Pengayaan BIG - 2

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210. People travel during June and .luly 07.00 am Bre aklast
bccause ... in these 08.00 arn Talk by Principal of Sch,
ntonths. a. they have 09.00 aur Singing Sessiort
nothing to do b. they get 10.00 anr Snack Ttrtte
extra money 10.10 am Clleaning r-rp and Packtn'r
c. thev have a long holiday 12.00 pnr Departure
d. tliey are busy

l. l{otcls. motcls and restar-rrant eanl -fhe

21 272. activities in the flrst clar
good rrronct ... ended by .. .

The rrncicrlincd phrase rneans . .. a. dinning

a. encltrgh lnonev b. campfire
b. little nroney c. singing
c. less rnoney' d. lncals
d a lot of nroney
213. The w'ord "cycling" rleans going::
Read the following tirnetable to answer by ...
questions no- 272 to 276 .1. Ldl
b. ship
Vacation Camp 2005 c. bike
d. train
January I Saturday
08.00 an Meet at Narnberl, Prinrary 274. Which staternent is NOT TRUh i
School on lllc tcxl?
08.30 arn Welcome speech by Carnp a. The principal rvill give a spee-
Leader thc last dar..
09.00 anr Report to Wardens b. J'hev have breakfhst in the first .
12.00 pnr F ree time c. 'lhe canrpfire r.r'ill bc hold trvic. d.
12.45 prri Lunch Break "Talk on Nature"' is held befi''r. fiee
04.00 prn Re st tirne.
05.00 prn Hockey Match in the
Open Field 275. The participants of the carnpfi[ -
07.00 prn Singing Session are ... .

07.30 pnr Dinner a. the students of' Niirnberv Prir:

08.30 prr Carnpfire School
10.30 prn -l'he
Lights Out b. teachers of Nanrberv Prir:
January 2 Sunday c. the students and parents of Naml-
05.30 am Rise and Shine Primarv School
06.00 ani Cycling d. the stLrdents. teachers and prin'
07.00 anr Breakfast of Narnhrery Prirnary School
08.00 anr Picnic in the Woods
01.00 prn [:xploration of Hill Slopcs ?16 The text above is a kind of ... .

03.00 pni Talk on Nature ir. schedule

04.30 pnr Free Tirne b. annoultcelnent
06.00 pnr Return to Dorutitories c. brochure
07.00 pnr Dinner d. leatlet
08.00 pnr C.artrpfire

January 3 Monday
05.30 anr Rise and Shine
06.00 arrr l\erci-se in the ODen Field

ReaC this text to ans$er Qurrtiln! Du. '\rr The rrords dancing inlpressivelv
277 to 281 elesant ." is similar rvith dancing -.. .

.'rt.f r

Bedoytt is ll \irlilu -:r - b slort ll'

pcrfbrmcd b;, nt'rrre tenr:rir r-1.i .-:.
tlte perforrncrs rlrust i.c r, i;: - r .i;"i. d sofilr
physical attd sottl. Ihr. r. .: ::': -:-
Jatice deprcting thc ln(ci;i.- ",i.. -.-'
I'aneurbahan Senopatr. rire tl:.'
:', : -- l3l. \\'hich title is the rnost suitable for the
\,lataratt.r Kingtlonr il urth
K.r:. :.- F'.,:. tc.rt above?
Kidul, pon,erful and hcarrtrlr.r r ,i:,. 4. A Sacred Dance.
:hc queen o{' Soutlr Scii J h-: ::inr:,,:'. b. A Traditional Dance.
iccol'npaninrent fcllcctrris th'r ., . -.r : c. A Javanese
,ca r.vind and other naturrrl \ rrl.(i d. lSedoyo Dance.
For tlrosc- rvho lrcr lr'3rii: i ' -- -':-':.
rrYstic srn. during tlre d:rncc nr.ri'':::'.i:.-J. Read a letter bellow to answer questions no.
r tenth "inl,isible" tlitrtcers rl)f-J:- l: :.,r.: 282 to 285
l'ery be atrtilirl Ji1-i11. -;'r. . : r r'. - i ' -
Itat slte is
nrprcssivcly elegant. 5,rnrc ..,,.r ii., lh.'lrlanager of KIIN TOUR
}cdo1,o dancc' is sacred. ns ii .iiri' 'ir.'r:.- -ll {hrnad Yani l2
, tncdiators highcst uchicr rn',.irr 'irl:ri,- SLrrabaya
.rrttcdi (me clitati<tn) i'rr .1, t:rtt- " ii'.i;.',.1.r
rillces ancl dellating all [,.rcl dc.uc- t)car Sir.
-:J . dancer ot-l]ctl,rvo lre pl:r', cJ h'. \\'e are sorry to cotnplain about your
se n ice tliat your travel agency provided on
a. onlv
girls oLtr -school holiday Bali tour Feb,22-24.
b. bo1,s onlv First, on our school arrived we had to sta)'-
c. boys and girls outside despite of our tiredness after I Z
d. a girl The people in charge said that all the rooms
rvere sti[[ occupied by another tour group.
rvere rvelcomed to check in after 5 hows of
-S Who can -see the tenth dancer rvaiting. That means our tour $'as 2 hours
appears during tlrc dance delayed. Consequently u'e missed one of
the perfbrmance'l places to visit.
a. Atl vie*'ers rr'lro rvatch the At dinner time, many of us found no food
dance. leti, so we bought dinner outside. We look
h. -the viervers rvht'r \\"(r\ de pth fonvard to receivinq your response.
c. Sonre viervers,rnl\'. Thank 1'ou.
d. danccrs.
Budol'o Your faithfully',
Andi Lala
-') l'he ord "{rg" irr paragraph 2
rel'ers to ... . 282. The te.rt aboi,e is a letter of ...
il. tlre dancer a. application
b. the r ierver b. invitation
c. Kanjeng Ratu Kidul c.
d. Paneurbahan Senopati d. complaint

281. " ... nranv of'us found !S&gd_!g[,
so ... ." (paragraph 3).
281. We can see a lot of villas
underlined rvord refers to ... .
ihere tr!
underlined words rleans . .. a. Heni's house
a. there is stilla lot of food b. Tawangmangu
t). can see a lot of
thc1, c. Lawu mountairr
fbod c. tlre rc isn't any food d. Solo
d. the y have a lot of food
288. Read the dialogue bellorv
284. Hon, long r.r'as the tour?
a. ,5 hours. Ana : Look Sital What a beautiful housc i

h. l2 hoLrrs. is!
c. 2 days. Sita : Yes, I think so. It's a traditionrr
d. J days. house.
Do you knorv the nanre?
2tt-5. Which statement is NOT TRUE Ana : Let's read the information.
ba.sed on the text? lt is a "Joglo."
a. l-hc- f<'rtrr ',vas successfirl, Sita : Where is it from?
b. Thc name of the companl, is Ana : ...
c. Thc students lost one place to a. C'entral Java
vis it.
b. Bali
d. students f'elt tired. c. DKI Jaya
d. West Javrr
Read the following text to answer
questions no. 286 to 287 Read the following text to answer questions
no. 289 to 291
Mr. and Mrs. Charly were on a tour
On Fridav rve rvent to La*'u nrountain. o: Europe. They rvere traveling on a
It is in the eastem place of Solo. We guided;f,u: o1' tlve countries. They were
stayed at I'lcni's house. It has a big garden going tq.f,ave through Nederland,
u'ith lots of colorful f'lorvers. Belgium, Germanr Srvitzerland and France
On the
-fan'angmangu. next duy,
\\/e visited for tr.vo rveeks.
It is a very cold place on The guide for the tour was a Srviss. Or
the hilt of Lar,r.u mountain. We can see a today of rravel the guide told them to checl.
lot of villas there. There were also a lot of their passport, their travelers cheques and theii
vegetable tlelds. foreign cash. He told them to keep then
On Sunday rve tried to fly a hang safely.
gliding. It \\:as frighte ned but !!'e felt They traveled in a comfortable coach u,itl
enjoyable alter fly,ing for a rnoment. What a toilet, music and video. The guide stoppec
a bcautiful scene r\/ \\'e can see belorv! the coach at many famous places. H.
cxplained the cultural importance ol- th..
236. What did the u,'riter enjov on his trip placcs. They stayed in big hotels for the nish'
to Larvu? and ate.
a. Hang Gliding. ln the restaurants. On the \\'ay, the..
h. A big garde n. stopped at small inns to eat lunch. In bi-r
c. Beautifirl scenery. to\\'ns. they rvent for shopping. They bough'
d- Colorfirl f]ou'ers. many souvenirs for their friends. They en1o)iec
the trvo rveek tour.
(adap t edfro m s n'o b e /ay a r _i

289. Where \\as ur'i i'- -'-' : l"l ',\ ircn drd the ri'riter begin his drir.'ing.
a. Belgiunr ri .-\s si)ort as he carne to Bunaken.
b. Cernranr [ .,\ticr uc'tting a general briefing.
c. Holland c []ctrrr-c thc ge ncraI briefing.
d. Sn'itzerlrnc tl \ l'1,.'r trtkint a Pie ttrre .

290. "1-he1, rra\r'l.d r:l i ., ,i'i,ii.iblc :91 llunakc-n island is flttnous firr it's. ..
coach...(paragril'lil1 it. rlrarinclife
l-[e unde rlrn..d 11,Jl 1'1g .1.- tr. tiny' lish
a sonreonc rr h,r imrns itirleie-i c enloyable
b. the bus thlt crrrrres t{rLlnsts d trip guidc-
c. a lrlean of trartsprrrt c-nlpo\r'c-r€d
by hors.' 294. fhe u'riter and his group do diving . -.
d someone * htl cuidcs tht' toLrrist-s iI. under Bunaken sea
b in l]unaken islancl
29 l. What is the te.rt about') c, in Nerr' Zealand
a. Visiting. d. on Llunaken sea
b. Shopping
c. Travelinl. 295. [n sunirnary. the trip \\'as |nostlY
'l-he underlined pl-rrase ntearis
d. Guiding. gn1p1'able

Read the folllowing text to answer a. thcy feel dislike

questions no.292 to 295 b they teel hate
c they f-eel satisfy
Last year, I left Neu, Zealand for .l thcy teel boritrs
Bunaken Island. I u.ent tliere ivitli a group
rf Nerv Zealand divers. Gettinc there *,as
rot quite eilsy. Complete the dialogue by choosing the trest
Soon aftcr our arrival at Bunaken. We word!
:ot a general briefing. It concluded a
lescription about hou, to take pictr.rres Fathia : Roni. do you knon Borobudur
inder rvater. ternple'?
Then. w'e began our diving. In our Roni . Yes. I do. What's the rnatter?
]r','ing, \4,e saw groups of tiny fistr. Ia Fathia . Do t'ou knori'it is... (296)
'rder to idcntify them. wc need a good in thc rr'orld?
.uide. Without some knou'ledge of their Roni : Yes. you are right. What about
-abitat and behavior, it was difficult to N{endut temple?
:cnti f;,. Fathia : I think it's (291) Borobudu.r
In the trip \\'as rnostly
sun.unary, What about Prarnbanan temple?
ijol'able This place is so impressive Roni : It's... (298) Borobudur. Pratnbanan
rth its rnarine life. is a IJindus tenrple. but Borobudur
is a Buddhist. Is it clear?
Ar/astted/ron. Fathia . Thank yoLr. Let's go to our class.
t? t ; j t rt' t t i n r t s kt/,t x,o rlh. c o tt,/s u i t/b u n a A e
n.h/m/ 296. a. the Smallest
(Feb /. 0i) b. snrall
c. the biggest
d. big

291. ir. sniallcr than l0l .

b. bigge r than Father Aunt

as brg as 52 4E
as snrall as
298. a. al the sanre
Bobi . Who is ... '/
b. not differcnt fionr
c. as sanle as Notrr : I think mother is
o. diflerent frorn a. the oldest
b. the youngest
299. Look at thc piclure! c. younger than nrotlter
d. as old as aunt

302. Silvi Where is your brother?

Ani He is in his bedroorn. ... hc
studying. He is very diligeni

a I'rn sure
b I'm not sure
I'rn not ccrtaln
Rp. .1 50{).000, Rp.3.200.000, d I dotrbt
301. Chelsea N,{onr. next Jurte rny frien
ri'ill go to Yogya. May I r

Monr . \\/e ivill visit y.
grandrna in Medan.
a. Certainly
Rp. 2.300.00{),- b. I'm afraid you cannot ?
c. \'es, sure
d. Sure, I don't rnind
computer is..- .

a. the most expensive of all 304. Beni I hope you can join ot
b. as expensive as the video program
canlera Dina ... . I have to go abroad.
c, the cheapest ofall
d. cheaper than the camera a. It's possible
b. Positively
300. Rini gets 9 fbr Englisli test, 7 for c. [t's impossible
lVlatlrernatics. 8 tbr Geography and d. I think so
l0 for Bahasa lrtdonesia. It can be
concluded that .,. 105. Ferry : The headniaster delive re -

a. [{er N'{atheutatics test is be tter an interesting speech thi

than English morning.... ?
b I ler Ceog.raphl le:t ls \\'otse Friends : We don't think so
thatt Blrltasa Indorlcsia
c. Slre gcts the \\'orst Poirrt for a. did he
English b. u'as he
d. She gets the best point for c. rvasn't he
Balrasa {trcloncsia d. didn't he

i06. Shanty' : Thc':-: ..: - : :- -j -: il Rr_vanti : Look! I bought these shoes
acciJ:: - -: - when I visited Hons Kong
lr{etj"r. last year.
Bio . \'e.. :- -r Sri : Wog,. are vcrv
Pettn''j i:- nice

a. was ll a. What lashionable slioes are thcy!

b. rvasn't it b. What lashionable shoes'they are!
c. \{,asn't tlt.rr c. What are fashionable shoes?
d. w,as there d. What shoes they are'?

