Climate Proofing of Infrastructure Projects

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Trainee Hand book

IsDB – GIZ Workshop on Climate Proofing of

Infrastructure Projects for IsDB Staff
Istanbul, 09-11 September 2019

Adapted in cooperation with the Sector Project

“Sustainable Mobility on behalf of BMZ

Benjamin Hodick
Martin Becher
Dr. Andrea Schlönvoigt
Dr. Niklas Baumert
Daniel Funk
Evandro Holz
Katharina Lotzen

Photo credits
© GIZ/Climate Protection Programme for Developing Countries; Climate Media Factory; Martin Becher;
Andrea Schlönvoigt

Articles written by named authors do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors.


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in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation for
sustainable development.

Published by
Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

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How to use this trainee handbook ................................................................................................................ 1
Module 1. Introduction to the Training ........................................................................................................ 2
1.1 Background.................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Objectives of the training and learning objectives........................................................................ 3
1.3 Overview of methods and tools .................................................................................................... 4
Module 2. Concept of climate change and relevance for infrastructure investment ................................... 5
2.1 Introduction to climate change ..................................................................................................... 5
2.1.1 Skills and knowledge............................................................................................................ 5
2.1.2 Context: Climate Change impacts – from emissions to socio-economic impacts and the
implications of uncertainty for decision making ................................................................................... 5
2.1.3 Exercise: Interpretation of historic climate data and climate projections ........................ 12
2.1.4 Guiding questions for reflection ........................................................................................ 15
2.1.5 Take away messages.......................................................................................................... 15
2.1.6 References ......................................................................................................................... 16
2.1.7 Personal notes ................................................................................................................... 17
2.2 Climate Change and Public Infrastructure Investment ............................................................... 18
2.2.1 Skills and knowledge.......................................................................................................... 18
2.2.2 Context .............................................................................................................................. 18
2.2.3 Concept: Entry points for adaptation to climate change in sustainable infrastructure
investments ......................................................................................................................................... 20
2.2.4 Exercise: Climate information for decision making ........................................................... 22
2.2.5 Take away messages.......................................................................................................... 24
2.2.6 References ......................................................................................................................... 24
2.2.7 Personal notes ................................................................................................................... 25
2.3 IsDB Related Policies ................................................................................................................... 26
2.3.1 IsDB Climate Change Policy ............................................................................................... 26
2.3.2 IsDB Energy Sector Policy .................................................................................................. 27
2.3.3 Transport Sector Policy ...................................................................................................... 28
Module 3. Concept and need for user friendly climate services......................................................... 29
3.1 Introduction to Climate Services ................................................................................................. 29
3.1.1 Skills and knowledge.......................................................................................................... 29
3.1.2 Context: Emergence of Climate Services ........................................................................... 29

3.1.3 Concept: Climate Services Value Chain and Climate Service Products ............................. 31
3.1.4 Exercise: Climate Services Product Development ............................................................. 36
3.1.5 Guiding questions for reflection ........................................................................................ 38
3.1.6 Take away messages.......................................................................................................... 38
3.1.7 References ......................................................................................................................... 39
3.1.8 Personal notes ................................................................................................................... 40
3.2 Demand driven Climate Services for resilient public infrastructure investments ...................... 41
3.2.1 Skills and knowledge.......................................................................................................... 41
3.2.2 Context: Use of Climate Services ....................................................................................... 41
3.2.3 Concept: User Interface Platform and the co-design of Climate Services ........................ 42
3.2.4 Exercise: User-Provider Interaction on Climate Service co-production ............................ 47
3.2.5 Take away messages.......................................................................................................... 48
3.2.6 References ......................................................................................................................... 49
3.2.7 Personal notes ................................................................................................................... 50
3.2.8 Annexes ...................................................................................................................................... 51 Annex 1 for the exercise: User needs – basic info (owned by providers) ......................... 51 Annex 2 for the exercise: Narrative user case ................................................................... 51 Annex 3 for the exercise: Structured user needs assessment for CS ...................................... 52
Module 4. Climate Proofing for Sustainable Infrastructure Investments............................................. 53
4.1 How to get started............................................................................................................................. 53
4.1.1 Skills and knowledge .................................................................................................................. 53
4.1.2 Context ....................................................................................................................................... 53
4.1.3 Exercise: Apply a Climate Lens to infrastructure investment goals .................................. 58
4.1.4 Guiding questions for reflection ........................................................................................ 61
4.1.5 Take away messages.......................................................................................................... 61
4.1.6 References ......................................................................................................................... 62
4.1.7 Personal notes ................................................................................................................... 62
4.2 Screening and Scoping................................................................................................................. 63
4.2.1 Skills and knowledge.......................................................................................................... 63
4.2.2 Context .............................................................................................................................. 63
4.2.3 Concept .............................................................................................................................. 63
4.2.4 Exercise: Screening and Scoping of an Infrastructure Project ........................................... 65
4.2.5 Guiding questions for reflection ........................................................................................ 67
4.2.6 Take away messages.......................................................................................................... 67
4.2.7 References ......................................................................................................................... 68
4.2.8 Personal notes ................................................................................................................... 69
4.3 Climate risk assessment .............................................................................................................. 70
4.3.1 Skills and knowledge.......................................................................................................... 70
4.3.2 Context .............................................................................................................................. 70
4.3.3 Concept: Climate vulnerability and risk assessment of infrastructures ............................ 71
4.3.4 Exercise: Infrastructure vulnerability and risk assessment ............................................... 88
4.3.5 Guiding questions for reflection ........................................................................................ 92
4.3.6 Take away messages.......................................................................................................... 92
4.3.7 References ......................................................................................................................... 93
4.3.8 Personal notes ................................................................................................................... 94
4.3.9 Annexes for the exercise “Vulnerability and Risk Assessment” ........................................ 95
4.4 Identification and selection of adaptation measures ............................................................... 101
4.4.1 Skills and knowledge........................................................................................................ 101
4.4.2 Context ............................................................................................................................ 101
4.4.3 Concept: Identification of adaptation options ................................................................ 102
4.4.4 Exercise: Identification and selection of adaptation measures....................................... 105
4.4.5 Guiding questions for reflection ...................................................................................... 110
4.4.6 Take away messages........................................................................................................ 110
4.4.7 References ....................................................................................................................... 111
4.3.8 Personal notes ................................................................................................................. 111
4.5 Implementation ......................................................................................................................... 112
4.5.1 Skills and knowledge........................................................................................................ 112
4.5.2 Context ............................................................................................................................ 112
4.5.3 Concept ............................................................................................................................ 113
4.5.4 Exercise: Develop a project-focused capacity development strategy ............................. 114
4.5.5 Guiding questions for reflection ...................................................................................... 115
4.5.6 Take away messages........................................................................................................ 115
4.5.7 References ....................................................................................................................... 116
4.5.8 Personal notes ................................................................................................................. 116
4.6 Monitoring and reporting.......................................................................................................... 117
4.6.1 Skills and knowledge........................................................................................................ 117
4.6.2 Context ............................................................................................................................ 117
4.6.3 Concept: Monitoring effective adaptation ...................................................................... 118
4.6.4 Exercise: Develop a monitoring framework .................................................................... 122
4.6.5 Guiding questions for reflection ...................................................................................... 124
4.6.6 Take away messages........................................................................................................ 124
4.6.7 References ....................................................................................................................... 125
4.6.8 Personal notes ................................................................................................................. 125
Annex 1 Fictitious Case: Setting the Scene for the Climate Risk Assessment of the Millennium Bridge
of the City of Metropolis ........................................................................................................................... 126
1. Case study setting – The Karibu River and the city of Metropolis .................................................... 126
1.1 Environment .................................................................................................................................. 126
2. Climate Information .......................................................................................................................... 129
2.1 Current climate and hydrology...................................................................................................... 129
The recent climate for Metropolis, South State & the Karibu River Hydrology .................................... 129
2.3 Climate projections in the Karibu River Catchment .................................................................. 130
Temperature...................................................................................................................................... 130
Precipitation ...................................................................................................................................... 130
Wind and storms ............................................................................................................................... 130
Surface hydrology .............................................................................................................................. 130
Annex 2 Glossary of key terms ............................................................................................................ 131
Annex 3 Abbreviations ........................................................................................................................ 135
Annex 4 IsDB Related Publications ...................................................................................................... 137

How to use this trainee handbook
This handbook is designed for trainees in a face-to-face training and its content is complemented by trainer
and expert presentations (PPTs), peer discussion groups and interactive role plays. Thus, it shall support
the development of the trainees‘ planning capacities on integrating climate change adaptation into
sustainable infrastructure investment and facilitate their understanding of the concept and use of climate
services in the context of climate proofing sustainable infrastructure investments. The document provides
basic background knowledge, methods and tools complemented by exercises which encourage the
learning from experience with a case study in order to learn about:

• the context and objectives of the training (Module 1),

• the concept of climate change and relevance for infrastructure investment (Module 2),
• the concept and need for user friendly climate services (Module 3),
• the methodological approach of climate proofing developed by GIZ based on the OECD Policy
Guidance “Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Development Co-operation” published in
20091 (Module 4),

and supported by:

• the brief description of the fictitious case of Metropolis City (Annex 1) which serves as a reference
case for the exercises, and
• the glossary which explains terminology and concepts used in this handbook (Annex 2).

All sub-chapters of modules 2 to 4 are structured the same and facilitate easy cross-reference between
the different modules:

Content guide Content

1. Skills and knowledge Description of enhanced skills and knowledge
2. Context Brief description of relevance of the topic complemented by
3. Concept Brief description of methodological approach complemented
by PPT
4. Exercise Application of methods and tools in a simplified training
5. Guiding questions for reflection Recap of lessons learnt during exercise and application to real
6. Take away messages Examples of key messages from the learning process
7. References List of cited and recommended literature
8. Personal notes Open space for personal notes, e.g. further key messages

Figures, tables and photos illustrate the messages of the text and refer to selected slides of the Powerpoint
Presentations of this training. Finally, this handbook uses boxes to display supporting information.

Source: summary available at

Module 1. Introduction to the Training
1.1 Background
Infrastructure adapted to the impacts of climate change is one of the United Nations Sustainable
Development Goals. Developing countries and emerging economies are investing billions in durable
transport and energy infrastructure every year. However, they often fail to take account of future climate
change in their planning. As a result, new infrastructure projects are being implemented without taking
into account climate change risks. This leads to high potential for damage, loss and misguided investment
with potentially serious consequences for the economy and society.

A number of countries, such as the IsDB member countries, have already launched efforts to increase the
resilience of their infrastructure and have included infrastructure climate risk management in their
National Adaptation Plans (NAP). For implementing their NAPs, the partner countries’ are required to
establish Climate Services that are aligned to the requirements of decision-making and planning processes.
A few international initiatives have begun to address this challenge, including the Global Framework for
Climate Services (GFCS).

Also, the IsDB is committed to engage in the implementation of the Paris Agreement and support the
implementation of NAPs in their member countries. With IsDBs objective of large scale investments in
climate resilient transport and energy infrastructure, the climate proofing of infrastructure investments
throughout the entire investment cycle play an important role. Figure & Table 1 shows different decision-
making contexts of climate proofing. These are represented through the different phases of the
infrastructure investment process.

Figure 1: Generic illustration of Infrastructure Investment Process (upstream & downstream)

Especially, project managers of the IsDB need to develop their competence towards initiating and gearing
such processes to arrive at climate resilient investment projects. The introduction and institutionalization
of mechanisms, procedures, and tools for climate proofing is not a trivial task and involves changing
operational procedures, and defining new roles and responsibilities.

The training will put emphasis in gaining in-depth knowledge about the entry points of climate proofing in
the infrastructure investment process and will elaborated on the uniqueness of climate proofing
requirements within each of the different investment steps. Awareness and technical knowledge on
climate proofing of transport and energy related projects will create more ownership and competence for
the preparation of bankable infrastructure projects.

1.2 Objectives of the training and learning objectives

The overall objective of the training course is to promote awareness about the topic of climate proofing
of infrastructure investments amongst PLTs of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB). The training approach
focuses on institutional/policy/governance related, as well as technical/methodological related aspects of
climate proofing of infrastructure projects in the transport & energy sector. PLTs shall understand the
technical and procedural climate proofing requirements that project developers of government agencies
need to accomplish and follow in order to develop real bankable climate proofed infrastructure projects.
Thereby, rising awareness about roles and responsibilities on behalf of IsDB’s staff as well as national
government staff shall be enhanced. The suggested didactic methods and tools support adult learning

To sum up, the overall objectives of the training are:

• Enhancing awareness of PLT’s on the facts of climate change – no chance for climate sceptics.
• Familiarize PTLs with the recently approved IsDB Climate Change, Transport, and Energy Policies
and their expected impacts on the overall bank work and direction;
• Enhance awareness of the new IsDB business process (for projects and upstream country dialogue)
and the role of Global practices (Climate Change, Energy and Transport) working with hubs.
Familiarize PTLs with the climate change implementation framework and action plan;
• Enhancing professional capacity on the concept of Climate Proofing of Infrastructure investments
and its practical implications for project development and implementation;
• Enhancing awareness on capacity and resource requirements for conducting climate proofing;
• Enhancing awareness on how to utilize climate services & information for evidence based and
resource sensitive climate proofing of infrastructure;
• Enhancing awareness on roles and responsibilities as well as stakeholder involvement in process
of climate proofing of infrastructure projects;
• Agreement on strategic entry points for the IsDB to become a champion in granting bankable and
climate proofed infrastructure projects;
• to become aware of challenges and enabling factors for the effective use of Climate Services in the
context of Climate Proofing infrastructure investment;
• to learn to think in systems and understand in this context the importance of climate value chains
and Climate Service products for climate change adaptation which involves the technical,
organizational and institutional levels;
• to become aware how to balance interests of different stakeholder groups;

• to be able to reflect on applying Climate Proofing into infrastructure investment projects,
strategies and plans in their own specific contexts.

Within the framework of the Project “Climate Services for Infrastructure investment (CSI)”, implemented
by GIZ, and with support of NIRAS – IP Consult GmbH the CSI Training was developed. It follows the Climate
Proofing method originally developed by GIZ based in the Guidelines Integrating Climate Change
Adaptation into Development Cooperation (OECD 2009).

1.3 Overview of methods and tools

Human Capacity Development is driven by individual interests which finally contribute to change processes at organizational and
institutional level. Professionals who have the mandate to participate actively in these processes are most likely to become effective
players if they are motivated, well informed and capable to face new challenges even under conditions of uncertainty.
The training mainly applies the didactic approach of participatory action learning. This implies that trainees
assume responsibilities for the development of their training, learn from their own and other participants’
experiences developed during the training and construct new skills and knowledge reflecting their new
experiences against their previous capacities. The trainers turn into learning process facilitators who
introduce into new subjects and methods, while they might seek support from expert presentations,
training materials including all information available through internet research. A combination of didactic
methods allows to learn with strong emotions which favors the adoption of lessons learnt.

The core approach of the training is working on a specific case with guiding questions. These allow to
explore the case systematically, discuss ideas with peer expert groups, present and reflect on the findings
as compared to their real working environment, thus, learn about the potential and challenges of the
methodological approach. This handbook works with the fictitious case of Metropolis City and the
Millennium Bridge Project, a case deduced from real-life conditions and challenges, but simplified for the
training context. The fictitious case allows trainees to dig into the matter without direct interests and
concerns from their own work context. Nevertheless, the methodology can be applied to a real case, yet
this involves further preparation in advance of the training in order to gather and process necessary
information according to the fictitious example.

All steps of exploring the case study follow the same sequence:

1. The introduction, given by the trainer, provides the necessary theoretical background and
introduces trainees to the casework.
2. The casework gives trainees the opportunity to work through the different aspects linked to
Climate Proofing Infrastructure Investment in a systematic manner. Trainees assume the roles of
‘case work experts’ in charge of the specific module’s task.
3. The presentation of results is the opportunity for ‘case work experts’ to show their results to the
plenary, share experiences and foster mutual learning. Trainers offer alternatives and remarks
when necessary.
4. In a final reflection, the trainees reassume their own real-life position. They reflect on their
experiences and link them to their own work in order to make the newly gained knowledge more
applicable. Trainers support through guiding questions.

The training is part of a longer-term advisory process aiming at enhancing Climate Services for sustainable
infrastructure investment. Based on a stocktaking capacity needs assessment among decision makers and
participants, the training program may be tailored to the expressed needs. Each module can even be used
independently for a specific training context depending on the focus of the capacity development event.
In this regard, the training most likely is not perceived as a single event, but may consist of several training
and advisory workshops from awareness raising to understanding the full methodological approach of
enhancing Climate Services for sustainable climate proofing of (public) infrastructure investment.

This present Trainee Handbook is a source for participants before, during and after the training. Although
it could be used as a stand-alone publication and will always benefit from further instructions and
explanations by the trainers and the complementary presentations.

Module 2. Concept of climate change and relevance for infrastructure

2.1 Introduction to climate change
Climate Change is a factor to take into account when looking into the next years and decades. In order to be able to discuss
climate change, it is important to understand basic climate-related vocabulary. While global average temperatures are rising,
the effects in single regions or localities can strongly differ one from another. From this starting point, understanding what
different sources of climate data and information actually are saying becomes a crucial matter, also to later assess further
potential biophysical and socioeconomic impacts of climate change. A tool to assess the probability for changing trends in
climate parameters is fundamental to start exploring first elements of climate risk in territories.
2.1.1 Skills and knowledge
• The trainee understands what climate change is and is able to reflect on interactions between
climate change and other topics/sectors.
• The trainee understands differences between different climate change related concepts and
• The trainee is able to identify the context of climate change within specific Climate Change

• The trainee is able to understand climate change information and to evaluate it according to
trends and consistency.

2.1.2 Context: Climate Change impacts – from emissions to socio-economic impacts and the
implications of uncertainty for decision making
Climate is what we expect, weather is what we get.”
Robert Henlein, Novelist, “The Notebooks of Lazarus long”

Climate Change has become a buzzword in
Box 2.1.1
our society. However, often even experts do
not necessarily understand the difference
between the term climate change and Glossary
related terms, like weather and climate (for
definitions, see Box 2.1.1). Weather can be described as “the state of the atmosphere in a specific
moment, with regard to factors like temperature, humidity, wind, etc.
In a nutshell, weather is the current state of Weather refers, consequently, to meteorological conditions identified in
the atmosphere, while climate is the a specific short period (e.g., one day) in a defined region. ”1
average weather over a period of time. This
climate can vary around the average, being “Climate in a narrow sense is usually defined as the average weather,
or more rigorously, as the statistical description in terms of the mean
this variability still part of the climate
and variability of relevant quantities over a period of time ranging from
pattern. Climate change, in contrast, is months to thousands or millions of years. The classical period for
described as a permanent change in climate averaging these variables is 30 years, as defined by the World
patterns beyond normal variability. Meteorological Organization. ”1
Greenhouse gas emissions Climate variability “refers to variations in the mean state and other
statistics (such as standard deviations, the occurrence of extremes,
The main factor to maintain stable average etc.) of the climate on all spatial and temporal scales beyond that of
temperatures – and therefore, stable individual weather events. ”1
climates – in our planet is the so-called
Climate change is defined as “a change in the state of the climate that
greenhouse effect, detailed in Figure 2.1.1.
can be identified (e.g., by using statistical tests) by changes in the mean
It is described as the re-reflection of infra-
and/or the variability of its properties and that persists for an extended
red energy emitted by the Earth’s surface
period, typically decades or longer.“ (IPCC 2014)
back to the Earth, either by clouds or by so-
called greenhouse-gases (GHG), like water
vapor (H2O), carbon-dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (NO2), ozone (O3), and others. In pre-
industrial times, these greenhouse gases guaranteed an average temperature on the Earth surface of 14°
Since the Industrial Revolution in the 1750s,
due to increased emission of greenhouse
gases and therefore their concentration in the
atmosphere, the average temperature in the
planet has shown a tendency to increase.
According to the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC), the United Nations
body for assessing the science related to
climate change, the main drivers for
greenhouse gas emissions have been burning
of fossil fuels and industrial processes, as well
as deforestation and land use change. Higher
temperatures lead also to a higher tendency
for evapotranspiration in the atmosphere
what again potentiates the Greenhouse
Figure 2.1.1: The Greenhouse Effect. Source: Effect.

Table 2.1.1: The RCP scenarios

Emissions of greenhouse gases are not equally distributed in RCP 2.6: radiative forcing of 2.6 W/ m2,
the world. They vary according to emitting activities in peeking between 2010 and 2020, with
different regions. Based on historic emissions and their substantial decline afterwards.
consequences, scientists develop studies to assess how the RCP 4.5: radiative forcing of 4.5 W/ m2,
climate may evolve in the future. This analysis is made peeking around 2040, with subsequent
following different emission scenarios that take into account decline
factors like demographic growth, soil use patterns, energy RCP 6: radiative forcing of 6.0 W/ m2,
consumption, and technological change, among others. In its peeking around 2080, with subsequent
fifth Assessment Report (AR5), the IPCC (2014) presents four decline
different possible scenarios for the year 2100. They are RCP 8.5: radiative forcing of 8.5 W/ m2
characterized by Representative Concentration Pathways or more in 2100, without any reduction
(RCPs) that describe four possibilities for concentration of of greenhouse gases during the whole
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which indicate 21st Century
modifications in the balance of radiation for the planet. The
denominations of the scenarios refer, thus, to the radiative forcing values in the year 2100 relative to pre-
industrial values (e.g. +6.0 W/m2), as summed up in the table 2.1.1 (Schloenvoigt et. al., 2018).
Climate change signals and scenarios
From all four scenarios, only RCP 2.6, that presupposes a rigorous cut in emissions, leads to a limited global
temperature rise of 2° C by the year 2100, as compared to pre-industrial times. All other three scenarios
lead to substantially higher average global temperatures.
In turn, the prediction on how the climate may respond to different development conditions is done with
the support of climate models. These are numeric models that represent physical processes in the
atmosphere, the oceans, the glaciers, and the terrestrial surface in certain regions and time frames which
are developed and applied via computer technology. Although all models represent a certain level of
uncertainty due to the difficulty to model certain physical processes and, e.g., technological restrictions,
these models are currently the most advanced tools to simulate climate systems response to greenhouse
gas concentrations in the atmosphere. Figure 2.1.2 shows two climate change projections for temperature,
comparing the periods 1986-2005 and 20181-2100, considering scenarios RCP 2.6 and RCP 8.5
(Schloenvoigt et. al. 2018, IPCC 2013).

Figure 2.1.2: Change in average surface temperature (2081-2100, compared to 1986-2005). Source: IPCC 2013

When talking about changes in different climate parameters due to climate change, it is important to
highlight that changes across the planet are irregular. Global climate models (GCMs) divide the Earth’s
surface and atmosphere into grids that represent computational units. These GCMs deliver simulations of
changes in climate in different regions due to changing concentration of greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere. However, GCMs just represent the physical atmospheric and oceanic processes. Earth system
models (ESMs) additionally include chemical and biological processes, like e.g. the carbon cycle and
dynamic vegetation, pursuing to represent all relevant aspects of the Earth system (Climateurope, 2019).
Both GCMs and ESMs mostly work with quite large grids (typically between 1 and 5 degrees in latitude or
longitude), making them often not accurately enough for decision makers on the regional or even local
level. For this reason, climate scientists develop regional climate models (RCMs) that downscale GCMs to
a section of the Earth. Thanks to increasingly powerful supercomputers, these regional climate models
nowadays are able to work with a grid resolution of up to 1x1 Km.
In addition to climate models that look into the future, it is also possible to analyze climate-related trends
by analyzing historic data (of preferably at least 30 years), like e.g. temperature or sea level. Trends in the
past can also indicate possible trends in the future. When quantitative data is not available, qualitative
data, like e.g. expert interviews or news clippings, can deliver relevant trends.

Climate effects and biophysical / socio-economic impacts
Although effects of climate change can be
observed directly, as e.g. the melting of
glaciers due to rise in temperature, some
consequences of this change are only
perceived indirectly: e.g., the melted ice
leads to sea-level rise, and this leads to
changes in coastal dynamics, causing
migration, and further on. These sets of
cascading effects are also called impact
chains: different climate change signals
(direct climate change manifestations) lead
to a series of effects (direct results from this Figure 2.1.3: Impact chains caused by climate change signals and effects
change) and, finally, their impacts (their (adapted from Schloenvoigt et. al., 2018)
direct and indirect consequences), which
can be both biophysical and socioeconomic. Climate change signals can also be interpreted as climate
effects, depending on the impact chain under analysis (Schloenvoigt et. al., 2018; see also Figure 2.1.3).

Figure 2.1.4: Impacts for specific natural, managed and human systems. Source: Hoegh-Guldenberg et al. (2018), p 252

Impacts tend to spread along the impact chains, potentially impacting humans and their livelihoods (Figure
2.1.4; see also Chapter 4.2). From a global perspective, some impacts related to climate change can already
be observed with regard to an increased occurrence of extreme weather events (like windstorms and hail),
to the availability of water resources in sufficient quantity and quality, to change in population dynamics
and patterns of aquatic and terrestrial organisms, to the occurrence of water and vector borne diseases,
and to change in the productivity of food crops. It is worth remembering that also positive impacts can be
attributed to climate change, like e.g. crops that are favored by new temperature and precipitation
patterns in certain regions. However, globally, negative impacts of climate change on food crops exceed
positive impacts (Schloenvoigt et. al., 2018; IPCC, 2014).
Cascade of uncertainty and implications for decision making
Due to uncertainties in climate projections, climate data and information always need to consider
agreement on trends and evidence, in order to be able to estimate the likelihood of a trend or event in a
certain location or region (see Box 2.1.2).

Figure 2.1.5: The cascade of uncertainty. Source: Wilby & Dessai, 2010

Uncertainties regarding climate projections increase with the future time spell of projection they cover.
This mainly has to do with a cascade of assumptions that then lead to new assumptions. A schematic of a
cascade of uncertainty is shown in Figure 2.1.5, illustrating various steps of a ‘top-down’ assessment of
climate risks, starting from uncertainties regarding future societies, which then lead to GHG emissions
affecting GCM circulations and therefore regional scenarios, what again leads to regional and local impact
models, which would be the basis of adaptation responses.
While this approach leads to overwhelming uncertainties with regards to adaptation decisions, it also helps
to discuss the need of understanding these uncertainties, eventually leading to invest into ‘low-regret’
adaptation measures that have a positive effect even if climate change does not impact as expected.

Box 2.1.2

Communication of the Degree of Certainty in Assessment Findings

“Based on the Guidance Note for Lead Authors of the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report on Consistent Treatment of Uncertainties, the WGII AR5
relies on two metrics for communicating the degree of certainty in key findings:

• Confidence in the validity of a finding, based on the type, amount, quality, and consistency of evidence (e.g., data, mechanistic
understanding, theory, models, expert judgment) and the degree of agreement. Confidence is expressed qualitatively.
• Quantified measures of uncertainty in a finding expressed probabilistically (based on statistical analysis of observations or
model results, or both, and expert judgment).

Each finding has its foundation in evaluation of associated evidence and agreement. The summary terms to describe evidence are: limited,
medium, or robust; and agreement: low, medium, or high. These terms are presented with some key findings. In many cases, assessment
authors in addition evaluate their confidence about the validity of a finding, providing a synthesis of the evaluation of evidence and
agreement. Levels of confidence include five qualifiers: very low, low, medium, high, and very high. Box TS.3 Figure 1 illustrates the flexible
relationship between the summary terms for evidence and agreement and the confidence metric. For a given evidence and agreement
statement, different confidence levels could be assigned, but increasing levels of evidence and degrees of agreement are correlated with
increasing confidence.

Figure 2.1.7: Evidence and agreement statements

and their relationship to confidence. Generally,
evidence is most robust when there are multiple,
consistent independent lines of high-quality

When assessment authors evaluate the likelihood, or probability, of some well-defined outcome having occurred or occurring in the
future, a finding can include likelihood terms (see below) or a more precise presentation of probability. Use of likelihood is not an
alternative to use of confidence. Unless otherwise indicated, findings assigned a likelihood term are associated with high or very high

Term Likelihood of the outcome

Virtually certain 99–100% probability
Extremely likely 95–100% probability
Very likely 90–100% probability
Likely 66–100% probability
More likely than not >50–100% probability
About as likely as not 33–66% probability
Unlikely 0–33% probability
Very unlikely 0–10% probability
Extremely unlikely 0–5% probability
Exceptionally unlikely 0–1% probability

Where appropriate, findings are also formulated as statements of fact without using uncertainty qualifiers.” (IPCC, 2014:59)

2.1.3 Exercise: Interpretation of historic climate data and climate projections
Learning Objective
You will learn how to do interpret different available climate data in order to identify how different climate
parameter have been changing in the past or may change in the future.

