DLP - Nature Writing
DLP - Nature Writing
DLP - Nature Writing
A. Content Standards The learner understands the distinction between and among creative nonfiction types and forms.
B. Performance Standards The learner competently delivers an artistic presentation, summarizing and analyzing the form, theme and techniques of
a chosen creative nonfictional text.
C. Learning Competency Deliver an artistic presentation summarizing, analyzing, and commenting on a chosen creative nonfictional text
representing a particular type or form.
LC CODE for each HUMSS_CNF11/12-IIb-c-17
Ask the students to observe the pictures and guess the The students will analyze the This activity will give
scrambled words under. pictures and try to guess the the students idea of the
scrambled letters. lesson for the day.
Moreover, it will also
A. Reviewing previous lesson test their prior
or presenting new lesson knowledge on some of
(5 minutes) the terms related to
Processing Questions:
1. What can you say about the activity?
2. What have you observed with words and Students’ answer may vary.
pictures presented? The pictures showed the beauty of
3. What group of pictures do you find nature.
interesting and why?
Activity 2: UNLOCK YOUR SUPERPOWERS This activity addresses
(A Video Analysis) students auditory and
Students will observe and listen to visual skills.
the sound of nature.
I chose this to develop
in them the
appreciation of the
beauty of nature.
Ask the students to analyze the first 2 activities that The phenomena of the physical
they had and come up with their own definition of world collectively, including plants,
Nature. animals, the landscape, and other
features and products of the earth, as
opposed to humans or human
Activity 4: Dear Future Generations-Sorry
This video will enrich
student’s idea on how
to write about nature.
Students will watch the video and
F. Developing analyze the techniques used by the
Mastery (Leads to Formative speaker. They are also asked to
Assessment 3)
observe the technique
used by the author in
(10 Minutes)
Instruction: preparing his message
1. Look for a pair. to develop critical
2. Carefully listen to the message of the speaker in thinking skills.
the video.
3. List down the things that he has given emphasis
and observe the technique he used in preparing
the content of his message.
What is the importance of writing about nature? It helps us appreciate the beauty of
G. Finding practical What makes nature writing different from other forms It encourages us to speak out and
applications of concepts and of writing? raise our voices to help save the
daily living mother earth.
(5 Minutes)
How are you going to use what you have learned Students’ answer may vary.
today in helping save our mother nature?
*Different Strategies/
Methods Used
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
C. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well/not worked well?
Why did these work/not
D. What innovations or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with other
Prepared by:
Teacher II