Physics Lab Final Assignment
Physics Lab Final Assignment
Physics Lab Final Assignment
To determine the time constant of an RC circuit
Supervised By
Dr. Md. Saiful Islam
Submitted By
The time constant can be determined by observing either the charging or the discharging
process of the capacitor as the Fig. 7.2 shows. For the charging process, τ is the time for V(t)
to reach 63% of its final value. For the discharging process, τ is the time for V(t) to fall 63%
from its initial value.
Charging a Capacitor:
The capacitor of capacitance C in Fig. 7.1 is initially uncharged. To charge it, we close the
switch on in point A. This completes an RC series circuit consisting of the capacitor, an ideal
battery of emf ℰ, and a resistance R. Charge begins to flow (current exists) between a
capacitor plate and a battery terminal on each side of the capacitor. These current increases
the charge q on the plates and the potential difference 𝑉𝑐 (=q/C) across the capacitor. When
that potential difference equals the potential difference across the battery (which here is equal
to the emf ℰ), the current is zero. From Eq. (q = CV), the equilibrium (final) charge on the
fully charged capacitor is equal to Cℰ. To examine the charging process, we begin by
applying the loop rule to the circuit, traversing it clockwise from the negative terminal of the
We find from Kirchhoff’s loop theorem:
E−iR− =0
q dq
E=iR+ [i & q = two variables, i = ]
C dt
dq q
E=i + ………………(1)
dt C
And, q=q 0 ¿)
C V C =C E ¿) since,[q(t) = C V C (t)] & [q 0 = C E ]
Vc −1
ln (1− )=( )t …………(2)
Discharging a capacitor:
Assume now that the capacitor of Fig. 7.1 is fully charged to a potential V0 equal to the emf ℰ
of the battery. At a new time, t = 0, a switch is thrown from A to B so that the capacitor can
discharge through resistance R. Now the charge q(t) on the capacitor and the current i (t)
through the discharge loop of capacitor and resistance now vary with time.
With no battery in the discharge loop, ℰ = 0, Eq. (1) becomes using Kirchhoff’s loop
iR + =0
dq q dq
R + =0 [i = ]
dt c dt
And, q=C E e RC
C V C = C E e RC
since, [q(t) = CVc(t)] & [q 0 = C E ]
Vc −1
ln ( )=( )t …………..(3)
Comparing Eq. 2 and 3 with y = mx+c and plotting a graph of "ln (1− ) vs t" for charging
Vc 1
and "ln ( ) vs t” for discharging, we get the value of 𝜏 as 𝜏 = − where m is the slope of
E m'
the graphs.
Apparatus :
● Power supply
● Circuit board
● Resistor
● Capacitor
● Multi meter
● Stopwatch
● Connecting wire
Procedure :
First, we constructed an RC circuit on the circuit board as the circuit diagram shows. Then,
we were applying a sufficient voltage from the power supply, observed the charging of the
capacitor and noted the voltage differences across the capacitor with time. After that, we
disconnected the power supply from the circuit, observed the discharging of the capacitor
with time. Also noted the voltage differences across the capacitor with time.
Experimental Data :
R = 47kΩ, C = 1500µF
V c (volt) Vc 𝑉𝑐(𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑡) Vc
ln (1− ) ln ( )
0 0 0 4.94 -0.012
30 1.15 -0.26 3.6 -0.328
60 2.02 -0.52 2.79 -0.583
90 2.7 -0.78 2.14 -0.8486
120 3.2 -1.02 1.65 -1.1086
150 3.6 -1.27 1.27 -1.37
180 3.9 -1.52 0.98 -1.6296
210 4.16 -1.78 0.76 -1.8838
240 4.34 -2.025 0.57 -2.17
270 4.48 -2.263 0.45 -2.4079
300 4.59 -2.5 0.35 -2.659
330 4.67 -2.718 0.272 -2.911
360 4.74 -2.956 0.21 -3.17
390 4.79 -3.17 0.17 -3.381
420 4.82 -3.324 0.13 -3.6496
450 4.86 -3.575 0.1 -3.912
480 4.88 -3.7297 0.079 -4.1477
510 4.9 -3.912 0.063 -4.374
540 4.92 -4.135 0.05 -4.605
570 4.93 -4.2687 0.04 -4.828
600 4.94 -4.4228 0.032 -5.05
1. We used EXCEL to plot "V c v/s t" graphs for charging and discharging.
2. From the relation: τ = RC, estimated the value of time constant.
3. For charging, plot a graph of " ln (1 - c ) vs t " and from the value of slope
calculate the value of time
4. For discharging, plot a graph of " ln ( c ) vs t " and from the value of slope again
calculate the value of time constant.
Graph 1.1: Charging a capacitor
𝑙𝑛(𝑉𝑐/ℰ) VS t
0 f(x) = −100 200 300 x − 0.104145021645022
0.00838758008658009 400 500 600 700
t (S)
τ th −τ ex
Error of τ = ×100 %
τ th
= ×100 %
= -89.12 %
From the graph: Slope, m = − = -0.0084
−1 1
τ= =- = 119.0476
m −0.0084
τ th −τ ex
Error of τ = ×100%
τ th
70.5−1 19.0476
= × 100 %
= -68.86 %
From the Graphs Comments
The time constant can be
Experimentally: 𝑅
=𝐶 determined by observing
Process −1 either the charging or
m discharging process. For the
charging process, τ is equal
to the time for V(t) to reach -
Charging 133.33 70.5 89.12% of its “final” value.
For the discharging process,
Discharging 119.0476 70.5 τ is equal to the time for V(t)
to fall -68.86% from its initial
Discussion :
In the RC circuit experiment, the capacitor's reactance exhibited the anticipated decrease with
an increase in the alternating current frequency. The capacitance was determined by
analysing the plot of capacitor reactance versus current frequency, utilizing a provided
During the capacitor charging phase, the experimental error was -89.12%, while for the
discharging phase, it was -68,86%. These discrepancies may be attributed to various errors
encountered throughout the experiment. Systematic errors related to instrument precision, as
well as slight frequency fluctuations from the generator during measurements, could have
influenced the results.
Additionally, gross errors, such as inaccuracies in extrapolating the resonance frequency and
potential rounding or misreading of values, might have contributed to the observed
experimental discrepancies. Despite these challenges, the investigation successfully delved
into the principles of alternating circuits, confirming the expected trend of decreasing
capacitor reactance with increasing frequency in the RC circuit.
Resources :
1. Fundamental of Physics (10th Edition): Capacitor (Chapter 25, page 717-
721), RC circuit (Chapter 27, page 788-791).
2. Lab manual