Content and main tasks

• Assessing different types of climate data and climate information.
 Definition of existing data and information
• Assessing trends for different climate change signals and climate effects.
 Definition of the strength of relevant trends.
• Assessing the strength of evidence of available climate data and information for different
climate change signals and effects.
 Rapid assessment of type, amount, quality and consistency of available climate data and
• Identifying climate events with a relevant probability of occurrence.
 Calculation of agreement in trends vs evidence.
• Discuss on next steps:
 Which impact chains should be further explored, departing from relevant climate trends?
Case description

For the following case study, you can use any set of different climate data and information related to your
project region, no matter if from GCMs, ESMs, RCMs, historic quantitative or qualitative data. If you don’t
have any specific case study at hand, you may refer to the Metropolis case and select the following climate
information, detailed in Annex 1.

Your specific tasks

First, agree with 2-4 peers to work

with as a team.

Second, read the instructions

carefully and in case of doubts,
first ask your fellows or - if still
necessary - the trainers.

Third, guide your analysis with the

following questions and draft
your answers based on the
climate data and information that
is available. Use a pin board and
moderation cards to assess all relevant aspects for each source of information (e.g. climate models,
statistical models, time series, news clippings, etc.):
1. Identify which sources of information address which climate parameter or event, and group them
accordingly (e.g. early precipitation).
2. Identify which type of climate information or data this source addresses, e.g. GCM, historical data,
news clippings, etc.
3. Name the publisher and source of the climate data or information. This is relevant to assess the
confidence on the source.
4. Assess the quality of climate data. Are projections following the state of the art? Are grids sharp
enough for the analyzed region? Are there some years of historic data recording missing? Did
instruments used for data recording follow technical standards? Is meta data provided?
5. For each climate parameter, assess the level of robustness of available climate data and
information in a scale of 0 (virtually no robustness) to 7 (very robust data and information). Use
expert discussion to reach a result. Outside the training, inform yourself on different benchmarks

Matrix 2.1.1. Results of Interpretation and Robustness Assessment of Climate Data

(results for illustration only)

Climate Type of Source of Quality of Consistency of Level of

parameters climate data Climate data climate data climate data robustness
Annual precipitation Historical National Good quality, 53 Good consistency, 7
weather data in Meteorological years of data no change in
Metropolis Institute with no gaps, location on
measuring 4 measuring
times per day equipment
Global Climate Met Office UK Good quality, Good consistency, 5
Models: although only in but only three
HadGEM2, MIROC, grids of 150x150 models and one
and CanCM4, for Km scenario
RCP 4.5
RCP of HadGEM2, Met Office UK Good quality, in Good consistency, 4
for RCP 4.5 grids of 5x5 Km but only one model
and one scenario
Literature review Global Climate Good quality, Good consistency, 6
Change Journal reviewing several climate
several climate models used, but
models for RCP only one scenario
Heat waves … …

6. In a second matrix, identify first again the addressed climate parameter.

7. In the following columns, place the sets of climate data and information, grouped by type of
climate data (, e.g. GCM, historical data, news clippings, etc.).

8. Place under each type of climate data and information the level of robustness identified before. If
you had different sources of climate data or information for each type, calculate the average. This
number corresponds to the weighting.
9. For each type of climate data assess what kind of trend is shown for your region of interest, as
shown in Matrix 2.1.2. Use “+1” for a trend to increase, “-1” for a trend to decrease, and “0” for
no trend of change for the climate parameter. Include a written description to justify your choice.
The reason of focusing on trends has to do with the fact that climate information rarely show 100%
concordance, what can be the result of using different climate models or scenarios, or gathering
different type of data. For this reason, focusing on trends are at least an indicator for tendencies.
10. Sum up the weighted number for each source within each climate parameter, counting increasing
trends as positive, and decreasing trends as negative. When there is no trend or there is
uncertainty about the trend, this is not counted.
11. Sum up all calculated figures for each climate parameter.
12. Finally, compare final scores for each climate parameter. The higher the score (both negatively
and positively), the stronger a climate trend can be considered.
13. Discuss within your group how strong the trend concordance is in a scale from 0 (no trend
concordance at all) to 7 (virtually perfect trend concordance) and place this figure under the final

Matrix 2.1.2. Results of Interpretation of Trends of Climate Data

Climate Historical Global Climate RCP of Literature Trend

parameters weather data Model, HadGEM2, for review (6) (final
addressed in Metropolis HadGEM2, for RCP 4.5 (5) score)
(7) RCP 4.5 (4)
Annual precipitation +1 (an average of 0 (no perceived -1 (an average of - +1 (an average of 7+0-5+6 =
+0,2 mm/year) change) 0,1 mm/year until 0,3 mm/year +8
2100) until 2050)
(+1)*7 = +7 0*4 = 0 (-1)*5 = -5 (+1)*6 = +6 concordance:
Heat waves … … … … +18


14. Multiply the information generated in Matrix 2.1.1 (robustness of available climate data and
information) with Matrix 2.1.2 (trend concordance of available climate data and information).
15. The result of the multiplication gives you a feeling of the probability for the occurrence of
climate parameter trends, as exemplified in Matrix 2.1.3.

Matrix 2.1.3. Results of Interpretation of Probability of Climate Parameter Trends

2.1.4 Guiding questions for reflection

• Where do users obtain the climate data and climate information they need for decision making?
• Which kind of climate data and climate information is needed to assess future impact of climate
• Who should be invited to assess climate data and information?
• What are relevant criteria for climate data robustness? Are the criteria different, depending on
parameters and sources?
• What can users do if available climate data is not helpful enough for decision making, e.g.
because they are not sufficient or the robustness is poor?
• What are the results of the interpretation of the probability of climate parameter trends useful

2.1.5 Take away messages

• Climate change is an issue that affects societies and their livelihoods now, and it will affect even
more in the future, depending on how greenhouse gases concentrate in the atmosphere in the
following years.
• It is uncertain how the climate will evolve in the next years and decades, but societies need to be
prepared for this change.
• Climate change affects different regions with different intensity. Even within regions impacts of
climate parameter can be different.
• Climate information helps to assess how climate parameter are changing and may change in the
future. Accessing different sources of climate data and information helps to confirm eventually
identified trends.
• The probability for climate change-related events to happen is connected to the clearness of
trends and the robustness of available and accessed climate data and information.

• Climate parameters and effects lead to (bio-)physical and socioeconomic impacts. They can be
determined by applying impact chains.

2.1.6 References

Climateurope 2019. Earth System Modeling, a definition.

modeling-a-definition/ (accessed 31.01.2019).

IPCC 2013. Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth
Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Stocker, T.F., D. Qin, G.- K.
Plattner, M. Tignor, S.K. Allen, J. Boschung, A. Nauels, Y. Xia, V. Bex, P. M. Midgley (eds.)].
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, 1535 pp.

IPCC 2014. Climate Change 2014: Synthesis Report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the
Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Core Writing Team,
R.K. Pachauri, L.A. Meyer (eds.)]. IPCC, Geneva, Switzerland, 151 pp.

Schloenvoigt, A., C. Fernandes, J. Viezzer, L. Borgmann, M. Becher, P. Betti, and T. C. Schneider 2018.
Integração da Adaptação baseada em Ecossistemas (AbE) no planejamento do desenvolvimento.
Uma formação orientada para a prática, baseada no Guia de Políticas da OCDE. Apostila do Curso.
Ministério do Meio Ambiente and GIZ, Brasília.

Wilby, RL, Harris, I. 2006. A framework for assessing uncertainties in climate change impacts: low flow
scenarios for the River Thames, UK. Water Resour. Res. 42: W02419.

2.1.7 Personal notes

2.2 Climate Change and Public Infrastructure Investment
Climate Change is a factor which will affect current and future investment into public infrastructure. The Nationally
Determined Contributions to the Paris Agreement (NDCs) or the National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) set goals at national levels
which are entry points to discuss the need for integrating adaptation to climate change into infrastructure investment
planning. These entry points go beyond engineering options for a given infrastructure project. At governance level, the interest
is in achieving the goals of these policy instruments, thus to prioritize projects, funding sources and stakeholder groups who
should take a role in the following processes. To better understand the approach, a Climate Lens is applied at a territory
covered by a given policy framework. This tool supports the identification of infrastructures at risk which should receive
attention soon, key stakeholder groups who should participate in the following processes, the need for climate services and
possible finance from different investor groups.
2.2.1 Skills and knowledge
• The trainee understands the importance of adaptation to climate change for sustainable
infrastructure investments and is able to reflect on the role of climate services and climate

• The trainee is able to identify entry-points for adaptation to climate change in infrastructure
investment planning.

• The trainee is able to identify relevant stakeholder groups who should be involved in detailed
infrastructure investment planning processes.

2.2.2 Context
“We are not on track to meet climate change targets and rein in temperature increases.”
Petteri Taalas, Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization
Climate Change and infrastructure

The 20 warmest years on record have been in the past 22 years, with the top four in the past four years.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concludes that the average global temperature in
the decade prior to 2015 was 0.86 degrees centigrade above pre-industrial levels. Between 2014 and 2018,
this average already has risen to 1.04 degrees centigrade above the pre-industrial baseline. It makes a
difference to the speed of glacier melt, water supplies, and increasing sea level (IPCC 2018).

Every fraction of a degree of warming makes a difference to economic productivity, food security, and to
the resilience of infrastructures and cities. The requirement to accomplish sustainable public infrastructure
investments under conditions of climate change (e.g. mass transportation, energy distribution and coastal
protection) is more challenging and urgent than ever: Unless the world embarks on large-scale economic
transformation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, in approximately 10 years, average world
temperatures will increase by 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels. This will put added stress on the
aging infrastructure over time. Sea level rise and storm surge, in combination with the development in
coastal areas, already represent a threat to infrastructures such as roads, buildings, ports, and energy
facilities. Floods along the rivers and on lakes, following heavy downpours and prolonged rains, damage
infrastructure in urban and rural areas. In addition, extreme heat causes damages to transportation
infrastructure such as roads, bridges and energy supply systems.

Every dimension of the climate change and infrastructure investment agenda must shift from business
as usual to climate proofed. Therefore, the sustainability of investment for maintenance of existing or
planning of new infrastructures depends on the Box
consideration of projected climate change effects, including
sea level rise, storm surge, and extreme weather events, in
every step of the infrastructure investment planning cycle. Climate Proofing
Funding a Resilient Transformation “Climate Proofing […] is a methodological approach
aimed at incorporating issues of climate change
Budget constraints mean that governments already struggle
into […] planning. It enables […] measures to be
to keep up with the need for infrastructure investments.
analysed with regard to the current and future
According to OECD, 95 trillion USD will need to be invested challenges and opportunities presented by climate
into infrastructure until 2030 (OECD (2017). Making existing change. It can be applied at national, sectoral, local
and new infrastructure resilient towards climate change will and project level, and is making [all kinds of]
require additional funding for adaptation, not only in terms measures on these levels more efficient and
of costs for adaptation measures but also as Climate Risk resilient. Climate Proofing […] offers a means of
Management requires additional, or the redistribution of identifying and prioritising options for action when
adapting planning to climate change and when
existing resources. It also means that priorities for how
reviewing priorities. The approach can be applied in
money is spent on infrastructure need to change in order to the planning phase or when revising plans. Properly
ensure the money spent unfolds its full potential in terms of implemented, it makes a given plan or investment
furthering sustainable development. more ‘climate-proof’.” (Hahn, M. and A. Fröde (2011):
Climate Proofing for Development. Adapting to
Instead of following incremental adaptation approaches, Climate Change, Reducing Risk. GIZ, Eschborn.
the mainstreaming and institutionalization of processes of
climate proofing in the infrastructure investment cycle is a key factor for ensuring enough funding for
adaptation. It does not only offer cost-saving potentials (e.g. by already addressing climate-risks in land
use planning which reduces resource requirements for building back better operations of infrastructure
assets in post-disaster recovery processes) it also offers the potential of reaping co-benefits.

The effort to measure the impact of climate resilient investment is important for quantifying the benefit
to investors. The multilateral development banks (including the World Bank, the Inter-American
Development Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) are developing common
principles for climate resilience metrics for their investments, while the ratings agency Standard & Poor’s
is also working on metrics to quantify the impact of resilience investment (Baum and Davies 2017).

Private Sector as key stakeholder for ensuring climate-resilient infrastructure

The private sector plays an essential role in the climate proofing of infrastructure. On the one hand, the
private sector is a major beneficiary of a well-functioning infrastructure system. Reliable, climate-resilient
infrastructure substantially contributes to reducing business risks, making a given location more attractive
for private sector investment. On the other hand, the private sector is itself involved in planning and
managing infrastructure. The interdependencies between infrastructures and the criticality of some
privately-owned ones, such as communication infrastructure, means that for the resilience of society, the
private sector needs to be involved in any climate proofing efforts.

2.2.3 Concept: Entry points for adaptation to climate
change in sustainable infrastructure investments Box 2.2.2
National political climate change frameworks and sector
crosscutting cooperation in disaster risk reduction are important
entry points to consider adaptation to climate change in public
The case of Costa Rica
infrastructure investment. Costa Rica is aware of climate change and related
effects and adopted a National Climate Change
Policy Framework for Climate Resilient Infrastructure
Strategy (NCCS) in 2006. The adaptation of public
Countries which are committed to the Paris Agreement (2015) of infrastructure to climate change is highlighted in the
the UNFCCC and approved the guidelines for implementation in Intended Nationally Determined Contributions
(INDCs 2015). One goal until 2020 is the utilization of
2018 set the national framework for selected economic, social
methods for the identification and prevention of
and environmental sectors. Economic and social wellbeing infrastructure vulnerability as well as the
depend on climate resilient public infrastructure, namely roads, development of a respective monitoring system. The
bridges, airport runways, electricity assets, seawalls, damns or National Adaptation Policy was decreed in July 2018.
others which fulfill protective or communicative tasks. National Selected goals are:
Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and Mitigation Plans (NMPs) shall be
• Strengthening of norms and guidelines for
integrated into the national framework which facilitates the public investment with criteria of adaptation
achievement of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). to Climate Change that guarantee the design
Finally, all sectors of a country, including infrastructure, have to of infrastructures and adapted services and
present their own strategies, plans, programs and projects ensure their utility and continuity of
addressing these NDCs. services.
• Protection of public infrastructure, through
Entry points to mainstream adaptation to climate change in appropriate risk assessment and the
infrastructure investment adoption of protection mechanisms ensuring
the robustness of infrastructure works.
The first entry point is during the formulation of policies and plans • Implementation of an open climate data
(Phase 1, Fig. 2.2.1). Here, climate scoping helps to identify if the policy by 2020.
policy’s or plan’s targets are endangered by climate risk. Project • Enabling information platforms and climate
preparation (Phase 2, Fig. 2.2.1) offers entry points for climate services, […], in order to collect data and
proofing like allocating specific funding to climate change generate and disseminate climate scenarios
at the necessary scales that facilitate a
adaptation. In project development (Phase 3, Fig. 2.2.1),
better decision-making and guide adaptation
incorporating a component-based climate risk assessment (see actions within the framework of public and
chapter 4.2) as part of the environmental and social assessment universal access information systems.
can contribute to reducing climate risk. In the financing phase • Promotion of scientific research, systematic
(Phase 4, Fig. 2.2.1), climate criteria would be part of the data collection and current and prospective
safeguards applicable to infrastructure project finance. During analysis of information on impacts, losses
project implementation (Phase 5, Fig. 2.2.1), climate change and damages due to hydro-meteorological
criteria could be decisive in the selection of construction bids, threats, as well as quantifying and analyzing
costs, opportunities and social benefits
based on a procurement framework that incorporates climate
associated with Climate Change adaptation
criteria. During operation (Phase 6, Fig. 2.2.1), resilience to measures in different sectors for decision-
climate change criteria can prove decisively in monitoring, with making.
the results of monitoring feeding back and forward into the
process both of planning new as well as the operation and Further details, watch
maintenance of existing infrastructure. While the policy and Source: GIZ-DWD 2018
sector level are the focus of this sub-chapter, the project level will
be followed up in depth in chapter 4.
Figure 2.2.6: Climate Proofing entry points in infrastructure investment

Climate Services - Effective Cooperation as basis for evidence-based decision making

The elaboration of tailor-made climate information provides the opportunity for evidence-based
decision making in each of the optional entry points for climate proofing in the different phases
of the infrastructure investment cycle. More than ever before, the successful implementation
of climate proofing of infrastructure depends on Climate Services and the regulation that
stimulates the demand for Climate Services.

The elaboration and tailoring of climate information products require effective cooperation and
institutionalized arrangements across sectors, between the stakeholders involved in the
planning and operation of infrastructure as well as the providers of Climate Services (e.g. risk
assessments). Thereby, processes of co-design of climate knowledge products, the sharing of
resources and knowledge still has great potential for efficiency gains. These will be achieved by
making data as well as existing Climate Service products centrally accessible; and avoiding the
duplication of efforts by different actors working in the same sectors.

However, so far meteorological and hydrological data bases are dispersed; and comprehensive
catalogues of available Climate Services are virtually non-existent. This and other challenges lead
to the fact that the co-production and use of Climate Services in infrastructure investments are
not yet well established. Although, in the agricultural sector Climate Services are already part of
agricultural advisory services (especially in the area of now-casting, as well as short-term and
seasonal forecasting), Climate Service that allow climate predictions (long-term) based on the
established live cycle of an infrastructure are the exception.

2.2.4 Exercise: Climate information for decision making

Learning objectives
1. You will learn how uncertainty related to climate change affects investment-related decision-
making under this kind of uncertainty.
2. You will experience how investments get increasingly endangered due to climate-change.
3. You will experience the value of proper climate information in decision-making, and how they
contribute to reduce climate related risks of loss and damage.
4. You will understand how adaptation measures help to reduce your climate-related risks of
adverse impacts.

Content and main tasks

• Getting into the role of a decision-maker facing climate risk in the context of
infrastructure development.
 Challenge definition
• Making decisions on risk-mitigating measures.
 Decision-making under uncertainty.
• Setting the price to purchase by auction climate information.
 Investment decisions towards needs-adapted Climate Services.
• Setting the price to purchase by auction climate-proofing services.
 Investment decisions towards climate-proofed infrastructure.
• Experiencing how climate change modifies risk patterns of infrastructure
Table 2.2.1 Results sheet for Exercise

Decision: mark Rainfall

1 option Regional Local

1 Offered _____ beans at

the Climate Service

Did your team win the

3 Climate Service auction?
(yes/no) ___________

Offered _______ beans at
the climate-proofing
5 auction.

Did your team win the

climate-proofing auction?



Method: Learning from experience with a case study
This is an activity that simulates decision-making processes under uncertainty (based on Red
Cross Red Crescent 2014). You are Infrastructure Delegates, each one placed in different cities
and different states of the fictitious South Country. As each state of South Country has a total of
three cities, participants will sit in teams of three players. While consultation with team
members is encouraged, each participant’s decisions are individual decisions.

The task of you and your colleagues as Infrastructure Delegates is to keep the infrastructure in
your cities working, no matter how the weather or the climate is like.

The exercise will be directed by the trainer, based on the Trainer Handbook. Please use Table
2.2.1 as indicated by the trainer.

2.2.5 Take away messages

• Infrastructure investment might be under threat due to climate change related effects.
For this means, it is key to take climate change into consideration when planning to
invest in infrastructure.
• Different infrastructure investment frameworks and cycles require different kinds of
Climate Services. Climate Service needs may vary regarding
o the context of use. i.e. sector,
o the type of decision which needs to be made based on this climate information
(e.g. planning investments, mainstreaming climate change into pre-feasibility
and feasibility studies, developing new building codes and standards etc.),
o the decision-maker and his/her demands regarding the three dimensions of CS
(user type),
o the characteristics of the climate-value chain for the specific CS product, i.e. the
kind of stakeholders who are involved.
• The context of use may have consequences on the required temporal and spatial
resolution, time-frame of projections, accuracy/uncertainty of projections, the tailoring
and provision of the Climate Service product, required services like guidance and
support as well as access mechanisms and provider-user interaction.
• Competences and requirements of Climate Service “knowledge brokers” who guide the
co-design of Climate Services include communication & social skills, technical skills and
managerial skills.
• User-interfaces for Climate Services can be operationalized and set up on an ad hoc-
basis, or institutionalized as a permanent service within a Climate Service governance
regime (Link to 3.1).

2.2.6 References
GIZ-DWD 2018. Climate Services for the road infrastructure sector in Costa Rica. A baseline
assessment report. GIZ Eschborn/Bonn, Germany

Baum, P. and Davies, C. 2017. Climate change: a global challenge for infrastructure. European
Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD):

IPCC 2018. Summary for Policymakers of IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C
approved by governments. IPCC Newsroom:

OECD (2017): Climate Resilient Infrastructure: Getting Policies right, Environment Working
Paper 121

Meltzer, J. 2018. Sustainable infrastructure investment, climate change, and global

development. Planet Policy:

2.2.7 Personal notes

2.3 IsDB Related Policies
2.3.1 IsDB Climate Change Policy
The IsDB Climate Change Policy recognizes that IsDB member countries are faced with different
types of challenges, and that a country-driven approach will be imperative to ensure the
objectives outlined in this policy are realized. The Policy is anchored on two objectives: (1) to
support IsDB Group MCs in developing climate-resilient and sustainable investment, and (2) to
provide IsDB Group a referential climate policy framework.

These objectives underpin IsDB’s overarching goal, which is reinforced by its 4 Climate Change
Policy Pillars and Guiding Principles (as shown below). The four policy pillars are: (a)
Mainstreaming Climate Action into IsDB’s Operations, (b) Promoting Climate Change Resilience,
(c) Supporting Transition to Green Economy, and (d) Leveraging Resources.

The policy is guided by eight principles: (i) Country-Leadership/Ownership (ii) Selectivity (iii)
Adaptability (iv) Proactivity (v) Capacity Building & Knowledge Sharing (vi) Catalyzing Private
Sector Capital & Institutional Investors (vii) Partnership for Climate Change Action and (viii)
Accounting for Climate Change Action. The policy places significant emphasis on mainstreaming
climate action (SDG 13) in IsDB business activities supported through partnerships, leveraging
and adoption of innovative financing mechanisms for scaling up climate investments.

Policy Overarching
Goal Deepening Sustainable Development
Imperatives for a Better and Safer Planet
Mainstreaming Climate Action

Promoting Climate Change

Supporting Transition to

Leveraging Resources
in Bank’s Operations

Green Economy

Policy Pillars

• Country-Leadership • Selectivity • Adaptability • Proactivity

• Capacity Building & Knowledge Sharing
Guiding Principles • Catalyzing Private Sector Capital & Institutional Investors
• Partnerships for Climate Change Action • Accounting for Climate
Change Action

2.3.2 IsDB Energy Sector Policy
The IsDB Energy Sector Policy establishes the overall direction for IsDB’s energy operations in
Member Countries, in line with the IsDB Articles of Agreement, 10-Year Strategy (10YS) and
reform agenda based on the President’s Five-Year Programme (P5P).

The Policy is anchored on two objectives: (1) Empowerment: the expansion of freedom of choice
and action. It means having increased and (2) Prosperity is the intended outcome of
development based on the five strategic pillars of 10YS. It entails achieving sustained growth in
incomes and means that a good quality of life is shared widely among the population.

These objectives underpin IsDB’s goal, which is reinforced by its 4 Energy Sector Policy Pillars
and Guiding Principles (as shown below). The four policy pillars are: (a) Access, (b) Renewable
Energy, (c) Energy Efficiency, and (d) Knowledge.

The policy is guided by three principles: (i) Country-focused selectivity (ii) PPPs and Islamic
finance, and (iii) Capacity and advocacy. The policy places significant emphasis on Sustainable
Energy for All (SEforAll) to target, among other SDGs, universal access to modern energy by 2030

2.3.3 Transport Sector Policy
The IsDB Transport Sector Policy establishes the overall directions to guide future Bank’s
interventions in the transport sector in Member Countries (MCs). The policy aligns the future
directions of IsDB transport sector operations with overall corporate reform agenda. The Policy
is anchored on two objectives: (1) inclusion (leaving no one behind), and (2) prosperity
(achieving sustained growth in incomes and the quality of life that is shared widely among the

These objectives underpin IsDB’s overarching goal, which is reinforced by its 5 Policy Pillars and
3 Guiding Principles (as shown below). The five policy pillars are: (a) Universal affordable access,
(b) Disaster and post-conflict reconstruction, (c) Efficient transport systems, (d) Regional
connectivity, and (e) Green transport.

The policy is guided by three principles: (i) Knowledge and advocacy (ii) Country-focused
selectivity and (iii) Financing mechanisms including PPPs. The global development agenda for
transport is centered around implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015.
Five SDGs include direct targets for transport covering sustainable infrastructure SDGs (including
rural access, connectivity, climate adaptation and road maintenance). Meanwhile, Seven SDGs
include indirect targets for transport covering the role of transport in agricultural productivity,
access to safe drinking water, mobility within sustainable cities; climate mitigation, climate
adaptation, and reduction of air pollution, food loss and waste.

Module 3. Concept and need for user friendly climate services
3.1 Introduction to Climate Services
3.1.1 Skills and knowledge
• The trainee gains awareness and understanding of the 5 main components of the
concept of Climate Services.
• The trainee understands key issues related to the Climate Service value chain, needed
to construct Climate Service products.
• The trainee gains awareness about the “three dimensions of Climate Services” and their
relevance to create needs-oriented Climate Service products.

3.1.2 Context: Emergence of Climate Services

“[…] apart from the role of the IPCC in providing comprehensive user friendly assessments of the state of knowledge of
climate change, less progress has been made in translating scientific progress into user-friendly climate services and
their application for the benefit of society” (WCC-3 statement).
Relatively stable climate conditions in the past, upon which our society is built, and has been
resilient to for many decades or even centuries, are no longer reliable. Already today and much
more in the future, climate conditions change up to a level that exacerbates the coping range of
today’s society, causing loss and damage to our societal systems and subsystems. Hence, the
combined effects of climate change and the factors and processes that increase society’s
vulnerability to these changes in climate (e.g. due to macro-societal trends such as population
growth, intensifying exposure of settlements, economic assets and infrastructures to climate
events, environmental degradation, mal-adapted land-use practices, weak governance systems
etc.) pose unprecedented challenges for current and future decision makers. In pursuit of
tackling these challenges and develop well-adapted societal systems to the changing climate a
key question and challenge to follow-up on is:

What is the evidence base that our societies can build upon for
the development of climate resilience pathways?

Indeed there is a “growing need to better understand (a) climate, (b) the interrelation between
climate and socio-economic systems; as well as (c) climate predictions and (d) how to better use
this information to serve society’s needs. The growing recognition of this need has floored the
emergence of the term and debate around “climate service” at international and increasingly
also national levels. Many countries are currently investing in the development of climate
service capabilities (WMO 2014). The World Meteorological Organization (2014) defines Climate
Services as follows:

“Providing climate information in a way that assists decision making by individuals and
organizations. A service requires appropriate engagement along with an effective
access mechanism and must respond to user needs.”

But, how do we build up local, national and international capacity to strengthening the provision
and use of climate services as an evidence base for taking adaptation decisions? How a climate-
service-governance system can and shall look like? How can climate services provide such
information to support decisions on robust and economic viable solutions?
From this point of view, key aspects of Climate Services can be framed:
• Climate Services are ready to use for the decision-maker, both regarding preparation
(i.e. availability of tailored product) and provision (i.e. accessibility of tailored product).
The first may also involve the collation with other (non-climate) data in order to provide
the required information.
• Climate Services consider user needs by being tailored to the context of the user’s
problem and location (usefulness) and the user’s specific needs as decision-maker
(usability). The usefulness can be ensured by adjusting the technical characteristics of
the products (e.g. parameter/indices, analysis, scale, etc.) to user needs. The usability
can be enhanced by providing an appropriate presentation of the climate information
as well as support service and material (e.g. guidance, training, etc.) together with the
products according to the individual needs of the decision-maker. Ultimately, these user
needs can be assessed by building and maintaining relationships and cooperation with
stakeholders of the Climate Service value chain. This not only enhances the
understanding of Climate Service providers on user needs, but also improves availability
and access to Climate Services by its users, as well as the knowledge about usability.

Key infrastructure and capabilities for climate information provision exist in many countries and
regions of the world. However, there still is limited access to effective climate impact
information for decision-making. In order to meet these challenges, to coordinate existing
initiatives and to develop new infrastructures, the World Climate Conference-3 (WCC-3) in 2009
established the Global Framework of Climate Services (GFCS).

The GFCS accelerates and coordinates the technically and scientifically sound implementation
of measures to improve climate-related outcomes at national, regional and global levels. Here
fore, it enables the development and application of Climate Services, assisting decision-making
at all levels in support of addressing climate-related risks (GFCS 2019).

In order to achieve this mission, the GFCS formulated five goals that guide its work:
1) Reducing the vulnerability of society to climate-related hazards through better
provision of climate information;
2) Advancing the key global development goals through better provision of climate
3) Mainstreaming the use of climate information in decision-making;
4) Strengthening the engagement of providers and users of Climate Services;
5) Maximizing the utility of existing Climate Service infrastructure.

