Demand Andrews Checks
Demand Andrews Checks
Demand Andrews Checks
, Davao City
Telephone No. (082) 224-6406
Llanes Bldg., Pioneer Ave.,
Magugpo Poblacion, Tagum City,
Davao del Norte
As provided in Section V of your Agreement, you have issued the following checks, with details to
Upon deposit, the above-mentioned checks were dishonored by the drawee bank due to DRAWN
AGAINST INSUFFICIENT FUNDS (“DAIF”) and “ACCOUNT CLOSED”. Previous efforts have been made to
collect the outstanding obligation already due and owing. However, to date, you have failed to pay and
remain adamant to settle your obligation.
In view of the foregoing, please consider this as our LAST DEMAND and will you please pay my
client the total amount of amount of SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND (Php750,000.00) PE-
SOS representing the total amount of the ten (10) issued checks above-stated plus twenty-five percent (25%)
Attorney’s fees thereof within FIVE (5) DAYS upon receipt of this letter. If you fail to do so, I don’t have
any other recourse but to file civil and/or criminal charges against you in court to protect the interest of my