New Scientist International - 20 January 2024
New Scientist International - 20 January 2024
New Scientist International - 20 January 2024
WEEKLY January 13 -19, 2024
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8 Largest primate 32 An olive a day
How the mysterious ape Views Indulging in a Mediterranean
Gigantopithecus went extinct diet can stave off heart attacks
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We should all be concerned 44 Mathematics of life
by the shortage of science How to calculate your ancestry
teachers, says Alom Shaha
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22 The columnist Try our crossword, quick quiz
Chanda Prescod-Weinstein and logic puzzle
on a stellar year for space
46 Almost the last word
24 Aperture What are the odds of Voyager 1
Images of flocks of starlings or 2 hitting a star or planet?
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An optimistic book on saving Black hole batteries
Earth from climate change 24 Birds of a feather Søren Solkær’s photos of starling murmurations and confusing coffees
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THIS is the year of the moon, and it is exploration, preparations are also afoot Earth’s past, but about the evolution
already kicking off. The first launch of to have humans land there as well, a feat of the entire solar system. Plus, it is an
the Vulcan rocket on 8 January marked the that hasn’t been accomplished since 1972. important jumping-off point for any
start of what may be the biggest deluge of NASA’s Artemis II mission, planned for the journeys further afield. The technologies
missions the moon has ever seen, thanks end of the year, will take four astronauts for those missions will have to be tested
to NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload around the moon, including Christina somewhere, and the moon, with all its
Services (CLPS) programme (see page 7). Koch, the first woman to travel to similarities to Mars and other relatively
The first CLPS mission is Astrobotic’s small worlds, is arguably the best place
Peregrine lander, an uncrewed craft “The moon could be said to be for doing so.
lofted on Vulcan that hoped to reach the entering a new geological era Still, with so much activity on the
lunar surface on 23 February. It could have akin to the Anthropocene” lunar surface that it could be said to be
been the first time a private firm touched entering a new geological era akin to the
down on the moon, but Peregrine suffered Earth’s satellite (see interview, page 41). Anthropocene (see book review on page
a fuel leak and won’t now make it to its If it goes well, this will be the last dress 29), we should proceed with care to avoid
intended destination. Nevertheless, there rehearsal for the return of astronauts despoiling it. Our moon is a pristine
are more such missions planned this year, to the lunar surface. time capsule from our planet’s past and a
with the world’s space agencies and firms That surface, free from the influences reminder of the way our world has changed
determined to make it to the moon. of geological and biological activity, through our actions. To not learn from
In the midst of all this robotic can give us crucial details not just about our mistakes would be unforgivable. ❚
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NASA’s first attempted mission
to the lunar surface since the
Apollo missions in the 1970s
began with the launch on
8 January of a Vulcan rocket
carrying a robotic lander.
Unlike previous NASA
missions, the new efforts will
be public-private partnerships.
But the mission is doomed
because the Peregrine lander
from space firm Astrobotic
experienced a fuel leak that
means it won’t reach the moon.
A WORKING semiconductor A graphene either prevents or allows current rate of miniaturisation has slowed
has been created from graphene, semiconductor, to flow through it. Their process recently as engineers reach circuit
potentially paving the way for grown on should be conducive to scaling densities beyond which electrons
a new type of computer with a silicon up because it relies on techniques can’t be reliably controlled.
greater speed and efficiency carbide wafer not dissimilar to those used to “The fact they’re using wafers
than today’s silicon chips allow. create silicon chips. is important because that’s really,
Graphene is a material made De Heer’s group used wafers of truly scalable,” says David Carey at
from a single layer of carbon silicon carbide that were heated, the University of Surrey, UK. “You
atoms that is stronger than steel forcing the silicon to evaporate
at comparable thicknesses. It is a the flow of current to be switched before the carbon, effectively “Using graphene instead
good electrical conductor and is on and off, so it is either conducting leaving a layer of graphene on top of silicon is like driving
resistant to heat and acids. But a or not conducting, creating the (Nature, De Heer on a gravel road versus
working graphene semiconductor, binary system of zeroes and ones said in a statement that the driving on a freeway”
which can be controlled to used in digital computers. electrical properties of a graphene
conduct or insulate electricity While previous research has semiconductor were far better can use all the technology that the
at will, has evaded scientists. shown that graphene can be than those of silicon chips. “It’s whole semiconductor industry is
Such semiconductors are key made to act like a semiconductor like driving on a gravel road versus totally comfortable with to scale
to creating the logic chips that on a small scale, it had never been driving on a freeway,” he said. up this process.” But he is sceptical
power computers. scaled up to sizes that would make Silicon chips are cheap to that the world will soon shift to
The problem has been the lack a computer chip practical. make and backed by massive graphene chips, because silicon
of what is known as a bandgap. Now, Walter de Heer at the manufacturing infrastructure, has such a head start. “Most
Semiconductors have bands of Georgia Institute of Technology but we are reaching the limits people who work on silicon are
higher and lower energies and in Atlanta and his colleagues have of what they can do. Moore’s bombarded on a daily basis by
a point – the bandgap – at which created graphene with a bandgap law states that the number of new, wonderful materials that
excited electrons can hop from one and demonstrated a working transistors in a circuit will double are about to replace it and none
to the other. This effectively allows transistor, an on/off switch that roughly every two years, but the of it’s ever happened,” he says. ❚
Climate change
2023 was officially goal applies to the long-term A billboard displays 118°F
average temperature rather than (47.8°C) during a heatwave
the world’s hottest the average for a single year. in Phoenix, Arizona, in July
year on record “The extremes we have observed
over the last few months provide heavy rains of Storm Daniel, which
LAST year was the hottest ever a dramatic testimony of how far we breached dams and killed more
recorded. The global average now are from the climate in which than 11,000 people in Libya last
temperature for the year was our civilisation developed,” said September, much more likely. The
1.48°C warmer than the 1850- Carlo Buontempo, the director of July heatwave in North America
1900 pre-industrial average, C3S, in a statement. “We need and Europe would have been
according to the European Union’s to urgently decarbonise.” “virtually impossible” without
Copernicus Climate Change Service In a first, every day of the year climate change, the World Weather
(C3S). That is the highest since was at least 1°C warmer than its Attribution initiative said in a report.
records began in 1940 and equivalent in pre-industrial times. Ocean temperatures were
probably the highest in 100,000 Richard Betts at the Met Office, the also unprecedented in 2023,
years, sparking heatwaves, UK’s national weather service, says “The Met Office makes according to C3S, and contributed
droughts and wildfires. 2023 was even more scorching than predictions on the forecast for to events like Hurricane Otis, which
The year’s average temperature expected. That is partly because the coming year every year,” intensified more in 12 hours than
of 14.98°C (58.96°F) came close El Niño, a natural climate phase says Betts. “2023 was the first any storm in history.
to hitting 1.5°C above pre-industrial that boosts temperatures, started time it was substantially above This year will also be hot
times, a limit that countries are earlier in the year than usual, what we would predict.” and could even break 2023’s
aiming to avoid under the 2015 although most of the warming The sweltering temperatures record, says Betts. ❚
Paris Agreement – although the is still due to human emissions. made extreme weather like the Alec Luhn
horizon and then get back out THEY looked, smelled and tasted quantities of bones go to waste. other nutrients not found
again. That’s pretty hard to do. like your average fish balls, but Many cultures use bones in muscle. “Feeding them to
Like really, really hard to do,” says the salmon snacks served on to make broth or eat softened humans is the best way to do
Penington. One way this could crackers in the New Scientist bones as part of their meals, it,” he says. “I’m pro bone.”
be made easier is if the black hole test kitchen were made with a but in Europe and North America, SuperGround attempts to
itself were electrically charged, large share of ground-up bones. deboned meat is the norm, and make bones more palatable
which is theoretically possible, but Don’t be surprised if your next Vekkeli says few people spend by grinding them up, briefly
unlikely given that the universe is chicken nugget or fish stick is hours making their own broth. exposing them to high heat
electrically neutral. You could then stuffed with edible bones too. Instead, lots of these “hard parts” and pressure, then grinding
make your spaceship the opposite A Finland-based start-up end up in landfills: the world’s them further into a paste.
charge to the black hole, which, firm called SuperGround has more than 20 billion broiler The resulting bone “mass”
assuming you could get it close developed a way of pulverising chickens leave behind so many can be incorporated into other
enough in the first place, could fish or chicken bones into meat products, increasing the
then propel your ship away again.