By institutionalizing Climate Services via the GFCS, the WCC-3 also ensured that Climate Services
take into account climate change as risk multiplier. Climate information and its services were
here perceived as having a key role to protect livelihoods and save lives. Therefore, it is key to
mainstream it into policy frameworks and the development discourse.

3.1.3 Concept: Climate Services Value Box 3.1.1
Chain and Climate Service Products
The vision of the GFCS is “to enable better management of the Climate Services Value Chain for
risks of climate variability and change and adaptation to Water Infrastructure in Viet Nam
climate change, through the development and incorporation of
science-based climate information and prediction into Viet Nam is aware of potential climate-related risks for
planning, policy and practice on the global, regional and the Mekong delta and its’ water infrastructures with
national scale”. functions of regulating water resources and coastal
protecting. In order to guarantee the functionality of
Climate information should be ready to use, the water infrastructure in the future and minimize
costs for their preservation and reconstruction,
while considering user needs. In order to ensure
climate proof-infrastructure systems are essential.
this, the concept of the “three dimensions of Climate risk management processes require the
Climate Services” has been created (see also availability of adequate climate information which can
Figure 3.1.1). These dimensions “are defined as be incorporated into development decisions and policy
follows: at relevant scale. In the context of the CSI project, a
baseline to assess and analyze the current state of a
• The technical dimension defines the National Climate Service for the context of the water
infrastructure sector was performed, with case study
usefulness of a climate information
at Cai Lon – Cai Be sluice gate construction project in
product. It refers to the content of Kien Giang province.
climate information and its relevance for The results from the analysis of the climate value chain
a specific user, user group or sector (e.g. can be summarized by the following statements:
suitable parameters and indices and the + The PMU 10, as owner of the infrastructure project, is
type of statistical analysis). It also refers the user of the provided climate service, including
to the contextualization of climate climate products and climate-proof recommendations
information with respect to temporal for the infrastructure
+ The Southern HydroMet is climate service provider
and spatial scale and resolution. And
+ The Southern Institute for Water Resource Planning
furthermore, it comprises the quality of (SIWRP) takes a central position within the climate-
climate information and the provision value-chain of the water infrastructure sector
and communication of meta-data and coordination, both regarding the coordination of
information on uncertainty along with sectoral tasks of technical consultancy and planning
the climate information. processes as well as the use of climate information.
• The service dimension defines the This stakeholder also takes functions of Climate
Service intermediates which imply the provision of
usability of a climate information
value-added climate information products.
product. It refers to dissemination and + There is a gap in the systematic production and
utilization of climate information. management of such value-added products relevant
Dissemination comprises the provision for the water infrastructure sector. Four possible
of physical access to climate information reasons for this gap are identified: (1) Lack of capacity
(e.g. data platforms, filter systems, etc.) to develop and provide climate services, especially in
but also the promotion of climate the context of NHMS upgrading its role as HMA; (2)
Limited in product vision and lack of marketing of
information to enhance visibility and
climate products; (3) Limited access and access to
perception of the added value for the data and climate services; (4) Lack of integrated
user. A critical aspect of dissemination is cooperation structure with key stakeholders from
the timing of delivery and update planning and construction investment in water
frequency of climate information. infrastructure and coastal protection of Mekong Delta.
Utilization refers to the format and style This baseline is a relevant point of departure to identify
of presentation of climate information measures to improve the value chain. (GIZ 2018)
(e.g. maps, graphs, diagrams, etc.) but
also the support of the user in using
climate information for his decision-context. This may comprise assistance for data

interpretation, decision-support tools and advice for the implementation in decision-
making processes as well as training and educational material on these issues.
• The institutional dimension constitutes a framework for the formation of the technical
and service dimension. It refers the cooperation of relevant stakeholders which are
involved in the production of a Climate Service. This implies the cooperation between
various (climate) data and information providers as well as the relationship to users to
guarantee usefulness and usability of climate information. But also cooperation to
political stakeholders to ensure appropriate data policies (data access and availability)
mandates and guidelines for the use of climate information” (GIZ 2018:18f).

Figure 3.1.1: The three dimensions of Climate Services. The technical dimension turns data into useful information by
tailoring of the data. The service dimension turns useful information into a usable climate information product by
tailoring the presentation and format of the information as well as providing user-specific support and advice. The
institutional dimension provides the institutional framework within a co-production of Climate Services can be realized
by the cooperation of climate information providers and users.

By these means, a Climate Service product does not only need technical input but also needs to
focus on the provision, communication, and advice on climate information, as well as the
interaction with users and other stakeholders. Hence, the governance of climate information
production and provision plays a major role. From this point of view, a Climate Service product
needs to be considered in most cases as a joint product of several stakeholders, what requires
cooperation and coordination in order to produce added value to users and – therefore – be
ready to use.

In this context, the term climate value chain has been created. It describes an end-to-end
climate information production cycle that “is characterized by one or several steps of value-
adding which might be tailoring of data or provision of information and services, etc. to make
climate information usable” (GIZ 2018:19). These steps are performed by various stakeholders,
characterized as follows (see Fig. 3.1.2):

• “Providers: providers of climate information collect, manage, archive and provide

climate data and also basic climate diagnostic- and monitoring products as well as
climate predictions and projections. Key providers at national level are mainly National
Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHS). Also important are academia (e.g.
universities, research institutes) for model and product development as well as external
data providers which provide data and products from the regional or global level. In
many contexts the private sector may also collect relevant climate data for own interests
which is, however, not systematically provided to a central database of a NCS.
• Intermediates: intermediates have the function of adding value to climate data or purely
climate information in order to make it useful for the context of the decision-maker.
They can be differentiated in basically two types: (1) technical intermediates refine basic
climate data or information by tailoring and/or adding external data (e.g. modelling
future river flow, based on climate data and river flow models). Important stakeholders
may be impact modelers, risk managers or authorities (line ministries) who can often be
found at the sectoral level; (2) institutional intermediates or boundary organizations
have the function as communicators of climate information as well as advisors for
decision-making. This can be the preparation of special publications, or the
communication of climate information in reports or trainings. Private companies, None
Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Community-based Organizations (CBOs) and
media are important stakeholders. Another group of institutional intermediates are
“enablers” who provide basic resources like global and regional data, knowledge and
capabilities (e.g. UN organizations) and funding (e.g. development banks).
Intermediates are also users of climate information but with the main function as a
value-adder, communicator or purveyor of climate information.
• End-Users: the term end-user predominantly targets stakeholders who use climate
information for decision-making in a practical context, from the national to the
community level. In this concern they can be distinguished from intermediates.
Important stakeholders for infrastructure sectors are managers, planners, engineers or
politicians” (GIZ 2018:19).

Figure 3.1.2: Concept of the climate value chain including the three major stakeholder types: climate information
providers (blue box), intermediates (green box) and end-users (yellow box). The stakeholder types are subdivided by
sub-types. For each sub-type examples for specific stakeholders are given (colored area) as well as their functions
regarding Climate Service development and provision (grey area) (GIZ 2018, modified from WMO 2018)

In order to successfully develop, produce and provide

Climate Service products for different user groups, the
GFCS has developed five components of tasks that
interact one with each other, as detailed in Figure 3.1.3,
which are also called the “Big 5 of Climate Services”.
Their scope can briefly be characterized as follows:

• Observations and Monitoring (OM): OM refers

to the observation and monitoring of all relevant
climate variables (Essential Climate Variables
(ECV’s2)) and climate phenomena and weather
events. Additionally, the integration of socio- Figure 3.1.3: The five functional components of GFCS
economic, biological, and environmental data (WMO 2018)
should be considered in order to produce sector-
specific Climate Services.
• Research, modelling and prediction (RMP): RMP refers to the improvement of the
knowledge of the climate system and especially the interaction with other systems (e.g.
impacts and consequences of climate change) as well as enhancement and development
of climate models, tools and methodologies.

ECV - Essential Climate Variable. An ECV is a physical, chemical or biological variable or a group of
linked variables that critically contributes to the characterization of Earth’ s climate.

• Climate Service Information System (CSIS): The CSIS is the operational hub of all other
pillars at which data, information and knowledge is turned into CS products. This
includes the physical infrastructure of institutes, centres, and computer capabilities, as
well as professional human resources that routinely process and/or interpret data and
products in order to generate and deliver user-relevant climate information and
knowledge. This includes the generation, exchange and dissemination of climate
information and products in a timely manner, with a focus at the national level.
• User interface platform (UIP): The UIP is a managed methodology, or a collection of
methods, means, approaches, and processes of systematic and mutually beneficial
collaboration that provides a structured means for users, climate researchers and
climate data and information providers who come together, exchange on needs and
capabilities regarding climate products and who co-develop them in a structured way.
Within a UIP the co-design of Climate Services is facilitated and negotiated. User
interfaces can take many forms, such as Face-to-Face meetings and workshops, or even
digital solutions apply. A UIP shall be best facilitated by a professional knowledge broker.
• Capacity Development (CD): CD “is the process through which individuals, organizations
and societies obtain, strengthen and maintain the capabilities to set and achieve their
own development objectives over time” (CADRI). It aims to meet capacity development
requirements for each of the four other components by setting the foundation to create
the enabling environment for implementation, institutionalization and coordination of
these components at a national level (i.e. adjustment of national policies/legislation; CD
for institutions, infrastructure and personnel). The organization and institutionalization
of these tasks at a national level by consideration of all relevant stakeholders is termed
as National Framework of Climate Services (NFCS).

The role and interaction of these 5 components can be briefly exemplified in a generic case
study: a climate risk assessment shall be developed for infrastructure planning. The need for
climate information relevant for the risk assessment is identified and communicated via a User
Interface Platform were users formulate their needs for relevant climate information products
and providers inform their capabilities in providing such products. The CS providers rely on
Observations and Monitoring data, as well as on knowledge and tools (e.g. models) from the
national, regional and global Research Modelling and Prediction community in order to develop
and produce appropriate Climate Services in cooperation with other relevant stakeholders
within the Climate Service Information System. Capacity development is fundamental to both to
generate the knowledge on how to prepare a climate risk assessment, as well as to understand
on how to communicate its outcomes and use it in infrastructure planning.

A key issue to be considered for the implementation of the five components - is the question of
governance of Climate Services which implies the organizational and legal mechanisms on how
to coordinate, facilitate and strengthen collaboration of CS stakeholders in order to improve the
co-production, tailoring, delivery and use of science-based climate information and services. The
governance concept of the GFCS is the National Framework for Climate Services which defines
the functions of such a framework. However, the implementation of such framework is
dependent on the national context and provides many challenges and open questions. E.g.: shall
Climate Services be generally being freely available for all CS stakeholders and if yes to which
degree of value-adding? How can Climate Services being produced economically and at the same
time meet individual user needs? I.e. to what degree are standard products being produced and
from which level starts individual tailoring? Who will do all the individual tailoring of climate

information envisioning a broad demand and usage of Climate Services? What will be the role
of the NMHS in this process? What will be the role of the private sector in this process? How to
guarantee quality of CS when private stakeholders are involved who also have commercial

3.1.4 Exercise: Climate Services Product Development

Learning objectives
You will understand how each of the Big 5 components contributes to the development of useful
Climate Services.

Content and main tasks

• Defining the scope of each component of the Big 5 of Climate Services
 Scope definition.
• Defining tasks of each component
 Definition of technical, service, and institutional tasks needed to contribute to
the development of Climate Services.
• Identifying challenges of each component
 Identification of technical, service, and institutional challenges hindering the
development of Climate Services.
• Explore the Capacity Development component
 Identification of capacity development tasks and stakeholders that are required
to achieve the goals of the other components.
 Focus on the successful implementation of a National Framework of Climate

Method: Learning from exchange with others

You are part of the expert team that
assesses each of the five
components for Climate Services
Product Development.

You and your colleagues explore

tasks and challenges existing in each
component that need to be taken
into account in order to ensure the
provision of useful Climate Services.

Please find some hints for a fruitful cooperation in the box “Guidance for effective group work”.
Your specific tasks

• Review the sections 3.1.2 and 3.1.3, especially regarding the five components for
Climate Service Development.
• Use a flipchart or board with cards.
• Form four groups, each of one working only on one of the below mentioned
components of the Big Five of Climate Services:

1. Observations and Monitoring (OM)
2. Research, modelling and prediction (RMP)
3. Climate Service Information System (CSIS)
4. User interface platform (UIP)

Respond to the following tasks and present your results guided by matrix 3.1.1. You may
use a concrete example, e.g. developing a map of potential climate impacts in a river
basin for the year 2040, in order to be used in infrastructure investment.
• Step 1.
o Identify the scope / objective of the component assigned to your group.
o What makes this component relevant for the provision of Climate services?
o What are essential characteristics of this component that would make it
conducive to the development of Climate Services?/ What are preconditions
that need to be fulfilled in this component that would need to be fulfilled to
allow the tailor-made provision of Climate Services?
• Step 2.
o List approximately six tasks that need to be performed in order to meet the
scope of the component.
o If you understand that this task may also be part of another component, please
o Differentiate between technical, service, and institutional tasks.
• Step 3.
o List all the challenges that can potentially hinder meeting the scope of the
o If you understand that this challenge may also be part of another component,
please specify.
o Differentiate between technical, service, and institutional challenges.

Matrix 3.1.1: Revision of tasks and challenges under the scope of the component:
_________________include name

Step 1: Scope
Step 2 Step 3
Tasks Challenges

Once you finished the analysis of the component, discuss with your group peers the need for
Capacity Development and present your results guided by matrix 3.1.2., following these steps:

• Step 4.
o Identify the scope / objective of the Capacity Development (CD) component as
part of the National Framework of Climate Services.
• Step 5.
o Identify possible capacity gaps for all three dimensions and for linkages to other
components: Technical, Service, and Institutional.
o List capacity development measures
which focus on bridging possible capacity gaps.
• Step 6.
o Who are the stakeholders that would need to be involved in implementing the
CD measures you identified?
• Step 7.
o What are institutional tasks and challenges, and specific frame conditions,
within your component to be considered in the establishment of a NFCS?

Matrix 3.1.2: Revision of CD-gaps, measures and stakeholders of Component:

_________________include name ____

Step 4:
Step 5 Step 6 Step 7
CD-gaps CD-measures Stakeholders (CVC) Institutional tasks
and challenges for

Finally, all groups perform together the following steps:

• Step 8.
o After finishing, all groups rotate to the next component. On each station, one
person stays as “host”, introducing newcomers to the discussions that already
occurred before.
o Discuss the already displayed results.
o If needed, complement the results.
o Rotate four times, until coming back to the component that each group
worked originally on.
• Step 9
o Discuss the final results of your component with all inputs received from
o The “host” presents a summary of the results to the plenary.

3.1.5 Guiding questions for reflection

• What is the selling point of Climate Services?
• What is the scope of “considering user needs” in the context of Climate Services?
• What are the elements of the climate value chain and what does it describe?
• Which tasks and roles should be covered by a National Framework for Climate Services,
and how should the different components interact with each other?

3.1.6 Take away messages

• Climate Services are defined as climate information which is customized to user needs.

• User needs refer to three dimensions of Climate Services (technical, service,
institutional) which need to be adequately met to guarantee the usefulness and usability
of Climate Service products and thus the impact on decision-making.
• A Climate Service product requires an end-to-end provision which (most often) implies
a cooperative production process at which several stakeholders working together,
either collectively, concurrently or successively. The process of CS production by
successive value-adding by several stakeholders is termed as climate value-chain.
Stakeholders of the value-chain can be classified as providers, intermediates and end-
• The development, production and provision of Climate Services requires five elements
which need to be covered and coordinated by stakeholders from the value-chain: (i)
observation & monitoring, (ii) research, modelling and prediction, (iii) Climate Service
information system (iv) user interface platform and (v) capacity development
• The governance of the CS development, production and provision (coordination of the
five elements) is structured within a National Framework for Climate Services that
delineates tasks and responsibilities of individual stakeholders and defines legal
settings. Key stakeholder groups are: NMHS, line ministries, academia, enablers,
boundary organizations and users.

3.1.7 References
CADRI. Capacity Development.
(accessed 02. 05.2019).

GIZ-DWD 2018. Climate Services for the road infrastructure sector in Costa Rica. A baseline assessment
report. GIZ Eschborn/Bonn, Germany.

GFCS 2019. (accessed 21.02.2019).

WMO 2014: Implementation Plan of the Global Framework for Climate Services. Geneva, Switzerland.

WMO 2018: Step-by-step Guidelines for Establishing a National Framework for Climate Services. Geneva,
Switzerland. (

3.1.8 Personal notes

3.2 Demand driven Climate Services for resilient public infrastructure
3.2.1 Skills and knowledge
• The trainee understands the different requirements for Climate Service (CS) products
for the specific sectoral and decision-making contexts of use and its challenges and
• The trainee is able to apply and transfer knowledge about CS concepts into the field of
infrastructure planning and climate risk assessments.
• The trainee understands the relevance of the three dimensions of CS to construct user-
needs-oriented CS.
• The trainee is able to identify CS needs for specific infrastructure planning stages.

3.2.2 Context: Use of Climate Services

“Use of climate information for decision-making requires bringing together organisations which in many cases have little
or no experience of working together and do not have a well-established understanding of each other’s ways of working.”
Filipe Lúcio, GFCS Director
Decision-makers in the context of public infrastructure investments often struggle to acquire
and use Climate Services that are designed according to their needs. In certain situations, the
provided services do not offer the required information for the specific context, or they are
simply not understood. In other cases, the Climate Services have not been made available or
access is very limited.

This issue, however, is also related to the fact that users often lack the capacity to define clearly
their need or to process climate data appropriately in order to get the required information for
their decision-making processes. Simultaneously, Climate Service providers fail to ask and / or
understand which exactly the users’ needs are, therefore also failing to design ready-to-use and
demand-driven products.

With this in mind, the GFCS also includes among its principles to “ensure greater availability of,
access to, and use of Climate Services” (GFCS 2019), also by ensuring that Climate Services are
developed following users’ needs. This is both related to “building user capacity to make
beneficial use of climate services [and] including the capacity of providers to understand the
specific needs of the end users” (ibid.).

Hence, the GFCS promotes the creation of User Interface Platforms (UIPs), which define user
needs and provider capabilities, reconcile these, and supports the development and promotion
of usable and decision-relevant Climate Service products (see also Figure 3.2.1).

3.2.3 Concept: User Interface Platform and the co-design of Climate Services
The User Interface Platform is an indispensable instrument to bring Climate Service stakeholders together, pursuing to
develop and implement an effective Climate Service value chain.
The User Interface Platform
Figure 3.2.1: Functioning of User Interface Platforms.
(UIP) is a forum or platform for
Climate Service stakeholders
to meet and interact, to
establish mutually beneficial
collaborations and finally
develop usable and decision-
relevant Climate Service

It can be defined as managed

methodology, or a collection
of methods, means,
approaches, and processes of
systematic and mutually
beneficial collaboration. Its
institutional structure and
organization can be at
national, regional, and/or
local levels. Additionally, it can
be structured user-specific,
product-specific, or sector-
specific. The set of
methodologies and approaches, as well as the institutional frame, needs to be discussed and
elaborated for each individual context and adapted if needed (see Figure 3.2.1).

Following this purpose, the UIP brings together Climate Service stakeholders that can be
differentiated as providers, intermediates, and end-users. These stakeholders are provided
room to formulate their needs, define their capabilities and capacities, and finally reconcile and
harmonize user needs and provider capabilities, following all three dimensions of Climate
Services, meaning Technical, Service, and Institutional dimension (see also Module 3.1 for
further detail on stakeholders and the three dimensions).

Between Climate Service users and intermediates, the UIP provides room for users to formulate
needs regarding the technical dimension, mainly regarding needs on tailoring and
contextualization of climate data and information (e.g. relevant temporal and spatial scales and
resolutions; relevant parameters and indices; adequate statistical analysis; adequate format and
presentation of data). Following Bessembinder (2012:12), climate information within Climate
Services needs to fulfil three criteria in order to be useful for the decision maker: salience,
credibility, and legitimacy:

• “Salient information/data are context sensitive and tailored to the users’ requirements.”
This implies the selection of appropriate climate variables, impact variables, events
and/or indices, appropriate information content (i.e. type of statistical analysis),
appropriate temporal scales, and appropriate spatial scales.

• “Data users should consider [if] the information/data they are working with [is] credible.
Credibility in the data may be achieved by various pathways ranging from scientific peer
review processes, via strong communication between producers and users to the
inclusion of users in the data production process. Jacobs (2005) stated ease of
interpretation, clear communication of ‘accuracy’, or the possibility to assess the
‘accuracy’ of the provided data by themselves (e.g. by hands on training), to be essential.
Furthermore, clear communications about the assumptions made, methodological
shortcomings, validation methods as well as statements about uncertainties are
important attributes that support enhanced credibility (Maraun et al., 2010);
• Legitimacy means that the provided information/data have been generated free from
political persuasion or bias and that the interests of the users have been considered in
the generation process” (Bessembinder 2012:12).

On the service dimension of the UIP, users can articulate needs on support-systems to get timely
access to up-to-date climate information, including adapted formats to access information. Also
within this dimension, needs on guidance, training and advice on the comprehension and
interpretation of climate information (including formats of data and uncertainty levels), on the
integration of climate information into decision-making, and on the use of tools and guidelines
(including its language) can be articulated by users to Climate Service intermediates.

User needs referring to the service dimension often depend on the user type. Different types of
users have different knowledge about climate and capabilities to process climate data and deal
with climate information. The capabilities and capacities to process data are often congruent to
the specific positions of user groups within the value chain: especially consultants, engineers or
researchers have the roles of intermediates and thus their capabilities and capacities to deal
with climate data are different to the classical end-user.

The context of decision making (decision framework) is a very dominant factor for the
determination of user needs, since it determines the addressee of the Climate Service product
(end-user or decision-maker) and thus the user type as well as the need for the information
content which the decision-context requires. For the infrastructure investment context,
different implementation steps have different questions to climate and have thus different
needs for the design of Climate Services. Depending on the context, the needs for climate
information vary widely, with different considerations to be taken into account for different
tasks (see also Table 3.2.1). E.g., for the pre-feasibility study of an infrastructure investment
project a climate risk screening is required; for the feasibility study a detailed climate risk
analysis; and for the assessment of risk management options also different Climate Services are
required. Accordingly, decision frameworks are likely to be different in each implementation
step (see also chapter 3.1).

Table3.2.2: Key adaptation decision components and their requirements for climate information. Source: NCSP 2009

Finally, users can formulate institutional needs regarding collaboration and agreements (MoUs)
with relevant stakeholders to enhance provider-interaction, to enhance data access and flow,
and to clarify the right-of-use of climate information. This is especially relevant in the context of
a National Framework of Climate Services, where the coordination and organization of all
stakeholders should be regulated at a national level, and not bilaterally only (see also chapter
3.1 with regard to Capacity Development).

Between Climate Service providers and intermediates, the UIP provides room for providers to
formulate their capabilities and capacities of Climate Service development and provision,
referring to the three key dimensions.

Regarding the technical dimension, providers formulate their capacities and capabilities on
providing contextualized climate data and information (e.g. uncertainty and skill of
products/model run regarding specific scales and resolutions, parameters/indices, statistical
analysis, etc.). This aids to understand what to expect and to not expect from Climate Service
products. WMO (2016) gives an overview of general types of climate products that can
potentially be delivered:

• Climatological data periodicals: Most National Meteorological and Hydrological Services

(NMHSs) issue periodical bulletins containing data from selected stations within
particular regions or countries as a whole. This kind of data can be relevant to various
economic, social and environmental sectors, which usually use them on a regular basis,
e.g. water and energy providers.
• Occasional publications: Publications designed for those users who need information in
infrastructure planning and investments, for members of the general public whose
interests are academic or casual, or for researchers. They are also designed to
summarize or explain unusual events or occasional predicted events (e.g. El Niño),
eventually including potential impacts and thresholds.
• Standard products: Products that usually can be used by a wide range of users, e.g., both
energy management entities and farmers. “Such standard products fill the gap between
the climate data periodicals and those tailored for individual users.” (WMO 2016:18)
• Specialized products: Products that are specific to an individual user or sector, focusing
on the specifications that will enable the user to gain optimum benefit from the
application of the information (e.g. flood analysis, required for the planning and
assessment of flood defenses or the design of bridge structures).
• Climate monitoring products: Products aiming to understand current climate conditions
in the country, region, or locality. They are essential for climate predictions and updates,
and are often also used to prepare for extreme weather events.
• Indices: Products “used to characterize features of the climate for climate prediction
and to detect climate change. They may apply to individual climatological stations or
describe some aspect of the climate of an area. Indices usually combine several
elements into characteristics of, for example, droughts, continentality, phenological
plant phases, heating degree days, large-scale circulation patterns and teleconnections”
(WMO 2016:18f; see Module 2.1 for further detail). They are often used to assess
potential future impacts of climate change with a focus on specific thresholds.

Providers usually face a key-challenge regarding their wish to provide Climate Services as
specifically as possible to user needs, while not having the resources to satisfy this demand. For
this reason, Climate Service providers often try to recycle their products and to only specify them
as much as required to also satisfy the needs of other users or contexts.

With regard to the service dimension, providers and intermediates articulate capabilities and
capacities on providing support-systems to enable timely access to up-to-date climate
information, as well as on providing guidance, training, and advice on the comprehension and
interpretation of climate information. In this context, they also assess possibilities on the
integration of climate information into decision-making and on the development of tools and
guidelines that eventually meet the needs of end-users or intermediates.

From an institutional point of view, Climate Service providers formulate their needs via the UIP
regarding collaboration and agreements with relevant stakeholders to enhance user-
interaction, pursuing to improve data access and flow and clarify right-of-use of climate

After assessing users’ needs and providers’ capabilities, the UIP – including all its stakeholders –
reconciles and harmonizes all aspects in all three dimensions in order to coordinate the co-
production of usable and decision-relevant Climate Service products and the corresponding
organizational structures.

However, the co-production and promotion of Climate Services (and thus of reconciliation of
interests, needs, and capacities) is a complex organizational process that potentially deals with
a multitude of adverse factors. Briley et al. (2015) describe the three main barriers to create
Climate Services as follows:

• Mismatched terminology: Climate Service providers and users often mean different
things when referring to the same term. An example is the term “downscaled climate
projections”. “Downscaling” for providers usually means “output from numerical
climate models that have either been dynamically simulated at very high spatial
resolution or statistically adjusted to provide information at the regional scale” (ibid.,
44). However, Climate Service users often mean by this term “locally-relevant, narrative
climate information about specific climate change impacts” (ibid.). Summing up,

providers often want to discuss technical options on climate parameter delivery, while
users in most cases just want to know how the climate might impact locally.
• Unrealistic expectations: Climate Service users are inspired in certain occasions by
aesthetically pleasing maps regarding future climate from other contexts and regions.
They tend to think that such a product will match their needs for climate information.
However, spatial downscaling of future climate models does not always generate
relevant information and often even represents information that has substantial
• Disordered integration – information fit: Climate Service users often expect climate
information to “fit” their decision-making process. In these cases, they usually have not
gathered local information and expect to receive ready-to-use information on
vulnerabilities, impacts, and risk. In several cases, they rely on information that is
released by Climate Service providers, without questioning its use and accuracy for their
specific context. In these cases, there classically is not enough discussion from providers
about users’ specific key climate issues of concern.

In this context, the so-called Knowledge Brokers play a major role to help users overcome these
challenges by working in chains to connect producers with users of information. They are
intermediaries between users and providers, but mainly act as facilitators and communicators,
e.g. by synthesizing information for a particular user and contextualizing it with information
from the user's own sector and/or locality.

Being aware of these challenges, the UIP needs to be designed to bridge these barriers. The
process of definition of needs and capabilities, reconciliation/harmonization and product
development is an iterative process and a result of an integrated interactive communication
structure. This should be provided by the UIP and its objectives formulated in four outcomes:

• Feedback: Identifying the optimal methods for obtaining feedback from user

• Dialogue: Building dialogue between Climate Service users and those responsible for
the observation, research and information system pillars of the GFCS;

• Outreach: Improving climate literacy in the user community, and literacy of the climate
community in user needs;

• Evaluation: Developing monitoring and evaluation measures for the frameworks that
are agreed between users and providers.

3.2.4 Exercise: User-Provider Interaction on Climate Service co-production
Learning objectives
Participants shall learn the functionality and benefits of a User Interface Platform (UIP). The
participants shall get aware of the value of direct and structured interaction between CS
providers and users in order to identify and clarify user needs and to identify and communicate
suitable CS products, their potentials and limitations (for the specific context). Thereby, the
participants shall become aware of importance of the co-design of climate information for
decision-making where the following questions are addressed:
• What are the technical necessities to tailor CI products in order to get the most accurate
• How to tailor the presentation/format of the information in order to make it
understandable and usable?
• What guidance is required to make not perfectly accurate information useful for the
decision-maker? How and what kind of uncertainty needs to be communicated?
Content and main tasks
• Getting into the role of a provider of climate information, broker of climate
information, and user of climate information.
 Challenge definition
• Making decisions on asking for, or preparing Climate Service products.
 Offer and demand under uncertainty.
• Exchanging information on needs and possibilities.
 Understanding how to design needs-adapted Climate Services.
• Experiencing how dialogue enhances the provision of Climate Service Products.

