The Influence of Teachers' Professional Competency and Working Discipline On Teachers' Performance at State Elementary School

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Vol. 6, No. 2, 2021, pp.


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JPGI (Jurnal Penelitian Guru Indonesia)
ISSN: 2541-3163(Print) ISSN: 2541-3317 (Electronic)

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The influence of teachers' professional competency and working

discipline on teachers’ performance at state elementary school
Selamat Biora1, Yasir Arafat2, Mulyadi Mulyadi2
Sekolah Dasar Negeri 10 Banyuasin I, Indonesia
Universitas PGRI Palembang, Indonesia

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: This study aimed to know and analyze: (1) the influence of professional
competence on teachers’ performance; (2) the influence of work discipline on
Received Jul 12th, 2021 teachers’ performance; and (3) the influence of professional competence and
Revised Aug 20th, 2021 work discipline simultaneously on teachers’ performance. The data in this
Accepted Aug 26th, 2021 study were collected through questionnaires and analyzed by using multiple
regression analysis through the t test, F test, and determination coefficient test.
The population in this study were all junior high school teachers in Banyuasin
Keyword: I district, Banyuasin Regency, totaling 323 people. The sampling technique in
Discipline this study was probability sampling using the Slovin formula to obtain 76
Professional competence teachers as the research sample. The results of the study found that: (1) there
Performance was a significant influence between professional competence and teachers’
performance; (2) there was a significant influence between work discipline on
teachers’ performance; (3) there was a significant influence between
professional competence and work discipline simultaneously on teachers’

© 2021 The Authors. Published by IICET.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-SA license

Corresponding Author:
Biora, S.,
Sekolah Dasar Negeri 10 Banyuasin I, Indonesia

National education has the aim of developing the potential of students to become human beings who
believe and fear God Almighty (RI Law Number 20 of 2003 on National Education System Article 3). In
Permen PAN and RB Number 16 of 2009 Article 1 it is explained that teachers are professional educators with
the main task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, assessing, and evaluating students in early
childhood education through formal education, basic education, and education. medium. Based on this
explanation, the teacher is one of the parties who has the responsibility to develop abilities and shape the
character of students so that they are in accordance with the demands of the National Education System and
can produce superior students and schools. Teachers, both individually and in groups, are expected with their
teaching abilities to change a condition of learning to be of higher quality.
Teachers have many roles, not only as teachers who transfer of knowledge, but also as guides who
encourage potential, develop alternatives, and mobilize students in learning. This means that teachers have
complex duties and responsibilities towards achieving educational goals, where teachers are not only required
to master the knowledge to be taught and have a set of teaching knowledge and technical skills, but teachers
are also required to display a personality that is capable of being role models for students. For this reason, [1]
human resources must be improved, especially teachers by paying attention to their very large duties, roles,

