Presentation ME Career Progression by Jerico T. Borja
Presentation ME Career Progression by Jerico T. Borja
Presentation ME Career Progression by Jerico T. Borja
• It is a policy framework that
describes the level of education and
professional qualifications by way
of setting the corresponding
standard qualification outcomes.
Executive Order No. 83
Institutionalized on October 1, 2012
ME Career Progression
MS in Allied
Field + PME
Related Field + 2 Years
related Exp
Entry Level
MS in Allied
Field + PME
Related Field + 2 Years
related Exp
Entry Level
WHEREAS, Section 8 of R.A. No. 10968 states that PQF shall incorporate the
qualifications level descriptors defined in terms of knowledge, skills and
values, application, and degree of independence;
Draft Career Progression and Specialization
Board Resolution
6) Apply reasoning informed by contextual Be familiar with relevant policies, laws, Incorporate safety, health, legal and cultural Make a personal commitment to societal,
knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, regulations and technical standards locally in considerations in all aspect of solving health, safety, legal and cultural issues
legal and cultural issues and the consequent conjunction with the Mechanical Engineering engineering problems recognizing obligations to society,
subordinates, and the environment.
responsibilities relevant to professional Practice.
engineering practice and solutions to complex
engineering problems.
Level 6 -Competencies
Level 6
PROGRAM OUTCOMES Knowledge, Skills and Values Application Degree of Independence
Demonstrated broad and coherent knowledge Application in professional work in a broad Substantial degree of independence and/or in
and skills in their field of study for professional range of discipline and/or for further study teams of related fields with minimal
work and lifelong learning supervision
7) Understand and evaluate the sustainability Be familiar with relevant applicable technical 1) Assess the effects of professional Work closely with other engineering
and impact of professional engineering work and engineering standards that can be engineering work on process operational professionals or with other engineering
in the solution of complex engineering applied in professional mechanical problems. discipline
problems in societal and environmental engineering practice. 2) Gather relevant data in relation to the
contexts. professional engineering work.
8) Apply ethical principles and commit to Be familiar with the Philippine Code of Ethical Apply ethical principles in conjunction with
professional ethics and responsibilities and Standards of Mechanical Engineers and apply engineering practice.
norms of engineering practice. and behave according to this code in
professional practice.
9) Function effectively as an individual, and as Perform functions required in the completion Interact with peers and higher levels in a Participate in activities either as a team leader
a member or leader in diverse teams and in of a task as part of a project or endeavor or as professional manner or member and perform designated tasks.
multi-disciplinary settings. an employee of a company..
10) Communicate effectively on complex Prepare reports, presentations and other Organize, coordinate and implement activities Communicate clearly both verbally and in
engineering activities with the engineering engineering documents in an organized way or projects in a clear way. written form all instructions to peers,
community and with society at large, such as and relay information related to these subordinates and superiors as may be
deemed necessary.
being able to comprehend and write effective effectively.
reports and design documentation, make
effective presentations, and give and receive
clear instructions.
11) Demonstrate knowledge and Plan, lead, organize and control small projects Apply engineering management tools in Work closely with other team members
understanding of engineering management or tasks as may be deemed necessary in the managing projects
principles and economic decision-making and practice of mechanical engineering.
apply these to one’s own work, as a member
and leader in a team, to manage projects and
in multidisciplinary environments.
12) Recognize the need for, and have the Attend trainings, seminars, conferences or Continue updating on the latest technological Pursue graduate studies
preparation and ability to engage in participate in projects that encourage development in the field of mechnaical and
independent and life-long learning in the continued learning in the mechanical related engineering field
broadest context of technological change. engineering profession..
7) Understand and evaluate the sustainability Be familiar with relevant applicable technical 1) Assess the effects of professional Work closely with other engineering
and impact of professional engineering work and engineering standards that can be engineering work on process operational professionals or with other engineering
in the solution of complex engineering applied in professional mechanical problems. discipline
problems in societal and environmental engineering practice. 2) Gather relevant data in relation to the
contexts. professional engineering work.
