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Journal of Advances in Education and Philosophy

Abbreviated Key Title: J Adv Educ Philos

ISSN 2523-2665(Print)|ISSN 2523-2223(Online)
Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Journal homepage: https://saudijournals.com

Original Research Article

The Influence of Principal Transformational Leadership, Work Culture and Work
Environment on Teacher Performance in State Senior High Schools Throughout
Banjarbaru City
Sirait1, Suriansyah2, Ngadimun3
1Mastersin Management of Education, Lambung Mangkurat University Banjarmasin, Indonesia 70123, Indone-sia
2Administrasi Education, Lambung Mangkurat University Jl. Brigjen H. Hasan Basri, Pangeran, Kec. North Banjarmasin,
Banjarmasin City, South Kalimantan 70123, Indonesia
3Administrasi Education, Lambung Mangkurat University Jl. Brigjen H. Hasan Basri, Pangeran, Kec. North Banjarmasin,

Banjarmasin City, South Kalimantan 70123, Indonesia

DOI: 10.36348/jaep.2021.v05i11.005 Received: 13.10.2021 | Accepted: 22.11.2021 | Published: 27.11.2021
*Corresponding author: Vitria
Teacher’s Work Performance is the main factor in learning process, in other word, when there is an
improvement in the quality of education, it cannot be separated from the teacher’s role as the main factor in the
whole educational process. There are a lot of factors that has important roles in giving contribution to this work
performance, for example: Transformational Leadership factor, Work Environment, and Job Satifaction. The
purpose of this study was to analyze the direct and indirect relationship between Principal Transformational
Leadership, Work Environment, Job Satisfaction with Teacher Performance at Public Elementary Schools in
Mataraman District, Banjar Regency..
This study uses a descriptive-quantitative research method. The number of samples used for this study is
118 teachers. The instrument for data collection is questionnaire that already fulfills the requirement of validity
and reability test. The data analysis for testing the correlations in this study uses Path Analysis (Analisis Jalur).
According to this study, it is shown that there is a direct correlation between: (1) principal’s transformational
leadership and teacher’s work performance by 0.479, (2) principal’s transformational leadership and job
satisfaction by 0.506, (3) work environment and teacher’s work performance by 0.588, (4) work environment and
job satisfaction by 0.633, (5) job satisfaction and teacher’sworkperformance by 0.627, (6) principal’s
transformational leadership and teacher’s work performance through job satisfaction by 0.317, (7) work
environment and teacher’s work performance through job satisfaction by 0.397.
The conclusion of this study is that there is a correlation between Principal’s Transformational Leadership,
Work Environment, Job Satisfaction and Teacher’s Work Performances at State Elemantary Schools in Mataraman
District, Banjar Regency. It is recommended for the Principals that this research can be used as an input for a
consideration to improve and increase the leadership behavior/role at school in order to make an improvement in
work environment either physical or non-physical, job satisfaction which will have effects to the improvement of
teacher’s workperformance. For the teachers, it is expected that this study can be a self-reflection and as an input
to create a profuctive working environment, improve job satisfaction and workperformance.
Keyword: Transformational Leadership, Work Environment, Job Satisfaction, Teacher’s Performance.
Copyright © 2021 The Author(s): This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (CC BY-NC 4.0) which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium for non-commercial use
provided the original author and source are credited.

1. INTRODUCTION welfare of their people. This can happen as a result

of the educators they have of good quality, resulting
Quality education according to Mulyasa in quality human resources. In order for education
(2013: 46) is a requirement to realize the life of an to be of high quality, one of the important factors
advanced, modern and prosperous nation. As it is that must be fulfilled is the presence of qualified,
known that many countries do not have abundant professional, prosperous and quality teachers and
natural resources but can realize the prosperity and principals.