The influence of teachers' professional competency... 515

and responsibilities, teachers must be given support or motivation so that their competencies can be
implemented optimally through good performance
Republic of Indonesia Law No. 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers stated that teachers are
professional educators with the main task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, assessing, and
evaluating students in early childhood educators, primary and secondary educators. In Law No. 14 of 2005, it
is explained that teachers have a position as professional staff at the levels of early childhood education, basic
education and secondary education, in the formal education pathway which is appointed in accordance with
statutory regulations (Article 2 of RI Law No. : 2005). It is further stated that teachers are required to have
academic qualifications, competencies, teacher certificates, as well as physical and spiritual, and have the
competence to realize the goals of national education
Competencies that must be possessed by professional teachers are pedagogical competence, personality
competence, social competence, and professional competence. In this case, professional competence is one of
the competencies that teachers must have in the learning process. Professional competence is the teacher's
ability to master the fields of science, technology, and cultural arts that will have an impact on the resulting
[2] Productivity is determined by employee performance and technology, while employee performance
itself depends on two things, namely ability and motivation. Meanwhile, [3] Argues that the factors that
influence performance are: a. Individual variables which include abilities, skills, mental and physical, family
background, social level, experience (age, origin, gender). b. Organizational variables which include resources,
leadership, reward (compensation), job design structure. c. Psychological variables which include perceptions,
attitudes, personality, learning and motivation. Based on the expert opinion above, it appears that many
factors affect performance and one of them is competence.
The competence or ability of a teacher is a very important pillar in determining whether or not a teacher's
professional performance is good. Teachers have an important role in learning, because teachers have direct
involvement with students in the teaching and learning process. The teacher must create a conducive
atmosphere so that students are willing to be fully involved in learning activities, so that the learning objectives
that have been set can be achieved effectively and efficiently. Regarding teacher competence in relation to
teaching activities, [4] the learning process carried out by the teacher and student learning outcomes are not
only determined by the school, pattern, structure, and curriculum content, but are largely determined by
competence. teacher.
Teachers who have professional competence can select content, plan lessons, organize appropriate
materials and assignments in various ways to make learning effective. To make this learning effective, a
teacher must plan carefully starting from making lesson plans, delivering material, selecting methods, and
several things that are needed in the learning process. The plan is prepared so that what is conveyed can be
achieved as expected. Teacher professional competence is needed in order to develop the effectiveness of
learning, because with professional competence teachers can manage the time that has been provided.
This is supported by the results of research conducted by [5] which proves previous theory and research,
that true performance is the result of sincere work, smart work, hard work, and thorough work, and
competence is a requirement. The teaching profession is one of the jobs that demands complexity of abilities,
both physical, mental and material. And the true teacher's performance is to educate the nation's life. Through
capacity building, it is hoped that quality education can be delivered (performance), and with that it can
produce a generation that is religious, intelligent, independent, has character and competitiveness.
[6] Through their research also found that increasing teacher professional competence can have an impact
on improving teacher performance, as research results show that teacher professional competence has a
positive and significant effect on teacher performance. That is, there is a direct effect between professional
competence and teacher performance, where when professional competence increases, teacher performance
will also increase and vice versa when professional competence decreases, teacher performance will also
decrease [7].
Another factor that can have an influence on performance is work discipline. Work discipline is one of the
factors that affect performance. [8] discipline is the awareness and willingness of a person to obey all company
regulations and applicable social norms. Thus discipline is an attitude to comply with and obey all
organizational rules in doing work to achieve the expected goals. Discipline is related to the existence of rules
or regulations. So that a disciplined teacher can be interpreted as a teacher who obeys all the rules that have
been established by the organization and applicable social norms.

Journal homepage:

Biora, S., et al. JPGI (Jurnal Penelitian Guru Indonesia)
Vol. 6, No. 2, 2021, pp. 514-524

Good discipline reflects a person's sense of responsibility for the tasks assigned to him. With discipline, it
can encourage work passion, morale, and support the realization of planned goals. High discipline will be able
to build professional performance, because a good understanding of the discipline of the teacher is able to
observe the rules and strategic steps in carrying out the teaching and learning process. Discipline for teachers is
an integral part in carrying out their duties and obligations.
This is in line with the results of research by [9] simultaneous effect of work discipline, work motivation,
and school principal supervision on teacher performance by 65.4%. Meanwhile, the partial effect of work
discipline is 17.56% on teacher performance. With work discipline, it can improve teacher performance.
[10] through his research also proves that there is a partial influence between work discipline on teacher
performance by 47.47%. Likewise, research by [11], [12], [13] also shows that work discipline has a positive
and significant effect on teacher performance.
This research was conducted to Stateelementary school teachers ofBanyuasin I district. The results of the
pre-research interview that the writer conducted with one of the SD Negeri teacherofBanyuasin I district
showed that the level of teacher performance was still low and meant that the management of the teaching and
learning process, teacher self-development and teaching competence was needed to be improved. Coaching
and supervision of teachers must be carried out continuously. Another problem from the results of preliminary
observations / observations conducted by writer in several public elementary schools of Banyuasin I District
was that in terms of teaching and learning, the professional competence of some teachers was good enough. A
professional teacher in learning is a teacher who masters the material being taught, is able to develop the
material creatively, uses a variety of learning methods. However, there were some teachers who were less
professional, which could be seen from: lack of mastery of teaching materials, teachers still lookat at textbooks
while teaching, only explained material in one place without moving, did not use props or learning media that
can attract students' interest. So that student motivation to learn decreased, the teacher did not involve
students when learning. In terms of work discipline, there were still teachers who were often late to class and
sometimes didn't come without clear reasons. Low competence and work discipline would certainly affect the
teacher's performance.
Based on these descriptions, the writer was interested in conducting further research on "The Effect of
Teacher Professional Competence and Work Discipline on the Performance of State Elementary School
Teachers ofBanyuasin I District".

