BH Type

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B H Type @ Performance Chart #tRES¢ (1m’/min35.315CFM) iméimin kW |mvmin KW |mymin KW. [min RW [m/min KW. [m/min KW M180] 150/07] 199 10] 148, 14] 10417] 091/20] 079. 24 [1250 | 68/08 | 151) 12) 196/15 | 122) 18] 109) 22] 097) 26 BH 50 | 28 | 1350| 188) 09] 169 13] 154 17| 140 20] 127 24] 115 28 | 1400} 95/09 | 17a) 13 | 163, 47 | 449, 21 | 196) 25 | 124) 20 1550] 222, 10] 205 15| 190 19| 176 23] 163, 27| 151, a2 11700 | 249) 11 | 232 16] 217| 21 | 203 25 | 190 30 | 178, 35 4180] 195) 08] 1.6712] 145,17] 127,21] 1.14, 26 | 4250} 220/09 | 192) 1 | 170, 19 | 152) 24] 199) 29 | 120) a5 BH 65 | 218 | 1400| 258 10] 230 15| 208 21| 190 27| 177 33| 167 39 1550} 205| 12 | 207/17) 245/ 22| 227/30] 214) 37 | 204) 44 170} a23, 13 | 205 19| 20a, 26| 265 a3 | 252° 40| 242 ae [4180] 319, 42] 303719] 206/26] 273/33] 263/40] 252) 47 v0] 355, 13] 339 20| 322 28| 309 36| 209 44| 205 52 BH 80 | 28 | 1400| 400 15| 303 23| 376, a2| o63 40| 353, 49 | 342 50 1550| 463, 17] 447 26| 490 36| 417, 45| 407, 55| 396 65 [i700 | 517) 19 | sor 29 | sea) 0 | 471 50 | 461, 61 | 450 72 i100] 434/18] 416 26] 400/34] 985 43] 371/53] 35769 1300} S32} 22] 515/30 | 499/40 | a0) 51] 470) 63 | 456) 74 1450| 604, 24] 507 34] 571 45| 556 57| s42_ 70 | 529 83 BHIO0 | 48 | 4550] 652| 26] 695) s6| 619/48 | 60s) 61 | 890) 75 | 577) 89 1750| 745, 31 | 728 42| 712, 56 | 607 70| 683 96 | 670 101 [i950] 33634 | 319 47| 803, 62 | 7a8_ 79 | 776 96 | 761 114 t100| 665/24] 645 37] 625150] 605.64 | 585/79] Se5_ 95 | 1900 | e189 20 | 790/49] 770| s9| 750 76 | 799) 94 | 719) 112 pui2s | so | '59| 29 92/916 46| S05 ee) 75 es | ssp 10s | eas. 25 1550| 101 | 34 | 992) 51 | 972/70] 952) 91 | 9a2) 112 | 912/194 170/117 40/115 59|t19 | 01] 414 104 |109 128 |107 159 [1950 [432 [45 [130 67/428 | 91 [ize 117 | 126 tae [122 172 Too] 813/28] 673 47] 843| 66] 823° 85] 803/106] 763 127 [4300 [412 a4 {toa s7] 10s | eo |102 10a |t01 427 | 990) 152 pui2sa| so 159/27 32/3 es |zo so) nisl ig Me /u4 70 1550| 137 | 43 [193 70 [130 | a7 [ize 125 (126 isa [124 103 4750| 158 52/154 a2|ts1 112] 149 143 147 76 [145 210 [4950479 | 61 [175 | 941472 122 |170 163 |168 | 199 | 166 | 237 900] 14044} 138 68] 133 | 94190 122] 127151 |124 184 |1050|%68 | 53 tes es liei ira |is8 105 |t55 179/152 215 150/186 sa ]ie2 91/179 124\176 159 | 173 196 | 170 235 BHI50 | 68 | 250/205 | 66 [201 100/198 137 |195 175 | 192 215 | 189 | 257 1400| 232 768 |228 115|225 156|222 199 |219 244/218 291 [isso |260 | se |2s6 131 [ass |178|250 204 |247 275 lose ore 900 [200-70 | 187106] 175/141 | 165 te2 | 155 223 | 147 26a | 050/232 | e2|225 124 }zia | tes |204 21a |192 260/188 | a8 1190| 263 90/250 196| 230 180 | 228 239 |210 205 538 BHISOA | 68 | jiso|200, a8 [ere tae [asa toe (ore asa lore oto [fae 1400 | 926109 |315 165|903 | 219 | 209 284 |209 947 |275 41.1 1550 [367 [121 [954 185 | 302 | 243 |9a2 914 |o22 | 94 | a14 | 455 900] 252 | a2 [240 122 [228 162217 202] 008 241 | 196 208 1050 |282 [9220 140258 | 190 |257 209 |246 | 2a [208 | o43 pH200 | ea | 119/522 98 |s10 ise | 208 | 210 |2n7 267 |ar7 ses |267 85 [250/250 [104 |aa9 168 [eae | 232 | 18 295 |a0e | ase | 297 | 43.1 4950| 381 111 |370 182959 | 253 }ose o24|sa8 400 |s20 47e [aso [412 [119 [400 197 [ase 27.5 |a7e 354 [957 430 [959 | 525 900] 316 | 107 [es 101 [2a 224270 289 [e58 051 [24s 28 1050 |276 [125 |a59 ee fase | 261 [220 237 |a1s | 410/207 | 500 tis0| 415 137 | 398 205 |a82 | 206 |o69 370 |254 449 |aaa 94.7 BH200A | 88 | 4250 | 456 [149 [438 203/429 o11 [410 402 [ase ase [ees | 595 450 | 495 161 |479 241 | 48a 206 [450 424 | 495 527 |425 642 | 4450 |535 | 173 |518 250/502 | 361 | 480 466 |475 566 | 464 69.0 300] 247 95 | a1 tea] 335 202] 929 a02 | 923971] 317 440 | 900] 208 | 413 | 202 191) cee 268 | 280 a46 | a7a 429 | 968 50.1 1000 | 448131 | aa> 217 | ass 203 | 430 300 | 424 476 | 418 562 BH250 | 108 | 1100| «99 149 | 493 264 | 407 339 | 401 433 | 475 528 | 409 623 1200 | 549 167 | 543. 270 | 697 | o74|sa1 477 | 525 501 | 519 604 | 4300 | 600/185 | 504 207 | sae | 409 | 582 521 | 576 622] 570 | 745 rao }o50 203 [oes s2a leas | as |oa2 565 | 626 cos | 620 006 KW |miymin KW m/min] KW [m/min KW. 422 | 459 | 608 | 45.2 | 595 | 445 | 681 454 |525 552 | 51.8 649 | 512 746 437 | 591 595 | 584 703 | 578 81.1 51.0 | 658 | 620 | 65.0 757 | 644 976 552 | 724 | 6a1 | 716 | 811 | 710 | 941 584 | 790 725 | 783 965 | 776 101 97.0 [446 | 465 | 426/555 | 406 | 680 462 |600 580 | 586 69.4 | 560 950 BH300 12B | 1200/6823 248 | 793 39.8 555 | 75.3 | 698 | 73.3 833 | 71.3 | 102 1400 | 97.7 28.9 | 947 46.4 48 | 907 814 | a7 971 | 867 119 ‘io oss Sa fogs | 497 foes exe [ana ora | sea | ou [gia ae ‘300 | 95.2317 | 922 468 | 90.2 634 | @B2 809 | 862 100 | 852 120 900 | 108 35.7 | 105 | 526 | 103 | 71.3 | 101 91.0 | 99.1 | 113 | 98.1 | 135 BH350 14B | 1000] 121 396 | 118 585 | 116 79.2 | 114 | 101 3s 411150 BH250A | top | 190 | 624 27-4 | 611 | 379 1100 | 134 436 | 131 | 643 | 120 | 872 | 127 111 | 125 