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1. Ukrainian therapeutic school and its importance for developing therapeutic
science (V.P. Obraztsov, M.D.Strazhesko, V.X Vasilenko., M.M. Huberhryts, F.G.
Yanovsky, V.M. Ivanov, A.I. Hryciuk, H.J. Burchinskij, L.T. Malaya, I.M. Ganzha).
2. General institutional and legislative aspects of the drug-employment
examination. Temporary and stable disability. Group disability. Medical records.
3. Evidence-based medicine. The principles, concepts, methodology. Value for
medical practice.
4. Diagnosis and treatment of older people.
5. Obesity and its consequences.
6. Primary and secondary prevention of internal diseases.


1. Essential arterial hypertension (hypertensive disease). Definition. The
role of disturbances of central and renal mechanisms of arterial pressure regulation,
endothelial functions, and other factors. Classification. Clinical implications and
data of additional methods of research. Damages of target organs. The differential
diagnosis. Stratification of risk. Complications. Isolated systolic arterial
hypertension. Treatment. Complicated and not complicated hypertensive crisis,
features of medical tactics. Primary and secondary preventive maintenance. The
prognosis and preventive maintenance.
2. Secondary (symptomatic) arterial hypertension. Definition. Main causes.
Features of the clinic, diagnostics of renal (renovascular, reno-parenchymatous),
endocrine (a Cushing's syndrome and disease, pheochromocytoma, Conn's
Syndrome, diffuse toxic goiter), and hemodynamic arterial hypertension. Arterial
hypertension at pregnancy, metabolic infringements (a metabolic syndrome). Value
of laboratory and instrumental methods for differential diagnostics and verification
of the diagnosis. Therapeutic and surgical treatment. Primary and secondary
preventive maintenance. The prognosis and incapacitation.
3. Atherosclerosis. Definition. Role of hyperlipidemia, the general and local
inflammation, damage of a vascular wall, and platels in atherosclerosis
development. Risk factors. Features of clinical implications depending on primary
localization (an aorta, coronary, mesenteric and renal arteries, arteries of the lower
limbs). Value of laboratory, radiation, and other instrumental methods of research.
The differential diagnosis. Complications. The general principles of treatment.
Medical tactics at different variants of clinical courses. Primary and secondary
preventive measures. The prognosis and incapacitation.
4. Stable coronary heart disease. Definition of stable coronary heart disease.
Etiology. Classification of coronary heart disease. The term "Chronic coronary
syndrome." Features of the clinical course and diagnosis of different variants of
stable angina. Painless forms of coronary heart disease (painless myocardial
ischemia), postinfarction and diffuse cardiosclerosis. Features of clinical
manifestations, criteria for diagnosis. Differentiated therapy of different forms of
coronary heart disease. Indications for myocardial revascularization. Primary and
secondary prevention. Prognosis and performance in various forms of coronary
heart disease.
5. Acute coronary syndromes (unstable angina and acute myocardial
infarction). Definition. Classification. Features of the clinical course and diagnosis
of an acute coronary syndrome (unstable angina, acute myocardial infarction).
Features of the clinical course and diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction. Criteria
for diagnosis. Complications of acute myocardial infarction (acute left ventricular
failure, cardiac arrhythmia, conduction, myocardial rupture, acute cardiac aneurysm,
post-infarction Dressler's Syndrome, etc.). Diagnosis. Treatment of acute coronary
syndrome with ST-segment elevation and without ST-segment elevation. Prognosis-
modifying therapy. Indications for surgical treatment. Rehabilitation. Primary and
secondary prevention. The prognosis and incapacitation.
6. Congenital heart disease. Definition. Ventricular septa defect. Atrial septal
defect. Рatent ductus arteriosus. Coarctation of the aorta. Mechanisms of
hemodynamic disturbances, the value of pulmonary hypertension. Value of
noninvasive and invasive methods for diagnostics and differential diagnostics.
Complications. Eisenmenger's syndrome. Indications to surgical treatment.
Preventive maintenance of complications.
7. Acquired heart valvular disease. Definition. Defects of mitral, aortal, and
tricuspid valves. Etiology, mechanisms of hemodynamic disturbances.
Classification. Combined mitral and aortal defects. Clinical implications. Value of
noninvasive and invasive methods for diagnostics and differential diagnostics.
Complications. Indications to surgical treatment. Primary and secondary preventive
measures. The prognosis and incapacitation.
8. Infective endocarditis. Definition. Etiology, pathogenesis. Features of
clinical courses depending on the causative microorganism. Diagnostic criteria.
Value of laboratory methods and echocardiographic researches in diagnostics. The
differential diagnosis. Complications (heart failure, embolism, abscesses).
Treatment. Modes of antibacterial therapy. Indications to surgical treatment. The
prognosis and incapacitation.
9. Мyocardities and cardiomyopathies. Definition. Etiology, the
pathogenesis of the basic kinds of cardiomyopathies (inflammatory, metabolic,
idiopathic). Clinical manifestation, changes on an electrocardiogram, Echo, and
other investigation methods depend on etiology and сourse of disease. Criteria of the
diagnosis and differential diagnosis. Complications. Features of treatment in various
cardiomyopathies. Primary and secondary preventive measures. The prognosis and
10. Pulmonary embolism. Definition and classification of pulmonary
embolism. Risk factors. Рathogenesis of hemodynamic disturbances. Clinical
natural history of various forms. Criteria of the diagnosis, the differential diagnosis.
Diagnostic value of changes received at instrumental methods of research. Medical
tactics. Indications to surgical treatment. Primary and secondary preventive
measures. The prognosis and incapacitation.
11. Cor pulmonale. Definition of cor pulmonale. Etiology, pathogenesis.
Classification. Сlinical presentations, instrumental research data methods depend on
etiological factors and a stage (compensation or decompensation). The differential
diagnosis. Principles of the differentiated treatment. Primary and secondary
preventive measures. The prognosis and incapacitation.
12. Pericarditis. Definition. Etiology, pathogenesis. Classification. Features of
clinic, course, and diagnostics of different variants of pericardites. Methods of
verification of the diagnosis. The differential diagnosis with damage of a
myocardium. Сardiac tamponade. Indications to a puncture of a pericardium, its
diagnostic and medical value. The differentiated therapy of different forms because
of etiological factors. Primary and secondary preventive measures. The prognosis
and incapacitation
13. Disturbances of heart rhythm. Definition. Etiology. Electrophysiological
mechanisms of arrhythmia (еxtrasystole, atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter,
ventricular tachycardia and ventricular flutter). WPW syndrome. The clinic,
electrocardiogram diagnostics, and differential diagnostics. Complications.
Medicament and drug-free modalities methods of treatment. The role of
cardioversion. Urgent therapy at paroxysmal disturbances of a rhythm and sudden
cardiac arrest. Primary and secondary preventive measures. The prognosis and
14. Conduction disorders. Definition and etiology of conduction disturbances.
Classification. The clinic, an electrocardiogram-diagnostics of atria-ventricular
block and bundle branches block. Seak sinus syndrome. Frederick's Syndrome.
Tactics at acute and chronic disturbances of conductivity. Urgent therapy at Stokes-
Adams attack. Tactics of patient management, additional instrumental methods of
examination. Indications and principles of pacing (temporary, constant). Primary
and secondary preventive measures. The prognosis and incapacitation.
15. Acute heart failure. Definition. The main reasons. Pathogenesis of central
and peripheral hemodynamics disorders in different forms (insufficiency of the left
and right heart). Classification. Clinical manifestations. Diagnosis. Emergency care
for cardiogenic pulmonary edema and cardiogenic shock.
16. Chronic heart failure. Definition. The main reasons. Pathogenesis of
disorders of central and peripheral hemodynamics in various forms (left and right
heart failure). The role of neurohumoral activation and remodeling of the heart.
Classification. Clinical manifestations and their features depending on the type (CF
with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction and CF with reduced left ventricular
ejection fraction), stage, and functional class. Diagnosis. The value of laboratory
and instrumental research methods. Prognosis-modifying therapy. Primary and
secondary prevention. Forecast and efficiency.
17. Acute Rheumatic fever. Definition. A role of a streptococcal infection and
immunological reactance in the development of rheumatic fever. Classification. A
clinical picture (polyarthritis, chorea, damages of skin). Value of laboratory and
instrumental methods of research. Criteria of diagnostic. The differential diagnosis.
Complications. Treatment because of a degree of activity. Primary and secondary
preventive measures. The prognosis and incapacitation.
18. Rheumatoid arthritis. Definition. Etiological factors, pathogenesis, role of
immune status disorders in the development of disease. Classification and the
nomenclature. A clinical picture because of activity of pathological process, a stage
of disease, system evidence. Value of laboratory and instrumental methods for
diagnostics of disease, its stage, and activity. Criteria of diagnostics value of
synovial fluid research. The differential diagnosis. Complications. The strategy of
treatment. Basic therapy. Tactics of treatment by glucocorticosteroids and
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Preventive measures. The prognosis and
work capacity.
19. Systemic connective tissue diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus).
Systemic lupus erythematosus. Definition. Etiological factors, pathogenesis.
Classification. Clinical presentations depending on the involvement of organs and
systems, activity of the disease. Value laboratory, including immunologic methods
of research. Diagnostic criteria. The differential diagnosis. Complications.
Principles of treatment. Pulse-therapy. Preventive measures. The prognosis and
work capacity.
20. Systemic connective tissue diseases (systemic scleroderma,
dermatomyositis/polymyositis). Systemic scleroderma and dermatomyositis.
Definition. Etiological factors, pathogenesis. Classification. Clinical picture
depending on the involvement of organs and systems. Diagnostic criteria. The
differential diagnosis. Complications. Principles of treatment. Preventive measures.
The prognosis and work capacity.
21. Systemic vasculitis. Hemorrhagic vasculitis (Schonlein-Henoch disease),
hypersensitive vasculitis, nodular polyarteritis. Definition. Etiology, pathogenesis.
Clinical presentations. Diagnostic criteria. The differential diagnosis. Treatment.
Preventive measures. The prognosis and work capacity.
22. Оsteoarthrisis. Definition. Etiology, pathogenesis. Classification. Clinical
picture depending on prevailing localization of damages. Diagnostics. The
differential diagnosis. Рharmaceutical treatment and drug-free modalities treatment.
Primary and secondary preventive measures. The prognosis and incapacitation.
23. Seronegative spondyloarthritis (axial spondyloarthritis, reactive
arthritis). Axial spondyloarthritis, іncluding ankylosing spondylitis. Definition.
Etiological factors, pathogenesis. Classification. Clinical picture. The value of
