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Increase Font Size OPO P LVL UDR CEEOL iL 16. Hazardous waste: Definition, sources, classification, collection, segregation, characterization DR. YOGALAKSHMI K. N “epgp books Objectives: 1. To understand the definition of hazardous waste and its sources of generation 2. To gain knowledge on the classification of hazardous waste 3. Familiarize the collection methods involved 4, To understand the methods of segregation used 1. Introduction Ahazardous substance is defined according to Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) as any solid or combination of solids that because of its quantity, concentration, or physic: tious characteristics, may cause or significantly contribute to an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible or incapacitating reversible illness, or pose a substantial hazard to human health or hemical, or infec- the environment when improperly managed. Ahazardous waste is an hazardous substance that1, Is discarded, accumulated, stored, physically, chemically, or biologically treated prior to being dis~ carded; or 2. Has served its original intended use and sometimes is discarded; or 3. Is a manufacturing or mining by-product and sometimes is discarded. 2. Definition According to U.S. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA), any waste that is toxic and/or hazardous if they “cause or significantly contribute to an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible, or incapacitating reversible illness; or pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported, disposed off, or oth erwise managed. The RCRA regulations (40 CFR 261 and 262) specify that a solid waste is a hazardous waste if it is not excluded from regulation, and meets any of the following conditions: + Exhibits any of the characteristics of a hazardous wast * Has been named as a hazardous waste and listed as such in the regulations + Isa mixture containing a listed hazardous waste and a nonhazardous solid waste + Is a waste derived-from the treatment, storage, or disposal of a listed hazardous waste Any solid waste that exhibits one or more of these characteristics is classified as hazardous: Ignitability, Corrosivity, Reactivity and Toxicity. 3. Characterization of Hazardous waste: ‘Table 1 summarizes the characteristics of hazardous waste and the risks associated with it. ‘Table 1 - Characteristic and risks of a hazardous substance and waste ‘Characteristics Relevant features ‘Associated Fisk Tgnitability | » A liquid, exceptaqucous solutions containing | That which identifies wastes that Jess than 24% alcohol that has a flashpoint | pose a fire hazard during routine Jess than 60°C (140°P) ‘management. Fires not only pose ©) A> nonliquid capable, under normal | immediate dangers of heat and ‘conditions, ‘of spontancous and sustained | smoke, but also can spread harmful ‘combustion particles over wide areas. + An» ignitable compressed gas per DOT regulations An oxidizer per DOT regulation Corosivity | An aqueous material with pH less than or| That which identifies wastes qual t0 2, or greater than or equal to 12.5 | requiring special containers because + A liquid that corrodes steel at arate greater | oftheir ability to corrode standard than 0.25 inch per year at a temperature of | materials, or requiring segregation 55°C (130°F) from other wastes because of theit dissolve toxicReactivity (or|® Normally unstable and reacts violently | That which identifies wastes that, explosiveness) | without detonating during routine management, tend to ‘Reacts violently with water react spontaneously, to react + Forms an explosive mixture with water __| vigorously with air or water, to be ‘® Generates toxic gases, vapors, or fumes when | unstable to shock or heat, to generate mixed with water toxie gases or to explode. ‘© Contains cyanide or sulfide and generates toxic gases, vapors, or fumes at a pH of between 2 and 12.5 + Capable of detonation if’ heated under confinement or subjected to strong initiating source © Capable of detonation at standard ‘temperature and pressure Listed by DOT as Class A or B explosive Toxicity ‘As determined by the Toxieity Characteristics | That which identifies wastes that, Leaching Procedure (TCLP), that is designed to | when improperly managed, may produce an extract simulating the leachate that | release toxicants in sufficient ‘may be produced in a land disposal situation. The | quantities to pose a substantial ‘extracts then analyzed to determine ifit includes | hazard to human health oF the any of the toxic contaminants listed in Table 2. If | environment. the concentrations of any of the Table 2 ‘constituents exceed the levels listed, the waste is classified as hazardous. Toxicity of a waste may also be declared by the generator based upon Knowledge of the waste and/or the generating process. The concentration at which a particular chemical is toxic is summarized in Table 2. Heptachlor is toxic at a minimum concentration of 0,008 mg/L. Cresol and other phenolic compounds show a toxic concen- tration at 200 mg/L. Table 2 - Maximum Concentration of Contaminants for the Toxicity Characteristics Contaminant Regulatory level (mg/L) Arsenic 5.0 Barium 100.0 Benzene 05 Cadmium 1.0 Carbon tetra chloride 05 Chlordane 0.03 Chlorobenzene 1000 Chloroform 60Chromium 5.0 o-cresol 2000 m-cresol 200.0 p-cresol 200.0 Cresol 200.0 24-D 10.0 1.4-Dichlorobenzene 15 1,2-Dichloroethane 05 LI-Dichloroethylene 07 2.4-Dinitrotoluene 013 Endrin 0.02 Heptachlor (and its epoxide) 0.008 Hexachlorobenzene 0.13 Hexachlorobutadiene 05 Hexachloroethane 30 Lead. 5.0 Lindane 04 Mercury 02 Methoxychlor 10.0 Methyl ethyl ketone 200.0 Nitrobenzene 20 Pentachlorophenol 1000 Pyridine 5.0 Selenium 10 Silver 5.0 ‘Tetrachloroethylene 07 ‘Toxaphene 0s ‘Trichloroethylene 0s 2,4.5-Trichlorophenol 400.0 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 20 2.4,5-TP (Silvex) 10 Vinyl chloride 02 Source: 40 CFR 261.24 (Blackman Jr) ‘The effect of toxic chemicals in the environment can produce wide range of health effects, such as acute or chronic illness. It devends on the dosage. freauency. duration, concentration etc.. which can bedetermined by carrying out a risk assessment. The purpose of risk assessment is to insure with a reason- able margin of safety, that human health effects do not result from exposures caused by production or waste management practices. 4. Source The inclusive listing adopted by EPA includes separate lists of nonspecific source wastes source wastes, and commercial chemical products. These lists are described briefly, as follow: specific 4.1 Nonspecific source wastes: Itis called “E" wastes because their EPA waste identification codes begin with the letter F, are generic wastes, commonly produced by manufacturing and industrial processes. Examples from this list include spent halogenated solvents used in degreasing and wastewater treatment sludge from electroplating processes as well as dioxin wastes, most of which are “acutely hazardous” wastes due to the danger they present to human health and the environment. benzene, methylene chloride, trichloroethylene, carbon tetrachloride are few of the solvents listed in F list. Solvent blends with 10% or greater are included in F list. 4.2 Specific source wastes: Itis called “K” code is from specially identified industries such as wood preserving, petroleum refining, and organic chemical manufacturing, These wastes typically include sludges, still bottoms, waste waters, spent catalysts, and residues, e.g., wastewater treatment sludge from pigment production. 4.3 Commercial chemical products: It is denoted by “P” and “U” codes and include specific commercial chemical products or manufactur ing chemical intermediates. Commercial pure grade chemicals or any formulations with either of chemi cals as active ingredient are listed in P and U list. P list is differentiated from U list based on the quantity at which the chemical is regulated. Acute toxic wastes whose accumulation or waste generation exceeds 1 kg per month is categorized under unlike U list whose waste generation 25 kilograms per month. This list includes chemicals such as chloroform and creosote, acids such as sulfuric and hydrochloric, and pesticides such as DDT etc., EPA has also ruled that most mixtures of solid wastes and listed hazardous wastes are considered haz~ ardous wastes and must be managed accordingly. This applies regardless of what percentage of the waste mixture is composed of listed hazardous wastes. Without such a regulation, generators could evade RCRA requirements simply by mixing or diluting the listed wastes with nonhazardous solid waste. Wastes derived from hazardous wastes, such as residues from the treatment, storage, and disposal of a listed hazardous waste are considered a hazardous waste as well. 5. ClassificationHazardous waste is classified into six broad categories. Hazardous waste includes a lot more com- pounds or chemicals either as single or in combinations. The waste categories are detailed below. Radioactive wastes: Substances that emit ionizing radiation is called as radioactive substances and the waste generated from these substances are termed as radioactive wastes. Although they are categorized as a separate group still they are studied as hazardous waste due to the harmful