Reviewer Lesson 1-4
Reviewer Lesson 1-4
Reviewer Lesson 1-4
The ideal is to experience Nirvana, a state of The Tao is commonly regarded as a nature that
transcendence devoid of self- is the foundation of all that exists.
Reference This state of transcendence can be The perfect man has no self and the selfless
achieved through meditation. person leads to a balanced life, in harmony with
both nature and society.
The religion of an ancient people as the Aryans
“The goal of man is to have knowledge of the
true reality.” - Brahman
Law of karma is the most important doctrine of
Karma does not end with a body’s death; its
influence may extend through incarnation of
the soul.
Hinduism believes that Atman being an
immortal soul continues to be reincarnated
from lifetime to lifetime until it is freed from
the cycle of rebirth and reach a state of
nirvana or non-birth
System of thought and behavior originating in
ancient China
“Do not do into others what you would not
want others to do to you”. - Golden rule
Another important feature in Confucian
thought is the individual’s greatest mission of
attaining self-realization wherein self-
cultivation is instrumental.