instrumental and laboratory methods. Diagnostic criteria. Differential diagnosis.
Treatment. Prevention. Forecast and efficiency. Reactive arthritis. Definition.
Etiology, pathogenesis. Classification. Clinical manifestations of reactive arthritis of
various etiologies. Reuter's syndrome, the importance of laboratory and instrumental
diagnostic methods. Diagnostic criteria, Differential diagnosis. Treatment, the role
of antibacterial therapy. Primary and secondary prevention. Forecast and efficiency.
24. Gout. Definition. Etiology, pathogenesis. Classification. Features of an
articular syndrome and visceral injury. Diagnostic criteria. Complications.
Principles of differential treatment. Preventive measures. The prognosis and work
25. Glomerulonephritis. Definition. Etiology. A role of a streptococcal
infection and immunological reactance in the development of disease. Pathogenesis
of primary clinical syndromes. Classification. Clinical presentations and diagnostics
of the selected cases. Differential diagnosis. Complications. (eclampsia, acute
kidney injury, etc.) Treatment according to morphological variant and clinical
course. Primary and secondary preventive measures. The prognosis and
26. Рyelonephritis. Definition. Role of infection in inflammatory diseases of
kidneys and urinary tract. Primary and secondary pyelonephritis. Clinical
manifestation. Instrumental and laboratory methods of diagnostics. Differential
diagnosis. Complications. Treatment. Primary and secondary preventive measures.
The prognosis and incapacitation.
27. Tubulointerstitial nephritis. Definition, etiology, the pathogenesis of
tubulointerstitial nephritis. Clinical implications. Criteria of diagnostics and
differential diagnosis. Complications. Treatment. Emergency medical care at acute
renal failure. Primary and secondary preventive measures. The prognosis and
28. Amyloidosis. Definition, etiology, the pathogenesis of amyloidosis.
Classification. Clinical manifestations of renal amyloidosis. Diagnostic criteria.
Differential diagnosis. Complication. Treatment. Primary and secondary prevention.
Forecast and efficiency.
29. Acute kidney injury. Chronic kidney disease. Definition. Etiological
factors. Pathogenesis of lesions of organs and systems. Classification. Clinical
manifestations. Diagnostic value of laboratory and instrumental research methods.
Differential diagnosis. Complication. Tactics of patient management, differentiated
non-drug and drug treatment at different stages. Renal replacement therapy:
hemodialysis, kidney transplantation. Indications and contraindications to renal
replacement therapy, complications. Primary and secondary prevention. Forecast
and efficiency.
30. Gastroesophageal reflux disease. Definition. Etiology and pathogenesis.
The role of gastroesophageal reflux in the development of reflux esophagitis and
Barrett esophagitis. Classification. Erosive GERD and non-erosive form. Clinical
manifestations depending on the variant and phase. Criteria for diagnosis,
differential diagnosis. Complications. Differential therapy. Primary and secondary
31. Gastric indigestion. Definition. Etiology and pathogenesis. The role of H.
pylori in the development of gastroduodenal pathology. Classification. Not
examined and functional dyspepsia. Criteria for diagnosis. Differential diagnosis
from organic pathology. Current approaches to the treatment of functional
dyspepsia. Primary and secondary prevention. Prognosis and capacity for work.
32. Chronic gastritis. Definition, etiology, and pathogenesis of chronic
gastritis. Role of H. pylori in causing chronic gastritis. Classification. Atrophic and
not atrophic gastritis and special forms of chronic gastritis. The value of endoscopy
(with morphology) and X-ray examination for diagnosis. Methods for diagnosing H.
pylori infection. Current approaches to the treatment of various types of chronic
gastritis. Primary and secondary prevention. Prognosis and capacity for work.
33. Peptic ulcer disease and other peptic ulcer diseases of the stomach and
duodenum. Definition. The role of H.pylori, acid-peptic factor, medicines in the
development of peptic ulcers. Complications (perforation, penetration, bleeding,
evacuatory-motor function). The value of instrumental and laboratory diagnostic
methods. Methods of diagnosis of Hp-infection. Modern tactics of managing a
patient with a peptic ulcer. Eradication therapy. Control of eradication. Drug therapy
of Hp-negative ulcers. Indications for surgical treatment. Primary and secondary
prevention. Prognosis and capacity for work.
34. Cholelithiasis, chronic cholecystitis, and biliary functional disorders.
Definition. Etiology and pathogenesis. Value of infections, motility disorders, and
discholia in the development of chronic acalculous cholecystitis, cholangitis, and
cholelithiasis. Features of clinical course. Role of instrumental methods in
diagnosis. Differential diagnosis. Complications. Differential treatment based on
clinical variation and presence of complications. Indications for surgical treatment.
Primary and secondary prevention. Prognosis and capacity for work.
35. Chronic hepatitis. Definition. Classification. Role of a persistent virus,
medicinal agents, immune disorders, and alcohol abuse. Methods of diagnosis of
viral infection. Autoimmune hepatitis, chronic viral hepatitis, medication hepatitis.
Alcoholic liver disease. The primary clinical and biochemical syndromes. Clinical
course and diagnosis of special forms. The value of morphological, biochemical,
and radioisotope methods. Differential diagnosis. Complications. Treatment of
different forms. Primary and secondary prevention. Prognosis and capacity for
36. Cirrhosis. Definition. The value of viral infection, diet, alcohol, toxic and
immunological disorders. Classification. Features of clinical manifestations and
diagnosis of various options. Differential diagnosis. Hepatic failure and other
complications. Differential therapy. Emergency treatment of complications. Primary
and secondary prevention. Prognosis and capacity for work.
37. Celiac disease and another enteropathy. Definition. Etiology and
pathogenesis. The role of intolerance to food components, enzymopathy (intolerance
to lactose, fructose, galactose), and immune factors. Malabsorption syndromes and
malnutrition. Criteria for diagnosis, differential diagnosis. Complications.
Differential therapy. Primary and secondary prevention. Prognosis and capacity for
38. Inflammatory bowel disease. Irritable bowel syndrome. Ulcerative colitis
and Crohn's disease: definition, etiology, and pathogenesis. Classification. Features
of the clinical course depending on the degree of activity, severity, and phase of the
course. Diagnostic criteria. Differential diagnosis. Intestinal and extraintestinal
complications and diseases associated with inflammatory bowel disease (toxic
dilatation, perforation, sclerosing cholangitis, spondylitis, arthritis, dermatoses,
uveitis, etc.). Treatment. Primary and secondary prevention. Prognosis and capacity
for work. Irritable bowel syndrome, definition. Rome diagnostic criteria. Etiology
and pathogenesis. Classification. Clinical implications of various options.
Diagnostic criteria and exclusion criteria for diagnosis. Differential diagnosis.
Treatment of various forms. Primary and secondary prevention. Prognosis and
capacity for work.
39. Chronic pancreatitis. Definition. Different etiological factors.
Classification. Features of clinical course, diagnosis, and differential diagnosis
depending on the form and localization of pathological process. Complications.
Research methods in the diagnosis of pancreatitis. Differential treatment. Primary
and secondary prevention. Prognosis and capacity for work.
40. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Definition. Monitoring groups of
patients at risk of developing COPD. Risk factors for COPD. Classification. Clinical
manifestations change the data of additional instrumental research methods
depending on the stage (severity). Concomitant pathology in COPD. Differential
diagnosis. Complication. Non-drug and drug treatment. Treatment depending on the
severity. Surgical treatment. Rehabilitation program. Primary and secondary
prevention. Forecast and efficiency.
41. Bronchial asthma. Definition. Etiology, pathogenesis features.
Classification. Clinical manifestations and changes in data of instrumental methods,
depending on severity. Differential diagnosis. Complications. Treatment based on
severity. The role of peak flowmetry. Emergency aid for asthma. Primary and
secondary prevention. Prognosis and capacity for work.
42. Pneumonia. Definition. The most common etiological factors.
Classification. Clinical manifestations and the features of community-acquired,
nosocomial, aspiration pneumonia and pneumonia in patients with severe defects of
immunity. Changes in instrumental and laboratory methods. Differential diagnosis.
Complications (multiple organ injury syndromes, respiratory distress syndrome, and
respiratory failure). Differential treatment. Primary and secondary prevention.
Prognosis and capacity for work.
43. Pleuritis. Definition. Etiological factors. Classification. Clinical signs,
changes of instrumental, laboratory data, and their characteristics depending on the
form (dry, exudate) and etiology. Differential diagnosis. Complications. Indications
for pleural puncture and drainage of the pleural cavity. Treatment. Primary and
secondary prevention. Prognosis and capacity for work.
44. Infectious and destructive lung diseases. Bronchiectasis. Definition. Risk
factors for abscess, gangrenous abscess, and pulmonary gangrene. Clinical
manifestations, data of laboratory and instrumental research methods. Differential
diagnosis. Complication. Treatment. Indications for surgical treatment. Primary and
secondary prevention. Prognosis and capacity for work. Determination of
bronchiectasis. Factors that contribute to development. Clinical manifestations, data
of laboratory and instrumental research methods. Differential diagnosis.
Complication. Treatment. Indications for surgical treatment. Primary and secondary
prevention. Prognosis and capacity for work.
45. Pulmonary insufficiency. Definition. Classification. Etiology. Features of
the clinical course of different forms. Diagnosis, the role of lung function test.
Differential diagnosis. Medical treatment. Primary and secondary prevention.
Prognosis and capacity for work.
46. Anemia (iron, B 12 deficiency, folic acid deficiency, hemolytic,
hypoplastic, posthemorrhagic). Definition. Etiological factors and pathogenesis.
Mechanisms of intracellular and intravascular hemolysis. Clinical and laboratory
diagnosis of various forms. Differential diagnosis. Complications. Treatment of
various forms. Transfusion of blood components and blood substitutes. Primary and
secondary prevention. Prognosis and capacity for work.
47. Acute leukemia. Definition. Modern views on etiology and pathogenesis.
Classification. The primary clinical and hematologic syndromes. Clinical
manifestations. Criteria for diagnosis. Differential diagnosis. Complications.
Principles of treatment. Bone marrow transplantation therapy. Primary and
secondary prevention. Prognosis and capacity for work.
48. Chronic leukemia. Definition of chronic myeloid leukemia, chronic
lymphoid leukemia, myeloma, true polycythemia. Modern views on etiology and
pathogenesis. Classification. The primary clinical and hematologic syndromes.
Clinical manifestations. Criteria for diagnosis. Differential diagnosis.
Complications. Principles of treatment. Bone marrow transplantation therapy.
Primary and secondary prevention. Prognosis and capacity for work.
49. Thrombocytopenic purpura and hemophilia. Definition. Etiology and
pathogenesis, the primary clinical syndromes. Criteria for diagnosis. Differential
diagnosis. Treatment. Therapy of different hemophilia. Prevention of bleeding.
Primary and secondary prevention. Prognosis and capacity for work.