-r I i. Tourist A : The Gadang house is very

107. Okky : Rik:. i -: : : - : big
.,,ri.'- '; .--- B : ... Let's gcl around!
Rika : \'e.. r:rJ-: i
a. What a big house is it?
a. isn't it b. What house is it'/
b. doesn't rt c. What house it is!
c. does it d. What a big house it is!
d. is it
-l I 2 Teacher : The class is empty. Whele
is... ?
103. Anif . \'ou kn,'.,. F'.i-:: .r ' i:,,- Ria : They are all in the Physrcs
Sclcnce ( )i\n,i., i::t...::: Laboratory.
Purbo : Did hel I l, r:,i ;iJ .'. rlL
\\'ln OthCi- !,-,nt,r:{i'!ia}itS a. someone
ne\ t. b. everl'body
c. nobody
a. Student is he? d. no one
b. What student is hc'l
c. What a clever student hc' rs'
d. What is hel I13. Siska : Sinta and Santi are tu,ins.
Tantv : Oh. I see. ... of them are tall.

a. All t)9.
Karina : Where rvill *'e go ne\r b. Each
vacation? c. Both
Kalisa : We will r isit lake Tob,a. d. Ever1,
We can see Sarnosir
island. go aroundthc -114. Dina : Would you take me a glass of
lake by boast, do rvater?
fishing. and get the Eri : Yes of course. Do you need
{iesh air. ... else?
Karina : ... ['m looking fonvard. Dina . No, thanks.

a. Wlrat a beautiful place it a. an),th ing

is! b. What a beautiful place is b. everything
it? c. What is a beautiful c. nothing
d. none ol'the thing
d. What is the place?

I15. Erlita : Fina. will you come to 320. Rudy, : What happened to Mr. Hadi?
Jo;,6.'. parly? Pia : ... that he refu-ses to play rr
Firrir : ['ll conre ... . the football same.

a. ll'she u'iil inr ite me a. Mr. Fladi is so tall

tr. [f shc doesn't invite mc b. Mr. Hadi is so busy
c. Il'she invitcs me c. Mr Hadi is so strong
d. [f she rr,asn't invite nre d. Mr. t{adi is alright
316 Mothcr . Dad. Iobsen'e that vou Choose the suitable words to complete this
are not in a good passage!
condition fbr several
'I'hat's right rnorn.
Almost (.321) Indonesian people eat rice tbr
I'-atlrer : I their main ... (322). Only a ferv of them eal
have taken sornc other kinds of food such as (323) ir.
aspirins hrrl thel' clon't N,[adLrra and Sago in Anrhon.
n'ork rvell.
N4otlie r : I suggest ... if-1,.,r'r rvon, 321 . a. alt
to bc healthv. b. a f-en'
c. a lot of
a. yoll rlrust take a rcst d. several
b. \,ou nrust get a netv jolr
c. you nrust r.lork hard 322 a. snacks
d. vou r.r.tust have a neu'1ob b. needs
c. tbod
311 . The best arrangement fbr thc u'ords d. crops
bclon is ...
323 a. cassava /
Itis rnothel the bab' if -- ri'ill b. corn
1234 c. potato
alSfU qI ltirn - lets d. cereal
For questions 324 and 325 Complete this
a. .1 -l-6 8-2 5-3 1 dialogue by choosing the most suitable
b. .i-l-l-l-5-7-6-8 words.
c. 2 4-6 3 l-8-7 5
d. 2 4 I ; 7-6,8 3 Dedi : I rvent to my hometorvn last holiday
Yuli : Hou'did you go there, by ... (324i
3 1 8. Ferlita is a srnart gir[. so . ., or by your orvn car?
a. she is unable to do the test Dedi : By orvn car, there is no bus to rrir
b. she can do the test easill' honretow'n. But there are some ...
c. she ttrust stLrcl;- harder (325) transport like "andong" and
d. she rtrust have a retnedial test pedicabs.
i 19. The tlan \\'as .. tnqr\' .. he kicked 324- a. bus
tlre tloor r e rv harcl b trarn
a. so - t6at c. pedicabs
b. ttot onll' btlt also d andong
c. both and
d ne ither - uor

125. a. modern il0. The best arrangement fbr tlrese rvords is
b. traditional
c. sea
d. air When - come tbr help - tjlg -
For questions 326 to 326 chcose the best the nurses - do the be ll *'e - ?
w'ord to complete the texl i6789
?arto is a l'antous ... (-l:6i fle rs a i.rnnr a. 6-5-3 I 7 8-2 4-9
lan and he is one of the . . r _11- r ,..i Parrrc' b. 6-5-t- 3 -I-2- 4-8-9
.roup. Thet' alwavs pertornr trn TPI rn c. 6-5-2-l 8 .l 1 3-9
'ieelaba ... (128). d. 6 5-2-3-8-4 -l-7-9
33 l. Arrange tliese u'orcls into a good
)6. a. singer sentence!
b. comedian
c. pop-star tries - the gucsts - xlfl!!
the hotel - lor ' !hg_b_e_st 1,q-C!\,9
,1 561
:1 . r. lcatls
b. leaders a. 4-l-7 -(r-3 5 2
c. rnernbers b. 4-l-7,) 5-6 3
d. vieqers c. 2-1 3 5-2,1-6
d. 2-1-5-2 I 6-3
18. a. statior.r 332. Arrange these jumbled rvords becomei/
b. channel good sentence! .?
c. studio
d. program use - rice lleld to plo*, - faiqfg15-

19. The good arangement of the words tractors - modern - their

above is . .. .
alrvaYs it - arnusrrrg - rs - a. 6-5-l-,1-3-2-7
t214 b. 6-4-3 5-l 7 2
a holida), - in the beach to spend c. 6-4- l-5-3-1 -2
s61 d. 6-5-.1 I | 7 2
a. 2-5-1-4-.1 -l-6 ll3. Arrange rhese jLrrnbled sentences
b. 2-4-l-3-l-5-6 becomeagoodparagraphl
c. 2-l-4-1-5-l-6
d. 2--3-4 l-5-1-6 l. Thereisabigrorchintlrerniddleof
the circles.
2. 'th Kecak dcpict-s an epic in
Ramayana story.
l. Kecak dance is rrerlbrme d after
4. With a signal. they begin tt,) Read the following text to answer questions
s\\'av their bodies, hack and no. 336 to 340
5. -fhey sit in 5 or 6 circles. 'l'he pcoplc ot''['oraja arc one of the .]5'
6. [t is done by o qrr)u[] ol'a ethrric groups irr Indortesia. 1'hey strll
hundred people. htll. vcry' l'ast to therr traditions. Otte exatttllle
is tlr' lirneral. fo thcrrr. the lirneraI has a
a. l-.1-6 5-l-2 particrrla:
b l-(r -t I 4-2 nrcaning in tlieir \\'i1y of lil-e. It is ver\
c.3 l-5-6-4-2 interesting to ri'lttch ltio. Tlte cerettttlnies -fh'.
d. 3-5 1-t-6-2 carrieC out in hortor of' the dead person.
ceremonies take placc rr'itlt in three or mor.
334. Arrangc these jurnbled sentenccs da1's.
become a good paragraph! flrst brcaking of nervs telling tha'
l. Tlrat's rvhy he prelbrs going by sonlconc has.lust diecl is rnarked by th.
train than bv bus slaughter ol' a u'atcr buffalo. It is the sign t,
2. Besicles there is no traffic lam il the countrv people rn lhe ne ighhorhood that .
lre roes by it. rne rrber of- a ccrlairr tirntily' has passed au'ar
3. lt is laster and rnore courlbrtable blood thal por-rrs out is caugltt in bambo,
4. Hc *'ants to go by train therc. tubc:s. The nrore itttpr-rrtant the pe rson ivh,
5. Wahyclno plans to qo [ronretor.r''tt dies. tlic rriiire anintals they kill.
next holiday. a. \\/licn an old rvonrrtn *'ho ltas known b'.
5-)-4-3-l b. -5 people in lie r r illage and its strrrountlings a,
.1-3 2-l c. 5-:i "(lrandniother Ninrpa" died, the stnall squar.
l-3 2 ol'tlie r.'i[[a_ge of [Ja'tan l.regan [o seem like th.
d. 5-2, t-4-l slaughtcr grourtcl ol-a big tou'n. On her trtp t,.
the rrert rr'orld, this u'oman of eighty'-tbut \r'a:
335. Arrange these jumbled sentences follorr'ed bl sc',cntr'-tlve heads of the killc..
beconre a gocld paragraph aninrals. I'he slaughtcr part1, is tneant to hgn6:
the spirit of thc dead person. The J6ral'
pe c'rplc re gard tlie firneral ceremonies 3:
l. Worv, I'm llying no\1/. He
tliought *'hat an exitine liaving thc rnosl inrportant value in thei'
erpcriencc it is. cu I t ure.
2. Andi u'as on the plane and it
rvas the first tinre tbr him. (At/apted/iom on /he I/or/d, ,41arc,
3. He \1'as so exited that he I 97;
couldn't shut his eyes to look at
outside at the cloud. ll(r. \\/hat is the rnain idea ot' the paragrapl
4. A ste u ardess helped hini t0 l?
lasten tlie seatbelt and slie also a. .fhe lirrreral cerclnon)'.
ga\.e h irn fbod. drink and b -I'he
pople ol--foraja.
candies. c. -l-he
death of-grandnrothcr Nirnpa.
5. Then he lreard the d slauehter of u'ater btrf lalo.
announcetnent that said tlrat the
plane u'a-s ready to take ofl- -ll7 Ho* old *,as granclnrotlrer Nirrpa?
a. 350 years old.
a. 2-5-3-l 'l b 84 years old.
b. 3-2- l-5-4 c, 75 years old.
c. 2-1-5-3 I d. 48 years old.
d. 3-2-t l--l
,1i8. Horv clci rve knt)rv that tlic'dead 'fhe choreograptly oi'them includes three
person is rnore intportant thln the nrain parts a brief introduction - a pap son
othe rs'l u ith fast rnusic. u t1ot1 -pqving body-the
a. 'flre rllorc int(rcsting pengadeng. and tast ending-the panyurvud'
ce retnonie s thcv rvatclt. traditiorral Pe nde t and Gabor rnay be
b. l-[tc corttins of thc pcople of the perfbrrned by ten tci thirtl dancers. in pairs or
in group of four or sir. nltile eacl'r dancer
c. tnore nutttbcr ot'the animals carries offerings ',vhich a tcnlple shrine' The
they'kilt. secular versittns can be perlbrmed by for or
d. The blood of the buffalo caught six dattcers, eacli dancer carrf ing a borvl of
in barnboo tubes. colorful florvers rvhiclt scatter the florvers over
the audience to synrbolize a warrn .'velcone'
rl9. Why \\'as srandniother
Nirnpa fbllou,ed by seventy-five 341. the first paragrapli tell us abottt .. . .

heads of the kr I lcd artini:ils'? il thc lhictions of thc Pe ndet and

a. The blood of the killed anirnals Gabor dances.
rvas caught in barnboo. b. the kinds of thc Pcndet and Gabor
b. "fhe Batan village seetned to be dances.
a biq tou'n. c. thc dirncers o{- thc Pcrrdet and Gabor
c. Sl.rc *'as the member of Ba'tan. datrces.
d. Slre rvas respected by everyone. d. the placcs ol- the Pcndet and Gabor
dances. '1

140. "... that a menrber o1'certain lamily 342. Wliat does even' dancer carry'?
has passed a*'a],." (paragraph t*'o). a. ,r. fieri I ,'f fruits.
b. A borl'l o1'fiesh florve rs.
What do the underlined rvords c. A bori'l of colortirl florvers-
nrean'1 The underlitred u'ords mean d. A bo*'l of assorted florvers.
a. lived 143. Pendet and Gabor are ...
a. the .1oy of dances t ,/
D. stayed
c. cricd b. w'elcoming danccs
o_ died c. temple dances
d. dances for tbstival
Read the following text to answer
questions no. 341 to 345 )44. Why'do the dancers scatter the flori'ers?
a. They rvant to lve lcome the
The Pendet and Gabor choreographer.
b. They rvant to greet tlie audience.
Pendet and Gabcir are rvelcoming c. They u'ant to symbolize hostile.
lances expressing joy, happiness. and d. They' nant the audience to clean the
:ratitr-rde nrade through eracetul and Uoor.
:legant lnovements. Depending on the
:horeography. they rnay" be perfbrnted by l,1i "The choreography of' the nr includes .. .

rair or a group of fenrale clancers of any ." (paragraph 2, line l).

rge. [n thc past those dances \\'cre temple
lances to greet or please thc gods and What does the underlined rvord ret-er to'1
leities residing in tlie teutple for the lt reters to -.-.
luration of temple's anniversary f-estival, a. artistic etttertainntents
lhe odalan. Today, tltey are stagcd purely b. anniversary f-estivals
.r-s artistic entefiainrne nts. c. thc gods and deities
d. Pendet and Gabor'
Read the following text to answer -148. Sahala got very angry because . .. .
questions no. 346 to 350 r. his wil-e dicl not brinq lrirn his lun
b. lii.s daughtcr.s firrsot to hrring hirn
Oncc. a tlshermarr narncd llatara lurrch
Curu Sahala lived in Batak land. L)ne c. his u it-e atc liis lunclr
caught fjsh.
day lre a He u,'as surpriscd to d. his ciaughters ate his lurrch
flnd that the flsh could talk. It bagged
Sahaia ro let 149. Ilo',r nrany persons are there in Sah
it free. He did accordingly.
larn ily'l
As soon as tlrc flsh \\.iis fie e, tt 'fn'o.
changed into i:l !\'ornan. She \\.as so b. l'hree.
beautiful that Sahala f'ett in love rvith ar c. F-our.
once. F{c asked her to ntarrv hinr. Thc d. F iv'e .
\\'ornan agreed to marry, Sahala. I-
lolr,c.",er. she told hirn that he rnusl ne ver
lct out tlic secret that she \\,as ()lice a 150. "lt" in the last sentence of the seco:
llsh. Sehall promised her tlrat he could paragraph rcler-s to .. .

not tell anyotic about it.