effects they cause to liv- ing beings. They also persist in the environment for a long period of time. Half life determines their per- ence in the environment. Biomedical wastes: Toxicity and infectivity are the two important characteristics of biomedical wastes. The toxic nature of biomedical waste place them under hazardous waste category. Biomedical waste is generated from hospitals, health centres and research facilities. Chemicals: Chemicals can be organic, synthetic, metals, acidic or basic or salts. They are hazardous when they cause toxicity. A waste stream containing these wastes at levels equal to or greater than threshold values, such streams should be considered hazardous. Flammable wastes: Once again dual grouping is done for this particular waste. Flammable substances can be a gas, liquid or solid. Organic sludges, plasticizers, solvents are some of the examples of flammable wastes. These wastes are hazardous and needs special management. Explosives: Similar to flammables, they also need special management method. They are produced from ordnance manufacturing and generated from industrial gases. Household hazardous wastes: In our everyday life we generate a lot of hazardous substances which is disposed off as commingled waste. They are disposed along with municipal solid waste. Some of the haz~ ardous waste generated from households include oil paints, nail polish, latex, paints, batteries, cleaning chemicals, e waste, pesticides, chlorinated and non chlorinated solvents and many more. 6. Collection and storage The hazardous waste collection methods and containers mainly depends on the nature and character- istics of waste. Precautionary measures have to be taken while handling, storage and transport of haz- ardous waste, Moreover, the compatibility of waste need to be assessed before storing them in same container. Collection and storage of hazardous waste also depends on the amount of generation. If waste is generated in less quantity, they can be stored and disposed off at regular intervals. However, large quantity of hazardous waste generation necessitates every day transfer and disposal. The containers used to store or collect hazardous waste includes fibreglass or glass-lined containers for corrosive acids or caustic solutions, Lined containers are used to avoid the reaction of metals with the container. Other containers used include PVC lined containers, single walled drums used as pressure vessels, exotic metal drums made of aluminum, nickel, stainless steel and Laboratory packs used in universities and research laboratories. Single walled drums are filled with nitrogen and used for storing reactive, flammable and explosive wastes. According to EPA guidelines, the containers used for collection and storage of haz- ardous waste must be closed or sealed except when waste is to be removed or added. Care should bevakenl Lo avoid rupture 1 Ue ConLaMers wHIc! IQHLLUFLIED 1eaU LO Spilage OF leakage ISSUES. Two types of storage area are designated for hazardous waste: Central accumulation area and satellite accumulation area. Liquid wastes should be collected and stored in a manner to avoid inhalation, acci- dental spill and vapor build up. To prevent this the containers must either be fitted with drum funnel screw lid or latching drum lids. Drum funnel screw is fitted with closed lid containers and Latch drum lids are for open lid containers. The lids should have a good gasket mechanism to keep the container sealed, leak proof and air tight. Containers filled with solid or semi-solid hazardous waste must be closed with lid with continuous gaskets and fusible plugs. These plugs will help in collecting the vapors escaping from the wastes. All the lids and seals should be checked periodically as the chemicals inside the con- tainers will erode these seals resulting in release of vapours. Table 3 Collection equipment for various hazardous waste S| Waste Category ‘Collection equipment and accessories No. T._| Radioactive Various (ypes of tricks and railroad equipment depending on substances characteristics of wastes; special marking to show safety hazards, heavy loading equipment to handle concrete-cncased lead containers, 2 | Toxie chemicals | Flatbed ucks for wastes stored in drums; wactor-aller tank wack combination for large Volumes of wastes; railroad tank cars; special interior linings such as glass fibre glass or rubber. 3. | Biological wastes | Standard packers” collection truck with some special precautions to prevent contact between wastes and the collector; flatbed trucks for wastes stored in drums. | Flammable wastes | Same as those for toxie chemicals, with special colourings and safety warning printed on vehicles. 