Implementation Plan
Implementation Plan
Implementation Plan
Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Alfonso Dasco Elementary School
Brgy. Casalugan Paracale Camarines Norte
Grade Level 2023- 2024- 2026- 2028- 2029- Grand
2024 2025 2027 2029 2030 Total
Grade 7 24 50 38 37 32 149
Grade 8 0 24 50 38 37 112
Grade 9 0 0 24 50 38 74
Grade 10 0 0 0 24 50 112
Grade 11 0 0 0 0 24 24
Prepared by:
Principal I
PS 3 6 9 12 YES NO
Instructional 1.Perform Instructional Check/Inspect LP’s/DLL Accomplished Daily(June- P 1,000.00 SEF 100% of the teachers have
supervision to achieve IS-A-Monitoring Form1:Checklist December 2017; been found with complete
Leadership higher learning of Lesson Plans/DLL and updated
outcomes January-March LessonsPlans/DLL
Lesson Plans/DLL 2018)
Inspect class records and school Accomplished IS-A Monitoring Form Quarterly (June- P 2,000.00 SEF 100% of the teachers have
forms. 2: Checklist of class Records and prepared updated Class
School Forms Aug; Sept-Nov; Records and School
Forms with accurate data/
Updated Records with accurate Dec-jan;and Feb-
data/entries: March)
-Class Records
-Grade Sheets
-Forms 138
-Forms 137
Conduct Intensive Classroom Accomplished Monthly P 1,500.00 SEF 10 or more classes have
Observation and Provision of been observed with
Appropriae Technical Assisstance IS-A-Monitoring Form 3:Summary of appropriate technical
Administer/ monitor Accomplished IS-B-Test Form Monthly 100,000.00 MOOE 10 times or more spot
Quarterly.summative,pre, post 1:Administration of Tests tests have been
and formative Assessments. Quarterly administered with list of
Form 178 identified inteventions of
June 20,000.00 SEF
the least-learned skills.
Conduct Oral Reading Inventory Accomplished IS-B-Test Form 2: Oral Monthly 2,000.00 MOOE 1 classes have been
Reading Inventory Template given Oral
Verification Test
From178 with 100% pupil
2. Account learning Conduct monitoring activities to Accomplished Daily 2,000.00 SEF 755 of above MPS have
outcomes vis-a-viz ensure that all teachers engaged been achieved (Elem. And
Of Utilization Report
Conduct LAPG/NAT Review for Accomplished Daily & Every 2,000.00 MOOE
Grades 3& 6,
IS-C- Review Form 1: NAT Review Saturday Other
Attain zero (0) Implementation the following Oral Verification Results June, 2018 25,000.00 Other 100% of pupils are
Non-Reader Phil-IRI Results readers
Attain Zero (0) Implement School-Based Accomplished IS-D-Monotoring September 2017 230,000.00 DEPED 100% of the pupils are
Drop-Out Rate Feeding Program kept in school
Conduct co-curricular Form 4:School-based Feeding Program To March 2018
activities Implementation
Classroom Visitation 1,500.00 MOOE
Attendance Sheets
Attain 100% Conduct Remedial Classes Accomplished Daily-June 1,000.00 MOOE 100% of pupils have been
Promotion promoted to the next
Rate IS-C Review From 3: 2017 to March grade/year level with 75%
mastery level of the
Remedial Classes Monitoring 2018
Template 11:30 NN-12:00
Remedial Classes Schedule Pm 4:00-5:00
Class Attendance
Lesson Outline for Remedial PM
Results of Remedial Classes
3. Learning School-Based Classroom Accomplished LE-A Monitoring End of each 6,800.00 SEF 100% of the classsrooms
Environment Evaluation
Form 5: School-Based Classroom Quarter Have been weel-
Attained an
Undertake Implement any of the following: Accomplished LE-B-Monitoring Form June to March 377,210.00 MOOE Implementation at least 5
Beautification Beautification: 6: Projects have been
And Sanitation Maintenance o School Implementation of School 10,000.00 Initiated and
Project Facilities such as: Beautification and Sanitation Project MOOE accomplished
Photos Attained an average
-School Buildings of 5 in school
-Classrooms evaluation
-Perimeter fence
A flower garden for every
60,000.00 Other
Cleanliness Drive(a Sources
Focused area for every
A well-managed waste
per/classroom/grade level
A compost pit within the
school premise
Pocket Forest
Drainage system
130,000.00 PTA
Acquire Seek support from LGU Accomplished LE-C-Monitoring Form June to March 20,000.00 SEF Acquired at least 5
and PTAs 7:Checklist of Equipment and
-Math laboratory
-Sports activity
Attain 100% Implementation the following Accomplished LE-C-Monitoring Form Specify 15,000.00 MOOE Attained the following
Participation, Special Programs/Projects: 8: Your 100%
Child Protection List of Special Projects/Programs\ Planned ParticipationRate
Survival, and ALS Implemented: Date of 100% Survival Rate
Abot-Alam Implementation 100% Completion
Completion rate
