LEGO As A Learning Enabler in The 21st-Century Preschool Classroom: Examining Perceptions of Attitudes and Preschool Practices

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LEGO as a Learning Enabler in the 21st-Century Preschool Classroom:

Examining Perceptions of Attitudes and Preschool Practices

Article · December 2018

DOI: 10.14456/jucr.2018.12


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1 author:

Stephen Poon
Epistemological Research


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LEGO as a
Learning Enabler
in the 21st Century Preschool Classroom:
Examining Perceptions of Attitudes and
Preschool Practices

Stephen T. F. Poon+ (Malaysia)

This paper aims to review Malaysian public and preschool educators’ perceptions
of the role of innovative play in early childhood learning and development through
a survey of LEGO as a preschool learning enabler which facilitates and strengthens
children’s cognitive thinking, interaction, psychosocial skills and creativity. Literature
sets up a theoretical framework for the research, and existing learning strategies were
reviewed. However, while LEGO is perceived as a problem-solving tool, the survey
undertaken for this research shows various negative perceptions of its usage hazards,
unstructured use to kill time, and pricing beyond Malaysian families’ socioeconomic
reaches, suggesting that LEGO has not been elevated to its full potential. Recom-
mendations to enhance the perception of LEGO are discussed, including the design of
specialised products, more effective marketing strategies, and corporate responsibility
initiatives. Although the current study does not present any specific analysis of how
LEGO could be applied in curricula or pedagogical development, there is indication
that LEGO could enhance its brand image and appeal for middle-income markets by
tapping its attributes as a strategic innovation and quintessential preschool learning

Keywords: Innovative Play, Education, Construction, Preschool Learning, Early Childhood


+ Dr. Stephen T.F. Poon, Senior Lecturer, Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation, Malaysia. voice: +60165291303
email: website:
LEGO as a Learning Enabler… | 73

Innovation elements in early childhood education are an understudied area and
receive less eminence perhaps due to its overreaching scope. Early childhood
education has nevertheless been instrumental in shaping the bedrock of life skills
necessary for a child. Studies have determined that for various stages of child de-
velopment, different stimulations are deemed critical for future wellbeing (LEGO
Foundation, 2013). Researchers further argue that half of a person’s intelligence
potential is developed by age four, and that appropriate stimulations, motivation
and activities can have a lasting effect on intellectual and emotional capacities
of individuals, including their personalities, intrapersonal skills, and other social
behaviors and traits (Rogers, 2011).

Evidence points to the opportunities that digital and technological literacies

provide in reforming child development pedagogies, from traditional “culturally
curtailed play” to more dynamic, open, “culturally-cultivated” leisure time (LEGO
Foundation, 2013:4-5), on the other hand, these changes have also been shown to
manifest in certain societies as a factor for increasing solitariness, while the nega-
tive issues surrounding exposure of new media technologies to young children,
and how computer games are gradually replacing free play, have been heavily

Global communities, families, educators and community stakeholders, must

continue to actively voice their concerns about the lack of holistic, environmental
stimulation for children living in the digital era, and seek opportunities to help
children learn to think, solve problems, make friends, mature emotionally, and to
simply have fun. The importance of all forms of play in answering these needs must
therefore not be lost in the thrilling availability of technological connectivity, or

Significance of the Study

The study determines how objects of play such as bricks and construction activi-
ties stimulate and enable child learning in cognitive and socio-emotional develop-
ment; as well as the responsiveness of Malaysian preschools and kindergartens
towards LEGO as an innovative play enabler. The primary objective of research is
to determine the extent by which playing with LEGO is perceived as a valuable aid
for early child learning and skills development.

