Qualities of A Good Essay
Qualities of A Good Essay
Qualities of A Good Essay
Crafting an essay on the qualities of a good essay might seem like a straightforward task, but delving
into the intricacies of the subject reveals a challenge that goes beyond the surface. The difficulty lies
not only in the necessity to articulate the characteristics that define a well-crafted essay but also in
the nuanced exploration of how these elements interact to create a cohesive and impactful piece of
One of the challenges is the subjectivity inherent in assessing the quality of an essay. What one
person perceives as a strong argument or an engaging introduction may differ from another's
perspective. This necessitates a careful balance in presenting a comprehensive view without falling
into the trap of overgeneralization.
Moreover, the act of dissecting and analyzing the qualities of a good essay demands a certain level
of metacognition from the writer. It involves stepping back and reflecting on one's own writing
process and choices, a task that can be both introspective and challenging. The writer needs to
navigate through the intricacies of language use, structure, coherence, and originality, among other
In addition, the challenge lies in avoiding clichés and generic statements. It's not enough to merely
list common attributes like clarity, coherence, and relevance. The writer must delve deeper, providing
nuanced examples and insights that illuminate the underlying principles of effective writing. This
requires a keen understanding of language dynamics and an ability to convey ideas with precision
and creativity.
Furthermore, the essay itself must exemplify the qualities it discusses. This adds an additional layer
of complexity, as the writer must not only describe but also demonstrate the very principles being
explored. Striking the right balance between exposition and embodiment of these qualities is an art
that demands a thorough understanding of the subject matter.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the qualities of a good essay is a multifaceted task that extends
beyond a superficial examination of its components. It requires a thoughtful and introspective
approach, coupled with the ability to articulate complex concepts in a clear and engaging manner. As
one navigates the challenges of this endeavor, it becomes evident that the process of writing itself
mirrors the qualities under discussion.
For those seeking assistance with essays or similar writing tasks, various resources are available.
Similar essays and more can be ordered on platforms like HelpWriting.net , providing support and
guidance in navigating the intricate terrain of academic and creative writing.
Qualities Of A Good Essay Qualities Of A Good Essay
National Debt Causes
The Causes and Effects of the U.S. National Debt In a recent article by Nathan Bomey
in USA Today, he makes the point that as the remaining presidential candidates make
their way to Detroit for yet another debate, the financial collapse of the once thriving
city should serve as a red flag for America. In 2014 the city of Detroit was forced to file
for the largest municipal bankruptcy case in U.S. history with a debtof over $7 billion.
Bomey reiterates that, as a consequence of Detroit s borrowing binge, 32,000 retirees
paid the price for unrealistic promises, pension cuts of up to 20% and a stark 90% cut
in health benefits. The reckless spending of the city s leadership also brought the Detroit
to a state of urban decay with some of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
So what are the actual tangible consequences of such a colossal public debt? It is not
the generation of today who are currently enjoying full health benefits and Social
Security, but their children who will pay for our government s reckless spending and
national debt. In the Social Security and Medicare Board of Trustees annual report to the
public they themselves stated that, Beyond DI, Social Security as a whole as well as
Medicare cannot sustain projected long run program costs under currently scheduled
financing. The U.S. government is fabricating money that it does not have to fulfill
promises that it can not keep. If government spending continues has it has been, then it is
very unlikely that millennials, or the generations following them will receive government
benefits. In addition to their lack of government benefits, due to the national debt
millennials can expect lower living standards, higher taxes, inflation that decreases the
purchasing power of citizens savings, and an increased probability of a fiscal crisis in
which investors would lose trust in the government, forcing U.S.government to pay much
more to borrow
Supply Of Good Quality Electrical Power
The customer must be satisfied that a solution to his problem is found getting a secure,
safe and continuous supply of good quality electrical power. The main concerns related
to the supplied power were: that voltage levels were too low and variations too high (i.e.
not within ±5% tolerance), regular powerfailures, and phase reversal issues on certain
days. To address these concerns the initial plan was to determine if the claims made by
the customer were true and then find ways in which to first address it without the least
inconvenience to the customer. I sat down with the Head of Network and Plant
Performance and worked out that I needed to arrange for: Voltage levels to be measured
and adjusted it if possible (by adjusting tap positions on transformers, switching in of
Capacitor banks or voltage regulators), remove unnecessary loading on supply feeders to
the Taung Substation and reconfigure the networkwhere possible to provide alternative
paths for load to flow, measure the three phase load balance and reconfigure connected
loads to provide an even spread of loads across the three phases. If these actions couldn t
resolve the problems then proceed with recruiting a team of subject matter experts to
conduct more detailed investigation to ascertain the physical condition of the Taung
Village 11kV feeder, then verify and record what hardware was used in the construction
of the feeder and also the standard to which the structures were build and the hardware
The Theme in The Minister’s Black Veil Essay
The Theme in The Minister s Black Veil
This technique, though Hawthorne s is different from that of European writers, creates
analogies between self and not self, between personality and the worlds. . . .Henceforth
Hawthorne s theme is the redemption of the self through the acceptance and exploitation
of what society terms the guilt of the individual but which to the Romantic is society s
guilt (92).
The interplay between the guilt of the individual, Reverend Mr. Hooper, and society s
guilt, underlies all of Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Minister s Black ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
. . . it puts one outside the magic circle or the magnetic chain of humanity, where there is
neither love nor reality (54).
The theme arises from the central conflict in the tale, which is an internal one, a spiritual
moral conflict within the minister, the Reverend Mr. Hooper. Everything he has to say
is related, finally, to that inward sphere (McPherson 68 69). The minister s absorption
into the problems of his inner sphere cause the draping of the crape veil and the resultant
alienation from people.
At the outset of the tale, The Minister s Black Veil, the sexton is tolling the church bell
and simultaneously watching Mr. Hooper s door, when suddenly he says, ``But what has
good Parson Hooper got upon his face? The surprise which the sexton displayed is
repeated in the astonishment of the onlookers: With one accord they started,
expressing more wonder. . . The reason is this: Swathed about his forehead, and
hanging down over his face, so low as to be shaken by his breath is a black veil. The 30
year old, unmarried parson receives a variety of reactions from his congregation, all of
which imply the alienation that is in the mind of the speaker or doer:
``I can t really feel as if good Mr. Hooper s face was behind that piece of crape