Bayhydrol UH 2864 - en - 84271470 17531907 20681591
Bayhydrol UH 2864 - en - 84271470 17531907 20681591
Bayhydrol UH 2864 - en - 84271470 17531907 20681591
Bayhydrol UH 2864
Property Value Unit of measurement Method
Non-volatile content 57 - 61 % DIN EN ISO 3251
(1 g / 1 h / 125 °C)
pH 6-8 DIN ISO 976
Viscosity at 23°C spindle L2/30 rpm < 1500 mPa.s M092-ISO 2555
Other data*
Property Value Unit of measurement Method
Density at 23 °C approx. 1.1 g/cm
3 DIN EN ISO 2811/3
*These values provide general information and are not part of the product specification.
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Edition 2022-01-05
Properties / Applications ®
Bayhydrol UH 2864 can be used for elastomeric construction coatings,
especially in terms of its high elongation, strong tensile strength, low water
absorption and good weathering stability.
Solubility / thinnability With water
Storage - Storage in original sealed Covestro container.
General information: The product cannot be used if it has been frozen. The
containers must be well closed to prevent the evaporation of water which may
result in the formation of a non-redispersible film. Brief heating to max. 50 °C
has no adverse effect on product properties.
Storage time Covestro represents that, for a period of six months following the day
of shipment as stated in the respective transport documents, the product
will meet the specifications or values set forth in section "specifications or
characteristic data" above, what ever is applicable, provided that the product is
stored in full compliance with the storage conditions set forth in and referenced
under section "storage" above and is otherwise handled appropriately.
The lapse of the six months period does not necessarily mean that the product
no longer meets specifications or the set values. However, prior to using said
product, Covestro recommends to test such a product if it still meets the
specifications or the set values.
Covestro does not make any representation regarding the product after the
lapse of the six months period and Covestro shall not be responsible or liable
in any way for the product failing to meet specifications or the set values after
the lapse of the six months period.
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Edition 2022-01-05
Labeling and statutory requirements This product data sheet is only valid in conjunction with the latest edition of the
corresponding Safety Data Sheet. Any updating of safety-relevant information
– in accordance with statutory requirements – will only be reflected in the Safety
Data Sheet, copies of which will be revised and distributed. Information relating
to the current classification and labeling, applications and processing methods
and further data relevant to safety can be found in the currently valid Safety
Data Sheet.
The manner in which you use and the purpose to which you put and utilize our products, technical assistance and information (whether verbal, written
or by way of production evaluations), including any suggested formulations and recommendations, are beyond our control. Therefore, it is imperative
that you utilize our products, technical assistance, information and recommendations to determine to your own satisfaction whether our products,
technical assistance and information are suitable for your intended uses and applications. This application-specific analysis must at least include
testing to determine suitability from a technical as well as health, safety, and environmental standpoint. Such testing has not necessarily been done by
Covestro. Unless we otherwise agree in writing, all products are sold strictly pursuant to the terms of our standard conditions of sale which are available
upon request. All information and technical assistance is given without warranty or guarantee and is subject to change without notice. It is expressly
understood and agreed that you assume and hereby expressly release us from all liability, in tort, contract or otherwise, incurred in connection with
the use of our products, technical assistance, and information. Any statement or recommendation not contained herein is unauthorized and shall not
bind us. Nothing herein shall be construed as a recommendation to use any product in conflict with any claim of any patent relative to any material
or its use. No license is implied or in fact granted under the claims of any patent.
This product is not designated for the manufacture of a medical device or of intermediate products for medical devices1). [This product is also not
designated for other specifically regulated applications (e.g. including cosmetics, plant protection, fertilisers, plant strengtheners, food processing, food
contact and others). If the intended use of the product is for the manufacture of a medical device or of intermediate products for medical devices or
for other specifically regulated applications Covestro must be contacted in advance to provide its agreement to sell such product for such purpose.]
Nonetheless, any determination as to whether a product is appropriate for use in a medical device or intermediate products for medical devices, for Food
Contact products or cosmetic applications must be made solely by the purchaser of the product without relying upon any representations by Covestro.
1) Please see the "Guidance on Use of Covestro Products in a Medical Application" document.
Edition: January, 2018
Editor: Coatings, Adhesives & Specialties
Covestro Deutschland AG
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Allee 60 Contact:
51373 Leverkusen,Germany CAS Single Point of Contact APAC e-mail:
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Edition 2022-01-05