Another objective is to establish the role of materials such as blocks and struc-
tured playtime in preschool environments as a factor which strengthens socio-
communicative abilities. The results are aimed to help educators better under-
stand perceptions about LEGO systems and products as a learning enrichment

The insights provided by research subjects (Malaysia preschool educators) re-

flect current attitudes, and the possible actions to be implemented to strengthen
LEGO’s image as an innovative and creative educational product. Lastly, this paper
contributes an Asian perspective in cultural research by demonstrating the key
74 | Stephen T. F. Poon

role of early childhood education in the context of current learning issues in the
wider, complex environment of 21st-century challenges, and how play affects cul-
tural dimension of literacy.

Literature Review
Developmental psychologists have sought to understand the cumulative process-
es and benefits that link play with child learning (Diezmann & Watters, 2000:9).
The Preschool Learning Alliance National Centre considers that in all aspects of
development, physical, intellectual, socio-emotional, play helps children learn to
think, to socialise and engage in experiences with other children and adults; these
critical dimensions start during infancy and continues through life.1

Lev Vygotsky, a proponent of situated learning, argued that play, makes a crucial
contribution to the development of human cultural environment, whereby as-
sociations of symbols and symbolic experiences with culturally defined meanings
can be transferred in the form of scaffolding instruction: the learning situation
involves initial hand-holding by teachers, but with motivational triggers, students
will construct their own thinking and problem solving (Weisberg et al, 2013).2 Fos-
tering play as an interactive, enjoyable and voluntary exploration during the most
rapid period of children’s development from birth to eight years of age is crucial
for healthy cognitive, emotional and physical growth (Ackermann, 2004; LEGO
Foundation, 2013:13).

Aside from developing motor skills and cognitive thinking, in interactive set-
tings, play sustains children’s interest in the context of their emerging power of
imagination (Hidi, 2006). Playing with props and objects enable children to learn
language and distinguish a range of culturally specific, symbolic representations,
enhancing psychosocial development through learning the rules of social engage-
ment and expectations of how to act in society (Weisberg et al, 2013).

Hollanders and van Cruysen argue that creativity and design are essential for in-
novation: “[Creative thinking] expands available ideas and [good design] increases
the chances of successfully commercializing” those ideas. As important as sym-
bolic play, understanding their effects remains elusive.3 Scholars and psycholo-
gists acknowledge it as the crucible of cultural information, from visual arts,
language, mathematics, science, music, dance, drama and so on (Weisberg et al,

The concept of play today has evolved from the old way of “adult-supervised and
scrutinized” to self-directed and intrinsic; from rule-following behaviors to that
which rewards spontaneity and promotes playful behavior (Hirsh-Pasek & Go-
linkoff, 2003; Rogers, 2011; Smith, 2010). Current research extends to studying the
effectiveness of self-regulation in play among pre-schoolers (Berk, Mann & Ogan,
2006), as well as the social benefits of playful engagement through the abandon-
ment of authorial rules and “overly organized games” (DeKoven, 2002; Schell, 2010,
cited in LEGO Foundation 2013).
LEGO as a Learning Enabler… | 75

Innovative approaches to early childhood skills learning through play have never-
theless been established in literature. Marketed ideas must understand the “needs,
passions and interests of learners,” and their functional purpose must be co-con-
structed meaningfully (Rogers, 2011:6) between adults and children, and between

The benefits of using play equipment and toys to facilitate development of cogni-
tive, physical and spatial abilities are not limited to able-bodied children (Diez-
mann & Watters, 2000:5). Physical play using objects is found to improve fine
motor skills coordination for children living with disabilities (Lee, 2004:74-75).

Australian blindness teacher Heather Field claims that among parents and edu-
cators of children born with vision impairment, there exist misconstrued beliefs
that playing is not valuable, which hampers efforts to get blind children to move.4
She believes blind children can be taught to enjoy recreation using play tools to
encourage independent movement. In the field of early childhood intervention,
studies by Prof Yanhui Pang at University of Pennsylvania demonstrated that brick
playing among children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) increases their social
interaction and verbal communication abilities.5

Berk, Mann and Ogan reports on the value of play in helping children adjust to a
new school’s setting or transitioning from home to school.6 Other researchers find
play valuable in enhancing learning readiness and removing anxiety (Hirsh-Pasek
& Golinkoff, 2003:8), and connect it to success in elementary years.

