to build a tower?
a house? Check or cross .
1 c p 2 b g 3 m t 4 p g 5 t n 6 p t
Look! This is

2 014
Listen and chant. 4 Look and match. the Eiffel Tower.

1 bricks 2 wood 3 cement 1 Build a tower.

A man and a pan.
Cats on a mat. You need:
Ten pets. spaghetti
Oh no! Oh no! 4 straws 5 steel 6 spaghetti
Ten wet pets!
2 Now listen, read,
You need:
and check your answers. cups
construction paper
Houses are made of cement
and bricks and steel. There
is wood in this house, too.

3 015
Listen and play the game.
This house is strong. 2 Can you put books on your
tower? Is it strong? Circle.

3 Which house is strong? Spaghetti Cups

Look and circle a or b. tower tower
I can put Yes / No Yes / No
a b
books on
my tower.
My tower is Yes / No Yes / No
a = clap e = hop on one leg strong.

18 eighteen nineteen 19

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Pre-reading Reading Practice Production Experiment Objective

objective time review

Warm up
• Ask students about their own houses. Is your
I will learn about building materials. house big or small? What color is your house?
How many bedrooms are there in your house?
KEY LANGUAGE Do you like your house?

bricks straws
Lesson objective
cement strong
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
spaghetti tower learn about building materials.
steel wood
• Involve Students will learn about the different
materials buildings are made of and test to see
how to make a structure strong.


M01 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 50 03/08/2020 13:49

Pre-reading This activity encourages Collaboration. For further
1 What do we need to build a house? Check support download our Collaboration checklist.
or cross . 1 Build a tower.
(Answers: Check: 1, 2, 3, 5, Cross: 4, 6) • Show how long a meter is. Ask students to look
• Allow students time to look at the pictures and at the picture of the Eiffel Tower and guess how
predict the materials that are used in building tall it is (324 meters). Ask students if they know
houses and those that aren’t. or can guess which material the Eiffel Tower is
made of (steel).
• Ask students to check the materials that are used
in building houses and cross the ones that aren’t. • Assist Tell students they have to make two
towers, one with spaghetti and clay, and
• Challenge Ask students to look around them
another with cups and construction paper.
and identify building materials in the classroom
Tell them they are going to test which one is
and in the school.
stronger. Before they start, demonstrate making
the towers. You can check their understanding
Reading by asking What are you going to make? (two
2 016 Now listen, read, and check your towers) and What will you need? (spaghetti,
answers. clay, cups, and construction paper) Ask the
• Play audio 016 and have students listen and questions in L1 if necessary.
follow in their Student’s Books. • Students can work with a partner. Ensure they
• Play the audio again and ask students to check the have space to do the experiment.
text against their answers in Activity 1.
2 Can you put books on your tower? Is it strong?
• Ask students to work in pairs. Have one point at the
materials in Activity 1 and the other name them.
(Answers: The cups and construction paper
• Then ask them which material they think is the
towers should be stronger. A better base usually
strongest (steel).
leads to a stronger structure, in addition to a
CRITICAL THINKING staggered pattern and a pyramid shape.)

Production • Students guess the results first, then do the

3 Which house is strong? Look and circle a or b.
• Have them record the results in the table.
(Answer: b)
Suggest that each group member has a turn at
• Say Look at the two houses. Which is stronger? putting the books on the towers.
Once they have made a guess, you could give • Monitor Discuss the results of the experiment.
them a demonstration with blocks. House Ask What made the stronger towers stronger?
b is strong because the bricks are laid in a (strong materials, pyramid shape, height, wide
staggered pattern. This means there are no base, staggered pattern)
weak lines going down through the walls.
• Challenge Have students try the experiment
• If possible, bring in or use building blocks in the with other materials, e.g., sticks, modeling clay,
classroom to demonstrate this. Invite students blocks, books, and cardboard. Encourage them
to build a simple wall in the two ways. to guess the results before they put the book on
• Challenge Have students observe the patterns the tower.
of brick walls they can see in buildings in their • Extra Read the story The Three Little Pigs to
area. Remind them that the bricks in a building the class. Ask students why the third little pig’s
cannot always be seen because they are house was the strongest.
sometimes covered with plaster and then paint.