This research was a correlational research, which was a research conducted by researchers to determine the
level of the relationship between two or more variables, without making changes, additions or manipulations
to existing data (Arikunto, 2010: 4). In this study, professional competence and work discipline as independent
variables would be tested for their effect on teachers’ performance as the dependent variable.
The population in this study were all teachers teaching at SD NegeriBanyuasin I Subdistrict, Mariana and
Merah Mata, totaling 323 people, consisting of 30state primary schools. The sampling technique used
probability sampling technique. Sugiyono (2012: 164) explained that probability sampling is a sampling
technique that provides equal opportunities for each element (member) of the population to be selected as a
sample member. The determination of the number of samples was done by means of calculations by using the
Slovin formula. The formula was used to determine the sample size at a rate of 10%.
The Slovin formula used was as follows:

n = sample size
N = population size
e = error that can be tolerated 10% (Umar, 2005: 78).
Based on the Slovin formula, the amount of the research sample draw is:

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The influence of teachers' professional competency... 517

n = 76
n = 76
Based on the above calculations, the sample obtained was 76 respondents. The number of samples
that had been obtained was then divided into 30 schools so that the determination of the number of samples in
each school had the same proportion.
Table 1 <Sample of the Study>
No Name of School Population Sampling Sample
1 SDN 1 Banyuasin I 14 14/323*76 3
2 SDN 2 Banyuasin I 9 9/323*76 2
3 SDN 3 Banyuasin I 8 8/323*76 2
4 SDN 4 Banyuasin I 13 13/323*76 3
5 SDN 5 Banyuasin I 8 8/323*76 2
6 SDN 6 Banyuasin I 11 11/323*76 3
7 SDN 7 Banyuasin I 16 16/323*76 4
8 SDN 8 Banyuasin I 8 8/323*76 2
9 SDN 9 Banyuasin I 11 114/323*76 3
10 SDN 10 Banyuasin I 23 23/323*76 5
11 SDN 11 Banyuasin I 10 10/323*76 2
12 SDN 12 Banyuasin I 9 9/323*76 2
13 SDN 13 Banyuasin I 10 10/323*76 2
14 SDN 14 Banyuasin I 11 11/323*76 3
15 SDN 15 Banyuasin I 9 9/323*76 2
16 SDN 16 Banyuasin I 9 9/323*76 2
17 SDN 17 Banyuasin I 9 9/323*76 2
18 SDN 18 Banyuasin I 15 15/323*76 4
19 SDN 19 Banyuasin I 16 16/323*76 4
20 SDN 20 Banyuasin I 15 15/323*76 4
21 SDN 21 Banyuasin I 9 9/323*76 2
22 SDN 22 Banyuasin I 8 8/323*76 2
23 SDN 23 Banyuasin I 10 10/323*76 2
24 SDN 24 Banyuasin I 8 8/323*76 2
25 SDN 25 Banyuasin I 9 9/323*76 2
26 SDN 26 Banyuasin I 8 8/323*76 2
27 SDN 27 Banyuasin I 10 10/323*76 2
28 SDN 28 Banyuasin I 9 9/323*76 2
29 SDN 29 Banyuasin I 9 9/323*76 2
30 SDN 30 Banyuasin I 9 9/323*76 2
TOTAL 323 76

After obtaining the desired number of samples, then sampling from each school was determined by using
simple random technique (simple random sampling). In random sampling, all elements or elements in the
population had the same opportunity to be selected as a sample representing the population. Samples were
taken by lottery system and drawn according to the number of samples from the population at each school.

Journal homepage:

Biora, S., et al. JPGI (Jurnal Penelitian Guru Indonesia)
Vol. 6, No. 2, 2021, pp. 514-524

Data collection techniques in this study were carried out through observation, documentation, and
questionnaires.The data in this study were analyzedby using multiple regression analysis through the t test, F
test, and determination coefficient test..