If the probe is vaporised before
it gets to the event horizon from
a nutritious paste that can
be added to meat products.
Two large seafood processing
Potential boost to food production
amount of food produced from
the same number of animals by
as much as 40 per cent, according
something other than an obvious companies, Kalavapriikki and from animals by using bone paste to Vekkeli. Getting more meat
physical effect resulting from Royal Greenland, started testing from fewer animals would, in
radiation or gravitational tidal paste made this way in some bones that their remains serve theory, lower environmental
forces, then this would show the of their products in late 2023. as a potential marker of the impacts and save money. Vekkeli
firewall interpretation is correct, “It’s always better to eat Anthropocene – the age of says the process also uses less
says Penington. If the probe everything you can eat,” says planetary change due to humans. energy than the hours of boiling
returns unscathed, then it would Santtu Vekkeli, founder of “I have dreamt of using bones,” needed to make broth and
show that complementarity is SuperGround. Consuming bones says Joe Regenstein at Cornell leaves key nutrients intact.
probably correct. along with meat uses more of University in New York. Many But will consumers eat
Being able to differentiate the animal, making it a more large bones are used as a source ground bones? In an unpublished
between complementarity and efficient way to produce food. of collagen for gelatine, and study SuperGround conducted
a firewall would be an important And yet, he points out, huge smaller ones are put in animal with more than 100 people
development, says Juan feed and fertiliser, but he says at the University of Turku in
Maldacena at the Institute for Workers at Kalavapriikki this is less efficient than eating Finland, participants reported
Advanced Study in Princeton, are testing out using trout them directly. Regenstein adds no preference between fish
New Jersey, even though he isn’t bones to make edible paste that bones contain calcium and balls with or without the paste,
convinced we would be able to although they slightly preferred
measure a physical black hole. chicken nuggets containing bone
“You are not going to be able to paste (described as “meatier”).
do it for a realistic black hole, but When New Scientist sampled the
one might be able to do something same fish balls used in this test,
similar for toy black holes that which contained 15 per cent
you can make in a laboratory,” salmon heads and bones, the
says Maldacena. “You can do snacks had a spongy consistency
this observation without dying, and a fishy flavour, but were
in some sense.” largely indistinguishable
One way would be to simulate from regular fish balls.
one on a quantum computer, Vekkeli acknowledges
which Maldacena, in a separate that eating less meat would
work, has calculated would require have far greater environmental
about a million quantum bits, benefits than simply eating more
or qubits, some way beyond of the bones, but says gradual
the 1000 qubits of today’s best steps that change what the
quantum computers. However, average person eats are also
A SOAP film with one side were identical, the device would required for photosynthesis “We now have all the pieces and
chemically different from the experience the equivalent of (Physical Review Letters, in press). they are working independently.
other could be used for artificial a battery’s short circuit. In nature, plants and some Next, we have to integrate them
photosynthesis in the future. The sides of a single film don’t bacteria use energy from sunlight into one device,” says team
All other soap films and differ naturally, so Hammarström to chemically process water and member Sylvestre Bonnet
bubbles made so far have and his colleagues had to modify carbon dioxide into sugar. The at Leiden University in the
been the same on both sides, the chemistry without destroying soap film would similarly host Netherlands. Soap is also cheaper
says Leif Hammarström at the fragile film. Methods like chemical reactions, with water on and takes less energy to make than
Uppsala University in Sweden. pipetting different chemicals on artificial photosynthesis devices
“We are making the first ones to each side were too destructive, “If you want to be inspired that use more solid components.
that are not the same.” but the researchers found that by nature, which does Soap films like these make for
Hammarström and his spraying different molecules on photosynthesis very well, a good imitation of membranes
colleagues wanted to design each side of the film did the trick. this may be a good way” and molecules that are important
a soap-based device for In this way, they repeatedly for photosynthesis in nature, says
photosynthesis, the chemical created small samples of soap one of its sides and carbon dioxide Hamid Kellay at the University
reaction in which plants use films that lasted for a few minutes on the other in order to produce of Bordeaux in France. “If you
sunlight to make the compounds at a time and had two chemically useful chemicals like novel fuels. want to be inspired by nature,
they need to grow. But calculations distinct sides. The molecules they The films don’t enable which does [photosynthesis]
and computer simulations sprayed respond differently to photosynthesis yet, but very, very well, this may be a good
showed that they would only light, which helped confirm that together with a prototype of way,” he says. ❚
be able to mimic photosynthesis the sides of the film were different, a device that can keep producing
if the two sides of the film were and they are appropriate proxies many films one after another, See page 19 for more
chemically different. If they for the light-sensitive molecules the work is a key step towards it. on photosynthesis
of Western Australia took a list other end of the spectrum, Anna names, as these will have morphed
of 18,799 place names from was the least English of the place and changed over time. Thousands
England and 84,687 from Ireland, names in England, followed by of years ago, place names wouldn’t
Scotland, Wales, Denmark, Norway, others such as Lamanva, Laira have been written down – possibly
Sweden, France, Germany, the and Lana (arXiv, not until their spellings were
Netherlands and ancient Rome. Places with the suffix “ton”, Dalvean concedes that some recorded by visitors, such as tax
He then used machine learning like Widdington in Essex, place names could originate with collectors or census takers, he says.
to analyse similarities between are quintessentially English pre-Indo-European languages “One of the fundamental
the names in England and those that were rarely, if ever, written points of place-names study is
from other places, comparing as is conventionally done by down, making statistical language that you can’t deduce anything
263 variables, such as the pattern place-name scholars, relying analysis difficult or impossible from the modern spelling of a
and location of each letter of on pure statistics meant he when trying to uncover the name,” says Briggs. “The spelling
the alphabet within the words. could uncover fresh information origins of these particular names. changes over time and it’s the
Dalvean says that rather than or at least hints pointing to Nevertheless, he hopes his study spelling in the past that matters.” ❚
studying language and history, new avenues of research. could help point others towards Matthew Sparkes
THE psychedelic substance The veterans took a dose of measured symptoms in the for depression, anxiety or post-
ibogaine may treat chronic ibogaine to match their weight – participants before and after traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) a
symptoms of traumatic brain 12 milligrams of the drug per treatment using a scale of 0 to month after treatment. They also
injury (TBI). A single dose of the kilogram of body weight – and 100, with higher scores indicating saw significant improvements in
drug led to lasting improvements received an intravenous infusion greater disability. At the start of processing speed, problem solving
in physical and social functioning, of magnesium to help prevent the study, participants scored an and working memory (Nature
cognition and mood in a group cardiac problems associated average of 30, implying mild-to- Medicine,
of military veterans with with the drug. moderate disability. Four to five But it is unclear whether the
combat-related TBI. Williams and his colleagues days after the treatment, this score effects are due to the psychedelic
“This is the first time anybody fell below 20 and, a month later, to drug or something else. “The big
has really been able to show that Military personnel around 5, indicating no disability. problem is [that] a lack of a control
there are neuro-rehabilitation sometimes get combat- At least 83 per cent of group is going to make it near
effects from any psychedelic, related brain injuries participants no longer met criteria impossible to say for sure what
and a pretty profound signal is going on here,” says Albert
of improvement,” says Nolan Garcia-Romeu at Johns Hopkins
Williams at Stanford University University in Maryland.
in California. He says that talking with a
He and his colleagues recruited therapist, attending wellness
Renegade moon Technologies in Chicago have done slowing the moon down until circumplanetary disc, but any other
a series of simulations of Venus it ripped apart and fell onto the smaller satellites,” says Makarov.
may have flipped capturing one of these rocks in orbit. planet. The whole thing would “Neith would clear up the vicinity
Venus’s spin They found that it would have probably have taken between of Venus relatively quickly before
been easier for Venus to capture 100,000 and 1 million years crushing itself.”
