Islamiyat Answers

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Paper 2:

Q1: Choose and 2 Hadiths and describe their teachingsand explain how to put them into practice:

1: " No one eats better food then that which he eats out of the work of his hand ":

a): This Hadith emphasizes the importance of hard work. Islam is a complete code of life and besides
from the religious duties, it also covers the economical lessons of life. Holy Quran says, "There is nothing
for man except what he strives for". God teaches us to first help ourselves then God will help us. In this
battle the success and pleasure of Allah depends on our actions. This is our battle and the outcome
depends on us. Islam stricly disliked beggery and reliance on other people. Even obtaining small amounts
of money in the name of Help is considered Haram unless you are truly in need of help. Islam states that
relying on other people is like wasting their hard work and eating them.Ther is high virtue of earning by
your own efforts Because It is your responsibility to earn for yourself and your family.Prophets also
earned their living through their own work.Prophet said “He who earns his living by the sweat of his
brow is a friend of Allah” Furthermore Islam has strictly prohibited illegal means of earning. ‘To earn a
clean living is also a duty next to the obligatory duties of faith.”

b) A Muslim must support himself and his family through his own hard Efforts . Its his responsibility to
fulfill the rights of his children and family, if it doesn't then that is highly disliked by Islam.He must avoid
the illegal means of earning such as begging, stealing, cheating or usury. Corruption is on the rise in our
society because we have forgotten the basic principles of Islam and instead of following modesty, we are
walking on the path of greed.Islam Prefers Jobs that add value to the society and to other peoples Lifes.
Muslims must be self-Idependent and rely upon their own efforts to become independent and fulfill
their responsibilities. This will promote a corruption free and a prosperous society.


2: Religion is Sincerity ... to their common People.

a) This hadith covers all aspects of faith. True Muslims are loyal to Allah, The Quran, and the Holy
Prophet and Islam is filled in their hearts. Muslims must be loyal to the fundamentals of Islam and truly
follow the five pillars of Islam. The Quran says “Who can be better in religion than one who submits his
whole self to Allah”. Thus Love and Faith to Allah is to act upon all duties. Muslims Live in Unity, they
should help each other prosperous and follow their leaders to live in a United Society. The Holy Quran
says “O you who believe Obey Allah and obey the messenger and those charged with authority among
you” This means that obedience and Love to Allah, The Holy Prophet and the pious rulers is crucial and
the key to success
b)Muslims can practice the teachings into actions by being obedient to Islam and following the example
of the Propet (PBUH). They must obey the Principles of the Holy Quran with their full heart and
implement the actions in their daily Life. They can start small like e.g follow the Sunnah of Hazrat
Muhammad, by helping others and showing kindness and Love, giving out charity and helping in need.
The best practice is to offer the five daily prayers and to fast in the month of Ramadan as these are the
pillars of islam which are the basis of peity and good deads.Muslims should be united and coexist in
harmoney. Muslims must be aware of rights of others as they are crucial in islam and a unforgiving sin if
you dont fulfill. They must respect their leaders and rules to keey the socity United and Good.The
Prophet (PBUH) also showed respect for the leaders of his time when he wrote letters to invite them to
Islam. Although some didn’t accept his message still he wrote to them kindly. Same way if we Muslims
will be Kind to Allah’s creations and Show Love to them, then this world will become a much happier,
properous, virtous and loving place.



a): Abu Bakr, Umar and Usman has significant roles in the compilation of the Quran. They Compiled the
Quran To Protect it from Corruption and to stop diversification in Muslims.

Firstly During Hazrat Abu Bakars Time:

Abu Bakar and Umar Both Helped to compile the Quran. Hazrat Umar was the one with the initial idea
but then Hazrat abu bark also agreed. This was a very crucial and significant role in the history of Islam.

At the time of the Prophet’s death no copy of the Quran existed and no one possessed the complete
written text. However, after the Battle of Yammam, in which 70 Huffaz were martyred, the companions
felt the necessity to collect and compile the text of the Quran. Umar therefore suggested to Abu Bakr
to collect the Quran in a Complete book. Initially Abu Bakr hesitated as it had not been done in the
Prophet’s (PBUH) time, but later on he felt convinced of the wisdom of suggestion. According to Abu
Bakr, "Umar went on persuading me to accept his suggestion till I was convinced that he was right so I
accepted his suggestion." So he appointed Hazrat Zaid to compile the Holy Quran from different
materials. Zaid hesitated and said, "By Allah if I had been asked to uproot a mountain and put it in
another place it would not have been so hard task for me as the compilation of the Holy Quran". Abu
Bakr persuaded him every now and then until he agreed. A commission of 75 companions was appointed
by Zaid. Zaid traced out and collected the chapters of Quran from every person who had it in their
possession. He collected it from palm leaves, 13 stones, pieces of wood and people who had memorized
the Quran. He also verified it from those who had heard it from the Prophet. The copy of the Holy Quran
made by Zaid remained first in the custody of Abu Bakr then in the possession of Umar. On his death it
was passed on to his daughter Hafsa and she came to be known ‘Mushaf-e-Hafsa’.