Level 7 -Competencies
Level 7
PROGRAM OUTCOMES Knowledge, Skills and Values Application Degree of Independence
Demonstrated advanced knowledge and skills Applied professional/ creative work or
High degree of independence that involves
in a specialized or multi-disciplinary field of research that requires self-direction and/or
exercise of leadership and initiative individual
study for professional practice, self-directed leadership in a specialized or multi-
work or in teams of multi-disciplinary
research and/or lifelong learning disciplinary professional work/research
Use relevant and appropriate applied science, Develop solutions to mechanical engineering Manages and supervises multi-disciplinary
1) Apply knowledge of mathematics, physical engineering principles and techniques in problems team.
sciences, and engineering principles formulating process design and operations
2) Identify, formulate, research literature and Propose changes to achieve the desired Apply results research literature and other Manages and supervises multi-disciplinary
analyse complex engineering problems outputs. technological advances in design and team.
reaching substantiated conclusions using first operations improvement
principles of mathematics, natural sciences
and engineering sciences.
3) Design solutions for complex engineering Study, investigate and gather data related to Develop prototypes; test runs and prepare Manages and supervises multi-disciplinary
problems and design systems, components or problems and prepare proposals to implement final recommendations based on results team.
processes that meet specified needs with solutions while incorporating ethics, safety gathered.
appropriate consideration for public health and environmental considerations.
and safety, cultural, societal, and
environmental considerations.
4) Conduct investigations of complex Use available database information, 1) Conduct labscale and plant scale trials as Manages and supervises multi-disciplinary
problems using research-based knowledge coordinate with other technical experts, plan may be deemed necessary to validate team.
and research methods including design of and design experiments in conducting conclusions.
investigations of complex engineering 2) Prepare reports and make presentations to
experiments, analysis and interpretation of
problems. concerned entities on the proposed solutions
data, and synthesis of information to provide to the complex engineering problems.
valid conclusions.
5) Create, select and apply appropriate Be familiar with the appropriate techniques, 1) Consolidate applicable techniques and Manages and supervises multi-disciplinary
techniques, resources, and modern resources, and modern engineering tools, modern tools that can be used to solve team
engineering tools, including prediction and including prediction and modeling, to complex complex engineering problems.
engineering problems, with an understanding
modelling, to solve complex engineering 2) Prepare recommendations based on
of the limitations
problems, with an understanding of the results considering practical applications and
limitations. limitations of process parameters and
6) Apply reasoning informed by contextual Be familiar with relevant policies, laws, Prepare plans and designs to address Impart learning to peers.
knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, regulations and technical standards both industrial process problems while taking into
legal and cultural issues and the consequent locally and internationally in conjunction with consideration moral, ethical and
environmental concerns.
responsibilities relevant to professional the Mechanical Engineering Professional
engineering practice and solutions to complex Practice.
engineering problems.
Level 7 -Competencies
Level 7
PROGRAM OUTCOMES Knowledge, Skills and Values Application Degree of Independence
Demonstrated advanced knowledge and skills Applied professional/ creative work or
High degree of independence that involves
in a specialized or multi-disciplinary field of research that requires self-direction and/or
exercise of leadership and initiative individual
study for professional practice, self-directed leadership in a specialized or multi-
work or in teams of multi-disciplinary
research and/or lifelong learning disciplinary professional work/research
7) Understand and evaluate the sustainability Be familiar with relevant applicable technical Use gained experience in industrial 1) Impart learning to peers.
and impact of professional engineering work and engineering standards that can be professional practice to measure impacts on
in the solution of complex engineering applied in professional mechanical society and environment
engineering practice
problems in societal and environmental
8) Apply ethical principles and commit to 1) Be familiar with the Philippine Code of Apply ethical principles in conjunction with Be an example to upcoming engineers in
professional ethics and responsibilities and Ethical Standards of Mechanical Engineers engineering practice incorporating public terms of integrity, morality and ethics
norms of engineering practice. and apply and behave according to this code safety as a priority.
in professional practice.
