Mapeh 8 Q3 - Scrabble DLP
Mapeh 8 Q3 - Scrabble DLP
Mapeh 8 Q3 - Scrabble DLP
Code: PE8GS-lld-h-5-6
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Discuss the nature and background of the game scrabble;
b. Value and explain the benefits that the family can derive from playing scrabble;
c. Apply knowledge of rules and regulations and strategies in a game of scrabble.
A. Preliminary Activities
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Before anything else, let us ask first the In the name of the Father, and the Son,
guidance of our Almighty God and let us and the Holy Spirit…..AMEN
enlighten our mind to completely
understand the lesson today. Gian, please
lead the prayer.
Before you take your seats, kindly please (Students pick up the pieces of paper,
pick up all the pieces of paper, arrange arranging their chairs and organizing
your chairs properly and organize themselves)
yourselves first.
We are fine. Ma’am.
B. Motivation
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Now, to spice up our class today, let’s Yes, ma’am.
have an activity. Are you ready?
What’s come to your mind when you hear Ma’am, these are activities that you do
the word indoor recreational activities? inside of your home such as playing cards
or board games.
What do you think is the benefit of As you said earlier, ma’am, it is for fun
participating in such activities? and enjoyment. Also, it helps to improve
the relationship and bod between family
Good question. Once tiles are played on Ma’am, how can we replace the scrabble
the board, players will draw new tiles to tiles?
replace those. Players will always have
seven tiles during the game.
The end of a scrabble game is when once Ma’am, how will the game end?
all tiles are gone from the bag and a single
player has placed all of their tiles, the How about the tallying of scores, ma’am?
game will end and the player with highest
score wins.
D. Application
Teacher`s Activity Student`s Activity
Now, let’s proceed to our last activity. Are Yes, Ma’am!
you ready?
This activity is called “Play with me!”. (Student will do the activity)
First you need to find a partner since you
will work in pairs. Each pair must find 3
more pairs to play with. I will give you 10
minutes to play and the pair that will have
the highest score wins the game. The
ranking of each pair will have an
equivalent grade.
1st pair ------- 99
2nd pair ------ 96
3rd pair ------- 93
4th pair ------- 90
Teacher`s Activity Student`s Activity
Let’s now have a short quiz based on our
class discussion and activities today. Get
¼ sheet of paper and answer the
following. Test I.
Directions: Put a positive sign (+) if you 7. +
agree with the statement and negative sign 8. +
(-) if you disagree. 9. –
10. –
_____1. Playing scrabble will enhance
your vocabulary.
_____2. Scrabble is played with exactly
100 tiles.
_____3. The objective of scrabble is to
score more points than one’s opponent.
_____4. Playing scrabble with your family
will not only enhance your vocabulary but
also decrease closeness within.
_____5. Players cannot place any words
which can be found in a Standard English
Test II.
1. Any word played that uses all seven 2. END GAME
letters on the rack, earning a bonus of 3. CHALLENGE
50 points. 4. SCRABBLE
2. The portion of a scrabble game when 5. JAMES BRUNOT
there are less than 7 tiles left to draw
from the bag.
3. It is called when the player thinks that
the play is not acceptable.
4. A word game in which two or four
players score points by forming words
from individual lettered tiles.
5. He redesigned, renamed, and marketed
Direction: For your assignment, play a scrabble with you relatives or neighbors.
Document your game and make a reflection about the experience .
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