CIPA Survey Results in Japan
CIPA Survey Results in Japan
CIPA Survey Results in Japan
February 22, 2024
Camera & Imaging Products Association (CIPA)
The Camera & Imaging Products Association (CIPA; President: Hirotaka Ikegami) conducted the
Integrated Survey of Photo Imaging Market: Japan Edition, targeting users of digital cameras and
smartphones (Outsourcing Contractor: BCN Inc.; President: Yoshie Okuda).
One of the most symbolic responses from digital camera users was that "digital cameras have
made outings and trips more enjoyable."
As soon as you take the plunge and buy a digital camera, you will find that your lifestyle will
suddenly become more active, enhancing your motivation to travel deep into the mountains to take
photographs of landscapes and nightscapes, visit botanical gardens around Japan to photograph
flowers and plants, and travel both in Japan and overseas. This series of surveys gives a strong
impression that this is what it means to live with a digital camera, and this is the pride of our industry.
Ironically, however, the totally unexpected advent of the COVID pandemic stood in the way of
the very character of the product that represents such outdoor and outing items.
This latest survey was conducted at the end of 2023, when the dark clouds of the COVID
pandemic were clearing. The greatest point of focus is on the extent to which outdoor demand and
outing demand can be revived.
Outline of the Results of the Integrated Survey of Photo Imaging Market: Japan
While the main theme of the survey was photographs, we also included questions related to videos,
which is one of the most appealing features of both digital cameras and smartphones.
Revival of the motivation to take photographs with the end of the COVID
pandemic. The motivation to take photographs of those in their teens, 20s, and 30s
is on the increase.
✓ Changes in motivation to take photographs
Overall 6 8 68 12 6
Teens 33 56 22 17
20s 7 3 55 27 9
30s 3 4 63 18 13
40s 1 7 75 10 7
50s 8 5 76 7 4
60s 10 12 68 9 1
70s 8 17 69 6 1
The survey asked about how the respondents’ motivation to take photographs at the time of the
2020–2022 COVID pandemic and the present has changed.
A total of 18% of all the respondents indicated that their motivation to take photographs has
become "stronger" (much stronger + somewhat stronger), a clear trend among the younger age groups.
Nearly four out of ten teens (39%), 36% of those in their 20s, and 31% of those in their 30s
responded that their motivation has become "stronger."
n = overall: 1000, teens: 36, 20s: 122, 30s: 137, 40s: 181, 50s: 222, 60s: 171, 70s: 131
Although photographic subjects are approaching pre-COVID levels, the outdoor
demand is still only halfway to a full revival.
✓ Object (subject) rankings: "Photographs" vs. "videos" (multiple answers/top)
Photographs Videos
Landscapes and nightscapes 51.7% 1st Domestic trips 34.7%
Domestic trips 46.3% 2nd Children and grandchildren 31.8%
Landscapes and
Children and grandchildren 30.1% 3rd nightscapes 28.2%
Flowers and plants 28.8% 4th Pets and animals 25.1%
Husband, wife, boyfriend,
27.1% 5th 20.4%
Food girlfriend, and partner
Memorandums 24.7% 6th Friends and acquaintances 16.0%
Pets and animals 24.3% 7th Gatherings of friends 14.7%
Husband, wife, boyfriend,
girlfriend, and partner 23.6% 8th School events 13.4%
Snapshots and townscapes 21.0% 9th Overseas trips 13.3%
Theme parks and
Friends and acquaintances 19.1% 10th amusement parks 13.3%
Gatherings of friends 19.0% 11th Snapshots and townscapes 12.5%
Theme parks and
amusement parks 15.0% 12th Food 12.2%
Overseas trips 14.2% 13th Sports 11.8%
The objects (subjects) strongly associated with outings are shown in bold print.
The most recent "photographs" survey was conducted in 2019, with smartphones added to digital
cameras. Although it was the year just before the COVID pandemic, the top five choices at the time,
including "Landscapes and nightscapes" (1st place; 60.9% at the time) and "Domestic trips" (2nd
place; 51.3% at the time), remain the same this time around.
However, "Overseas trips" (25.4% at the time), which ranked seventh in 2019, came in at 13th
(14.2%) this time, while "Theme parks and amusement parks" (21.8% at the time), which ranked
ninth, was only ranked as 12th (15.0%) this time.
In terms of objects (subjects), it cannot yet be said that a full-fledged revival of outdoor demand
or outing demand has been achieved.