-fhev a. the fish
ri'cre happil-v nrirried and had h Ilrc u'urrran
t\vo daushtcr.s. Ever.v rriorning Sahrrlir c. the sccrct
rvent out llshine. [{is dauqhters rvould d. Salrala
bring hinr his lunch. Orre day, horvevcr.
rnstead ot'bringine thc lirod to the ir lirther. Read the following text tc answer question.
thc tu,o girl.s atc it. no.35l to 356
Whcn Slhala kneu,r'"lrat thev haci
done u'ith thc rucal. he got r.cr1, anerv. I Ie AT KOTA STATION
sltouted at thern and sal,ine "You bclravcd
exactly like rhe daughte r.s of a fishl" Kota Station. at .lakana Pusat, is alu'4
The claughters didn't knorv rvhat the rr busr,. It is especially busy by rhe "ldul E(fi'
father mcan Thel' rr.cnt honte and askcd one of the ts,o great days Muslims cdfebrar,
tlteir nrotlrer about it. Thcir lnotlter u.lls along the year. 1'here are a lot of platforrn
very annoved. Although Salrala (tu,elve of thern) fionr u,hich trains come i:
apologizcd to her later, slie u.ould nttt -fhere
and go out. are several booking office,
tbrgive hiur breaking lris prornise. s'here passengers can buv their tickets for th.
Then the earth bcgan to shake. Joumey. The train are usually punctual. bu
and volcanoes started to erupt. The sometlntes thel' are late.
earth cracked and forrned a big hole Mr. and Mrs. Haryo ri'ith their onl1, 5o,.
people said the hole becanre lakc Toba. Budi. are already at the station. Tlrey are goin:_.
hontc to have thc Lebaran Day in their
346- Paragraph ... tells thar Sahala did honi,: tciri,n in Central Java. N'[r. Har_yo, a
not keep hi-s pronuse factorr
..i.orker in Jakarta. alrvays spends his annua,
a. One
b. t*'6 vacatlon u'ith his farnily in tlre small tow,n
c. three rr,ltere his parents and relativ'e live.
d. {itur station is busy,n,ith passengcr
i\lost ol' thern are the people rr,,l1s r,1,2p{ 16r
311 What did Batara guru Sahala carch'.) ce lebrate the "[dLrl Fitri" n,irlr their parenis

a. i\ llsheruran ancl relatives in their honre torvns or villages.

b. restaurants are closed because it is the
A catcli. The
c. A u,oman. fasting rnonth ot'the y,ear. No one is having
d. A hole, nreals. but
sonle snrall children are lravinq liqht
Mr. Jolian "Very good." Where do you Read the following text to answer quei-
rvait lbr a planc'/ no. 362 to 366
Tono At the airporl, sir-
Mr. Johan Yes, you are right. TRAVELING BY SEA
357. Whar is rhe best title ol' rhe re.rr ol thousands
lndonesia consists islri:
above'.) makes Indonesia to hal'e largc seas
il. Transporlation. thirds of Indonesian territory is ri,ater.
b 1'ra,,,eling by ship. B'..
('. Land transporlatrorr. of this. many people like to travel by shr;
d. Air Transporlation. said that our ancestor lvere very bral'e sal'
lt's not too expensive to travcl b1, shrp
158. Who is N,[r. Johan'J He is it needs a long time to reach your destin'
a. l-o,ro's tcaclrer [1 i-s not conln]oll fbr sornetrncto go b\
b. Sitr's f ather c. flor a short distance.
Bima's uncle d. l'o travel by sea. 1'ou have to go t,
Diqa's brother harbor. After you buy a ticket, yori llt:r'
abroad tlic sliip. N ice ste rvards
stew'ardesses rvill sen,e you.
159. What does a pilot do?
a. He rr.'aits tbr the planc. 362. Which paragraplr tells us that Indonc
b. [-le blorvs the air. ivater area is large r than the land are
c. He flies a plane. a. Paragraph one.
d }le se rves in tlre helicopters. b. Paragraph trvt'r.
c. Paragraph three.
d. ['rntgraplr ft'ur.
360. Which of tlre tbllorvine statements 361. Who is thc rnan u,ho sen,e votr abr,
is correct/ the ship?
a. l'raveling by plane is cheaper a. A sailor.
than by ship. b. A passenger.
b Traveling b.v plane is more c. A stew'ard.
comtbrtable than by ship. d. A stervardess-
c. Traveling by plane is liister than
by ship. 364. One of the advantages in traveline
d. Traveling by ship is more ship is ... .

expensive than by plane. a. it pakes seasick

b. it takes rnuch rnoney
361. Mr. Johan asked Arnir Hc did not c. it needs rrrore tirne
pay attention. 'fhe underlincd rvord d. it is cheap
refers to ... .
a. N4r. 365. Indonesia consists of thousands
Joharr b Anrir islands. it ureans that [ndonesia is ...
c. Tono a. a continent
cl. Dir.1a b. an archipelarcr
c. a country
d. an ocean

-6. "lt is not to(r l'- , ..s Neu,spapers eive us about many
ship. . " rhings
What is th-; a pro1ect
undcrlittcd rr ,,r c h. eyents
a. I:as1, c. incidents
b Larsc d. inforrnatio
c. Fast
d. Chcap rn9. newspapers are pLrblished for...
a. people of the same profession
' rad the follow'ing tert ' r; s B i r b people of different ages and
. "restions no. 367 to 3"1 occupation
'the lic\\/s[)apcr c. people rvho only [ive in busy city
d people ',vho don't work for
:.rcsting inforrrtrtt, got,ernment
::'r-Cnt a.gcs arril Li :i"
:'\' ?re also intert-.:.: - -' , lr(). "They visit the courts and listen to
irren. The infolrnltr,,:' : - the before
case the rnagistrate." (paragraph
articles. featurc .1n., j
:rtiserne nts. l-he underlined u,orld nreans .,.
.lournalists u ritc tlt,- .," a. the larvyer
, place rvherc iln rnaiL j: : b. the accused
a llrc.
,-l or. r \ i:: i " - c. the judge :

-'n to thc cases trcf, :- '- . d. thc police

.. rush to placc .,. :. -'-.
.ir-s. They See thc'pl.r-:.
'fhey take pit,,l
.icnt. -:.- : -.. and nrinisters .,."
i.teople.'flien thcr \'|.:':.--. What does the utterance above nleans ...
I'here are otlrer .ji'Lir -,. ' : a. The journalists ask the government ,-
ire articles. l-h.-r r,.i : ,,- .- workers and nrinisters /
,:'S, events, proJeCt) .:l - I _

, rbout tlre topic. tlr:'. :, : - governlnent $,orkers and ministers

inten'ie"r' go\ c-nrnr'r- . : , c. The .journalists inyestigate the
riritc t[t.- ilili- :
--ters and government rvorkers and ministers
\ational ne\\'spapcr r.: -. :' - :, d. The lournalists correct the
,i the nation. nati, t,-l : : .r- - goyernrnent g,orkers and ministers
' I events. Regionel p-ra-::, : - ':
.and articles aLroui ilt:r. -:_
:bout the rest ot'the c.r,.: .

I'hc ... tclls al.,,r,i i: -. - -::'

.t First paragraplr
ir. Sccorrd par;rvr.i1,i1
.. Third paraqrlplr
J Fourth paragrlrpit

Read the following text to answer 173. Hoir o{icn 63n \\'e listen to the Retr,
questions ao.372 to 376 sltorr rttusic progrant',)
a. ortce a rveek
SCFM STJRABAYA b trvice a *eek
Rcal Radio l0:1.75 FM c. three tirttes ll vu'eck
d. lirur tirtrcs a u ee k
.ll t{aya Darnra frcrrnai [[l
S(.TV Arca Surabaya 60189 il4. Hot 20 AC coutrtdori.'n program l:
Phone . (0.1l)73l-1154 (Hunring) bruadca.stcd .. .

frax : (0 j l) 734- 1635 a. betbrc the Rc(ro shorv

E-nriril : scrn(dclllai[.com b. aftcr tltc Rctro sho*, c.
cvcrv Srrndav cvcrring. d.
[lro+E THAN JUST MUSIC l cvery Nlondal' rnornirtg

Neu's P
-175. "Stay tuned to this channell
SCFM Nervs ( Everyday 08.00 p.rn.) \\/hat do the u,ords 'this channel' re fer
SCFM Neri,s ( Wee kdays 08.00 ) a. SCIrN'{ Nen,s Round Up
Round U b. SCI;M l-irc Scurinar
Market Reporl (Weekdays 08.00 c. SCFN{ Lir,e lr'tusic
d. SCIFN{ Surabava Radio
Music ['
The Retro Sht-rn, (Sgldny _ Indr r
"Krinrqras" is a daity
Hot 20 AC Count (S unday' 09.00 neri'spa1;er arrd it has many
Classic Rock ,{nisha "Nova" is a *,eekly tabloid
(S unday 03.00 p.rn.)
and it Itlrs nt()re pagqs.
Jamming on Jazz (Sunday 07.00 p.m.) lndri So tabloid is... neu,spapers.
The 70's tlits (Mondav l01)0 p r"J a. as thiu as
b. thimer tliarr
Jam Madrigals (Saturday 07.00 ) c. thicker than
d as thick as
SCFM Live 311 . Ro-sa Do 1'ou Iike listening to the
Music radio?
Live Band t Linda . Yes. I ofie n listen to the BBC.
Request on the St"y tuied Rosa : I do. too. But I think the
Air ,,
' :,to.this atte rnoon broadcast is ... the
SCFIVI Lir.e channel llronl rng one . because I can
Seminal hcar casil1,.

a. as cleal as
b. clear
312. What is the abor e advcrlisement clearer.tharr
d. the clearest
a. Ncu,s prograrn
b. R.adio progriun
c. Special prograrlr
d NlLrsic procratn

-8 u'atch ttre
Roni . We are in a trtrrlr Htu ]8t. lntan Did _yoLr dance
should \ve go. [),,rri] []r perfortnancc in our school
bike or motorc\clc' yesterday'?
Doni : I think tltotorc\ c lc * ill be Febrr Yes, I did. t think AYu danced
better because tt l\ .., than ... thart Irma.
a. beautitirllY
a. laster b. rnore beautilirllY
b. slorv c. tltost beautifull-v
c. tust d. as beautifullY as
d. slos'er
382. Dian [{ou' rrbout going to SerraYan.
I n'ant to sec tennis rnatch.
N,f ary .. I tttust go to lloqor to visit
rnv grandpttrcnts.

a. 'fhat sounds interesttrlg

b. I'm glad to hear that
I 2t) knr / hour ll0kmihour c. You're
ve rv kind tlf'rllc
d. I'tu sorn'. I catlttot

383. Mr. Arnrn Arc Yttu surc \\'e catl

urow' rice next tttOntli
90 km i trorri N{r. Andy'
,\s 1ou s('c tltlt thcrc ii
Which sentence is true based trn tlte no rain until ttorv.
pictr-rrcs above'/
a. The llrst bus is slouer than the a. I don't doubt that
others b. I agree /
-l-he c. I doubt rt
tl second bus is slos'er than
thc third d. I'rn surc
C. l-he third bus is the slo*est of
all 384. Delon : I r',,ant to t)'pe the letter.
d. The third bus is as fhst as the
others Mely : Sure

a Is there any doubt about that?

Teacher : Which dtr vou like to go b Would you rnind [e nding tne
fbr our |ac3tron tr-r Balt ty'peu,ritcr, please?
nert ho lidar 'l c. Will -l'ou ha"'e a t-vpeu'riter'7
Strrdcnts :\\ie likc ttr go br hus. d. Don't 1'c,u think so'?
It's chcape r Trar elinc
by plane oic-d-s lS5. Aida . \'ou spent yoLrr holidli'in
n-lone)' than br bus Bali, ...?
lneke : right. And you?
a. rnuclr Arda : I rvent norvhere .

b lnanv
c. tili)fe a, rvill you
cl less b. did you
c. didrr't _vou
d. alen't vou

There are sorne inte res:
386- Arrnan \Vhy don't rve stay in a articles in it. You can alsr, .*
hote l? the pictur-e of Balinesc dan.:
{ndy lt costs utuch nroney. ... '/ Lani Oh... I like the dance r.-r
Ithink rve don't h:l,e nruc[r.
enouglr nroncy. Kiki You do

a. doesn't it a. What a beautrlul picture it isl

b didn't it b. What a beautiful magazirrc is itl
c. w,on't it c. Horv beautilirl tsali is!
d. isn't rt d. Hou' beautiful magaz-ine rs t

387. You never plav truant, 391. J'eacher ; i{orr' \\'as y()ur tri1l.
a. don't Vou [.onrbok, class?
b. drdn't vou A student . It rras great. .,. us \\:
c did 1'ou very h"ppy. 'l-he
d do voLr \\res ver)/ heautrful.

a. Nothing
i88. tlLrdi llori about thc bus you b. Roth ol-
got on'/ c. Eacli ol'
Susi I lie hus \vas a ir d. All of
conditioned, reclining
scats ancl lery clean. 392. [{erutarr B1' thc \\'av, arcKonrp -
I'lrcre u,as also VCD in it. and -la*'a d:
Eve ryone liked it very pos( pnnter'/
rntrch. Andv '.
nervspapers are a,r'
a. Wlrat a rricc but it n'as! printed. We ca,r subVrf-
b. Ilorv fast the bus wasl t[rc-rn?
c. What a hrg bus it rvas!
d. Hot*, high it rvasl a. Nothing
b. Both of
c. Each of
389 Leni : Jakarta transport bus d. All of
is air conditioner, has
larqe seats and space. It is 193. Lieke': .. rs lnterestlng l|r
not cro\\'ded, too. nragazine, I think
Revi : I rr arrt to try it Fia I agrce w,ith you.
a. All of
a \\:hat a corntbftable bus is it? b. Both of
b. \\/hat bus is it'l c. Nothing
c. What a corntbrlahle hus it is! d Each of
d. What hrLrs it is!

