2 1 Anterior Answer

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MCQ Ch2 (1)


Dr: 3mmar

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. 3mmar’s MCQs for Dental Morphology Do it Easily 8988/898;

Chapter 2 (1) : Anterior teeth )

1- mesial contact area of maxillary permanent upper lateral is …….
Than that of maxillary permanent upper central
a- more cervical b- more incisal c- same level

2- from incisal aspect of permanent upper central; mesio-distal dimenstion

is ---------- labio-lingual dimesnions
a- smaller b- larger c- equal

3- the mesial contact area of permanent maxillary central incisors locates

a- at incisal third b- near incisal ridge
c- at mesio-incisal angel d- all of the above

4- mamelons may remain in adults in which of the following cases

a- posterior cross bite b- overbite c- open-bite d- edge to edge occlusion

5- which of the following is not characteristic feature of

permanent maxillary central incisor
a- depth of mesial cervical line measure one third of the crown length
b- pits and fissures are not common features
c- MIA is sharp , thicker than rounded DIA
d- cinglum is shifted distally

6- lingual fossa of maxillary permanent central incisor is …….

a- M-shape b- V-shape c- kidney shape d- rounded

7- Maxillary permanent lateral incisor root is curved……

a- in middle 1/3 b- in cervical 1/3 c- straight d- in apical 1/3

8- mesiolabial line angle of maxillary permanent central incisor ………..

a- has more curvature than distolabial line angle
b- has the same curvature
c- has less curvature
d- non of the above.

9- most conical root of any tooth is

a) mandibular canine b) maxillary canine
c) maxillary central d) maxillary lateral

10- there is developmental depression on distal surface of root of upper lateral

a- true b- false

11- What is the functional form of anterior teeth from the mesial or the distal aspect?
a- rhomboid b- trapezoid c- elliptical d- Wedge-shaped


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12- in incisal aspect of mandibular permanent lateral incisor ;

the disto-incisal angle is more……….. than mesio-incisal angle
a- labial b- lingual c- mesial d- non of the above

13- in a mesial view ; the incisal edge of permanent mandibular lateral incisor is……..
to the axis a- labial b- lingual c- distal d- inline

14- the labial aspect of permanent lateral incisor when compared to the central incisor is
a- narrower , shorter b- narrower , longer
c- broader , shorter d- broader , longer

15- The root of maxillary lateral incisors if curved is usually in which direction?
a- distal b- mesial c- facial d- palatal

16- which of the following cinglua are centralized

a- upper central b- upper lateral
c- lower central d- lower lateral
e- b,c f- a,d
17- distal contact area of permanent lower lateral locates …………
a- just cervical to mesial contact area b- at junction bt incisal , middle third
c- at middle of middle third d- non of the above
18- from incisal aspect of permanent mandibular lateral incisor; incisal edge is
a- directed lingually b- straight
c- not perpendicular to line bisecting the crown d- ( a,c ) e. all of the above
19- mesiolabial line angle of mandibular central incisor ……….. distolabila line angle
a- has more curvature than b- has the same curvature with
c- has less curvature than d- non of the above.
20- incisal aspect of mandibular lateral incisor has
a- LL = MD b- LL > MD
c- LL < MD d- incisal edge is straight , centered over the root
21- which of the following statements are not true about mandibular central incisor
a- narrowest tooth MD.
b- bilateral symmetrical.
c- cinglum less prominent , off set to distal.
d- incisal edge is right angle to long axis of the tooth.

22- The maxillary lateral incisor is smaller than the maxillary central incisor
on all aspects EXCEPT which one of the following
a- crown length b- mesiodistal crown
c- faciolingual crown d- root length


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23- The mesial contact area of the permanent mandibular canine is at the:
a- Incisal third c- junction between middle and incisal third
b- middle third d- incisal edge is right angle to long axis of the tooth.

24- as a rule the Distal cusp slope is longer than the Mesial one in cuspid and bicuspid
teeth Except
a.upper first premolar and upper canine
b. upper first premolar and lower canine
c. upper first premolar and primary lower canine
d. upper first premolar and primary upper canine

25- from incisal surface of permanent mandibular canine;

how to identify the mesial from distal surfaces………..
a) mesial half is concave while distal half is convex
b) mesial half is convex while distal half is concave
c) crown is twisted distally and the cinglum is shifted distally
d) b & c

26- in permanent maxillary canine MCR , DCR are equal . a) true b) false

27- canine are also referred to as . a) wisdom tooth b) cuspid

c) bicuspid d) milk tooth

28- canine are also referred to as . a) corner stone b) key stone

c) cuspid. d) all of the above

29- the characteristic feature of permanent maxillary canine is

a) heavier marginal ridge b) deeper cervical line
c) smaller contact area d) canine fossa

