It App Prefi Reviewer
It App Prefi Reviewer
It App Prefi Reviewer
consumer takes in making the decision to buy Enterprise Search Software - software that predictions, and suggestions similar to the
your product and become a customer. matches a user’s query to many sources of way a human expert would.
information in an attempt to identify the most
Knowledge Management (KM) - a range of important content and the most reliable and Explanation Facility : component of an expert
practices concerned with increasing relevant source. system that allows a user or decision maker
awareness, fostering learning, speeding to understand how the expert system arrived
collaboration and innovation, and exchanging Electronic Discovery (E-Discovery) – any at certain conclusions or results.
insights. process which electronic data is sought,
located, secured, and searched with the intent Knowledge Acquisition Facility: part of the
Explicit Knowledge – knowledge that is of using it as evidence in a civil or criminal expert system that provides a convenient and
documented, stored, and codified-such as legal case. efficient means of capturing and storing all
standard procedures, product formulas, the components of the knowledge base.
customers contact lists, market research Artificial Intelligence – the ability to mimic or
results, and patents. duplicate the functions of the human brain. Knowledge User: the person or group who
uses and benefits from the expert system.
Tacit Knowledge – the know-how that IBM Watson is being used to develop
someone has developed as a result of treatment options for cancer patients based Knowledge Engineer: a person who has
personal experience; it involves tangible on the DNA of their disease. training or experience in the design,
factors such as beliefs, perspectives, and a development, implementation, and
value system. Artificial Intelligence Systems – it includes maintenance of an expert system.
the people, procedures, hardware, software,
Shadowing - a process used to capture tacit data, and knowledge needed to develop User Interface - the main purpose of this to
knowledge that involves a novice observing computer systems and machines that can make an expert system easier for users and
an expert executing her job to learn how she simulate human intelligence processes, decision makes to develop and use.
performs. including learning (the acquisition of
information and rules for using the Domain Expert : the person or group with the
Joint Problem Solving - a process to capture information), reasoning (using rules to reach expertise or knowledge the expert system is
tacit knowledge where the novice and the conclusions), and self-correction (using the trying to capture (domain). In most cases,
expert work side by side to solve a problem outcome from one scenario to improve its this domain expert is a group of human
so that the expert’s approach is slowly performance on future scenarios). experts.
revealed to the observant novice.
Intelligent Behavior - the ability to learn from Robotics: a branch of engineering that
Community of Practice (CoP) – A group experiences and apply knowledge acquired involves development and manufacture of
whose members share a common set of goals from those experiences; to handle complex mechanical or computer devices that can
and interest and regularly engage in sharing situations; to solve problems when important perform tasks that require a high degree of
and learning as they strive to meet those information and to react quickly and correctly precision or are tedious or hazardous for
goals. to a new situation; to understand visual human beings, such as painting cars or
images, process and manipulate symbols, and making make precision welds.
Organizational Network Analysis (ONA) – a be creative and imaginative, and to use
technique used for documenting and heuristics. Vision Systems: the hardware and software
measuring flows of information among that permit computers to capture, store, and
individuals, work-groups, organizations, Perceptive System – a system that manipulate visual images.
computers, Web sites, and other information approximates the way a person sees, hears,
sources. and feels objects. Natural Language Processing: an aspect of
artificial intelligence that involves technology
Meta Data – data that describes other data. Expert System – a system that consists of that allows computers to understand, analyze,
hardware and software that stores knowledge manipulate and generate “natural” languages
Web 2.0 – a term describing changes in and makes inferences, enabling a novice to such as English.
technology and web site design to enhance perform at the level of an expert.
information sharing, collaboration, and Learning System: a combination of software
functionality on the Web. Knowledge Base - stores all relevant and hardware that allows a computer to
information, data, rules, cases, and change how it functions or how it reacts to
Business Rule Management System (BRMS) – relationships that an expert system uses. situations based on feedback it receives.
a software used to define, execute, monitor,
and maintain the decision logic that is used Rule: a conditional statement that links Genetic Algorithm: an approach to solving
by the operational systems and processes conditions to actions or outcomes. problems based on the theory of evolution;
that run the organization. uses the concept of survival of the fittest as a
If-then Statement: a rule that suggest certain problem-solving strategy.
Enterprise Search – the application of search conclusions.
technology to find information within an Intelligent Agent: programs and a knowledge
organization Inference Engine: part of the expert system base used to perform a specific task for a
that seeks information and relationships from person, a process, or another program; also
the knowledge base and provides answers, called intelligent robot or bot.