Performance of Zn-Cu and Al-Cu Electrodes in Seawater Battery at Different Distance and Surface Area
Performance of Zn-Cu and Al-Cu Electrodes in Seawater Battery at Different Distance and Surface Area
Performance of Zn-Cu and Al-Cu Electrodes in Seawater Battery at Different Distance and Surface Area
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5 authors, including:
Mochammad Riyanto
Bogor Agricultural University
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Adi Susanto*‡, Mulyono Sumitro Baskoro**, Sugeng Hari Wisudo***, Mochammad Riyanto****, Fis
*Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Jl. Raya Jakarta Km. 4 Pakupatan
Serang Banten Indonesia, 42118; Marine Fisheries Technology, Department of Fisheries Resources Utilization, Faculty of
Fisheries and Marine Science, Bogor Agricultural University, Jl. Agathis Kampus IPB Dramaga Bogor Jawa Barat Indonesia,
**Department of Fisheries Resources Utilization, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Bogor Agricultural University,
Jl. Agathis Kampus IPB Dramaga Bogor Jawa Barat Indonesia, 16680
***Department of Fisheries Resources Utilization, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Bogor Agricultural University,
Jl. Agathis Kampus IPB Dramaga Bogor Jawa Barat Indonesia, 16680
****Department of Fisheries Resources Utilization, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Bogor Agricultural University,
Jl. Agathis Kampus IPB Dramaga Bogor Jawa Barat Indonesia, 16680
*****Department of Fisheries Resources Utilization, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Bogor Agricultural University,
Jl. Agathis Kampus IPB Dramaga Bogor Jawa Barat Indonesia, 16680
Corresponding Author; Adi Susanto, 42118, Tel: +62 254 280 330, Fax: +62 254 828 5293,
Abstract- Seawater battery is one of the green electricity sources to fulfil energy need for electrical equipment, especially in
the coastal area and fishing activity. The application of this technology is still limited because of the high cost in the electrode
production. This study analyzed the performance of Zn-Cu and Al-Cu electrode as cheap material to generate electricity from
sea water in the different distance and surface area. The results shown zinc anode produced higher voltage and current than
aluminium anode with number of 839 mV and 1.75 mA respectively. Increasing of surface area at the same distance was
increase the current output for each material. Distance of electrode was affected to the current density, but it causes fluctuation
at the voltage. Application of zinc anode with higher surface area and short distance generate high voltage and current output
in the salt water battery.
Keywords: Anode, battery, cathode, electricity, seawater.
A. Susanto et al. ,Vol. 7, No. 1, 2017
400 in aluminium-air battery [11]. Application of has the highest current (0.72 mA) was reached at surface area
zinc electrode at seawater galvanic cell has efficient of 30 cm² with the distance of 2 and 3 cm.
performance and produced 0.5-0.6 V for 150 days [12].
The changing of the surface area in the same anode
Zinc was suitable enough to be developed as anode in material was followed by increase of current output as shown
seawater galvanic cell to generate the high voltage level. It in Fig. 2. The high current was reached at the large surface
was reasonable due to zinc is abundant, environmentally area, especially at the short distance. Current in
friendly, and cheap [5], compatible with seawater, easy to be electrochemical seawater cell is closely related to the
obtained and very familiar for the society. Meanwhile, effectiveness of electron flow and it is dependent on how
copper is a material which commonly used as cathode in good is the electro-catalytic property of the anode [13]. The
galvanic cell because it has high efficiency and suitable in short distance of electrode can be produce high current
seawater [6]. Combination of copper cathode and zinc anode because the electron flows between anode and cathode
would be appropriate pair electrode to generate high voltage became efficient process. It was related to the number of
in galvanic seawater cell. internal area resistance per cell. The internal resistance
increases slowly to an asymptotic value as the flow rate
3.2. Current increases, and grows to the largest contribution in distances
of electrodes. Small electrode distances give a significant
The pair of electrode generates a different current based decrease in ohmic resistance and consequently also in the
on material and surface area as presented in Table 2. Zinc total internal resistance [14]. The closer electrode spacing
anode produced a higher current (mA) than aluminium anode would reduce the resistance and significantly increase energy
in all experiment combinations. The highest current using efficiency [15]. Increasing of surface area in the short
zinc anode was found at 30 cm² of surface area and 1 cm of distance will increase the current output to generate
distance as high as 1.75 mA. Moreover, aluminium anode electricity based on needs [16,17].
Table 1. Voltage (mV) using zinc anode and aluminium anode at combination of distance and surface area (number in average
± SE)
Table 2. Current (mA) using zinc anode and aluminium anode at combination of distance and surface area (number in average
± SE)
A. Susanto et al. ,Vol. 7, No. 1, 2017
A. Susanto et al. ,Vol. 7, No. 1, 2017
Fig. 3. Current density using zinc and aluminium anode related to surface increased
A. Susanto et al. ,Vol. 7, No. 1, 2017
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