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Indonesian Review of Physics (IRiP) p-ISSN: 2621-3761 | e-ISSN: 2621-2889

Vol.6, No.1, June 2023, pp. 17 - 23 DOI: 10.12928/irip.v6i1.7070

Seawater Lamp: Utilization of Seawater as an Alternative Energy Source to

Generate Electricity
Muh. Ridwan Kadir1, Nurul Afiqah Arsyad2, Syarifah Nuraeni Alaydrus3, Wenny Puspita4,
Sahrul5, Muhammad Nurkhalis Agriawan6, Hardi Hamzah7*
Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sulawesi Barat,
Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, Universitas Sulawesi Barat, Indonesia
Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Cenderawasih, Indonesia
Email: hardihamzah88@gmail.com

Article Info ABSTRACT

Fishermen are the main livelihood for coastal communities in West Sulawesi. In fishing
Article History
activities, especially at night, fishermen use lights to attract fish for a greater chance of
Received: Des 17, 2022
catching fish. However, fishermen need a supply of electricity to turn on their lights
Revision: Jun 23, 2023
when at sea. Fishermen usually use batteries. This is a significant problem for
Accepted: Jun 30, 2023
fishermen because batteries require a relatively high operational level. Researchers
Keywords: found the idea by developing a battery replacement tool to reduce high operating costs.
Seawater This study aims to utilize seawater as an alternative energy source to overcome the
Electrolytes problem of high operational costs for fishermen. The tool developed in this study uses
Renewable energy two electrodes (Zn and Cu) placed vertically in a container and then filled with
Electrical energy seawater. The two electrodes are connected in series, producing a high output voltage
to light an LED. After the initial measurement, the resulting output voltage is 5V and
can turn on the LED with a bright enough light. In periodic measurements for 96 hours
with data collection every 4 hours, the voltage, current, and power do not decrease
significantly, so the seawater lamp is suitable for coastal communities and fishermen's
use as lighting when going to sea at night. Series and parallel combinations must be
developed to achieve higher voltage and power values and obtain brighter light. The
results of this research can be an alternative and renewable energy source that can be
widely used.

This is an open-access article under the CC–BY-SA license.

To cite this article:

M. R. Kadir et al., “Seawater Lamp: Utilization of Seawater as an Alternative Energy Source to Generate Electricity,”
Indones. Rev. Phys., vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 17–23, 2023, doi: 10.12928/irip.v6i1.7070.

I. Introduction sources of electrical energy by utilizing available natural

Electrical energy is a fundamental societal need and resources [4]. There are several ways to produce renewable
supports all aspects of life and national development [1]. electrical power, one of which is by using seawater. The
As time goes by and technological developments, people's utilization of seawater as a source of electrical energy has
dependence on electrical energy increases [2]. Fuel oil yet to be optimal.
(BBM) and gas fuel are non-renewable energy sources that The existence of electricity sourced from seawater is
people use daily [3]. The need for electrical energy a potential and inexpensive solution for electricity needs
continues to increase and demands the availability of around the coast and for fishermen. However, the electrical
alternative sources of electrical energy from renewable energy generated from renewable sources is always
energy. smaller than that from non-renewable sources. This
Generally, electrical energy is generated from diesel, problem must be addressed if renewable energy is
water, and geothermal energy. However, in its expected to replace conventional energy [5].
development, there are still many obstacles. Therefore, Many countries have widely used seawater in this
another alternative is needed for developing renewable modern era as an alternative energy source and a material
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Indonesian Review of Physics (IRIP) 18
Vol.6, No.1, June 2023, pp. 17 - 23