VENUS rotates in the opposite a massive moon in a backwards, (Universe, The hypothesis is difficult to
direction to the other planets in or retrograde, orbit than one in It could also explain why Venus prove, though. “Even with extensive
the solar system, and astronomers a regular, forwards orbit. If Venus has no moons now, unlike all the geochemical data from Venus – a
aren’t sure why – but it may have started out spinning in the same other planets in the solar system proposition that’s decades away –
been caused by the drag of an direction as the rest of the planets, apart from Mercury. “A falling, it seems essentially impossible to
ancient moon in a backwards orbit. the gravity of this hypothetical massive, captured moon sweeps up test their idea,” says Paul Byrne at
The early solar system was a moon, nicknamed Neith, could have and removes not only the primordial Washington University in St. Louis,
chaotic place, with rocks hurtling slowed it down and reversed its spin. Missouri. There are other
around at extraordinary speeds. As this process continued, Neith “The moon would clear up explanations, he says, like Venus
Valeri Makarov at the United States would have smashed into any objects in the vicinity of colliding with a planet-sized object
Naval Observatory in Washington matter in the disc of material left Venus relatively quickly early in the solar system’s history. ❚
DC and Alexey Goldin at Teza over from Venus’s formation, before crushing itself” Leah Crane
PEOPLE with severe covid-19 Collaborative. About 219,000 infection, 2573 people had One idea for why this may
infections are more likely to be participants had moderate, severe been diagnosed with a psychotic be is that covid-19 increases
diagnosed with schizophrenia or fatal covid-19 infections, and condition, about half of whom inflammation in the brain,
or other psychotic disorders than roughly 213,000 had tested had contracted covid-19. People which, in turn, leads to higher
those who haven’t been infected. negative for the SARS-CoV-2 virus who had covid-19 were 4.6 times levels of a substance called
This suggests covid-19 heightens behind covid-19. The remaining as likely to be diagnosed with a kynurenic acid. Research has
the risk of schizophrenia. participants had acute respiratory psychotic condition than those shown that people with
Schizophrenia is characterised who tested negative for the virus. schizophrenia and psychosis
by hallucinations, delusions “People with schizophrenia Those with ARDS were about have elevated levels of kynurenic
and other cognitive impairments. have elevated levels of 25 per cent less likely to be acid in their brains and spinal
It is unclear what causes it, though kynurenic acid in their diagnosed with these conditions fluid, and Erhardt and her
previous research has suggested brains and spinal fluid” than those who tested negative. colleagues have seen similarly
that it may be triggered by viral About three months after raised levels in those with
infections, including covid-19 in distress syndrome (ARDS), a infection, people with covid-19 severe covid-19. She and others
some small studies. life-threatening lung condition were still 70 per cent more likely hypothesise that kynurenic
To find out more, Wanhong unrelated to covid-19. No one had to be diagnosed with a psychotic acid is a driver of psychosis.
Zheng at West Virginia University a history of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder than people who tested “It’s really important to
and his colleagues have analysed disorder, depression, personality negative or who had ARDS understand the relationship
diagnoses of schizophrenia and disorders or trauma. (medRxiv, between the immune system
similar conditions in people aged The researchers examined how This is in line with the idea and psychiatric symptoms,
17 to 70 who had had covid-19. many participants went on to be that having covid-19 raises the including cognition, to identify
They collected data on more diagnosed with schizophrenia, risk of psychosis, says Sophie new pharmacological treatments
than 650,000 people from the acute psychotic disorder or related Erhardt at the Karolinska so we can help these patients,”
US National COVID Cohort conditions. Three weeks after Institute in Sweden. she says. ❚
Artificial intelligence
5% chance that AI most AI researchers don’t find it There are fears AI could end
strongly implausible that advanced civilisation by causing catastrophe
will drive humans AI destroys humanity,” says Katja or making robot armies
extinct, says survey Grace at the Machine Intelligence
Research Institute in California, an are indistinguishable from a Taylor
MANY artificial intelligence author of the paper. “This general Swift banger or coding a payment
researchers see the possible future belief in a non-minuscule risk is processing site from scratch. Other
tasks, such as installing electrical
Much of the code for this isn’t on the
0 50km
internet, and so isn’t in the training
-270m data that LLMs learn from.
Takashi Ikegami at the University
AN AREA of land north of able to talk about landscape Above left: satellite image of Tokyo in Japan and his team got
modern Australia that was features that were important covering the submerged round this by using a humanoid
submerged by rising seas at to people,” she says. Northwest Shelf. Above robot, as there is a lot of data on
the end of the last glacial period The inland sea existed in right: detailed map of the human body available for LLMs.
could once have been home to a stable form between 27,000 the area’s topography They used GPT-4 to control their
as many as 500,000 people. and 17,000 years ago, the study Alter3 bot, which has 43 moving
Kasih Norman at Griffith found. A 2000-square-kilometre “This massive landscape that parts in its head, body and arms.
University in Brisbane, Australia, freshwater lake nearby was is not there now would have Ikegami and his team gave two
and her colleagues have stable from 30,000 to 14,000 been unlike anything that we prompts to GPT-4 to get the robot
reconstructed the topography years ago. The lake would have in Australia today,” says to move in response to a request.
of around 400,000 square have been a vital refuge for Norman. “To have a freshwater
kilometres of land that is now people escaping the arid lake of that size next to an The Alter3
covered by the Indian Ocean, conditions of the Australian inland sea is just incredible and humanoid robot
known as the Northwest Shelf. continent to the south. people would have been living gesturing in
Far from being uninhabitable, By modelling these across it. This is a lost landscape response to
as was previously thought, geographic features, the team that people were using.” text prompts
the team says it was home to estimates that the region could But at the end of the last
thriving populations of people have supported a population of glacial period, sea levels began
for tens of thousands of years. between 50,000 and 500,000 to dramatically rise. At first, the
The study reveals features people (Quaternary Science sea would have risen by about
including an inland sea, Reviews, a metre every 100 years, but The first asked the LLM to translate
similar in size to Turkey’s Sea from 14,500 to 14,100 years ago, a request into a list of actions the
of Marmara, as well as a vast it rose 4 to 5 metres every 100 bot had to perform to make the
freshwater lake, along with
gorges, rivers and escarpments
like those that now exist in
Area of the analysed region
years, says Norman. At that rate,
people would have been able
to watch the sea levels rise and
movement. The second got the LLM
to transform each action into the
Python programming language,
Kakadu National Park in the in square kilometres would have been forced to move with code mapping to body parts.
Northern Territory of Australia. inland to escape inundation. The system could come up with
Norman says this flooded
land has long been known
about because of oil and gas
Number of years ago when seas
The modelling of how many
people this region might have
supported has never been done
convincing actions for a range of
requests, including “pretend to be a
snake” and “take a selfie with your
exploration, but Geoscience started to rapidly rise there before, says Peter Veth at the phone” (arXiv, ).
Australia has recently released University of Western Australia, Although it takes a minute or so to
detailed sonar data, with each
pixel representing an area of
just 30 by 30 metres. “This is a
How fast the sea was rising
and was made possible because
of the new, fine-grained
palaeogeographic data available
go from a request to Alter3 moving,
Ikegami hopes such human-like
motions will make our interactions
high-enough resolution to be every 100 years to Norman and her colleagues. ❚ with robots more meaningful. ❚
Notoriously complex
Tiny T. rex fossils may be from
substance created a distinct species after all
Karmela Padavic-Callaghan James Dinneen
A STRANGE and fiendishly TYRANNOSAURUS rex may A T. rex skull (top) and
difficult-to-create material known not have been the only large what could be the skull
as “plumber’s nightmare” has been carnivore reigning over North of a Nanotyrannus
made from tiny, intertwined tubes. America in the late Cretaceous
Although the substance itself after all. A reinterpretation of bones, which form as bones
isn’t especially useful, the fossils sometimes categorised pause their growth each year.
technique needed to produce as being from young T. rex adds As an animal’s growth slows,
it could be used to build other weight to the idea that a smaller the distance between the rings
hard-to-make materials. species, called Nanotyrannus shrinks. The researchers found
Plumber’s nightmare consists of lancensis, lived alongside the a tightening of these rings,
a pattern of six intersecting tubes, king of the dinosaurs. which they say suggests the
meaning that a sample contains “This is the most famous smaller fossils are young adult
many tubes connecting and fossil animal in the world,” Nanotyrannus rather than
intersecting in complex ways. says Nicholas Longrich at the juvenile T. rex. They estimate
The material was theorised University of Bath, UK. “There arguing that the variation that adult Nanotyrannus would
20 years ago and hadn’t previously are a lot of people looking at it. between the smaller fossils have weighed between 1000 and
been made from a solid material. And we can’t agree.” and full-size T. rex fossils are 2000 kilograms, up to a quarter
Moon Jeong Park at Pohang The debate has divided differences of age, not species. of an adult T. rex’s mass. “Any
University of Science and palaeontologists for decades. Now, Longrich and Evan way you graph that data, you
Technology in South Korea and A 1960s paper proposed that a Saitta at the University of can’t get that animal to turn
her colleagues started with many skull unearthed two decades Chicago have brought together into a T. rex,” says Longrich.