It is undeniable that education in Indonesia is to be successful and has good quality. Based on the
still far from what is expected, especially when Regulation of the Minister of National Education of
compared to the quality of education in other the Republic of Indonesia Number 16 of 2007
countries. According to the 2019 UNDP report, Academic Qualification Standards and Teacher
Indonesia is ranked in the Human Development Competencies were fully developed into 4 main
Index (HDI): 0.718, ranking 107 out of 189 competencies, namely pedagogic, personality,
countries surveyed. There are three factors that social and professional competencies.
cause the low quality of education in Indonesia, Based on the results of preliminary
namely: 1) National education policies and observations conducted at one of the senior high
administration use an inconsistent educational schools in the Banjarbaru City area, there were
production function or input-output analysis things that were not expected. There are teachers
approach, 2) Education is implemented centrally, 3) who enter the classroom to start learning and leave
Community participation, especially parents the classroom when carrying out learning activities
students in the implementation of education is very in the classroom, which are still teacher-centered,
minimal. resulting in a passive learning situation in the
The teaching profession is not a job that just classroom. Some teachers are still at a low level of
fills spare time that can be done by anyone. a teacher competence in understanding learning strategies
must be professional in carrying out their duties as when viewed in the teaching process in the
contained in Law no. 14 of 2005 concerning classroom.
Teachers and Lecturers in Article 1 paragraph (1) Many factors affect teacher performance.
point 1 states, "Teachers are professional educators According to Mulyasa (2013: 47) one of the factors
with the main task of educating, teaching, guiding, that influence teacher performance is the leadership
directing, training, assessing, and evaluating of the principal. Leadership is one of the
students in early childhood education through competencies that must be possessed by a school
formal education, primary and secondary principal. Aslamiah (2018: 51) explains that the
education”. principal has a significant influence on teacher
Professional teachers are teachers who have performance, because the principal is a motivator
the main competencies, namely pedagogic and supervisor in fostering and improving teacher
competence and professional competence, because performance.
these competencies greatly support the success of Many leadership models are applied in
the teaching and learning process. Thus, teachers various organizations/institutions, both for-profit
must be able to do their job well. Good teacher and non-profit, in this case the principal's
performance is needed in order to achieve quality transformational leadership plays an important role
education. in developing school culture (Ngang, 2014:33).
The results of Sudjana's research (2014: 54) Transformational leadership studies how leaders
show that student learning outcomes are influenced can change and build school culture to be more
by teacher performance. The teacher is an element consistent in achieving organizational goals
of education that is very dominant in improving the (Sarivirta and Kumpulainen, 2016:116).
quality of the learning process in schools. In line Principal transformational leadership is a
with this, Rusman (2014: 55) argues that the teacher leadership style that prioritize providing
is a very dominant determining factor in the world opportunities that encourage all elements of the
of education, because a teacher plays a very school (teachers, students, parents, the surrounding
important role in the learning process, and is the community) to work on the basis of a noble value
core of the overall educational process in schools. system so that all elements in the school are willing
Teacher is a profession that demands skills, to participate optimally in achieving the school's
competencies and comprehensive abilities. vision. With the implementation of transformational
Teacher performance is the result of work leadership, subordinates will feel trusted, valued,
that can be achieved by a teacher in an educational and respected by their leaders. In the end,
institution in accordance with the duties and subordinates will be motivated to do more than
responsibilities in achieving educational goals expected (Supardi 2013: 66).
(Koesmono, 2013: 155). The success of a teacher The leadership model that is recognized as
must meet predetermined criteria, if the teacher has making a major contribution to developing quality
met these criteria, it means that a teacher can be said schools is the transformational leadership model.
Transformational leadership facilitates the teacher's ability to be creative can have an
principal's efforts to accelerate the growth of the unfavorable impact on the teacher's personal health.
capacity of teachers in developing themselves, A good work environment will create a sense
formulating a shared vision, respecting school of comfort and safety for teachers and school
values and culture, spurring students to further residents. Nitisemito (2015:118) states that the work
improve achievement and providing extra coaching environment is something that is around workers
to administrative staff to be able to provide the best and can affect themselves in carrying out the tasks
possible service in serving the needs of students, as assigned. A good or conducive work environment
well as giving personal attention to the problems of will be able to increase the motivation and passion
citizens in the school, building intimacy between of teachers in working or teaching, so that they will
school members so as to create a conducive climate spend more time at school (good work) because of
in achieving school goals (Masaong and Naway, the calm, coolness, beauty, comfort, security and
2014:124). order in their environment.