Results and Discussions

Normality Test
Table 2 <Normality Test Result>
Statistic df Sig.
Kinerja .083 76 .200*
Kompetensi .097 76 .076
Disiplin .100 76 .057
*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Table 1 shows the Kolmogorov Smirnov-z value for the teacher performance variable was .083, the
professional competency variable was 0.097, and the work discipline variable was .100. Asymp Value. The
variable of teacher performance was .200, the variable of professional competence was 0.076, and the variable
of work discipline was .057, The sig values were greater than 0.05, so it can be stated that the research
variables used in this study had a normal distribution.
Heteroscedasticity Test
Heteroscedasticity test aims to test whether in regression there is an inequality of variance from the residuals of
one observation to another. If the residual variance from one observation to another is constant, it is called
Homoscedasticity and if it is different it is called Heteroscedasticity. To detect heteroscedasticity in this study
was to look at the presence or absence of a certain pattern on the scatterplot graph between SRESID and
ZPRED, where the Y axis was the predicted Y and the x-axis was the studentized residual (Y-predicted Y).

Figure 1 <Heteroscedasticity Test Results>

Based on Figure 1, it can be seen that the distribution of data was around the zero point on the Y axis, and
there was no certain pattern or trend line on the data distribution. This meant that there was no
Multicollinearity Test
To determine the presence or absence of multicollinearity symptoms in the regression model, this study was
carried out through a collinearity statistical test by looking at the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) value and the
Tolerance value. The test criteria with VIF, namely if the VIF value> 10 There are symptoms of

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multicollinearity; Conversely, if the VIF value <10, there are no symptoms of multicollinearity. The
multicollinearity test results can be seen in Table 2.
Table 3 <Multicollinearity Test Result>
Model Collinearity Statistics
Tolerance VIF
1 Kompetensi .780 1.282
Disiplin .780 1.282
a. Dependent Variable: Kinerja

Based on Table 2, it was known that the VIF value of teachers’ performance variables, professional
competence and work discipline were less than 10 (VIF <10), so it can be concluded that the data tested had
no symptoms of multicollinearity.
Homogeneity Test Results
The homogeneity test of the research data was carried out with Levene's test of homogeneity of variances
Table 4 <Homogeneity Test Result>
Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
.621 2 76 .324

The test criterion is the significance value <0.05, so the group variants are not the same. Conversely, if the
significance level is ≥ 0.05, the variance of the data group is the same. From the output of the table above, it
can be seen that the significance value was 0.324> 0.05. so it can be concluded that the data were declared
Linearity Test
To find out whether the two variables had a linear or not significant relationship, the linearity test was used.
Linearity test is a prerequisite in linear regression analysis. In this case, [18] the variable teacher professional
competence has a linear or not relationship with the teacher performance variable and the teacher work
discipline variable has a linear or not relationship with the teacher performance variable. Linearity is
calculated to find out whether the regression line between X and Y forms a linear line or not. If it is not linear,
the regression analysis cannot be continued (Sugiyono, 2012: 265).
It is called linearity because there is a linear relationship between variables, and every change that occurs in
one variable will be followed by a change with a magnitude that is parallel to the other variables. The guideline
used to determine the degree of linearity is to look at the results of the analysis of the SPSS application
program with the Compare Means function on the line deviation from linearity, while to determine the
meaning of the regression direction by considering the analysis results in the linearity line. If the value is sig.
dev from Linearity is greater than 0.05 then the relationship between the independent variable and the
dependent variable is linear, on the contrary, the relationship between the two variables is not linear, if the
value is sig. dev. From linearity less than 0.05. The linearity test of the independent variables and the
dependent variable was carried out by means of a means options test for linearity in the SPSS program
application with a significance level of 5% (α = 0.05).
Table 5 <Linearity Test Results for X1 to Y Variables>
Correlation Sig. Dev from Linearity
X1 to Y 0.088
X2 to Y 0.731