Free play, according to sociologists, allows children to set goals and solve prob-
lems, and derive meaning from their own experiences (Mielonen & Paterson,
2009). As a site of interaction, playtime induces social skills, where self and rela-
tional roles are laid out within conditions of possibilities (Rogers, 2011).

Further evidence from ethnography studies involving observations, interviews and

writing samples show that exploratory play allows manipulation of surround-
ings in tandem with language skills development (Mielonen & Paterson, 2009). For
social enactments, the schematic field requires the use of language, for instance,
a sign that announces a place or instructs; hence, play forebears formal literacy
(UNESCO, 1993:21).

Children engage in experiential play through symbolic activities in unstructured

spaces, such as forests, gardens and recreational areas, as well as the use of sym-
bolic construction materials (Pellegrini, 2009). Drew,7 citing evolutionary psycholo-
gist Jerome Bruner’s influential research on human complex learning abilities,
note the necessity of play systems that enable channelling of scientific thinking,
logical reasoning and artistic creativity, through three-dimensional patterns of
problem solving, habits of inquiry, self-discovery and symbolic representation, giv-
ing children “first person” experiences of how concepts are formed, manipulated,
and what works under different circumstances.8
76 | Stephen T. F. Poon

Regarding the role of technological mediums, eminent cognitive psychologist Al-

bert Bandura found that video, photography, television and other mediums facili-
tate children’s observational learning of real-life phenomena (cited in Alexander
et al, 2014).9 This suggests that creativity in play and interactional activities, when
integrated with mediums, are critical in helping children foster social relation-
ships in the present and future scenarios of “one reality,” where technological
advancement produces a seamless fusion of virtual and physical realms (LEGO
Foundation, 2013:42-54).

LEGO Group Innovation Development

LEGO, abbreviated from the Danish leg godt which means “play well,” was founded
in 1932 by Ole Kirk Kristiansen, and since then, the LEGO Group has thrived as
a family corporation. The LEGO brick, launched in 1958 evolved into a suite of
themed kits and play solutions (Mortensen, 2012).

Among its brand values, sustainability best practices underscore LEGO Group
business principles, which emphasise imagination, innovation and creativity, as
well as fun, learning, caring and quality, by demonstrating the highest responsibil-
ity towards stakeholders, in high standards of testing for LEGO product manufac-
ture (Jensen, 2016). Quality assurance is carried out through R&D, including risk
assessment of raw materials during product development, random testing during
production and consumer feedback assessment (Lego Group Responsibility Report,

LEGO Group’s Corporate Responsibility principles bespeak deeply embedded ethi-

cal values in the company’s business foundation (LEGO Group Progress Report,
2012). For instance, LEGO bricks are compatible across time and product lines, and
sustained over a lifetime: bricks not passed on to family or friends are often sold
second-hand, befitting its concept of Sustainable Play:

“I believe that with our products in the hands of children, we are making a signifi-
cant impact on the future… The physical experience with our toys stimulates [their]
imagination, creativity, learning, and helps them develop as the builders of tomor-
row. Our operations must be safe for our employees and partners, and as clean and
rewarding as possible… for the local communities [that we serve]” (LEGO Group
Progress Report, 2012:23).

LEGO DUPLO, at twice the size of standard LEGO bricks, is designed for children
aged 1½ to five years. LEGO Serious Play system employs directed, or convergent,
structural thinking techniques to create solutions, metaphors, represent feelings
or identities (LEGO Education, 2012), while divergent thinking stimulates flexible
ways to manipulate objects in the environment (Ackermann et al, 2009:10) and
furthers embed innovation in the development of cultural mind-sets and possibili-
ties (Gauntlett et al, 2010:14-28).
LEGO as a Learning Enabler… | 77

Open-ended materials like LEGO support scholarly and field literature urging for
the development of the two facets of innovation in society: creative experimenta-
tion and familiarity with problem-solving (Ackermann et al, 2009; Broadhead et al,

In building or creating, imagining, fantasy role playing and storytelling, play in

various forms continuously feed one another, while in the same time, reduces
feelings of “self-consciousness and shame” among its actors (Gauntlett et al,

The following section reviews the research methodology involved for this study
and discusses the research design and sampling procedures undertaken to ad-
dress the problems.