39(). Kiki has read a nc\\' nritgazinc.

Larri . lVhat's tlrat?
Kiki . You can read it, if you

394. lvlrs. \ ,

lvl rs. P..

Vlrs \. t)id vou rvatcli last night'/
\o. I didn't.
NIrs Fi, \\'hr 'l
[-he prograr]ts otr
'fV rvere not
inte resting. . . \\'c ttlrlled it of t.

d. g(' haa.itl)c
b. \\.i: - nut
c. u ill .l :l tl
d. lrar . -
i,.n Nita. "sirartran" in my uncle
l9-5. Hasan ii'ill lrc stancd at ()7.0f] lt is 06 00 p.rn. now.
. ii.r . . . .. \\.e llrust lcave ll0\\'.
i'r.rir You'rc right. Lrecatrse it takes
Anr: (rnL- llolrl to g() therc.
hecl irse
i.ln (l
a. ifl 1;:'. -
b. ifr I,,.-.
c. rt'I 1,.-- Choose the appropriate word to compleJc/
d. ifl I1'r i this passage to answer questions no. 40p'to
1i,r 2.
196- Nanda
.. :'-r. .'rendnrtrtlter Ninrpa passed arval'. the
,i Ba'tan slaughtcrcd 7-5 rvater bu{'faloes.
Nindva . ::;' drd that because slre was a very . . .

.,. i:n3n It ri'as meant to ... her spirit,

a. *'ill pri 3 pecip te

b. pick h traditiorr
c- are pici L tuneral
d. prckc'c d \\'a)

197. Ari \',,-- -ti. a. l-anrous

brr:' b respccted
Dini l- lt.'' c. nch
Ari lJr:i d old
Dini : Th.- Jr)1. a. $,ait
siA r: h. follo*
lea.. c. see
d hontrr

For questions 40f to 407 Complete the :l()q Put these u,ords into a good sentence
passage below by choosing the right
word provided. !riUfi!g44!!oq - to - rvork -" need -
'faxrcabs 12,i.1
ilrc ntorc cxpensive than lbgJ - ro - gg
(.101), hur rhcy riill (104) you ro rhe _S 6 7
LI:ltt lrlCilll,ttl. il v,rtt \\':tlll Ir) lrrriVt irt ...
(-105)tirrrc possilrlc,'[ari :rreconvenient if- a.
vott arc in . (-1(16) or y'ou are t:rking
5 -l -2-3 4 -6- t
b 5-7-6--3 | 1 2
alonsanrrnrbcrot- (-1()7) c. 5-4-l 2--l (r-l
d. 5-2-3,-1-t-6-7
403. a. rrrirribtrs
[r I'edi cah -l10. Choose the right order of the fbllou,r:
c hrcr cle' ['ords.
tl. b us
perforrning dance '- war - flUdglts
b. dclivcr - are o\/er there - sopre
c tililc ,5 6 7 3
rl rrrke
a l-3-2*-i-6-7 -8-'4
:105 ir slorv b 8-4,5-, 1,3 )-6,1
b lorrg c. l-l-2-4-5-t-6 7
c rliuck d. 8-l-l 2--s .1 6 7
tl sltol'1
4I I . i\rrange these rvtrrds mto a go
40() il l lrtrrrv paragrapli
t..' ll .jr'r1v111g1' l. Thc grant \\'as angry and cut oll' ti
c. l slou'clttw'rr u,orker-s
head of some ,7
d rr r acation 2. A giant f-ell in love ,vir+r/ 1,"
401. r. pcople 3. The giant turned Lara .longgra:
[r ln()t]ev into a ternple
c. surtcilscs 4. Lara Jonggrang tricked the giant
d proble nrs rvaking up the cocks
-i. She didn't u.ant to marry the giant
4i)S Arlartqe thc'Se nt)rds rnto a -sood 6. Tire giant realized that Lr,
senrcncc. Jonggrang had tricked lrirn

t2l-1 D a. 4 --i-3-6-l--2
qelllrrllrlllc-alllqn Irltlro - used -
b. 4-5-2-j-6 I
!ll\ lr'rr \\:ll c 2 -s-l-4-6--l
561 d.2 5 4-1 b-,1
:r | 6 5-l .1-l 1
b I -.l I 2 6 i-7
c I I 6 s 7-I -4
d l 2 4 6 -i r-l

'112. Arrange the jurnbled sL'rrt3... -" i:r:, \
Read the passage below to answer questions
a sood paragraph no.415 to 417.
I Violence on TV is r.'n r.:i i,'I
chitdren ln the tbotball garne, some people clo
2 i\ll childrert fee I sc.irc.i '. i.r'.ir ttot play the garne. 1'hey have important folcs
aloue afier ivatchinc f \ itr lbotball ganrc. 1-hey are the coaclt' the

l. -fhc;' turr.5 -fV'Pr('jr.1 i'..::ljrl the linesnren. and the spectators--l-

tlrey plav very r'i.rlent gi::-.-.) he coaclt trains rhe players horv to play the
.1 1'he1' pretend to kill L'.1, ir ih!-r gante. 1'lie
like ri'hat thcy' rr alctt ,'tt i '. referec controls the game . FIe blori'-s the
a. 4 l-2--l w'histle rvltett there is an)' r'itllation. Thc
[r. l-2-3-] linesmert help the refererr cclntrol the gamc.
c. 3 4 l-2 One group o1'spectators usually sttpports olle
d 2 I 4-l oI the t\\'o teams. Anothcr !'rtrup of slleetators
supports the ttPPosing teanl.
ll3. Arrange the jurnbled scnten..-'s intL) ln a prol'cssional lbotball nratch- eaclt
a good paragraplr team has tnore thatr eleven players. Ntlt all ot
l. Therc are classcs tirr pa-s:.engcr thern plav the gante. Some of then.r rvatch the
cttrs ttt it lrllin ganre liorn the side of the flcld. Thcv u'ill plrr
2. It consist-s of a locotnc,ttr c atrd r,,,hen the)'have to strbstittrte attv plaver shir
serics,'f'carriagcs ttr .:tt- gets seriouslf inlr.rre.
I It can carry a lot ot' piis-scttgcrs
and trirtrsporl a lot of gtr,rels at e -l'lic persoll
415. '"r'ho usuallv blorr's tbc
tinre rr'histle during the firotball gamc is the
4. A train is a public trattspL)rt
a. 5-2 l- l-'1 e. cciac h
b. 5-2-l-1 l b linesman
c. i-2-,1-l I c. releree
d. 5-2-4-l-_l d. spectator
114. Arranqe the .;unrblcd sentenccs ir)to 416. What i.s the nrost itnportant idea' ?r t-

a sood paragraph paraeraph I'l

a. Each tearn lras eleven players
l. Nor.a is one of the f'amous b. Spectators help the referee colttrol
tabloids in Indonesia the game
2. l-lrerc are nran\ krnds of c. Ret'eree is the ntost imPortant
ne\\'spaper norl'adavs person iti the game
l. Sonre of therl har e unusual size d. Some peoplc have intportant rolcs in
ri'hich are srnaller a football ganre
,t. .,\ tabloid has rnanv plcture-s- 411 . ,,r.r' have to S!Lbj44C any play'crs
skrp cattoori and sensational .'....,
nc\\'s s,vrronvrrr of the underlined rvord is
5. l-hose uhich aie in smaller size
are called tabloids a, take pl:rce
a. 4-2.5-l-,1 b b put on c.
2,1 I-4-5 take oi't' d.
c.2 l-5,1 -l put do*'n
r1.4 l-l-l-j

Read the following text and answer -120 The statcuient bclou' is not appropriate
questions no. 418 to 420. ttl the tc.\t. [t rs . ..
a. niembers of tlte SEAP Gatnes
Onc ol' the aints the firunding of come fiotn t\SEAN country
ASEAN is to prorlt'rte solidarity anlong b. [iver1' countrf in South []ast Asia
the nations in Sor"rtlr East Asia. can lend their athletcs to the SEA
Thc- Sca (ianres rvas conducted in line Carttes
rvith thc ainrs ol' AStjAN, SEA garnes c. Indoncsia \\'as the charnpiort in
stands lirr South East r\sia Cames. When alrnost of the SEA Ganres
it rras licld it rvas called SEAP (iarnes d. StsAP fianrcs was changed into
u'hich stands lbr South F,ast Asia SIA (iallrcs in thc 9'l' qalllcs
['crtinsula (jarnes, participated by the
countrics irr tlte lr{alayirn l,cninsula; i.e., Read the foliowing text to answer questions
l-hailand. N{alavsia and Singapore It no.42l to 425.
was first hcld in Bangkok. l9-59.
The SEAI' (iarles rias lre ld in the l3'r' OLYMPIC GAMES
in 1975.
In tltt: t)'l' llanres in 1977 thc nanie The Olympic (iantes rvere first field in
SEAP Canies \\,as not used anymore and ancient Greece approxinrateliz in the year 716
cltanqed irtto ShA Ganres u,hich R.C. Thc cvent lasted tbr nrore than 1.000
was participatcd b_r athlctes frour all years but tlien died out alier Greece became
oI tlre part of Ronran Ernpire'. In 189(). Ilaron Pierre
nrernlrers ol' ASEAN, Thailarrd, de Coubertin, a Frenchrnan. decided to try to
Malaysia, Nlvanurlrr. Sineapttre, Tlre start the Olynrpic asair). He succceded, and
Philippines, Indoncsiti. []r-unci the first Modern Olyrnpic Cialr- es
Darussalarri ancl latcr also L-ai,s. begau in Athena. Greece in 1896.
(lurrrltodia lnd Vietnartr.
At the opening cerelnony, an athlcte
-[-hc fiom tlre host country takes tbllou'ing
S[,-.\ ( iarncs is held ever]' other oath on behalf of'alt athletes "ln the name
year. f n iilrriost of the gante s Indones ia of an
rvas thc clianrpron. But in 1985 and 199-5
Thailand lirrced lndoncsie to he the runner
up. competitor I prornise that *,e shall take rpart
in the-sc Olyrnpic Games. respecting and
1,1rloq.ttct/ fiz.un BP./itr SITP -l) abiding by the rules w'hich govern thern, in the
4 I 8. T-ltrs countrv didn't joirr the first true spirit of sportsmanship. for the glory of
Str.\P (larries in Bangkok. [t r.r'as ... sports and the honor of our team."
a l'hailand Thirty sport events are recognized by the
b. N'{;rla;-sia IOC (the lnternational Olvmpic
c. Vietnam Conrnrittee). Some events are for ruen
d. Singapore athletes and the others are for men and
lndonesia got first gold nredal in 1992
Barcelona Olynrpic Garnes. The t\\,o gold
.{ 19. SE.{t' Guutes \\'ils clrurtced irrt.r nredals rvere dedicated by, a voung couple.
SL.'\ (ierrrcs irr Susi Susanti and Alan Budi Kusunra fiorn the
a. l 9j9 Badrninton .singles eveltt.
b. l9i -; The Oly'rnpic Canres take place every
c. l9l1 four years in dif terent countries in all or
d. | er tlie uorld. "l-he 20().{ Olynrpic Cames riere
98i held in
Athens. Greece.