Objective review
Experiment time
• Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I know about
How can I build a tower? building materials.
• Go to the Pearson English Portal and click on • Involve Encourage awareness of what students
“Resources,” for more teaching resources about can do by showing them pictures of materials and
this topic, including a video about building. asking Can you build a house with … ?


M01 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 51 03/08/2020 13:49

Language lab 2

Language lab 2 I will desc

places us
ribe Let’s play! I will talk
about gam
ere are.
Let’s make a castle.
Good idea!
There is =
3 Look, count, add, 1 018
Which game is it? Listen
and write. and write a, b, or c.
There’s a river.
There are houses.
a ZONE 1 2 3
There isn’t a playground.
There aren’t any farms. a b c

1 017
Listen and read.

2 Think about your favorite game. Talk about it with

a partner using these words.
Let’s play with the farm.
Let’s play … This is my favorite.
Me, too. OK. It’s great.
We’re at a miniature village. OK!
There is/isn’t/are/aren’t …
There are houses. There’s a river. 1 Houses in pictures a and b.
There are stores. There’s a castle.
+ =
There isn’t a farm. There’s a Design a game. Draw and write.
school. There aren’t any museums. 2 Stores in pictures a and b.
There are three cafés. + =
My game is
There’s a/an
2 Now write about your town. 4 Which picture is it? Ask There are
and answer. There isn’t/aren’t any
1 There a school.

2 There a castle. Are there

3 There houses.
any houses?
Yes! There are
eleven houses. 4 Now tell the class about your game.

4 There museums. Picture a! Do you like my game? Look … there’s a school, a river …

20 twenty twenty-one 21

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Presentation Practice Practice Math Production Objective

objective Practice review

• Follow up with questions about what you can buy,

do, and see at these places. You may have to help
I will describe places using there is / there are. students by supplying the words they want to use.

KEY LANGUAGE Lesson objective

• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
There’s a river.
describe places using there is / there are.
There are houses.
There isn’t a playground. • Involve Students will learn how to describe towns
There aren’t any farms. and villages and name the places there.

Warm up
• Review places in town with students. Write the
categories Shopping, Fun, and Learning. Have
students suggest places for these categories.

M01 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 52 03/08/2020 13:49

• Show students the grammar box and read the
3 Look, count, add, and write.
examples. Ask students to repeat.
(Answers: 1 10 + 5 = 15, 2 3 + 10 = 13)
• Remind students that we use there’s for there is
and there aren’t for there are not. • Ask students questions about the pictures.
• Assist Show students the story pages from this Say What’s in the picture? (In picture a, there’s
unit and describe what you can see using there a museum, a park, a farm, a library, a café,
is and there are, e.g., There’s a castle. There’s a and a swimming pool. In picture b, there’s a
school. There’s a cake. There are balloons. There swimming pool, a farm, a library, a school,
are students. There isn’t a swimming pool. There and two cafés.).
aren’t any clowns at the party. • Students count the houses in both pictures
• Extra Ask students to describe their surroundings and add the number. Then they count the
using There’s a … There isn’t a … and There are … stores and add the number. Students do the
There aren’t … . math problems individually. Then have them
check with a partner before doing open class
Practice feedback.
1 017 Listen and read. • Differentiation Stretch: Ask students to play
• Write model town on the board and explain that Spot the difference with the two pictures.
a model town is built to look like a town, but it Support: Have students identify and count
is very small. Show the photo and point out the the places.
people standing on the real bridge overlooking
the miniature village. COMMUNICATION
• Monitor Play audio 017 and ask students to circle Production
the words for places in the text as they hear them
4 Which picture is it? Ask and answer.
(village, houses, river, stores, castle, farm, school,
museums, cafés). • Demonstrate the activity with a student. Ask
Are there any …? Is there a …? questions
• Assist Point out the singular and plural items and
to select the picture. Have a strong student
the use of is and are. Then ask students to read
demonstrate There are … and There is a …
the text in pairs.
Practice • Allow students to do the activity in pairs.
2 Now write about your town.
(Answers: 1 is/isn’t, 2 is/isn’t, 3 are/aren’t, Objective review
4 are/aren’t) • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can describe
• Ask students to write is/isn’t or are/aren’t to places using there is / there are.
complete the sentences. • Involve Encourage awareness of what students
• Write the sentences on the board and invite can do by showing them pictures of places around
students to fill in the missing words for the class to town and eliciting There’s a … and There are
check answers. (number) … sentences.