Research Design and Methodology

The role of play tool has been extensively studied by human motivational and
behavioral theorists through situated learning frameworks (LEGO Foundation,
2013:29-41). This paper sought to determine how LEGO bricks enable children in
learning development among Malaysian preschool children (ages commonly range
from three to six years). To understand relevant issues, resources were gathered
from LEGO official literature, as well as journals about early childhood learning
development and literature linking educational methodologies to child develop-

A quantitative survey was chosen as the primary research instrument, sampling

urban Malaysian public attitudes, supported by qualitative interviews of preschool
teachers. Data collection in the form of sequential explanatory mixed-methods
procedures was designed to improve recommendations for this study. This mixed-
mode methodology of research is helpful for a more critical analysis of behav-
ioral patterns underlying attitudes and perceptions (Boateng, 2016). Primary data,
obtained from a survey and interviews, enable ground issues to be examined and
interpreted. For this study, interviews were conducted as a supplementary mea-
sure to extend quantitative analysis.

Qualitative research is useful in describing the deeper and often unrealized con-
cerns of a constructivist nature, since qualitative phenomenon lends itself to re-
veal subjective patterns of attitudinal formation and perceptions. Non-numerical,
descriptive, with equal parts reasoning and interpretation, qualitative research
aims to examine the depth of meaning and feeling to enable careful parsing of
cultural thinking pattern behind assumed situations. It also stresses respondents’
direct experiences in making meaning of events or circumstances through obser-
vations (Boateng, 2016:230-235).

Content analysis is applied to open-ended questions. Respondents’ answers pro-

vided intuitive depth and grasp of attitudinal formation. Survey statistics form
78 | Stephen T. F. Poon

the framework from which qualitative interviews are analyzed. This instigates the
researcher to interpret meanings from attitudinal findings towards understanding
the research issue, before commencing discussion to seek rational possibilities for
results, and thereon, to provide incisive suggestions for improvement (Northern
Illinois University, 2000).

Subject and Sampling Method

The instrument to establish respondents’ understanding of the subject for this
study is a questionnaire. The target audience surveyed are teachers, with at least
one year of experience in teaching children from ages 4 to 6 years (i.e. preschool
and kindergarten levels).

Interviews were conducted with three of kindergarten teachers approached in

face-to-face contact, and for confidentiality purposes are stated as Participant A
(PA), a teacher in mathematics and science; Participant B (PB), a teacher on arts
and craft; and Participant C (PC), an English language teacher, to understand
teachers’ perceptions towards play as part of learning.

Questionnaires were designed to be administered to assess subjects’ familiarity

with LEGO, and the degree in which it is perceived as a useful tool for child learn-
ing. Qualitative interviews enabled explication of the quantitative findings.

Research Design
The instrument applied is a survey questionnaire, research consisting of a series
of questions and other prompts for the purpose of obtaining attitudinal infor-
mation from respondents through a questionnaire. As a means of research, the
questionnaire was sent via email, which eschews cumbersome processes such as
telephone surveys. Moreover, questionnaires are set to provide standardised an-
swers which enables simplification of data tabulation.