Method: Learning from experience with a role play and a case study
The exercise will be executed as a role-play. The role-play achieves best possible attachment of
the learner to the circumstances and context he/she shall become knowledgeable about. As the
co-design of climate information is an interactive process between stakeholders, a role-play on
the importance of co-design is the best suitable method. Thereby, role-play actors are jumping
into the role of climate information providers and users and have to negotiate and co-design
tailor-made climate information.

Best learning output will be

achieved through a sequence
of role-plays where the first
has almost no co-design
elements revealing only
limited usability of the
climate information, and the
second is programmed with a
fully-fledged provider-user
interaction revealing best
possible and usable climate information. The comparison of outputs of both role games reveals
the challenges and requirements for the successful co-design of climate information products.

Form three stakeholder groups:

• Users of climate information: users are here defined as sectoral decision-makers who
base their decisions on the provided climate-related information. The general task of
the users will be to formulate their needs as detailed and sufficient as necessary in order
to identify suitable CS products.
• Providers of climate information: providers are here defined as stakeholders who
actually produce climate-related information products. This goes beyond the pure
provision of data and may include stakeholders who do not observe and monitor climate
themselves but do “only” value-adding. The general task of the providers is to identify
and provide suitable CS products for the specific context of the user.
• Brokers of climate information: brokers are here defined as intermediates that rather
focus on the communication and facilitation of climate information rather than do
technical tailoring of climate data. They can either be individuals or organizations (self-
) entitled to perform this role. The general task of the brokers will be the moderation,
observation and documentation of the interaction process.

The trainer will conduct the role play, based on the information in his Trainer Manual.

3.2.5 Take away messages

• Different infrastructure planning frameworks and cycles require different kind of
Climate Services. Climate Service needs may vary regarding
o the context of use, i.e. sector,
o the type of decision which needs to be made based on this climate information
(e.g. planning investments, mainstreaming climate change into pre-feasibility
and feasibility studies, developing new building codes and standards etc.),
o the decision-maker and his/her demands regarding the three dimensions of CS
(user type),
o the characteristics of the climate-value chain for the specific CS product, i.e. the
kind of stakeholders who are involved.
• The context of use may have consequences on the required temporal and spatial
resolution, time-frame of projections, accuracy/uncertainty of projections, the tailoring
and provision of the Climate Service product, required services like guidance and
support as well as access mechanisms and provider-user interaction.
• Competences and requirements of Climate Service “knowledge brokers” who guide the
co-design of Climate Services include communication & social skills, technical skills and
managerial skills.
• User-interfaces for Climate Services can be operationalized and set up on an adhoc-
basis, or institutionalized as a permanent service within a Climate Service governance
regime (Link to chapter 3.1).

3.2.6 References

Bessembinder, J. 2012. Guidance to support the identification and assessment of users‘

content/uploads/2015/05/jpi2012_assessment_of_users_requirements.pdf (accessed

Briley, L., D. Brown, S. E. Kalafatis 2015. Overcoming barriers during the co-production of climate
information for decision-making. In: Climate Risk Management 9 (2015), pp 41-49.

GFCS 2019. The Global Framework for Climate Services. Available at: https://www.wcrp- (accessed 21.02.2019).

Jacobs K, Garfin G, Lenart M. 2005. More than Just Talk…Connecting Science and decision
making. Environment 47: 6─21.

Maraun D., Ireson A., Wetterhall F., Bachner S., Kendon E., Rust H.W., Venema V.K.C., Widmann
M., Chandler R.E., Onof C.J., Osborn T.J., Sautner T., Themeßl M., Thiele-Eich I. 2010.
Statistical downscaling and modelling of precipitation. Bridging the gap between
dynamical models and the end users. Reviews of Geophysics 48,RG3003.

NCSP 2009: Applying Climate Information for Adaptation Decision-Making. UNDP - UNEP – GEF,
New York, USA.

Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre 2014. Paying for Predictions – “Linking Early Warning
to Early Action”.
ns.pdf (accessed 29.01.2019).….

WMO 2016. Climate Services for Supporting Climate Change Adaptation. Supplement to the
Technical Guidelines for The National Adaptation Plan Process. (accessed 25.02.2019).

3.2.7 Personal notes

3.2.8 Annexes Annex 1 for the exercise: User needs – basic info (owned by providers)
• Sector: inland shipping
• User: logistic company
• Region: Rhine catchment, Germany
• Hazard: low flow conditions
• Problem: conditions in the context of climate change Annex 2 for the exercise: Narrative user case

The user is a logistic company. The company transfers goods with trucks, train and boat all
through the country and neighboring countries. Inland shipping is very attractive in the region
of concern, since major waterways can be used to bypass distances of about 1000km and
providing access to the maritime traffic lines.

The daily business is often affected by severe weather events that cause delays in the operating
schedule due heavy rain, black ice or storms which impede full travel speed or even cause
blockage of the roads or rails due to accidents, fallen trees or landslides. However, a relatively
new disruption of the user’s business refers to the transport by ships on large rivers.

Floods, especially during spring, as well as low flows disrupt the shipping traffic and impede the
transport of goods. Low water levels are of special concern since they cause a rather long-term
disruption of traffic. Furthermore, there is little routine in managing such events since such
events didn’t happen very often in the past and there is no reliable forecast for such events.

Up to now, normal low water events were manageable by the company in a way to mitigate
economic losses and avoid the disruption of transport. This is done by charging the vessels not
to the maximum, using smaller boats and more boats in a row as well as by temporary storage
of the non-perishable goods. These measures reduce the maximum flotation depth of 4m by
around 25% and allow shipping also at low water levels. However, such a situation is only
acceptable for about two weeks without suffering substantial economic losses.

In the last couple of years, the low water situations at which no traffic is possible at all tend to
occur more often than normal. Such extreme events occur when there is less than 1.5 m
between the vessel and the ground. Such situations are only acceptable for 1-2 days and can
only be met by organizing different vessels with different construction design, e.g. less flotation
depth which would be a major investment. Another opportunity would be the deepening of the
waterway which would be not in control of the logistic company alone. The acquisition of new
vessels would be a big investment for the company which needs to be carefully weighted
regarding costs and benefits of the added value of the new vessels for the upcoming couple of
around a half century.

51 Annex 3 for the exercise: Structured user needs assessment for CS
1. Delineate the context of your infrastructure system
o What is the infrastructure of concern?
o Do you deal with a single infrastructure object or an infrastructure network?
o What is your infrastructure investment context?
o What is the spatial coverage of the infrastructure (network)?
o What is the geographic type of region of your infrastructure?
2. Identify & select critical climate sensitive infrastructure components
o What a components or operational processes which are most critical for the
functionality and safety of the infrastructure?
o What are the life cycles of the identified components?
o Which of the selected infrastructure components and operational processes
are sensitive to climate effects?
▪ What are the consequences of climate-related impacts on these
components or operational processes? Are they critical?
o What are the climate-related hazards/events/phenomena that infrastructure
components and operational processes are sensitive to?
3. Define load thresholds of selected infrastructure components for specific climatic
parameters (sensitivity analysis)
o What are climate-related thresholds of the selected components and
operational processes that cause the undesired consequences when being
o How are they characterized regarding intensity, duration and frequency?
4. Translate load thresholds into critical climate events / „hosting events“ representing
infrastructure thresholds
o What are climate parameters, events, phenomena or indices which correlate
best with the identified climate-related hazards causing the exceedance of
component-specific thresholds?
5. Projection of these critical climate events or surrogate events and develop climate
indices for scenario construction
o Are there climate-projections available for the identified critical climate
o If not, is there any other climate parameter, index or phenomena which
indicate the identified critical climate event and which can be projected or
rather shows some signal?

Module 4. Climate Proofing for Sustainable Infrastructure
4.1 How to get started
“Climate Proofing […] is a methodological approach aimed at incorporating issues of climate change into […] planning.”
(Hahn and Fröde 2011). See also Box 2.2.1
4.1.1 Skills and knowledge
• The participant understands the common climate proofing approach to be applied in the
context of each climate proofing entry-point in the infrastructure investment cycle.

• The participant is able to identify entry-points for climate change adaptation for
infrastructure investment from national or territorial perspective.

• The participant is able to identify potential climate related risks, affected infrastructures,
related land use systems (landscape approach) and stakeholders.

• The participant is able to identify non-climate factors which put pressure on the territory
and its assets.

4.1.2 Context
Based on the OECD Guidelines for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Development
Planning, GIZ developed the method of Climate Proofing for Development (OECD 2009; Hahn
and Fröde 2011). The Climate proofing (CP) approach covers the full infrastructure investment
process. As presented in Fig. 2.2.1, each of the six phases of the infrastructure investment
process shows potential entry-points for climate proofing. Climate proofing will support the
following tasks of the different phases:

• Policies and investment planning (Phase 1.1 and 1.2): The climate proofing reveals
measures to maintain major policy, planning, and budget objectives under climate
change conditions at national or sector level.
• Regulation (Phase 1.3): This phase benefits from the development of climate proofed
building codes and standards for the design of infrastructure.
• Project level / Specific infrastructure investment (Phase 2-6): When it gets down to
specific infrastructure investments, the objective is a climate resilient infrastructure
project. Climate Proofing (see figure 4.1.1) can be applied for project preparation
(screening / scoping / pre-feasibility), project development (feasibility, physical design,
maintenance schemes), finance, construction and operation / maintenance of the
infrastructure, as well as in times where monitoring results offer feedback to the
different investment cycle elements; e.g. when rehabilitation of infrastructures are at
the center of attention.
• Different tools exist to evaluate options (cost-benefit analysis (CBA), cost-effectiveness
analysis (CEA), multi-criteria analysis (MCA), comparative effectiveness assessment
etc.). Adaptation Options are revised and prioritized with key stakeholders (contributes
to phases 2 - 4).
• Step 4: Project design and implementation focusses on the integration of the before
selected adaptation measures into the feasibility studies, project design, construction,
and operation of the infrastructure to be climate proofed (contributes to phases 3.3, 5,
• Step 5: Monitoring and reporting of the effectiveness of the implemented measures for
transparency is an essential request from investors. Therefore, Climate Services
developed for Climate Risk Assessment are designed to support the future need of
monitoring. Different contexts and settings have manifold application areas. This means
that different approaches and aggregation levels towards assessing risks and therein,
developing climate service products exist. Climate service providers need to be capable
to respond to these different demands and follow structured approaches towards
understanding user needs (contributes to phase 6.3).

Table 4.1.1 demonstrates the logic, how climate proofing may support each step in the
infrastructure investment process. This module focuses on the project development,
implementation, as well as operation phase of the infrastructure investment cycle.

Table 4.1.1 Links between the infrastructure investment process and climate proofing

Climate Proofing Steps

cycle steps Scoping (defining decision Risk Assessment / Adaptation Project Design and Monitoring &
making context, actors) Climate Service Assessment Implementation Evaluation
Policies and Are infrastructure policies Risk Screening to Identify and select Mainstream Monitor & re-assess
Planning and plans, as well as receive an overview measures to adjust selected adaptation whether climate
regulations in risk of on key plans and policies measures into resilience indicators
failing or loosing infrastructure- (e.g. indicators, infrastructure- and activities of the
effectiveness due to related exposures activities) according related policies and plans have reduced
climate change? and vulnerabilities, to identified risks plans the risks.
and their underlying
Project Are the key quality criteria Spatial risk Identify and select Mainstream Monitor & re-assess
preparation regarding finance, design, screening for measures that measures that whether key criteria
and operations potentially understanding ensure the ensure the for the investment
under risk from changing roughly climate resilience framing resilience framing are valid or need to
climate conditions? impacts on for the project for the project be changed due to
potential project development development changing climate
sites conditions
Project Are the developed Asset focused Identify and select Mainstream Re-Assess whether
development infrastructure assets and detailed risk measures selected measures identified measures
their operational assessment for the climate Into the budgeting, have been proofed
procedures potentially focusing on detailed resilient budgeting, design, operation successful and
under risk of climate physical design and design, operation and maintenance of viable
change? operational aspects and maintenance of the infrastructure
of the specific the infrastructure investment
infrastructure, investment
including non-
climate aspects
Finance Is the investment Detailed economic Climate resilient Climate resilient Re-Assess whether
potentially under risk due risk assessment on insurance policy insurance policy policies contracted
to climate change? loss and damage, as covering climate covering climate cover current &
well as cost for risks (monetary risks (monetary future climate risks
recovery of the loss) identified. loss) contracted.
asset in focus
Implementation Is the construction of the Detailed scenarios Development of Implementation of Re-Assess
infrastructure able to for climate-related standard operating SOPs for the performance of
respond to climate related hazard impacts on procedures (SOPs) construction site these SOPs
extreme events? the construction for the construction with regard to
site in different site with regard to warning and
phases of warning and immediate response
construction immediate options to
response options to protection of assets
protection of assets and people in case
and people in case of climate related
of climate related extreme events
extreme events
Operation Is the performance of the Continuous In case changes in Implementation of In case changes in
infrastructure potentially performance and risks are identified, operation-related risks are identified,
under risk due to climate- vulnerability identification and measures to provide feedback
related hazards? assessment selection of increase the into the entire
(physical design, measures to resilience of the investment cycle
operations) under increase the project where appropriate
conditions of resilience of the
climate change project
(similar to risk
assessment in

The main steps of climate proofing are described as follows:

• Step 1: Screening and Scoping is the first step in order to clarify and identify whether
the objective of the infrastructure is under potential climate risk (contributes to phase
2). For example, if you are conducting a feasibility study, the question in the scoping
phase is the identification of the infrastructures’ physical and operational components
and sub-components that require in-depth vulnerability and risk assessment. Hence, the
system(s) of interest need to be defined based on the anticipated assessment scale, as
well as on the infrastructure specific design-, functional- and operational components.
• Step 2: Climate risk assessment is a climate service that entails the evaluation of both
the vulnerability and climate hazard components, and reflects a multi-stakeholder
process representing different disciplines. It is also considered a decision support tool.
Hence, results shall provide direct utility for taking adaptation decisions. This step is
important, e.g. during pre-feasibility and feasibility studies (contributes to phases 2-3).
• Step 3: Adaptation assessment is linked to approaches towards climate risk
management approaches that include options to reduce / prevent exposure, protect
from impacts, transform the subject of analysis, manage residual risks to ensure /
provide contingencies to maintain serviceability / business continuity (develop
mechanisms for early warning & response, rescue and relief, as well as recovery).
Climate risk management options can be mutually exclusive, but also complementary.
Different tools exist to evaluate options (cost-benefit analysis (CBA), cost-effectiveness
analysis (CEA), multi-criteria analysis (MCA), comparative effectiveness assessment
etc.). Adaptation Options are revised and prioritized with key stakeholders (contributes
to phases 2 - 4).
• Step 4: Project design and implementation focusses on the integration of the before
selected adaptation measures into the feasibility studies, project design, construction,
and operation of the infrastructure to be climate proofed. Stakeholder participation and
needed capacities at individual, organizational and society level are identified
(contributes to phases 3.3, 5, 6).
• Step 5: Monitoring and reporting of the effectiveness of the implemented measures for
transparency is an essential request from investors. Therefore, Climate Services
developed for Climate Risk Assessment are designed to support the future need of
monitoring. Different contexts and settings have manifold application areas. This means
that different approaches and aggregation levels towards assessing risks and therein,
developing climate service products exist. Climate service providers need to be capable
to respond to these different demands and follow structured approaches towards
understanding user needs (contributes to phase 6.3).

It is important to note that it is not compulsory to perform all CP steps for each infrastructure
investment phase. The decision on how and when to implement different climate proofing
steps within the investment process depends on the local circumstances and investment
objectives, including resources, stakeholders, and possibilities. Table 4.1 details different
options that need to be customized according to current needs.

This module starts with a climate lens at territorial level (4.1), which can be used as an
optional step at territorial level (e.g. national investment plan) or at the beginning of
screening and scoping of a project (e.g. territorial context). The following sub-chapters 4.2-
4.6 show the logic of the 5-Step approach of Climate Proofing at project level.
Figure 4.1.1. Mainstreaming adaptation to climate change into infrastructure projects
(adapted after ADB 2011)
4.1.3 Exercise: Apply a Climate Lens to infrastructure investment goals
Learning Objective
You will learn how to do a rapid appraisal of climate risk in order to identify the relevance for
adaptation to climate change within sustainable infrastructure investment planning,
development, financing, and implementation.

Content and main tasks

• Agreement on infrastructure investment decision making context
 Definition of scope of infrastructure portfolio development & planning
• Screening goals of infrastructure investments against projected climate change
 Problem definition
• Mapping of regions, infrastructure and ecosystems at risk of current and future
climate related threats.
 Definition of the system of interest/scope of work/ implementation area.
• Mapping of key stakeholders for future climate resilient infrastructure investment.
 Rapid assessment of socio-economic and governance systems (e.g. public
organizations/institutions, non-governmental organizations, private sector
• Identifying important hydro-meteorological, socio-economic and environmental
variables, data and types of products (e.g. maps, or graphs etc.) needed for Climate
Services in infrastructure investment planning development, financing, or
implementation, and understanding how they were developed.
 Rapid assessment of temperature, precipitation, sea level rise, flooding,
estimates of loss and damage etc.
• Beyond engineering: Understanding the value of ecosystem services for sustainable
infrastructure investment.
 Rapid assessment of environmental systems (e.g. ecosystems and their
protective services for infrastructures)
• Brainstorming on next steps:
 Which infrastructure systems are most at risk and need a detailed vulnerability
and risk assessment to guide sustainable infrastructure investment?
Case description

For the following case study, you can use any national policy framework, program or project
which emphasizes public infrastructures for sustainable investment. If you don’t have one at
hand, you may refer to the fictitious case of Metropolis (description see Annex 1) and select the
following goal:

• Protection of public infrastructure, through appropriate risk assessment and the adoption of protection
mechanisms ensuring the robustness of infrastructure works.
The case description of Metropolis provides further background information on important
climate threats, road infrastructure sub-systems, stakeholders etc. If you use your own case,
please make sure that you have access to some basic data which allow for the rapid assessment.

Your specific tasks

First, agree with 2-4 peers to work with as a


Second, read the instructions carefully and in

case of doubts, first ask your fellows or - if still
necessary - the trainers.

Third, guide your analysis with the following

questions and draft your answers based on a
risk and stakeholder map of the country,
province, community or area of choice which
you want to focus on. Use markers of different
colours to highlight different aspects on a
flipchart paper:

1. Map the limits of the territory of your interest.

2. Mark regions exposed to risk of current or future climate threats (e.g. extreme weather
events, sea level rise etc. and related effects like flooding, storm surge, extended
droughts, and heat waves). Use different colors or symbols for different threats.

3. Map infrastructure systems (e.g. road x,y,z, bridge a,b,c) which are located in the regions
at risk.

4. List key stakeholder groups who are already or should be involved in infrastructure
investment planning. If you have more time for the task, please map the stakeholder
groups by the different subsystems of infrastructure (e.g. road x, bridge a), sectors which
they represent and their level of influence on the planning process.

5. Functional ecosystems contribute to the mitigation of climate threats related effects like
flooding, storm surges, heat waves etc. by increased water infiltration, natural barrier
or shade. Therefore, the mapping of ecosystems located in the direct surroundings of
the infrastructure systems or in the upper watersheds which drain into these regions
supports the understanding of potential ecosystem services which should be considered
for sustainable infrastructure investment.

6. Discuss with your colleagues and then draft your answers beneath the map:

 Which infrastructure systems need a detailed vulnerability and risk assessment

to guide the sustainable infrastructure investment?

 Apart from the political framework, which other entry points would facilitate
the integration of climate change adaptation into the investment planning? E.g.
specific financial support programs? National development priorities? Physical
design, operations & maintenance program for infrastructure?

7. Present your major findings to the plenary.

Figure 4.1.2: Examples of risk maps

Instead of the drawing you may guide your work with matrix 2.2.1 and elaborate the answers
completing line by line. The examples in the matrix are only for illustration how to draft the

Matrix 4.1.1. Results of Climate Lens assessment

Goal: Protection of public infrastructure

Climate Region at Infrastructure Stakeholder Ecosystems Further

threat risk systems at risk groups of interest points that
may drive
Flooding Metropolis Millenium Bridge Local government Forest at the …
as a whole, river source
Ministry of Public
including its
Works Agriculture along
infrastructure and
Karibu River
operations Civil Defense

4.1.4 Guiding questions for reflection

• Which are strategic entry points for taking up the discussion on adaptation to climate
change as a support to sustainable infrastructure investment?
• Who are the relevant stakeholders to participate in the planning and other decision-
making processes?
• Which role does climate already play in investment planning, both at the national /
policy level, the sector level, and the object / project level??
• In which phases of the infrastructure investment cycle climate-related information
should be taken into consideration?

4.1.5 Take away messages

• The climate change related increase of extreme weather events and slow onset disasters
like sea level rise puts stress on public infrastructure and related public and private
• Successful transformation towards climate-resilient infrastructure requires integrating
climate proofing into the whole investment cycle, adapting the objectives and
safeguards infrastructure is evaluated against.
• Introducing climate-resilience criteria in the planning of infrastructure is a key element
of ensuring sufficient funding for adapting infrastructure to climate change. It needs to
be reflected, i.e., in how the costs and benefits of investments are evaluated as well as
in budget planning.
• Ecosystem services have the potential to mitigate climate change effects like flooding,
storm surges, heat waves etc. and should be considered in a holistic approach of climate
smart infrastructure investment.

4.1.6 References

Hahn, M. and Fröde. A. 2011. Climate Proofing for Development - Adapting to Climate Change,
Reducing Risk. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ, Eschborn,

OECD Policy Guidance - Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Development Cooperation,
Part 1: Understanding the Challenge. Introduction to climate change adaptation:

4.1.7 Personal notes

4.2 Screening and Scoping
4.2.1 Skills and knowledge

• The participant understands the common climate proofing approach to be applied in

the context of integrating climate change adaptation into infrastructure investment
• The participant is able to identify entry-points for climate change adaptation into the
infrastructure project process.
• The participant is able to frame the context and objectives of climate proofing according
to the selected entry point in the infrastructure investment cycle.
• The participant understands the role of climate proofing and climate services in the
project development phase of the infrastructure investment cycle.
• The participant is able to identify non-climate factors which interact with climate effects.
• The participant is able to identify and appoint key stakeholders and their roles, tasks
and interaction within the project.

4.2.2 Context
This sub-chapter is complementary to sub-chapter 2.2 Climate Change and Infrastructure Investments. While sub-chapter
2.2 applies the screening at the goal of a national or sector infrastructure investment policy or plan in order to identify the
need for action at institutional level, this chapter has a closer look at entry points for adaptation at project level to identify
the scope of work.
Project Screening and Scoping is the first step in order to identify elements which need an in-
depth vulnerability and risk assessment. The system(s) of interest in the context of infrastructure
needs to be defined based on the anticipated assessment scale, as well as on an infrastructure
specific design-, functional- and operational components.

4.2.3 Concept
Project Screening and Scoping is the first step of mainstreaming adaptation into a project investment cycle. The goal is
to determine a project’s risk level as a result of climate change, to identify how climate change impacts can affect the
overall project objectives and to identify the systems of interest and set the boundaries within which the assessment of
adaptation options will be undertaken.
Questions to be answered are: How is the proposed project vulnerable to the impacts of climate change over its life span?
Which infrastructure elements (systems of interest) are most at risk and which ones represent the highest impact to the
system if affected? What are the climate parameters of most interest to the project? Is sufficient information available to
undertake an assessment? Who are the main stakeholders? (Asian Development Bank 2011)

Infrastructure projects have to respond to
institutional frameworks established in all
countries. Thus, mainstreaming adaptation Screening
and Scoping
to climate change into any project has to
respond to national policies, plans, standards
and priorities (see figure 4.2.1) which can be
considered as general objectives of the Monitoring
project (project impact on national Reporting
development goals defined in NDCs, NAPs or Infrastructure
other policy instruments). Investment

The Screening and Scoping step within the

Climate Proofing approach can be performed
during each infrastructure investment phase Implemen-
Selection of
and puts emphasis on identifying if potential tation
climate risks exists, and which infrastructure
components or subsystems of the
Figure 4.2.1 The 5-step approach of Climate Proofing.
infrastructure investment may be specially at
Step 1 Project Screening and Scoping
risk. As an example, a transport
infrastructure project can include different elements like bridges, roads, tunnels, railways etc.
and each of these elements has distinct characteristics. Therefore, each element could be
perceived as one sub-system of interest of a transport system and each might consist of further
sub-systems (roads: dirt roads, paved roads). Screening the project helps to identify those
systems of interest and apply a rough appraisal if these are vulnerable to current or potential
climate threats.

An important reminder: “a chain is only as strong as its weakest link”. The same rule applies to
assessing vulnerability and adaptation of an infrastructure system. Thus, it is important to always
take into consideration the most vulnerable “link” of each structure – that is, what is the most
vulnerable element that, when affected, could render the whole system non-operational or
cause the most damage. It is important to note that, although this often denotes the most
vulnerable component of the system (e.g. electricity lines in a electricity grid that, when
affected, would disrupt services), it is not uncommon that a more robust element represents
the weakest link (e.g. the collapse of a bridge causes more disruption than damages to the road
surface within a road grid). Infrastructure systems do not only consist of engineering elements
but also include environmental sub-systems. Infrastructure interacts with ecosystems while
putting pressure on these or receiving protective services like flood prevention by increased
water infiltration or natural barriers. Therefore, the knowledge about ecosystems located in the
direct surroundings of the infrastructure systems or in the upper watersheds which drain into
these regions supports the understanding of potential ecosystem services which should be
considered upon analyzing and designing sustainable infrastructure projects.

Having an initial scope for the adaptation work as well as a survey of existing information will
likely expand the relevant stakeholders to include climate change focal points, disaster risk
reduction focal points, and other stakeholder groups. A number of institutions and research
organizations may be conducting work relevant to the project. Specific engagement of local
communities, nongovernmental organizations, and small to large businesses operating in the

area will be important for conducting a vulnerability assessment and for engagement in selecting
the most cost-effective adaptation strategies.

The CSI Program suggests five steps for the Screening and Scoping of an infrastructure project:

Step 1: Identify the objective of the project.

Step 2: Identify all infrastructure (sub-)components (=> (sub-)system of interest).
Step 3: Identify historic, current, projected climate parameters, possibly critical climate events
and relate to systems of interest.
Step 4: Identify ecosystems which interact with the project.
Step 5: Identify stakeholders to be engaged.

4.2.4 Exercise: Screening and Scoping of an Infrastructure Project

Learning objectives
1. You will learn about how to scope your system of interest that will be subject to risk
assessment. This means identifying and agreeing on the infrastructure components considered
in the assessment. Scoping your system of interest is a crucial first step in risk assessment.

2. You will understand the need for multisector cooperation for climate resilient

3. You will learn about the key features of the PIEVC risk matrix: Identifying and agreeing on
the climate change signals and the critical climate events to be considered in the assessment.

4. You will understand the role of ecosystems for risk reduction and the importance to
consider these during the scoping of the system of interest.

Content and main tasks

• Screening goals of the infrastructure project against projected climate change risks.
 Problem definition
• Mapping key stakeholder groups involved in vulnerability and risk assessment.
 Rapid assessment of socio-economic and governance systems (e.g. public
organizations/institutions, non-governmental organizations, private sector
• Mapping or description of infrastructure project elements at risk of current and
future climate related threats (optional: include ecosystems which provide some
kind of protection to the infrastructure). Reminder: focus on the ‘weakest link’.
 Definition of the system of interest / scope of work / implementation area.
• Identifying relevant climate change signals and their adverse effects on the
infrastructure project.
 Rapid assessment of temperature, precipitation, sea level rise, flooding,
estimates of loss and damage etc.
• Beyond engineering: Identify the value of ecosystem services for sustainable
infrastructure investment (e.g. natural barriers of surface water flow or storm,
increased water infiltration).

Method: Learning from experience with a case study
You are part of the expert team, preparing the check-up
mission for the Metropolis Millennium Bridge, South State
(see Box 4.2.1 for summary and Annex 1 for details) and work
together in teams of 3 to 7 experts.

You and your colleagues bring in the engineering, climate

change, environmental and cooperation expertise, based on
the case description and your own experience.

Please find some hints for a fruitful cooperation in the box

“Guidance for effective group work”.