Based on the Anova Table above, the results of calculations through the SPSS version 21 application
program above obtained a significant value of deviation from linearity for the professional competency
variable, which was 0.088 more than 0.05, meaning that it can be concluded that there was a linear
relationship between professional competence variables. significantly with teacher performance. While,
significant value of deviation from linearity for the work discipline variable was 0.731 more than 0.05,
meaning that there was a linear relationship between work discipline variables. significantly with teacher

Journal homepage:

Biora, S., et al. JPGI (Jurnal Penelitian Guru Indonesia)
Vol. 6, No. 2, 2021, pp. 514-524

Hypothesis Testing Results

1. The first hypothesis (Partial Hypothesis of Variable X1 to Y)

Ha: ρ> 0; H0: ρ = 0

H0: there was no positive and significant influence between professional competence on teachers’
Ha: there was a positive and significant influence between professional competence on teachers’

The t-test was carried out by comparing the sig. and coefficients with t-table value and probability
level 0.05. The basis for the decision making for the t test is to compare the calculated statistical value
with the table statistics. If the t statistic ≤ t table statistic, then Ho is accepted and vice versa if the t
statistic> t table statistic, then Ho is rejected. It was known that the t-table was 1.99254 obtained from
the t table with df = n-k = 76-2 (df = 76-2, df = 74) and alpha 0.05. n was the number of samples and k
was the number of independent variables. With a two-sided test (significant = 0.025) the results were
obtained for the t table of 2.0017. Based on the explanation above, namely tcount = 11.408 and t-table
= 1.99254, then t-count ≥t-table which means that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted or it was
concluded that partially there was a positive and significant influence between professional competence
on teachers’ performance.

In this study, the results of the partial test (t test) of the variable professional competence on
teachers’ performance found that there was an effect of professional competence on teachers’
performance and it could be said that individual professional competence variables had a significant
effect on teacher performance with a sig value smaller than the probability and tcount values. greater
than t table. It also shows that, if the demonstrated professional competence of the dimensions:
pedagogic competence; personality competence; professional competence; and social competence
increased, would be followed by an increase on teachers’ performance and vice versa if professional
competence decreased, would be followed by a significant decrease in teacher performance.

The writer also made observations on several research samples to support the research results. The
results of the researcher's observations found that the professional competence of SD Negeri teachers in
the Banyuasin I district was quite good as seen from the fulfillment of 73% of the observational
indicators that the researcher used in this study. [14] Explains that teacher performance is a teacher's
work performance in quality and quantity achieved by a teacher in carrying out the duties and
responsibilities that have been assigned to him. Teacher competence is a teacher's ability that is formed
from knowledge, skills, and attitudes or behavior. The formation of these 3 things is done through
education and training. This study found that there was an effect of teacher competence on
performance. This shows that one of the factors that influence teacher performance to achieve optimal
performance is professional competence.

Professional competence is a competency that describes a special ability that is conscious and
directed towards certain goals. As a profession, teachers should have professional competence. The
ideal teacher is a teacher who has professional competence who is educated and trained, and has work
experience in the field.

Teacher professional competence is an important factor for improving teacher performance. [15]
"competency as rational performance which satisfactory meets the objectives for a desired condition".
Competence is rational behavior to achieve the required goals in accordance with the expected

Problems that still often occur are related to professional competence in junior high schools which
are the research samples, including some teachers who teach not according to their academic education.
The economic level of teachers that is still low has an impact on teachers who wish to continue to
higher levels of education. There are still teachers who have not carried out classroom action research
so they do not know the deficiencies that occur in learning. Teachers tend to teach and educate students
in moderation. Teachers are less able to teach in class because of their limitations in mastering the
teaching methodology. The existence of problems related to this competency will of course also be

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The influence of teachers' professional competency... 521

related to teacher performance. So that this needs to be a concern for teachers to be able to improve
their professional competence so that they can improve their performance as a professional teacher.

The role of professional educators as part of teacher performance is very much needed to realize the
goals of national education, namely the intellectual life of the nation and developing human beings as a
whole. The consequence of the teacher as a profession is that the professional competence of teachers
must be adequate. Therefore, the development of professional competence needs to be implemented
based on the Regulation of the State Minister for Empowerment of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic
Reform Number 16 of 2009 concerning teacher functional positions and credit scores. In principle, the
professional competence of teachers is an absolute requirement for achieving good teacher performance.