that can be used to make something useful. If used on a of power. This shows that the anode electrode material
large scale, this seawater will have great potential to strongly influences the performance of the seawater
provide good sources of electrical energy in society to battery. The best anodes to use are zinc or galvanium.
meet the needs of electrical power [6]. The energy crisis Further development of seawater batteries with DC/DC
has become a protracted problem in Indonesia and other converters and Dual in-line Package (DIP) LEDs suits
countries, including Malaysia, for people living in remote innovations in effective and efficient fishing lights for lift
areas [7], [8]. Energy needs will continue to increase along net fishing [17].
with technological advances and population growth. However, from previous research, the resulting
Therefore, the use of seawater is beneficial for overcoming voltage is still minimal, ranging from 1.6 to 3.6 Volts. In
the electrical energy crisis that has hit various countries this research, a seawater lamp will be developed, which
[9]. fishermen can use when fishing at night with greater
Marine energy is a "renewable" alternative energy voltage, current and electric power. This research was
that contains abiotic resources that have the potential to be carried out to produce a higher voltage by connecting
developed. The sea is not only a food source but also has several power sources in series. This study also used a
various energy sources, and its existence is becoming series of LEDs with a size of 5×5 cm, input voltage of 3.7-
increasingly important as fossil fuel energy runs out. The 5v, and 8 watts of power, with 16 LEDs connected in one
potential of the sea is estimated to be four times the world's circuit.
electricity demand, and it is not surprising that various Natural resources, such as coal, oil, and gas, are
developed countries are competing to utilize this energy abundant in Indonesia. However, it has yet to be utilized
[10]. effectively and is still dependent on petroleum as the
Seawater can generate electrical energy by utilizing primary energy source [3]. Because of this, the
electrochemical processes [10]. Electrochemistry is a government issued a renewable energy source policy
change in chemical energy into electrical power due to two stipulated in Law no. 33 of 2007 at 20 paragraph 4
electrodes and an electrolyte as a conductor of electrons concerning energy supply and meeting people's energy
[11]. The type of electrochemical cell used is a voltaic cell needs by seeking alternative energy sources to replace
to produce electrical energy. The voltaic cell, an electrolyte petroleum [18].
of seawater, is given two metals as electrodes connected West Sulawesi is one of the provinces surrounded by
and has a potential difference that makes electrical power. an endless seawater supply. Most people work as
Electrolytes are solutions that decompose into ions, then fishermen who need electrical energy in their daily
become electrical conductors [12]. Ions are charged atoms. activities, including fishing at night. Some people use
Electrolytes can be water, acid-base, or other compounds. diesel generators and kerosene lamps, posing health risks
Electrolytes are generally acids, bases, or salts, and certain and damaging coastal and marine ecosystems. This study
gases can act as electrolytes under certain conditions, such generally aims to determine the potential for utilizing
as high temperature and low pressure [13]. seawater batteries as an alternative source of lighting
Research on the use of seawater to generate energy and a renewable energy source for fishermen. This
electricity has been carried out by several previous study uses the electrolysis solution of two electrodes (Zn
researchers, such as that carried out by Sastromidjojo, by and Cu) with seawater. This seawater battery series is
flowing 2 liters of Parangtritis seawater to the anode and connected to LEDs arranged in parallel to produce bright
cathode circuits in the form of graphite and zinc, which light. The data measured are the electric power (W),
produce electrical energy with a voltage of 1.6 volts [14]. voltage (V), and current (mA) generated by the seawater
Raphael and Aisa Mijeno made a series of LED lights with lamp to determine the durability of the seawater lamp
a glass of water and two spoons of salt [14]. Many before fishermen use it.
countries carry out research and development of new Water covers as much as 70% of the earth's surface,
energy potential. Several studies have been conducted, with 97.5% seawater. This makes it possible to develop
including research on the analysis of the Utilization of Salt seawater lighting products that can be renewable
Water as an Alternative Energy Source Using Used Battery alternative energy sources. The result of this project is a
Carbon Electrodes; the potential of this research is very saltwater-powered lighting product prototype to provide a
good for development [15]. Utilization of Seawater stable supply of electricity, especially in rural areas
Electrolyte as a Source of Electrical Energy for Batteries enabling a better quality of life.
with Copper–Aluminium Electrodes The seawater battery
developed succeeded in turning on LED lamps and
household lamps, with a generated voltage of 1.31 V and II. Theory
an electric current of 13.56 mA. 2-3 batteries arranged in
series produced 2.55 V and 3,6 V [16]. In line with this Sea water
research, the study entitled "Seawater Battery with Al-Cu, Seawater is a mixture of 96.5% pure water and 3.5%
Zn-Cu, and Gal-Cu Electrodes for Fishing Lights" salt, dissolved gases, organic matter, and insoluble
obtained a maximum power of zinc electrodes of 704.17 particles. The salt content in seawater is influenced by
mW, not much different from galvalume's 726.41 mW. In mineral salts in rocks and soil, for example, sodium,
comparison, the aluminum electrode produces 175.75 mW potassium, calcium, and others. The salinity of seawater is
3.5%, meaning that 1 liter (1000 ml) of seawater contains