Your specific tasks

• Review the case description (either Metropolis/Annex

1 or your own real case).
• Use a flipchart or board with cards.
• Respond to the following tasks and present your
results guided by matrix 4.2.1.
• Step 1.
o Identify the objective of the project.
• Step 2.
o List all infrastructure components that you find
in the case description (=> systems of interest).
o Ideally cluster the components, e.g. according
to different aspects of the bridge management
or construction.
o Identify linkages between components (i.e.
how the impact in one component can affect
functioning of others).
o If possible, give indications for the design load
for each component (in case you can identify
them in the case description: watch out for
• Step 3.
o Define the critical climate events related to the
sensitivity of the infrastructure components.
o Based on the case, list all relevant climate parameters (historic, recent and
o Ideally cluster the different climatic factors that relate to each other.
o Mark components which are vulnerable to the factors and which should
undergo a detailed vulnerability and risk assessment.
• Step 4. (optional)
o Identify all ecosystems located in the direct surroundings of the infrastructure
system or in the upper watersheds which drain into these regions.
o Describe their interactions with the project (e.g. benefits, pressure, stress).
o Describe their current conditions and trends (e.g. functional, fragmented,
• Step 5.
o List key stakeholder groups who should be engaged in the climate risk and
adaptation assessments.
• Step 6.
o Prepare your presentation to the plenary and focus on your most important
results within 5 minutes.

Matrix 4.2.1. Results of the screening and scoping exercise

Step 1. Objective of the project:

Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5

System of Infrastructure Critical Climate Ecosystem(s) Stakeholder
interest components climate parameters description groups
and design events
Bridge X A

Road Z A

4.2.5 Guiding questions for reflection

• Which entry point for adaptation to climate change did you use at the level of the
• Which were the major challenges you had faced during the exercise?
• Which information and knowledge were missing with specific reference to climate
• Which stakeholder groups are key as participants in the screening and scoping exercise
and who should be involved in the development of climate service products?

4.2.6 Take away messages

• Different entry points for climate proofing of infrastructure investments exist, e.g. the
development or revision of building codes and standards for the design of
infrastructure, project preparation such as pre-feasibility and feasibility studies of
infrastructure project development, as well as during the realization of such projects
and the monitoring of their performance. In addition, infrastructure investment policies
and plans can be subject to climate proofing.
• The existence of all these entry points reveals that climate services are required in
different contexts and settings and hence have manifold application areas. This means
that also different approaches and aggregation levels towards assessing risks and
therein, developing climate service products exist.
• Climate service providers need to be capable to respond to these distinct demands and
follow structured approaches towards understanding user needs.
• The first step of climate proofing, the screening and scoping helps to identify the most
relevant climate hazards, vulnerable infrastructure components of a project (strategy or
plan) with respect to these, further information gaps and key stakeholders.

4.2.7 References
Asian Development Bank (ADB) 2011. Guidelines for climate proofing investment in the
transport sector: Road infrastructure projects. ISBN 978-92-9092-388-6. Publication Stock
No. TIM113627 - Cataloging-In-Publication Data - Asian Development Bank, Mandaluyong
City, Philippines

Asian Development Bank (ADB) 2014. Climate risk management in ADB projects. Publication
Stock No. ARM146926-2 November 2014 - Cataloging-In-Publication Data - Asian
Development Bank, Mandaluyong City, Philippines

Hahn, M. and Fröde. A. 2011. Climate Proofing for Development - Adapting to Climate Change,
Reducing Risk. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ, Eschborn,

GIZ-DWD 2018. Climate Services for the road infrastructure sector in Costa Rica. A baseline
assessment report. GIZ Eschborn/Bonn, Germany: tbd

Ray, P.A. and Brown, C. M. 2015. Confronting Climate Uncertainty in Water Resources Planning
and Project Design: The Decision Tree Framework. Washington, DC: World Bank. ©World
Bank. License: CC BY 3.0

Selected Climate Change Risk Screening Tools (recommended by ADB 2011):

Department for International Development, United Kingdom: Opportunities and Risks of Climate
Change and Disasters (ORCHID) and Climate Risk Impacts on Sectors and Programmes,

Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Climate quick scans,

German International Cooperation: Climate check,

World Bank: Climate change portal including ADAPT tool,

International Institute for Sustainable Development: Community-based Risk Screening Tool—

Adaptation and Livelihoods (CRiSTAL),
4.2.8 Personal notes

4.3 Climate risk assessment
4.3.1 Skills and knowledge
• The trainee understands the terminology and concept of Climate Risk Assessment for
infrastructure projects as a Climate Service product following the PIEVC Engineering
• The trainee is able to identify needs for the development of climate services products.
• The trainee is able to apply the experiences from the exercise to other infrastructure

4.3.2 Context
“One of the key messages that comes out very strongly from this report is that we are already seeing the consequences
of 1°C of global warming through more extreme weather, rising sea levels and diminishing Arctic sea ice, among other
Panmao Zhai, Co-Chair of IPCC Working Group I (IPCC 2018)
Climate Risk Assessment is a decision support tool. It follows the Project Screening and Scoping
step within the 5-step approach of Climate Proofing, and it includes assessing climate hazards,
exposure, vulnerabilities and their drivers. As a decision support tool that considers climate
information, it can also be considered a highly value-added Climate Service, which in many cases
is ready-to-use for end-users. Project Screening and Scoping is the preparatory step for the
following risk assessment.

This step frames the project to be analyzed

against national policies, plans, standards and
priorities. Moreover, it defines the decision Screening
and Scoping
making context for climate proofing along the
infrastructure investment cycle that has
significant influence on the identification of
those systems of interest that are potentially Monitoring
vulnerable to current or potential climate Assessment
threats. E.g. in a pre-feasibility phase of a project Infrastructure
the selection of an appropriate location for the Investment
infrastructure is of interest. Hence, in the pre-
feasibility phase, the focus is rather on the
selection of alternative geographic entities
Selection of
suitable for an infrastructure investment, Implemen-
whereas in the feasibility phase the focus is Measures
rather on specific assets of an infrastructure to
ensure that design of components are climate
Figure 4.3.1. The 5-step approach of Climate Proofing.
proofed. Once the decision-making context is Step 2: Vulnerability and Risk Assessment
clearly defined (different phases of investment
cycle) and the system of interest is scoped accordingly, the climate risk assessment can be
framed and conducted, pursuing to provide direct utility for taking climate sensitive investment

Hence, once more, the type of risk assessment to be followed depends on the selected decision-
making context (entry point for climate proofing based on the investment project process) as
well as in occasions of feasibility studies, the type of infrastructure assets in focus (e.g. physical

and operational assets, single infrastructure, network of infrastructure, life cycle). Hence, careful
scoping is a very important preparatory step that defines the way climate sensitive investment
decisions can be taken.

4.3.3 Concept: Climate vulnerability and risk assessment of infrastructures Definition of climate risk
The concept of climate risk is defined in the Fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC (AR5). Climate
risk is a function from the potential impact of a climate hazard on a system of interest and the
probability for this hazard to happen. The potential impact, on the other hand, is the function of
exposure of the system of interest to a climate hazard and its vulnerability. Vulnerability is
defined by the sensitivity (→ impact thresholds) and the adaptive capacity of the system of
interest. Therefore, climate risk can be summarised by the following equation:
𝐶𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑘 = ℎ𝑎𝑧𝑎𝑟𝑑 (𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦) × 𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒 ×
𝑎𝑑𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦
Detailed definitions and the logic behind the concept of climate risk is displayed in Figure 4.2.2.
Figure 4.2.3 illustrates some risk causality paths and emphasises to understand the drivers of
risk for the development of adaptation options. Hence, the result of a well-performed climate
risk assessment details reasons for and drivers of climate risk of systems of interest with regard
to exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity, disclosed by different hazards. The more detailed
the climate risk assessments are performed, the more decisive underlying (bio-physical) and
socioeconomic drivers for climate risk may be identified. These underlying causes for risk also
represent adaptation entry points, which can be addressed in the following step of the 5-Step
Approach of Climate Proofing (“Adaptation Assessment”).

Box 4.3.1 Climate Risk Terminology

Adaptive capacity The ability by a human or natural system to adjust to climate change and
variability, to moderate potential damage, to take advantage of
opportunities or to cope with impacts from climate change.
Adaptive capacity is a function of the relative level of a society’s economic
resources, access to technology, access to climate information, skills to
make use of the information, institutions and equitable distribution of
resources. It tends to be correlated with the level of development: more
developed countries and communities tend to have more adaptive
capacity (IPCC 2001, OECD 2009).
According to IUCN, in ecosystems, adaptive capacity is influenced by
biodiversity (genetic, species and their inherent variability ). In social
systems adaptive capacity is determined by the individual and/or common
ability to cope with change (the ability to learn, manage risks and impacts,
develop new knowledge, and devise effective approaches) and the
institutional setting (Marshall et al. 2010).

Climate hazard Severe and extreme weather and climate events that occur naturally in all
parts of the world, although some regions are more vulnerable to certain
hazards than others. Natural hazards become natural disasters when
people’s lives and livelihoods are destroyed. Human and material losses
caused by natural disasters are a major obstacle to sustainable
development. (WMO 2015)

Exposure In practical terms, exposure is the extent to which a region, resource or
community experiences changes in climate. It is characterized by the
magnitude, frequency, duration and/or spatial extent of a climate event.
(Andrade Pérez et al. 2010, IPCC 2007).
Risk assessment defines exposure as people and assets exposed to
hazards (ADAM

Exposure Unit or An exposure unit is an activity, group, region or resource exposed to

System of Interest significant climatic variations (IPCC, 2013). Also used in the sense of
system of interest.

Impact (CC) Climate change impacts are consequences of climate change on natural
and human systems. The character and magnitude of an impact is
determined by (a) the exposure and (b) the sensitivity of the system.
Biophysical impacts refer to the biophysical parts of a system and often
directly result from climate change factors, e.g. damaged infrastructure
due to flooding or erosion of shorelines due to storm surge.
Socio-economic impacts (for the bigger part) follow biophysical impacts
and affect socio-economic development, e.g. reduced access to services
due to damaged infrastructure or losses in tourism revenues due to
shoreline erosion.
Depending on the consideration of adaptation, one can distinguish
between potential impacts and residual impacts: Potential impacts: all
impacts that may occur given a projected change in climate, without
considering adaptation. Residual impacts: the impacts of climate change
that would occur after adaptation (IPCC 2007).

Risk The combination of the probability of an event and its negative

consequences. The word “risk” has two distinctive connotations: in popular
usage the emphasis is usually placed on the concept of chance or
possibility, such as in “the risk of an accident”; whereas in technical
settings the emphasis is usually placed on the consequences, in terms of
“potential losses” for some particular cause, place and period (UNISDR
Risk triangle: risk is a function of hazard, exposure and vulnerability

Sensitivity Sensitivity is the degree to which a system can be affected, negatively or

positively, by changes (in climate). Changes may have direct or indirect
effects (IPCC 2007).
In ecological systems, sensitivity is described in terms of physiological
tolerances to changing conditions. The sensitivity of social systems
depends on economic, political, cultural and institutional factors. These
factors can confound or ameliorate climate exposure. (Marshall et al.

Vulnerability Vulnerability is the degree to which a system is susceptible to, and unable
to cope with, adverse effects of climate change. Vulnerability is a function
of exposure to climate stresses, sensitivity and adaptive capacity.
Vulnerability increases as the magnitude of climate change (exposure) or
sensitivity increases, and decreases as adaptive capacity increases (IPCC
Risk assessment defines vulnerability as the degree of impact/damage
incurred by people and assets due to the intensity of an event. (ADAM

Figure 4.3.2: Concepts defining climate risk, based on IPCC AR5

Figure 4.3.3: Causal structure of risk, based on Baumert (2016)

74 Infrastructure Vulnerability and Risk
Assessment Box 4.3.2
Vulnerability and Risk Assessments form together the second
step of Climate Proofing. They identify vulnerability (as a function
of sensitivity and adaptive capacity) and exposure of Impacts of Climate Change
infrastructure project components to climate change effects,
which result in impacts of varying severity from hazards that
on Road Infrastructure in
may occur with an estimated probability. Thus, uncertainty is New York and Seattle
part of climate risk assessment. Risk Assessment is an
important Climate Service Product for decision makers. New York and Seattle (among other urban and
coastal areas in the United States) have been the
In the following some key considerations are subject of climate change studies.
outlined that are crucial to follow once carrying
In the city of Seattle, the following components of
out climate risk assessment.
the road infrastructure system were found to be
(1) Type of risk assessment depends on the most vulnerable:
decision making context in the different • bridges and culverts (from increased mean
steps in the infrastructure investment annual rainfall, rainfall intensity, and sea
cycle. level rise),
• causeways and coastal roads (from sea level
Risk information is required in different steps of rise and increased frequency and intensity
infrastructure investments (compare entry points of storm surges),
for climate proofing in the infrastructure • pavement surfaces (from increased mean
investment process, Module 2.2). Hence, risk annual temperature),
information needs to be tailored according to the • surface drainage (from increased intensity
of rainfall), and
decision making context in these different steps.
• Hillside slope stability (from increased mean
For example, whereas in the pre-feasibility phase annual rainfall and rainfall intensity).
a geographic position for the entire infrastructure
needs to be selected (risk information shall In the New York metropolitan area, it was found
that the transportation systems would be
support this decision: exposure / hazard
significantly affected by floods and rising water
information), in the feasibility phase the resilience
tables, especially because many of the critical
of the infrastructure at a specific selected spot transport facilities are in tunnels.
needs to be established. Here, risk information
shall define load thresholds / impact thresholds See Cohen, S., W.K. Soo Hoo, and M. Sumitani.
2005. Climate Change Will Impact the Seattle
for infrastructure specific physical-, functional-
Department of Transportation. Seattle,
and operational components based on Washington: Office of City Auditor; and Rosenzweig,
anticipated climate events. C. and W.D. Solecki. 2001. Climate Change and a
Global City: The Potential Consequences of Climate
To conclude, risk assessments start after the
Variability and Change—Metro East Coast. Report
definition of the decision making context, the for the US Global Change Research Program,
system of interest and/or sub-systems of interest National Assessment of the Potential
that are likely to be under climate risk. Consequences of Climate Variability and Change
for the United States. New York: Columbia Earth
(2) Bottom-up vs. top down approaches Institute.
towards risk assessment – the role of
impact-threshold based risk assessment

In dealing with climate change and the

uncertainties of climate risks, various approaches or gradations of approaches of adaptation and

disaster risk management planning do exist. Most approaches can be divided in ‘top-down’
approaches (scenario-impact-first) and ‘bottom-up’ approaches (vulnerability-threshold-first).

Their main difference lies in the timing or sequencing of individual steps of the risk analysis (see
fig. 4.3.4) which may have, however, significant implications for management of uncertainties,
the timing of adaptation options, and the efficiency of policymaking. Top-down approaches start
with scenarios of future climate conditions and model possible impacts of changing climate
conditions and subsequently identify adaptation options. This approach is most useful to raise
awareness of the problem, to identify possible adaptation strategies and to identify research
priorities. However, top-down approaches are often not able to consider the scale and purpose
of decision-makers and usually give less consideration of current risks from natural climate
variability, to non-climatic stressors and to key uncertainties.

In contrast, bottom-up approaches can be independent of any specific future climate condition.
They are particularly useful for identifying priority areas for acute action, when the role of
climatic stress factors cannot clearly be demarcated from non-climatic factors or uncertainties
about future climate impact are very large (IPCC 2012). Consequently, for the identification of
adaptation options for on-site decision-making, a detailed knowledge of current climate risks is
necessary in order to assess future climate risks in the vicinity of deep uncertainty. This in turn
requires problem- or user-tailored climate information.

Figure 4.3.4: Sequence of steps of top-down approaches (left) vs. bottom-up approaches of assessing
climate risks (SREX 2012)

As mentioned in chapter 3, the co-design of climate service products is a pre-condition for the
uptake of climate information in processes of risk assessment and adaptation decision making.
For instance, it makes little sense to make a risk assessment to a hazard which is not related to
a specified “load-threshold” of an infrastructure’s component. A load-threshold is related to
maximum loads (e.g. kN/m2) for different infrastructure components. I.e. assessing the change
of daily temperature extreme values in the context of climate change has little information value
for components which are vulnerable to moderate high temperatures which occur several days
in a row (heat spell). While in the first case the magnitude of temperature is in focus, in the
second case the sensitivity of the component rather refers to the duration and frequency of high

temperature periods. Consequently, by not considering the appropriate user-specific climate
hazard, the risk for this component would be dramatically underestimated or even neglected.
Hence, the definition of climate parameters, indices and projections to be applied depends on
decision-makers’ requirements, the impact thresholds of the infrastructure, as well as the life
cycle of the infrastructure.

(3) Methods to be applied for risk assessment are highly contextual

Risk assessments can use a variety of approaches. These deeply depend on time, people,
knowledge and financial resources. In turn, metrics to be used greatly depend on the working
context and the system of interest under analysis, as well as available data or existing data gaps
that force practitioners to work with proxies. These quite open variables also mean that climate
risk assessments should always be designed in a flexible way, allowing for methodological
adjustments on the run, grounded on evolving requirements, capacities, and resources.

(4) Understanding drivers of risk reveal options for climate risk management

Overarching, risk assessment puts emphasis on identifying drivers for climate-induced risks. As
an example, a bridge infrastructure project or existing structure, such as its bridge pillars, can be
at risk because it is likely that they will be exposed in the future to stronger flash floods that
exacerbate the pillars impact thresholds. The drivers for this risk are on the one hand the bridge
pillars’ physical design and its conditions (i.e. age) itself, but also the river basin landscape that
allows for flash floods due to previous river regulation. Screening for the drivers for risk both
regarding exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity, allows for an understanding of all factors
leading to risk. In order to understand the significance of these factors for potential (bio-
physical) and socio-economic impacts of climate change, it is important to weight each one of
them, in order to have instruments to simulate in further steps on how to effectively reduce
climate risk.

(5) Uncertainty in risk assessment & the role of decision makers

Even with significant data and information available, climate risk assessments always occur
under conditions of uncertainty. This is due to the fact that it is not possible to entirely picture
the complexity of risk conditions, including the projection of climate change. For this reason, it
is key for decision-makers to define acceptable levels of liabilities and accountabilities facing risk
(i.e. “residual risk”). This is especially relevant when performing engineering-centred risk
assessments, as in particular in the absence of data, quantitative assessment approaches may
need to be mixed with qualitative data. To ensure trust in the process under conditions of
uncertainty, decisions on procedures, methods applied, and results of the risk assessment need
to be made transparent and based on consensus. A method for consensus building can be e.g.
through the quantification of qualitative judgement. To ensure liability, acceptability, and
accountability documentation of decision making within each risk assessment step is crucial.

(6) Risk assessment as a multi-stakeholder process requires clear governance and


Since conducting climate risk assessments (and defining the Climate Information therein)
depend on data related to the infrastructure setup, processes of Climate Risk Assessments
should be designed and conducted within a multi-stakeholder process representing different
disciplines, from engineers and planners, to climate service providers and relevant decision
makers. Moreover, risk assessment not only needs to be developed and validated by experts in
the area, but also by decision makers and general public that might be affected by the identified
risks. Hence, in order to achieve adequate commitment for the achieved results it is
recommended to reserve time and resources for the participation of all relevant stakeholders,
e.g. local communities, nongovernmental organizations, and small to large businesses operating
in the area. Multi-stakeholder processes can become difficult to manage. Good management
and facilitation skills are needed.

(7) Resource intensity of risk assessments is variable and context specific

A climate risk assessment can be carried out with different levels of resource intensity.
Digitalization tools might help to increase the efficiency of risk information selection and
evaluation. An express workshop format is also a valid method to create in-depth knowledge
and validated results, although it is recommended to be performed after assessing general
information. Step-by step guidance for Infrastructure Climate Vulnerability and Risk Assessment
The climate risk assessment of infrastructure based on Engineers Canada’s Public Infrastructure
Engineering Vulnerability Committee (PIEVC) protocol suggests that the 3 elements of the
Climate Risk equation shall be assessed via 5 steps:

Once the context of Climate Risk Assessment is defined (Step A), Climate Risk Assessment
elaborates on the exposure of the system of interest to the potential climate effects (Step B).
Based on these climate parameters, the sensitivity of the infrastructure is assessed. This is done
by investigating on the systems of interest (e.g. infrastructure assets / components) the impact
thresholds (defining load capacity based on forensic analysis, design parameters, building codes
etc.) as well as evaluating the consequences of their failure with regard to the service provided
by the infrastructure (Step C). Based on the identified impact thresholds, climate indices are
defined and projected. They are calculated by the probability of certain climate indices to change
(Step D). Finally, factors for adaptive capacity are identified that can support the adaptation
process (Step E).

In the following guidance more detail of the risk assessment procedure is provided. A case is
made for assessing the risk of existing infrastructure that requires climate proofing in the course
of general maintenance planning:

Step A: Define the context of your risk assessment

Step A is the Scoping Exercise, which has already been defined in chapter 4.1. As a reminder,
relevant questions to be asked for are:
o What is the decision making context of your infrastructure investment?
o What is the infrastructure of concern?
o Do you deal with a single infrastructure object or an infrastructure network?
o What is the (potential) location and spatial coverage of the infrastructure

Step B: Elaborate on the exposure of specific infrastructure assets and operational

units to potential climate-related hazards (Exposure, Hazards)
Climate and thus climate change may become critical as affecting infrastructures and changing
physical characteristics of individual components or operational processes and consequently
causing undesired impacts. These impacts may be induced directly by (primary) climate events
(e.g. heat influences physical or chemical characteristics of material or the capacities and
functionality of staff in order to fulfil tasks) or indirectly by the interaction of several climate
and/or non-climate parameters which can be termed as secondary or tertiary climate events or
climate-related events (e.g. heavy precipitation causes floods or landslides which impede to hit
infrastructure assets).

In a bottom-up approach the event that directly impedes the infrastructure’s components are
the events to be considered as most relevant no matter if it is a primary, secondary or tertiary
climate event. All climate events (primary or sub-sequent) that constitute a threat to an
infrastructure will be termed as climate-related hazards according the AR5 terminology.

The relevance of climate-related hazards for infrastructure and their components or operational
processes varies drastically depending on the infrastructure itself, its intrinsic characteristics and
thus its individual impact-related thresholds (please refer to step C). Therefore, considering the
threshold issue, climate-related hazards cannot be considered as absolute events with
standalone validity but as relative to the affected system (or infrastructure component). E.g. a
flood becomes a climate-related hazard for a component (or a component will be exposed to a
climate-related hazard) as soon as the intensity/duration/frequency relationship of the flood
becomes relevant for the component (i.e. causes a defined undesired outcome). This outcome
is defined by a threshold.

Until this threshold is not reached, the component is not sensitive (or not even exposed) to the
specified climate-related hazard. On the other hand, all types of floods which cause an effect
exceeding the component’s threshold are relevant for the infrastructure and constitute thus a
climate-related hazard. This is often in contrast to the consideration of climatological defined
extreme events. The statistical extremity of climate-related events is related to the likelihood of
their occurrence and not to the consequence in the case of an impact. This approach assumes
that the component is adapted to all events but extreme events which is often not the case.
Consequently, considering only the exposure of a component to a statistical extreme event
would systematically underestimate its risk to this type of event.

The consequence of the complex relationship between hazard and exposure which is outlined
above and which also integrates aspects of sensitivity requires a practical approach for the
assessment of these elements. The exposure of a component to a climate-related hazard can
therefore be defined generically and specifically. The generic type of exposure can be defined
as follows: a component is exposed to a climate-related hazard type. This type of climate-related
hazard might become relevant for the component as soon as a certain intensity / duration /
frequency relationship is reached which is, however, not defined yet.

In order to assess which infrastructure Box
components or even sub-components might
potentially be at risk from different climate-
related events the following sub-steps are The life cycle of
Step B1: Identify & select critical infrastructure
components and operational processes Each infrastructure is designed to have a certain
life cycle. This means an amount of years to last
(screening of most important components for
and function. For public infrastructure, life cycles
the assessment): usually are between 25 to 100 years. However,
different components of the infrastructure may
• What are components or operational have reduced life cycles, and therefore might need
processes which are most critical for the to be replaced before the life cycle of the whole
functionality and safety of the infrastructure.
infrastructure? Regarding climate risk, it is therefore relevant to
• What are the life cycles of the identified analyze climate conditions for the whole life cycle,
components? in order to assess possible exposure and

Step B2: For each identified infrastructure component or operational process identify types
of climate-related events which potentially may have a relevant impact:

• What are the climate-related event types that might have an effect for the infrastructure
component or operational process?
• What is the generic bio-physical impact of the identified climate-related event on the
infrastructure component or operational process?


(B1) The identification of component life-cycles is relevant for the choice of the time slice of
climate projections. If a component has a life-cycle of about 25 years, the development of the
identified climate-related hazard in 100 years is not (yet) relevant for the assessment of
adaptation options for this component.

(B2) The identification of a generic bio-physical impact helps to identify possible climate-related
hazard types by tracing back on that events which might cause a bio-physical impact of concern.
Some examples on climate-related hazard types and their generic impacts are provided in table
4.2.1. Furthermore, for several infrastructure sectors there are lists available on typical climate-
related hazards and generic impacts on specific infrastrucutre components and operational
processes. These lists easen the assessment of climate-related hazards which are relevant for a
specific infrastructure or might be relevant in the context of climate change (see Annex
3 of this subchapter for an example from the road transport infrastructure sector).

Table 4.3.1: Examples of temperature-related hazard types and their generic impacts on infrastructure
components or operational processes (with additional examples related to road infrastructure in
Annex 3)

Climate Climate – Specifications / Generic impacts

stressors related hazard definitions
Temperature Extreme high Short-term (day) Warming of road surface → thermal expansion →
temperatures occurrence of breakage → not usable for vehicles
critically high air
temperature (max
Periods of high Period (days-weeks) Stress or damage of physical/ecosystem entities due
temperatures of critically high air to iterative heat increase (e.g. permanent heat-
(heat spells) temperature (high- stress)
max values) Medium-term change of physical/chemical/behavior
characteristics of physical/ecosystem entities due to
iterative heat increase (e.g. change of gaseous state,
mechanical or electrical characteristics, behavior
patterns or other functionalities).
Warm season Season (months) of Drying of Soil conditions that might affect stability of
critically high mean bridge pillars.
air temperatures
Extreme low Short-term (day) Stress or damage of physical/ecosystem entities due
temperatures occurrence of to sudden temperature drop (e.g. super-cooling)
critically low air Short-term change of physical/chemical/behavior
temperature (min characteristics of physical/ecosystem entities due to
values) sudden temperature drop (e.g. change of gaseous
state, mechanical or electrical characteristics,
behavior patterns or other functionalities).

Extreme Short-term (day) Stress or damage of physical/ecosystem entities due

temperature extreme oscillation to short-term temperature oscillations (e.g. thermo-
oscillations of air temperature mechanical stress)
Short-term change of physical/chemical/behavior
characteristics of physical/ecosystem entities due to
short-term temperature oscillations (e.g.
inconsistent gaseous state, mechanical or electrical
characteristics, behavior patterns or other

Wet season Season (months) Start of period for relevant socio- or ecosystem-
with critically high based processes and phenomena due to exceeding
mean rainfall certain minimum rainfall sums / achievement of
certain mean rainfall sums (e.g. growing periods,

Step C: Identify sensitivities of the infrastructure components to the climate-related

events identified and climate change.
Sensitivity is defined as the degree to which a system is affected by climate change. Or in other
words: a system is sensitive if the impact is high relative to the change of the climate signal.

Factors of an exposed system’s sensitivity are: (1) the existance of threshold and characteristics
within the system (i.e. sudden change); (2) thresholds within infrastructure components leading
to serviceability, functionality or safety loss of a component; (3) the criticality of the system
regarding the consequences of the impact beyond the system’s boarders (i.e. cascading effect).
(1) Considering the discussion of climate-related events above, it is important to realize that
the sensitivity to climate change of an infrastructure component or operation process is
dependent on the length and characteristics of the climate-impact chain: E.g. in the case of
a flood, catchment characteristics like soil conditions, land use, vegetation cover, bedrock
conditions and others influence the hydrological conditions and therefore also influences
the sensitivity of the hydrological system (e.g. flood generation) to a change in climate
drivers (like changes in precipitation or temperature). Hence, the way precipitation or
temperature influences flood characteristics depends on catchment characteristics.

(2) The exeedance of a threshold within a system implies a significant change in the behaviour
or characteristics of the affected system. Thresholds of infrastructure components are
determined by e.g. the load capacity (design load) of building materials influenced by quality
of materials, aging and maintenance schemes or operational management of the assets.

In the context of infrastructures, thresholds can refer to the (i) serviceability, (ii)
functionality and (iii) safety of a component or entire infrastructure. In the case of a bridge,
the affection of serviceability may refer to a temporal closure due, e.g. to a flooded access
road (however, without physically damaging the bridge). The affection of functionality may
refer to partial damage of the bridge, which can be repaired in rather short time but requires
temporal restriction in service or even closure. The affection of safety refers to the serious
physical damage or even failure of a component, which might require effortful renovation
or even rebuilding of the bridge and thus long-term closure. Theoretically, for each
component at least three thresholds can be defined which consider all three aspects. The
impact of concern (affection or loss of serviceability, functionality or safety of a component)
needs to be defined by the decision-maker of the infrastructure. Even when design codes
exist that define certain thresholds (especially safety thresholds), there are seldom universal
thresholds available since local conditions are always individual. Thus, thresholds always
refer to local environmental conditions and specific decision-making processes of
infrastructure operators.