1. Differential diagnosis of anemia.
2. Differential diagnosis of arterial hypertension.
3. Differential diagnosis of ascites.
4. Differential diagnosis of chest pain
5. Differential diagnosis of abdominal pain.
6. Differential diagnosis of pain in the extremities and back.
7. Differential diagnosis of broncho-obstructive syndrome.
8. Differential diagnosis of hepato-lienal syndrome.
9. Differential diagnosis of hepatomegaly.
10. Differential diagnosis of dyspepsia.
11. Differential diagnosis of dysphagia.
12. Differential diagnosis of respiratory failure.
13. Differential diagnosis of diarrhea.
14. Differential diagnosis of jaundice.
15. Differential diagnosis of shortness of breath.
16. Differential diagnosis of suffocation and asphyxia.
17. Differential diagnosis of constipation.
18. Differential diagnosis in comae.
19. Differential diagnosis of bleeding.
20. Differential diagnosis of hemoptysis.
21. Differential diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension.
22. Differential diagnosis of pulmonary infiltrate.
23. Differential diagnosis of leukocytosis and leukopenia.
24. Differential diagnosis of fever.
25. Differential diagnosis of lymphadenopathy.
26. Differential diagnosis of edema syndrome.
27. Differential diagnosis of fainting.
28. Differential diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome.
29. Differential diagnosis of oligo-anuria.
30. Differential diagnosis of heartburn.
31. Differential diagnosis of acute liver failure.
32. Differential diagnosis of pleural effusion.
33. Differential diagnosis of portal hypertension.
34. Differential diagnosis of cardiac conduction disorders.
35. Differential diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias.
36. Differential diagnosis of purpura.
37. Differential diagnosis of heart murmurs.
38. Differential diagnosis of heart failure.
39. Differential diagnosis of urinary syndrome.
40. Differential diagnosis of the joint syndrome.
41. Differential diagnosis of weight loss.
42. Differential diagnosis of chronic kidney disease.
43. Differential diagnosis of chronic cough.
44. Differential diagnosis of cyanosis.
45. Differential diagnosis of shocks.


Management of a patient with hypertension: algorithms and standards for diagnosis
and treatment.
• Managing the patient with chest pain: algorithms and standards for diagnosis and
• Management of patients with cardiac rhythm disorders: algorithms and standards
for diagnosis and treatment.
• Management of a patient with conduction disturbance of the heart: algorithms and
standards for diagnosis and treatment.
• Management of the patient with shortness of breath: algorithms and standards for
diagnosis and treatment.
• Management of a patient with edema: algorithms and standards for diagnosis and
Management of a patient with pulmonary hypertension: algorithms and standards
of diagnosis and treatment.
• Management of a patient with a heart murmur: algorithms and standards for
diagnosis and treatment.
• Management of a patient with chronic heart failure: algorithms and standards for
diagnosis and treatment.
• Management of patients with pain in the back and limbs: algorithms and standards
for diagnosis and treatment.
• Management of a patient with joint syndrome: algorithms and standards for
diagnosis and treatment.
• Management of a patient with purpura: algorithms and standards for diagnosis and
• Management of patients with fever: algorithms and standards for diagnosis and
• Management of a patient with weight loss: algorithms and standards for diagnosis
and treatment.
• Management of a patient with dysphagia and heartburn: algorithms and standards
for diagnosis and treatment.
• Management of patients with functional dyspepsia: algorithms and standards for
diagnosis and treatment.
• Management of a patient with abdominal pain: algorithms and standards for
diagnosis and treatment.
• Management of a patient with diarrhea: algorithms and standards for diagnosis and
Management of a patient with constipation: algorithms and standards for diagnosis
and treatment.
• Management of a patient with jaundice: algorithms and standards for diagnosis and
• Management of a patient with hepatomegaly and hepato-lienal syndrome:
algorithms and standards for diagnosis and treatment.
• Management of a patient with portal hypertension and ascites: algorithms and
standards for diagnosis and treatment.
• Management of a patient with pulmonary infiltrates, algorithms, and standards for
diagnosis and treatment.
• Management of the patient with chronic cough: algorithms and standards for
diagnosis and treatment.
• Management of a patient with broncho-obstructive syndrome: algorithms and
standards diagnosis and treatment.
• Management of a patient with cyanosis: algorithms and standards for diagnosis
and treatment.
• Management of a patient with hemoptysis: algorithms and standards for diagnosis
and treatment.
• Management of a patient with pleural effusion: algorithms and standards for
diagnosis and treatment.
• Management of the patient with uric syndrome: algorithms and standards for
diagnosis and treatment.
• Management of a patient with nephrotic syndrome: algorithms and standards for
diagnosis and treatment.
• Management of a patient with chronic kidney disease: algorithms and standards for
diagnosis and treatment.
• Management of a patient with anemia: algorithms and standards and treatment.
• Management of a patient with hemorrhagic syndrome: algorithms and standards
for diagnosis and treatment.
• Management of a patient with lymphadenopathy: algorithms and standards for
diagnosis and treatment.
Management of a patient with leukocytosis and leukopenia: algorithms and
standards for diagnosis and treatment.