Teacher competence is a set of mastery abilities that must be present in teachers in order to realize
their performance appropriately and effectively. The success of education is largely determined by
teacher performance.

A teacher must have professional competence to improve their performance. [16], professional
competences include: "(1) the ability to convey or speak, (2) the ability to think / intellectually, (3) the
ability to maintain interpersonal relationships, (4) the ability to develop, build networks or expand
relationships. work, (5) ability to develop themselves, (6) discipline.

Furthermore, [14] Competence is the knowledge, skills and abilities that a person gets to be able to
do something well, including those regarding cognitive, affective and psychomotor behaviors. Based on
this opinion, it can be concluded that what is meant by teacher professional competence is the ability
that must be possessed by a teacher in terms of knowledge, skills and values and attitudes to do a job
that is obtained through professional education and cannot be replaced by other people who do not
have that profession.

The results of the study which found the influence of professional competence on teachers’
performance were also supported by previous research, including research conducted by. This research
is also supported by the results of research by [17] Correlation of work motivation and teacher
competence with the performance of teachers of Palembang Private High Schools". The results showed
that motivation, management competence and ability showed a very significant (real) effect on teacher
performance, competence had a very significant effect on teacher performance.

2. The second hypothesis (Variable Partial Hypothesis X2 to Y)

Ha: p> 0
Ho: p = 0
H0: there was no positive and significant influence between work discipline on teachers’ performance
Ha: there was a positive and significant influence between work discipline on teachers’ performance

The results of the coefficient analysis obtained t-count of 3.369. Hypothesis testing criteria If the
statistical t-count ≥ t-table, then Ha is accepted and if the t statistic <t table, then Ha is rejected. To
determine the t table is sought at = 5%: 2 = 2.5% (2-sided test) with degrees of freedom (df) = n-k or df
= 76-2 = 74 (n is the number of samples and k is the number of independent variables). With a two-
sided test (significant = 0.025) the results were obtained for the t table of 1.98896. Based on the
explanation above, namely t-count = 3.369 and t-table = 1.99254, then t-count> t-table which meant
that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted or it was concluded that partially there was a positive and
significant influence between work discipline on teachers’ performance.

Work discipline in this study referred to a tool used by school principals to communicate with
teachers, staff and school residents so that they were willing to change behavior and to increase
awareness and willingness to obey all the rules and social norms that was appliedat SD
NegeriofBanyuasin District. I.

In this study, the results of the partial test (t test) of the work discipline variable on performance
found that work discipline had an influence on teachers’ performance and it could be said that
individual work discipline variables had a significant effect on teachers’ performance with a sig value.
was smaller than the probability value and t-count was greater than t- table.

Journal homepage:

Biora, S., et al. JPGI (Jurnal Penelitian Guru Indonesia)
Vol. 6, No. 2, 2021, pp. 514-524

The writer also made observations on several research samples to support the research results. The
results of the researcher's observations found that the work discipline of the SD Negeri teachers
ofBanyuasin I district was good as seen from the fulfillment of 78% of the observational indicators that
the researcher used in this study. Work discipline is one of the factors that affect performance. [8]
discipline is the awareness and willingness of a person to obey all company regulations and applicable
social norms. Thus discipline is an attitude to comply with and obey all organizational rules in doing
work to achieve the expected goals. Discipline is related to the existence of rules or regulations. So that
a disciplined teacher can be interpreted as a teacher who obeys all the rules that have been established
by the organization and applicable social norms.

Good discipline reflects a person's sense of responsibility for the tasks assigned to him. With
discipline, it can encourage work passion, morale, and support the realization of planned goals. High
discipline will be able to build professional performance, because a good understanding of the discipline
of the teacher is able to observe the rules and strategic steps in carrying out the teaching and learning
process. Discipline for teachers is an integral part in carrying out their duties and obligations.

The results of this study are in line with the results of research by [9] which found a simultaneous
effect of work discipline, work motivation, and school principal supervision on teacher performance by
65.4%. Meanwhile, the partial effect of work discipline is 17.56% on teacher performance. With work
discipline, it can improve teacher performance.