J2l. Whcre .r - :.:t or a baskct. The basket is l0 feel (3
f'tlubcrtrr. - l8 inches (46 ctn)
::i:ters) tronr the tloor and -l'he
a. Creecc ::r diameter at the topi ball oall be
b. Athcn. .,lvanced by bourrcing it along the floor'
c. Franc': :rihbling, or by passing it to a teanllllate'
d. Rornart ,{ player nlav not tlrkc nrttre tttart tlne step
'l'he opposrnt players
.'.lrrlc lrolding the ball.
l2l. Horr,rttc: : lr\ to block him *'ithottt rrraking phl'sical
take place ..rrtoCt. A freld goaI cottnts tri'o poitrts. Frec
it. ercn: .- ihrrru's count one Poinl.
b. e\en -: . - Basketball is beconrittg popular among
c. crcrr l.- \,.0nren as rvell.
d everr I .,
:16 Llach teatn gels points hv lllron'irrq a ball
423. \\'hich prI.r- .

tll- c\'(nti e. or.rt of the ct-rurt

Clrttte s .' [';:. - b. to the oPPonent
a. Tu'i,
c. into the basket
b. ti to a teirtl.llllatc
c. Fotrr
d. Irir e jl7 'l'he lo[[ori'i11s sentcncc is NOl-'lRt t'
according to the tert- lt rs . '
-1 2-l . Wlrrrt r: a. tlasketball is a ptrpular S[-r1i11 ll]
'r America
a. Thc sup: .-. b Wotr.rcn cart plal'basketbrll
t,. Tltc c,ttt::- . .
c. Each tearn has ten 1lla1'ers
c. Tlte SPc'' ,' d. The player has to clribble blll
d. The athlc:- the tloor

l2 i Which trl- ti.. llE. "Prof'essronal basketball is plal'ed br

True bascd r'l I - t\\'o Eiy1E tlf' llr c plavers cacli
rt. Thc flr'.1-"' (paragraph 2). 1'eatris nleilll - -

are held e'. :- - a groups

b. Ronrrr : '.
The b. plal'ers
created lhi -'* : c. persons
c. A Frenclt:i::- -:- d. c0urts
gatnes lotis i --'. ..
d. ICO ttlan j::' '- Read the following text to ans$er questions
Ol1'mPic G-,:'- no. 429 to 431

Read the followiog terl lg:Bef Nori'adays pcople can iorn a special
questions no.426 to .{16 progranr called "rcplying" in [3ogor llotanic
(ilrden. "Reply'ing" is an ctrvirotilnctttal ilnci
BASKETB.{,LL b,rodircrsitl' education project held b;' Kcburr
[{ava Indonesia.
flasketball is arr A.::-:- : - The goal ol'thc pro1ect ls to lncreilse
lq15 u,on popularit\ aii , -- public a\\'areness olt etrvirclntrtctital antl
Iras h'ecn rn Oly'rrrpr. -:' - hrodivcrsit-v conservirtion. It is hoped that a lot
['rot'essiotraI basketblli r. : ' trf puprls arrd pLrblic visitt'rrs o{- tlie [loqtrt
te attts ol' lir e- pltrl cr i ''.:-: I : - Br rtrn ic ( iardcrr rr ill ioirr r t .

to score poiltts bv tltt-'.,'." l:. -,

arc tri,o kirrds o{- rncthods 'l'[re
432. paraeraph tclls you about ...
that peoplc can irr Replying: a. parts of root
guidin!. tnterpreiation nretlrod b" parts ol'leaf
iurd self-- c. parts ol- fiuit
lntcrprctattorr utethtid. In tlrc guiding d. parts ot'trec
ittlcrpretatitin rnethod. parricipanls rvilI
helped by' the Iacilitaror ro undersrand rhc
43 1. .. . gr0\\ on the branches.

aspects ol' environnrcntal and biodiversity

conversation. -l-hc self-interprctation a. F lo"vers and tiuits
tncthod ii,ill bc intplcrnented b1,providine b. Leaves attd roots
leallets. llttcrpretati()n boards, and c Florvers. fiuits and leaves
booklets. r'"hich contlins tlre aspccts cl. Flon'ers. fl'uits and roots
of bioclir t:rsitt' in []ogor []otanic Carde n.
,134. ''-[[rcir rnain llnction is to hold the plan'
.. ." i'he s\/rlonvrn of icl hold is.
429. Wliat is thc besl title fbr the texr'J a. to plant
a Botanic (lardcn b. to anchor
b. L'tlnse c. t0 stab
rr.ation c. d. to protect
fliodii'ersit; cl
Read the text to answer questions 435 to
410 Wlro uill suidc the participants irr
tlre guiding irrter'ltrctatroli nte thod'J \\/ater is iruportant litrest product. F'oresr
a. \/isitors sorls behal'e likc giant sponges. They soak up
b. I'upils tlie rain that sceps into the earth. In high
c. Ijacil itators rurountain fbrests. ',r'ater and vapor are shaded
d. Interpretcrs lionr the sun and she lter from drying rvin$f so
it can last [ong. N{ost to\\'ns and citieldEpend
43 l . People ntav their o\\'n on these fcrrest reservoirs. Forest streanis also
ct)\'lronntcnt rr e ll a{ier j<tinin* the flo',r' iu dr1' vveathcr. But rvhen trees are cut.
Ilf()gI alil. the soil is exposed and rvashed or blorvn au'ay.
lt. l;rkc r'ittt' r,t Then rain runs off quickly, causing erosior,
b. think about and floods.
c. ge t along ri'rth Wildlife is another forest resource. The
d get riti ol' tbrest provide.s food and shelter for a large and
varied population of birds and animals.
Read the text to answer questions no. Millions of peoplc look at fbrests as places
432 to 434. of recreation. t-likine. picnicking.
trees thul \\'c see around tishing. canrping. srvimnrin-g and other outdoor
tlie school and the park lrc big and tall activities become ntore popular each year.
pa:-ts under the ground arc the roots.
'l'hcir ll5. A suitable title for the texr is ..,
mairr function is to lrold the plant flnnly a. tlre inrportant of forest prrtduct
in position in tlre soil. l'hc part above b. the inrportant of fbrest resen,atiorr
the gror,rnd is tlte irLrrrk On the trrrnk thcrc c. the irnportant of rvildlife
arc branclrcs. The brarrchcs carry cl- the intportant of forests
l'loners and tlrc tiuits also qrorr on the
4J6 ''The-r . ,. - :l ilit rtl"'ttiilllil, I
hecairse it rtray reach ollr hand or
tlre eur -.:r lln
t'rnly eat cerlain kind of fbod.
The r".. : -: Jrstuncc [tcans that rve callnot stand
a. f ir::- ' , -- i,r the animal. The sign tltat says tto
b. t,,:-' -- : ,:ilre \\'anls us not t() take the picture
. ,
a ur,' , :i,.il. biccause thc flaslr o[' tlte camctll
d ^ :- -- rt atiaid or even angry. Therc are
. : ,,t'srgns \\:e should pa1' lrttc-ntion. As
-lJ 7. Acctrr,i.: - { \Nt ',1lll ,,,
. - . ,, c tollrrlr the instrttc{iotls. rve can
Setlte r - - :lrri{ thc 7.o0.
a- 1,,:, .,,.'.' il.,

ilt,.- llt I r|r ,

.'. :..i1 sh,,ulcl rvc do in orde r to t: tuoy
ci. . sltrng thc zoc)',)

r,. . \\'e should pav attcntion and obt:!'to

Pl'- - ilic lll:lrtlt ll()ll\ gl\ clr.
c. ( )1.. ,ti- ' \\'c should sce tlie aninrals as closecl
u. t. .i. p,,.sihlc.
d lii: - \\'e shotrld take pictures to all
n: .iIt IIDA I s.
- \\'e uirc fbod to the anirnals.
438. "'['h.'rr :
' ',t.' "[)o not ti:ed". lt
'.. {i'-,-
'l'hc Lr"
-.c.- the phrase
: ''ri3lt._s .

I i, , \\'e are allou'ed to qivc tltt' firo.J t,t

b. e,:: tlrt'anintal
c. .1, ,- \\'e are tbrbidden to sive an_1' tf,-rl
d. kr'.: , to thc aninial.
. \\'e may, ,eive tlre food to the anrnii
4J9. rve calrii , .i \\1c r).lust qive the food to the f
fore.t .' rrnirnal
a siqlt --
b. i:ltt,-r; - - usually' see the fbllorving exprcssion
- --
c. s\\ il',',:' anrings at the zoo, exceDt . .-
d. surt-::.- : no taking picrure
h. kee p tlre distance
c d.r no1 feed
Read the foll,-'-';: -: r, , .lr.B'a.?- i rnakc a dirt
questioos no.4{t. :. :'-r-
--: T ite lc\t tell us about . ..

Zoo is publr. l- .-- -r tlrc r arietl' of anirnals attd plartts irr

ot'aninrals .r' i .-. the zott
can also stU,.l . -.- '
h sonre instruction fbr r isitors in tlrc
trtne. Bu( rL'r:.: : zoo
signs thirl r' : , s(rnle advantages of r isiting ihe zoo
u,ill not gct t ,,1 r.rne of public places in a citl
Betbrc \\c si.::
Surc tltut rr c l .

usua llr ir(t r\'i - : -

a[rorv trrntk -. ., -

directigrr \\ i. _

llle aris \\'c .li : '_

444. [t is an anirnal. It has firur less. It .145. Why do rnan,y fbreigners rnake a stuc
likcs rrreet. lt can livc cittrer on-llrnd
of orrr [brest'?
or in the rvatcr. lt has lonq tail. a. They *,ant to study about tl-
V\/hitlr ot thcsc ptcturcs rs surreblc
lndonesia fiora and f'auna
for the descriptron belon . . . ? -fhey
b. concern about the tbrest
ct. They n,anl to sta1, in lndonesia
d. They lor.c Indonesia

446. lrrdonesia has a larqe . . With a lot c

enirnrls and plants in it
a. number of rivers
br. nunrber of areas
..-'*T& c. fbrest land

w€ d. i:sland

411. "(Jur goventntcnt rs veD' conccrnec

Read the following text to about .. .." (paragraph 2)
questions no. 445 to 448 J'he underlined u,ord nlcans .....
n. confused
lndorresia lias a lot oi- lirrest.s b. protected
Th. forest arc- \.crY tiunicr0us.- L doubttir I :

l'hcv.are in Strmatra. Jlvu. cl. u'clrried

Kalirrralrtarr, Srrl,rr, e sr,
lrian Jav'a. arrd sonre other island-s. \\/e can .1.18. \\/liat shoLrld peoplc do to protecl
find a large nuuiber of'plants anci anrntals animals fiorn extinction ?
in the fbre-st. Therefore . nrany ftrrcigners a. Doing sotne researches 0n w.l lc
about thc lndoncsia plants and aninrals. aninrals
Somc' of aninrals are rnonkey,s. trqers. b. Making sr)me traps animals /
elephants,'"vild bulls, bear, rhinoceroses_
-l-hese c. Hunting some u'ild aninrals -
etc. are u,ild animals. We can flrrd d. I{elping government to nrake
thenr in srlrne tbrests in our country'. lf rre reservation
don't u,ant to go the forests. \\,e can st:c
the m in the zoo. Norr,adays the nr.rrnber of
thc rvild animals has become smallcr Read the text carefully to answer questions
because people like to hunt thcrn dorr.n. no.449 to 453.
Our government is very concerned about
this nrattcr. and that's rvhr. sorne animals The Indonesian Archipelago
are protected.
Aninrals that are protectccl Indonesian Archipelago is rhe
b,t'tlrc governtnenI are the rhrnoceroses. larges group of island in the n.orld. [t
elephant. bulls. orangutans. extends bet*'een tu'o continents,
Asia and
Sumatran tigers, kornodo, peacocks, Australia. It
Cendrarvasih. etc. Our govelnnrent built also lies betrveen t$,o oceans - the Samudra
rcscn'ation to pfotect lndonesia and the Pasific Ocean.
the m. l'hc go\.ernnlenl also irnposed lndonesia's 13,667 islands stretch i. t 20
hr-rnting lau,s to reduce anirnal killings. kilometers t-ront east to rvest and 1.170
We should help the govcrnnrent so that tlre kilorneters lrom north to south. The tlve ruain
attinrals rr ill not hcconrc crtinct islands are Sumatra, Java. Kalirnantan.
Taket /j'on ;\2t.s. 200(/ Sularvesi and lran Jaya.
lndonesia has a land area of 1.904.i45
square kilonreters. More than half of it is

fbrested . - -. .r ,-': lllrrst t)ithe pclpulation live?
I lll.tfll illlilllllll

nlOuutal11,--r - -
1 ilfi r rilillllllllllllllililr ilil
:'j:'::gcst lslalld
- - .'rl
still volc;i ilt(11 I llll lt.tiilt||t o,

greatest \' -, fl

I(IIII l||i ll

lll i

'-,,.: ll',ltttafl
thousands ' I rllllr"l

the island '


Java and S.--,.i ir,ir.1Lt.iph tclI tts abotlt .. '

'r|l lll,ll I lllr{ lllll r|l,il
ii..- .trn.i rirr,11 ..ri thc Indonesia land
li il llllillllill
countnes l:.

is 160 n: I ir'. llri.i .1ii.i lll lndttnesia is

populat irrr. ir, ' i,:.:ctcJ lrrrid

f\irN,1l.l,l lr':. ltctri cct-t .lava and

The I: -
more th3r, i
\ ti ill:tt r.i
500 difter.-: r flllxr I{.rll't'l lhc isl:rnd are ti)rcst
understan,i . ,,ll

Indonesia. .

carnpalgn I .

at prcscni - , :,. : ,J tlrc tcrt cal-eltllll to ans'rr er questions

public pl.r - , J:1 tu J58.
say ",.
" scltsotls irr Irtlropc l'hey'
correctlr I
:: :tc ltrt loitr
Tunggal ti ,
- .:-: l!rt. ittltLll'nll or l)[1. sulrltlcr and ri iriter'
[)ilersrn. - -c.lsr)ll lasts lirr abotrt three tttt'runts'
people in :;' '
': -.i,: t,e gitts irrtluttd N'lalcli and ellds aroLlrr'-;
.1., . \uttlttte r is tionl June until Augttst' att'l
:...Irilt is lrorn Septeniber uritil November'
:.:..i the llst scascttt fionr Decernber unttl
.' :tt.,rt l\ \\ itltcr. .f
449. Acct r.: ' It' ;'o,,r stay' in [-tlndotr fbr instancq 'fott
. rli be alrlc to llll and see the diff-erence
a ::i 'nS tharr. It seetns tlnn,r'to see that it rains
t). l. .' l',r irt stlllllller. tcnrperature ls around
c. lr''- - i L at the clav trrne. but
ibr the people there,
d. l.ti, - :- ii's hot enough. Lots of people u'ill go to
fcrch io srvirn or ,;ust to have sun
450. Some
[ndottc..-, -- >'.irllnlcr ir lt[so ltervcs{ ttttlc.
Thc opposite is rvinter. Don't try to wear
e- Jlr -r. !
rirrrt clothes. or .votr rvill be ctrilll" cold' The

t' lriert r.
g Sttltt-,:- i3nipcraturc oticn cirops to severaI degrees
h. Kalrit'.,' helo* zero. If )'ou are luckv you llla! sec
ino\\'s er cry' n he re