long, chain-shaped molecules made earlier in Montana’s Hell Creek six lines of evidence in favour The newest piece of evidence
from the polymers polystyrene Formation was from a T. rex that of identifying the smaller fossils is a fossil bone that sits between
and polyethylene oxide, which had died before reaching full as Nanotyrannus. This included the eye and skull, kept at the
are both derived from petroleum maturity. But in the 1980s, cataloguing more than University of California Museum
and are similar to plastic. others argued that this fossil 150 characteristics that differ of Paleontology. The researchers
They modified the ends of each was in fact an adult of a distinct between the controversial interpret it as being from a
chain so that they would connect species, which they named fossils and known T. rex fossils, juvenile T. rex. “It’s an animal
to each other in new ways and Nanotyrannus lancensis. including things like a narrower that’s smaller than the
assemble into shapes they don’t More recent work based on snout and smoother teeth. They Nanotyrannus but it’s got
form naturally. Some of those additional fossils disputed this, argue it would be implausible the T. rex morphology,” says
shapes turned out to be plumber’s for all of these to change Longrich (Fossil Studies,
nightmare (Science, Illustration of between a juvenile and an adult.
Now that the team has found a Nanotyrannus The researchers also analysed Some remain unconvinced
a recipe for making plumber’s fighting a young T. rex patterns of growth rings in that the controversial fossils are
nightmare, other rare, from a separate species. “I have
unexpected or new polymer no problem with Nanotyrannus
structures could be discovered being a real thing if science
by trying the method with shows that,” says Holly
different ingredients, says Glenn Woodward at Oklahoma State
Fredrickson at the University University, who authored a
of California, Santa Barbara. 2020 study of growth rings
An-Chang Shi at McMaster that pointed to the juvenile
University in Canada says the T. rex explanation. She says
In the 1980s, NASA’s Voyager 2
spacecraft sent back photos
showing that Uranus and
Neptune were markedly different
colours. Now, Patrick Irwin at African birds of
the University of Oxford and his prey under threat
colleagues have reprocessed the
images to show how the human Dozens of species of
eye might see the planets (Monthly African birds of prey are
Notices of the Royal Astronomical in steep decline, with many
Society, now considered at risk of
Voyager 2’s original photos extinction. These include
were enhanced to highlight secretary birds (Sagittarius
certain features, making Neptune serpentarius, pictured),
appear more blue. This detail the population of which
Online Event
EN years ago, I was asked Teaching is a demanding
to predict what science job with a workload many find
teaching in schools would unacceptable. It also lacks the
look like in 100 years. I replied, flexibility, status and pay of
somewhat facetiously, that it some other graduate roles. In
would look exactly the same as these circumstances, the use of
it did 100 years ago: classrooms online learning may well offer
full of children sat at desks with a better solution than relying
a teacher in front of them. Today, on underqualified staff to
I would find it much more difficult teach science. The current UK
to be light-hearted about such a government seems to think so
question, because I am concerned too, funding pilot schemes of
that the way some students are AI-powered teaching resources
being taught science is changing. and work towards “providing
Around the world, from the US every teacher with a personalised
to the UK to Australia, a shortage of AI lesson-planning assistant”.
relevant teachers may threaten the While such resources are
future of science and engineering. becoming more sophisticated,
In some places, like my home city we should be wary of overreliance
of London, the crisis in recruitment on them. We mustn’t allow those
and retention means that many with a vested interest, such as
students are already having creators of online learning
lessons where there is no science platforms or those making budget
HERE were some exciting the IGM before because it isn’t of the Milky Way, the Small
goings-on in astrophysics visually exciting the way other Magellanic Cloud, should be
last year. The one that visible matter formations are. It thought of as composed of
probably got the most attention isn’t bright like stars and it isn’t a two distinct stellar systems
was the question of whether weird space-time formation like superimposed on one another. My
NASA’s latest flagship observatory, black holes. But the IGM is thought first response to this new paper on
aka JWST or what I like to call the to be home to about half of the social media was: “Huge if true!”
Just Wonderful Space Telescope, visible matter in the universe, and This was a bit of a joke, not only
had upended what we know about because it is hard to see, like dark because it is the Small Magellanic
Chanda Prescod-Weinstein the timeline of galaxy formation. matter – the as-yet-undetected Cloud and not the large one, but
is an associate professor The hints that there might be a form of matter that makes up also because galaxies are both
of physics and astronomy, problem with our understanding some 85 per cent of the total mass massive and large in spatial extent.
and a core faculty member of how galaxies take shape came of the universe – we have to infer a This result is especially
in women’s studies at the almost as soon as JWST started lot about it by looking at galaxies. exciting for me as someone who
University of New Hampshire. returning data. In 2022, the world The IGM is quite unlike dark has spent the past few years trying
Her most recent book is The watched as astronomers learned matter though, because it does to understand the relationship
Disordered Cosmos: A journey that galaxies seemed to form actually radiate, and when it is between galaxies and their dark
into dark matter, spacetime, earlier, or at least faster, than backlit by X-rays coming from matter halos. Studying the visible
& dreams deferred expected in the early universe. components of Milky Way satellite
The story continued in 2023. “Doing science galaxies is one of the best ways to
In September, researchers led by doesn’t lead to gain insight into this galaxy-halo
Kasper Heintz announced they relationship, since we think nearly
the end of science,
had discovered an early universe every galaxy, even the satellites,
Chanda’s week breakdown in a well-established but rather to more lives inside its own dark matter
What I’m reading correspondence between star questions in need halo. By looking at how stars are
I am listening to actor formation and galactic gas of answers” moving inside the galaxy, we
Peter Ganim read Nathan metals. In astronomy, the word can reverse engineer the impact
Thrall’s A Day in the Life metals means any element more bright objects like galaxies with that dark matter is having and
of Abed Salama: Anatomy massive than helium. The team especially powerful black hole in the process maybe even learn
of a Jerusalem tragedy. had been studying the rate at engines at their centre, we can something about the fundamental
which stars formed in the early take a look at it. There is still a nature of this matter.
What I’m watching universe and the amount of lot to be learned, which is part of As of writing, this result is so
I absolutely loved the metals in galaxies. There should what makes this JWST mystery so hot off the press that it has been
horror-comedy film be a clear correspondence because alluring. It is possible that the low accepted into The Astrophysical
Vicious Fun. it is via nuclear fusion in stars that metallicity in these early galaxies Journal, but has yet to be formally
any element more massive than is telling us something about the published there. My expectation is
What I’m working on hydrogen or helium typically history and structure of the IGM that there will be robust follow-up
I’ve been trying to forms in the universe. The latest and how galaxies have interacted this year. There are a lot of parts
teach myself some JWST data suggests that, in the with it over time. Thus, JWST has to this research and scientists
quantum optics! early cosmos, the amount of opened a host of new questions will want to check and recheck
metals is less than expected, based about star formation, galactic whether the assumptions and
on how many stars already exist. gases and extragalactic gases. calculations make sense.
How this can possibly be is now This is a great example of how My prediction? In the end, this
a new question for astrophysicists doing science doesn’t lead to the is an exciting result that will not
and cosmologists to reckon with. end of science, but rather to more only hold up, but also transform
The authors of the 2023 report questions in need of answers. how we think about our galactic
propose that this indicates that And while these are tantalising neighbourhood. As a member of
galaxies in the early universe were datasets, they weren’t the most the new Vera C. Rubin Observatory
in effect being watered down by exciting galaxy-related result (which is set for first light in 2024
the non-metallic gases that make in 2023, at least not for me. and 2025), I am keen to see if this
This column appears up the intergalactic medium, or That honour goes to the Claire has shifted the science we thought
monthly. Up next week: IGM, that surrounds them. It is E. Murray-led study apparently we were going to do. What a time
Graham Lawton possible you have never heard of showing that a satellite galaxy to be alive and doing cosmology! ❚
Uncover the best of Wales as you explore you to delve deep into the beautiful
the dramatic Welsh landscapes of Eryri landscape and geology of this area.