• Standards of urgent diagnostics and emergency care at the pre-hospital and
hospital stages in circulatory and respiratory arrest cases.
Standards for diagnosing and emergency treatment of patients with a hypertensive
crisis in the pre-hospital and hospital stages.
• Standards for diagnosing and emergency treatment of patients with the acute
coronary syndrome in the pre-hospital and hospital stages.
• Standards for diagnosing and emergency treatment of patients with pulmonary
embolism in the pre-hospital and hospital stages.
• Standards for diagnosing and emergency treatment of patients with acute heart
failure in the pre-hospital and hospital stages.
• Standards for the diagnosis and emergency treatment of patients with shock in the
pre-hospital and hospital stages.
• Standards for diagnosing and emergency treatment of patients with paroxysmal
cardiac arrhythmias in the pre-hospital and hospital stages.
• Standards diagnosis and immediate treatment of patients with acute respiratory
distress in the pre-hospital and hospital stages.
Standards for the diagnosis and emergency treatment of patients with acute liver
failure in the pre-hospital and hospital stages.
-Standards the for diagnosis and emergency treatment of patients with hematemesis
at the pre-hospital and hospital stages.
• Standards for diagnosis and emergency treatment of patients with acute liver
failure in the prehospital and hospital stages.
• Standathe rds for diagnosis and emergency treatment of patients with oligo-anuria
in the pre-hospital and hospital stages.
• Standards for the diagnosis and emergency treatment of patients with syncope at
the pre-hospital and hospital stages.
• Standards for the diagnosis and emergency treatment of patients with coma in the
pre-hospital and hospital stages.


1. The causative agent of tuberculosis, structure, metabolism, variability, stability in the
2. Classification, pathogenicity, and virulence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
3. The leading epidemiological indicators of tuberculosis infection and their evaluation.
4. Epidemiological indicators of tuberculosis in Ukraine and the world.
5. Tuberculosis risk groups.
6. Types of chemoresistance. Determination of multidrug resistance of tuberculosis.
7. Epidemic process in tuberculosis: source of tuberculosis infection, routes of
transmission, susceptible organisms.
8. Pathogenesis of tuberculosis infection.
9. Characteristic elements of tuberculous granuloma.
10. Clinical classification of tuberculosis.
11. The concept of latent tuberculosis infection
12. The concept of primary tuberculosis.
13. The concept of secondary tuberculosis.
14. Tuberculosis in children. The course of tuberculosis in vaccinated and unvaccinated
15. Pulmonary, extrapulmonary, mixed localization of tuberculosis.
16. Pathomorphosis of tuberculosis in current conditions.
17. Symptoms that may indicate tuberculosis.
18. Clinical manifestations of pulmonary tuberculosis.
19. Simultaneous detection of tuberculosis and other common lung diseases: COPD,
pneumoconiosis, bronchial asthma, etc.
20. Features of the course of tuberculosis on the background of HIV infection.
21. Methods of diagnosis of tuberculosis in primary care.
22. Method of sputum smear microscopy: the role in detecting tuberculosis, advantages
and disadvantages.
23. Cultural study of sputum on a liquid and dense medium in diagnosing tuberculosis:
the role in detecting tuberculosis, advantages, and disadvantages.
24. Xpert MTB / RIF method: application features, indications, advantages and
disadvantages, interpretation of results.
25. GenoType MTBDRplus method: application features, indications, advantages and
disadvantages, interpretation of results.
26. Methods of radiological diagnosis of tuberculosis.
27. Methods of instrumental diagnosis of tuberculosis.
28. Diagnosis of latent tuberculosis.
29. Diagnosis of tuberculosis on the background of HIV infection.
30. Emergency care for pulmonary hemorrhage.
31. Emergency care for spontaneous pneumothorax.
32. Methods of determination and types of drug resistance of the causative agent of
33. Classification of anti-TB drugs.
34. Basic principles of treatment of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis.
35. Standard treatment of patients with tuberculosis sensitive to essential anti-
tuberculosis drugs.
36. Standard treatment of patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis.
37. Organization of outpatient treatment of a patient with tuberculosis.
38. Indications for hospitalization of a patient with tuberculosis.
39. Treatment of patients with co-infection with TB / HIV. Terms of appointment of
antitubercular and antiretroviral therapy.
40. The concept of the syndrome of recovery of the immune system, its impact on
41. Methods of surgical treatment of tuberculosis
42. Palliative care for patients with tuberculosis.
43. Generalized (miliary) tuberculosis: features of the course, diagnosis, treatment.
44. Tuberculosis of the CNS: features of the course, diagnosis, treatment.
45. Lymph node tuberculosis: features of the course, diagnosis, treatment.
46. Pleural tuberculosis: features of the course, diagnosis, treatment.
47. Tuberculosis of bones and joints: features of the course, diagnosis, treatment.
48. Tuberculosis of the urinary tract: features of the course, diagnosis, treatment.
49. Tuberculosis of the female genital organs: features of the course, diagnosis,
50. Tuberculosis of the male genitals: features of the course, diagnosis, treatment.
51. Tuberculosis of the abdominal cavity: features of the course, diagnosis, treatment.
52. Tuberculosis of other localizations: features of the course, diagnosis, treatment.
53. The role of infection control in the prevention of tuberculosis.
54. The concept of administrative infection control.
55. The concept of indoor air control
56. Respiratory protection of the medical worker: rules of selection, putting on, and using
a respirator.
57. Tracking the contacts of a patient with tuberculosis.
58. Chemoprophylaxis of tuberculosis: regimens, indications, contraindications.
59. BCG vaccination: timing, technique, contraindications.
60. Complications of BCG vaccination: frequency, classification, treatment.


1. Definition of occupational diseases, principles of their classification, and
diagnostic particularities. Structure of the prophpathology service in Ukraine.
2. Medical service of industrial workers. Organizing and providing principles of
preventive medical examination.
3. General principles of prophylaxis and working ability examination according
to occupational diseases.
4. Pneumoconiosis: etiology, pathogenesis, classification.
5. Silicosis: clinical picture, diagnostic, treatment, prophylaxis, examination of
the functional ability.
6. Asbestosis: clinical picture, diagnostic, treatment, prophylaxis, examination of
the functional ability.
7. Antracosis: clinical picture, diagnostic, treatment, prophylaxis, examination of
the functional ability.
8. Welders pneumoconiosis: specific pathogenesis traits, clinical picture,
diagnostic, treatment, prophylaxis, examination of the functional ability.
9. Bisinosis: specific pathogenesis traits, clinical picture, diagnostic, treatment,
prophylaxis, examination of the functional ability.
10. Dust bronchitis: etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnostic, treatment,
prophylaxis, examination of the functional ability.
11. Acute affection of the broncho-pulmonary system: characteristic of
occupational and no occupational etiological factors, clinical picture, differential
diagnosis, treatment.
12. Chronic affections of the broncho-pulmonary system: occupational and no
occupational etiological factors, clinical picture, differential diagnosis, treatment,
13. Pulmonary edema: occupational and no occupational etiological factors,
clinical picture, differential diagnosis, principles of the first aid, and treatment.
14. Pulmonary emphysema and pulmonary insufficiency syndrome: occupational
and no occupational etiological factors, clinical picture, diagnostic, treatment, and
15. Bronchial asthma: characteristic of occupational and no occupational
etiological factors, clinical picture, differential diagnosis, treatment, prophylaxis.
16. Objective diagnostic methods of the broncho-pulmonary systems affection in
a clinic of internal diseases on an example of the clinical forms occupational and no
occupational diseases.
17. Vibration disease: etiology, pathogenesis, primary clinical syndromes,
18. Local form of vibration disease: classification, clinical picture, differential
diagnosis, treatment, prophylaxis, examination of the functional ability.
19. General form of vibration disease: classification, clinical picture, differential
diagnosis, treatment, prophylaxis, examination of the functional ability.
20. Combined form of vibration disease: classification, clinical picture,
differential diagnosis, treatment, prophylaxis, examination of the functional ability.
21. Occupational deafness: etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, differential
diagnosis, treatment, prophylaxis, examination of the functional ability.
22. Occupational diseases caused by nonionizing radiation: pathogenesis, clinical
picture, differential diagnosis, treatment, prophylaxis, examination of the functional
23. Occupational diseases caused by work in high atmospheric pressure
conditions: pathogenesis, clinical forms, clinical picture, diagnostic, treatment,
prophylaxis, examination of the functional ability.
24. Occupational diseases caused by warming microclimate: pathogenesis,
variants of the clinical picture, diagnostic of thermal shock, treatment, prophylaxis,
examination of the functional ability.
25. Occupational diseases of peripheral nerves and muscles caused by
overstraining: etiology, pathogenesis, clinical forms, diagnostics, treatment,
prophylaxis, examination of the functional ability.
26. Occupational diseases of musculoskeletal apparatus caused by overstraining:
etiology, pathogenesis, clinical forms, diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis,
examination of the functional ability.
27. Occupational dyskinesia: etiology, pathogenesis, clinical forms, diagnostics,
treatment, prophylaxis, examination of the functional ability.
28. Occupational allergosis: etiology, clinical forms. Bronchial asthma:
diagnostic peculiarities of initial and secondary occupational bronchial asthma,
treatment, prophylaxis, examination of the functional ability.
29. Occupational poisoning by metal Mercury: pathogenesis, variants of clinical
course, clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis, examination of the
functional ability.
30. Occupational poisoning by Manganese: pathogenesis, clinical picture,
diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis, examination of the functional ability.
31. Occupational poisoning by Carbon Disulfide: pathogenesis, clinical forms,
diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis, examination of the functional ability.
32. Occupational poisoning by Tetraethyl Lead: pathogenesis, variants of clinical
course, clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis, examination of the
functional ability.
33. Occupational poisoning by Lead: pathogenesis, variants of clinical course,
clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis, examination of the functional
34. Occupational poisoning by Benzol: pathogenesis, variants of clinical course,
clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis, examination of the functional
35. Occupational poisoning by Amino- and Nitrocompounds of Benzol:
pathogenesis, variants of clinical course, clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment,
prophylaxis, examination of the functional ability.
36. Occupational poisoning by Carbon Monoxide: pathogenesis, variants of
clinical course, clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis, examination of
the functional ability.
37. Occupational poisoning by hemolytic poisons: etiology, pathogenesis, clinical
picture, diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis, examination of the functional ability.
38. Occupational poisoning by Chlorine organic pesticides: pathogenesis, clinical
forms, clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis, examination of the
functional ability.
39. Occupational poisoning by Organophosphorous pesticides: pathogenesis,
clinical forms, clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis, examination of the
functional ability.
40. Occupational poisoning by Organomercury pesticides: pathogenesis, clinical
forms, clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis, examination of the
functional ability.
41. Occupational poisoning by Arsenic containing pesticides: pathogenesis,
clinical forms, clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis, examination of the
functional ability.
42. Occupational poisoning by Nitro-phenols pesticides: pathogenesis, clinical
forms, clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis, examination of the
functional ability.
43. Occupational poisoning by Cyanides: pathogenesis, clinical forms, clinical
picture, diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis, examination of the functional ability.
44. Hematological syndromes in a clinic of internal diseases: characteristic
occupational and no occupational etiologic factors, clinical picture, differential
diagnosis, treatment, prophylaxis.
45. Acute and chronic hepatitis: characteristic occupational and no occupational
etiologic factors, clinical picture, differential diagnosis, treatment, prophylaxis.
46. Kidneys and urinary tracts affection: characteristic occupational and no
occupational etiologic factors, clinical picture, differential diagnosis, treatment,
47. Syndromes of cardio-vascular system affection in a clinic of occupational
diseases: etiology, pathogenesis, diagnostic principles.
48. Occupational tumor diseases: etiology, primary clinical forms, diagnostic
principles, prophylaxis, examination of the functional ability.
49. Involvement of harmful occupational factors to a specific function of the
female organism: etiology, primary clinical forms, diagnostic principles, prophylaxis,
examination of the functional ability.
50. First aid of acute occupation poisonings. Principles of antidote treatment.