In terms of data collection, the questionnaire was distributed to the targeted

research group teaching at kindergartens in Subang Jaya and Kuala Lumpur, via
e-mail. The total number of respondents was 103. Both open-closed and open-
ended questions were designed to facilitate depth analysis of survey data, which
were then collated using Google Drive. The results are discussed in the following

Presentation of Data and Discussion of Findings

This section presents, analyses and discusses the findings from the survey and in-
terviews as described in research design. The results are divided into two sections.
The first section attempts to explain what play time engenders for Malaysian
preschool educators, as well as recording their perceptions about what “learning
through play” means. The second section analyses respondents’ familiarity to-
wards LEGO products in children’s learning and skills development, by discussing
the implications of data obtained from the survey findings and interviews. The
final section presents a summary of the results.
LEGO as a Learning Enabler… | 79

Play Time in Kindergartens

As shown in figure 1, all 103 subjects responded in concurrence that play time is

Figure 1. Is there any play time allocated for children in the school?

In figure 2, 95 (92%) of respondents agree that while children play, they learn and
have fun as well. 3 respondents (9%) think that children are just learning, and 5
(5%) think children only have fun during play. The next question sought to know
what activities were provided, asking respondents to rank the most frequent play
activities offered, from 1 to 10, indicating least to most frequent respectively. The
survey showed that the most popular playtime activity was role playing (perform-
ing), followed by drawing, painting, reading stories, solving jigsaw puzzle, and
lastly, arts and crafts (crafting).

In the next question, objects of play were ranked for importance as learning
enrichment tools, with wooden building blocks, educational games, fun quizzes,
educational videos and LEGO bricks as options. 3 respondents chose LEGO as the
most important play tool for learning enrichment.

Figure 2. Do you think playing is a part of learning, or that it is just about having fun?

The next question was designed to understand familiarity with the LEGO brand of
construction bricks. Figure 3 show 69 (67%) respondents stating LEGO systems are
provided in the kindergartens, while 34 (33%) claimed the kindergarten where they
teach do not provide LEGO.
80 | Stephen T. F. Poon

Chart 3: Are LEGO construction bricks provided in the school?

It is apparent from figure 4 that a large proportion of preschools do not provide

LEGO for play purposes (84%). Only 18 (18%) of kindergartens provide LEGO in
class at least once a week as part of their class learning activity. In most kinder-
gartens, respondents revealed that LEGO play is considered mainly as a “kill-time”
activity: children who finish tasks ahead of others, while waiting for peers to fin-
ish, and sometimes while waiting for parents at the end of preschool day, would
play LEGO.

Figure 4. Does your school provide class times for children to play with LEGO at least once a week?

During interviews, subjects mentioned that LEGO systems and construction sets
are too expensive as play equipment, whereby preschools with large numbers of
students do not have the budget to purchase or keep enough LEGO sets for stu-
dents, and these tend to be located in mid-income urban areas.

3 of the participating preschool teachers considered regular LEGO bricks risky for
younger children, but most subjects thought LEGO is good for development of cog-
nitive skills, motor skills, creative thinking and socio-emotional dimensions.

Participants were then asked to specify how LEGO benefits children in these as-
pects. The following responses were recorded:

PA: I’d say it’s a choice learning tool, because children are able to learn new ways to
solve problems from playing them.

PB: When children play LEGO together they are socializing, they imagine things they
LEGO as a Learning Enabler… | 81

want to create and they seek solutions; this is also able to improve their team work

PC: I observe that for some, there is dramatic language development. Children who
would normally answer questions with Yes or No answers speak in full sentences
such as:
“Look! I made this bridge.
The troll lives under here.
The Billy Goats are gonna come across.”

Other skills set where participant sees large improvements in, is children’s con-
struction abilities:

PA: Students often come into my class with little ability to build, but after a bit of
experimenting with DUPLO, they can assemble a variety of buildings and vehicles.
After several months, they work collaboratively to build zoos, cities and farms while
practicing taking turns, sharing, and properly using materials.

From figure 5, 90% of subjects acknowledge that LEGO helps to develop children’s
creativity, but 10% disagreed.

Figure 5. Do you think LEGO help to develop children’s creativity?