Domestic travel (34.7%) was ranked first in the "videos" category. However, "Gatherings of
friends" and "School events" (which were the mainstay of the spring and fall periods of greatest
demand during the video camera era, such as entrance ceremonies and athletic meetings), "Overseas
trips" and "Theme parks and amusement parks" were all in the top 10 but were only in the 10% range.
n 1000
"I like taking pictures," "Outings and trips become more enjoyable" ... that is why
I use digital cameras.
✓ Reason/Motivation for shooting: "Photographs" (multiple answers)
We asked the respondents what motivates them to take photographs with the question, "What is
your reason for taking photographs?"
The No. 1 response for "overall" (photographic equipment in general) was "Creating memories"
at more than 50% (55.7%).
Although "Creating memories" was not an option in the early stages of our survey series, it was a
phrase found in many of the free answers in the 2019 Thailand survey and has since become standard.
Although not included in the early stages because it was too obvious, in light of the recent trend
toward new image approaches, such as AI image generation, we take seriously the fact that this phrase
is ranked No. 1 since it embodies an irreplaceable core element of "photographs."
For "smartphones" category, the top three most common reasons were: "Creating memories"
(51.3%), "Daily records" (29.8%), and "Outings and trips become more enjoyable" (20.0%).
In the interchangeable lens digital camera category, which now accounts for approximately 80%,
or the majority of the digital camera market, the top response was "Creating memories" (53.7%),
followed by "I like and enjoy taking photos" (48.7%) and "Outings and trips become more enjoyable"
The third most popular response for both devices was "Outings and trips become more enjoyable,"
but the score for interchangeable lens digital cameras was far higher. The link to the process of revival
of outdoor demand and outing demand after the COVID pandemic can be said to be more sensitive
in the case of digital cameras with interchangeable lenses.
The second most common response for interchangeable lens digital cameras was "I like and enjoy
taking photos," almost triple the rating for smartphones (17.3%).
However, regarding the difference between the two devices, there is another option that has caused
a significant difference, not just triple the rating. In the "overall" category, "Photography is my hobby
and gives my life meaning" was in middle position, with 4.5% for smartphones compared to 21.3%
for interchangeable lens digital cameras.
n = 1000; Smartphones (only): 400, compact digital cameras: 467, interchangeable lens digital cameras: 300
The options "Other" and "None apply" are omitted in the figure. (The same applies to the figure below.)
"I also like taking videos," "Outings and trips become more enjoyable"... that is
why I use digital cameras.
✓ Reason/Motivation for shooting: "Videos" (multiple answers)
n = 737; Smartphones (only): 270, compact digital cameras: 348, interchangeable lens digital cameras: 252
With digital cameras with interchangeable lenses, you can "pursue photos" and
capture "the true beauty".
✓ Good points: Interchangeable lens digital cameras vs. smartphones (multiple
Interchangeable lens digital cameras Smartphones
You can take beautiful photos. 53.7% 1st You can take beautiful photos. 47.5%
You can take beautiful videos. 25.5% 2nd You can take photos easily. 39.9%
You can pursue photos. 22.7% 3rd You can take beautiful videos. 32.0%
The lens can be changed. 21.0% 4th You can take videos easily. 30.8%
You can capture the true beauty of
20.4% 5th The body is light and compact. 27.4%
the subject as is.
You can use zoom lenses that can
Photos and video files can be
take enlarged images of distant 15.1% 6th 21.0%
saved on a computer.
You can shoot while looking You can delete unnecessary
15.0% 7th 17.1%
through the finder. things from photos taken.
You can shoot without worrying
The shutter speed can be changed. 14.8% 8th 12.5%
about capacity.
Photos and video files can be saved Photographs and videos can be
13.9% 9th 12.1%
on a computer. edited on a computer.
You can shoot with the background You can capture the true
12.5% 10th 11.7%
beautifully blurred. beauty of the subject as is.
We asked about good points of "interchangeable lens digital cameras in general, not limited to
devices currently owned," and "smartphones in general, not limited to devices currently owned."
The No. 1 response for both was "You can take beautiful photos," at 53.7% for interchangeable
lens digital cameras and 47.5% for smartphones. Although there was no decisive difference between
the scores of the two types of devices, interchangeable lens digital cameras had the top choices that
specifically indicate how one can take "beautiful" images without hesitation (the corresponding
options are in bold print).