In addition to transformational leadership Based on the description above, it can be
factors that affect teacher performance, there is concluded that teachers and their performance can
another work culture factor. The understanding of be caused by various factors including the
work culture according to Triguno (2014: 32) principal's leadership style, work culture and the
explains that: Work culture is a habit that is carried work environment concerned, researchers are
out repeatedly by employees in an organization. is a encouraged to try to analyze existing problems by
habit that must be adhered to in the context of taking the title "The Influence of Principal
carrying out work to achieve goals. Transformational Leadership, Work Culture
According to Ndraha (2015:43) Work culture through the work environment on teacher
is a philosophy based on a view of life as values that performance in public high schools throughout the
become the nature, habits, and driving forces, city of Banjarbaru”
entrenched in the life of a community group or
organization which is reflected in attitudes into 2. METHODOLOGY
behaviors, beliefs, ideals. ideals, opinions and 2.1Research Design
actions that manifest as work or work. Work culture The type of research used is descriptive
according to Menpan Decree no quantitative research, namely research that can
25/Kep/M.Pan/4/2002 concerning Guidelines for provide an overview of phenomena, show
the Development of a Work Culture of State relationships, test hypotheses, make predictions and
Apparatus is the attitude and behavior of individuals get the meaning of the implications of a problem to
from a group of State apparatuses based on values be solved (Ndraha, 2015:65). This research
that are believed to be true and become traits and technique is correlational technique. Arikunto
habits in carrying out their duties and work daily. (2013: 247) states that correlational research is
Based on informal observations of the research that is intended to determine whether there
attitudes and behavior of Banjarbaru Senior High is a relationship between two variables or several
School teachers, there are things that are still variables.
lacking and need attention. There are some teachers This study intends to determine the
who show an attitude of indiscipline, especially relationship between the independent variables,
when entering class not on time according to a namely the principal's transformational leadership
predetermined schedule. The working relationship (X), work culture (Z1) and work environment (Z2)
between fellow teachers is less open, some even as an intermediate variable (intervening), and
tend to suspect each other so that it has an impact on teacher performance (Y) as the dependent variable.
disrupting the teacher's internal cooperation and the which is formulated into a path analysis model,
attitude of respect is felt less and less. either directly or indirectly.
Another factor that affects teacher
performance is the work environment. A 2.2 Population and Research Sample
comfortable work environment will be a driving The population in this study consisted of all
force for enthusiasm and work efficiency which in teachers at SMA Negeri Sekota Banjarbaru which
turn will encourage work productivity. However, a consisted of 4 public schools, totaling 168 teachers.
work environment that exceeds the threshold of the Given the large population in this study more than
100 respondents, then determine the size of the 3.1.1 Results of Research Description
sample using the Slovin formula as follows: Based on the results of the questionnaire
n = N/1 + N(e^2) distributed to the respondents, 100% of the
Description: questionnaires have been returned and statistically
n : Number of Samples obtained, so it can be seen that the transformational
N : Total Population leadership of the majority of principals is in the very
e : Error tolerance (5%=0.05) high category with the highest percentage of 73.9%
Based on the above formula applied in this and the total average value of the principal's
study, the research sample size was obtained as transformational leadership. is 4.358. This figure
many as 118 people. The sampling technique in this shows a fairly high value. The teacher variable, the
study is probability sampling, which provides equal majority of respondents already have a very high
opportunities for each member of the population to work culture with a percentage of 100% and the
be selected as a member of the sample (Prasetyo and average value of the total work culture is 4.776. This
Jannah, 2012:48). figure shows a fairly high value. The teacher's work
environment variable is the majority of the
2.3Research Data Analysis respondents in the very high category with a
2.3.1 Validity and reliability test percentage of 89.6% and the average value of the
Before being used in the assessment, the total work environment is 4.503. This figure shows
observation sheet was first tested for validity and a fairly high value and the teacher performance
reliability tests. If rxy > r table then the variable, the majority of the respondents already
questionnaire item is said to be valid and if rxy < r have a very high performance with a percentage of
table the instrument is said to be invalid. The results 86.96% with an average total teacher performance
of the validity are known that the transformational value of 3.701.
leadership variable consisting of 48 items has 1
invalid item, the work culture of 30 items has 3 3.1.2 Prerequisite Test Results
invalid items and the work environment of 24 items The results of normality with non-parametric
can be seen that 1 item is invalid. statistical tests used are the One-Sample
The reliability results can be seen from the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (1-Sample K-S), each
results of Cronbach's Alpha, each variable is more research variable has an Asymp value. Sig.(2-tailed)
than the required minimum standard of 0.60, then is greater than 0.05, so the data of all variables in
the principal transformational leadership variable this study can be said to be normally distributed.