138 | 124 165 1200 | 147475 | 148 | 702 | 142 | 951 | 140 | 121 | 138 | 150 | 137 180 ‘section indicates water cooled housing and gear cover (coolant water volume: 16 to 25 Limin) SPH RASOBAIRINS~25Lmi9) utline Drawing ABTS ‘Suction stencee mare Prossur gauge Eat Foundation bot ff tw Te ‘Seon z =o unit 62: mm Model | Bore m a) ca me {|A|e8)c}ol/elr|a} uj) s|«)e|m|n| a] a [Megha BH 50 ‘2B | 165, 100 120| 80) 250 |240|— | 460) 50) 860| 20 190 | 130| 360| 4 [M2] 7B BH 65 | 2148 | 165 100 129 |1218| 270 265 | — | 460| 50 560| 20 210/110 360) 4 [Mi2| 105, BH 60 ‘3B | 262 152 155 /1405| 260 | 253 | — | 550| 50 650| 20 200 180 | 420| 4 |Mi2| 135 BH100 ‘48 | 276 | 165 | 180 1477) 320 | 288 | — | 600\s0\1) 750) 25 | 185 |265 | 500) 4 [Miz] 145 BHI25 ‘5B | 927 202 190 |1712| 965 | 350 | — | 650/100 | 850] a5 220 240 | 530| 4 [M12] 260 BHI25A | _58__| 927/202 | 190 |1712) 415 | 400 | — | 650| 100 | 850| 35 | 270 | 260 | 600) 4 [Mi2|_ 320, BHI50 ‘8B | 412 252 | 235 |1852| 490 | 410 | — | 800| 100 [7000] a5 | 270 | 260 | 600| 4 [M12] 400 BHI50A_| 68 | 412 | 252 | 235 |1852/ 500 | 480 | — |1000| 125 |1250| 35 | 340 | 360 770) 4 [Mi2| 490, BH200 ‘BB | 482 302255 [2007| 475 | 450 | — |1000| 125 |1250| a5 315 | 255 | 640| 4 |M12/ 640 BH200A_| 88 | 482 | 297 | 255 |2007) 540 | 515 | 600 |1200| 100 |1400| 35 | 380/360 | 810 6 [Mi2| 780 BH250 108 | 622 | 422 | 295 2117 580 | 515 | 600 |1200| 100 |1400| 35 375 305 | 750, 6 |Mi2| 900 BH250A_| 108 | 622 | 422 | 320 |2142) 650 | 590 | 750 |1500| 100 |1700| 35 | 450 | 430 | 950) 6 |Mi4| 1100 BH300 128 | 762 | $47 | 340 2581/ 645 | 625 | 600 |1600| 100 |1800| 35 600 530 1200, 6 |Mi6| 1500 BH350 148 | 800 | 550 390 12781) 745 | 750 | 550 |1650| 100 |1850| 35 | 600 |530 1200 8 |Mis| 2400 ‘© Woight shown covers tho blower with standard accessorios without motor aidard accessories: Suction siencer-Sally valve-V-pulley V-belt: Pressure gauge Base-Belt cover Note : Please be aware thatthe sizeof the base may site: fr special motors (special-coniguraton motors, heteroeletic motors, motors for excu- ‘sve use in inverers, eto) as wel as motors with she bases. ‘Ant-vibration mounts, rubber vibration insulators, and intake silencers wit attached ar fiters are avaiable as options. ORME —se MERI RETIOUTT, HORSSOMMY Lo RREMLERLNIET. RSM SIME UY ENB oA RR VI YIN RESON (Ham ENs GURNE a mEE 9. (2/\-omEa oe) PLI1NN ANE SOMA AORBEURCELEEBISTOC STATE, BRRE-MBARUGTD ooHeMae/ sUm@LTmse. Io)

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