1. Epidemiology of diabetes in the world, Ukraine. Classification of diabetes. (WHO,
2. Type 1 diabetes mellitus. Etiology, pathogenesis, diagnostic criteria.
3. Type 1 diabetes mellitus. Features of the clinical course. Diagnosis. Treatment.
Insulin therapy. Characteristics of the main groups of insulin. Targets for diabetes
4. Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Etiology, pathogenesis, criteria for diagnosis and
5. Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Features of the clinical course. Treatment, essential drugs
for therapy. Working capacity and employment of patients.
6. Ketoacidotic (diabetic) coma. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Prevention, diagnosis, and
differential diagnosis. Treatment of ketoacidosis and coma.
7. Hypoglycemic conditions in patients with diabetes. Causes. Diagnosis, differential
diagnosis. Prevention, tactics of emergency therapy.
8. Chronic complications of diabetes. Classification. Microvascular lesions. Diabetic
retinopathy, neuropathy, diagnostic criteria, prevention, treatment.
9. Diabetic angiopathy. Classification of diabetic macroangiopathies. Atherosclerosis,
coronary heart disease, diabetic foot. Prevention and treatment.
10. Diffuse toxic goiter (Graves' disease). Etiology. Clinic. Diagnosis. Differential
diagnosis. Treatment. Efficiency.
11. Iodine deficiency diseases of the thyroid gland. Goiter. Definition. Classification.
Criteria for iodine deficiency among the population. Measures to prevent iodine
12. Hypothyroidism. Etiology. Classification. Diagnosis. Differential diagnosis.
Treatment. Prevention.
13. Thyroiditis. Classification. Diagnosis, differential diagnosis. Clinic and treatment
of subacute thyroiditis.
14. Autoimmune thyroiditis. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Clinic. Diagnosis. Differential
diagnosis. Treatment. Prognosis.
15. Thyroid cancer. Diagnosis. Differential diagnosis. The role of the Chernobyl
accident in the development of thyroid cancer. Prevention and treatment.
16. Chronic adrenal insufficiency. Etiology. Clinic. Diagnosis. Differential diagnosis.
17. Acute adrenal insufficiency. Etiology, clinical symptoms. Diagnosis. Treatment.
18. Hormonally active tumors of the adrenal glands. Clinic, diagnosis, differential
diagnosis, treatment of Cushing syndrome. Clinical manifestations and diagnosis
of pheochromocytoma.
19. Primary hyperaldosteronism (Conn's Syndrome) Etiology. Clinic. Diagnosis.
Differential diagnosis. Treatment.
20. Hypothalamic-pituitary diseases. Classification. Hypothalamic Syndrome, neuro-
endocrine-metabolic form. Diagnosis and differential diagnosis. Treatment.
21. Diseases of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Acromegaly, Cushing's disease,
hypopituitarism, diabetes mellitus. Differential diagnosis. Treatment.


1.Typhoid fever. Paratyphoid A and B fevers. The most likely diagnosis. Make a
differential diagnosis with infectious diseases and diseases of non-infectious origin. Plan
of investigations and treatment.
2.Pseudotuberculosis. The most likely diagnosis. Make a differential diagnosis
with infectious diseases and diseases of non-infectious origin. Plan of investigations and
3.Intestinal yersiniosis. The most likely diagnosis. Make a differential diagnosis
with infectious diseases and diseases of non-infectious origin. Plan of investigations and
4.Food poisoning. The most likely diagnosis. Make a differential diagnosis with
infectious diseases and diseases of non-infectious origin. Plan of investigations and
5.Salmonellosis. The most likely diagnosis. Make a differential diagnosis with
infectious diseases and diseases of non-infectious origin. Plan of investigations and
6.Cholera. The most likely diagnosis. Make a differential diagnosis with infectious
diseases and diseases of non-infectious origin. Plan of investigations and treatment.
7.Shigellosis. The most likely diagnosis. Make a differential diagnosis with
infectious diseases and diseases of non-infectious origin. Plan of investigations and
8.Influenza. The most likely diagnosis. Make a differential diagnosis with
infectious diseases and diseases of non-infectious origin. Plan of investigations and
9.Parainfluenza. The most likely diagnosis. Make a differential diagnosis with
infectious diseases and diseases of non-infectious origin. Plan of investigations and
10.Adenovirus infection. The most likely diagnosis. Make a differential diagnosis
with infectious diseases and diseases of non-infectious origin. Plan of investigations and
11.Chickenpox. The most likely diagnosis. Make a differential diagnosis with
infectious diseases and diseases of non-infectious origin. Plan of investigations and
12.Diphtheria. The most likely diagnosis. Make a differential diagnosis with
infectious diseases and diseases of non-infectious origin. Plan of investigations and
13.Rubella. The most likely diagnosis. Make a differential diagnosis with
infectious diseases and diseases of non-infectious origin. Plan of investigations and
14.Measles. The most likely diagnosis. Make a differential diagnosis with
infectious diseases and diseases of non-infectious origin. Plan of investigations and
15. Meningococcal disease. The most likely diagnosis. Make a differential
diagnosis with infectious diseases and diseases of non-infectious origin. Plan of
investigations and treatment.
16.Viral hepatitis (A, B, C, D, E). The most likely diagnosis. Make a differential
diagnosis with infectious diseases and diseases of non-infectious origin. Plan of
investigations and treatment.
17.HIV infection. The most likely diagnosis. Make a differential diagnosis with
infectious diseases and diseases of non-infectious origin. Plan of investigations and
18.Malaria. The most likely diagnosis. Make a differential diagnosis with
infectious diseases and diseases of non-infectious origin. Plan of investigations and
19.Brucellosis. The most likely diagnosis. Make a differential diagnosis with
infectious diseases and diseases of non-infectious origin. Plan of investigations and
20. Leptospirosis. The most likely diagnosis. Make a differential diagnosis with
infectious diseases and diseases of non-infectious origin. Plan of investigations and
21.Tetanus. The most likely diagnosis. Make a differential diagnosis with
infectious diseases and diseases of non-infectious origin. Plan of investigations and
22.Rabies. The most likely diagnosis. Make a differential diagnosis with infectious
diseases and diseases of non-infectious origin. Plan of investigations and treatment.
23.Plague. The most likely diagnosis. Make a differential diagnosis with infectious
diseases and diseases of non-infectious origin. Plan of investigations and treatment.
24.Anthrax. The most likely diagnosis. Make a differential diagnosis with
infectious diseases and diseases of non-infectious origin. Plan of investigations and
25. Ebola virus disease. The most likely diagnosis. Make a differential diagnosis
with infectious diseases and diseases of non-infectious origin. Plan of investigations and
26.Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The most likely diagnosis. Make a
differential diagnosis with infectious diseases and diseases of non-infectious origin. Plan
of investigations and treatment.
Work in the conditions of the medical institution, approximate to professional
activity, work with the patient.
• “Work with the patient” basis on clinical case
- Estimate complaints, medical history, life history
- Estimate information about the general condition of the patient (consciousness,
constitution, fatness), the appearance (examination of the skin, subcutaneous fat,
palpation of lymph nodes, thyroid and mammary glands), the condition of the
musculoskeletal system, joints
- Аppreciate results of the examination of the respiratory organs (chest examination,
chest palpation, percussion, and lung auscultation)
- Appreciate results of the examination of the cardiovascular system (examination
and palpation of the heart and blood vessels, percussion of the heart, and
auscultation of the heart and blood vessels)
- Appreciate results of the examination of the digestive organs (examination,
percussion, superficial and deep palpation, auscultation)
- Appreciate results of examining the genitourinary system's condition (examination
of the lumbar region, palpation of the kidneys).
● Identify the primary clinical syndrome or symptom (list 1, appendix 1);
- To make a probable (preliminary) or syndromic diagnosis of the disease (list 2,
appendix 2)
- Аppoint laboratory and instrumental examination of the patient (list 2, appendix
- Perform a differential diagnosis of the main symptoms and syndromes (list 1,
Annex 1)
- Interpret the results of laboratory and instrumental research (list 4, appendix 4)
- Make a clinical diagnosis (list 2, appendix 2)
- Determine the type of treatment (conservative, operative) disease (list 2, appendix
- Determine the principles of treatment of the disease (according to list 2, appendix
- Determine the required regime and diet of the patient (list 2, appendix 2)
- Determine the tactics of secondary prevention of patients who need supervision
- Fill in medical documents of the patient (appendix 6)
Skills and practical skills
- diagnosing emergencies (list 3, appendix 3);
- based on results of laboratory and instrumental researches to estimate the
information on the diagnosis (list 4, appendix 4);
- determination of tactics of emergency medical care (list 3, appendix 3);
- provision of emergency medical care (list 3, appendix 3)