(Snowdonia) National Park and examine the Admire sites such as South Stack
regions geology and how it has been Lighthouse on Anglesey, scenic Llyn Ogwen
transformed by volcanic and glacial activity and the incredible glacier-formed landscapes
over the years. Discover the story of Charles around Llanberis and Cwm Idwal. See signs of
Darwin's 1831 and 1842 tours of Wales, and Welsh history and conflict around ruined
retrace his travels on this small group journey forts and well-kept castles.
to Shrewsbury and Snowdonia. Enjoy comfortable accommodation
The Snowdonia scenery has been hundreds throughout your tour, starting with a Darwin-
of millions of years in the making, and is themed Georgian townhouse in Shrewsbury
dominated by sedimentary and volcanic rocks that boasts a relaxing garden and well-
from the Cambrian and Ordovician periods. appointed rooms. Travel on to a welcoming
You will also be accompanied throughout by country house hotel and restaurant in north
Darwin expert Michael Roberts, who will Wales, offering an exceptional menu of
immerse you in the story of Darwin’s life, as delicious Welsh dishes.
you explore the famous evolutionary Take away a unique experience of
biologist's hometown of Shrewsbury, as well travelling in Wales and Snowdonia, with a
as enjoying short walks in Snowdonia to the fascinating look at Darwin’s life and work,
exact locations Darwin visited on his tours. and enjoy walks to areas of incredible beauty
Geology Professor, Rob Knipe, will also join and interest.
Søren Solkær
National Nordic Museum, Seattle
Alison Flood
Editor’s pick textiles, but these rarely survive We are losing Earth’s refrigerator. makes more sense if we say that
compared with metals or wood. Due to the lag between cooling and having children later in life is
In August 2023, I saw a woman such ice reforming, it will take genetically linked to dying older.
Surviving doomsday
demonstrating weaving. She was much more cooling than we have Establishing a career before
may be for the few using a bowed branch, which had had of warming to regrow snow committing to family life is the
16/23 December 2023, p 60 grown naturally to that shape and ice cover. The net zero goal will preferred choice for some, an
From Tony Green, Ipswich, Suffolk, UK before being cut. So, before looms, hinder this process because taking outlook that takes a longer view.
I fear Stuart Clark is being over- people could weave using natural out as much carbon dioxide from The resulting ability to live more
optimistic in saying that “we” could materials from their surroundings. the air as we put in will maintain healthily should anticipate a
take refuge on a gas giant’s moon Even if they survived, such wooden warming, melt more ice and snow, longer life. Could such a mindset
when our sun becomes a red giant. “looms” would, I assume, be seen reduce albedo more and further be reflected in our DNA?
Creating suitable habitation and as tree branches, not useful tools. weaken Earth’s refrigerator.
transporting people and materials The only way out is to cut
In defence of the brain
will be prohibitively expensive and emissions drastically. Even at the
Ice wranglers, leave as a complex structure
it is very probable that the only Paris Agreement’s preferred
people who could afford such a them icebergs alone warming limit of 1.5°C, ice and Letters, 16/23 December 2023
move would be the mega-rich. 16/23 December 2023, p 54 snow will keep melting, our From Chris Newton,
The only “ordinary” people who From Rosemary Sharples, refrigerator will keep shrinking Berkeley, Gloucestershire, UK
would be able to go would be Sydney, Australia and the world will keep warming. Tom Reimchen says we shouldn’t
those needed to pander to the Given the disappearance of Escaping this fate will be a vast claim the human brain is “the
needs of their wealthy masters. ice from polar regions due to challenge. Net zero is a sticking most complicated structure in
global warming, how can anyone plaster on a mortal wound. the known universe”. I agree, if it
justify towing icebergs away? is put like that. It would seem very
Super elite will call the
reasonable, however, to claim that
shots in our AI future Is carbon dioxide removal
it is “the most complicated known
16/23 December 2023, p 56 Why net zero is a sticking tech just a new pipe dream? structure in the universe”.
From John Fewster, London, UK plaster on a mortal wound 2 December 2023, p 14
Regarding the potential future of 30 December 2023, p 11 From Nick Hunn, London, UK
No easy way back from
artificial intelligence, if there ever From Colin Summerhayes, On reading your story on negative
needs to be a ban or control on Cambridge, UK emissions technology, it struck me collapse of civilisation
further development, who will Although the COP28 summit that this could have been almost 9 December 2023, p 36
action it? We have already seen recognised that the planet is any article written about fusion From Hillary Shaw,
the US, European Union and warming due to emissions of reactors over the past 50 years, Newport, Shropshire, UK
UK governments incapable greenhouse gases, which inevitably but with the words “nuclear Collapse of our techno-civilisation,
of understanding, let alone leads to rising sea levels, there was fusion” replaced with “carbon built on fossil fuels, would have
controlling, simple social media. no recognition that the melting of dioxide removal”. If the latter dire and permanent implications
Control reminiscent of Nineteen snow and ice greatly reduces the happens, it will be great, but the for future technology. Where will
Eighty-Four is well advanced, reflection of solar energy back into feeling remains that it may always survivors find coal or tin to dig out
with the masses submitting space, known as Earth’s albedo. be 10 years away. Promising a new by a pit and ladder, or oil you can
to surveillance and haplessly This allows more of the sun’s heat game changer to policy-makers drill down tens of metres to tap?
consuming tangible and virtual to be captured by land, sea and air, desperate for a short-term fix risks Such low-hanging fruit to fuel a
goods that they mostly don’t need especially in polar regions, which, delaying the steps we need to take. rebirth of advanced civilisation is
with money they mostly don’t as a result, are warming up to four long gone. There may be no further
(yet) have. The whole scenario is times as fast as the global average. technology on this planet until
Another way of viewing
in the hands of a tiny super elite. These regions operate as Earth’s geology creates new near-surface
The idea that “we” have influence refrigerator, keeping our climate family life and longevity reserves, millions of years hence.
of any kind is sheer fantasy. moderately cool, but because they 16/23 December 2023, p 9 Perhaps this era will be the
are losing their albedo, they are From Chris Wilkins, Telopisticene: the End of Science. ❚
experiencing a double whammy – Tewin, Hertfordshire, UK
Another forgotten
first from global warming due to You report that having children
branch of ancient art For the record
increasing greenhouse gases, then earlier in life is genetically linked
16/23 December 2023, p 28 from the reduction of the albedo. to dying younger. Perhaps this ❚ S8 can be measured via
From Pamela Manfield, gravitational weak lensing
The Narth, Monmouthshire, UK (16/23 December 2023, p 8).
Michael Marshall’s article about Want to get in touch? ❚ In our look at an animal milk
forgotten art and culture from Send letters to; bank (16/23 December 2023,
ancient times was fascinating. see terms at p 58), Vlad the two-toed sloth
Even more forgotten is the input Letters sent to New Scientist, 9 Derry Street, was a faecal donor, while
of women. They tended to work on London, W8 5HY will be delayed rhinos have a fibrous diet.
Online event
The road to
conscious machines INCLUDED
with your
AI from ELIZA to ChatGPT and beyond subscriber
12 March, 6-7pm GMT, 1-2pm EST and on demand
Join Michael Wooldridge, a professor of computer science at the University
of Oxford and a programme director for AI, as he brings a healthy injection of
humility to an overhyped field and changes the prevailing narrative on AI. He will
reveal how misguided anxieties distract us from the more immediate risks that Scan me
to register
this transformative technology poses – from algorithmic bias to fake news.
A world to save
From climate change to deforestation, a smart but controversial new book
makes a strong case for optimism about Earth’s fate, says Madeleine Cuff
Advances in green energy
such as solar power show
Book how to quit fossil fuels
Not the End of the World
Hannah Ritchie waste enters the ocean each year?
Chatto & Windus The book is at its most
compelling, however, when
IS THE world doomed? If you Ritchie uses her research to
have read much of the news debunk alarmist news stories.
in recent years, you would The world’s oceans won’t be
be forgiven for thinking the empty of fish by 2048, despite
planet is rushing headlong what headlines suggest. Nor will
into environmental catastrophe, the planet suffocate without the
dragging humankind to almost “lungs” of the Amazon rainforest
certain annihilation. Reports will providing oxygen. Lazy reporting
tell you that 2023 is set to have been and poor science is to blame for
the hottest year on record by a much of the climate “doomerism”
huge margin, and that the poles are that dominates today’s society,
melting, forests are disappearing she believes.
and corals are bleaching. Not the End of the World is
But we shouldn’t be consumed an admirable feat, managing
by despair, insists data scientist to transform reams of data and
Hannah Ritchie in her first book, dense research projects into a
Playing to win This year should bring rich gaming with Star Wars Outlaws,
wonderful surprises such as World of Goo 2 – a satirical physics puzzle game –
and, maybe, the much-delayed Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl, says Jacob Aron
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Features Cover story
An olive
a day...