45l. ''...bttt tt-' " Yt,u ri ill sec crcrrllrrllg grcctt in :llriltg'
llati()llill i.:: 'f5e
trees arc tirll 9f leaycs ald the florvers are
to.., bloc-rtttin{ evcrYu'lte re. People otien take a
a. -i()() *alk in tlre park to have ttesh air- Well,
ti:: b. the ere rytliing is beautilirl irt spring.
.l.i ' c. thc Autumn is rttarked ri ith talling leal'cs and
P,';' d. stforlg rvincls barc tre e s everyrvltere and
tlre ethr -fhe
e!erything is dull. temperature begins to
drop because it is closc to the rvtnter tllne.
454" A suitable title for the texr above 460. Mrs. Emy : You subcribe to sabili.
is.. . . don't you?
a, Clinrate in Europe Mr. Eno : Yes
b. Weather in Europe
Mrs. Erny . It seerns t0 nte that
c. fbur seasons in Europe norvadays rnany people
d. 1'he people activity in Europe like to read it
455. "They are spring, auturnn or tall,
Mr. Eno : No rvonder. [t's much .,.
than the others
sumrner and u'inter" (paragraph t)
The rvord "they" refers to . .. .
a. good

a. the temperatures b. worse

b. thc clirnates c. bad

d. better
c. the u,eathers
d. the seasons 461. Jodi : Do you knorv 'Niagara"?
456. People r.vill go to the beach to srvim Anton : You mean 'Niagara-gara in
and have sun bathing in ... . Ancol'?
a. auturnn Jodi : Oh. No. [t is a w'ater fall
b. spring Anton : Where is it/
c. Jodi : In Arnerica. Niegara is ....
summer cl. q'aterfall there.
rvinter Anton : It must be amazing.
457. Hor.i.' long does cach seasr)n take a. famous
time in [:urope'/
a. Thre:c
b. as lanrous as
months b. Four
c. rnore famous than
rnonttrs c. Five d. the nrost farnous
months d. Six
rnonths 462. A. : Which do 1,ou preler, trcr users or

458. [n spring time everythine is so

shorts? ,f
beautiful because ... .
B : [ ..........trousers be tter

a. People carr take a walk in the a. rvant

b. have
Park c. like
b. There are sno\\'s in erer)'rvhere d. need
c. Florvers are blooming
d. The temperature is so hot. 463. Mr. Markunr and Mrs. Kusmana are

459. Teacher : tf I'm not mistaken I've talking about their students in the
teacher's room
told you about the quiz
today. Right?
N{r. Markum : If \\,e
Students : No, Sir. [t u'ill be
contpare Kurnia
tolnorrow u'ith Dianti,
Mrs. Kusmana *'ho is -..'l
From the dialogue \\'e can conclude
that .. . . : I think Kurnia. He
d iligent.
a. The students forget tlie day of is also polite and
the quiz
a. the cleverest
b. not clever
b. The teacher rernembers the day
c. cleverer
gives the qurz
d. clever
c. The students want to har.e the
quiz right now
d. The students rernind the teacher
the day for the quiz

Read the riF,: r _rF t-- ti.r :cote for fancY diving. The
luestions -{6J er : &,t: - - - -ri:le rrcnt according to the table
.Ootll " ':
i,, ,..itilllL llll,'lUrur*rul

.llil l

i-):nr;a divcs nrore beautifully than

- \ nt13
- P.annra dir cs the rnost beautifully
+()+. I tld lL tll |:,,Llllt
r- ) ntr.r dir cs more beautifully than

hote I r. .i ,htu tr- P,irhnrl

.]. .1 -.
De nisa dir,-'s the rlost beautifully
b. cit:,
c. tli-:: ''-. izrrd doesn't bite and lsuana ...
d lrrr': .. doe s too
' S,-' dt)es
465. TIte c'... , drresn't e ither
is.-. ,,: . . ncitlter do
a. tir': -'
b. tli:
c- tir-. -
d. tli -
., ,it. tcacher is too
- rs thc teacher
466 Ann - d,tes the teacher
i SO dues the teacher
-l'orl i -r" ./
lr..,n:r : Yesterdav I rvatc[pf, 3
Ann documentarl' film about the
Tonr Dieng geyser
il 'bby : Did you? Was it good ? I
Ann don't like that kind of film.
Its boring.
a. qul::: What about you. Ton?
b. n(r"i - T.,nny : ....
C. t'I],-ri.
d. In,'r'r i Neither I do
b I don't either
461 . \\'e htrl- . Sodol
even .. d Idotoo
a, c\a<
b. L-\a3 .{ndre"v : Have you ever been to Kuta
C. tll'l i-i beach?
d. nlrrii: Bobby : No, I haven't. And you?
.Andreu' : -..

a. So have I
b. I have too
c Have I either
d. Neither have I
413. J'uti Do you like grou'ing ,+18. a gct
plattts in florver pots b see
around here'J c hunt
t\ l\ll Yes, I do. I like dorng o catch
very nruclr. What aborrt
I like looking afltcr 119 Arwan It has lour legs. lt is like a
t[rcrn horse but sma[[e r. It's
rusually used to carry somt:
a. Ncithcr do I goods. What is it?
b. I don't eithcr
c. SodoI Badrun Is it a ...'l
cl. So I do Anvan Yes. rvorr're right.

471. Joko E,vander I{olyfield is a a. zebra

great boxer. b. horse
lndro Lany Holmcs is ... c. drtnkel'
.loko You're right. Both of cl. grraf-fe
tlicnr arc great boxcrs
ai. sc) 480 -[oni ; Taulik I{idayat u'ins the
b. to<r game. doesn't he'?
c. erther 'fono . Yes. he looks very .. .

d. as vvell
a. healthy
41 5. T'lre athlctcs have training cve r\ b. diligent
rveck. c. happy
Thc r-rndcrlined rvord rnealls .,. d. sad
a. n,atching
b. rurrning c. Choose the correct option to comptet
practic ing d. dialogue for no 481 to 482 "
N'lr [-redl' : ['ttt gctittg to a conf'erence in
476. Tirc ... is training the athletcs on the Surabaya on
fleld I rvant vou to (481) . tne on
a. tinrekeeper a train.
b. retbree Secretary :. What about the bus?
c. umpire lvlr Fredy : No [ (482) . . the train. lt's
d. colich more convenient.

Complete the passagc rvith the correct lsl a. get

rvord for number 4'17 to 4'18 b. buy
c. book
...(.177) the rare anirnals Lrecause thcv are d. drive
hard to fincl sornervhL-re else. II tlre,v are
e\tinct our grand children u,ill not able tr, .182 a. need
. (478) thern b lrave
c. prefer
d. spend
477 . a. -l-ake
b. Kill
c. Sar e
d. Sell

complete thr : r - 11:- uJiir srlrnlllrL r,iltxs -a..:.
COrfeC(rrOrd[,,:- -. Jn-* -. '.-\
- : :[<
onlyplarrt-.-. ,l urrrr :'. i'
Witlr tr helr '., ,r

toodfiorrr\\.r'-J':-- -.:.cJ
trrl r!-. rrrrr\,- r'-l \ -rjt.j
\ r, !
()\yge rl. I ht. .:.:J
(tse u'llen l'.: -' :i-,,-llt./e,.1
kecp lrr (S S, -
:'r tir. n.'ht \)rdL-,' of the lbllorving
4u3. a r.1i: -
b lll
C. Sl..i : :j - .lc,tlr.llc1lt\r.S - l]'laglzille -
tl 1,.. I 3

484. a. nr.1 r .
- ': .: - botll - \\'rite - l.ntrrnnatioti -
b i,',: -
c. iri'. -'
d ti , . . - .::f .ipe l.

48-5. a. \\,:' \
lt. l. r

c lrl': '
i r.: t-'c-st arrangernent ol- thc Se ntr-rlCt
d sl-.-

For questir)n\ -:\- , t-.4-l- 5-6-3-t-8

lvord to corntll'-i: '- .-! - !,: : ;. 1-I-1-2-5-4-6-8
, .l.i-,3-l-6-4-3-i
Tlte rc
i : - _l - I - 8 - 6 - 2 - 4- l
chanrpitirr<irr;: (-
186) \\. r'-' l0-li -\rrangc these words into a good
Au':Lr-: - sports\\
()tI)r'|] - ' the citie-
s lr,,*:,, (488) lijt]llS - rne - the - slio$ - the -
ri: - .
cltarttllioll.'11i1, I'
uornlnittcc {J\ -
iier -$'ould - Borobudur - )ou - to'.'
achieverncrtt: hr:-- 6 7 g 9 i0

4E6. a. clLri.r
b. !ill1-rir
3 .-9-5-2-1-6 t0 I t-_l
tr, ;-9-5-l-8 -l-6 t0 1-2
c. c\ e itt: ,- .-9-,1 2-5-6-10 I S I
d. piu,. c: d ;-9-4-j-6-10-2-l s-l
-187. it. cirnrc
b- \\.ltci,.J.
c. slrug::. r.-
d. prirtrii:-.:'- -
492. prevent - gA0 - setting worse - 495. 'lhe good order ol the sentences belorv
123 is ...
first aid - the wounded people
45 resources its rtch is - nalural -
r )345

The right order of the sentences is fa_lqggi-Idsagl4-tbt

a.4-2- l-5-3
b.4-l-5-3-2 a. 5-t-4-(r 8-2-3 l
- l l t r <--)
L a -L - L '-) b.5l8t 4623
d.4-5-3-2-l c. 1 6-2-l 4--5-l-8
d.7-4-6-B-2 3-5-l
493. Put the right order of the sentences
belor.r' . .. 496. The arrangement of thc u'ords belou' ts
article - read - about - aterrible
1234 Radminton - the - include - facilities
! - traf tic - vesterday - accident lLraLAJ'+

5618 fo, - gylr'-q4$tq-t - the - 4lgnu! -- and

a.5 - 2 - 3 - | - 4 - 6 - 8-1
a. 5 l-4 6 8-2-3 1
b.) fl b. 5 1-8-7-4-6-2 3
L -l
c. 16234,5 l8
c.5 d 1,4 6-8-2-i 5-1

d.5 3-6 497 . Arrange the se ntences to be a good

494. Arrange there words into a 'I'hey
good (I ) have to perform ruany
sentence physical actions slou,ly '?
(2) The dancers must be very strong
In tsali ig - place - a unique - to - (3) It's one of the oldest dances
123^5 (a) The serimpi is a slow'classical
garden - visit - Eka karya - the dance
6789 The option that combines the tbur
sentences in the best rvay is ...
a. l-8-6-2-l-5-1-4-9
b. r-9-3-8- 6,2-4-5-1 a. 4-3-2-l
c. 9-8-6-2-4-3-5-1-t b. 4 2*I-3
d. 9-6-8,2-3-5-4-1-l c. 2-3-4-l
d. 2-l-4-,1

l9B. Choose tlre right ordcr the The acceptab{e arrangernent oIthe
tbIlou'ing sentences sentences ahtlve ts ...
( l) She bcgins to u'rite a lcttcr
(2) She takes a prece of paper and a
a.2l I

_1 -{-*
t). I

(l) Afier that slie g.-t-s and cnr c-lope c. )-.1 .l I

d. l-l-l-l
ancl a stanrlr
(4) Tanti rvartts to rvriie a lctter tir
Read the text and anst'er questions
her pen friend
(5) She glucs the envelopc and goc's
501 and 502.
to the post cr[{lce
501. What kind ot texl r: it'7
(6) She sits do*'n on a chair rn hcr

fhe acceptabic arrartscnlcnt tr1- tlte

senlcnces abovc is .
i Lita :rnd Farnilv
a. 6-4 2-l-l
b. 4 2-6-j -r-5
c. 4 - 6 - 2 - I - I - 5 ir. Identitt'card.
d. 2 -6- t .1-l--s b. Cree ting card.
c. i\{enrorY card.
d. Invituti()n card.
499. Choose the rieht order ot' tlrc
lbllon ing sentencc-s rlord "you" rel-er to'l
5()2. \\'har docs tli.-
l . Doni and Dina are going to have a. The *'riter of'the card.
a holiday b. Ihr' rcadcr of the card.
2. They n,ant to stay there fbr c. The sender ol-the card.
about two days d. Tlie receiver of the card.
3. Thev plan to su'im, have sun
bathing and do surfing there
4. 1'[rey are going to sanur beach Read the announcement to anster
questions 503 and 504.
a. l-l-.1 -2
b. l-4-2-3
d. I -2-4 -l All rnembers of English club,
supposed to gather in Room 5 after sc:
500. Arrange these sentences to be tomorrou'
good dialoeue Ratu.
l. ''No. the irnnrisration officer The Chairperson
checked urr passport and
starrrpe d it"
2. "Hou \\a-{ thc trip'?" Ivanv 501. What is the announcetnent about?
asked a. Roorn i.
3. "Werc thcrc arrr. dit'flctrlties b. F.nglish club.
*'ith the rrrrrnisration'1" asked c. lvleeting of Enslish club.
[\'any d. Activities atier school
4. "lt rvas tlne but I'rrr fielrne
tired." said Arnrorr


