G10-MUSIC-2ND Quarter
G10-MUSIC-2ND Quarter
G10-MUSIC-2ND Quarter
➢ Music has always play an important role in the daily lives of Africans. Itcan
be for work, religion, ceremonies, or even communication.
➢ For the African ceremonies, singing, dancing, clapping, and beating ofdrums
have essential roles even in religious expressions and political events.
➢ The wide influence of African music spread throughout the world. It
permeated contemporary American, Latin American, and European styles.
➢ Africanmusic is a result of the
collective cultural and musical
variety of more than 50 ethnic
divisions of the continent.
➢ Theorganization of this vast
continent is a colonial legacy
from European rule of different
nations up to the 19th century,
enabling it to incorporate its
music with language, environment,
political development,
immigration, and cultural
➢ Inthe particular subject of
research are its rhythmic
structures and spiritual
characteristic that have led to the
birth of jazz forms.
Traditional Music
of Africa
Basically, African music has
interlocking structural format.
It ismainly overlapping and has
dense texture as well as its
rhythmic complexity. Its many
sources of influence have
produced such varied styles
andgenres as the following:
African Music
combining the strong rhythm of African percussion
instruments with Portuguese melodies.The maracatu
group called nacoes (nations) who paraded with a
drumming assemble numbering up to 100, are
accompanied by singer, a chorus, and coterie of
The blues is a musical form of the late 19th century
that had deep roots in African-American communities,
located in the so called “Deep South” of the United
States, where the slaves and their descendants used to
sing as they worked in the cotton and vegetable fields.
The notes of the blues create an expressive and soulful
sound. The feelings that are evoked are normally
associated with misfortune, lost love, frustration, or
loneliness. From extreme joy to deep sadness, the
blues can communicate various emotions more
effectively than other musical forms.
Vocal Form of
It was a popular music genre of the 1950s and 1960s. It
African Music
originated in the United States, and combined elements
of African-American gospel music, rhythm and blues,
and often jazz. The catchy rhythm is accompanied by
handclaps and extemporaneous body moves which are
among its important features. Other characteristics
include “call and response’’ between the soloist and
the chorus, and an especially intense and powerful
vocal sounds.
It is associated with deeply religious person. It
pertains to a song form, known as the “Negro spiritual”
sang by the African slaves in America who became
enslaved by their white communities. This form of
music is used as outlet to express loneliness and
anger. It was a result of the interaction of music and
religion from Africa with that of American. The text,
mainly religious, and sometimes taken from Biblical
psalms or passages, while the music utilizes deep bass
voices. The vocal inflections, African accents, and
dramatic changes in dynamic add to the musical
interest and effectiveness of the singing.
Vocal Form of
Call and Response
It is a method of a succession of two distinct musical
African Music
phrases usually rendered by different musicians,
where the second phrase acts as a direct commentary
on or response to the first. It is somewhat same with
question and answer sequence in human communication.
It also resembles to the verse-chorus form in many
vocal compositions.
Vocal and
Dance Form of
Latin American
▪ The development of the jazz genre was an offshoot of the
music of African slaves who were brought to America. As an
outlet for their deepest feelings, the Africans used music to
recall their nostalgic past in their home country as well as
to voice out their sentiments on their desperate condition
as slaves in America. Jazz evolved into different upbeat
forms which the world adopted and incorporated into other
contemporary styles.