30- a mandibular canine can distinguish from maxillary canine in these features except
a) shorter cusp slopes b) constricted cervix
c) thicker cusp tip labio-lingual d) crown appear longer

31- which of the following is not a characteristic of mandibular canine

a) the root is the longest of anterior teeth
c) lingual surface has mesial , distal fossa
b) enamel on the lingual surface extend further apical than on labial
d) facial surface is convex

32- which of the following crown are twisted on the root

a- Maxillary & mandibular canine b- mandibular lateral & mandibular canine
c- mandibular lateral only d- mandibular canine only

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33- in comparison with maxillary permanent canine; mandibular canine is

a- narrower mesiodistal
b- longer cervico incisal
c- has less prominent cinglum
d- contact area is more incisal and thus mesial and distal outlines are longer
e- all of the above

34- from mesial surface of permanent mandibular canine; mesio-incisal ridge is………..
a) thicker, more cylindrical than that of maxillary permanent canine
b) thicker, less cylindrical thant that of maxillary permanent canine
c) thinner, more cylindrical than that of maxillary permanent canine
d) thinner, less cylindrical than that of maxillary permanent canine

35- in the permanent maxillary canine :

a- M-slope is shorter than D- slope b- mesial slope is longer c- both are equal

36- in comparison with the mandibular permanent canine,

the maxillary permanent canine in the same mouth:
a- is wider mesiodistally b- has less prominent cinglum
c- has short root d- narrow labio-lingual

37- which one of the following cusp ridges of canines is the most cylinder
a- MCR of lower canine b- MCR of upper canine
c- DCR of lower canine d- DCR of upper canine

38- which one of the following cusp ridges of canines is the most heavier
a- MCR of lower canine b- MCR of upper canine
c- DCR of lower canine d- DCR of upper canine

39- from proximal aspect of permanent maxillary canine ;

a- cusp tip is centerlized and inline wiith apex
b- cusp tip is shifted labial , in line with apex
c- cusp tip is shifted labial , its labial to apex
d- Non of the above

40- the maxillary canine can be distinguished from the mandibular canine
by which of the following characteristics:
a- mandibular 3 has more prominent cinglum
b- in mandibular 3 the cusp slopes are longer
c- in mandibular 3 the cusp tip is lingual to midline
d- in mandibular 3 lingual ridge is more prominent

41- contact areas of maxillary canines are more cervical than that of mandibular canine
a) true b) false

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42- which is the longet root ?

a) mandibular canine b) maxillary canine
c) lingual root of maxillary 1st molar d) lingual root of maxillary 2nd molar

43- The mesial surface of the crown is almost parallel to long axis and the root of a:
a) mandibular 2nd premolar b) maxillary 1st premolar
c) mandibular canine d) maxillary canine

44- A permanent maxillary right canine may be distinguished

from a maxillary left canine because :
a) the root curve to mesial in apical third
b) distal half of canine is more convex than mesial half
c) facially the cusp tip placed to the bisecting line
d) lingually the cervical line sloped mesially .

45- A permanent mandibular right canine may be distinguished

from a mandibular left canine
because :
a) the contact area on mesial is more cervical than that on the distal
b) mesial half of canine is convex while distal half is concave
c) facially the cusp tip placed to the bisecting line
d) lingually the cervical line sloped mesially .

46- the straightness , tapering of mesial , distal outlines of crown of
permanent lower central incisor give
a- square shape b- fan shape
c- symmetrical shape d- diamond shape

47- in compare with maxillary central; lower central is all the following except
a- smaller b- symmetrical c- smoother
d- MD>LL e- fan shape f- lingual inclined

48- Which of the following permanent teeth is usually bilaterally symmetric

when viewed labially and incissaly :
a- maxillary central incisor b- mandibular central incisor
c- maxillary canine d- mandibular canine

49- On which of the following permanent teeth is it most difficult to

distinguish between mesial and distal aspects?
a- maxillary central incisor b- mandibular central incisor
c- maxillary canine d- mandibular canine

50- what is the geometric form of anterior teeth when they are viewed
from the proximal aspects?
a- Rhomboid b- Trapezoid
c- Square d- Triangular

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51- which of the following feature would be an aid in distinguishing a maxillary

permanent lateral incisor from a mandibular permanent lateral incisor
a- thinness of incisal ridges of maxillary lateral incisor
b- flattened root of maxillary lateral incisor
c- sharp incisal angles of maxillary lateral incisors
d- curved distal pointed apex, palatal pit of maxillary lateral incisor

52- Which of the following features of a permanent maxillary lateral incisor aids in
distinguishing it from a mandibular lateral incisor?
a- flattened root
b- more pronounced lingual fossa
c- thinner incisal ridge
d- sharper proximal incisal angles