Hazrat Usmans Time:

he had a significant role as this compilation of Quran solved the problem which was dividing Muslims
and this was a very important event in the History of Islam. Hazrat Usman Amplified the Copy of Hazrat
abu bakrs time and solved new challenges.

During the Era of Hazrat Usman, the Muslims state expanded. Huzaifah ibn Yaman and Anas bin Malik
(Prophet’s companions) observed the difference in the dialect of the Quran, in newly conquered
areas, among the new converted muslims. They got alerted and reported to Usman and said, “Do
something about the Quran before people start differing in it as they differ in other books”.
Therefore, Usman borrowed the original copy of the Quran from Hafsa and instructed Zaid bin Sabit
along with three other knowledgeable Muslims (Abdullah bin Zubair, Said bin Al- As and Abdur Rahman
bin Haris) to write down five more copies of the Holy Quran. They were told to follow the dialect of
Quraish in case of difference over the language. Caliph said: “In case you disagree with Zaid on any point
in the Quran, then write it down in the dialect of Quraish, Quran was revealed in their language”.
The Quran was read out loudly from the beginning to the end in the Prophet’s Masjid from these
copies of the Holy Quran, So that not a shadow of doubt remained in the minds of any one that
changes had been introduced in the Quran. The copies were then distributed to the capital city of every
province of the Muslim state. Hazrat Usman ordered to collect all the copies with different text and
burned them by fire. This collection was called the “Usmanic recession” and Hazrat Usman is known
as Jami al Quran. This means that he brought the Muslims around in a Unity about reading of the
Quran. Through his services Quran was saved from any corruption in the future and Muslims were
united on a single Quran.


b): Well, The Principles employed such as dialect, verifying, collecting, protecting from corruption and
other rules were very important as they ensure the safety of islam from corruption and the unity and
future of muslims. Along the way, their has been a lot of challenges in collecting and compiling the Holy
Quran but this was a big step in the spread of Islam and in the safety of Islam unlike other books which
got corrupted by humans. This Book Remains Divine and to this day contains the true messages of Allah
thanks to the steps taken during the era of hazrat abu bakr and hazrat usman. All these rules and
principles helped to make sure no to mistakenly bring any harmful change to the Quran. These Principles
were nevessary because they address the challenges and in order to solve them, it was necessary to
follow the basic principles of islam because the compilation of Quran was a very risky but rewarding and
a very complicated process. They were necessary to encure unity and harmony. Quran is the only book
that has no doubts and that is a very big achievement. For example, the issue of dialect was important to
address and writing in the dialect of Quraish was important to follow because this way, The Quran
Preserve its original dialect which is very crucial. Also verifying as utter most importance in order to
protect the Islam.



a):The five daily prayers is one of the fundamental pillars of Islam and it is the key to bring Allah’s
blessing for man but other than that they bring other benefits as well. The Quran orders believers to
offer prayers at 70 different places. In Surah Baqarah it states. "Establish regular prayer and give poor
tax". Prayers are made obligatory on every believer five times daily. Allah gave us a responsibility to
muslims because otherwise muslims would soon get blinded by the materialistic world because of the
whispers of the shaitan, so Allah showed a way to connect with him. It is reported that among the last
instructions of Prophet Mohammad for believers, right before his demise, were to be regular in prayers.
In a famous Hadith the Prophet said, "Prayers are the key to Paradise". Prayers are the door to
connecting with Allah, doing good deads and asking for forgiveness. Once during the autumn season
prophet said to Hazrat Abu Zar: “When a Muslim offers his prayers to please Allah, his sins are shed way
from him just as these leaves are falling off this tree.It is also reported that the minor sins of believers
committed in between the two prayers are forgiven by Allah. They help to become punctual. The five
daily prayers are necessary to offer on time described in Quran and Hadith. The Holy Quran says, “Verily,
the prayer is enjoined on the believers at fixed hours”. This way a Believer realizes the importance of a
Prayer and his Time. They also keep the believer clean and pure externally. the purification of clothes,
place and body are necessary requirements for prayers, therefore the beliver develops a habit of being
clean. Also when a believer washes his body at least five times a day, it keeps him clean and protects him
from harmful germs.It is also reported that once the Prophet asked his companions, "Do you think that
dirt can remain on a person bathing 5 times a day in a river running in front of his door?", No they said:
No dirt can remain on his body. Prophet said: “So, exactly similar is the effect of prayers offered 5times a
day. With the Glory of Allah, It washes away all the sins. They also help believers to be physically active
and healthy. Several studies suggest that prayers hold the secret to a lot of physical and psychological
benefits. Physically, a Muslim while offering prayers targets his joints and muscles in a way that results in
a positive outcome for his body. While the psychological advantages lies in the increase of focus and
determination that a believer develops while praying.Walking to Masjid for prayers five times a day is
also an other physical benefit for believers.