Substantiated in the above mentioned survey figure 5, finally, for the open-ended
key question, “What do you think are the advantages of having LEGO as part of learn-
ing?” the following responses from the participants were recorded:

PC: Through playing with LEGO, they can learn problem solving, communicate with
friends, and expand their creative minds.

PA: The children are able to explore new ideas, think logically and improve eye and
hand coordination. Construction involve both sides of the brain, and both logic and
creative stimulation is provided.

PA: Enhancing so many areas of a child’s development such as fine and gross motor
skills, team work, interpersonal development, intrapersonal skills, etc.

PB: Some children don’t like to join other friends. LEGO help them gather together
and play together, and while they explore, they actually learn as well.
82 | Stephen T. F. Poon

In summary, qualitative research reveals a clear pattern of evidence that most

teachers acknowledge that playing in construction and creative building activities
does help in overall early childhood development.

From figure 6, 47 (46%) of respondents strongly agree and 39 (38%) agree that
LEGO should design specialised construction kits, with 17 (17%) remain neutral.
On the interview session, PB did comment. Asked why, it was mentioned that
LEGO’s costliness and lack of shareable material content for the hefty price, made
it difficult for preschools with greater number of students to purchase sufficient

Several explanations can account for this hesitation. Subjects may only know
about the standard LEGO sets available in the market, or work at preschools un-
able to afford LEGO DUPLO child-safe bricks due to catering to lower- or middle-
income urban families. On the interview session, PC stated that LEGO standard
bricks are too small for very young children, hence, that they would be vulnerable
to choking.

A surprising find is that some local preschools use LEGO as a supplementary toy
for children to “kill time,” rather than for learning. Furthermore, LEGO is perceived
as beyond the level of mid-income families, indicating that lower-income seg-
ments of families might not have access or exposure to LEGO as a learning option.

Figure 6. Should specialized LEGO kits be introduced for preschools or kindergartens?

The perception of ‘play’ as a wasteful element of child development leads to

parental disgruntlement about tangible learning results. Participants spoke of pa-
rental preference leaning towards traditional, more “serious” forms of academic-
based teaching. This finding concurs with studies showing that Asian parents who
view play bricks as belonging at home instead of in classrooms, have certain fixed
mindsets about play’s domestic role rather than its learning function (Lily Muliana
& Mohamed Nor Azhari, 2013).
LEGO as a Learning Enabler… | 83

Limitations of the Study

In the process of collecting data, several limitations of this study are acknowl-
edged. Children’s opinions towards play time and LEGO were not sought. The
researcher also notes that early learning institutions located in other states and
non-urban areas of West and East Malaysia, may offer different types of play
experiences, unique structured interactions, and outdoor-themed learning using
play objects.

Another limitation not addressed is the socioeconomic framing of Malaysian low-

er- and middle-income families, which affects budget allocations on educational
provisions, for e.g. books, videos, computer games, toys, etc.

Current literature is limited in scope on these aspects, hence future research

could review underlying assumptions about socioeconomic status in forming
perceptions towards play tools necessary for learning development. This could
extend into providing stronger data insights on family consumption patterns of
play-related products and services among Malaysian social strata, enabling the
marketing of educational and play tools to be better targeted to reach every seg-
ment equally.

In summing the analysis of findings, the results of this study indicate overall
awareness that LEGO help children in all areas of development and should be
viewed and treated as an innovative learning tool. Literature supports the impor-
tance of promoting innovative systems which uses logic and creativity for better
learning outcomes, and both aspects must be tapped experimentally and experi-
entially in adaptation to competitive 21st-century socioeconomic conditions.

Recommendations and Conclusion

Several innovative strategies are necessitated to change local misconceptions to-
wards play, to attain a more holistic perception towards child learning outcomes.
To stimulate creativity, lessons using brick color differentiation strategies can im-
prove cognitive skills, language learning, storytelling, and as material basis for arts
and crafts projects. Participant observation sessions could be conducted in pre-
schools to observe play time to examine the duration and complexity of activities
(both organized and unstructured). This generates insights on children’s intuitive
responses in situated learning.