(3) Sensitivity may also refer to the subsequent consequences of the affection/failure of a
component, which might be critical for the functionality or safety of other components or
for socio-economic systems which are inter-related or dependent on the infrastrucutre. E.g.
when the closure of the bridge takes too long, because critical components failed and the
bridge is destroyed or the maintenance activites take very long, other systems which are
dependent on the bridge may be seriously affected. However, there are also factors in place
which might mitigate such effects, such as managing residual risk (or disaster management)
through a business continuity management appoach.

The following sub-steps provide deeper insights:

• Step C1: Construction of climate hazard chain

Once the relevant climate-related hazards are identified which may have an undesired
impact on components, the climate-impact chain between impact and hazard needs to
be traced back and characterized in order to identify factors of sensitivity. I.e. the
interlinkage of the climate-related hazard with the climate shall be identified and factors
which influence this interlinkage being identified. In the case at which a primary climate
signal (i.e. sea-level rise, temperature or precipitation pattern) is the climate hazard,
there is no climate-hazard chain existent. However, in case of a secondary hazard (e.g.
a flood, caused by extreme precipitation), an additional linkage to climate parameters
has to be established. The relationship between climate change signals and secondary
hazard events is usually also influenced by the system’s characteristics, like e.g.
catchment area characteristics such as topography or biodiversity, which function as
sensitivity factors.

• How is the identified climate-related hazard interlinked with climate? What is

the qualitative cause-effect logic between climate signal and the emergence of
the climate-related hazard?
• What are the bio-physical and socio-economic factors that influence the effect
of climate on the identified climate-related hazard of concern?

• Step C2: Identification of impact thresholds

After the identification of the relevant climate-related hazards which may have an
undesired impact on components and the associated climate-hazard chain, the
characteristics of the climate-related event that make it critical for the infrastructure
component need to be identified (i.e. quantified), therefore, expanding the climate-
hazard to a climate-impact chain. The event becomes critical when the provided load
from the event (e.g. intensity, duration, frequency of events) exceeds the load capacity
of the infrastructure component and thus triggers an impact on the infrastructure
component. The quantitatively characterized climate-related event should then be
analyzed regarding its probability of occurrence (see Module 2.1).

• What are the climate-related thresholds of the selected components and

operational processes, regarding intensity, duration and frequency, which cause
the undesired consequences once being exceeded?
What are the bio-physical and socio-economic drivers influencing the identified
impact thresholds (e.g. aging, over-use, lack of maintenance etc. – vulnerability-
causality analysis)?

• Step C3: Consequences for the infrastructure as a whole or sub-processes

The impact identified in Step A is the main point of attention. However, other impacts
deriving from this may cause even more losses. For this reason, it is relevant to explore
additional (bio-)physical and socio-economic impacts that could afford generate
additional risk.

• Considering the identified impacts and their thresholds of each component:

what are potential subsequent consequences of these impacts on other parts of
the infrastructure or on other interrelated socio-economic systems? Are these
consequences critical?
• What are available coping options in order to mitigate the severity of the
subsequent consequences?


(C1) More details on the construction of climate-impact chains can be found in the Vulnerability
Sourcebook (

(C2) The impact chain is always performed with regard to the current status, and not to possible
future statusses. This means that possible – but still not implemented – adaptive capacity
measures shall not be taken into account.

(C3) Sources of information are forensic analysis of already experienced damages, as well as
building codes and design studies of the infrastructure.

(C4) This type of sensitivity is also part of a criticality analysis3 which may help to further
prioritize infrastructure components or operation processes for further analysis.

Step D: Identify probability of component-specific climate-related hazards in the

context of climate change
In order to assess the risk of loss and damage in the context of climate change (i.e. the impact
on an infrastructure component), the probability of the climate-related hazard occurring in the
future must be assessed. However, depending on the complexity of the climate-related hazard,
this is not always a straight forward and easy task. In the simplest case, the climate-related
hazard is a primary event and composed of only climate variables, ideally even only one variable.
In the case of complex interactions of climate parameters (e.g. phenomena like hurricanes or
indices which relate to specific vulnerabilities) the predictability has to be checked. If this is not
possible, a representative variable or “hosting event” (i.e. surrogates, proxies) need to be
identified in order to assess the probability of such events from climate projections. For
secondary or tertiary events, climate impact models are required. If they are not available, again
surrogates need to be identified.

• Step D1: Identify probability and certainty of climate-related hazards for current
climate conditions.
o What are probabilities of occurrence of the climate-related hazards in the
current climate? What are the uncertainties of the analysis?

• Step D2: Check the predictability of the component-specific climate-related

hazards and identify climate surrogate parameters if applicable.

o Can the climate-related hazard of concern be projected with adequate

precision? If required: are adequate impact models available?
o If not, what are climate parameters, events or systems which are predictable
and correlate well with the identified climate-related hazards?

Fekete, Alexander. (2010). Criticality analysis of Critical Infrastructures (CI)-developing generic criteria
for identifying and evaluating the relevance of CI for society.

• Step D3: Identify probability and certainty of climate-related hazards in the
context of climate change.

o What are probabilities of occurrence of the climate-related hazards in the

context of climate change? What are the uncertainties of the projections?
o How to communicate these uncertainties to decision makers?


(D1) A step-by-step approach here fore is provided in Chapter 2.1, following IPCC AR5 criteria.

Step E: Identify adaptive capacity and its socioeconomic drivers.

Adaptive capacities are the properties or variables within or in connection of the system of
interest that have an influence or adjust to potential impacts, to make use of their opportunities,
or to respond to their consequences. Examples are financial resources, technical know-how, or
back-up plans in case of infrastructure failure.

Figure 4.3.5: Example of impact chain

Step F: Calculate climate risk
Certain decision-makers feel the need to quantify climate risk. This makes sense when they need
to decide about the urgency of the action to take up risk-reducing measures. The calculation of
climate risk is only performed for systems which already have been assessed as exposed to
climate hazards. For this reason, exposure is not taken into account in the calculation.

Quantification most often poses a certain challenge to climate risk advisors, as indicators are
usually not unambiguous. For this reason, it is key to identify key factors leading to vulnerability,
and multiply these findings by the likelihood for the occurrence of the climate hazard leading to
the event. Many of the factors are not quantifyable per-se, and need to be discussed based on
expert judgement.

Step F1: Calculate the sensitivity of your exposed system.

• Taking into account the previously identified sensitivity factors leading to the potential
impact, how would you assess the sensitivity on the scale of 0 (not sensitive at all) to 7
(extremely sensitive)?

Step F2: Calculate the lack of adaptive capacity of your exposed system.

• Taking into account the previously identified adaptive capacity factors acting upon the
identified sensitivity and potential impact factors, how would you assess the lack of
adaptive capacity on the scale of 7 (no adaptive capacity at all) to 0 (full adaptive
capacity to the expected sensitivities and potential impact) in your system?

Step F3: Calculate the vulnerability of your exposed system

• Taking into account the previously identified sensitivity and adaptive capacity scores,
assess the vulnerability score using matrix 4.3.1.

Matrix 4.3.1: Vulnerability calculation matrix

Step F4: Calculate the risk of your exposed system

o Taking into account the previously identified vulnerability scores and the
likeliness scores identified in chapter 2.1, assess the risk score using matrix
Matrix 4.3.2: Climate Risk calculation matrix


(F1) Calculating climate risk makes sense in order to prioritize adaptation efforts. Therefore, it
often makes sense to also perform this exercise for different sub-components within your
system, pursuing to identify critical points that my increase the risk for the whole system.

(F2) To assess the sensitivity and adaptive capacity of your system, try to first identify key factors
that define most of your sensivity and adaptive capacity, and centre discussions on those.

(F3) When calculating the lack of adaptive capacity, compare it to identified sensivitivies. “No
lack of adaptave capacity” means that existing adaptive capacity currently completely equalizes
existing sensitivity.

4.3.4 Exercise: Infrastructure vulnerability and risk assessment
Learning objectives
1. You will learn about how to identify climate-related vulnerabilities and risks within your
infrastructure-centered system of interest. This means exploring all aspects of climate risk,
including exposure sensitivity and adaptive capacity, exploring single climate hazards.
Performing a vulnerability and risk assessment is crucial to identify possible entry points for

2. You will learn about the key features of the PIEVC risk matrix: Identifying and agreeing on
the climate change signals and the critical climate events to be considered in the assessment.

3. You will learn how to identify potential impacts to your system of interest, linked to climate
change trends for specific infrastructure components and specific performance goals.

4. You will understand how potential (bio-physical) impacts to your system of interest are
linked to thresholds within single components of your system.

5. You will learn how to construct impact chains linking potential impacts to hazards to which
your system of interest is exposed.

6. You will learn how to construct indices based on your impact chain that add meaning to the
single components that conform the climate risk of your system of interest.

7. You will understand how factors apart from your infrastructure investment can increase its
climate risk or potentially be part of the solution to decrease it.

Content and main tasks

• Estimation of potential (bio-)physical impacts linked to climate change trends for
specific infrastructure components and specific performance goals
 Definition of the point of departure for the vulnerability and risk assessment
• Assessment of thresholds leading to (bio-physical) impacts
o Definition of sensitivity leading to (bio-physical) impacts
• Link (bio-)physical impacts to specific hazards
o Construction of the main impact chain
• Identification of sensitivities
o Identification of direct and indirect sensitivities
• Identification of adaptive capacities
o Assessment of direct and indirect adaptive capacities, and their link to exposure
and sensitivities
• Mapping of socioeconomic consequences of the (bio-physical) impact
o Identification of socioeconomic impacts
• Calculate climate risk
 Calculation of climate risk, based on the calculation of vulnerability and likeliness
of a hazard.

Method: Learning from experience with a case Box 4.3.4
You are part of the expert team, developing the
risk-assessment mission for the Metropolis
Millennium Bridge, South State (see Box 4.3.4 for
summary and Annex 1 for details) and work
together with 3 to 7 experts in a team.

You and your colleagues bring in the engineering,

climate change, environmental and cooperation
expertise, based on the case description and your
own experience.

Please find some hints for a fruitful cooperation in

the box “Guidance for effective group work”.

Your specific tasks

• Review the case description (Annex 1).

• Review the results from exercises
performed in Modules 2.1 and 4.2. (in case
you did these before).
• Use a flipchart or board with cards.
• Respond to the following tasks and
present your results in form of impact
chains (see also figure 4.3.5). The
information in brackets refers to the
PIEVC-steps explained in the previous
• Step 1. (A)
o Name the system of interest to be
assessed (e.g. one identified in the
Scoping Exercise of Module 4.2).
• Step 2.
o Select one climate hazard with a
relevant likeliness to happen more
frequently (e.g. from results of the
exercise in chapter 2.1 of Module
2 or expert judgement). Place it to
the top of the board.
• Step 3. (B1)
o Identify and select critical infrastructure components and operational
o Focus on most critical infrastructure components and take the life cycle into
• Step 4. (B2)
o For each identified infrastructure component or operational process identify
types of climate-related events which potentially may have a relevant impact
and to which the infrastructure is or might be exposed within its life cycle (use
the results of chapter 2.1 exercise to assess future exposure).
o Define a generic bio-physical impact of the identified climate-related event on
the infrastructure component or operational process.
o Place the selected (bio-physical) impact near to the middle of your board.
• Step 4. (C1)
o Name the climate-related hazard Box 4.3.5
leading to the selected (bio-physical)
impact. Pin it next to the card with
the (bio-)physical impact. Factors for Sensitivity
o Identify a climate signal leading to
the identified climate-related hazard. Factors leading to sensitivity can be identified,
Pin it next to the card with the e.g., in:
hazard. • Characteristics of public and private
o Establish the link between the infrastructure, or its sub-components;
climate-related hazard and the • Environmental characteristics and
climate signal. Take the qualitative ecosystem services;
cause-effect logic between climate • The social structure of a system
signal and the emergence of the (demography, health, social dynamics,
education, social cohesion, etc.);
climate-related hazard into account.
• The governance system (distribution of
o Pursue to explore all intermediate power, human rights, access to resources,
impacts leading to the selected (bio- gender equality, public perception of risk
)physical impact. factors, political stability, etc.); and
o Include the bio-physical and socio- • The economic situation (conditions for socio-
economic sensitivities that influence economic balance, macro-economic factors,
the effect of climate on the identified risk transferring schemes, etc.
climate-related hazard of concern.
o Place the sensitivities (written on cards with a different color than the impacts
and climate change signals) attached to the impacts they influence, connecting
them with arrows.
o Construct a climate change impact chain linking the climate hazard to the
selected (bio-)physical impact using arrows.
o Explore and identify sub-sensitivities / driving forces that lead to the prior
identified sensitivities (e.g. “deforestation” lead to “erodible soil structure”), by
these means constructing sensitivity-chains.
• Step 5. (C2)
o Identify climate-related thresholds of the selected components and operational
processes, regarding intensity, duration and frequency, which cause the
undesired consequences once being exceeded.
o Name the bio-physical and socio-economic drivers influencing the identified
impact thresholds.

• Step 6. (C3)
o Name potential subsequent consequences of the before identified impacts on
other parts of the infrastructure or on other interrelated socio-economic
systems and place them into the impact chain.
o Assess these impacts’ criticality.
• Step 7. (E)
o Identify and name existing adaptive capacities to reduce sensitivity and
potential impacts and place them on the impact chain.
o Place the adaptive capacities (written on cards with a different colour than the
impacts, climate change signals, and sensitivities) attached to the impacts or
sensitivities they influence, connecting them with arrows.
• Step 8.
o Discuss within the group if the impact chain is constructed in a logical way, e.g.
if connections and formulations make sense.
• Step 9. (F1)
o Identify key factors of sensitivity.
o Assess the sensitivity on the scale of 0 (not sensitive at all) to 7 (extremely
• Step 10. (F2)
o Identify key factors of adaptive capacity.
o Assess the lack of adaptive capacity within your system on the scale of 7 (no
adaptive capacity at all) to 0 (full adaptive capacity to the expected sensitivities
and potential impact).
• Step 12. (F3)
o Calculate your system’s vulnerability, using matrix 4.3.3.
• Step 13 (F4).
o Calculate your system’s climate risk, using matrix 4.3.4.
o For likeliness, use the results of the exercise performed in chapter 2.1.
• Step 14.
o Prepare your presentation to the plenary and focus on your most important
results within 5 minutes.

4.3.5 Guiding questions for reflection
• Which were major challenges you faced when performing this exercise?
• Why is it important to perform a climate risk assessment?
• What can be done if information to perform the climate risk assessment is very scarce?
• Which are key factors when planning to perform a climate risk assessment?
• What kind of resources are needed to perform a climate risk assessment?
• Which climate services are needed to perform a climate risk assessment?
• Which stakeholders groups are key as participants in the climate risk assessment
process (refer to the Climate Service Value Chain)?
• How should a climate risk assessment be designed to fit to your working reality?

4.3.6 Take away messages

• Climate risk assessment is a decision support tool. Hence, results shall provide direct
utility for taking adaptation decisions.
• Climate risk assessment is a climate service and represents a multi-stakeholder process
representing different disciplines.
• Facilitating a climate risk assessment process relates to the coordination of support and
contributions of a range of stakeholders.
• Risk assessments and related adaptation decision support always occur under
conditions of uncertainty influencing the distribution of liabilities, and accountabilities
for decision- making.
• Metrics and approaches towards risk assessment can vary depending on actors’
capacity, whilst the equation for assessing risk remains the same. Flexibility in the
operationalization of the assessment is needed depending on requirements, capacities
and resources.
• Engineering risk assessment can include a mix of qualitative (in the absence of data) and
quantitative assessment approaches.
• The system of interest in the context of infrastructure needs to be defined based on the
anticipated assessment scale, as well as on an infrastructure specific design-, functional-
and operational components.
• The definition of climate parameters, indices and projections to be applied depend
heavily on political requirements, the sensitivity / vulnerability of the infrastructure
(Impact thresholds), as well as the life cycle of the infrastructure.
• Easy access and tapping effectively on climate service capacities and resources is a pre-
conditions for the uptake of climate information in processes of risk assessment.

4.3.7 References

Asian Development Bank (ADB) 2011. Guidelines for climate proofing investment in the
transport sector: Road infrastructure projects. Mandaluyong City, Philippines: Asian
Development Bank.

Becher, M., D. Eucker, S. Rosa Ferrão, L. Mendes Cruz and J. Viezzer 2018. Método de Análise
Participativa de Risco à Mudança do Clima. MMA, Brasília.

Engineers Canada 2016. PIEVC Engineering Protocol for Infrastructure Vulnerability

Assessment and Adaptation to a Changing Climate. PRINCIPLES and GUIDELINES. Not
published (

European Commission, 2011. Non-paper Guidelines for Project Managers: Making vulnerable
investments climate resilient. [online] Available at:

Fritzsche, K., S. Schneiderbauer, P. Bubeck, S. Kienberger, M. Buth, M. Zebisch and W.

Kahlenborn, 2014. The Vulnerability Sourcebook. Concepts and guidelines for
standardised vulnerability assessments. GIZ, Bonn and Eschborn.

GIZ-DWD 2018. Study on Enhancing Climate Services for the Road and Bridges Infrastructure
Sector in Costa Rica. GIZ Eschborn/Bonn, Germany.

HM Government, 2011. Climate resilient infrastructure: preparing for a changing climate.

[online] Crown. Available at:
resilient-infrastructure-preparing-for-a-changing-climate--2 [Accessed 25 Nov. 2016].

IPCC, 2012: Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change
Adaptation. A Special Report of Working Groups I and II of the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change [Field, C.B., V. Barros, T.F. Stocker, D. Qin, D.J. Dokken, K.L. Ebi, M.D.
Mastrandrea, K.J. Mach, G.-K. Plattner, S.K. Allen, M. Tignor, and P.M. Midgley (eds.)].
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, and New York, NY, USA, 582 pp.

IPCC 2018. Summary for Policymakers of IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C
approved by governments. IPCC Newsroom. Available at:

4.3.8 Personal notes

4.3.9 Annexes for the exercise “Vulnerability and Risk Assessment” Annex 1 – Climate Change Hazards

(Adapted from European Commission, 2011)

Primary climate drivers:

1. Annual / seasonal / monthly average (air) temperature

2. Extreme (air) temperature (frequency and magnitude)
3. Annual / seasonal / monthly average rainfall
4. Increased/extreme rainfall (frequency and magnitude)
5. Reduced rainfall
6. Average wind speed
7. Maximum wind speed
8. Humidity
9. Solar radiation

Secondary effects / climate-related hazards:

1. Drought
2. Water availability
3. Storm (tracks and intensity) including storm surge
4. Flooding
5. Inundation
6. Ocean pH
7. Dust storms
8. Coastal erosion
9. Soil (including shoreline) erosion
10. Soil salinity
11. Wild fire
12. Air quality
13. Sea level rise
14. Sea / water temperatures
15. Ground instability / subsidence
16. Landslides / avalanche
17. Urban heat island effect
18. Epidemics / pandemics
19. Insect infestation
20. Growing season length

95 Annex 2 – Climate-Related Impacts in Infrastructure
(Adapted from HM Government, 2011)

Please note this is by no means an exhaustive list of potential climate-related impacts in urban
infrastructure, and should serve for reference purposes only.

Energy Hazards Potential Impacts

Fossil fuel and Increased rainfall intensity Flooding of fossil fuel and nuclear power plants,
nuclear Sea level rise decommissioned nuclear sites and nuclear waste
generation Shoreline erosion reprocessing and storage facilities
Higher temperatures Reduced efficiency
Reduced summer rainfall Reduced available water for cooling

Renewable Increased rainfall intensity Reduced efficiency

wind energy Reduced wind Increased storm damage
Electricity Higher temperatures Overheating of transmission lines
transmission Increased/more intense precipitation Reduced capacity of network
and distribution Surface water, tidal and fluvial flooding Flood risk to substations
High winds Damage to overhead power lines and ancillary
Ground subsidence infrastructure
Reduced stability of foundations and tower structures
Fuel processing Sea level rise Flood risk to fuel storage, transporting and processing
and storage Storm surges facilities

ICT Hazards Potential Impacts

Wireless Higher temperatures Location/density of wireless masts may become

infrastructure Increased risk of subsidence sub-optimal as wireless transmission is dependent
Increased risk of storminess on temperature
Increased/more intense precipitation Reduced stability of foundations and tower
Damage to aboveground transmission
Reduced quality of wireless service
Copper and fibre Flooding Inundation of low-lying infrastructure, access holes
optic cables Erosion and underground facilities
Transport infrastructure (roads/bridges) affected
exposing cables and trunk routes

Transport Hazards Potential Impacts

Road Increased/more intense precipitation Increased scour of bridges

Wetter winters and drier summers Increased instability of
Higher temperatures embankments
Increased sea level Damage to road surfaces and
Wildfires foundations
Flooding of roads
Damage to bridges and tunnels
Traffic accidents
Increased pollution levels
Rail Increased/more intense precipitation Flooding of rail lines, increased risk
Wetter winters and drier summers to train traffic
Higher temperatures Increased scour of bridges
Increased sea level Increased instability of
Wildfires embankments
Increased rail buckling
Ports Sea level rise Flooding of equipment
Increased storminess Disruption to operations
Higher winds Safety issues for navigation
Airports Increased/more intense precipitation Flooding of runaway
Higher temperatures Disruption to operations
Increased risk during landing and
taking off
Lift of aircraft reduced (affecting fuel
use and take-off slots)

Sanitation Hazards Potential Impacts

Water supply and Changing precipitation patterns Reduced security of supply

treatment Drought Flooding to water supply/treatment
Increased/more intense precipitation infrastructure
Higher temperatures Water treatment processes affected
Exposure/damage of piping
Wastewater Increased/more intense precipitation Sewer flooding
collection, Drought Pollution incidents (e.g. overflow of treatment
treatment and Higher temperatures facilities)
disposal (including Treatment processes affected
drainage systems) Fluvial flooding to wastewater infrastructure
Exposure/damage of piping
Material expansion and rupture of surfaces
Solid waste Increased/more intense precipitation Street waste carried away to water bodies
collection, Higher temperatures Street waste clogging drainage system causing
treatment and flooding
disposal Damages to disposal facilities

Environment and Hazards Potential Impacts

food production
Water bodies Increased/more intense precipitation Increased pollution levels (e.g. by waste carried
Wetter winters and drier summers away to rivers)
Higher temperatures Lower water availability for consumption or other
Higher risk of contagious diseases transmission
Reduced water quality
Green areas, farms Increased/more intense precipitation Damage of crops (e.g. by flooding)
Wetter winters and drier summers Food insecurity
Higher temperatures Damage of recreational and leisure facilities (e.g.
Wildfires parks)

Air Changed atmospheric conditions Increased pollution

Increased public health issues

98 Annex 3: Some Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Road Infrastructure. Positive impacts are
marked with "*". Source: ADB 2011:5.

Potential Climate Change Impacts on Road Transport Infrastructure

Increases in very hot days Deterioration of pavement integrity, such as softening, traffic-related rutting, and migration of liquid asphalt
and heat waves due to increase in temperature (sustained air temperature over 32 °C is identified as a significant threshold).
Thermal expansion of bridge expansion joints and paved surfaces
Increases in very hot days Corrosion of steel reinforcements in concrete structures due increase in surface salt levels in some locations
and heat waves and
decreased precipitation
Later onset of seasonal Changes in road subsidence and weakening of bridge supports due to thawing of permafrost
freeze and earlier onset of Reduced ice loading on structures such as bridges*
seasonal thaw
Sea level rise and storm Damage to highways, roads, underground tunnels, and bridges due to flooding, inundation in coastal areas, and
surges coastal erosion
Damage to infrastructure from land subsidence and landslides
More frequent flooding of underground tunnels and low-lying infrastructure
Erosion of road base and bridge supports
Reduced clearance under bridges
Decreased expected lifetime of highways exposed to storm surges
Increase in intense Damage to roads, subterranean tunnels, and drainage systems due to flooding
precipitation events Increase in scouring of roads, bridges, and support structures
Damage to road infrastructure due to landslides
Overloading of drainage systems
Deterioration of structural integrity of roads, bridges, and tunnels due to increase in soil moisture levels
Increases in drought Damage to infrastructure due to increased susceptibility to wildfires
conditions for some regions Damage to infrastructure from mudslides in areas deforested by wildfires
Increase of storm intensity Damage to road infrastructure and increased probability of infrastructure failures
Increased threat to stability of bridge decks
Increased damage to signs, lighting fixtures, and supports
Increase in wind speed Suspension bridges, signs, and tall structures at risk from increasing wind speeds

99 Annex 4: Infrastructure component assessment for consideration on risk assessment

Climate Infrastructure Threshold for serious damage on Likelihood to happen in Need to consider in
parameter component component for parameter the life time of the risk assessment
infrastructure (see (Y/N)
results from Module 2.1)
Heat wave Pile - - N
Cap - - N
Beams - - N
Deck 3 days >38° C 5 Y
Heavy rainfall Pile >300 mm/4 hours, leading to river speed 4 Y
of 5 m/s
Cap >200 mm/4 hours, leading to river speed 6 Y
of 3 m/s
Beams >200 mm/4 hours, leading to river speed 6 Y
of 3 m/s and water levels of >4,2 m
Deck >250 mm/5 hours, leading to river speed 5 Y
of 3 m/s and water levels of >5,1 m
Strong winds Pile - - N
Cap Wind speed of >200 Km/h 2 N
Beams Wind speed of >130 Km/h 5 Y
Deck Wind speed of >130 Km/h 5 Y

4.4 Identification and selection of adaptation measures
Benefits from adaptation can be obtained today if current risks and impacts are addressed and in the future while addressing emerging
risks. Adaptation has the potential to reduce climate change impacts over the next few decades (IPCC 2014). Infrastructure projects are
long-term investments which are well advised to take this into account. According to the identified vulnerabilities and risks of the
infrastructure projects, the availability and access to technical, environmental and (socio-) economic data and the resources to gather
and analyze these for the selection of the recommended adaptation option, several tools are available for the evaluation and comparison
of a number of options, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Cost-Effectiveness Analysis and Multi-Criteria-Analysis are three examples used most
frequently. The Development and current update of specific Climate Service Products is a non-engineering adaption option and should be
part of the adaptation strategy of any infrastructure project.

4.4.1 Skills and knowledge

• The trainee understands the concept of Adaptation Assessment for infrastructure projects.
• The trainee is able to identify and cluster adaptation options.
• The trainee understands the difference among tools available for prioritization of options.
• The trainee understands the role of Climate Service Products as an adaptation option.

4.4.2 Context
The goal of the adaptation assessment is to identify and prioritize the most appropriate adaptation options to incorporate into the project.
This includes the identification of strategies to minimize damages projected due to the changing climate and to take advantage of the
opportunities that a changing climate may present.
Adaptation Assessment is linked to
approaches towards climate risk management
that include options to reduce or prevent Screening and
exposure, protect from impacts, transform the
subject of analysis, or manage residual risks to
ensure or provide contingencies to maintain
serviceability or business continuity (develop Monitoring
mechanisms for early warning & response, and
rescue and relief, as well as recovery). Climate
risk management options can be mutually Infrastructure
exclusive, but also complementary.

Adaptation research since the IPCC Fourth

Assessment Report in 2007 has evolved from a
dominant consideration of engineering and
Selection of
technological adaptation pathways to include Implemen-
more ecosystem-based, institutional and Measures
social measures. A previous focus on cost–
benefit analysis, optimization and efficiency
approaches has broadened with the Figure 4.4.1. The 5-step approach of Climate Proofing.
development of multi-metric evaluations Step 3. Adaptation Assessment
that include risk and uncertainty dimensions integrated within wider policy and ethical frameworks to
assess tradeoffs and constraints (IPCC 2014). Nevertheless, transparent infrastructure investments still
need cost-benefit, comparative effectiveness or multi-criteria analysis for the prioritization of options for
project design and implementation.