M. R. Kadir, et al. Seawater Lamp: Utilization of Seawater as an Alternative … p-ISSN: 2621-3761

e-ISSN: 2621-2889
Indonesian Review of Physics (IRIP) 19
Vol.6, No.1, June 2023, pp. 17 - 23

35 grams of salt [19]. The physical properties of seawater, resistance is called internal resistance, mainly found in the
such as density, compressibility, freezing point, and existing electrolyte material. The rest is on the plate and
temperature, are greatly influenced by the salt content in the end of the connection and marked "r"
seawater. Two properties primarily determined by the sea's
salt amount are electrical conductivity and osmotic
pressure. The main salts contained in seawater are chloride
(55%), sodium (31%), sulfate (8%), magnesium (4%),
calcium (1%), potassium (1%), and the rest less than 1%
consists of Bicarbonate, Bromide, Boric acid, Strontium,
and Florida [19].
Seawater contains an electric current when it contains
a high element of Sodium Chloride (NaCl) which breaks
down into Na+ and Cl-. In the fact of these free-charged
particles, an electric current arises. The emergence of an
electric current by these charges can be used as a cheap and
environmentally friendly source of electrical energy using
the voltaic cell method [20]. Figure 2. Measuring battery voltage and current [22].

Seawater Battery
A voltaic cell consists of two electrodes, namely the
anode and cathode (see Figure 1). The Cu electrode serves
as the cathode, and Zn is the anode. The cathode is the
positive electrode, where the reduction reaction takes
place. Meanwhile, the anode is the negative electrode
where the oxidation reaction occurs [21]. In the reduction
process, some ions or molecules on the positive electrons
(cathode) receive reduction and electrons. Some ions and
molecules give electrons on the negative electrons (anode),
causing the oxidation process.
Figure 3. Flow chart for measuring battery voltage and current

In the battery there is internal resistance caused by

electrolyte materials and the plates and connections in the
battery, so the voltage loss on the battery is 𝑉𝑏, as in
equation 1.

𝑉𝑏 = 𝐸 − 𝑉 = 𝐼 . 𝑟 (Volts) (1)

Resistance in battery:

𝑟 = 𝑉𝑏 . 𝐼 = 𝐸 − 𝑉. 𝐼 (ohms) (2)
Figure 1. Seawater Battery electrochemical cell

Electrical Motion and Resistance in Batteries Voltage and Current Maximum in Battery
In Figure 2, if the voltage is measured before being In Figure 3, when the "S" switch is connected, the
connected to the load resistance, "RL," then the voltage overall system in the battery will work, in the circuit there
shows "E" volts. After the battery is connected to the load is a load resistance "RL" and an internal resistance "r". the
resistance and the voltage is measured, it will show "V" decrease in current in the circuit is influenced by the
volts lower than the initial voltage. internal resistance of the battery.
In Figure 3, the voltmeter will show an open voltage The electric power generated by the battery is the
of "E" volts before the "S" switch is connected, the sum of the power lost in the battery and the power
ammeter will show that there is an electric current flowing generated by the load resistance. The amount of electric
across the load resistance, and the clamp voltage of the power that the battery will completely release follows
battery is shown by the voltmeter "V" volts after the switch Equation 3.
is connected. The difference in electric voltage between V
and E is caused by the electric current issued by the battery. 𝑃 = 𝑃𝑏 + 𝑃𝐿 = 𝐸 . 𝐼 (watts) (3)
The electric current must pass through the battery
resistance before starting the load resistance. The battery