Saturdal"s Disco
504. The u,ord "qather" in tlie te.xt nreans Therc aren't anv tickets left
Anyone ri'ho ordered a trcket and
a. c0nle ln Itastr't given trte the molleY

conle int()
ct)tne out
corne together
should do so befltrre tottlorrorv.
N'{aria N'lcrcedes l
TIie annottrtcenle nt says that . . ..
a. It is possiblc to reserve a dtsco
ticket if you do so by totnorrou.
50,s NEVER LEAVE LUG(;AGE b. Tickets for the tlisco cart be
ctrllectcd after lomorrou'.
c. Reserve d tickets rvill be sold alier
L t()lnorro\\'.
d. Resen'ed tickets for the disco must
The notice nlealls that ....
be paid lbr todal'.
a. You must stay lvith your
Iuggaqe at all times.
Read the tnessagc and ansrvet' questions
b. Reurember your luggage rvhen
508 ancl 509.
y'ou leave.
tu - , lt"n.trtl"
Do not let soureone else look
after your luggage.
Put the luggage everyrvlterc Frtirn : Jcnnrler
[)ic1 I lcave a scarf in vour hotrse?
506 Tlr.' prolrlcrrr is it's ttut tttittc -

I borrorved it tionr N{ary and niust
give it back

'ilre notice nre arlts ... 508. What does .lenniter rvatrt Irernando to
do? '
a. Press tlte button to close the a. Leud her scar{'.
lrft doors. b. Look tbr the borrorved scarf .

h. Press the button after thc c. Return the scarf he borrorved.

door-s close. d. Borro*' hcr scart-.
c. Press the button rvhile the
doors are closing. 509. Who borro*'ed the scarf ?
d. Press the button and the door a. Yttu.
n,illclose. b. lvhrl'.
c. Jenni{er.
d. Ircrnando.
l\Iessagt [, :. ni(nt for qirestions 513 to
5l l.

the anniversary
J':pcndence Day,
lnlbnn that the
'-:-,'J aonrpetitrons

i 10. Dina's 5:-.

a. ri il, :'
b,. rriir - rL-grstcr to
c. rirlti .rusttst ll-
\\ €tr. i :. !',illll'::::il provides
d. nii '' rrri z - - i rlc n as:
: :t.ri-t'3i. calatllSi,'i- and spon
5 I l. The
Spr:rr'.:-. a.
puria:-. b. :. .: :i tir'i te-\t about'.)
on tl:' .

c. eltrii':: i:-,;,'nrsi3n Inde pendence Dar.

d. latc i . - iri,.,rrnlti(rrt aboLlt col.ttpctlti,rrl .
- ).ii,,,rl e trtntntttee
i I 2. Label - I:-,icrcstingprizes.
f t{l','
RE\I \I \ I i-,', drres thc scliool hold some
\\\ ,, : - ,mperitions? t
OI)E\I\I, T ti.. .: ,: To celebrate the Indonesian
lndependence Day.
Based trn ii : h [,'
pror idc interesting prize-
conclr.rde 1..,' . r) e ntertain students.
a. \'c'ru a.:. - d rnotivate students.
One lll.,;..
b. [f qr.rpcr-r: _ l'he comrriittee provides interestinc
lllu-it bi::'. prizes... (last sentence)
morrtlr The svnonym of the u'ord 'provide'
c. Ttris h'.'::.. a. bu1'
tttc-d tc in-: '
n oPt
d The nr:c c. glVe
enough I d take


Advertisement for questions 516 to want to nrove further and skip some
518. parts, press the fast fonvard button.
519. What should rve do after inserting the
[ Yor.,tl, t-rt.,1,iir. cassette to hear what is on the tane?
I - ln cooperation ',r'ith Provirrcial a. Press the elect button.
Tourisrrr b. Press the stop button,
c. Press the play button.
d. Press the reu'ind button.
520. 'lnsert the cassette you want to play and
\,'cnue . Istora Stadiurl
close the compartment ... . '(line 2-3)
Datc : 25 October 2007
Shou hegins at 7.30 pm and ends
What is the synonym of irrsert' in that
at I 1.0() pnr
a. PLrt inside.
Tickcts are availahle at Provincial b. Take out.
"l'ourism Agency
or c. Put away.
flox : RRI Jakarta and TVRI d. Turn on.
.lakar ta
Reservation : (021) 84915891 52 l. What is the first step to ope rate the tape
516 What is the advettisernent about? a. Close the cassette cornpartrnent.
r. Jaklrrtrr Youth Enterllr ise. b. Open the casselte compartment.
b. Provincial Tourisnr Agenc,r,. c. Plug the cord into the sockcl. ,
c. lstora Stacliunr, d. Press thc eiect button.
ci. N'lusic shorr.'.

5Il Wc can gct the tickct at the fbllori'ing Text for questions 522 to 524.
places, [:xcept ....
a. Tourisnr Agency. The Motorola C 100 mobile phone i9
b f{R I Jakarta. desigrre<1 for you as a soptiisticad
c. Istora Stadiurn. digital u,ireless commur.rication. four
d. TVRI.lakarta. phone's menu cover a rvide rabble of
feahrres. The nrain menu is made up of
518. Horv long does the shorv Iast for? the folloiving 6 options : phone book.
a. I and halfhours. messages, media librar_v, call services.
b. 2 and half hours. setting. games. alert setting and tools.
c. 3 and halfhours.
d. 4 and halfhours. Before-usins it: first. insert the SIlr'I
(Subscriber identitlcation Module) card
supplied by yor,rr netn'ork operator.
Text for questions 519 to 521.
If necessarv, enter vour PIN code. If
-l-o 1'oLr
operate a tape recordcr is easr'. type a \\'rong nurnber *'hile entering
First. plue the cord into thc socket.
-fo your PlN. delete it bv pressing the
open the cassette conlpartlnent. green lett bunon (t)ELETE). lf
press the elect button. Insert tlre you
cassette vou \\'ant to plav and close enter a wrong PIN threc tirnes in a row,
tlre corl]partnrent lrv pushirru its your SIM card r.r'ill be blocked.
cover and tlien press thc plai' Secondly. niake surc to install and
button. -[o stop it, press the stop change your batterv.
button. If you u,ish to repeat onc
part. press the re rvind button. lt-you
The main idea of the first paragraph is
that.,. Read the text and ansner questions
a. Motorola C 100 is a car rvireless 527 and528
b. Motorola C 100 is a means of i + Al.'1.. ( r,,! t f il)4Y
corn rn un icat ions. l',,a',,', ':,'Nr.!.'' ) t,)t., ,)
c. A telephone fbr your car and a: ".ai..'a.t1'a aha'.,"") ,'tt,l;;-; ,,

home tiom iv'lotorola.

d The Motorola C 100 mobile
phone has a wide range of

i If necessary, enter your PIN code.

(Paragraph 2)
The nteaning of the u,ord 'enrer' in
the sentence is to ....
a. rvait for
b. come into 527. What is the purpose of n'riting the atrove
c. come out text'l
d. -send in a. To inlorni people.
b 'l'o invitc -stinreonc.
c. Tcr rernrnd sr)rnebod\/.
What u,ill [rappen i1-we t1,pe of a d Trr ask fbr contlrrtraticin.
!\'rong PIN nurnber three times in a e.
rou"l 523 "RS\1P t,r -lc'tnn c- or Jose"
a.The net',vork operator w'ill block The acronvrn RSVP nteans that thc
our SIM card. inr itee ..
b. It rvill be deleted by the green a. should inftrrm u,hether tlrey u rli
left br-rtton. C0tne Or nOt ,/
c. Our Sffvl card u,ill be damaged. b. ma1' not knou, they have been inr,*ei
d -fhe tefi button rvill delete it. c. must cunre fbr the sake of friendship
d u,ould like to accept thc invitation
,529. The fbllorvine are u'hat thc rrotice
Questions 525 and 526 are based means, Exccpt

on this notice.
Please No :

BE PLINCTUAL Littering Smoking

Spitting Radio

The notice renrinds us ...

e. not to comc early
h. not to corne latc a, You must throu,mbbisli inr,' rlic
c. t0 come earlier tloor
d to comc late b. It's not to allorved make nr,r:.- li.:i
c. lt is prohibited to srnoke lrcre
I-he rrotice is cornmonly found d. You mustn't turn ou thc,r
.t. In a restaurant
b .,\t lrome
-' ,,\t school
l [n a cafeteria

Read the text and answcr questions 5-10 530. The text is about... soup.
to 533. a. vegetables
b. oxtail
Ingredients: c. potatoes
. ? cr.n tiesh ginger thinly sliced. d.
. I kg oxtaiI cut in 4 cm long segrnents.
. -l cloves 5ll. It takes ... hours fbr peoplc to cook this
. % nutpreg, roughly broke1. kind ofsoup.
. | ',/, liters rvater. a' 0lle
. I tablespoon butter. b' t\\/o
. I large leek, rvlrite part only, thickly sliced c' three
r I largcr carrot, thickly sliced d' four
' 2 tnediutn potatocs, each cut in [i *'edges fl2. "Atld cold rvater bring to the boil. co'er
t 2 teaspoon salt
a.d sirnmer ... .'-
. % teaspoon rvhite pepper
l-he underlined u,ord rneans
.l-J stems Chinese celen,ri,ith lenves. s,.rctSing by,kcepi'g it jrrst bt-[<,.*
coarsely chopped. boiling poi.t.
. I tL tabrlespoons crisp-fried shallot. a. cook
Method: b. rvash
l. Place thc ginger in a large pan o|watcr c. pccl
and bring to the boit. Add the o.rtail and d. soak
cook urrcovcred for 3 rttinutes. [)rairr.
discarcl rvatcr and gingc-r. 533. '.Drain, cliscard ..." (rnethod l)
2. Return oxlail to the pan and add cloves The g,orrl "drain" is sirnilar iu rlcar:ipg
and rrutmeg. Add cold ivater bring to the ro ... .

boil, cover and sirnmer until the nreat is a. crnpt_v

tender. I to | '/z hours. b. add
3. Heat the butter in a frying pan and add c. dry
leek and carrot. Stir-fry over medium heat d. dccrease
until they starl to srnell lragrant, 3 to 4
minutcs. When the beet'is tender, add the
leek and carrot to the soup together rvith
the potatoes, salt and pepper.
4. Return to the boil and simrner. stirring
severaI times, until the ve getables are
cooked and the meat is tender, t5 to 20
minutes. Sen,e garnish rvith Chinese
ce lerl' and crisp-tiied shallots.

Preparation tiuie: Ij ruinutes
Cooking timc. I','i - 2 hours.


Ilead the tert 3nd i-in The glar.' frtrnr the LCf) .. . (rhe lasr
questions 5-1{ t sclttencc i \\ es do.'s tlte *'ord "glare"
tne an'.)
The Basic Operation c'D a. Vicri
flrtder b
You need,
Battcn litc c.
o a digital camera
9 an oblect .l '' = -
Brrglrt lruht d
something interesii^j . -

:he classroom or s, : - -

;ollow the steps bei:',', :-

object in the LCD' ,*

the restrlt !oU'.'.ar'

- -1il
the utter hali ." z , : :
sh 5 37 . Thc sigr says . . .

so the camera s::: '-= :1. Take the rubbisii h,rnrc-.

cuHnvpvve, d and v:'i >
b. Tlrrorl, rubbish anr'-'r herc.
, i -'- : -
c. Tlirow rLrbbish at th. plac-
J A fight should a?..?- '.'
aL^ a-. t. d. Take mbbish lrtlrn the pl.:--
({ tu L^^d-r^r -- rgtd r) ::, . . - -
r Press shutter ar lr-= ,'.
It may be necess:'. '.- '-''
and use tlre . ?,', . ^:a' .', 518. -l-his
notice is comntonly fotrn:
more extreme s,J:: _l .-: -' acnverse a. at the market
battery life Trt ,r r'= '-:- LCD does b. at the t-arm
not work irell v.iih l-- l'. :'' rg ht
c. at thc zoc)
d. at liome
<J4 th--- pu:i,,:. -'a ih. te\t'.)
\\i liat is Read the text and ans\r'er querti',
a. To t.'ll ir'.'.'. Srrfiriiii'rilLi is nrade. 539 and 540.
b TO 5111rr,, f1,,.,r iri C!-3i]Ii sontething
c. -l-tr erpl,rrri f,,r1,. 1.r take picturcs.
d I o dcscribe h,ru -s,rmething is Test for new member of sc,e'
achrer cd
Fri, June lzth 2OO7 ot 7 a r
Be there rn tr--:
15. What ri ill happcn tr') thr' LCf) \\'herl
there rs r.n(rrc e\trcnre lrght'.)
a. glrrc- ts brtrken.
b. Thc glrre rr.orks u'ell.
c. glrrc is trnbroken.
519. Tlte unttottttctn)enl r:.rf,r,.
d Tlrc glurc dr)es not r.vork *,el[. a. sclence
b. pre-test
c. post test
d. dailr,test
540. test ri,ill be done Read the text and answer questions 543 to
a. at night 545.
b. in the afiernoon
c. at mid night
d irr llre n)rrrning A long time ago a poor rnan lvanted to give
his king a present. The only thing the man
had rvas a simple rvooden bowl. The
Read the card and answer king
questions 541 and 542. had never seen such a borvl before. [n
appreciation and thanks, he gave the man a
pot of gold. In a kingdorn
f)ent't:.s1 /ra Nou, the man becanre rich and greedy. He
said to himself, "the king ga\/e rne a pot of
( ( ).V(;Rt /'( '/
.4 fIU.\' gold for a sinrple rvooden bou'l. [magine
From.' what he rvill give rne if I give hinr a golcien
/)ayi.r trtr/ chair."
0h' E/ga, So the man sold his gold and bought a
LO [iR J-L('C[JS / S THE l'otrr golden chair. When the king got the golden
chair, he said, "Holv can I repay this man? I
1''/ ffr1,)7,8R 0F rftf' r'/n.r.rma/e.r have only one thing as precious as this
sTOR r' 7-['lLL\G ln Grode chair." Then the king gave the rnan the
(.'o,\/TE.t'r 7A simple' simple rvooden bou'l.
The greedy rnan was speechless. He
realized that he had made the bisqest
541 . \\/lio got tlre first u'inner ol-the storl mistake in his life.
tclling ctintest'/
a. h a did.
b. Devi clid. 543. The story is about . . ..

c. Elga did. a. a bou'l and a golden chair

d. Ira and fiiends b. a poor rnan and his king i
c. a rich man and his chair
542. 'fhe u,ord "contest" lias the same d. a pot and its maker
a. gante 544. Where did the story happen?
b. match a. [n a kingdorn.
c. sho,'l b. In a rich country.
d. competition c. In a poor country.
d. [n the poor man's home.