(X1), work culture (X2) and work environment (Z) While the results of the linearity of the principal
on the dependent variable, namely the level of transformational leadership variable (X1), work
teacher performance ( Y) reliable or good as a data culture (X2) and work environment (Z) on the
collection tool dependent variable, namely the level of teacher
performance (Y) resulted in data deviations from
2.3.2 Hypothesis Test the linear line (deviation from linearity) > 0.05 and
Before testing the hypothesis, the researcher the value significance <0.05, it can be concluded
conducted a prerequisite test which included a that the data is in the form of a linear function and
normality test, a linearity test and a multicollinearity the regression model does not occur
test. After passing the hypothesis prerequisite test, it multicollinearity, so it can be concluded that the
is continued with hypothesis testing in order to data is non-multicollinearity in the regression
prove the influence of the principal's model.
transformational leadership variable (X1), work
culture (X2) and work environment (Z) on the 3.1.3 Analysis Test Results
dependent variable, namely the level of teacher Through the results of multiple regression
performance (Y) either directly or indirectly. by test, partial test (T-test), the coefficient of
using several analytical tests such as multiple determination and path analysis are used to
regression test, partial test (T test), coefficient of determine the magnitude of the influence of another
determination test and path analysis. variable, both direct and indirect. The results of the
path analysis test are said to have a significant effect
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION if the significant value is 0.05. The closer the
3.1 Research Results Pearson Correlation value is to 0 then the
relationship between the two variables is getting The summary of the calculation of the
weaker, conversely if the Pearson Correlation value variable description and the direct and indirect
is closer to 1 then the relationship between the two effect of the principal transformational leadership
variables is getting stronger. In addition to the variable (X1), work culture (X2) and work
magnitude of the Pearson Correlation value, the sign environment (Z) on the dependent variable, namely
on the Pearson Correlation value also has an effect, the level of teacher performance (Y) can be seen in
if the Pearson Correlation value is positive (+) then the path coefficient summary table as following:
it indicates the same direction or undirectional

Z1 =
Work Culture
R = 0,832 R = 0,752
Pe = 0, 660
Pe = 0, 555

X =
Principal R = 0,847 Y =Teacher
Transformational Performance

Pe = 0, 290 Pe = 0 ,602
Z2 =
R = 0,796
R = 0,957

Figure 4.12
Summary of Path Analysis Regression Analysis Test Results

teacher work culture is due to the direct influence

3.2 Discussion of the principal's transformational leadership.
3.2.1 The Direct Effect of Principal Based on the results of the research on the
Transformational Leadership with the perception of public high school teachers in
Work Culture of State Senior High Banjarbaru on the transformational leadership of
Schools in Banjarbaru City school principals, especially the dimensions of
The results of the analysis conducted in this high performance expectations that have
study indicate that there is a direct positive and effectiveness in helping teachers achieve school
significant relationship between the principal's goals. It can be seen that the behavior of the
transformational leadership and work culture. This principal must be able to create high expectations
is evidenced by the path coefficient value of 0.832 for teachers to work innovatively and
with a t count of 19.866 and a significance of professionally in order to create maximum results.
0.000 so that the significance value is less than Transformational leadership is an effort to
0.05. This proves that the principal's motivate employees to work towards achieving
transformational leadership can have a direct organizational goals and satisfying their needs at
influence on the work culture of teachers in higher levels. Transformational leadership
teaching and improve the achievement and according to Burns is a process in which basically
creativity of State Senior High School teachers in "leaders and followers raise themselves up".