The option "You can pursue photos" is ranked third (22.7%) for interchangeable lens digital
cameras, while it is far outside the top range for smartphones at 24th place (3.0%). The option " You
can capture the true beauty of the subject as is" took 5th place (20.4%) for interchangeable lens digital
cameras, while it is ranked 10th (11.7%) for smartphones. At the other end of the spectrum, the
feature unique to smartphones, "You can delete unnecessary things from photos taken," came in 7th
place (17.1%) for smartphones.
n 1000
Women led the "viewing photographs on SNS" category, while men led the "print
at home" category.
✓ Enjoyment of photographs and videos: By gender (multiple answers/top)
Overall Women Men
Viewing photographs on Viewing photographs on Viewing photographs on
1st 26.9% 30.9% 23.5%
Posting photographs on Printing out photographs
2nd 18.9% Watching videos on SNS 19.5% 20.0%
SNS with home printers
Posting photographs on Posting photographs on
3rd Watching videos on SNS 18.4% 18.6% 19.1%
Watching videos on Watching videos on
4th 17.7% 18.4% Watching videos on SNS 17.4%
YouTube YouTube
Printing out photographs Printing out photographs Watching videos on
5th 15.5% 10.1% 17.2%
with home printers with home printers YouTube
Processing and editing Processing and editing Processing and editing
6th 10.2% 7.7% 12.4%
photographs photographs photographs
7th Posting videos on SNS 8.9% Posting videos on SNS 7.2% Posting videos on SNS 10.2%
Printing photographs at Printing photographs at
Making photobooks and
8th photo stores or electronics 7.2% 6.6% photo stores or electronics 8.3%
photo goods
stores stores
Printing photographs
Making photobooks and Processing and editing
9th 7.2% using online printing 6.3% 8.1%
photo goods videos
Printing photographs at
Processing and editing Making photobooks and
10th 6.6% photo stores or electronics 5.9% 7.8%
videos photo goods
Printing photographs Socializing with fellow
Processing and editing
11th using online printing 5.4% 4.8% photographers and 5.4%
services videographers
Socializing with fellow Socializing with fellow
Posting videos on
12th photographers and 4.5% photographers and 3.5% 5.0%
videographers videographers
Visiting photograph Printing photographs
Posting videos on
13th 3.7% exhibitions and buying 3.5% using online printing 4.6%
photo collections services
The top responses to the question, "How do you enjoy pictures and videos?" are listed by gender.
Those with a gender gap of 3% or more are shown in bold print.
The percentage of women and men who "view photographs on SNS" was 30.9% and 23.5%
respectively, while the percentage of women and men who "print photographs with home printers"
was 10.1% and 20.0% respectively, with a wide gap between the two groups.
In the print-related category, 6.3% of female respondents selected "Printing photographs using
online printing services," compared to 4.6% of male respondents.
By age group, "Viewing photographs on SNS" remained the No. 1 choice for those in their teens
through those in their 50s, but the percentage tended to decrease as the age group increased: teens
(55.6%), 20s (47.5%), 30s (44.5%), 40s (28.7%), and 50s (18.0%).
The top choice among those in their 60s was "Printing out photographs with home printers," at
The same is true of the 70s age group, reaching 32.8%.
Respondents’ expectation of camera makers was for a "compact, lightweight" and
"inexpensive" camera that maintains high photographic performance.
✓ Expectations of camera makers: By gender (multiple answers/top)
Overall Women Men
Launch of inexpensive Launch of compact, Launch of inexpensive
1st 25.2% 24.7% 28.1%
digital cameras lightweight digital cameras digital cameras
Launch of digital
Launch of compact, Launch of inexpensive cameras with high
2nd 23.7% 21.9% 25.2%
lightweight digital cameras digital cameras photographic
Launch of digital Launch of digital
cameras with high cameras with high Launch of compact,
3rd 21.6% 17.5% 23.0%
photographic photographic lightweight digital cameras
performance performance
Launch of digital
Launch of inexpensive Launch of inexpensive
4th 12.7% cameras with high video 11.4% 15.6%
interchangeable lenses interchangeable lenses
recording performance
Launch of digital Launch of digital
Launch of inexpensive
5th cameras with high video 12.6% 9.4% cameras with high video 13.7%
interchangeable lenses
recording performance recording performance
Launch of compact, Launch of compact, Launch of compact,
6th lightweight 11.3% lightweight 9.2% lightweight 13.1%
interchangeable lenses interchangeable lenses interchangeable lenses
Launch of Launch of Launch of
interchangeable lenses interchangeable lenses interchangeable lenses
7th 8.5% 4.8% 11.7%
with high photographic with high photographic with high photographic
performance performance performance
Launch of Launch of Launch of
interchangeable lenses interchangeable lenses interchangeable lenses
8th 4.4% 3.3% 5.4%
with high photographic with high photographic with high photographic
performance performance performance
Dissemination of Provision of cloud services Dissemination of
9th information on how to use 4.0% for saving photos and 3.3% information on how to use 4.8%
digital cameras videos digital cameras
Provision of cloud services Dissemination of
10th for saving photos and 2.9% information on how to use 3.1% Holding photo contests 3.7%
videos digital cameras
Project to learn and find Project to learn and find Project to learn and find
out about photography, out about photography, out about photography,
11th 2.9% 2.2% 3.5%
photographers, and photo photographers, and photo photographers, and photo
collections collections collections
Dissemination of product Dissemination of product
Course in manners to keep
12th information through 2.8% 2.2% information through 3.5%
taking the photos you like
camera-related websites camera-related websites
Projects for people who
Course in manners to keep
13th Holding photo contests 2.8% like photography to get 2.2% 3.0%
taking the photos you like
together and talk
We asked respondents a very frank question: "What do you expect of camera makers?"
