Mujahidin 2023 IOP Conf. Ser. Earth Environ. Sci. 1148 012007

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2nd Maritime Continental Fulcrum International Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1148 (2023) 012007 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1148/1/012007

Smartgrid System Integration In Development Potential

Energy Of Salt Water In The Riau Islands

Muhamad Mujahidin1*, Tonny Suhendra2, Rusfa3, Refly4 ,Bunga paramita5

Raja Ali Haji Maritime University, Tanjungpinang, Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia

*Coresponding :

Abstract. electricity demand projection. Law Number 30 of 2009 concerning In electricity, it is

determined that the primary energy source found in the country and/or originating from abroad
must be utilized optimally in accordance with the policy national energy and ensure sustainable
electricity supply to integrate the smartgrid system as a source of ignition (lamp) with a voltage
source from seawater, to determine the effect of the number of plates on the value of voltage and
electric current, so that it can generate electricity for lamps. A Research for types of electrodes
that meet the standards for powering alternative lamp prototypes with seawater voltage sources
are using zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) electrodes. The highest current produced from zinc (Zn) and
copper (Cu) electrodes is 3.8Volt, research, seawater contains the percentage of the mixture is
96.5% pure water and 3.5% is a composition in the form of salt which is influenced by the
Equivalent Salt Deficit Density test dissolved gases, organic matter and inorganic particles.
dissolved. The compound contained in seawater is Sodium Chloride (NACL) and by H2O is
decomposed into Na+ and Cl-. The interaction of two free particles Na+ and Cl- combined with
the voltaic cell method will result in a change/conversion into an electric current. The value of
the electric voltage created which will affect the value of the electric voltage. The greater the
number of electrodes used, the more electrons will be decomposed by the anode, which is also
known as an oxidation reaction. This paper will cause a change in the voltage generated by the
electrolyte solution (sea water). Effectiveness in the use of brine can be produced the highest
current energy that can not be used for two hours to produce energy in lamps.

Keywords : Seawater, Copper, Zink Electrode, Electrtical Energi, Lamps, Alternative Energi,
Seawater, Voltaic Cells, Electricity

1. Introduction
The energy that has been used today is fossil energy, which is an energy source that will run out and
cannot be renewed. Therefore, in order to meet the need for electrical energy, the development of
electrical energy has begun to be taken from alternative energy that will not run out. One of the energies
currently being discussed is seawater energy. This energy source from the sea works like the principle
of a galvanic battery consisting of an electrolyte solution and electrodes so that it can produce electrical
energy. Basically, sea water contains high NaCl compounds and by H2O is broken down into Na+ and
Cl-. With the free charge particles, an electric current arises. The voltaic cell can convert the chemical
energy arising from the reaction of Na+ and Cl into electrical energy, The chemical reaction that occurs
is a redox reaction (reduction and oxidation) and this device is called a voltaic cell. Cell voltaic is a cell
that can produce electric energy. In a galvanic cell. One application of galvanic cells is the use of
Zn/Ag203 cells for clock batteries. A voltaic cell is a chemical arrangement and a conductor of electricity

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2nd Maritime Continental Fulcrum International Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1148 (2023) 012007 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1148/1/012007

that provides a flow of electrons through an external circuit from an oxidized chemical to a reduced
chemical. In voltaic cells, oxidation means the loss of electrons by atoms, molecules and ions. While
reduction means the gain of electrons by atoms, molecules and ions. Copper metal is dipped in CuSO4
solution and zinc metal is dipped in ZnSO4 solution.

Figure 1. Voltaic Cell Circuit

Zn metal will lose electrons and change to form Zn2+ ions and combine in ZnSO4 solution. Electrons
flow from the Zn electrode to the Cu electrode. Cu2+ ions in CuSO4 solution accept electrons and the
ions change to form Cu metal deposits. An electrochemical cell is composed of two electrodes, namely
an anode and a cathode. At the anode an oxidation reaction occurs, while at the cathode a reduction
reaction occurs. While the anode is the electrode where the oxidation reaction occurs, meaning that the
Zn metal in the voltaic cell is called the negative electrode. In this study the cathode is copper and the
anode is zinc The function of the salt bridge in ZnSO4 solution is to increase the number of Zn2+ ions
and in CuSO4 solution there is a decrease in the number of Cu2+ ions. Meanwhile, the number of cations
(Zn2+ or Cu2+) must be equal to the S anions. To balance the cations and anions, the ZnSO4 solution
enters the Cl anions from the salt bridge according to the addition of Zn2+ ions. In CuSO4 solution there
is a shortage of Cu2+ or it can be called an excess of S ions, then S ions enter the salt bridge to replace
Cl - which enters the ZnSO4 solution. The amount of electric current generated from the two electrodes
can be determined by determining the electrode potential of Zn and Cu, water from the sea or ocean, has
average salt content of 3.5%. This means that in 1 liter (1000 mL) of sea water there are 35 grams of
salt (but not all table salt / NaCl). Seawater is a very efficient solvent that is able to dissolve other
substances in large quantities than other liquids. This property can be seen from the many basic elements
contained in seawater. It is estimated that there are 48,000 trillion tons of salt dissolved in seawater.
These salts consist of sodium chloride 38,000 trillion tons, sulphates 3000 trillion tons, magnesium 1600
trillion tons, potassium 480 trillion tons and bromide 83 trillion tons. Chloride is the most abundant
substance in seawater. Meanwhile, sodium (NaCl) or table salt is a chloride substance with the largest
percentage.(Taufiqur Rohman, et,al, 2019).
According to Ampere's law, if the current flowing in a conductoris i then the magnetic field H around
the conductor is obtained with relation ∮𝑖 𝐻. 𝑑𝑙 = 1At a point at a distance x outside the conductor this
relation becomes; ( ) if the conductor is stated to be very long then, l is part of the segment, so the
2 𝜋𝑥
magnetic flux surrounding this segment until the distance Dx from the conductor is;(Sudharyanto, et,al,
𝐷𝑥 𝐷𝑥
𝜋𝑖𝑙 𝜋𝑖𝑙 𝐷𝑥
𝜆 = ∫ 𝜇𝐻𝑙𝑑𝑥 ∫ 𝑑𝑥 = ln
𝑟 𝑟 2𝜋𝑥 2𝜋 𝑟
variable r is the radius of conduction, This equation represents the flux of the sphere outside the
conductor. There is still flux inside conductor to be considered. To cover the flux in within the conductor,
an equivalent radius is defined is called the Geometric Mean Radius (GMR), r’ so that;
𝜇𝑖𝑙 𝐷𝑥
𝜆′ = ( ) ln ′
2𝜋 𝑟