Appendix 1. List 1. Symptoms and Syndromes
1. ANEMIA (acute and chronic posthemorrhagic anemia, iron, vitamin B12-
deficiency, folate-deficiency anemia, hypoplastic, hemolytic)
2. ARTERIAL HYPERTENSION (essential hypertension (hypertension), secondary
(symptomatic) arterial hypertension: kidney (reno-vascular, reno-parenchymatous,
endocrine (Syndrome and pituitary Cushing, pheochromocytoma, primary
aldosteronism, Con's Syndrome, diffuse toxic goiter), hemodynamic arterial
hypertension, isolated systolic hypertension, arterial hypertension in pregnancy,
metabolic syndrome).
3. ASCITES (cirrhosis and liver cancer, peritoneal carcinomatosis, hepatic vein
thrombosis, obturation Gate vein, constrictive pericarditis, right ventricular heart
failure, renal failure)
4. CHEST PAIN (acute coronary syndrome, angina pectoris, aortic stenosis,
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, mitral valve prolapse, coronaries, aortitis,
myocarditis, acute pericarditis, aortic dissection, aortic dissection, arthritis, pleurisy,
cardiospasm, esophageal spasm, hernia of the esophageal orifice of the diaphragm,
peptic ulcer and other ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, pancreatitis,
osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, shingles, myositis, costochondritis).
5. ABDOMINAL PAIN (cholecystitis, dyskinesia of the gallbladder and sphincter
of Oddi, gallstone disease, pancreatitis, chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer of the
stomach, and duodenum, other enteropathies, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis,
ischemic pain).
6. PAIN IN THE LIMBS AND BACK (ankylosing spondylitis, reactive arthritis,
osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis of the spine, osteoporosis,
dermatomyositis/polymyositis, neuropathy, in particular, nodular polyarteritis,
diabetes mellitus).
7.OBSTRUCTIVE SYNDROME (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma,
acute bronchitis, bronchial and mediastinal tumors, tuberculosis).

8. EFFUSION IN THE PLEURAL CAVITY (tuberculosis, pneumonia, malignant

tumors of the pleura and lungs, heart failure, acute pancreatitis, liver cirrhosis,
nephrotic syndrome, chest injuries, hypothyroidism, systemic connective tissue
9. HEMORRHAGIC SYNDROME (hemorrhagic vasculitis, vasculitis
hypersensitive, hemophilia, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, papular
hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver cancer, hepatic venous thrombosis, leukemia,
lymphogranulomatosis, erythremia, right ventricular heart failure, in particular in
constrictive pericarditis, accumulation diseases, in particular, hemochromatosis).
11. DYSPHAGIA (esophagitis, including gastroesophageal reflux disease,
esophageal cancer, diffuse esophageal spasm, achalasia of the cardia, esophageal
diverticula, dysphagia in the central and peripheral nervous system, including
diphtheria and edema, and muscular system; systemic scleroderma).
12. JAUNDICE (chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and cancer of liver, hemolytic anemia,
cholelithiasis, cancer of head of pancreas, cancer major duodenal papilla, dyskinesia
sphincter Oddi, benign hyperbilirubinemia)
13. SHORTNESS OF BREATH (in heart failure with preserved and reduced
systolic function of the left ventricle; respiratory failure due to impaired bronchial
patency and diseases of the lungs and pleura, including pneumonia, tuberculosis,
and pneumothorax; pulmonary vascular pathology, including pulmonary embolism
and diseases of the chest or respiratory muscles, hyperventilation syndrome in
neurosis and neurocirculatory dystonia, lesions of the respiratory center in organic
diseases of the brain, anemia).
14. ASHELLATION AND ASPHYXIA (bronchial asthma, bronchial tumors,
foreign bodies in respiratory tract, pulmonary embolism, pneumothorax,
anaphylaxis, pulmonary atelectasis).
15. CONSTIPATION (irritable bowel syndrome, colon cancer, hypothyroidism,
intestinal obstruction, situational, medical, psychogenic, and neurogenic
16. COUHG (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, pulmonary
tuberculosis, bronchiectasis, postnasal drip syndrome, GERD, foreign-body airway,
pneumonia, left ventricular heart failure, malignant tumors of the lungs and
bronchial tubes)
17. HEMOPTYSIS (bronchiectasis, pulmonary tuberculosis, malignant tumors of
the lungs, pneumonia, lung abscess, mitral stenosis, pulmonary embolism).
18. PULMONARY INFILTRATE (pneumonia, infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis,
eosinophilic pulmonary infiltrate, heart attack and lung cancer, benign lung tumors,
pulmonary sarcoidosis, focal pneumosclerosis).
19. LEUKOCYTOSIS (lymphomas, acute and chronic lymphoid and myeloid
leukemias, infectious mononucleosis, reactive lymphadenitis, sarcoidosis, metastatic
lesions, sepsis).
20. LYMPHADENOPATHY (tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, infectious mononucleosis,
systemic connective tissue diseases, metastatic lesions, acute and chronic lymphoid
and myeloid leukemias, Hodgkin's disease, non-Hodgkin's malignant lymphomas,
reactive lymphadenitis, sepsis, AIDS).
21. FEVER (rheumatoid arthritis, infectious endocarditis, malignant neoplasms,
including leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, lymphogranulomatosis, sepsis,
tuberculosis, systemic connective tissue diseases, nodular polyarteritis, purulent
cholangitis, abscesses, and internal organs).
22. EDEMA SYNDROME (venous edema: chronic venous insufficiency, venous
outflow disorders, deep vein thrombophlebitis; lymphatic edema: inflammatory,
obstructive; fatty, orthostatic and idiopathic; in the musculoskeletal system: arthritis,
tendinitis, nephrotic systemic nephrotic syndrome; heart failure, liver disease, in
particular, cirrhosis of the liver and other hypoproteinemic conditions: exudative
enteropathy, malabsorption syndrome, alimentary and cachectic edema, edema due
to medication and endocrine diseases: hypothyroidism).
23. NEPHROTIC SYNDROME (acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, renal
amyloidosis, diabetic nephropathy, myeloma).
24. OLIGOANURIA (prerenal, renal, postrenal acute renal failure).
25. BURNING (gastroesophageal reflux disease, chronic gastritis, unexamined
dyspepsia, peptic ulcer disease, and other ulcers of the stomach and duodenum).
26. PORTAL HYPERTENSION (chronic viral hepatitis, cirrhosis and liver tumors,
right ventricular heart failure, including constrictive pericarditis, hepatic vein
thrombosis, portal vein thrombosis or its branches, thrombosis, stenosis, obliteration
of the inferior vena cava at or above the hepatic veins, etc. ).
27. HEART RATE DISORDERS (extrasystole, atrial fibrillation, flutter,
paroxysmal tachycardia, Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome).
28. URINARY SYNDROME (Acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis,
tubulointerstitial kidney disease, pyelonephritis, diabetic nephropathy, renal
infarction, renal tuberculosis, hypernephroma, cystitis, urethritis, hemorrhagic
29. JOINT SYNDROME (rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing
spondylitis, reactive arthritis, gout, systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic
scleroderma, acute rheumatic fever).
30. WEIGHT LOSS (cancer, systemic lupus erythematosus, nodular polyarteritis,
diseases of the digestive tract, lungs, tuberculosis, cardiovascular system, nutritional
and psychogenic weight loss, HIV).
31. LONG-TERM DIARRHEA SYNDROME (chronic atrophic gastritis, operated
gastric disease, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, Whipple's disease,
syndrome of increased bacterial growth in the small intestine, food intolerance,
irritable bowel syndrome, chronic pancreatitis, diabetic enteropathy).
32. DIFFUSE AND LOCAL CYANOSIS (lung and heart disease, including
congenital heart defects in Eisenmenger syndrome and acquired heart defects -
mitral stenosis, tricuspid valve insufficiency, heart and respiratory failure, and the
formation of pathological hemoglobin).
33. GASTROINTESTINAL BLEEDING (varicose veins of the esophagus, gastric
erosion, peptic ulcer and other ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, malignant
tumors, nonspecific ulcerative colitis, hemorrhagic vasculitis, hemorrhoids).
34. CARDIAC MURMUR (congenital heart defects: ventricular septal defect, atrial
septal defect, open ductus arteriosus, coarctation of the aorta; acquired heart defects:
mitral stenosis, mitral valve insufficiency (organic and relative), mitral valve
prolapse, aortic hypertrophy, aortic orifice stenosis, tricuspid valve insufficiency
(organic and relative), innocent systolic murmur in young people).