Decades of research suggest a Mediterranean way of
eating carries important health benefits. We are finally
starting to figure out why, finds Michael Marshall
HEN it comes to healthier diets, news is that, over the past decade, we have
one of them has always had a begun to learn which components of the
have-your-cake-and-eat-it feel. diet offer the biggest health benefits and why.
For decades, we have been told that the secret This means we are closer than ever to offering
to staying well is to indulge in the delicious the best advice on eating well, even for those
fresh foods of the Mediterranean. Adding who will never reside in the beautiful
more tomatoes, focaccia and olive oil to Mediterranean countryside themselves.
your dinner plate – and washing it down The Mediterranean diet owes its fame
with a glass of chianti – is claimed to be a to US physiologist Ancel Keys and his wife
great way to reduce your odds of having a Margaret, a chemist turned nutritionist.
heart attack or developing type 2 diabetes. In the 1940s, Ancel became one of the first
Most surprising of all, this isn’t just to argue that saturated fats – mostly found
overhyped nonsense. Evidence has in animal products like meat and dairy –
been mounting for over 50 years that the are a major cause of heart disease because
Mediterranean diet really can improve your they lead to a build-up of cholesterol in the
health in many ways. “We have long-term, large blood. He said that unsaturated fats, which
clinical trials with hard clinical events as the are more common in plant products and
outcomes,” says Miguel Martínez-González at fish, are a healthier alternative.
the University of Navarra in Pamplona, Spain. Building on this, the couple travelled the
And not many diets get a UNESCO world to study the diets people ate in different
listing. A decade ago, this United Nations regions. The result was the Seven Countries
body added the Mediterranean diet to its Study, which began in 1956 and compared diet
Representative List of the Intangible and health in parts of the US, Japan, Finland,
Cultural Heritage of Humanity. the Netherlands, Italy, Greece and what was
But despite all this praise, figuring out what then Yugoslavia. The research consistently
it is about the diet that leads to such benefits offered evidence for the link between eating
has been tricky. For starters, nutritionists unsaturated fat and a reduced risk of heart
can’t agree on the exact form it should take. disease – a finding confirmed by other studies.
And then there are factors like eating as a So far, so predictable. But during their work,
family, cooking at home and other non-dietary Ancel and Margaret noticed something else. In
elements that must be considered. The good one of their study areas – southern Italy – there
Defining a diet
One of the most widely used definitions of
what it should include is the Mediterranean
Diet Score (MDS). This was developed in the
1990s by Antonia Trichopoulou, then at the
National School of Public Health in Athens,
Greece. An updated version was published
in 2003. According to the MDS, a fully
Mediterranean diet is one containing lots
of vegetables, legumes, fruits and nuts, cereals
and a moderately high amount of fish. It also
contains little meat, poultry and dairy – and,
perhaps surprisingly, it includes a moderate
amount of alcohol, typically red wine.
“This is the most commonly used
definition,” says Martínez-González. However,
he and his team developed an alternative in
2011 called the Mediterranean Diet Adherence
Screener that also considers the use of olive oil
in cooking (desirable) and the consumption
of fizzy or sugary drinks (undesirable).
Other changes to the standard definition
of the diet have accumulated over the years
as researchers have continued to refine
their understanding of the optimal form
it should take for a prolonged healthy life.
“Dairy is considered neutral now,” says Richard
Hoffman at the University of Hertfordshire in
the UK. The amount of alcohol recommended
has gone down too, he adds. But as a result of
this constant tweaking and redefining, “there
is no formal consensus” on the exact profile
of the diet, says Martínez-González.
The benefits seem to extend beyond that the diet is still worth adopting. “No foods. However, finding out if this is the real
cardiovascular disease. A 2020 review study that I know has shown a harm of the explanation would require finer-grained
concluded that people who follow the diet Mediterranean diet,” he says. studies of what people are eating.
are 20 per cent less likely to develop type At this point, you may be preparing to With that in mind, researchers are now
2 diabetes than those who don’t. It has also dash to the shops to buy some aubergines focusing on how specific components of
been suggested that the Mediterranean diet and pine nuts, but hang on. It seems the the Mediterranean diet may account for its
health benefits. One ingredient in particular
is emerging as key: extra-virgin olive oil.
“The Mediterranean diet is the diet of the
countries that grow olive trees,” says Bonaccio.
“ HIS is a perfect place for of West Africa, and anecdotal down into the forested savannah in
manatees,” says Lucy Keith- evidence over the years has hinted search of these elusive creatures. In a
Diagne, squinting at a slow, at another population high up in two-week expedition, Keith-Diagne
muddy sweep of the Niandan river. tributaries near its source. What’s and her team will interview locals,
It seems improbable: why would more, Keith-Diagne believes this chase up any leads on recent sightings
these lumbering aquatic mammals, group has been separated from and look for telltale signs of feeding
also called sea cows, be living some other manatees for so long that its along riverbanks. Crucially, they will
4000 kilometres up the Niger river in members could be evolving into a also collect samples of river water to
Guinea, almost as close to the Sahara separate subspecies. “They went up examine later for traces of manatee
desert as to the Atlantic Ocean? the Niger. They found good stuff. DNA. Confirmation of such an isolated
But as the world expert on African They kept going. They never came population here would be a major
manatees, Keith-Diagne would know. back and they became different,” she scientific discovery. It would also be
These chubby creatures are says. But, for now, this is just a guess. the first step in protecting these rare
known to reside lower down the To find out more, we have driven animals from the growing threats
Niger river, which stretches like a hundreds of kilometres from Guinea’s posed by dam construction, poaching
giant boomerang through much swampy coast, over the highlands and and human encroachment.
Manatees belong to an order independent US scientist who has years, but it has been a long and
of mammals called Sirenia, named been based in Senegal for nearly difficult road,” says Sangbe, who
for the old belief that they were two decades. That is partly due to is largely self-taught. “There are
mermaids. There are three species. the animals’ immense range across no resources. There are no research
The West Indian manatee is found territory that is often inaccessible, centres. No research tools. Frankly,
along the south-east coast of but another problem is a dearth of we lack everything.” However, the
the US, throughout most of the local manatee experts. Keith-Diagne, team does have an invaluable skill:
Caribbean and as far south as Brazil. who co-founded the African Aquatic the ability to speak to villagers
The Amazonian manatee, classified Conservation Fund, is trying to suspicious of outsiders in their own
as vulnerable, lives only in the remedy this by training researchers language. And now, after two years of
Amazon river and its tributaries. in central and West Africa. However, planning, the researchers are finally
The African manatee ranges for in Guinea, where only the coast has beginning their search of an area that
thousands of kilometres along the been surveyed, there are no manatee encompasses four high tributaries
coast of West Africa, from Senegal to experts. Instead, the rest of Keith- of the upper Niger: the Niandan,
Angola, and is also found throughout Diagne’s expedition team comprises Milo, Sankarani and Tinkisso rivers.
the Senegal river and in the lower Nyan Sangbe, a herpetologist Walking through a hand-tilled field
Niger river. It, too, is vulnerable, with specialising in crocodiles, snakes carved out of the forest, Sangbe spots
an estimated 10,000 individuals only. and turtles; Kolanga Camara, water through the trees. He shouts
Unlike its more famous American a botanist and ornithologist; “Bingo!” and slides down a steep
cousins, vanishingly little is known Louise Haba, a geographer; and bank to the Niandan. Sangbe pulls
about this species. Antoine Claver Loua, a sociologist. a plastic water bottle out of his
“[Africa] is a black hole for manatee “The level of scientific research backpack and approaches the
information,” says Keith-Diagne, an in Guinea has advanced in the past river’s edge. “Aren’t there hippos >
HRISTINA KOCH has the kind of job she will cement her place in the history NASA’s colossal Space Launch System rocket
children dream of. Beginning in 2019, books. On the Artemis II mission, scheduled and the Orion craft that sits atop it, setting
on her first mission to the International for November, Koch will spend 10 days on a trip the stage for future missions with the aim
Space Station (ISS), the NASA astronaut lived to circle the moon with three other astronauts. of landing humans on the moon for the first
in space for 328 days – the longest time any Doing this will probably mean she won’t get time since 1972. Koch spoke with New Scientist
woman has spent there. During that mission, to set foot on the lunar surface in the future, about her vital work aboard the ISS, what space
she 3D printed biological tissues, grew proteins, however, due to the lifetime safety limits on smells like and the unique microgravity sports
worked on a dark matter experiment and made how long an astronaut can spend in space. you can play in orbit.