53- the mesial, distal contact areas of permanent lower central incisor :
a- at the same level at incisal third
b- at difference level; mesial at incisal, distal at mid of middle
c- at the same level at the middle third
d- non of the above
54- the mesial, distal contact areas of permanent lower incisor :
a- at the same level at incisal third
b- at difference level; mesial at incisal, distal at mid of middle
c- at the same level at the middle third
d- non of the above
55- from the incisal aspect of permanent lower lateral incisor;
the disto incisal angle is………
a- more labially located b- centralized c- more lingually located

56- which of the following tooth has depression on the mesial surface of the root
a- Mesial of upper central b- mesial of upper lateral
c- Mesial of lower lateral d- Non of the above
57- from labial aspect of permanent mandibular lateral incisor;
mesial outline is …………….. distal outline
a- longer than b- shorter than c- equal to
58- from mesial aspect of mandibular lateral incisor; mesio incisal angle is
a- lingual to midline but less than DIA b- lingual to midline but more than DIA
c- Inline with midline d- lingual to midline the same as DIA
59- which of the following crown are twisted on the root
a- Maxillary & mandibular canine b- mandibular lateral & mandibular canine
c- mandibular lateral only d- mandibular canine only
60- which of the following teeth are trapezoid from labial and lingual
a- Maxillary incisors b- mandibular incisors
c- canines d- all of the above

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61- all the following teeth are diamond from incisal aspect except
a- Maxillary incisors b- mandibular incisors c- canines
62- which of the following teeth has pointed apex
a- maxillary lateral b- mandibular lateral
c- mandibular central d- all of the above
63- crown of maxillary central is larger than that of maxillary lateral &
crown of mandibular lateral is larger than that of mandibular central
a- true b- false
64- disto incisal angle of permanent mandibular lateral located more …………………
than mesio incisal angle
a- more lingual b- more cervical
c- A,B d- non of the above
65- all of the following are geometric outlines of incisal of maxillary lateral except
a- trapezoid b- diamond c- oval d- triangular
66- which of the following angles is rounded
a- MIA & DIA of maxillary lateral incisors
b- MIA of both maxillary central & mandibular lateral
c- DIA of both maxillary central & mandibular lateral
d- A & B
e- A & c

67- which of the following teeth their root dropped intact 100% if traumatized
a- upper lateral incisor b- lower 8 c- upper central d- upper first premolar

68- which of the following not considered variations and anomalies of maxillary central
a- huchinson’s incisors b- talon cusp c- mesio-dens d- M-shape fossa
69- at age of 10 years; permanent maxillary lateral incisor has contact with
which of the following
a) deciduous canine b) permanent canine c)premolars d) no distal contact

70- the first evidence of calcification of permanent mandibular canine is observed by:
a- 4-5 M.I.U.L b- 3-4 M.I.U.L c- 10-12 M.I.U.L d- non of the above

71- the roots of which of the following permanent teeth are normally
completely formed by the age of 10 years
a- upper canine b- lower second molar
c- lower second premolar d- upper central
72- the first evidence of calcification of permanent mandibular canine is observed by:
a- 4-5 M.I.U.L b- 3-4 M.I.U.L c- 10-12 M.I.U.L d- non of the above

73- mandibular lateral incisros erupt

a- 7-8 year b- 6-7year c- 5-6 year d- 8-9 year

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. 3mmar’s MCQs for Dental Morphology Do it Easily 8988/898;

74- which of the following not considered variations and anomalies of maxillary central
a- huchinson’s incisors b- talon cusp c- mesio-dens d- dens invaginatous

75- The maxillary permanenr left canine notation by FDI

a) 13 b) 23 c) 43 d) 63

76- which of the following is likely to have bifurcated root ?

a- mandibular canine b- maxillary canine
c- mandibular incisor d- maxillary incisors

77- the minimum of convexity of mesial outline of permanent maxillary canine

from labial aspect is lies at
a- junction of cervical and middle third
b- junction of incisal and middle third
c- at the cervical third
d- at the gingival margin

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1 a 31 a 61 a
2 b 32 b 62 d
3 d 33 e 63 a
4 c 34 c 64 c
5 c 35 a 65 a
6 a 36 a 67 e
7 d 37 a 68 a
8 c 38 d 69
9 c 39 b 70
10 a 40 c 71
11 d 41 a 72
12 b 42 b 73
13 b 43 c 74
14 d 44 b 75
15 a 45 b 76
16 e 46 b 78
17 a 47 d 79
18 e 48 b 80
19 b 49 b
20 b 50 d
21 c 51 d
22 d 52 b
23 a 53 a
24 d 54 d
25 d 55 c
26 b 56 c
27 b 57 a
28 d 58 a
29 a 59 b

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