NT Tutorial 1
NT Tutorial 1
NT Tutorial 1
2. Find the peak value of steady state current through 1Ω resistor in the above circuit. (Ans:
1 A)
6. Find the node voltages V1, V2, V3 (Ans: 4.97V , 4.85V , -0.12V)
7. Using mesh analysis find the value of Io (Ans: -1.5 A)
10. Find Vc(t) for t > 0 in the circuit (Ans: vC(t) = 8e-t/0.6 V)
11. Find Vo(t) for t > 0 in the circuit (Ans: Vo(t)= 12-5e-t/0.015 V)
14.Find voltage drop at 4 ohm resistor for t > 0 (Ans: v(t) = 24 – 20/3 e-t/2 V)
18. Let Vc(0) = 60V, Determine Vc, Vx and io for t > 0 (Ans: 60e−0.25t V, 20e−0.25t V,
−5e−0.25t A)
21. Find values of vc and vo in the circuit, at t equals to 0-, 0+, 1.3ms (Ans: 100 V, 38.4 V;
100 V, 25.6 V; 59.5 V, 15.22 V)
22. At t = 0.15 s in the circuit, find the value of iL, i1, i2 (Ans: 0.756 A; 0; 1.244 A)
24. In the given circuit switch is in position 1 for long time and abruptly changed to position
2 at t=0. Find VC(t) at t > 0. (Ans: 10 u(t) + 6e -10t/6 u(t))
25. In the given circuit switch is open for long time and is closed at t=0. Find i(t) at t=0.5
sec. (Ans: 10 - 5e-1)
26. In the given circuit switch is open for long time and closes at t=0. If the charge on
capacitor at t=0- is 2.5 milli coulomb, find the current flowing through 10Ω resistance
at t >0. (Ans: 15e -2000t)
27. Find V0(t) at t > 0, If Vin = 5u(t), Vc1(0) = 3V, Vc2(0) = 0V, IL(0) = 2A (Ans: 2e-tu(t))
28.In the circuit, switch is closed at t=0. Find the value of voltage across capacitor at t=1
sec. (Ans: : 4(1-e-1))
29. In the given network at t<0 switch S1 was ON. At t= 0, S1 is turned off and S2 is
0.1 1
turned on. Find i(t). (Ans: 21.66 √ sin(√ 𝑡))
0.12 𝐿𝐶
30. In the given circuit at t<0 switch S1 was ON. At t= 0, S1 is turned off and S2 is turned
−4𝑡 −5𝑡
on. Find i(t). (Ans: 3.136 𝑒 −4.79×10 − 0.136 𝑒 −2.08×10 )u(t)).
31. In the given network at t<0 switch S1 was ON. At t= 0, S1 is turned off and S2 is
turned on. Find Vc(t). (Ans: 10-6𝑒 6 )u(t))
32. Assume the initial current through the inductor and voltage across capacitor are -1A
and 5V respectively. Find iL(t) at t>0 (Ans: 3+3𝑒 −2𝑡 − 7𝑒 −𝑡 )u(t))