up half of the first all-female spacewalk. Nevertheless, she will become the first
Now, as part of the space agency’s ambitious woman to orbit Earth’s satellite and set Leah Crane: What was it like to be up there on
project to send people back to the moon, Koch eyes on its mysterious far side. the ISS for so long? Did you feel cooped up?
is getting ready for her next adventure. With it, Artemis II will be the first crewed test of Christina Koch: I was very lucky that I got to >
You know, if it does, we get nose blind to it
very quickly. The main smell that I think most
new folks notice is almost a metallic one. We
sometimes say it’s the smell of space. When men and women, whether on the ground or in
we have a visiting cargo vehicle come and dock space-flight adaptation, is an area to explore.
and we first open that hatch, there’s a space in
between the station and the cargo vehicle that Is this one reason it is so important to
has been exposed to just the open vacuum of have a diverse astronaut corps?
space. It has this weird metallic smell. Absolutely. Collectively, we’ve made the
Sometimes, right before we open the hatch, decision that it’s important to be representative
we would call everyone over to have a smell. of everyone that we are carrying dreams for as
So, luckily, we don’t necessarily notice all those we explore. NASA made this decision many,
human smells as much, but the uniqueness many years ago, and that’s why now we have
of that space smell, I really will never forget. an astronaut corps that represents everyone.
The reason that’s important is manyfold. Plenty
How did it feel to break the record for the NASA’s uncrewed of studies have shown that missions are more
longest space flight by a woman? Artemis I launched in successful when you have a diverse group of
A lot of people talk about this individual 2022, powered by the people contributing to them. Not only will we
accomplishment of having a record. I like Space Launch System discover more, get there more efficiently, learn
to think of it not so much as that, but that more and be more successful because we’re
the milestone is important because it diverse, but we will inspire a larger segment
communicates where we are and what the of the population when people look at
state of the art is right now in human space the astronaut corps.
exploration. I hope that the record I set is
exceeded as quickly as possible. I know that there’s a lot of work to be done on the
I also used it as inspiration. Those days space station, but do the astronauts up there get
when I didn’t necessarily feel up to it, I knew to unwind and have a laugh sometimes too?
I had to bring my best and try to get the most Human bowling is something that we
out of every day because what I was doing do on our off time. We do have time off as
was different from the usual ISS mission. astronauts: we have weekends, typically,
It was an ultramarathon, not a marathon. and, of course, there is time after work. We
work about 12 hours a day, five days a week,
Doing that sort of thing is important for and then some extra hours on the weekend.
medical research on how long-term space But when we do have time off, we definitely
flight affects women, right? take advantage of the fact that we are in
I think that I would characterise it as the microgravity. Human bowling is where one
long-term effects on any human, and the fact person kind of gets in a cannonball position
that I happen to be female could illuminate and either someone throws them or they
where there would be a difference. In general, launch themselves off some handrails. Then
anything we see that’s a difference between the rest of the crew is sort of standing like the
There’s the physical aspect: your body I will know those people, that I’ll know the
really does a great job adapting to microgravity, teams that got them there, that I will know
which means, of course, you have to readapt the whole process that they’ve gone through
to gravity when you come home. There’s also in the Artemis programme.
a huge psychological and mental aspect to I am just really excited that we are doing
coming home. I’ll never forget when my head this, and to have a role to contribute is really
popped out of that capsule. I looked out and just where the dream comes true for me. Every
saw about five times as many people as I had single day I wake up and come to work, I feel
seen in almost the last year all looking up at like I am going to work to do cool things with
me and I thought, “Oh wow, I’m really happy my friends, like go to the moon. ❚
to be home, but that’s a lot of people.”
Now that you are back, are you looking forward Leah Crane is a reporter
to your next mission, travelling around the covering space for New Scientist
moon as part of the Artemis programme?
I’ve been excited about it for many years,
Mathematics of life
Answers on page 47
Answers and
the next cryptic
crossword BrainTwister
next week set by Katie Steckles
#2 Piles of money
ACROSS DOWN You are given a heap of N tokens, which
1 Apollo 11’s Columbia, for example (7,6) 2 Point of effluence (7) you may divide into any number of smaller
10 Rotary wings (5) 3 Spirit or Curiosity, perhaps (4,5) heaps. You will then receive an amount of
11 Inverse function to exponentiation (9) 4 Synthetic fabric (5) money equal to the product of the number
12 Capacity; sustainability (9) 5 Iron ore mineral (9) of tokens in each heap. The rules of this
13 ___ film, thin plastic wrap (5) 6 Paul ___ , English physicist (5) game state that if you were to just leave all
14 Patterns of brain activity (2,5) 7 Li (7) the tokens in one heap, you would win £N.
16 Superhero alter ego of Tony Stark (4,3) 8 One skilled in calculation (13)
18 Paperbark or honey myrtle (3,4) 9 The prime meridian, for example (9,4) What is the largest sum of money you can
20 9 Down around Earth (7) 15 Apple co-founder (5,4) win starting with six tokens?
22 Railway town in north-west England (5) 17 Production of eggs (9)
24 Female sex hormone (9) 19 16 Across, for one (7) What about starting with 10 tokens?
26 Another name for an earthworm (9) 21 Hydrogen-3 (7)
27 Protuberance at the back 23 Corundite (5) Is there a general best strategy for N tokens?
of the human skull (5) 25 Device such as an hourglass (5)
28 The study of röntgen radiation Solution next week
coming from space (1-3,9)
they aren’t expected to crash into are expected to enter the Oort
a planet or star for some time. cloud, a hypothesised cloud of icy
However, the trajectories of the planetesimals surrounding the
probes are influenced by the sun at distances of around 2000
gravitational forces of the stars This week’s new questions to 200,000 times that between
they pass, which could cause the sun and Earth. The Oort cloud
them to change direction. Crowing about it How do crows develop such distinct and constitutes trillions of objects and
For now, Voyager 1 is moving individual “voices”? I don’t hear this with other bird species the traverse will take some 30,000
in the general direction of the in my garden. Jill Colman, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, UK years, but models suggest that the
constellation Ophiuchus, while objects there are a few hundred
Voyager 2 is heading towards Tempus fugit Why do older people seem to experience time metres to a few kilometres in size
Sagittarius. Still, the vast distances passing more quickly? Derek Johnson, Moreton-in-Marsh, and are separated by millions of
between stars mean the probes Gloucestershire, UK kilometres. The probes are most
are unlikely to approach any likely to sail though untouched.
Afterwards, the probes will
“Voyager 1 is moving in obstacle in interstellar space energy density due to starlight be in empty space, where there
the general direction are vanishingly small. is only twice that of cosmic rays, is nothing to collide with. For a
That includes entire solar so they are relatively abundant. collision to occur, they would need
of the constellation systems. Our solar system is Cosmic ray particles are to come close enough to a star and
Ophiuchus, while about 60 astronomical units (AU) energetic and when they hit approach at the right velocity to
Voyager 2 is heading in diameter (up to Neptune) and a solid object, they will knock be drawn towards it by gravity,
towards Sagittarius” the nearest star system, Alpha an atom sufficiently hard that it after which they could collide
Centauri, is about 270,000 AU generates a cascade of secondary with the star itself or with one of
specific star system for away. This means that, at the impacts. In a structure as small its orbiting planets or other bodies.
tens of thousands of years. distance of Alpha Centauri, as a typical space probe, this will Considering that star systems are
Both Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 our solar system would occupy result in a shower of atoms ejected usually separated by several light
are powered by radioisotope only three-billionths of the surface into space at high speed. This years, this is extremely unlikely.