As LEGO systems gain traction among educators, the future designs of bricks for
risk and hazard free play among very young children, particularly in ensuring
smaller block parts do not lead to choking. It is thus recommended that LEGO DU-
PLO be widely introduced in classroom teaching as an enabler for solving math-
ematical, science-based and spatial problems.

At the market level, consumer research can be implemented through focus groups
with target segments. Feasibility studies among preschool institutions could ad-
dress product, pricing and placement (distribution) strategies of LEGO DUPLO, and
84 | Stephen T. F. Poon

to also ensure the effectiveness of marketing for the standard range of brick- and
character-based LEGO systems.

As part of its corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs, campaigns could be

launched by local distributors in collaboration with non-profit organizations to
promote innovative play and to gather feedback about sustainable designs for
children. The manufacturer could partner with teacher training colleges to under-
stand product receptivity among children with cognitive or physical impairments
or learning disorders such as autism and Down’s syndrome. This could increase
support from multiple communities. For example Braille Bricks, a non-profit col-
laboration initiative in Brazil with a global advertising agency shows that inclusive
learning agenda and branding can do well by doing good (Braille Brick, n.d.).

Global competitiveness in the provision of sustainable products and services along

with environmental concerns, have led many countries to enact sustainability
policies. In response, many organizations are increasingly attentive to the concept
of sustainable design. LEGO Group must continue to ensure that its business best
practices and external partners comply with guidelines of safe manufacturing,
as such practices ensures the company’s brand image remains at the forefront of
consumer expectations.

In summing up, although the roles, objectives, methodologies and designs of play
have traditionally been perceived as less merited than scholarly achievement and
is underappreciated, many studies found child play has become a new site of cul-
tural capital development for critical 21st-century learning. We concur with the
consensus among educators to rethink the notion and potential of play as a site
of “huge energy and commitment,” and instead, to urge for a collective explora-
tion and sense-making where playing is reinterpreted as relational, co-constructed
and inclusive (Rogers, 2011:5-7). Research efforts must be continuously invested
to discover other key attributes of play as enablers of learning and innovation in
improving Malaysia’s social wellbeing to meet the demands of new cultural and
consumer markets.

1 Preschool Learning Alliance, “Learning Through Play.” (2012).
support-advice/420/ (accessed February 25, 2018).

2 Lev Semenovich Vygotsky, Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes. Cambridge,
MA: Harvard University Press. 1978.

3 Hugo Hollanders and Adriana van Cruysen, “Design, Creativity and Innovation: A Scoreboard
Approach.” Working Paper Brussels: InnoMetrics/Pro-Inno Europe, 2009.

4 Heather Field, “Sports and Recreation for Young Blind Children.” Future Reflections (Summer, 2012). (accessed February 25, 2018).

5 Yanhui Pang, “Lego Games Help Young Children with Autism Develop Social Skills.” International
Journal of Education Vol.2, No.2 (2010):1-9.
LEGO as a Learning Enabler… | 85

6 Laura E. Berk, Trisha D. Mann, and Amy T. Ogan, “Make-Believe Play: Wellspring for Development
of Self-Regulation” in D.G. Singer, R. M. Golinkoff and K. Hirsh-Pasek (eds.) Play = Learning: How Play
Motivates and Enhances Cognitive and Social Emotional Growth. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press

7 Walter F. Drew, James Christie, James E. Johnson, Alice M. Meckley, and Marcia L. Nell, “Constructive
Play: A Value-Added Strategy for Meeting Early Learning Standards.” Young Children (July, 2008):38-44.

8 Jerome S. Bruner, “The Nature and Uses of Immaturity.” American Psychologist 27 (1972):687-708.

9 Albert Bandura, “Behavior theory and the models of man.” American Psychologist 29 (1974):859-869.

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86 | Stephen T. F. Poon

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