The Five Prayers Help Realize the belivers true potential and his true self which helps him to rise above
tha darkness. The Prayer is like a daily blessing a opportunity to get closer to your true purpose and a
reminder to abstain from bad deed. The Qur’an says, “Establish regular prayers, for it restrains from
shameful and unjust deeds”.Prayer reminds the believd that God is by their side and it teaches them how
to endure the influence of shaitan.They are a mean of seeking Allah’s pleasure, help and
guidance.Whenever one is in need of mental, emotional or any other support, he can seek help form
Allah through prayers. It is narrated by Hazrat Huzaifa, “Whenever the Prophet faced any difficulty, he
would at once resort to prayer”.The Prophet said, “The first deed of a person to be reckoned for on the
Day of Judgment will be his prayers. A person will succeed in this world and hereafter if his prayers are
accepted.If the five daily prayers are offered with pure heart they bring so many other benefits for


5 b): Prayer as we know it is one of the most crucial and fundamental pillar of islam. It has utter most
importance and this is a duty every muslim must fulfill in order to connect with Allah and do good deads.
Timing of the prayer is a crucial factor and it is necessary to do them on time because they hold so much
importance.Prayers are so important for believers that Prophet defined them as the discriminating factor
between a believer and non-believer. He said, “Between men and between shirk and disbelief is the
abandoning of prayers”. So missing prayer is a great sin. They are certain conditions in which prayer can
be delayed but if you do miss a prayer, you do have the option to perform it in the delayed time. As we
know God is the Most Merciful and the Greatest and He Loves His servants, more than 70 mothers. So if
you do miss a prayer and you your intention is pure, then God Forgives you and that is a Huge Blessing.



a): Belief in Life after Death and Day of judgement is an article of faith in Islam. The Quran has used the
word Al-Akhirah for this. According to Islam this world is juat a temporary test that will determine the
destiny of a person in the hereafter and our purpose is to walk on the path of righteousness and do good
deads and give love. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said :

"The World is a Cultivating ground for the Hereafter".

Muslims Belief Life on earth ends with Death. Immediately after Death a lesser judgement takes place in
the grave. There will be a final Day of Judgement in which people would be resurrected and brought
back into their physical form. The Holy Quran says:

"Any who belief in Allah and the Last Day and work righteousness shall have their reward wuth their

On the Last Day Angel Israfeal will blow the trumpet. The Earth will split apart and the mountains will
crumble to dust and fly here and there. The Sun will be folded and the stars become dim. All those who
are alive at that time would die. The bodies will be raised from the graves. All dead will be resurrected
and will be presented in the court of Allah and held accountable of their deeds. Even in the minutest
good and bad deeds will be considered so noone can avoid the Divine Justince.

Those who will be given their book of deads in their right hand will be rewarded with Paradise because
of their good deads. The Holy Quran says, "They are the companions of the Garden, they will abide there

The evil doers will be given their Book of Deeds on their back and will be thrown into Hell. The Holy
Quran says:

"They are the companions of fire, they will abide in"

The state of heaven and hell are not spirtual, they are physical. The Pain of punishment and the pleasure
of reward will be real.


4 b): This Belief is very important as it reminds believers to walk on the path of righteousness and it
reminds them that life is short and they will die one day and their deeds will be held accountable. They
are aware of the fact that nothing is hidden and today their actions will determine their future
tommorw. Which really affects the Life of a Muslim as this makes them beware of the truth and pures
their hearts from the blinded pleasures of the materialistic World. It Opens Their eyes and forces them
to strive for righteousness.
"The World is a ground for the Hereafter"

According to this hadis, all our actions will be rewarded or punished in the Day of Judgement. The person
whose aim is Paradise will always strive for truth and righteuosness and will abstain from all evil deeds.
Thus this belief makes a believer closer to allah and tells them the truth and helps them to rise above the
materialistic reality and helps them to break the cycle of evil deeds, to discover their true purpose. He
strives for the highest level of virtue to avoid Hell and to ontain Heaven. Also it consoles muslims, that if
something is wrong, it is just temporary and allah would do Divince justice on the Day of Judgement and
nothing will slip.


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