3._| Explosives ‘Same as those Tor toxie chemicals with some restriction on transport routes, especially through residential areas. ‘Source: Tchobanoglous, et al., (1977 and 1993); Labelling is very important in hazardous waste collection and storage. Details such as symbol of manu- facturer, year of manufacturing, specification, capacity and single trip or multiple trip container, Waste stored in large storage tanks are pumped into the collection vehicle and taken to treatment or disposal. However, sealed containers are transferred to collection vehicle and taken as such to treatment or dis- posal site. Flatbed trucks are used for short distances and drum storage collection containers. Larger tank trucks, trailers and railroad tank is used for long distance travel. 7. SegregationThe hazardous waste materials are first segregated based upon their physical forms such as organic materials, aqueous materials and sludges. These forms determine the course of action that would be taken in the treatment and disposal of these wastes. The level of segregation of hazardous wastes (Figure 1) that should be followed is very important in the treatment, storage and disposal of different kinds of wastes, It is relatively easy to deal with wastes that are highly segregated. Segryated waste Parially mixed waste Unsegregated waste Sludges ‘Aqueous wastes Orne wastes Figure 1 - Illustration of waste segregation (Source: Manahan 1993) A waste that has been concentrated is generally much easier and more economical to handle than the one that is dispersed in a large quantity of water or soil. Dealing with hazardous wastes is facilitated when the original quantities of wastes are minimized and the wastes remain separated and concentrated. Once the waste is segregated, it is ideally subjected to treatment and disposal upon further process ing, The transport of hazardous substance and waste into the environment is plausible based on the characteristics of the waste itself. The physical properties of hazardous wastes such as volatility and sol- ubility contribute to a large extent to their transport in the environment. Highly volatile hazardous wastes are more likely to be transported through the atmosphere and the more soluble ones will be car- ried by water. ‘The compound volatility determines the distribution of hazardous waste constituent between atmos- phere, geosphere or hydrosphere. Usually in the hydrosphere, and often in soil, hazardous waste con- stituents are dissolved in water; therefore, the tendency of water to hold the constituent is a factor of its mobility. For example, although ethyl alcohol has a higher evaporation rate and lower boiling tempera~ ture than toluene, the vapor of the latter is more readily evolved from the soil because of its limited solu- bility in water in comparison with ethanol.Chemical factors also contribute to the transport of wastes. For example, the clay minerals in the soil tend to bind some elements more strongly (Cd, Hg, Pb, Zn); some elements moderately (K, Mg, Fe, Si) and some other elements (Na, Ca, Mn, B) very poorly. It should be noted that retention of iron and man- ganese is a strong function of their oxidation state in that the reduced forms of Fe and Mn are poorly re- tained, whereas the oxidized forms of Fe203.xH2O and MnO2 are insoluble and stay on soil as solids. 8. Transfer station Unlike municipal solid waste, hazardous waste management does not involve a transfer station. Since the collection vehicles carry the containers with hazardous waste directly to the treatment or disposal , the requirement of transfer station stays nullified. Summary ‘To summarize, at the end of this module we have Defined hazardous waste Understood the characteristics of hazardous waste Identified the sources of generation: Specific, non-specific and commercial chemical products Classified hazardous waste Familiarized the collection methods, storage and collection containers Understood the importance of segregation of hazardous waste. you can view video on Hazardous waste: Definition, sources, classification, collection, segregation, B characterization Reference + TV Ramachandran (2009), ‘Management of Municipal Solid Waste: Centre for Ecological Sciences, llSc Karnataka research foundation. * Tehobanoglous, G., Theisen, H. and Eliassan, R. (1977). Solid Waste Engineering, Principles and Management Issues, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York. + www.nptel/Municipal solid waste * https: / https: //www.osha,gov/Publications/complinks/OSHG-HazWaste/I1-12.pdf + hups://nepi Dra -c eae
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