M. R. Kadir, et al. Seawater Lamp: Utilization of Seawater as an Alternative … p-ISSN: 2621-3761

e-ISSN: 2621-2889
Indonesian Review of Physics (IRIP) 20
Vol.6, No.1, June 2023, pp. 17 - 23

If the battery is short-circuited, the load resistance electrode used, the more active material that can
becomes zero, and the amperage released is: accommodate electrons to produce more electrical energy.
𝐼 = 𝐸𝑟 (ampere) (4) A copper wire is connected to each electrode at one
end, and the other is connected to alligator clips. Two
III. Method similar devices are made for current production and
This section describes the experimental procedure electrochemical characteristics.
used for this research and the parameters to be studied,
such as Voltage, Current, and electric power generated by
Seawater Lamp Durability
seawater lamps. Details of the experimental procedure for
The open circuit voltage is measured by connecting
each parameter to be studied will be explained in this
the positive and dangerous electrodes. A digital multimeter
for four days (96 hours) measured current, volts, and
electric power. This experiment aims to measure the
Materials and instruments electrode's durability in a seawater solution. To achieve
The research used seawater as an electrolysis solution this goal, voltage, current, and resistance changes are
and two Zn and Cu electrodes placed in an acrylic recorded every 4 hours. This corresponds to the ideal time
container with a size of (14×7.5×16) cm. used by fishermen when fishing at night.

Characterization of Seawater Light

Overall the voltage and electric current are measured
using a multimeter connected to a series of seawater lamps
IV. Results and Discussion
(Figure 4). Measurements were made using a multimeter This seawater lamp voltage source circuit consists of
connected to zinc and copper plates as the anode and two voltage source circuits connected in series to obtain a
cathode—voltage measurement. stable voltage gain.

Figure 4. Electrolysis seawater experiment

Data collection, types, and sources

The research method used is a laboratory scale
experiment. The test was carried out by assembling
seawater battery units in series and giving a load of a series
of LED light units. Experiments were carried out by
measuring the voltage and current on the seawater battery Figure 5. Seawater Lamp Voltage Measurement
and the rate of decrease in light intensity produced by the
LED lights. The voltage generated by a seawater battery is The seawater lamp prototype that was successfully
affected by the type of electrode material used [23]. The developed (Figure 5) uses Zn and Cu electrodes. Using 67
data is used to estimate the durability of seawater battery ml of seawater as the electrolysis solution. The zinc anode
components as a source of electrical energy. is an electrode with a higher Zn content than aluminum,
resulting in a higher output voltage than aluminum [25],
Seawater Lamp Construction [17]. The high Zn content causes the oxide layer to react
This experiment used seawater as an electrolysis more quickly with chloride ions (Cl-) in seawater.
solution with a specific volume and put it into an acrylic Voltage measurements are made by connecting a
container. One electrode of each metal with dimensions of voltmeter to the seawater lamp output (Figure 6). The
3×3 cm is inserted into the container at a distance of 4 cm developed seawater lamp was tested by connecting it to an
from each other. The electrode area affects the battery LED (Figure 7) and successfully lit it. Subsequent tests use
capacity. Battery capacity is expressed by the number of three series of LEDs arranged in parallel to produce a
active electrode materials that can produce electrical bright enough LED flame (Figure 8).
energy through electrochemical reactions. The wider the
electrode, the greater the battery capacity. The wider the