Banjarbaru. The magnitude of the influence given (Bush, 2013:77)
by the principal's transformational leadership Principal leadership is an important factor
variable on work culture is indicated by the R2 in improving the performance of teachers,
value of 0.692, meaning that 69.2% of high principals must have the competence to provide
guidance to teachers, especially at this time where transformational leadership can have a positive
everything is open, so the leadership needed is and significant direct influence on the work
principals who can empower teachers. Principals environment of State Senior High School teachers
with abilities as supervisory supervisors, having a in Banjarbaru. The magnitude of the influence
need for achievement, intelligence, assertiveness, given by the principal's transformational
self-confidence and good initiative are able to leadership variable on the work environment is
encourage teachers to give their best performance. indicated by the R2 value of 0.916 meaning that
The results of this study are in accordance 91.6% of the high teacher work environment is
with the opinion of the expert, Robbins (Daryanto, due to the direct influence of the principal's
2015: 90) which states that a work culture is built transformational leadership.
and maintained based on the philosophy of the A work environment with working space
founder or leader. Culture is strongly influenced arrangement conditions such as the color of the
by the criteria used in hiring followers. The workspace paint can provide morale, for
leader's actions will greatly affect the behavior coordination between work units the workplace
that is acceptable or unacceptable to his followers. now has a meeting room, the restrooms around the
The results of other studies that are similar workspace are now adequate, the workspace is
to Aprisal (2018), Mayrina (2018) and Suwendra now very adequate. Setting the location of work
(2016) state that work culture and equipment and cleanliness will create morale. The
transformational leadership are interrelated. work spirit is not only felt by the teacher.
Leadership involves more than just exercising However, students will also feel enthusiastic in
power and exercising authority, and it is displayed learning. Enthusiasm will facilitate the
at different levels. At the individual level, for educational process.
example, leadership involves providing advice, The quality of the work environment can be
guidance, inspiration and motivation. seen in the school principal's decision making by
The results of this study are also in line with first asking the teacher's opinion. The involvement
Rovida's (2019) research which concluded that of the teacher will make the teacher feel trusted to
transformational leadership has a positive effect be responsible for carrying out the duties of the
on work culture. The influence of transformational principal's decisions that have been taken. We are
leadership with work culture is 0.639, which given the freedom to organize our own workspace,
means that there is a direct influence in the high I arrange the workspace to add enthusiasm.
category. This study shows the effect of Sedarmayanti (2014: 69) states that the
transformational leadership with work culture is conditions of a good work environment, if humans
63.9%. The results of this study are in line with can carry out their work activities optimally, are
Kailoka's research (2017) and the results of healthy, safe, and comfortable. The suitability of
Mayrina's research (2018) which concludes that the work environment can be felt in the long term,
transformational leadership has an effect on while an unfavorable work environment can
organizational culture, meaning that the more the change the workforce and more time, and does not
application of transformational leadership style support the obtaining of an efficient work system
increases, the organizational culture will also design. Thus, the work environment is an activity
increase. environment in which employees perform work
that can affect the achievement of organizational
3.2.2 Direct Influence of Principal goals and create comfort in carrying out their
Transformational Leadership with the duties.
Work Environment of Public Senior The results of this study are supported by
High Schools in Banjarbaru City the theory put forward by Armstrong and Ducan
The results of the analysis in this study (Bolthouse, 2013: 59) which says: "an enabling
indicate that there is a direct positive and environment will create the conditions that
significant relationship between the principal's encourage high performance and effective
transformational leadership and the work discretionary behavior". The existence of a
environment. This is evidenced by the Path conducive environment will form conditions that
coefficient of 0.957 with tcount 43.900 and will improve performance and behavior that leads
significant 0.000 so that the significance value is to effectiveness.
less than 0.05. This proves that the principal's
This is in accordance with the results of unclear and uncertain situations, (7) have a vision
Hariani's research (2020) which concludes that for the future or visionary.
there is an influence of transformational The activities of public high school teachers
leadership on the work environment of lecturers at in Banjarbaru in carrying out their main functions
FKIP UMSU. Transformational leadership is a have ups and downs and are uneven for each
very important factor for the relationship between teacher. Some of the things that also influence it
organizations in higher education. are the transformational leadership of the
Transformational leadership is effective if it is principal, how the principal can be used as a role
able to encourage lecturers' motivation in model for his subordinates (teachers), how the
achieving maximum performance. principal can provide motivation and support to
his subordinates, how the principal is able to move
3.2.3 Direct Effects of Principal
his subordinates is an important aspect that cannot
Transformational Leadership on
be ignored.