2) Be familiar with corporate and industrial
9) Function effectively as an individual, and as Plan, lead, coordinate and implement Handle small to medium-sized projects. Interact with a network of professionals and
a member or leader in diverse teams and in designated tasks either as a team leader or participate in projects or activities.
multi-disciplinary settings. member.
10) Communicate effectively on complex 1) Prepare reports, presentations and other 1) Conduct trainings to subordinates and Manages and supervises multi-disciplinary
engineering activities with the engineering engineering documents in an organized way peers. team
community and with society at large, such as and relay information related to these 2) Communicate clearly with legal entities/
authorities regarding engineering activities.
being able to comprehend and write effective effectively.
reports and design documentation, make 2) Prepare policies, procedures and other
effective presentations, and give and receive documents related to an activity or project and
clear instructions. cascade to subordinates, peers and superiors
11) Demonstrate knowledge and Plan, lead, organize and control small to 1) Manage financial aspects of the project. Supervise subordinates and peers when
understanding of engineering management medium-sized projects or tasks as may be 2) Prepare reports related to projects needed.
principles and economic decision-making and deemed necessary in the practice of
Mechanical engineering
apply these to one’s own work, as a member
and leader in a team, to manage projects and
in multidisciplinary environments.
12) Recognize the need for, and have the 1) Attend trainings, seminars, conferences 1) Pursue graduate studies. Conduct research studies and impart results
preparation and ability to engage in and participate in professional organizations 2) Comply with CPD units required annually to peers.
independent and life-long learning in the that encourage continued learning in the
broadest context of technological change. mechanical engineering profession
Level 8 -Competencies Level 8
PROGRAM OUTCOMES Knowledge, Skills and Values Application Degree of Independence
Demonstrated highly advanced systematic Full independence in individual work and/or in
knowledge and skills in highly specialized Applied professional leadership for teams of multi-disciplinary and more complex
and/or complex multi-disciplinary field of innovation, research and/or development setting that demands leadership for research
learning for complex research and or management in highly specialized or multi- and creativity for strategic value added.
professional practice and/or for the disciplinary field Significant level of expertise-based autonomy
advancement of learning and accountability.
1) Apply knowledge of mathematics, physical Propose innovations in process design and Develop and continually upgrade proficiency Impart learning to peers.
sciences, and engineering principles operations improvement and optimization and in numerical and computational modeling in
impart these to peers. solving mechanical engineering problems.
2) Identify, formulate, research literature and Consolidate results of research and technical Impart these technological advances to peers.
analyse complex engineering problems information in formulating solutions to
reaching substantiated conclusions using first Mechanical Engineering processes and adapt
principles of mathematics, natural sciences these into systems to achieve targets.
and engineering sciences.
3) Design solutions for complex engineering 1) Consolidate studies made and propose Prepare project proposals, budget and reports Impart learning to peers.
problems and design systems, components or changes. related to improvements.
processes that meet specified needs with 2) Specialize in specific fields of practice in
appropriate consideration for public health the Mechanical Engineering Professional and
and safety, cultural, societal, and use the technical expertise in design of
environmental considerations. solutions to applicable complex engineering
4) Conduct investigations of complex Organize teams of experts, plan and design 1) Conduct labscale and plant scale trials as Impart learning to peers.
problems using research-based knowledge experiments in conducting investigations of may be deemed necessary to validate
and research methods including design of complex engineering problems. conclusions.
experiments, analysis and interpretation of 2) Prepare feasibility, reports, implementation
data, and synthesis of information to provide plans and make presentations to the
valid conclusions. concerned entities on the proposed solutions
to the complex engineering problems.