M. R. Kadir, et al. Seawater Lamp: Utilization of Seawater as an Alternative … p-ISSN: 2621-3761

e-ISSN: 2621-2889
Indonesian Review of Physics (IRIP) 21
Vol.6, No.1, June 2023, pp. 17 - 23

Based on the obtained time-voltage relationship

curve, the generated voltage decreased not significantly
from the first to the second day, but from the third to the
fourth day, the induced voltage did not change (Figure 9).
Based on the current-time relationship curve, the
electric current generated in the seawater lamp series
decreased significantly on the first day. On the second day,
it decreased but not significantly, but from the third day to
the fourth day, the generated voltage did not change (see
Figure 10).
Figure 6. Seawater lamp connected to the LED

Figure 10. Current Time Relationship Curve

Figure 7. Seawater lights connected to 3 LED circuits
Based on the power-time relationship curve obtained,
the generated electric power decreased drastically on the
first day. On the second day, it decreased but not
significantly, but on the third day, the generated power did
not change, and on the fourth day, the electric power
decreased, which was insignificant (see Figure 11).

Figure 8. Seawater lights connected to 3 LED circuits

After measuring for 96 hours with a range of data

collection every 4 hours under normal room conditions, the
results are shown in Figure 9.
Figure 11. The Curve of the Relationship of Electric Power
Against Time

The decrease in voltage and current generated by the

battery is also caused by the reduced concentration of NaCl
in the seawater used. The high NaCl element by H 2O is
broken down into Na+ and Cl-; an electric current appears
from this process. NaCl has an ionization degree of 1, or
close to 1, and NaCl is a robust electrolyte solution and can
be completely ionized in water [26]. The dimensions of the
electrodes and the electron solution (salt) significantly
affect the magnitude of the current and voltage generated
by an electrochemical cell. This means that to restore the
voltage and current of a seawater battery, one of the
Figure 9. Voltage-Time Relationship Curve conditions is to replace the electrolyte solution [27].

M. R. Kadir, et al. Seawater Lamp: Utilization of Seawater as an Alternative … p-ISSN: 2621-3761

e-ISSN: 2621-2889
Indonesian Review of Physics (IRIP) 22
Vol.6, No.1, June 2023, pp. 17 - 23

After testing the durability of seawater lamps and VI. Acknowledgment

obtaining excellent and durable results, fishermen can use The research team would like to thank
seawater lamps when fishing at night. After researching Kemenristekdikti through the Directorate General of
seawater lamps, the results of this tool were that it could Belmawa (Directorate General of Learning and Student
become a very efficient source of renewable energy if used Affairs) and the University of West Sulawesi for funding
by coastal communities and fishermen. After the trial the PKM (Student Creativity Program) activities.
results were obtained, this seawater lamp could last up to
96 hours. Besides that, seawater can be a solution to
replace fuel oil or diesel fuel because of the free particle
charge of NaCl salts contained in seawater [12]. References
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Author contribution : Muh. Ridwan Kadir and Hardi Hamzah are in charge of the entire research project.
He also leads the creation and data capture of research in collaboration with all
authors. Nurul Afiqah Arsyad, Syarifah Nuraeni Alaydrus, Wenny Puspita and Sahrul
participated in delaying data collection, transcription and analysis. He also revised
the Manuscript. Muhammad Nurkhalis Agriawan is responsible for the creation and
design of the media as well as in the preparation of manuscripts and analysis of
research data. All authors approved the final manuscript.
Funding statement : This research is the output of the Program Kreatifitas Mahasiswa (PKM) which is
funded by the Kementrian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi
(Kemdikbud Ristek) through the Directorate General of Belmawa.
Conflict of interest : All authors certify that they have no competing interests.
Additional information : No additional information is available for this paper.

M. R. Kadir, et al. Seawater Lamp: Utilization of Seawater as an Alternative … p-ISSN: 2621-3761

e-ISSN: 2621-2889

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