4.4.3 Concept: Identification of adaptation options
Adaptation Assessment is the third step of Climate Proofing infrastructure Box 4.4.1
projects and considers a methodological approach which includes the Multi-
criteria Analysis and Economic Analysis of adaption options.
Selecting appropriate adaptation options always represents
Flooding in the Mekong Delta
a multi-stakeholder decision-making process that includes and Rural Road Development
the elaboration, assessment and selection of adaptation
measures. In the following some key considerations are laid Many parts of Cambodia already experience regular
down that are important to note, once starting the and severe flooding. Through its National
Communications on Climate Change published in
discussion about adaptation options.
2001, the government has produced flood
Holistic climate risk management entry points vulnerability maps that identify segments of the
ADB transport project area as being priority areas
Adaptation options in the infrastructure investment sector
for addressing flood problems.
may generally be defined for the following generic
adaptation domains that are defined based on the climate The transport project aims to rehabilitate and pave
risk management framework: 505.4 kilometers of rural roads of 5–6 meters in
width to improve rural connectivity to paved
(a) mitigation of climate change effects to reduce the national and provincial road networks.
exposure of the infrastructure to climate change (e.g.
While flooding is a more obvious challenge in the
upstream management), project area due to recent floods, droughts are at
(b) protect the infrastructure (e.g. dyke systems / the same time getting more intense. A possible
adaptation strategy would combine engineering,
mangroves etc.);
environmental, and policy-oriented tools to
(c) increase physical and operational robustness of the address this increased variability. A combination
infrastructure (design / material, creating redundancy); of measures have been suggested, including
(i) elevating vulnerable segments of the road;
(d) employ adequate warning and response systems (ii) using materials that accommodate greater
(institutionalized and threshold based warning decision moisture content; (iii) improving flood
management through revegetation, using more
making and warning chains, temporary protection of assets,
flood- and heat-tolerant indigenous species; and
change in operations, evacuation),
(iv) developing a vulnerability map and early
(e) as well institutionalize business continuity warning system for the Ministry of Rural
Development to use to improve its master
management mechanisms and procedures (recovery
planning. Options that conserve and redistribute
mechanisms). Finally, as an option of last resort
water from times of excess to times of shortage
(e) relocation might become a realistic adaptation path. would complete a package of adaptation
All these options represent the foundation for a holistic Source: ADB. 2010. Proposed Loan Kingdom of
climate risk management of infrastructure, including their Cambodia: Rural Roads Improvement Project.
physical assets, operational procedures and maintenance Report and Recommendation of the President to
schemes. the Board of Directors, Manila

Adaptation options always come with a bundle of complementary measures
For each option, multiple mutually exclusive or/and complementary social, environmental, economic,
institutional, and physical-structural adaptation measures can be identified. Thereby, it is important to
note the difference between complementary and mutually exclusive measures.

Climate risk management does not only refer to implementing structural-physical adjustments to the
infrastructure, but also refers to adjustments of operational and institutional procedures that often go
hand in hand with introducing new structural-physical features. This is especially true for the adjustment
of maintenance schemes that are tailored to specific physical assets.

But also ecological solutions, e.g. to mitigate climate change effects, can go hand in hand with the
implementation of structural measures. For example, when aiming at mitigating climate and man-made
increased sedimentation of water reservoirs, up-stream afforestation is a complementary measure for the
effective implementation of technical sedimentation extraction mechanics of the reservoir dam system.
Many other examples exist.

Mutual-exclusive options
Climate risk management domains and options can also be mutually exclusive, and a decision one over the
other has to be taken. For example, establishing warning and response systems, as well as business
continuity mechanisms can be more acceptable from a cost-benefit point of view than investing
substantial amounts of money into changes in the physical structure of an infrastructure asset. This can
become obvious in circumstances where return periods of an anticipated critical climate event are really

Hence, the careful assessment of competing adaptation measures that e.g. might have different cost-
benefit ratios is an important step in adaptation decision making and requires to provision of climate
services. Adaptation option selection criteria other than cost-benefit ratio are for example quick-wins,
minimization of negative side-effects, cost-effectiveness and feasibility.

Effective climate risk management addresses cross-sectoral issues and occurs at different scales
Adaptation measures are embedded and need to be implemented at different scales. Some measures
need to be addressed at the policy level and rather higher administrative levels, e.g. when the risk
condition for the infrastructure is influenced by general land use practices, or the absence of an integrated
and cross-sectoral approach towards flood management.

Hence, synchronizing climate risk management requirements of a single infrastructure with the
adjustments of cross-sectoral policies and strategies is challenging. Often, multi-scale approaches and
integration towards infrastructure adaptation to climate change are not achievable. But then,
infrastructure climate risk management at the asset level might be less effective.

Do nothing is also an option

Nonetheless, a decision not to act, or to maintain a business as usual approach (“do nothing” option)
should also be retained as a possible option. In a number of circumstances, findings from the climate risk
and adaptation assessments may indicate that doing nothing (no climate proofing) is the best course of

Table 4.4.1. Potential adaptation options for road infrastructure

Critical climate Climate risk management domains and measures

Mitigation of Infrastructure Physical and Warning Business continuity Relocation
climate change protection operational structures management (Exposure
effects robustness reduction)

Sea level rise Plant suitable Drainage Using suitable Establish and Introduction of Road
and storm surge mangroves, system, materials, institutionalize measures and realignment:
planting artificial providing lateral increasing warning mechanisms for Identify and
reefs to reduce protection, maintenance chains and Interrupting or construct
wave onset constructing levy budget, event limiting traffic, for alternative
power bank with replacing metal thresholds for more intense and routes for roads
seawall culverts with response resourceful
reinforced actions to take maintenance,
concrete effect Anticipatory
planning for defining
alternative routes in
the event of a road
closure or damage

Reduction in Increasing water Re-vegetation Using flexible Establish and Introduction of Road
rainfall or retention with drought- pavement institutionalize measures and realignment:
increased capacity and tolerant species, structures, warning mechanisms for Identify and
erosion slow infiltration mulching, using ensuring the chains and Interrupting or construct
through matting / selection of event limiting traffic, for alternative
environmental erosion control materials with thresholds for more intense and routes for roads
measures to blankets, high resistance response resourceful
recharge applying to dry conditions actions to take maintenance (dust &
aquifers and granular effect landslide clearance),
reduce surface protection, Anticipatory
flow runoff moistening of planning for defining
construction alternative routes in
materials the event of a road
closure or damage

Increase in Increasing up- Adding drainage Applying a Establish and Introduction of Road
precipitation stream water capacity, using safety factor to institutionalize measures and realignment:
retention water capture design warning mechanisms for Identify and
capacity and and storage assumptions, chains and Interrupting or construct
slow infiltration systems, increasing size event limiting traffic, for alternative
through natural reducing the and number of thresholds for more intense and routes for roads
or gradients of engineering response resourceful
bioengineered slopes, enclosing structures actions to take maintenance,
systems materials to (hydraulic effect Anticipatory
protect from structures, high planning for defining
flood water river crossings), alternative routes in
(impermeable raising the event of a road
linings) pavements, closure or damage
using materials
that are less
affected by

Increased wind Planting coastal Installing Modifying the Establish and Introduction of Identify and
strength forests and windbreaks design of institutionalize measures and construct
mangroves supports and warning mechanisms for alternative
anchorages chains and Interrupting or routes for roads
event limiting traffic,
thresholds for Defining alternative
response routes in the event
actions to take of a road closure or
effect damage

Adaptation approaches can also be introduced at a number of different entry points within the
infrastructure project investment process (see also chapter 2.2). E.g., making site-specific infrastructure
adjustments to a road design is often possible within project preparation or project development. As
projects are often limited in terms of location and scope and lack of understanding of cross-sectoral
interactions, it can be difficult to introduce non-engineering options such as ecosystem-based measures
or alignment review at later stages, if this has not already been considered in the phases of policies and
planning, or project preparation. Greater attention to the upstream decision-making processes at an early
project phase (e.g. transport master planning for road infrastructure planning) and the involvement of key
stakeholder groups support an integrated adaptation strategy.

The following exercise allows to experience the application of the four steps of Adaptation Assessment:

Step 1: Identify all potential adaptation options

Step 2: Conduct adaptation options assessment
Step 3: Conduct multi-criteria and economic analysis of the options
Step 4: Prioritize and select adaptation option(s)

4.4.4 Exercise: Identification and selection of adaptation measures

Learning objectives
1. You will learn about how to identify adaptation options based on the results of the previous climate
risk assessment.
2. You will learn about different types of adaptation options considerable for infrastructure projects.
3. You will learn about different methods and tools which support the prioritization of adaptation

Content and main tasks

• Brainstorming of potential adaptation options which reduce exposure or sensitivity of

infrastructure components / systems of interest to climate change or increase adaptive
capacity. Consideration of ecosystem services for sustainable infrastructure investment (e.g.
natural barriers of surface water flow or storm, increased water infiltration).
 Identification and cluster of all potential adaptation options (engineering, non-
engineering, business as usual)
• Application of a multi-criteria analysis with cost-effectiveness of the adaptation options as one
 Ranking of adaptation options based on scores for effectiveness, cost-efficiency and
• Consultations with key stakeholder groups about the prioritized adaptation measures.
 Revision of prioritized adaptation options and agreements on final list of measures for
integration into the project design and implementation.

Method: Learning from experience with a case study
You are part of the expert team, developing
the check-up mission for the Metropolis
Millennium Bridge, South State (see Annex 1
for details) and work together with 3 to 6
experts in a team.

You and your colleagues bring in the

engineering, climate change, environmental
and cooperation expertise, based on the case
description and your own experience.

Please find some hints for a fruitful cooperation in the box “Guidance for effective group work”.

Your specific tasks

• Review the case description and your results of the previous steps considering climate change
impacts, exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity of the most affected infrastructure
components (Annex 1).
• Use a flipchart or board with cards.
• Respond to the following tasks and present your results guided by matrix 4.4.1.

• Step 1: Identify potential adaptation options.

o Keep in mind the objective of the project and copy it to matrix 4.4.1.
o Select one impact expected from climate change and brainstorm adaptation options based
on the elements of vulnerability (sensitivity; if applies, adaptive capacity) and exposure
identified in the risk assessment. Think of a wide range of adaptation options without
considering possible challenges for implementation. Please get inspired by table 4.4.1.
o Discuss for each adaptation option to which adaptation category it mainly contributes.
• Step 2 (optional): Conduct consultations.
o Present your results to a selection of key stakeholder groups like local population, ministry
of environment, transport, agriculture, finance, private investor, research etc. affected by
the project and ask for their inputs (e.g. Role Play or Vernissage).
The identification of adaptation options will necessarily reflect the knowledge and interests of the expert team
members. Conducting roundtable consultations with key stakeholders provides useful input for the process of
identifying and appraising the whole range of adaptation options.

Matrix 4.4.1. Identification and selection of adaptation measures

Objective of the project: _________________________________________________________________

System of interest:______________________________________________________________________

Step 1 and Step 2: Identify list of Step 3 Multi-criteria Analysis Step 4 Prioritization
potential adaptation options and and additional
Score 1 very poor (high cost)
adaptation categories stakeholder groups
Score 2 poor
Categories of adaptation: Score 3 satisfactory
• Mitigation of climate change effects Score 4 good
• Infrastructure protection Score 5 excellent (low cost)
• Physical and operational robustness
• Warning structures
• Business continuity management

Climate Adaptation Adaptation Effectiveness Costs Feasibility Total Additional

Change Option category stakeholder
Impact on groups
System of (optional)

• Step 3: Conduct a Multi-Criteria Analysis.
o Develop a rapid appraisal of a Multi-Criteria Analysis with the criteria Effectiveness, Costs
and Feasibility, or apply an economic analysis of the adaptation options (go to next bullet).
The goal of the economic analysis of adaptation options is to provide decision makers with information pertaining to
the expected costs and benefits of each technically feasible option and to rank these options according to the net
total benefit (measured in present value terms) that each delivers. In circumstances where all adaptation options
are expected to deliver exactly the same benefits, it is sufficient to undertake a cost-effectiveness analysis where
adaptation options are compared simply in terms of the cost of achieving the stated benefits. In this sense, the cost-
benefit analysis of adaptation options is no different than for any other investment project and should be
implemented by economists along a similar stepwise process.

• Alternative Step 4 (optional): Conduct an economic analysis of the adaptation options (guided
by matrix 4.4.2).
o Looking into the future, the expected annual O&M/REHAB4 regime and expenditures that
will be needed to maintain the millennium bridge to a given desired standard for each year
of its useful life without climate change is specified as 10 mill. M$.
In the absence of climate change, past O&M/REHAB regime and expenditures may provide a reasonable basis for
assessing future O&M/REHAB regime and expenditures.
o Looking into the future, the expected annual O&M/REHAB expenditures for each year of
the useful life of the road with climate change, but assuming no adaptation is specified as
20 mill. M$.
In circumstances where climate change is expected to increase the need for road maintenance, O&M/REHAB
expenditures would generally be expected to increase.
o Calculate the cost of climate change as the difference between the present value of the
O&M/REHAB expenditures without climate change and the present value with climate
change and record the value in Matrix 4.4.2:
Present annual value of O&M/REHAB expenditures with climate change
./. Present annual value of O&M/REHAB expenditures without climate change

Annual Cost of Climate Change

o Column A shows a set of adaptation measures that shall prevent or avoid some or all of
the projected cost of climate change. These adaptation measures include structural and
bioengineering options (e.g., reforestation of a watershed).
o Monetize the relative impact (column B) of the identified adaptation measures on the
“cost of climate change.” Record the values in column C.
This monetized impact (avoided cost of climate change) will represent the present value of the expected benefits of
the adaptation measures.
o The present value of the cost of each adaptation measure itself is given in column D.

Operation, Maintenance and Administration Costs / Rehabilitation

o Calculate the net present value (NPV) of each adaptation measure and record the result
in column E:
Present annual value of O&M/REHAB benefits of adaptation measure
./. Present annual value of O&M/REHAB expenditures of adaptation measure

Annual Net Present Value of Adaptation Measure

Matrix 4.4.2. Economic analysis of adaptation measures

Objective of the project: _________________________________________________________________

System of interest: Millennium Bridge, Metropolis

Annual Cost of Climate Change (M$):_______________________________________________________

Adaptation Measures % of Annual Annual Cost Present Annual Net Present Ranking of
Cost of CC of CC avoided Value of Cost of Value of Adaptation
avoided (monetary Adaptation Adaptation Measures
(relative benefit) Measure Measure poor=lowest
benefit) M$ (x 1,000) M$ (x 1,000) M$ (x 1,000) excellent=highest
Increase design load of bridge abutments 50 10
Periodical update of Climate Services 20 5
Reforestation in upper watershed 10 2

• Step 4: Prioritize and Select Adaptation Option(s)

o For this step of selection of adaptation measures, in the case that this economic analysis
were the only evaluation tool, recommend adoption if the NPV of the adaptation measure
is positive; reject the measure otherwise. If more than one adaptation measure delivers a
positive NPV, recommend the adaptation measure with the highest NPV or assign a
o If the results of the economic analysis are considered as criterion NPV in a multi-criteria
analysis, these replace effectiveness and cost. In this case, translate the NPVs into scores
according to the scoring system used for all criteria; i.e. best NPV = 5, lowest NPV = 1) as
part of the following Step 4. Other criteria could be sustainability, feasibility, urgency etc.
o Revise the selection criteria with your team and make sure that you have a common
understanding on what these mean to you and how you are going to evaluate the criteria.

o For a qualitative evaluation, on a scale from 1 (very poor) to 5 (excellent), evaluate each
adaptation option and assign the scores agreed upon to the suggested criteria. Document
your results in column F.
The adaptation assessment results in a prioritized list of adaptation options for implementation, which are selected
from among several possibilities. Their prioritization can be based on an assessment of their technical feasibility,
their benefits and costs, their social acceptability, and the opportunities they may offer for synergies with national
priorities. While the use and outcome of a cost-benefit analysis is often given more weight in the prioritization
process, it is important to recognize that other factors and criteria may also influence decision making.
o Discuss with your team, if the results might be biased due to the composition and interests
of the expert team and the lack of other stakeholders.
The expertise required is multidisciplinary and as such is one of the more challenging aspects of adaptation planning.
Options must be scientifically sound, socially beneficial, and economically viable. Roundtable discussions involving
different stakeholders can work well and can include, for example the project engineers, environmental specialists,
social safeguards experts, nongovernment organizations, implementing entities, and national climate change
o Indicate which options need further planning processes in cooperation with other
stakeholders (e.g. environmental ministry, forestry department, farmer community).
It is important to recognize that in some cases, the best adaptation option(s) may be beyond the scope of an existing
project or beyond the authority of a given sector ministry such as a transport ministry. For example, watershed
reforestation may be the most appropriate option, but may fall outside the scope of authority of a ministry of
transport. Therefore, other stakeholder groups need to be considered in the development of the adaptation strategy
of the project.

4.4.5 Guiding questions for reflection

• What are the major challenges and risks during the process of identifying adaptation options for
infrastructure projects?
• Which elements are essential for an integrated adaptation strategy for an infrastructure project?
• Which tools for selecting adaptation options for the project design and implementation work
under real conditions?
• Which role plays Risk Assessment as a Climate Service Product for decision making in the process
of prioritization the adaptation options?

4.4.6 Take away messages

• Adaptation options are linked to approaches towards climate risk management approaches that
include options to reduce or prevent exposure, protect from impacts, transform the subject of
analysis, manage residual risks to ensure or provide contingencies to maintain serviceability or
business continuity (develop mechanisms for early warning & response, rescue and relief, as well
as recovery).
• Climate risk management options or adaptation options can be mutually exclusive, but also
• Different tools exist to navigate through mutually exclusive options (CBA, CBE, MCA, comparative
effectiveness assessment, adaptation performance assessment etc.)
• Risk Assessment shall be applicable as a decision support tool for the application of these
(economic) evaluation tools.

4.4.7 References
Asian Development Bank (ADB) 2011. Guidelines for climate proofing investment in the transport sector:
Road infrastructure projects. Mandaluyong City, Philippines: Asian Development Bank.

IPCC, 2014: Climate Change 2014: Synthesis Report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the
Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Core Writing Team,
R.K. Pachauri and L.A. Meyer (eds.)]. IPCC, Geneva, Switzerland, 151 pp.

Data bases for further reading recommended by ADB (2011)

Adaptation Learning Mechanism.

weAdapt Knowledge Base.

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) compendium of methods and tools
to assess impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change.

UNFCCC database of local coping (adaptation) strategies.

4.3.8 Personal notes

4.5 Implementation
A climate proofed project integrates previously identified and selected adaptation options. Depending on which phase of the project
investment process includes the necessary activities, resources, responsibilities and stakeholders who have to be involved for taking
further action, as well as complementary tasks which support the expected results. Most commonly, public infrastructure projects are
steered by the transport ministry. However, as shown before non-engineering measures often need the cooperation and support of other
non-traditional stakeholder groups (e.g. from the environmental sector, territorial planning, agriculture). The goal of establishing
implementation arrangements is to ensure the effective implementation of the identified adaptation option(s).

4.5.1 Skills and knowledge

• The trainee understands why climate proofing does not end with the identification or rejection of
adaptation measures, but the integration of these into the project design and operation plan for
• The trainee is able to define the roles of key stakeholder groups for successful implementation of
the climate proofed project.
• The trainee is aware of complementary capacity development measures which facilitate the
implementation of the project and coordination among key stakeholders.

4.5.2 Context
“Most assessments of adaptation have been restricted to impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation planning,
with very few assessing the processes of implementation or the effects of adaptation actions.” IPCC (2014)
The Adaptation Assessment performed in
chapter 4.3 leads to a set of adaptation options.
Screening and
These have been evaluated previously with the Scoping
help of a Multi-Criteria Analysis, and particularly
an Economic Analysis. Based on the results and in
consultations with key stakeholders of the
project, an expert team develops a proposal for Monitoring Risk
integrating adaptation into the Project Design and Reporting Assessment
considering the areas of operation, maintenance, Infrastructure
administration and rehabilitation of physical Investment
assets and, if applies, research and capacity

The Project Design needs to take into account

future needs for transparency and reporting to Selection of
the public and investors. Thus, the periodical tation
observation of smart indicators for monitoring
adaptation has to be foreseen in the
organizational structure of the project and
Figure 4.5.1. The 5-step approach of Climate Proofing.
resource allocation. Further details follow in
Step 4. Project Design and Implementation
chapter 4.6 Monitoring and Reporting.

4.5.3 Concept
Project Design and Implementation is the fourth Step of Climate Proofing Box 4.5.1
which integrates adaptation into the climate proofed project and establishes
arrangements for implementation.
Without an updated project design and operational plan
Supporting conditions at
including resources, responsibilities, stakeholders etc. or, if country level
otherwise decided, the approval of the climate resilience of
A clear recognition of climate risks and the need
the existing planning, the results of the previous steps of
for adaptation within relevant national policies.
Climate Proofing are likely to remain an exercise without
Incorporating climate change at this level can
implications, nor the expected results. ensure that it filters down into sector plans and
other levels of decision making. In the case of
A lead organization should be selected to coordinate the
transport, and for infrastructure development
integration of the adaptation measures into the project
generally, guidance intended to strengthen cross-
design. While this organization may be the main executing sector cooperation between ministries can be very
agency responsible for the sector of the project (e.g. helpful. For instance, flood management around
Ministry of Transport, of Rural Development, or Energy), critical transport infrastructure can be better
involving other ministries, organizations, and institutes are managed between ministries of water and hydrology,
needed as soon as the adaptation activities cut across meteorology, and transport. Integrated planning
sectors. For instance, the development of Climate Service around geographically vulnerable areas can produce
high-quality development plans for disaster-prone
Products need the cooperation of departments and experts
areas. Moreover, climate change impacts are not set
who are involved in disaster risk management for the by national boundaries; their effects require
infrastructure sector and managing climate change and regional coordination, such as that seen in the
disaster data. This is important for planned activities which Mekong sub-region. Harmonization between national
improve the information base or early warning systems. As and regional road network development activities
flooding is often a key impact on infrastructure projects, requires coordination at this level.
national disaster preparedness committees may have a role Applying a Climate Lens in the formulation or
to play. Likewise, many of the “low-risk” adaptation revision of national policies and strategies. A
strategies, such as improved watershed management or climate lens is an analytical process tool to examine
mangrove rehabilitation to protect coastal infrastructure, a policy, plan, or program. It can be useful, to identify
require engagement of land management and forestry areas of the country that are most vulnerable to
experts and organizations. climate change impacts and where priority action
can be directed. For example, for the transport
These examples demonstrate the need for considering not sector, this may have implications on the modes of
only the technical level of an infrastructure project, but also transport selected, the resources available for
the capacity development needs at institutional and additional climate-proofing activities, and the tools
available for screening climate risks in project
organizational level to strengthen the implementation
selection or identifying further needs for data and
framework and facilitate innovation. Climate change information.
experts should provide scientific and technical backstopping
to project implementers. When the project partners are Source: adapted from ADB 2011
already selected, the scope of the project is likely to be
limited by each partner’s lines of responsibility. For instance,
while the ideal adaptation approach may include
engineering and environmental measures, the latter is likely
to fall outside the roles and functions if the Ministry of
Transport is responsible of the infrastructure project.

4.5.4 Exercise: Develop a project-focused capacity development strategy
Learning objectives
1. You will learn the importance of considering both the individual, institutional, and society level for
capacity development to achieve your project goals.

2. You will learn how to think on strategies to engage different stakeholders to develop their capacities.

3. You will learn how different levels interact with each other, and how they are interdependent.

Content and main tasks

• Define the focus and objective of your capacity development strategy.
 Definition what kind of impact you want to achieve with your project.
• Discuss and agree on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) existing in
your areas of activity.
 Perform of SWOT analysis for the individual, organization, and society level (both regarding
the development of cooperation, and the development of frame conditions).
• Identify intended capacities and measures to be implemented, including their intended
 Perform of analysis for the individual, organization, and society level (both regarding the
development of cooperation, and the development of frame conditions).

Method: Learning from experience with a case study

You are part of steering committee of the
Metropolis Millenium Bridge project. You
perform a capacity development strategy to
help your project to implement the before
identified climate adaptation options.

Please find some hints for a fruitful

cooperation in the box “Guidance for effective
group work”.

Your specific tasks

First, agree with 3-6 peers to work as a team.

Second, read the instructions carefully and in case of doubts, first ask your fellows or - if necessary - the

Third, guide your analysis with the following questions and draft your answers based on the previous
exercises of this training. Use a pin board and moderation cards to assess all relevant aspects, filling the
matrix 4.5.1:

1. Identify the goal of your project, based on the identified adaptation measures of chapter 4.4.
2. Determine the project life cycle. This does not necessary mean the same life cycle of your
3. Identify capacities that are needed to achieve your goal.
o Which abilities, which knowledge, which political will or requirements are needed to make
the project a success? Which change will be needed for that?
o Perform this analysis for the individual, organizational, and society level (both regarding
the development of cooperation, and the development of framework conditions).

4. Define current strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to achieve your identified goals
within the societal field of action that you are acting.
o Perform this analysis for the individual, organizational, and society level (both regarding
the development of cooperation, and the development of frame conditions).

5. Identify measures and their intended impacts needed to reach the needed capacities.
o What can your project do, in order to develop or maintain strengths in different levels?
o What can be done to seize opportunities?
o What can be done to neutralize weaknesses?
o What can be done to reduce risks or to learn to deal with them?
o How can stimuli on one level act at the other two levels?
o Perform this analysis for the individual, organizational, and society level (both regarding
the development of cooperation, and the development of framework conditions).

Matrix 4.5.1 Capacity Development-Matrix

1: Goal:
2: Project life Personal level Organisation level Society level
cycle: Competence Organisational Cooperation Development of
development development development frame. conditions
3: Needed
4: SWOT regar- S: S: S: S:
ding capacities W: W: W: W:
O: O: O: O:
T: T: T: T:
5: Measures to
needed capacities

4.5.5 Guiding questions for reflection

• What was the most challenging part of this task?
• What kind of information is needed to perform this task?
• What kind of stakeholders should be invited to this assessment?
• What are key points to consider when wishing to implement a capacity development strategy?
4.5.6 Take away messages
• Establishing implementation arrangements is a requisite to ensure the effective implementation
of the identified adaptation option(s).
• Capacity development at individual, organizational and institutional level are needed to improve
sector crosscutting cooperation and a better understanding of the need for climate proofing
infrastructure projects and climate service products for decision making during the process.
• Upscaling lessons learnt from project to policy level facilitates innovation for new cooperation

4.5.7 References
Asian Development Bank (ADB) 2011. Guidelines for climate proofing investment in the transport sector:
Road infrastructure projects. Mandaluyong City, Philippines: Asian Development Bank.

IPCC 2014. Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. IPCC WGII AR5 Summary for

4.5.8 Personal notes

4.6 Monitoring and reporting
The goal of establishing monitoring frameworks is to ensure accountability and ensuring that lessons are
learned to inform future adaptation efforts.

4.6.1 Skills and knowledge

• The trainee is aware of the importance and challenges of monitoring adaptation measures of
infrastructure investments.
• The trainee understands how to identify indicators for monitoring and provide recommendations
for transparent reporting.
• The trainee is able to identify a monitoring framework for public infrastructure investments.

4.6.2 Context
“Monitoring and evaluating impacts is usually both costly and laborious. Often, it is also a challenging process,
particularly when complex causal linkages or uncertain framework conditions are involved.”
Silvestrini et al. (2015)
Developing and implementing an adaptation-focused monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system is key to
measure if and how infrastructure investment projects are performing with regard to managing climate-
related risk. Moreover, it provides knowledge about what works and what does not work with regard to
risk management, indicating critical points for amelioration. Additionally, it is a permanent learning
process, useful to replicate successful and avoid unsuccessful lessons learnt in the future. Finally, M&E of
the effectiveness of the implemented measures for transparency is an essential request from investors,
being a mandatory exercise to account for used resources.

ProM&E for climate adaptation projects related to infrastructure investments has specific challenges that
are different from other set-ups. Since such projects vary regarding the individual project, contexts,
locations, and scales, no universal indicators
exist. Unlike other contexts, the success
regarding adaptation to climate change cannot Screening
and Scoping
be measured with one indicator only. In this
sense, and as climate is constantly evolving, the
establishment of a baseline is crucial to create a
reference point, pursuing to measure impact. Monitoring
This baseline can often be a climate risk and
assessment (see also Module 4.3). Infrastructure
With regard to climate and its changing patterns,
Project Cycle
uncertainty is another challenge that needs to
be addressed. E.g., it is not possible at the start
of a project to predict when the next extreme
climate-related event will occur, which might
Selection of
help to measure if our retrofitted infrastructure Implemen-
is prepared for such situation. Finally, long time Measures
horizons with regard to climate change and
project impacts need to be taken into account in
Figure 4.6.1. The 5-step approach of Climate Proofing.
Step 5. Monitoring and Reporting

order to assess all aspects of risk-reduction (Silvestrini et al.,
2015). This argument is also related to the self-commitment Box 4.6.1
of countries in line with the Paris Agreement, which calls for
enhanced transparency of adaptation actions and requires
Parties to the UNFCCC to share information on adaptation
Questions for determining
progress. the evaluation framework
In this context, Climate Services developed for Climate Risk The design of an evaluation framework depends on a
Assessment can be a strong asset to support the future variety of variables that are goal- and objective-
need of monitoring, and should be designed accordingly. driven. Therefore, Silvestrini et al,, (2015:13) define a
Different contexts and settings have manifold application number of questions to define the final framework.
areas. This means that different approaches and • What is the object of the evaluation?
aggregation levels towards assessing risks and therein, What is the scope of the evaluation in
developing Climate Service products exist. Climate Service terms of observed period, regions,
providers need to be capable to respond to these different activities, etc.?
demands and follow structured approaches towards • What are the objectives of the evaluation
and which criteria will it use to assess
understanding user needs.
the object of the evaluation?
According to the OECD’s Development Assistance • Who are the recipients and who are the
Committee (DAC), impact evaluations take into account stakeholders of the evaluation?
• What is the time frame of the evaluation?
intended and unintended, positive and negative as well as
When are the evaluation findings needed
expected and unexpected changes. They are supposed to
not only provide information on all possible changes that • Which human, financial and
have occurred during the implementation of an organisational resources are available
intervention but also to link these observed changes to for the evaluation?
their causes. Therefore, the establishment of causality • Who will implement the evaluation? What
(cause/effect relationship) is crucial in order to understand qualifications and experience do the
why particular incidents occurred during and after a project responsible persons have?
• How will the evaluation be implemented?
as compared to the question ‘What would have happened
What is the intended evaluation design?
without the project (Silvestrini et al. 2015). Is it feasible with the available
Departing from this thinking, the development and resources?
• Which data collection instruments and
implementation of a proper M&E system needs to mirror
analysis methods will be applied? Are the
the complexity of adaptation measures and projects, people in charge of data collection and
significantly measuring its impact towards risk-reduction. analysis familiar with these instruments
Therefore, M&E processes also need according resource and methods?
allocation regarding financial, human, and technical • What tasks need to be performed during
resources. the evaluation and who will be in charge.