• Monitor Ask students why they used is/isn’t and

why they used are/aren’t (is/isn’t for one thing and
are/aren’t for more than one thing).


M01 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 53 03/08/2020 13:49

Let’s play!

Language lab 2 I will desc

places us
ribe Let’s play! I will talk
about gam
ere are.
Let’s make a castle.
Good idea!
There is =
3 Look, count, add, 1 018
Which game is it? Listen
and write. and write a, b, or c.
There’s a river.
There are houses.
a ZONE 1 2 3
There isn’t a playground.
There aren’t any farms. a b c

1 017
Listen and read.

2 Think about your favorite game. Talk about it with

a partner using these words.
Let’s play with the farm.
Let’s play … This is my favorite.
Me, too. OK. It’s great.
We’re at a miniature village. OK!
There is/isn’t/are/aren’t …
There are houses. There’s a river. 1 Houses in pictures a and b.
There are stores. There’s a castle.
+ =
There isn’t a farm. There’s a Design a game. Draw and write.
school. There aren’t any museums. 2 Stores in pictures a and b.
There are three cafés. + =
My game is
There’s a/an
2 Now write about your town. 4 Which picture is it? Ask There are
and answer. There isn’t/aren’t any
1 There a school.

2 There a castle. Are there

3 There houses.
any houses?
Yes! There are
eleven houses. 4 Now tell the class about your game.

4 There museums. Picture a! Do you like my game? Look … there’s a school, a river …

20 twenty twenty-one 21

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Practice Practice Production Production Objective

objective review

LESSON OBJECTIVE Lesson objective

I will talk about games. • Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
talk about games.
• Involve Students will learn how to describe
Let’s. Good idea. games and invite each other to play something
with Let’s … .
Warm up
• Play 20 and out! Students stand in a circle and call
out numbers from one to 20. The person who has 1 018 Which game is it? Listen and
to say 20 is out and sits down. They can choose to write a, b, or c.
say just one digit in the sequence or up to three, (Answers: 1 c, 2 b, 3 a)
e.g., one, two-three-four, five-six, etc. The last
person standing after many rounds is the winner.


M01 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 54 03/08/2020 13:49

• Assist Describe the games using there is and there
are and have students point at them. Say, e.g.,
There are some houses. There are two horses, Production
three rabbits, and a dog. There is a playground. 4 Now tell the class about your game.
• Play audio 018 and have students listen and write • Pre-teach move the tokens, roll the dice, spaces,
the order of the games as they hear about them. move, win.
• Monitor Play the audio a number of times if • Have students show their games to the class
necessary. Ask Who likes the park game? (the boy) and describe them, e.g., There are three stores.
Who doesn’t like the farm game? (the girl). There’s a playground and there’s a swimming
pool. Visit the stores and buy a drink. Swim in
COMMUNICATION the pool. Play in the playground. Finish first and
Practice you win.
2 Think about your favorite game. Talk about it • Students can use the language they know and
with a partner using these words. supplement with L1 at this stage.
• Assist Have students repeat the phrases in the • Encourage them to ask each other questions.
box after you. Demonstrate a conversation with
one of the students. Objective review
• Using the phrases in the box as well as the main • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can talk
grammar and vocabulary of the unit, students about games.
talk to each other about their favorite games.
• Involve If you have a camera, take pictures of
They may need to do this in L1 with support.
your students in action and show them what
Write some words in English on the board.
they look like when they are busy learning
• Involve Use some real games and have English. Make sure you ask parents’ permission
students role-play using the phrases in the box. beforehand.
This is my favorite game. What is it? It’s chutes
and ladders. There’s a dice. There are squares.
There are chutes to go down and ladders to go
up. It’s great. Let’s play!