[10] through his research also proved that [9] there was a partial influence between work discipline
on teacher performance by 47.47%. Likewise, research by [11], [12], [13] Work discipline had a positive
and significant effect on teachers’ performance.

3. Third Hypothesis (Simultaneous Hypothesis of X1 and X2 to Y Variables)

Ha: ρ > 0
Ho: ρ = 0
H0: there was no positive and significant influence between professional competence and work
discipline simultaneously on teachers’ performance
Ha: there was a positive and significant influence between professional competence and work discipline
simultaneously on teachers’ performance

The research found that F-count was 64,221. Hypothesis testing criteria if Fcount≥Ftable, then Ha is
accepted and vice versa if F statistic <Ftable, then Ha is rejected. Based on Ftable at the real level α =
0.05 with db numerator of 2 (determined by the number of independent variables) and db in the
denominator of 73 (determined from the number of samples minus the independent variable minus 1) or
it can be determined through the Excel application program in blank cells type with the formula =
FINV ( 0.05,2.73) obtained a figure of 3.12. Based on the explanation above, it was known that Fcount
was 64,221 where Fcount≥Ftable (64,221> 3.12) which meant that Ha was accepted or it was
concluded that there was a significant positive influence between professional competence and work
discipline on teachers’ performance.

The results of the simultaneous test of Professional Competence and Work Discipline on the
Performance of State Elementary School Teachers of Banyuasin I District, it was known that the
probability was much smaller than 0.05 and Fcount was greater than Ftable, so H04 was rejected and
Ha4 was accepted or in other words, there was an influence of Professional Competence and Discipline.
Working simultaneously on Teachers’ Performance so that it can be said that the variables of
Professional Competence and Work Discipline simultaneously had a significant effect on the
performance of State Elementary School teachers ofBanyuasin I District. This also shows that, if
Professional Competence and Work Discipline increased, it would be followed by an increase on
teachers’ performance and vice versa if the Professional Competence and Work Discipline decreased, it
would be followed by a decrease in the performance of SD Negeri teachers ofBanyuasin I District.

The coefficient of determination test results also found that 63.8% of the teacher performance
variables could be explained by the Professional Competence and Work Discipline variables. While the
remaining 36.2% was explained by otherresearch variables such as compensation, working conditions
and others.

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The results of the researchers' observations also found that the work performance of the SD Negeri
teachers ofBanyuasin I district was good, as seen from the fulfillment of 72% of the observational
indicators that the researchers used in this study. Professional teachers must have good basic skills,
understand or master the material and have loyalty to their duties. Thus teachers are required to have
competence. The competence that must be possessed by a teacher is professional competence, this
competence emphasizes sufficient knowledge and interviews about the content of the subject so that it is
absolutely necessary to create a good learning process so that the performance shown by the teacher is
also better.

Professional competence is consistently one of the factors that affect teacher performance and the
most important part of the quality of education. To improve the quality of education, both individually
and in groups, teachers are expected to have good work performance in carrying out their duties at
school. Sudarsono (2008: 147) stated that performance is the result achieved by a person according to
the size applicable to the work concerned, meaning that if a person's behavior provides work results that
are in accordance with the standards or criteria standardized by the organization, then the performance
is classified as good and otherwise it means bad performance , or in other words, standard setting is
needed to determine whether the employee's performance is in accordance with the expected target, as
well as seeing the amount of deviation by comparing the actual work results with the expected results.

The following findings are derived based on the discussion of the study results: (1) there was a significant
influence between principal leadership on teachers’ performance; (2) there was a significant influence between
compensation on teachers’ performance; (3) there was a significant influence between principal leadership and
compensation on teachers performance.(4)There was significant interaction effect of collaborative writing
strategy with google docs and motivation towards eight grade students’ writing ability on descriptive text at
SMPN 12 Palembang.

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Journal homepage:

Biora, S., et al. JPGI (Jurnal Penelitian Guru Indonesia)
Vol. 6, No. 2, 2021, pp. 514-524

Hamid 2011,dengan judul “Korelasimotivasi kerja dan kompetensi guru dengan kinerja guru Sekolah
Menengah Atas Swasta Palembang.

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