In the "overall" category, the top position was taken by "Launch of inexpensive digital cameras"
(25.2%), followed in 2nd place by "Launch of compact, lightweight digital cameras" (23.7%) and
"Launch of digital cameras with high photographic performance" (21.6%) in 3rd place.
Among female respondents, the top position was taken by "Launch of compact, lightweight digital
cameras" (24.7%), while male respondents rated "Launch of inexpensive digital cameras" (28.1%)
in top place. Although not ranked in the first place by either men or women, both expressed the
expectation that high photographic performance be maintained.
In the table, shooting performance for photographs and that for videos are shown in different
colors. Although photographs take precedence, videos are also presented as a point of differentiation,
which is consistent with the current situation.
More than 20% of those in their 20s and 30s will "shoot more videos in the future."
✓ Present and future of shooting "videos": By age group (multiple answers/top)
The most negative response was "I shoot videos at present, but will not in the future" in the middle.
In contrast, the most positive response was "I shoot videos at present and want to shoot more in
the future" on the far right, which is significantly higher than the negative response in the middle for
all age groups. Among these, teens (22.2%) and 20s (22.1%) showed the same degree of eagerness
as in "Changes in motivation to take photographs" mentioned at the beginning of this report.
I do not shoot
I do not shoot videos at I do not shoot I do not shoot I do not shoot
I shoot videos I shoot videos
videos at present, but do videos at videos at videos at
at present, but at present, but
present and not know present, but present, but present, but will not in the will not in the
will not in the whether or not I would like to in would like to in would like to in future. future.
future. will in the the future. the future. the future.
By shooting equipment, responses premised on not currently shooting videos (the three on the
left) were somewhat more noticeable for smartphones.
Compared to videos, the ultimate choice is overwhelmingly photographs.
Photographs are about "the aesthetics and the real pleasure of capturing a moment
in time."
✓ Free answer: "Photographs" group vs. "videos" group
The free answer question this time was "Which do you prefer, photos or videos?"
This may be seen as a difficult or foolish question, but we asked respondents to give the matter
serious thought.
As expected, less than half of the respondents voiced their opinions, but their views were focused
on specific keywords.
"Photographs" No. 1: The aesthetics and the real pleasure of capturing a moment in
"Instant," "moment," and "capture" were the key words and power words of the "photographs" group.
▶ "Photographs are interesting because they can capture a moment in time" (teens, man,
interchangeable lens digital camera)
▶ "I like the sense of tension." (Teens, man, interchangeable lens digital camera)
▶ "Getting a good shot makes me really happy, and it's a lot of fun to capture a moment." (20s,
woman, interchangeable lens digital camera)
▶ "I love taking photographs because that’s when I can surrender to the moment I want to
photograph and truly be myself." (20s, woman, interchangeable lens digital camera)
▶ "Because I want to focus on the moment." (20s, man, compact digital camera)
▶ "Because I think it's good to be able to capture a particular moment in a single photograph."
(20s, man, smartphone)
▶ "It is difficult to capture the best moment, but I like the satisfaction I feel when I get the shot."
(30s, woman, interchangeable lens digital camera)
▶ "I can imagine a lot of things in that one moment." (30s, woman, smartphone)
▶ "I can retain a dynamic moment." (40s, woman, interchangeable lens digital camera)
▶ "I think it is photographs that can capture the moment. I like to capture the photo opportunity."