Teacher Performance in State Senior
This study is in line with the results of
High Schools in Banjarbaru City
Aslamiah's research (2016) concluding that there
The results of the analysis in this study is a relationship between the principal's
indicate that there is a direct positive and transformational leadership and teacher
significant relationship between the principal's performance. The relationship between the
transformational leadership and teacher principal's transformational leadership and teacher
performance. This is evidenced by the path performance is 0.511, which means that there is a
coefficient of 0.847, this means that there is a relationship with the medium category. This study
positive influence with a high category between shows a direct relationship between the principal's
the principal's transformational leadership and the transformational leadership and teacher
performance of public high school teachers performance is 51.1%. Darwanto's research
throughout the city of Banjarbaru. In other words, (2014) which states that the relationship between
the higher the principal's transformational principals' transformational leadership and teacher
leadership, the higher the teacher's performance. performance at State Junior High Schools in
The magnitude of the effect indicated by the R2 Tanah Bumbu Regency with a result of 0.662,
value of 0.717 with Sig. 0.000 and tcount of which means Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted.
16.913 are evidence to state that there is a This means that there is a positive relationship
significant influence of the principal's between the principal's transformational
transformational leadership variable on teacher leadership and teacher performance at State Junior
performance that cannot be ignored. The High Schools throughout Tanah Bumbu Regency.
magnitude of the influence given by the principal's
3.2.4 Direct Influence of Work Culture on
transformational leadership variable on teacher
Teacher Performance in State Senior
performance as indicated by the R2 value of 0.717
High Schools in Banjarabaru City
means that 71.7% of high teacher performance is
due to the principal's transformational leadership. The results of the analysis conducted in this
In relation to the principal's study indicate that there is a direct positive and
transformational leadership, a principal who has significant relationship between work culture and
transformational leadership has an attitude of teacher performance. This is evidenced by the path
appreciating new ideas, new ways and methods, coefficient of 0.752, with tcount 12.109 and
and new practices carried out by teachers in the significant 0.000. This means that there is a
process of teaching and learning activities in his positive relationship with a high category between
school. According to Luthans (1995: 358) there work culture and the performance of State Senior
are seven attitudes of transformational leadership High School teachers in Banjarbaru. Based on the
style, namely (1) identifying himself as an agent acquisition of these values, it can be interpreted
of change (renewal), (2) having a courageous that work culture is one of the factors that affect
nature, (3) trusting others, (4) acting on the basis teacher performance, and when the value of work
of a value system ( not on the basis of individual culture increases, it is followed by an increase in
interests, or on the interests and urging of his the value of teacher performance.
cronies), (5) continuously improve his abilities, The magnitude of the influence given by the
(6) have the ability to deal with complicated, work culture variable on teacher performance,
which is indicated by an R2 value of 0.565, means 0.015 which is smaller than 0.05 so that it can be
that 56.5% of teacher performance is due to work concluded that work culture has a positive and
culture. Work culture reflects how / what the significant direct relationship to performance.
behavior of workers at work. The job of teachers Darwin (2019) which concluded that work culture
is to provide learning services to students. Teacher has a positive effect on teacher performance. The
competence will affect the success of students in relationship between work culture and teacher
learning, which leads to an increase in the quality performance is 0.767, which means that there is a
of education. Teachers are educators who have the direct relationship in a strong category. This study
main task of carrying out teaching and learning shows that the direct relationship between the
activities. The teacher's task is not easy because principal's transformational leadership and teacher
they have to improve the quality of human performance is 76.7%.