3 Design a game. Draw and write.
• Assist Ask students what board games they
play and make a list. Suggest some games the
students might make, for example, a board
game that takes you around town, a chutes
and ladders game set in a castle, or a tic-tac-
toe game with stores and parks for tokens.
Make them easy but creative.
• Have students work in pairs. Give students time,
space, and materials like poster paper, markers,
or pencils to make their games. You may want
them to bring things from home for their
• Involve Encourage students to think of names
for their games, e.g., The amazing school / Fun
in the park / Crazy castle. They may want to
make a game kit with objects, tokens, and dice,
and put it in a box somewhere to be played by
other students throughout the year.


M01 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 55 03/08/2020 13:49

Make a town guide


Make a town guide
Create Show and tell
Step 2
Step 1
How can I create Present your guide.
my town guide?
Plan Talk to friends about
Design your page(s).
Research your town.
What will you do? Write about your town. Are any places missing?
What’s in my town? Decorate your page(s).
Plan a town guide. Look, this is
And this is
Check your work. my house.
Read my notes. the castle.
Think about your favorite
places. Choose places in my town.
Find photos. Draw or take photos of
Find information and places in my town.
write notes.

What are my
favorite places?

Now I can ..
Show a new friend
… use town
around your town. words.

… talk about
my town using
like / don’t like.
… describe
library places and things
using there is /
there are.

22 twenty-two twenty-three 23

Lesson flow

Warm up Lesson Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 At home Now I can Objective
objective review

• Involve Students will make a town guide. Each

student will contribute information about their
I will make a town guide. favorite places to the guide. They will use the
language learned from the unit.
Warm up
Step 1
• Show maps or travel brochures of your town and,
as a class, talk about places in your town.
• Have students work individually. Ask them to think
• Assist Encourage students to add places they have
about the places in town they like and give them a
been to recently and places they like.
few minutes to write a list.
Lesson objective • For homework, ask students to find photos and
pictures of the places they like.
• Introduce the lesson objective. Say Today I will
make a town guide.


M01 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 56 03/08/2020 13:49

• As a class, brainstorm and write questions students
• Make the town guide available to other students
can ask to find out information about the places
in the school. You could display it in the school
they want to include in the guide, e.g., What’s the
foyer, library, or hall. Help students to prepare
official name of the place? (Muñoz Park) Where
what they can say about the guide, e.g., Look …
is the place? (It’s near my house.) What’s there?
This is the museum. This activity encourages
(There’s a big playground. There are two cafés.)
them to take pride in their work.
• Assist Help students think about who they can ask
for information and who can help them get photos At home
and information about the places in town that • Ask students to find out about the places their
interest them: family, neighbors, librarian, etc. family members like visiting around town.
Step 2 Then ask them to think of places that would be
interesting for a new friend to see.
• Differentiation Have students report back to the
• Tell students to read their research notes and class with their findings.
choose one or two places from Step 1 to include
in the town guide. Now I can …
• Have students write a couple of sentences about • Show students the Now I can … box and read
the places they like in town based on their the examples. Ask students to repeat and then
research. I like … . It is in my town. I can … there. check understanding in L1.
There are … . • Involve Ask students to consider how they feel
• Give them time to select pictures. Give students the about these statements.
opportunity to draw pictures if they want to. • Have students draw four light bulbs in their
Step 3 notebooks and for each light bulb draw light
lines coming from it to show how confident they
are about each statement. The more lines they
• Hand out paper. Have students design where on draw radiating from each light bulb, the more
the page they will put the information. confident they feel about the statement.
• Have students write the text for the final draft. • Monitor Have students choose the statement
• Monitor Ask students to write the sentences they they are most confident about. Then have them
prepared about their favorite place on the page. If tell the rest of the class. Make notes of the
they make mistakes, tell them it’s OK – they can do statements that the fewest students choose and
another draft. make sure you review the content in the future.
• Give students time to decorate, attach photos, and
draw pictures. Objective review
• Give students the opportunity to check their work. • Revisit the lesson objective. Say Now I can make a
town guide.
• Involve Encourage awareness of what students
This activity encourages Collaboration. For further can do by asking them questions about their
support download our Collaboration checklist. favorite places. What can you do there? Where is it?
Step 4 Assessment pack
Show and tell • To assess students’ progress at the end of the unit,
• Collate the work into a town guide. If there are have them complete the Unit 1 Unit Test.
duplicated places, make a number of books. • To assess if students have reached the listening
• Encourage students to use full sentences to talk and speaking targets for this unit, give them the
about the information as you show it to the Unit 1 Speaking Test.
class. • Arrange a one-to-one session with each student
and use the prompts to evaluate their listening
Extra task
and speaking abilities.
Show a new friend around your town.
• For grammar and vocabulary assessment, now go to
• Have students work in small groups to say the your Practice and Unit Tests in the Assessment Pack.
places they saw in the town guide. Have them
vote as a class on three places they think a Pearson English Portal games
visitor should go to on a day out in town. Go to the Pearson English Portal and click on
“Resources,” then “Games” for a class game about
town words.