(50s, woman, interchangeable lens digital camera)
▶ "Because I am attracted to things that capture a moment, a fleeting instant." (50s, woman,
▶ "I want to preserve exquisite scenes of a moment that would be missed in a video." (50s,
woman, smartphone)
▶ "Because it's a one-shot deal." (50s, man, interchangeable lens digital camera)
▶ "Being able to preserve the reality of a moment thrills me." (50s, man, compact digital camera)
▶ "Capturing the beauty of a moment is one of the most important aspects of photography, and is
not something that can be done with video." (50s, man, compact digital camera)
▶ "I like that the world stands still." (50s, man, interchangeable lens digital camera)
▶ "The real pleasure comes from capturing a moment in time." (60s, man, compact digital
▶ "I want to pursue the beauty of the moment." (60s, man, compact digital camera)
▶ "It's interesting to capture time and subjects from a unique perspective. Videos are troublesome
to edit." (60s, man, interchangeable lens digital camera)
▶ "I like to capture a moment of the subject." (60s, man, compact digital camera)
▶ "You can hold on to the emotion of the moment. It’s wonderful." (70s, woman, compact digital
▶ "I like and want to impart the momentary feeling." (70s, man, compact digital camera)
▶ "Capturing a one-time momentary chance." (70s, man, interchangeable lens digital camera)
▶ "There is joy in capturing the moment." (70s, man, interchangeable lens digital camera)
▶ "What I like about photography is the tension of being able to capture a momentary movement
or expression in a split second. I make a lot of mistakes and am rarely satisfied with the
results, but the tension and satisfaction of capturing a moment is irresistible and wonderful."
(70s, man, interchangeable lens digital camera)
▶ "Because I find it enjoyable when I concentrate on the moment and press the shutter." (70s,
man, interchangeable lens digital camera)
▶ "I've been a photographer for decades, and I like to take pictures that pinpoint my feelings at
that very moment." (70s, man, interchangeable lens digital camera)
▶ "I can retain the beauty of the moment." (70s, man, interchangeable lens digital camera)
Do you prefer photographs? Do you prefer videos? The responses to these questions that were
irresponsibly thrown out were overwhelmingly enthusiastic. The theory is that in such a report, we
should probably limit ourselves to a few examples, but please understand that there was no way to
narrow down the opinions amidst the storm of words that touched on the essence of photographs.
"The Decisive Moment," Henri Cartier-Bresson, photography has come so far.
"Photographs" No. 2: Easy to take photographs and accustomed to doing so.
▶ "Because it's easy." (Teens, woman, smartphone)
▶ "Because it's easy and quick." (20s, woman, compact digital camera)
▶ "I used to be mainly a photographer, so I'm more used to taking photos." (50's, man, compact
digital camera)
▶ "Because I can take pictures easily, and trim and record them. Shooting video is difficult
nowadays because you have to be considerate of your surroundings." (50s, woman, compact
digital camera)
▶ "Because it’s easy to take a lot of pictures." (50s, woman, interchangeable lens digital camera)
▶ "Probably because I’m used to taking photos." (50s, man, interchangeable lens digital camera)
"Photographs" No. 5: High level of expressiveness
▶ "Because I'm happy when I can take beautiful pictures." (Teens, man, smartphone)
▶ "Because it's interesting to see difference in photos depending on the person who takes them."
(20s, man, interchangeable lens type)
▶ "Because I can take more beautiful still pictures." (30s, woman, interchangeable lens digital
▶ "I am happy when I can take a good picture." (30s, man, compact digital camera)
▶ "I try to take pictures that are as close to the real thing as possible." (60s, woman, smartphone)
▶ "Photos are Interesting and have depth." (70s, man, interchangeable lens digital camera)
Free answer question: "Which do you prefer, photos or videos?
Classification by content: "Both" group (including unspecified) rankings
1st 24 respondents I use photographic and video cameras differently.
2nd 12 respondents Photos and videos become memories
- 24 respondents Others
- 33 respondents Reason not given
Total 93 respondents
"Both photographs and videos" group: "I use photographic and video cameras
differently" "Photos and videos become memories."
On the whole, there were more respondents who answered "Both photographs and videos" or
unspecified than those who specified "videos."
We would like to express our gratitude to everyone who participated the survey.
CIPA will hold CP+ 2024 from Thursday, February 22 to Sunday, February 25, 2024.
The results of this survey will be reported during the CIPA Market Seminar at CP + 2024.