resources according to certain competency
3.2.5 The Direct Effect of the Work
standards and applicable norms and values. The
Environment on the Performance of
competency qualifications that must be possessed
State Senior High School Teachers in
by educators are competencies as learning agents,
Banjarbaru City
namely the ability of educators to act as
facilitators, motivators, motivators and learning The results of the analysis conducted in this
inspiration for students. These competencies study indicate that the work environment is
consist of (a) pedagogic competence, (b) directly related to teacher performance. This is
personality competence, (c) professional evidenced by the path coefficient of 0.798, with a
competence and (d) social competence. tcount of 14.081 and a significant 0.000. This
The hypothesis of this research is that there means that there is a positive relationship with a
is an influence of work culture on the performance high category between the work environment and
of SMA Negeri teachers in Banjarbaru. This the performance of public high school teachers
hypothesis is in accordance with the results of throughout Banjarbaru City. This means that the
research that proves the influence of work culture higher the perceived work environment, the higher
on the performance of State Senior High School the performance and conversely the lower the
teachers in Banjarbaru. From the results of the perceived work environment, the lower the
study, it was explained that the work culture performance.
possessed by the teacher could affect his The magnitude of the influence of the work
performance in carrying out his duties and environment on teacher performance can be seen
responsibilities as a teacher or educator. from R2, which is 0.637 or 63.7%, this shows that
Achievement of performance carried out the work environment has a major influence on
by teachers cannot simply be achieved without the teacher performance. Among the work
existence of factors that can influence or support environment, it turns out that the one that has a big
it, and one of them is work culture. Research influence on teacher performance is 63.7%. The
conducted by Rusmana (2018) with the title "The work environment is an external factor that affects
Influence of Principal Leadership and Teacher the performance of high school teachers in
Work Culture on Teacher Performance" explains Banjarbaru.
that 49% of teacher performance is influenced by The work environment greatly affects a
teacher work culture. So it can be said that the person's performance, this is because a
work culture of teachers has a strong influence on comfortable and safe work environment will
the teaching performance of teachers. The study support teacher performance. The work
concluded that the teacher's work culture is environment here is a physical work environment
expected to be able to create an atmosphere and and a non-physical (psychological) work
teacher working relationships in creating a environment. Teacher performance is achieved
conducive work environment. Therefore these optimally because the factors that affect
conditions are needed in improving teacher performance have a positive influence. The work
performance. environment affects teacher performance. A clean,
This research is in line with Arianto's comfortable, and quiet work environment will
(2013) research which found a relationship give teachers a sense of pleasure. The non-
between work culture and teacher performance. physical work environment is the relationship
This can be seen from the significance value of between the principal and the teacher, the
relationship between fellow teachers or provides openness, and does not feel rivaled by
colleagues. other colleagues but will instead help share
Bambang (1991), the work environment is knowledge and work together with other
one of the factors that affect the performance of an colleagues.
employee. An employee who works in a work Although there is an influence of
environment that supports him to work optimally transformational leadership on performance
will produce good performance, on the contrary an through work culture, but the acquisition of the
employee who works in an inadequate and value of the direct influence between the
unsupportive work environment to work optimally principal's transformational leadership and
will make the employee concerned become lazy, performance is much greater than the acquisition
tired quickly so that the employee's performance of indirect influence, it is better that the principal's
will be low. transformational leadership variable affects the
The results of research conducted by teacher's performance variable directly.
Rahardjo (2014), based on the results of research Bersona revealed that transformational
and discussion, the conclusions that can be drawn leaders are leaders who at every level are
are that the work environment has positive results, responsible for the dissemination of the
the work environment has a relationship with organization's strategic goals, and convincing their
increasing teacher performance, teachers can work followers to implement these goals effectively
safely and comfortably, can be supported by a (Danim, 2014: 59). The principal as a leader must
conducive work environment. . Prita's research be able to encourage the emergence of a strong
(2019) concluded that the work environment has a desire with enthusiasm and create a sense of
positive and significant effect on teacher confidence in the teacher (Wahjosumidjo, 2005:
performance through the work motivation of 105). According to Bass (2000:23)
teachers in the Accounting and Finance Expertise transformational leaders are leaders who
Program at Business and Management Vocational encourage followers to build a self-concept that is
Schools in Semarang City. This implies that identical to the leader's mission concept, strive for
directly or indirectly the work environment affects consistency so that followers are motivated to
teacher performance through work motivation. direct extra efforts in carrying out work.