M01 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 57 03/08/2020 13:49

Workbook answer key and notes

1 Look, match, and circle. 5 Draw or for you. Then choose and write.
(Answers: 1 b café, 2 c swimming pool, 3 a castle) (Answers: Students’ own answers)
• In this critical thinking activity, students match the • Students complete with either a happy face or a
activity to the place. Then they circle the correct sad face. Then they write Yes, I do. or No, I don’t.
word. 6 Make. Then show and tell.
2 Circle the odd one out. • Students decorate both sides of a paper plate. One
(Answers: 1 b You can’t find a ruler at a café., side shows a happy face and pictures of things
2 c You can’t find a tractor at a swimming pool., the student likes. The other side shows a sad face
3 a You can’t find a slide at a castle.) and pictures of things the student doesn’t like.
Then they share their plates with the class and talk
• In this coding activity, students circle the item that
about their likes and dislikes.
doesn’t belong to each group.
3 004 Listen to the song. Number the words Story lab
in order. 1 Make your story book. page 117
(Answers: stores – 1, school – 2, castle – 3, (Answers: Frame 1: Listen / can / What’s / don’t,
pool – 4) Frame 2: band / The / beautiful, Frame 3: castle /
red / yellow, Frame 4: no / Look / Help / stop,
Where are they?
Frame 5: Thank / You’re, Frame 6: morning /
1 Label the pictures. Anna / Leo, Frame 7: Miss / cake / birthday / Town)
(Answers: 1 house, 2 farm, 3 river, 4 store) • In this coding activity, students learn to arrange
2 Unscramble the words. the pages in the same order as the story.
(Answers: 1 café, 2 castle, 3 farm, 4 house, • Students cut out the pages from their Workbooks
5 library, 6 museum, 7 park, 8 playground, along the cut lines to create three strips of paper.
9 river, 10 school, 11 store, 12 swimming pool) Then they fold each strip along the fold lines.
3 005 Listen and say. Then match. Ask students Do you remember the story? and
have them put the pages in the correct order and
(Answers: 1 c, 2 b, 3 a)
number them. Then ask them to complete the
• New vocabulary is presented and practiced in this speech bubbles.
activity (zoo, hotel, mall). • For students who don’t remember the story, play
Student’s Book audio 012 or encourage them to
Language lab 1
look back at their Student’s Books, pages 16–17.
1 Look, read, and match.
• Have students draw a picture on the front cover
(Answers: 1 He likes museums. 2 He doesn’t like to show what the story is about. Then have them
farms. 3 She likes school. 4 She doesn’t like cafés.) read and review the story, choosing their favorite
2 Circle and write likes or doesn’t like. character and page. They can color in the stars to
(Answers: 1 He likes, 2 She likes, 3 She doesn’t like, show how much they liked the story.
4 He doesn’t like) • Students can use their storybooks to retell the
• Students circle He or She and then they write the story to their families and friends!
correct words. 2 Order and write.
3 006 Look, listen, and check . (Answers: 1 I like the castle!, 2 We have a big
(Answers: 1 a, 2 b, 3 b, 4 a) cake!, 3 I don’t know!, 4 Happy birthday, Castle
• Students look at the pictures and listen and check
the correct answer, a or b. 3 Choose and color. Then write and say.