2nd Maritime Continental Fulcrum International Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1148 (2023) 012007 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1148/1/012007

GMR is a fictitious radius smaller than the physical radius conductor. We consider this fictitious radius
(GMR) as radius conductor when we talk about ambient magnetic flux conductor. With r which is
smaller than r, we have taking into account the presence of magnetic flux in the conductor.

2. Research Method

Figure 2. The process of generating electricity from seawater.

3. Results and Discussion

The first test of seawater into electrical energy Curve
Effect on loading with temperature 30° and the volume is the result of energy shows a decrease in
temperature, due to evaporation of seawater so that the maximum power produced is 1.78 watt

Figure 3. In this case simply justify the caption so that it is as the same width as the graphic.

2nd Maritime Continental Fulcrum International Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1148 (2023) 012007 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1148/1/012007

Figure 4. These two figures have been Figure 5.. Curve Generated Current with
placed side-by-side to save space. Justify the temperature 30° C
caption. Figure 3. Curve Water Volume with
temperature 30° C

Figure 6. Curve Generated Power with Figure 7. Curve Water Volume with temperature
temperature 30° C. The second test was 25° C
carried out when the weather was cloudy
after it rained with a normal temperature of
25 ° C and a humidity of 70% combination
of seawater mixed with rainwater, causing
an increase in current and voltage, Effect on
loading in the test after rain and temperature
25°, power generated 1.8 watts

2nd Maritime Continental Fulcrum International Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1148 (2023) 012007 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1148/1/012007

Figure 8. Curve Generated Voltage with Figure 9. Curve Generated Current with
temperature 25° C temperature 25° C

Figure 10. Curve Generated Power with Figure 11. Curve Water Volume with temperature
temperature 25°C. The third test was carried 23.5° C
out at night with normal weather conditions
of 23.5 °C

2nd Maritime Continental Fulcrum International Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1148 (2023) 012007 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1148/1/012007

Figure 12. Curve Generated Voltage with Figure 13. Curve Generated Current with
temperature 23.5° C temperature 23.5° C

Figure 14. Curve Generated Power with

temperature 2.35°C

2nd Maritime Continental Fulcrum International Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1148 (2023) 012007 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1148/1/012007

The third test at night the voltage is relatively stable and the current increases, along with the addition
of the percentage of water, the effect on loading causes an increase in power of 2.56 watts.

The relationship between the magnitude of the resulting voltage

based on different types of electrodes

Zinc + Copper
Copper +
3 Alumunium
2.5 Zinc +
Zinc + Rod
1.5 Carbon
1 Alumunium +
0 Carbon Rod
Copper +
Carbon Rod

Figure 15. Curve Generated Power the Voltage is Relatively Stable and The Current Increases

4. Conclusion
Seawater contains NaCl compounds which when the process of mixing the salt solution against the
electrode poles, causes a thorough ionization and the Na+ (cation) and Cl- (anion) ions undergo electrical
compound bonding which move freely. When the zinc and copper plates are immersed in seawater, the
Na+ and Cl- ions will move while carrying an electric charge to the two ends of the wire (electrode
poles). The greatly affects the percentage of the electric current created which will affect the value of
the electric voltage. The greater the number of electrodes used, the more electrons will be decomposed
by the anode, which is also known as an oxidation reaction. This paper will cause a change in the voltage
generated by the electrolyte solution (sea water). Effectiveness in the use of brine can be produced the
highest current that can not be used for two hours to produce energy in lamps. In this study, the maximum
power obtained was 11.73 watts. changes in electrical energy produced are influenced by the volume of
water, temperature, humidity and movement of sea water, as well as the cross-sectional area of the
cathode and anode also affect the results of electrical energy. To produce large amounts of energy,
seawater needs to be turned into several cells by connecting the series between cells

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