Research conducted by Rahardjo (2014) shows Usman (2012) said that transformational
that the work environment has a significant effect leadership is leadership that is able to create
on teacher performance through teacher fundamental changes and is based on religious
motivation. This shows that a good work values, systems and culture to create innovation
environment will support the morale of the and creativity for its followers in order to achieve
employees or teachers to work and complete their the vision that has been set.
work, so that the teacher's performance will The results of this study are in line with
increase. Rusmana's research (2018) which found an
indirect effect of transformational leadership on
3.2.6 Indirect Effects of Principal
performance through work culture. This is
Transformational Leadership on
evidenced by the results of the calculation of the
Teacher Performance through the Work
Path Anlysis statistical test which shows that the
Culture of State Senior High School
contribution of the indirect influence on
Teachers in Banjarbaru City.
performance through work culture is 0.013 or with
The path coefficient is 0.626, the a percentage of 1.3%. Research by Yulianty
significance value of the Sobel test is 0.039007, (2017), Sopaheluwakan (2020) and Priantika
the z-count value of the Sobel test is 16.040, (2019) concludes that indirectly leadership style
therefore it can be concluded that by using a 95% has a positive and significant effect on teacher
confidence level there is a positive and significant performance through teacher professionalism.
indirect effect of the transformational leadership
3.2.7 Indirect Effects of Principal
variable. schools through a work culture on the
Transformational Leadership on
professional attitude of senior high school teachers
Teacher Performance through the Work
in Banjarbaru. This can be seen from the attitude
Environment of State Senior High School
of the teacher who shows a sense of satisfaction
Teachers in Banjarbaru City
being fulfilled so that he feels that he always
The results of the analysis carried out in this the ongoing effect is indicated by the P31 value,
study indicate that transformational leadership is which is 0.125 while the indirect effect is greater
indirectly related to teacher performance through than the direct effect. The position of job
the work environment. This is evidenced by the satisfaction as an intervening variable or
Path coefficient of 0.762, the significance value of intermediary for leadership style and employee
the Sobel test obtained a value of 0.02018, the z- performance reinforces the influence that already
count value of the Sobel test is 37.744, therefore it exists
can be concluded that by using a 95% confidence
level there is a positive and significant indirect 4. CONCLUSION
effect of the variable of teacher performance The conclusion of this study is the
through the work environment on the description of the principal's transformational
transformational leadership of the principal of a
leadership, the work culture is in a high
public high school teacher in Banjarbaru. This can
be seen from the attitude shown by the teacher classification and the work environment in SMA
related to performance to always listen to the Negeri in Banjarbaru City is in a high
leader and do tasks according to the leader's classification. while the teacher's performance is
orders. Although there is a relationship between in the very good classification. There is a direct
the principal's transformational leadership and influence between the principal's transformational
teacher performance through the work leadership, work culture and work environment
environment, the acquisition of the value of the
with the performance of public high school
direct relationship between transformational
leadership and performance is much higher. teachers throughout the city of Banjarbaru. There
greater than the acquisition of an indirect is a direct influence between the principal's
relationship, the better the transformational transformational leadership and work culture with
leadership variable of the principal affects the the work environment of public high school
teacher's performance variable directly. teachers throughout the city of Banjarbaru and
This is in line with research conducted by there is an indirect influence of the principal's
Rahardjo (2014) which states that there is an
transformational leadership and work culture with
influence of the work environment on teacher
performance. The work environment also obtained teacher performance through the work
positive results, the work environment has a environment of public high school teachers
relationship with improving teacher performance, throughout the city of Banjarbaru
teachers can work safely and comfortably and can
be supported by a conducive work environment. 5. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Transformational leadership is the ability to
Special thanks go to the Chancellor of
inspire and motivate followers to achieve results
that are greater than originally planned and for
Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM)
internal rewards (Thoha, 2014: 100). Banjarmasin. Furthermore, thanks are also
The work environment as a source of conveyed to the Head of SMA Negeri in
information and a place to carry out activities, a Banjarbaru City and their staff who have been
good working environment must be achieved so willing to help collect data in this research
that employees feel at home and comfortable in data field.
the room to complete work so that they can have
high efficiency. A good work environment will 6. REFERENCES
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