4 Read and write . or ? Then circle. • Students color the castle as they wish. Then they
write the colors they have used and talk to their
(Answers: 1 ? Yes, he does, 2 . True, 3 . False,
partner about their castle.
4 ? Yes, she does.)


M01 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 58 03/08/2020 13:49

4 Read and match. 2 Look and say.
(Answers: 1 I don’t know!, 2 We’re here, (Answers: Picture A: There’s a pool, a farm,
Miss Kelly!, 3 You’re welcome!) a park, a café, a library, three stores, and ten
• Students match the questions and answers. houses., Picture B: There’s a pool, a farm, two
cafés, a library, ten stores, and five houses.)
5 Count and write numbers and words.
• Students describe the pictures.
(Answers: 1 5 / five, 2 3 / three, 3 8 / eight,
4 4 / four; Total: 20 / twenty) 3 Circle and write about Picture b.

• Students count and write the numbers. (Answers: 1 There’s a pool., 2 There are ten
stores., 3 There’s a farm., 4 There are two cafés.,
Phonics lab 5 There’s a library., 6 There are five houses.)
1 Circle 6 words. • Students circle the correct words and write about
(Answers: cap, peg, bag, mat, wet, ten) Picture b.
2 Write a or e. Then look and match. Let’s play!
(Answers: 1 cap – a, 2 peg – c, 3 bag – e, 1 008 Look, listen, and number.
4 mat – b, 5 wet – d, 6 ten – f)
(Answers: a 2, b 1, c 3)
3 007 Read, listen, and circle.
2 Read and match. Then circle game a, b, or c.
(Answers: 1 mat, 2 ten, 3 cap, 4 peg, 5 wet,
(Answers: 1 game b, 2 game a, 3 game c)
6 bag)
3 Talk about this game with a partner.
Experiment lab • Students talk about the game picture using the
1 Match, choose, and write. language which has been modeled in the lesson.
(Answers: 1 b bricks, 2 d wood, 3 a steel,
4 c cement)
1 Check or cross and write for your town
2 How many bricks do you need? Draw and write. guide.
(Answers: 1 6, 2 8) • Students check or cross the chart according to
• In this math activity, students practice estimating what they have done in their own project. They
and counting. can add their own ideas, too.
• Before students do this activity, they guess how 2 Choose, complete, and circle for your town.
many bricks are needed for each wall. They record • Students choose and complete for their town.
their guesses. Then they complete the drawings of
3 Ask and answer about your partner’s favorite
the brick walls, making sure they stagger the bricks
so that the walls are strong. Finally, they count the
number of bricks and write it down. • Students discuss the places they like in their town
with a partner.
Experiment time 4 Look at the photos. Read and check T (True)
1 Draw a tower. or F (False).
• Students draw a tower. It might be their own or (Answers: 1 F, 2 T, 3 T, 4 F, 5 T)
one that another student made. 5 009 Read, listen, and circle.
2 Read and circle for you. (Answers: 1 doesn’t like, 2 likes, 3 likes)
(Answers: Students’ own answers)
• Students listen and circle the correct answers
• Students circle the items they used to build their according to the audio.
towers. Then they circle strong or not strong 6 Now talk to a partner about Donny’s town.
according to their thoughts on their tower.
• Students ask and answer using the information
Language lab 2 they have gotten from the pictures and the audio.
1 Read and draw.
(Answers: Students draw a picture of a village with
a castle, three houses, four stores, a museum, and
two rivers.)
• Students read the text and draw a picture
according to the information.


M01 English Code TB2 AmE_23190.indd 59 03/08/2020 13:49

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Alternative Proxy

pFad Proxy

pFad v3 Proxy

pFad v4 Proxy