5) Create, select and apply appropriate Be familiarized with applicable modern tools Use industrial experience in conjunction with Prepare reports and recommendations and
techniques, resources, and modern and techniques to solve mechanical technical expertise and appropriate modern present these to the concerned entities
engineering tools, including prediction and engineering problems taking into tools in solving complex engineering
modelling, to solve complex engineering consideration its limitations. problems.
problems, with an understanding of the
6) Apply reasoning informed by contextual 1) Be familiar with relevant policies, laws, Prepare plans and designs to address Impart learning to peers.
knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, regulations and technical standards both mechanical engineering problems while
legal and cultural issues and the consequent locally and internationally in conjunction with taking into consideration moral, ethical and
environmental concerns.
responsibilities relevant to professional the Advanced Professional Mechanical
engineering practice and solutions to complex Engineering Practice.
Level 8 -Competencies Level 8
PROGRAM OUTCOMES Knowledge, Skills and Values Application Degree of Independence
Demonstrated highly advanced systematic Full independence in individual work and/or in
knowledge and skills in highly specialized Applied professional leadership for teams of multi-disciplinary and more complex
and/or complex multi-disciplinary field of innovation, research and/or development setting that demands leadership for research
learning for complex research and or management in highly specialized or multi- and creativity for strategic value added.
professional practice and/or for the disciplinary field Significant level of expertise-based autonomy
advancement of learning and accountability.
7) Understand and evaluate the sustainability 1) Be familiar with relevant applicable 1) Use gained experience in industrial Impart learning to peers.
and impact of professional engineering work technical and engineering standards that can professional practice to measure impacts on
in the solution of complex engineering be applied in mechanical engineering society and environment.
2) Do research, develop projects and prepare
problems in societal and environmental practice.
implementation plans to implement and
contexts. 2) Be familiar and apply green technologies assess professional engineering works in
and other upcoming standards. relation to complex engineering problems.
8) Apply ethical principles and commit to 1) Be familiar with the Philippine Code of 1) Apply ethical principles in conjunction with 1) Impart learning to peers.
professional ethics and responsibilities and Ethical Standards of Mechanical Engineers engineering practice incorporating public
2) Be an example to upcoming engineers in
norms of engineering practice. and apply and behave according to this code safety as a priority. terms of integrity, morality and ethics.
in professional practice. 2) Exemplify ethical and moral values through
2) Be familiar with corporate and industrial participation in socially relevant projects that
policies contribute to national development.
9) Function effectively as an individual, and as Supervise and manage processes, people Prepare policies, rules, regulations, Train other engineers.
a member or leader in diverse teams and in and facilities locally or internationally enabling instructions, procedures, and implement
multi-disciplinary settings. efficiency, improved performance, business them.
profitability and safety.
10) Communicate effectively on complex 1) Be familiar with the principles of effective Communicate and coordinate clearly and act Conduct trainings to subordinates, peers and
engineering activities with the engineering communication as liaison officer on matters concerning legal superiors.
community and with society at large, such as 2) Consolidate reports and make or regulatory issues.
being able to comprehend and write effective presentations to peers and superiors on
reports and design documentation, make projects or on assigned endeavors.
effective presentations, and give and receive
clear instructions.
11) Demonstrate knowledge and 1) Be familiar with the principles of managing Prepare reports related to projects. Manage supervisors and peers.
understanding of engineering management and implementing medium-sized to major
principles and economic decision-making and projects or tasks as may be deemed
apply these to one’s own work, as a member necessary in the practice of electronics
and leader in a team, to manage projects and engineering.
in multidisciplinary environments. 2) Manage financial aspects of the project.
12) Recognize the need for, and have the Attend trainings, seminars, conferences and 1) Prepare modules for training peers, 1) Supervises or acts as adviser to other
preparation and ability to engage in participate in professional organizations that subordinates and students. Professional Mechanical Engineers.
independent and life-long learning in the encourage continued learning in the 2) Organize seminars, trainings or 2) Publish research papers.
broadest context of technological change. Professional Mechanical Engineering conferences.
Thank You!