Appendix 2. List 2. Diseases

Diseases of the cardiovascular system
1. Essential hypertension (hypertension).
2. Secondary (symptomatic) arterial hypertension:
- Kidney (reno-vascular, reno-parenchymal);
- Endocrine (syndrome and pituitary Cushing, phaeochromocytoma, Con's
Syndrome, primary aldosteronism, diffuse toxic goiter);
- Hemodynamic arterial hypertension;
- Isolated systolic hypertension;
- Arterial hypertension in pregnancy;
3. Atherosclerosis:
4. Stable coronary artery disease.
5. Acute coronary Syndrome (acute myocardial infarction, unstable angina).
6. Pericarditis.
7. Pulmonary heart.
8. Acquired heart diseases: mitral, aortic, and tricuspid valves, combined mitral and
aortic defects.
9. Congenital heart disease
: interatrial defect, intraventricular septum, open arterial duct, coarctation of the
10. Infectious endocarditis.
11. Myocarditis and cardiomyopathy.
12. Pulmonary artery thromboembolism.
13. Cardiac arrhythmias: extrasystole, atrial fibrillation, flutter, paroxysmal
supraventricular and ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation. Wolf-
Parkinson-White syndrome.
14. Impaired conduction of the heart: sinoatrial blockade, sinus weakness syndrome;
atrioventricular block, blockade of the His bundle's legs.
15. Heart failure.

Respiratory diseases
1. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
2. Bronchial asthma.
3. Pneumonia.
4. Pleurisy.
5. Infectious and destructive lung diseases: lung abscess, lung gangrene.
6. Bronchiectasis;
7. Pulmonary insufficiency.
Digestive diseases
1. Chronic esophagitis. Gastroesophageal reflux disease.
2. Functional disorders of the stomach, gallbladder and biliary tract, intestine.
3. Chronic gastritis and duodenitis.
4. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
5. Chronic diseases of the small and large intestine (celiac disease and other
enteropathies, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease).
7. Gallstone disease; chronic cholecystitis.
8. Chronic hepatitis.
9. Cirrhosis of the liver.
10. Chronic pancreatitis.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue

1. Osteoarthritis.
2. Systemic lupus erythematosus.
3. Systemic scleroderma.
4. Gout.
5. Reactive arthritis.
6. Acute rheumatic fever.
7. Rheumatoid arthritis.
8. Dermatomyositis/polymyositis.
9. Axial spondyloarthritis.
10. Systemic vasculitis (hemorrhagic vasculitis, hypersensitive vasculitis, nodular
Diseases of the urinary system
1. Pyelonephritis.
2. Tubulointerstitial nephritis.
3. Acute and chronic glomerulonephritis.
4. Amyloidosis of the kidneys.
5. Nephrotic Syndrome.
6. Chronic kidney disease

Diseases of the hematopoietic organs

1. Anemia: acute and chronic posthemorrhagic, iron deficiency, B12-deficient,
folate-deficient, aplastic, hemolytic.
2. Acute and chronic leukemias.
3. Hemophilia.
4. Thrombocytopenic purpura.

Diseases of the endocrine system

1. Diabetes mellitus.
2. Iodine deficiency diseases of the thyroid gland.
3. Hypothyroidism. Thyrotoxicosis.
4. Thyroiditis.
5. Thyroid cancer.
6. Diseases of the parathyroid gland.
7. Acute and chronic insufficiency of the adrenal cortex.
8. Hormonally active tumors of the adrenal glands.
9. Diseases of the hypothalamic-pituitary system.
10. Obesity. Metabolic Syndrome.
11. Diseases of the gonads.

Appendix 3. List 3 EQC. Emergencies

1. Hypertensive crises
2. Acute respiratory failure
3. Acute adrenal insufficiency
4. Acute kidney damage
5. Acute liver failure
6. Acute heart failure
7. Acute Coronary Syndrome
8. Heart arrest
9. Coma
10. Bleeding:
- gastrointestinal
- esophageal
11. Quincke's edema / laryngeal edema
12. Uncontrolled course of bronchial asthma
13. Fainting
14. Paroxysmal cardiac arrhythmias and conduction disorders: paroxysmal
tachycardia, atrial fibrillation/flutter, high-grade atrioventricular block, Morgan-
Edem-Stokes syndrome
15. Spontaneous pneumothorax
16. Tamponade of the heart
17. Thyrotoxic crisis
18. Total pleural effusion
19. Pulmonary artery thromboembolism
20. Hospital-acquired pneumonia and community-acquired pneumonia
21. Shocks

Appendix 4. List 4 EQC. Laboratory and instrumental research methods

1. Analysis of pleural fluid
2. Analysis of ascitic fluid
3. Analysis of synovial fluid
4. Analysis of urine for alpha-amylase
5. Nechiporenko urine analysis
6. Zymnytsky urine analysis
7. Acute phase marker of inflammation, total blood protein, and its fractions
8. General blood test
9. General analysis of urine, test for microalbuminuria
10. Glucose tolerance test, glycemic profile, C-peptide, glycated hemoglobin,
11. Biochemical parameters of serum iron metabolism (iron, transferrin, ferritin
content, total iron-binding capacity of serum, iron transferrin saturation)
12. Ketone bodies of blood and urine, ioduria
13. Indicators of acid-base status of blood
14. Blood transaminases, total bilirubin, and its fractions
15. Coagulogram
16. Biochemical markers of myocardial necrosis, D-dimer, creatine phosphokinase
17. Lipid spectrum of blood
18. Creatinine and blood urea, glomerular filtration rate
19. Blood uric acid
20. Blood electrolytes
21. Alkaline phosphatase, alpha-amylase of blood
22. General immunological profile of blood
23. Rheumatoid factor, anti-CCP, ANA, dsDNA, Sm-antigen, Ssl-70, Jo-1, pANCA,
cANCA, IgG and IgM chlamydia trachomatis, shigella, salmonella, yersinia,
24. Microbiological study of biological fluids and secretions
25. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, immunochemical, molecular biological
study of blood
26. Markers of viral hepatitis
27. Procalcitonin
28. General analysis of sternal punctate
29. General analysis of sputum
30. Coprocytogram
31. Fecal elastase-1
32. The level of TSH, T4, T3, antibodies to thyroperoxidase (ATPO), antibodies to
TSH receptors, antibodies to thyroglobulin
33. Levels of ACTH, cortisol, aldosterone, and renin
34. Metanephrines in urine
35. Study of the function of external respiration

36. Electrocardiography
37. Doppler echocardiography
38. Exercise tests
39. Sonography of the kidneys, lungs, abdominal organs
40. Sonography, scanning, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging
of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, kidneys, lungs, liver
41. Invasive coronary angiography, angio-pulmonography
42. Radiation examination of the abdominal cavity
43. Radiation examination of the thoracic cavity
44. Radiation study of the genitourinary system
45. Radiation examination of the skull, bones, and joints
46. Examination of bile, pH-metry of the stomach, esophagus
47. Respiratory tests with 13C-urea, 13C-triglycerides, 13C-starch, 13C-lactose, and
respiratory hydrogen tests with glucose and lactulose
48. Endoscopic examination of the bronchi
49. Endoscopic examination of the digestive tract
50. Cytological examination of a lymph node biopsy
51. Accelerated culture methods for detecting MBT (VASTEC), genetic laboratory
methods (nucleic acid amplification tests), serological tests for tuberculosis,
tuberculin testing.
1. Algorithm of performing artificial lung ventilation and indirect heart massage
2. Algorithm of registration of the electrocardiogram in 12 leads
3. Algorithm of carrying out injections of medicines (intramuscular, subcutaneous,
intravenous jet, and drip) and taking blood sampling
4. Algorithm of measurement of blood pressure
5. Algorithm of determination of blood group


1. Medical card of a patient in a hospital
2. Discharged medical form
3. Prescribing list (form B №28)
4. Referral to MSEC
5. Medical death certificate
6. Leaflet of incapacity for work
7. Sanatorium-resort map
8. Emergency report of infectious disease, food, acute occupational poisoning,
unusual reaction to vaccination (form №058 / o)
9. Recipes for a medicine according to all sections of the discipline.