4.6.3 Concept: Monitoring effective adaptation

Adaptation-centered M&E is key to support ongoing management or risk-reducing interventions. It also supports learning – and thereby
helps to improve adaptation actions – and provides accountability towards infrastructure investors. Last but not least, M&E helps
countries to gather information to prove their climate-related impacts within the framework of the Paris Agreement.

The development of a monitoring system starts with reflecting the goals and context of the monitoring
and evaluation of data. This might include the definition of

• the overall objective: e.g. monitoring the achievements of defined outcomes of adaptation
and / or supporting a learning process for successful adaptation;
• users of information generated: e.g. politicians, decision-makers and / or general public;
• institutional set-up for the monitoring: e.g. part of national development monitoring, specific
climate monitoring; and
• system of metrics (what should be measured): e.g. climate change impacts, vulnerabilities,
risk, outputs, outcomes of adaptation measures.

M&E systems in the context of adaptation to climate change can be designed focusing on a variety of
metrics. Commonly, measuring variables can be climate parameters, climate change impacts, vulnerability,
implementation of adaptation measures, or the impact of adaptation measures. All these foci are valid,
however, they do not always necessarily contribute to measuring relevant variables in the context of
infrastructure investment.

Generally, M&E systems developed within adaptation to climate change of infrastructure investments
focus on tracking the effectiveness of reduction of risk. However, due to the before mentioned challenges
in measuring adaptation on the long-term, such as the need to acquire appropriate baseline data and
metrics for measuring vulnerability, and isolating vulnerability to climate change from other sources of
pressure, it is necessary to work with the concept of results chains. “Results chains describe a logical
sequence from inputs (money, time, knowledge) invested in activities to achieve first outputs which short
term or medium term effects (outcomes) that contribute to long term effects (impacts). Results chains
involve assumptions of how each category leads to the next, i.e. under what circumstances a certain
output leads to the associated outcome” (Eberhardt et al. 2013:42; see Figure 4.6.2).

Figure 4.6.2: The results chain. Source: Eberhardt et al. 2013

From this point of departure, the following steps, based on Eberhardt et al. 2013, guide to the design of

an M&E system focused on climate adaptation in infrastructure investments, departing from the
construction of a results chain:

Step A: Define Outcome

In order to get short-term and medium-term – and therefore, realistically measurable – results from
impact, the results chain is unfolded from the end to the start. For this reason, the long-term impact of
the identified set of measures in Module 4.3 is defined in the first step. This impact should always be linked
to reducing the climate risk of the system of interest identified in the risk assessment (see Module 4.3). An
example of an impact can be to reduce the climate risk related to heavy rainfall for the road infrastructure
in Metropolis.

Then, these measures are combined into thematic components, which are usually implemented as one
working line. The differentiation can be e.g. done by differentiating the measures according to their
geographic scale, their partners, or their approaches. A common differentiation is also a focus either on
reducing exposure, reducing sensitivity, or increasing adaptive capacity towards changing climate
parameters, building a bridge back to the climate risk assessment. An example of a component can be to
implement measures to reduce vulnerability related to heavy rainfall at the Millenium Bridge.

For each component, an outcome is then defined, which are short-term and medium-term effects that
contribute to the impact, e.g. that adaptation measures have been adopted based on existing Climate

Step B: Define Outputs

Analyzing each of the identified outcomes, define outputs/results from the designed intervention and
selected in Modules 4.4 and 4.5 that contribute to achieving this outcome. Examples herefore are that
decision-makers are aware of existing risks and that the Millenium Bridge’s design takes into account these

This exercise eventually acts as a quality-check to the before designed bundle of adaptation measures. At
this stage, designers of M&E systems often notice that measures not necessarily lead to outputs that
eventually lead to outcomes. For this reason, it is relevant to name either additional measures that need
to be implemented in order to reach the outcomes or name assumptions under which outputs will lead to

Step C: Construct indicators

Indicators are ways to measuring the progress of your project towards achieving its outputs and outcomes.
By these means, they are key to monitor the performance of the project, aiming at one specific target.
Formulating high-quality indicators is a difficult task that needs to fulfil certain minimum criteria, also
called SMART criteria:

 S Specific: the indicator is valid and describes the underlying issue.

 M Measurable, practicability, rely on sound data obtained through reproducible methods
independent from the individual collectors of the information.
 A Achievable (only applicable to targets).
 R Relevant: address an important issue for the users and related to the objective of M&E.
 T Time-bound: related to time and milestones so that progress can be shown during the
course of implementation.
Following this rationale, formulate indicators both for your outputs and outcomes, also considering the
following steps:

1. Define its subject, e.g. qualification of civil defense staff;

2. Specify quantity of change, e.g. 50% of all civil defense staff trained;
3. Specify quality of change, e.g. trained in up-to-date climate information interpretation techniques;
4. Define time horizon, e.g. within the next twelve months;
5. If applicable: specify regional aspect, e.g. civil defense staff within Metropolis.

Table 4.6.1: Examples of unspecific indicators for measuring adaptation results in transport projects
Source: ADB 2011

Measuring the indicators during the whole project and also after the project end is critical to track the
impact and to ensure that risk is also reduced over time. In order to ensure that data needed to measure
is named and potentially available, the sources for the data need to be named together with the indicator.
Sources often are not necessarily within the project context, but can e.g. also be external Climate Service
providers or indirect project beneficiaries, as e.g. Climate Service end-users.

4.6.4 Exercise: Develop a monitoring framework
Learning objectives
1. You will learn how to construct a M&E results chain, based on your previously performed climate risk

2. You will learn how to formulate expected outcomes and outputs that contribute to measuring your
project’s impact.

3. You will learn how to formulate SMART indicators that contribute to measuring your outputs and
indicators, as well as selecting useful sources of information.

Content and main tasks

• Defining outcomes that contribute to achieving the project impact.
 Outcome definition
• Defining outputs that result from the outcomes.
 Output definition.
• Formulating high-quality indicators following the SMART rule.
 Construction of indicators.
Method: Learning from experience with a case study
You are part of the expert team,
developing the check-up mission for the
Metropolis Millennium Bridge, South
State (see Box 4.5.1 for summary and
Annex 1 for details) and work together
with 3 to 7 experts in a team.

You and your colleagues bring in the M&E,

engineering, climate change,
environmental and cooperation expertise,
based on the case description and your
own experience.

Please find some hints for a fruitful cooperation in the box “Guidance for effective group work”.

Your specific tasks

• Review the case description (Annex 1).

• Use a flipchart or board with cards.
• Respond to the following tasks and present your results guided by matrix 4.5.1, based on the
results of Modules 4.3, 4.4, and 4.5.
• Step 1.
o Identify the adaptation impact of the infrastructure investment (project).

• Step 2.
o List all components that compose the infrastructure investment (project) (see example
matrix 4.6.1).
o Ideally, cluster the components e.g. according to their geographic scale, their partners,
their approaches, or their impact to reduce climate-related risk (by climate parameter,
reduction of exposure, reduction of sensitivity, increase of adaptive capacity).
• Step 3.
o Formulate one outcome for each component.
o Consider that this outcome needs to be significant to represent the outcome’s impact on
the short-term and medium-term.
• Step 4.
o Formulate one to three outputs for each outcome.
o Consider that the outputs need to contribute to achieving the outcome.
• Step 5.
o List assumptions under which outputs lead to outcomes.

Matrix 4.6.1. Develop a results chain

Step 1. Adaptation impact of the project: Reduce the climate risk related to heavy rainfall for the road
infrastructure in Metropolis

Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5

Component (Action Expected outcome Expected outputs Assumptions under
Line) which outputs lead to
Implementation of Adaptation measures a) Decision-makers are Reliable data to
measures to reduce have been adopted, aware of existing risks. support Climate
vulnerability of based on existing b) The Millenium Services are accessible.
Millenium Bridge to Climate Services Bridge’s design takes
extreme rainfall events. into account these

Starting from this point, proceed to work on Matrix 4.6.2 to construct indicators, re-utilizing results from
Matrix 4.6.1:

• Step 6.
o Formulate one to two indicators for each outcome.
o Make sure that each indicator fulfils the SMART criteria.
o Check if the indicator(s) properly measure the outcome.
o Identify sources of information to measure each of your indicators.

• Step 7.
o Formulate one to two indicators for each output.
o Make sure that each indicator fulfils the SMART criteria.
o Check if the indicator(s) properly measure the output.
o Identify sources of information to measure each of your indicators.
• Step 8.
o Prepare your presentation to the plenary and focus on your most important results
within 5 minutes.

Matrix 4.6.2. Develop a results chain

Step 1. Adaptation impact of the project: Reduce the climate risk related to heavy rainfall for the road
infrastructure in Metropolis

Step 2 Step 3 Step 6 Step 4 Step 7

Component Expected Suggested outcome Expected Suggested output
outcome indicators and source outputs indicators and source
of information of information
Implementation Adaptation At least 80% of a) Decision- a) Results of a climate
of measures to measures measures to ensure the makers are risk assessment have
reduce have been Millenium Bridge’s aware of been validated by at
vulnerability of adopted, stability towards 100- existing risks; least 10 Metropolis
Millenium based on yearly floods taking in b) The decision-makers in a 3-
Bridge to existing account new bridge’s Millenium day workshop. Source
extreme rainfall Climate design that considers Bridge’s design of information:
events. Services results from the climate takes into participants’ list and
risk assessment have account these workshop
been implemented 3 risks. documentation
years after the start of
b) …
the project. Source of
information: list of

4.6.5 Guiding questions for reflection

• Why is it relevant to have a well-developed M&R system accompanying adaptation projects?
• Why is it important to formulate outcomes and outputs, apart from long-term adaptation
• What are the challenges when formulating indicators?
• What are key stakeholders and key aspects to ensure that enough data is available to measure
• Which role does the User Interface Platform for Climate Services play to eventually provide data
for M&R?

4.6.6 Take away messages

• M&R is more than a “nice-to-have”: it is key to measure the impact of adaptation efforts over time
and therefore demonstrate results to investors, to steer activities, for learning, and finally for
international reporting framed in the Paris Agreement.
• M&R for adaptation faces a number of challenges, being some the inexistence of always valid
metrics to measure adaptation, long time horizons regarding possible impacts, uncertainty in
climate and socioeconomic developments, and the complexity of understanding all factors leading
to climate risk.
• Trickling long-term adaptation impacts of adaptation measures to results chains and therefore
outcomes and outputs helps to explain intermediate stages towards long-term impacts.
• Indicators are ways to measuring the progress and progress in your project towards achieving its
outputs and outcomes. This is why they should meet the SMART criteria in order to be qualitatively
relevant to measure outcomes and outputs.

4.6.7 References
Asian Development Bank (ADB) 2011. Guidelines for climate proofing investment in the transport sector:
Road infrastructure projects. Mandaluyong City, Philippines: Asian Development Bank.

Eberhardt, A., Leiter,T., Olivier, J. and Hoppe, M. 2013. Integrating climate change adaptation into
development planning. Modules on Adaptation Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). Training
Manual. GIZ, Eschborn. Germany. Available at:

GIZ 2016. MACC Video Tutorials. Available at:


Leiter, T.; Maas, M. and Olivier, J. 2016. Monitoring climate change adaptation projects with the MACC-
Tool Handbook. GIZ, Eschborn, Germany. Available at:

Silvestrini, S.; Bellino, I. and Väth, S. 2015. Impact Evaluation Guidebook for Climate Change Adaptation.
GIZ (ed.) Eschborn, Germany. Available at:

4.6.8 Personal notes

Annex 1 Fictitious Case: Setting the Scene for the Climate Risk
Assessment of the Millennium Bridge of the City of Metropolis

1. Case study setting – The Karibu River and the city of Metropolis

1.1 Environment
The Karibu River Watershed lies in the Eastern Province of South Country. The Northern parts of the
catchment are characterized by the high Upper Mountains, gently sloping south. The Upper Mountains
have been classified an Area of Extraordinary Beauty and they are a renowned destination for ambitious
hikers and climbers in summer. However, in the past years much of the forests had been degraded due to
rapid urbanization and uncontrolled land-use changes. In the rainy season, the peaks of the mountains are
often covered in clouds with intense rains occurring every afternoon causing tremendous water
discharges. Currently, a new dam to provide hydropower is being built at the river midstream. One
tributary adds its waters before Karibu River reaches the major bridge connecting both parts of the city
accessible for vehicles.

1.2 The city of Metropolis

Metropolis has about 6 Million inhabitants. A mega city in the Eastern Province, and an area of major
importance for economic activity and social life throughout the country. Metropolis is equipped with
residential and commercial / industrial areas, green spaces for recreation, hospitals, schools and
universities, as well as vast shopping facilities covering all needs. Thereby, the city is of major importance
for the surrounding region, especially the smaller villages and dwellings who benefit from the services and
facilities offered by the city. With having a harbor, the city receives importance as a gateway for the trade
of goods and commodities within the region. The roads leading across the bridge is of crucial importance
for traffic, transport and overall mobility.

1.3 The Millennium Bridge

The Millenium Bridge has been rebuilt, after the last bridge was severely damaged during a so-called
centennial flood in 1998 and had to be taken down due to safety reasons. During that event, people and
authorities noticed that early-warning and contingency plans were not functioning properly, leading to
severe human and economic losses.

Outline of socio-economic consequences due to the bridge failure

The socio-economic impacts of this event were severe, beyond the costs of the new bridge. During the
reconstruction phase, the river crossing of people and smaller vehicles was provided by a ferry service,
but larger vehicles had to do a long detour of approx. 80 km to a larger ferry further north, eventually
leading to losses for fresh or frozen products. Commuting pupils and students from the Western banks
had to leave their school buses at one side of the river, take the ferry and then climb on the next bus at
the other side. The education statistics show a decrease in the final exam grades of commuting pupils.
The health statistics of this time show a significant increase in pulmonary diseases among
schoolchildren, especially in elementary school. Medical services had to operate by helicopter if there
was an emergency case at the Western banks of Karibu River. Longer travel times of every day
commuters from their apartments on the one side of the river to their offices on the other side of the
river has caused reduced performance of companies limiting their annual turnover. The intra-regional
as well as the inter-regional trade suffered from additional costs for transport as well as from a loss of
customers and goods due to vast delays in service delivery. In the second year of reconstruction, the
local traditional market, as well as several restaurants at the river banks that represent important
touristic places, had to be closed as the expected number of tourists had dramatically fallen the year
before causing a dramatic decrease of number of overnight stays and has only recovered since a few

The new bridge spanning Karibu River that was built after the disastrous flood in 1998 was opened in 2000,
thus dubbed the Millennium Bridge. Financing the new bridge was shared by the city administration of
Metropolis and the Eastern Province. The bridge was built in adherence to the existing building codes. In
2001, it was nominated for the prize “Innovative infrastructure of the year” by the National Engineering
Society of South State. The technical details include (bridge components illustration courtesy of Alberta

Road surface Design temperatures: Superpave Performance Grading (PG) 64-22

(asphalt cement pavement) (highest temperature of asphalt of 64 deg. C)
Design life= 15 years
Bridge deck Carbon fiber reinforced concrete; design life 75 years
Drainage system
Guard rails and signage
Expansion joints Designed for 30 deg. Celsius
Piers and abutments Designed to resist scouring of 100-year flow (equivalent to 4.300 m3/s)
Clearance of bridge deck Designed for 100-year (for a design flood of 6.5m above sea level =
above high-water level +4.5m above average)

The Millennium Bridge is managed by the Metropolis City Infrastructure Authority in cooperation with the
Province’s Road Maintenance Department. The bridge will be examined concerning functionality and
maintenance in a thorough check-up in 2020. In this process, possible repairs or refurbishments can be

2. Climate Information

2.1 Current climate and hydrology

The following graph shows the current climate conditions in the catchment on a monthly basis for
precipitation and on a daily basis for temperature.

The recent climate for Metropolis, South State & the Karibu River Hydrology
Average Monthly Average Daily
The Karibu’s River flow is determined by the
Precipitation Temperature
Month [mm] [° C] precipitation patterns in the catchment - in
Jan 252 22,3 normal years: majority of rainfall in
Feb 193 24,1 November to February, negligible rainfall
during the rest of the year.
Mar 120 21,3
Apr 52 20,5 The normal level of the river is at 2m
May 33 19,1 (measure point: +1.5m above sea level),
Jun 16 18,3 with a mean annual discharge pf 250m3/s.
Jul 8 18,1 The highest recorded water level was
Aug 7 19,8 8.43m, the highest recorded discharge
Sep 22 23,1 4.300m3/s (1998).
Oct 253 24,5 Besides the natural pastures at the Eastern
Nov 298 24,3 & Western Bank there are no flood
Dec 280 23,7 control/defence mechanisms in place.

mean 1534 mm 21,6°C
(Mean climate parameters 1981-2010)

2.2 Recent observed changes in climate and hydrology

The observed changes in annual mean temperature are +0,8°C since 1970. The lower parts of the Karibu
River catchment regularly experience high water levels from December to February, due to the seasonal
intensive rains. Overall, the frequency of strong rainfall events has increased. Although, the average
amount of annual rainfall is largely unchanged, especially during El-Niño years, more precipitation in the
rainy season (more rainfall and torrential rains) has been experienced in the past decade. The bridge had
been partly damaged by flooding in the past, however, the last severe damage before the one leading to
the reconstruction in 1998 had been before the beginning of the 20th century (had to be looked up at the
town’s archives). Thus, the flood in 1998 was called a centennial flood. However, the frequency of such
disruptive high water levels appears to be increasing and a severe flood – similar to the one in 1998 – has
reoccurred once since.

A relatively new feature are random thunderstorms accompanied by strong rains in the northern part of
the watershed, where steep, bare rock slopes are common, leading to extraordinary high water levels, and
eventually causing flooding of the cities original flood plain, that is now urbanized.

The other experienced extremes in recent years have mainly occurred during La-Niña, where precipitation
has decreased accompanied by drought conditions and heat waves.

2.3 Climate projections in the Karibu River Catchment
• Annual mean temperature rising by 2-3°C in the Upper Mountains and 1-3°C in the river valley by the
2050s (compared to the 1970 to 2000 average).
• Increase in heat waves in summer and during La-Nina years with
o Likely occurrence of temperatures exceeding 35 degrees in three consecutive days
o Probable occurrence of temperature exceeding 40 degrees in five consecutive days leading to
asphalt temperatures exceeding 64° Celsius.
• Slight increase in mean annual precipitation by the 2050s (compared to the 1970 to 2000 average).
• More intense precipitation in the rainy season and more intense El-Nino related rains.
• Precipitation focused on shorter periods.
• Increase in thunderstorms with high intensity rainfall events in summer (short and heavy rains with up
to 35l/m2 in 6h).
Wind and storms
• Increase in thunderstorms with increased average and top wind speed.
Surface hydrology
• More variable river flows.
• Likely more frequent floods exceeding discharge of 4.300m3/s and exceeding 6.5m water level above
sea level.
• Longer periods without significant precipitation (dry spell).
• Lower late summer river flows.
• Increased erosion of sloping land and reservoir catchments.
• Larger sediment loads in lower Karibu River.

• Predicted sea-level increase of 40-90 cm by the year 2070.

Annex 2 Glossary of key terms5


HAZARD / CLIMATE The potential occurrence of a natural or human-induced physical event

EVENT / CLIMATE or trend or physical impact that may cause loss of life, injury, or other
VARIABLE health impacts, as well as damage and loss to property, infrastructure,
livelihoods, service provision, ecosystems and environmental resources.
In this report, the term hazard usually refers to climate-related physical
events or trends or their physical impacts. (IPCC AR5)

CLIMATE Climate in a narrow sense is usually defined as the average weather, or

more rigorously, as the statistical description in terms of the mean and
variability of relevant quantities over a period of time ranging from
months to thousands or millions of years. The classical period for
averaging these variables is 30 years, as defined by the World
Meteorological Organization. The relevant quantities are most often
surface variables such as temperature, precipitation and wind. Climate
in a wider sense is the state, including a statistical description, of the
climate system. (IPCC AR5)

CLIMATE CHANGE Climate change refers to a change in the state of the Climate that can be
identified (e.g., by using statistical tests) by changes in the mean and/or
the variability of its properties and that persists for an extended period,
typically decades or longer. Climate change may be due to natural
internal processes or external forcings such as modulations of the solar
cycles, volcanic eruptions and persistent anthropogenic changes in the
composition of the atmosphere or in land use.
Note that the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), in
its Article 1, defines climate change as:
‘a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human
activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which
is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable
time periods’. The UNFCCC thus makes a distinction between climate
change attributable to human activities altering the atmospheric
composition and climate variability attributable to natural causes. (IPCC

- GIZ Risk Supplement to the Vulnerability Sourcebook

EXPOSURE The presence of people, livelihoods, species or ecosystems,
environmental functions, services, and resources, infrastructure, or
economic, social, or cultural assets in places and settings that could be
adversely affected. (IPCC AR5)

CRITICAL CLIMATE A critical climate event is defined as a climate condition that exceeds
EVENT the identified load capacity of an infrastructure component leading to
an impact on the component.

PROBABILITY / The chance of a specific outcome occurring, where this might be

LIKELIHOOD estimated probabilistically. (IPCC AR5)
Note: In the IPCC AR5 likelihood is expressed using a standard

CLIMATE A climate projection is the simulated response of the climate system to

PROJECTION a scenario of future emission or concentration of greenhouse gases
(GHGs) and aerosols, generally derived using climate models. Climate
projections are distinguished from climate predictions by their
dependence on the emission/concentration/radiative forcing scenario
used, which is in turn based on assumptions concerning, for example,
future socio-economic and technological developments that may or may
not be realized. (IPCC AR5)

DESIGN LOAD The design load is the maximum load (or force) a system (or its
individual components) is designed to sustain.

THRESHOLD In the context of a PIEVC Protocol assessment, Threshold relates to the

intensity (magnitude) of a climate event that affects the performance of
the asset or its components. → “Performance Considerations”

VULNERABILITY / The propensity or predisposition to be adversely affected. Vulnerability

SENSITIVITY encompasses a variety of concepts and elements including sensitivity or
susceptibility to harm and lack of capacity to cope and adapt. (IPCC AR5)
Vulnerability has two relevant elements:
1. Sensitivity is determined by those factors that directly affect the
consequences of a hazard. Sensitivity may include physical attributes
of a system (e.g. building material of houses, type of soil on
agriculture fields), social, economic and cultural attributes (e.g. age
structure, income structure).
2. Capacity in the context of climate risk assessments refers to the
ability of societies and communities to prepare for and respond to
current and future climate impacts. It comprises:
a. Coping capacity: The ability of people, institutions,
organizations, and systems, using available skills, values,
beliefs, resources, and opportunities, to address, manage,
and overcome adverse conditions in the short to medium
term (e.g. early warning systems in place).
b. Adaptive capacity: The ability of systems, institutions,
humans and other organisms to adjust to potential damage,
to take advantage of opportunities, or to respond to
consequences’ (e.g. knowledge to introduce new farming
(GIZ Risk Supplement to the Vulnerability Sourcebook)

PERFORMANCE Also referred to as “Infrastructure Response Considerations” in the

RESPONSE PIEVC Protocol, infrastructure response criteria establish a range of
CONSIDERATIONS outcomes of climate-infrastructure-interaction outcomes that are
tailored to the specific assessment and provide a basis for the →
severity scoring. These may include performance considerations such as
structural (e.g., will the asset or component fail?), functional/capacity
(e.g., is the capacity of the asset or component to provide the service as
designed affected?), or operations and maintenance (e.g., does the
climate event affect access to the asset or component? Is the service life
of the asset or component reduced due to the event?)

IMPACT Effects on natural and human systems. In the AR5, the term impacts is
used primarily to refer to the effects on natural and human systems of
extreme weather and climate events and of climate change. Impacts
generally refer to effects on lives, livelihoods, health, ecosystems,
economies, societies, cultures, services and infrastructure due to the
interaction of climate changes or hazardous climate events occurring
within a specific time period and the vulnerability of an exposed society
or system.
Impacts are also referred to as consequences and outcomes. The
impacts of climate change on geophysical systems, including floods,
droughts and sea level rise, are a subset of impacts called physical
impacts. (IPCC AR5)

SEVERITY (SCORE) In the context of a PIEVC Protocol assessment, the Severity score (or
rating) relates to the gravity (seriousness) of the effects and
consequences a climate event occurring at the selected intensity
threshold on the assets or components. Severity refers to impact in the
IPCC risk model.

RISK The potential for consequences where something of value is at stake

and where the outcome is uncertain, recognizing the diversity of values.
Risk results from the interaction of vulnerability, exposure, and hazard.
(GIZ Risk Supplement to the Vulnerability Sourcebook)

The easy risk formula is

ADAPTATION The process of adjustment to actual or expected climate and its effects.
In human systems, adaptation seeks to moderate or avoid harm or
exploit beneficial opportunities. In some natural systems, human
intervention may facilitate adjustment to expected climate and its
effects. (IPCC AR5)

(Source: GIZ Risk Supplement to the Vulnerability Sourcebook)

Annex 3 Abbreviations

ADB Asian Development Bank

AR Assessment Report (e.g. Fifth Assessment Report = AR5)
C Celsius
CBA Cost-Benefit Analysis
CBO Community based Organization
CC Climate Change
CD Capacity Development
CEA Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
CH4 Methane
CO2 Carbon dioxide
CP Climate Proofing
CS Climate Service
CSI Enhancing Climate Services for Sustainable Infrastructure Investment
CSIS Climate Service Information System
DRR Desaster Risk Reduction
DWD Deutscher Wetterdienst
EbA Ecosystem based Adaptation
ECV Essential Climate Variable
EIA environmental impact assessments
ESM Earth System Model
GCM Global Climate Model
GFCS Global Framework for Climate Services
GHG Greenhouse gas
GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
GPCs Global Production Centers
H2O Water
ICTs Information and Communication Technologies
INDC Intended Nationally Determined Contributions to Paris Agreement (2015)
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Km kilometer
MCA Multi-Criteria Analysis
mm millimeter
MoU Memorandum of Understanding
M$ Metropolis Dollar
M&E Monitoring and Evaluation System
NAP National Adaptation Plan
NBI Nile Basin Initiative
NCCS National Climate Change Strategy
NCS National Climate Service
NDC Nationally Determined Contributions to Paris Agreement
NFCS National Framework of Climate Services
NGO Non-governmental Organization
NMHS National Meteorological and Hydrological Services
NMP National Mitigation Plan
NO2 Nitrous oxide
O3 Ozone
OECD Organization of Economic Cooperation for Development
OM Observation and Monitoring
O&M Operation and Maintenance
P Precipitation
PIEVC Public Infrastructure Engineering Vulnerability Committee (PIEVC)
RCCs Regional Climate Centers
RCM Regional Climate Model
RCP Representative Concentration Pathway
RMP Research, Modelling and Prediction
SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
T Temperature
ToT Training of Trainers
UIP User Interface Platform
UN United Nations
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change
W Watt
WCC-3 3. World Climate Conference (2009)
WII Working Group II of AR5
WMO World Meteorological Organization

Annex 4 IsDB Related Publications

Aware for Projects - IsDB MDB Climate Finance IsDB Climate Finance
User Guide Lessons Learned Paper Report (2013-2017)

IsDB Low-Carbon Transport IsDB Climate Change Policy 2018 MDB Climate Finance
for Development Report Report

IsDB Climate Change IsDB Climate Co-benefit IsDB Energy Sector

Technical Policy Paper Pamphlet Guidance Note

IsDB Transport Sector IsDB Energy Sector IsDB Transport Sector
Guidance Note Policy Policy


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