PEPT Narrative Reports (start)
Pantawid Pamilyang Photos In any month)
Pilipino Program (4ps) 20,000.00 PTA
Special Science
National Greening
Program (NGP)
Gulayan Sa Paaralan
Religious Activitis
Human Resource 4.Conduct Personnel Conduct continous staff Accomplished HRMD-MF1:Summary June to March 5,000.00 Other 100% of the conflicts(if
Conferences/conflict management
Enforce the reward and recognition Accomplish HRMD- MF 7: Summary of June- March 50,000.00 MOOE
system Recognition and Reward given to
Teachers’ Staff
List of teachers awarded and
recognized per event
Keep updated Provide each teacher with Accomplish HRMD-MF8: Checklist of Quarterly 2500 MOOE 100% of the teachers
teacher’s a folder/ clear book Teacher’s Portfolio have updated portfolio
Portfolio Issue memo requiring Individual’s portfolio (with complete
teachers to update their documents)
portfolio as required
Check teacher’s file
Assign somebody to
check the documents
Prepare summary of
Ensure at all Provide monitoring and Accomplish HRMD-MF9: Summary of July- Dec. 2017 500 MOOE 100% of the teachers
teachers the coaching activities during Results of Teacher’s Performance Jan-Mar 2018 have been rated at least
highest the RPMS cycle Copies of Teacher’s IPCRF Very Satisfactory based
performance Provide performance Record of monitoring and Oct. 2017 on RPMS
level review and Coaching coaching activities
Assess Teacher’s Work Copies of Teachers Rating Mar.2018 Achieve an
Performance and come up average of 5.0
with the Development
5.Provide technical Operationalized the HRDD Copies of Program Completion October 2017 1000 MOOE 75% of the teachers
assistance for teachers on System Report(PCR) April 2018
matters pertaining to TSNA Individual Profile
enhancement of the PDP (IPPD, SPPD) Process-Observation Results
KRA’s Attendance Sheets
Conduct School- Session Guides
Based Training Pre- and Post-Rapid Assessment
Program Result
Conduct Review accomplish IS Accomplish HRMD-MF-10: Summary of Twice a month 5000 MOOE Conducted
Mentoring/Coaching forms and teacher’s Mentoring/Coaching/LAC sessions Other mentoring/coaching/LA
/LAC Session’s portfolio Conducted 5000 Sources C sessions at least more
Determine needs of each Outline of Sessions Conducted than 10 times a year
teacher List of recipient teachers
Plan session to conduct Teachers’ Journal
and schedule Attendance sheets
Encourage teachers to Inform teachers/personnel of Accomplish HRMD-MF 11: Master List of (June 2017- 100% of the teachers are
Parents 6. Acquire network of General/Homeroom PTA Meetings Minutes of PTA meetings Quarterly 10,000 PTA 75% of the parents have
Involvement And support from parents and Plan the meeting carefully Lists of PTA Officers per Grade/Year actively involved in the
support from parents and Send personalized letters Level/its federation and committees decision making in all
Community community Serve snacks Copies of Parents’ Pledge of support meetings and in the
Partnership Ensure parents Consider the inclusion in any of implementation of
participation in the following during meetings: different programs and
all meetings - Slideshow of school projects
ment, significant
Initiate programs and Any of the following programs and Accomplishment Report Specify your 200,000 PTA At least 5 programs/
projects with full projects can be done: Minutes of meeting target date for projects have been
engagement of parents Constructing compost pit List of Parents each of your initiated/ implemented1
and community Constructing school fence PTA resolution planned
Assisting in the Solicitation letters programs and
implementation of school- Financial report project
based feeding program Photos
Planting ornamental
Acquiring trash bins for
proper waste management
per classroom
Raising funds
Acquiring equipment,
facilities and instructional
Putting up of the school
- math parks
- science parks
- herbal garden
Encourage List stakeholders Master List of other stakeholders June-March 1,000 MOOE At least 5 activities have
participation of - Alumni been participated with
other - LGU List of Projects/ Programs needing support maximum support
stakeholders - NGO
- Private Individuals
needing assistance
Match need of the
identifies stakeholders
Prepare proposals
Submit proposal
7. Develop strong Any of the following can Accomplish the PICP MF1: Summary of June to March 5,000 LGU At least 5 activities have
partnership with parents be done: Activities Participated PTA been participated
and community people - Attend barangay Photos
sessions Narrative Report