1. α and β-adrenostimulants
2. Antiplatelet agents
3. Antianginal
4. Antiarrhythmic
5. Antibacterial
6. Antihypertensive
7. Anticoagulants
8. Antileukotriene
9. Antisecretory, prokinetics
10. Expectorants
11. Hemostatics
12. Glucocorticoids and cytotoxic immunosuppressants
13. Diuretics
14. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
15. Oral hypoglycemic agents and preparations of insulin, thyroxine, imidazole
16. Iron supplements
17. Cardiac glycosides
18. Statins
19. Thrombolytics
20. Cholinolytics


1. Ademethionine, tablets, vials
2. Epinephrine hydrochloride, ampoules
3. Azathioprine, tablets
4. Azithromycin, tablets, vials
5. Allopurinol, tablets
6. Alteplase, vials
7. Ambroxol, tablets
8. Amikacin, vials
9. Aminocaproic acid, vials
10. Amiodarone, tablets, ampoules
11. Amlodipine, tablets
12. Amoxicillin, tablets, vials
13. Amoxicillin / clavulanic acid, tablets, vials
14. Atorvastatin, tablets
15. Atropine sulfate, ampoules
16. Acetylsalicylic acid, tablets
17. Acetylcysteine, tablets
18. Benzathine benzylpenicillin, vials
19. Bisoprolol, tablets
20. Budesonide, aerosol, capsules, metered powder, solution, suspension for
21. Vancomycin, vials
22. Warfarin, tablets
23. Verapamil, tablets, ampoules
24. Vikasol, tablets, ampoules
25. Bismuth citrate, tablets
26. Gentamicin sulfate, ampoules
27. Heparin, ampoules, vials
28. Hydrochlorothiazide, tablets
29. Hydrourea, tablets
30. Daclatasvir, tablets
31. Dexamethasone, tablets, ampoules
32. Diclofenac, tablets, ampoules
33. Diltiazem, tablets
34. Doxazosin, tablets
35. Doxycycline, tablets, capsules
36. Domperidone, tablets
37. Dopamine, ampoules
38. Dobutamine, vials, ampoules
39. Droperidol, vials, ampoules
40. Drotaverine, tablets, ampoules
41. Zoledronic acid, ampoules
42. Esomeprazole, tablets
43. Enalapril, tablets
44. Enoxaparin, syringes
45. Erythropoietin, ampoules, vials, syringes
46. Ethamsylate, ampoules, tablets
47. Esmolol, vials
48. Ibuprofen, tablets
49. Isosorbide dinitrate, tablets
50. Imatinib, tablets
51. Imipenem, vials
52. Human immunoglobulin, vials
53. Indapamide, tablets
54. Ipratropium bromide, metered aerosol, and powder for inhalation
55. Infliximab, vials
56. Itoprid hydrochloride, tablets
57. Candesartan, tablets
58. Captopril, tablets
59. Carvedilol, tablets
60. Clarithromycin, tablets
61. Clonidine, tablets, ampoules
62. Clopidogrel, tablets
63. Colloidal bismuth citrate, tablets
64. Colchicine, tablets
65. Lactulose, syrup
66. Levofloxacin, tablets, vials
67. Leflunomide, tablets
68. Lidocaine hydrochloride, ampoules
69. Lisinopril, tablets
70. Loperamide, tablets
71. Loratadine, tablets
72. Losartan, tablets
73. Mebeverine, capsules
74. Meloxicam, tablets, ampoules
75. Melphalan, tablets
76. Mesalazine, tablets
77. Methyldopa, tablets
78. Methylprednisolone, tablets, ampoules
79. Metoprolol tartrate, tablets, ampoules
80. Methotrexate, tablets, ampoules, vials
81. Metronidazole, tablets, vials
82. Metformin, tablets
83. Morphine hydrochloride, ampoules
84. Sodium bicarbonate, solution
85. Nebivolol, tablets
86. Neupogen, vials
87. Nitroglycerin, tablets, ampoules
88. Sodium nitroprusside, vials
89. Nimesulide, tablets
90. Nifedipine, tablets
91. Norepinephrine hydrotartrate, ampoules
92. Oxacillin, vials
93. Omeprazole, capsules
94. Pancreatin, capsules, tablets
95. Pantoprozole, tablets
96. Penicillin G, vials
97. Plakvenil, tablets
98. Prednisolone, tablets, ampoules
99. Propafenone, tablets, ampoules
100. Propranolol, tablets
101. Rabeprazole, tablets
102. Ramipril, tablets
103. Rivaroxaban, tablets
104. Revealed, tablets
105. Rituximab, vials
106. Rifaximin, tablets
107. Rifampicin, capsules, ampoules, vials
108. Rosuvastatin, tablets
109. Salbutamol, metered aerosol, and powder for inhalation
110. Salmeterol, aerosol for inhalation
111. Seretide, metered aerosol, and powder for inhalation
112. Symbicort, metered-dose inhaler
113. Sorbifer durable tablets
114. Soda buffer, vials
115. Sofosbuvir; tablets
116. Spironolactone, tablets
117. Streptokinase, ampoules
118. Sulfasalazine, tablets
119. Tardiferon, tablets
120. Ticagrelor, tablets
121. Terlipressin, vials, ampoules
122. Tranexamic acid, tablets, ampoules
123. Urapidil, capsules, ampoules
124. Ursodeoxycholic acid, capsules, tablets
125. Famotidine, tablets
126. Febuxostat, tablets
127. Fenspiride, tablets
128. Fludarabine, vials
129. Folic acid, tablets
130. Fluconazole, capsules, vials
131. Fluticasone, metered aerosol, and powder for inhalation
132. Formoterol, powder for inhalation
133. Furadonin, tablets
134. Furosemide, tablets, ampoules
135. Chlorambucil, tablets
136. Chondroitin sulfate, capsules
137. Celecoxib, capsules
138. Ceftazidime, vials
139. Ceftriaxone, vials
140. Cyanocobalamin, ampoules
141. Cyclosporine, capsules
142. Cyclophosphamide, tablets, vials
143. L-thyroxine
144. Mercazolyl
145. Pharmasulin H
146. Pharmasulin HNP
147. Glibenclamide
148. Metformin
149. Gliclazide
150. Glimepiride

1. Внутрішня медицина=Internal Medicine: Part 1: textbook for English-
speaking students of higher medical schools / edited by Professor M.A.
Stanislavchuk and Professor V.K. Sierkova-Vinnytsa: Nova Khyha, 2019.-409p.
2. Внутрішня медицина= Internal Medicine: Part 2: textbook for English-
speaking students of higher medical schools / edited by Professor M.A.
Stanislavchuk and Professor V.K. Sierkova-Vinnytsa: Nova Khyha, 2019.-360p.
3. Internal Medicine: Critical Care: textbook (III—IV a. l.) / O.Ya. Babak,
O.M. Bilovol, N.M. Zhelezniakova et al.; edited by O.Ya. Babak, O.M. Bilovol.;
“Medicina”, 2018. – 368p.
4. Rheumatic diseases: basics of diagnosis [Texbook] OH PuIMA-pres, 100,
5. McMaster Textbook of Internal Medicine 2019/2020 Paperback/Roman
Jaeschke, Piotr Gajewski, Paul M. O'Byrne Medycyna Praktyczna; 1st edition
(October 23, 2019). – 1552p.
6. USMLE Step 3 Lecture Notes 2019-2020: Internal Medicine (USMLE
Prep) Kindle Edition.
7. MedStudy 18th - 2019-2020 Edition Internal Medicine Core Robert Anthony
Hannaman. – 874p.
8. Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine 23rd Edition. Editors: Stuart
Ralston, Ian Penman, Mark Strachan Richard Hobson. Elsevier. - 2018. – 1440 p.
9. . Cardiology secret, 5th edition. Lewine G. N. // Elsevier, 2017. - 525 p.
10. Clinical Skills for OSCEs, 5th edition by Neel Burton (Author) // Scion
Publishing Ltd, 2015. – 358 p.

1. Clinical Rheumatology - 2020 (The Clinical Medicine Series Book
14) Kindle Edition by C. G. Weber MD. – 863p.
2. Clinical Nephrology - 2020 (The Clinical Medicine Series Book 24) Kindle
Edition by C. G. Weber MD. – 651p.
3. Pathophysiology of Heart Disease: A Collaborative Project of Medical
Students and Faculty 6th Edition by Leonard S. Lilly MD (Author) // LWW, 2015. –
4. Practical Cardiovascular Medicine, 1st Edition by Elias B. Hanna (Author)
826 pages// Wiley-Blackwell, 2017. - 826 p.
5. The ESC Textbook of Intensive and Acute Cardiovascular Care [2 ed.]. –
Oxford University Press. – 2015. – 882 p.

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