thermoelectric generators, area of a sphere of that radius – amounts to stochastic “spallation” Calculations in a 2019 paper
which convert the heat generated quite a small target. If a probe that will, given sufficient time, from Coryn Bailer-Jones and
by the decay of plutonium-238 did pass through a star system, abrade any probe to nothing. Davide Farnocchia indicate that in
into electricity. These are expected it would almost certainly trace Such is the fate of the five probes the next 11 million years, Voyager
to provide enough power to a hyperbolic orbit and exit that are bound for the stars so far. 1’s closest approach to another
keep the Voyagers’ instruments unscathed, as did the extrasolar star will be at a distance of around
running until around 2025. After asteroid ‘Oumuamua. Damir Blazina 0.3 parsecs and a relative speed of
that, the probes will no longer However, macroscopic obstacles Chester, UK 46 kilometres per second, while
be able to communicate with aren’t the only sort in interstellar Both Voyagers will eventually Voyager 2 will come no closer than
Earth, but they will continue space: there are cosmic ray particles collide with something, 0.5 parsecs at a relative speed of
to travel through space. too. In any volume of space, the most likely the remnants over 70 km/s. (A parsec is some
31 trillion kilometres). This is too
Luce Gilmore Want to send us a question or answer? far and too fast to be significantly
Cambridge, UK Email us at affected by the stars’ gravitational
The chances of collision between Questions should be about everyday science phenomena fields, so the probes won’t collide.
a space probe and a macroscopic Full terms and conditions at However, the spacecraft lack
Cryptic crossword
#126 Answers
ACROSS 7 Thiamine, 8 Mute,
9 Denial, 10 Floury, 11 Spay,
13 Shivered, 15 Roughs it,
17 Wink, 18 Silica, 20 Gasket,
22 Zinc, 23 Chatbots
#1 Digital sevens
the velocity to escape the galaxy, “A detergent reduces Mark Dirnhuber Solution
meaning they will eventually pass the surface tension Bristol, UK
close enough to some star to be This phenomenon applies 106 is the next number after 95.
of the water, making
drawn towards it. The same paper to cellulose sponges.
estimates that the timescale for it more compatible Cellulose is a polymer of Two consecutive numbers would
one of them to collide with a star with the low surface glucose and owes its strength need to end in 9 and 0 to have
is in the order of 10²0 years. This energy of a sponge” to extensive hydrogen bonding their digit sum differ by 0 or a
is six orders of magnitude longer between numerous hydroxyl multiple of 7, and the smallest
than the time by which all stars in lower than the surface energy, groups, holding the glucose example is 69999, which has
the universe will have exhausted or surface tension, of water. chains tightly side by side. These digits that add up to 42 (a multiple
their fuel, so the collision will be A dry sponge will therefore also give it great affinity for water, of 7), and 70000, which has a
with a stellar remnant such as tend to float when placed on water, so cellulose surfaces are very digit sum of 7.
a white dwarf or a black hole. only absorbing liquid gradually. wettable because this attraction
It can be forcibly wet by being is even stronger than that between For numbers two apart, the only
Suck it up submerged, compressed and the water molecules themselves. pairs under 100 are (59, 61)
released so that water fills its open- This results in the wet cellulose and (68, 70).
Why does a slightly damp cell structure. When the bulk of sucking up the water into the
sponge absorb water so much the water is squeezed out, there pores by capillary action.
better than the same sponge will be sufficient remaining water Dry cellulose will first need
when it is bone dry? in the sponge for the internal to be wet for this to happen, and
surfaces to be almost perfectly there are energy barriers to be
Chris Daniel hydrophilic, allowing water to overcome, notably due to the
Colwyn Bay, Conwy, UK enter and fill the sponge again. surface tension of the water itself.
Sponges for dish washing can When washing dishes, a Because the cellulose surface is
be made of polyester, which has detergent is usually added to rough, a water droplet might sit
mechanical properties that make reduce the surface tension of the there for a while as a bead before
it useful as a cleaning material, as water, making it more compatible the wetting takes place. Cellulose
well as being soft to handle when with the low surface energy also absorbs some water into (not
dry or wet. However, the polymer of a sponge, in addition to its just onto) its structure, which will
is hydrophobic, or water-repellent, primary purpose of helping divert water from the surface and
which means its surface energy is to remove fats from surfaces. further slow the wetting. ❚
Tiny black hole batteries Twisteddoodles for New Scientist Feedback column (4 November
2023) called “New insights on the
Following on from Feedback’s genetics of hair whorls from twins
discussion about the Black Hole and the southern hemisphere”.
public toilet in New Zealand Sam finds it hair-raising that
(25 November 2023) comes word the paper drew any attention.
of a plan called “Using black holes He says: “The old chestnut
as rechargeable batteries and about drain circulation rears its
nuclear reactors”, published in head again, I see. Given the tiny
the journal Physical Review D. volume and mass involved in a
Successful technologists, head of hair, coupled with the fact
almost as much as unsuccessful that people spend a significant
technologists, are not so easily amount of their time in a non-
cowed by limits others believe vertical pose and moving around,
to be insurmountable. The plan’s it’s ridiculous to suggest that the
authors, Zhan-Feng Mai and Coriolis force could be involved
Run-Qiu Yang at Tianjin University, in hair whorling.” The Coriolis
China, keep their chins up and force, you will recall, is a surprising
their minds cranking. twist in how things appear to
They write: “Though the black move while something rotates.
hole’s strong gravity forbids that Feedback hopes it won’t set
the classical matters escape from Edge on edge to learn that there is
it into outside, fortunately, the a new version of that paper. Now
energy can be extracted from titled “Genetic determinism and
the black hole through quantum hemispheric influence in hair
or classical processes.” whorl formation”, it appears
They handwave away the in the Journal of Stomatology,
swath of problems reputed Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
to afflict anyone who suggests The new version gives a
even going near a black hole. Got a story for Feedback? twisty, this time distanced,
Their black hole, they specify, Send it to nod to the Coriolis question:
will be a “tiny black hole”. or New Scientist, 9 Derry Street, London, W8 5HY “Other non-hemispheric factors
This kind of confidence Consideration of items sent in the post will be delayed should [be] assessed on samples
inspires venture capitalists, from various Northern and
a variety of humans who are Southern hemisphere locations,
experiencing a golden age here had when my children were little. medical investigations – and such as maternal health, maternal
in the early 2020s. Many are “I could read them a bedtime medical pronouncements – nutrition, and/or prenatal
looking for new big opportunities story out loud while at the same about good and bad health hormone exposure, before
to raise funds and invest portions time silently reading a novel to effects of drinking coffee. considering a potential effect
thereof after extracting appropriate myself. I have no idea how my Some people in some places of hemispheric environmental
fractions therefrom. brain managed to separate out the drink espresso, some drink other physical factors such as the
Black hole batteries could be their two stories, but it certainly helped forms of coffee. Some drink Coriolis force.”
next big thing, following hard on the with the tedium of reading the filtered coffee, some unfiltered.
flighty footsteps of cryptocurrency same bedtime story yet again.” Some people in some places drink
Sheffield names harvest
and artificial intelligence, both coffee “in relation to a meal, thus
of which flocks of investors have influencing absorption and effect Susan Frank doesn’t beat about
Coffee with confusion
found to be as compellingly on the gut”, some drink it standalone. the bush in conveying garden
attractive as black holes. Ambiguity has a field day in this Some people are men, others are variety information.
medical journal headline: “Coffee not, with possible differences in She writes: “I thought you’d
and heart failure: A further potential “the absorption of macro and micro like the names of two of our
Two-story superpower
beneficial effect of coffee”. nutrients and in their bioavailability”. trustees associated with the
Alison Litherland tells of That title rides atop a letter Further studies, Mattioli and Sheffield Botanical Gardens Trust,
a beneficially duplicitous to the editor from Anna Vittoria Farinetti suggest beneath their Barbara Plant and Christine Rose.”
trivial superpower. Mattioli and Alberto Farinetti confusion-inducing headline, are Feedback notes that the Sheffield
She says: “Your mention of at the University of Modena and required to “not create confusion”. Botanical Gardens Trust website
Rosemary Firman’s husband’s Reggio Emilia in Italy. The journal clarifies (by displaying the info
ability to read two different is Nutrition, Metabolism and
Edge on edge specially within parentheses) that
pages of braille at the same time Cardiovascular Diseases. trustee Miles Stevenson, who is
(16 September 2023) reminded Mattioli and Farinetti explore Sam Edge is vexed about a paper neither a plant nor a rose, is a chair. ❚
me of the trivial superpower I some of the ambiguities in that featured in a previous Marc Abrahams