3 Lecture
3 Lecture
3 Lecture
CE 1307
Introduction to Structural Engineering
What is Structural Engineering???
-It is the branch of civil engineering that deals with large modern
buildings and similar structures.
Structural engineers
are responsible for the
detailed analysis and
design of Buildings,
Bridges, Towers, Air
ports, Dams, Storage
structures like water
tanks, Silo’s, Bunkers,
off shore
platforms, Harbour
docks, Retaining walls,
Stadiums, Tunnels etc.
What do Structural Engineers do?
• Consultant
• Take a design, and fit a structural system to that
• Expert witnesses in lawsuits
• Inspector
• Fieldwork, Job site inspections
• Oversee the materials (concrete, steel, etc.)
• Inspect the building – pre- and post-construction
• Demolitions
• Building deconstruction
• Structural Retro-fits
What is Structure????
• A structure can be defined as a body which can resist the applied loads without
appreciable deformations. A structure is an assemblage of individual elements like axial
load resisting elements (truss elements), beam element, column, shear wall slab cable
or arch.
• Civil engineering structures are created in a safe and economical way to serve some
specific given requirement like human habitation, transportation, bridges, storage etc.
Any structure consist of two portion:
2. Framed Structures:
2. Framed Structures:
Basic Elements of Building
Beam Shear wall
Loading types
1. Compression
2. Tension
3. Bending
4. Torsion
5. Shear
Earthquake load, wind load, load due to rainfall, machinery vibrations etc. are the
examples of dynamic load
Load Transfer in Building Structure
Rain or
Lateral loads
Earthquake load
This load is caused due to seismic motion. Seismic motion consists of horizontal and vertical
ground motions, with the vertical motion usually having a much smaller magnitude. The
horizontal motion of the ground causes the most significant effect on the structure by shaking
the foundation back and forth. The mass of building resists this motion by setting up inertia
forces throughout the structure. The damping and stiffness of the structure controls the flow
of this force.
Wind loads
Wind loads are caused when wind interacts with the structure. This interaction can be of
many types like obstruction of wind by the structure or drag of wind on the structure etc.
Depending on the shape of the structure the wind loads vary.