545. What did the man do afier selling the

a. He gave the money to his farnily'.
b. He bought a golden chair.
c. He turned to be greedy.
d. He becarne very rich.

Read the ic"': 'r: rt.l| E[ lEtrn$fi' i,-r,: rht l<itcr 9nd anss'er questions 550
questioo! 3: rr . C i.l- .l:il

j I Harrrs Street, Esser,


I l' ,lune l98i

,l-,rg1 nlsu1t in Britairr.

c\ er,\ one in Indonesta
546. Wlit'i. lurrch and dinner. Well.
'.'lrc cats rice. Ncarlr
.l ri rvt th cggs, arld
b. L'i.,
c R.i:
: l!'- Or tea.
:i3rn eat bread e|crv
d. S:-' bring sands tchc's
r le ir sartdn rc lrc-i et
541 l'hc r:.. .r.'ii c,fice L)r ticl()r\
., I,.
h. I: : : - (.r[s lneiit or fislrr and
c I: " -:,'lcs hrr dinner ri ttre
d I' ir'r. nl():l Eirii.h 1.:,.r:l;
' ... rnd srtgar.
Read the tr):!.,rr:. Ua) -$. "- [i lih]riT,rr rl : I1t3 lnofr- ab(lr-jl
548 and 5{q :s. {ivc tttv liellLr

: llrrn are tlie) gorn:

'/)_-. With best

r'. -.
Your pen friend.
l1t- i

548. l'lrc h,.r \r 3S the letter fbr?
., li -- \1eta
d il

b\\ Srsilra.
c. \,t, d lna.
d \r.
)i I What is the purpose of ri'riting the lettcr l
i,19. lrlrr i' a. To te ll lron Jearrne is nor.vadays.
it. ltl b. To explairr about meals in England.
b. r:. c, To ans\\'er lna's fiiends' questions.
'fo ii:

c. n:.. d. shorv the r,,'a,r'to prepare mea[s irr

d. n, .. Britain.
552. "They make their sandrviches at
The letter for qucstions 556 to 559.
home ... ."
What does the u'ord "they" in the Dcar Mr. Joncs.
sentence reter to?
a. Jeanne's fanrily. fuly tarnily and I havc sul-t'ercd a goocl
b. City people. deal lately fi'orn the noise tnade by
c. Srndu iches. your guest rvhen tltey lcave ),our htlusc
d. Food and drink.
on Saturday nights.

Read the text and anslYer The;' stand in thc strect. laughirrg
uesfions lorrdly and saying goodhyc to you and
to each other Then they get into their
Wooden schooner, cars, bang thc doors louctly, and tinalll'
3Onr long, completed in they rcverse their cars on the road.
March 2005,7 double, 2 This sounds a l-airly simple lnnpgsv€r,
triple arrd 2 crerv cabins. btrt there is always at least one of ,your
I]OR saloon, bar, diving area, guests u,ho llnds rt alnlost beyond hrnr
SALE all navigation and safety - ri hether becausc he has had too
equipment. ruruch drink or still lcarning to drive. f
Diving compressor, 20 dr.rn,t knog, - but I do knor,r, that it
tanks, rveights, 2X takes liirn ages t() get out, and all
dinghies. the
tirne rvc lrcltr Iris cltgirre roaring arrd his
Operating liccrrses. tiiencls shouting advice.
colnpany, marketing 2007.
lnterested deal. tly thc tiure yor-rr guests have gone andi
the road is quiet again, my fanrily have I

* rvu'. ba Iicruiseboat.conl all bcerr rvaketrcd up, and tlre childrcrr I

08 r 338707384 olicri tlnd ir lrrrrd ro gct sleeP

"tut" r
I'd be ve11, gratetul if you asked your
guests to leave rnore quietly, and

551. Wooden schooner is a kind of perhaps ),ou cor.rld persuade any learner

a. boat drivers to come by

b. i-erry


c. ship Sincere [y I

d. tank
Andrerv Brorvn I

554. It can be inferred from the text tlrat

the s,ould be buyer . .. the price of it
a. clrrrnot bargain i56 Why does N'[r, Bror"n *,rite this lettcr'.'}
b. can negotiate a. [-[e *'ants to be one of Mr. Joncs's
c. cannot deal guest.
d. can flx b. He decided to end his relationslrip
s'ith lvlr. Jones.
i55. To get nrore intbrmation about c. Lle intends to conlc to N{r. -lones's
the rvooden schooner. \\'e can house on Saturday nights.
c<lntact the followinlg w'ay, except d. l{e t-cels troubled by the noise rnade b;,
... . N,lr. Joues's guests.
a. rvebsite
b. cellular pltone
c. hortte phone.
d. E-mail


: rr trr chrtosing the best

::, Room 203. The

Math .. (563)

^_ " r., ll

i59. "tsr l-..r quc'stions 564 to 568 Contplrtc tht

and th.- : :: \ t u. ing the suitable word given.
\\/hat r.
'qu ler
a. Cain
b Clr'::: '.' :-. : -. r,ole on a plate.

C. Ctr'.i -t: : -:
d. Ca.-:: t :-: (564) into a vice on the tab;:

'.' : .: the table and the vice ...(565) th=

For quriti,,r- <" j'" : . =r the mark.

the beSt :tnii! - -
' 556) the table and the vice.
Srvrtch . (567) the power.

Lower the bit and .. (568) the hole c,'"'

i6J. a. dritl
60. a. acccP: b. rnark
b. lbrgir.' c. hole
c. let d. plate
d. send

For question 571 to 574 choose the trest
565. a. until word to complete the letter.
b. rvhen
c. after SMP GLOBAL
d. before Jl. Apel 3 Villa banda:-
Rarvabunga Cengkare:
566. a. tighten Jakarta Barat Indone.
b. widen May :
c. strengthen 2006
d. lengthen Editor of
English Teaching Forum
Washington, D.C.20541
567 " a. on Dear editor.
b. of
c. off While reading a copy of yotrr . ....(571) in '
d. up library recently, I became interested in
l- lefters rvhich had been written by
568. a. mark Engl
b. drill .....(572) who wanted to ask questton at''
c. see the language.
I am writing to ask you about the rvord "dal,a
d. nrake
think I know what it ......(573) but I am r.

sure whether it is singular or plural. Should ,


say "this data" or "these data?" Some lleo:

Complete the follon'ing instructions . . . . . ..( l 74) to say, "The data is interesting," I
rvith the most suitable rvord. others seem to say, "The data are interesti:
Which should one say?
569. "Put the books back on the ... after Your reply will be appreciated by several oi
you readl" rvho are interested in the English language.
a. floor Sincerel
b. table
c. dcsk
d. shelves 571. a. letter
b. book
570. "Put off your ... before you entcr the c. journal
mosque" d. magazine
a. shocks
b. shorts 572 2 teaclrer
c. shirts b. students
d. shoes people
d. scientific

tlJ. a. nas
b. means
c. says
d. does
574. a. like
b. want
c. have
d. seem

575. Cho,.,- r1r'r il|1ft'
,. lng se ntcnccs ltlto a
tbll,:".,. ": 'lll lllllllilillili.

Sultll:.: : 'tball sirrcc lte rvas

l. thc L llllllll "' I illilllll.

rii -' iitjiiilf '" il:stonal career

- : []razilian (llub,
2 Il. r r llil rP'Iit llll lll|

t '-:r.d
-1. ()r -- , : L lil llrlll llllfii t "'
t() [)aris
i LLrlll"

' . ^jf success and

4. I I LL lllr ri,ili l til

T l -:':t" .-

t l-,:
5. Ti .' 'llLl'
' . or()ught Brazil
b:--.' , i .rl11[) lt-,ii
6. Ti":: '
--.: r!tillltSpenish
j -. _ .,,1
7 Tl .;
' " :. r
Pl.n cr Irtllt]
r :,.'

(- l

516. r\rr.,:.- - -i(r o,

:- ) It, -i8 I contfilefe the
\ L!l!- "
thc.. .1
- r':rph lvith suitable

fh:- . .i regional ttl - :'

.. 1 : .:, lll) eit)'. Alrnost i9f
b. l " ' '' cr . cn'irPcretl lUtft''
c. I _ \\ \ugus\ 2Q01. \\an"
d. l ' :' .rttrl sportsrvonlen ... (55t'
. . . , ,.intc tiont the cities arouni

577. Arranse tir: I 'i .i.'rr. there \vas a ... (581) tr:::
good senter:--i , ..' ,riie ntled tlie championship. it r'.t-'
cross l _1
l_ -:..-\,,.lstralia.
Th.:: --,
.. - lul.r
-:l [,
i: c
bl c. cvetits
-l-5 d. l lt
cl. plalers
-r i

580. a. came 586. lete the notice belorv.
b. watched
c. struggled Please do not the animals
d. participated
a. buy
581. a. foreign b. give
b. famous c. eat
c. strange d. feed
d. lavorite

587. Complete the follorving notice

Text for questions 582 to 584.

Jarya Post is one of ... (582) Do not ... everywhere, put them
nervspaper in Java island. It is in the dustbin.
not the first and the largest paper
in the region. It has branches in
all ... (583) and cities across the a. limit
provinces. Many people ... (584) b. list
ir. c. link
d. litter
582. a. daily
b. weekly For questions 588 and 589 choose thc best
c. fortnightly word to complete the cards!
d. monthly
583. a. regencies
b. regents we ...( s89 )
c. recess Thank You You
d. regions
584. a. edit Attending Our A MERRY
b. watch ..(s88) CHRISTMAS
c. publish Party AND
d. subscribe A FIAPPY
585. Complete the follou,ing notice. October 28 , 2008

Keep ... the grass May God

a- on The nett' Alrvays Bless U
b. of-f couple Bob An
c. up & Selvy
d. away
Robby &

588. a. Brrrhc:. :,'!rsc the right order of these rvords to
D. Farerrc.. .if.r- J setltCtlce.
c. \\'eddii - ,, - hlack - ltair -- N4arv'- lp4g -
d. .9nrdt'n ll4-5
i89. hopc
b * tsli
c sa)
d dtr

i90. Conrplete thc :'nJr's and choosc thc

' ' :'l lt,ru trt drr

.: i'ii',r'r
a. Ill :. ::.: .:," cltlpc.
b. alier . : ,..1 rl.
c. belbrc -- -. .'. :., rll!- a lr'tler
d. durinr '' -::."'.CII!e lr)pC.
r :-: i plpcr and q
)l Conrplet.- ih.
Illost surtirl. l: " tire enve[ope
-': end post il
Directitrr ' .. -_:_\
a. ()ne dl - --i 1{

b. durinr -- l-r-i-tr
c. eaclr
d. all
...'r,,n. 595 :rnd 596 complete the
Read the t,'-r: in: Jd\ ertisenrettt.
the ordt'r r. .,
l. F{i-. rt";:.. ,r Frriilitics at a Budget price
2- I'le 1,,'' ; -- ..

3. He i. r- sla
4. Jhl',','- r ,,r" lrhiruqs 51yls r DVD&
5. l{e r. .t -- ! (. rtll tll()dAt iOn Books
6. l--r t'r'. Sr.'acious . ..(595) rvittr Librarv
.{( & t-\1 . .. (596)
.1. f- a frul l1' equipped kitchen secur ltv
b. l 22 nt
'l-V Livi ng roonr
ri ith & DVD tropical
['layer pool
['ree Broadband a Reception
\\'irelc'ss iutcnret a Gazebo
595. a. garaee Rearrange the content of the e-mail so
b. roon.r thcy become trvo good ParagraPhs.
c. kitchen
d. bathroorrr Mes Delet Nexl Forw,ar Rep^
sage e Forrv das v
596. a nilnute s
List Previ ard attachnr Repl
b hotirs ous ent v
c days Ail
rr'eek Subject: Subnay Train
From : Jennifer Peacock
For questions 597 and 598 Date : Sat, Sep I l, 2004 10:07
conrplete the follorving letter. To : m-vrafg)Yahoo.conr
D ear Mrs. Sri Andayani,
\\/c rvorrld like to irrvile votr lo cotne
Dear Nlyra,
to our fhrervell .... (597) that w,ill be
held on:
Day/Date : Saturday, Junc 28,
Its color is blue We have a car too..
2. Therefore, you don't need t take a city
bus anymore.
Time .4 p.m.
l. You rvrote that he drives you to sohool
Place N4a1,a1g's house
every day
(-591J) : Betawene's style
4. What colour is it?
Best wishcs,
5. I'rn glad to hear that your father has
bought a new car.
AlI studcnts of'llVl a

6. Hello, Myra it is nice to have your e-

591. 600
gathering l. I go to school subrvay-
b. reunion 2. Do you knorv r.vhat the subrvay is?
c. nleetlng i. The subrvay is an underground train
U party
that travels around the city.
. 4. We use the subway as you use city
598 buses.
cloth 5. The buses travel on ciry streets.
clotlies 6. They are porvered by electricity.
D. c0stuln(] 1. Subrvay trains travel in tunnels
C. clothing underneath the streets.

599. a. l-2-l-i'-
b. l--l -l -: -r '
c 6-5--1-r---.
d. -5-6--t--1 i _

a. [-,]-)-{----- --
b 6_" l_.1 _l,j ,
c. l-l-l-l-:-'-

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