Marketing 12.2
Marketing 12.2
Marketing 12.2
targeting/target marketing
● companies need to choose the right markets in
order to pursue their business
● involves breaking the target audience into
segments then designing marketing activities to
pursue and offer their products to
● target market: set of buyers who have common
needs and characteristics that the company
chooses to serve
a. mass marketing
● one size fits all
● focuses on the common concern of a big
market and targets them with one offer
b. multi-segment marketing
● focuses on two or more segments of the
market in one product category
c. niche marketing
● chooses to target a small market with big
purchasing power
● always in the premium category – has a
higher price
d. one on one marketing
● individualized attention to customers
● not what you do to the product – what you do to the
mind of the prospect
● consumer’s minds relative to its competitors
● product should be in the mind of the consumer
types of positioning
a. customer needs
● knowing your target market and how you
will fulfill their specific needs
b. product price
● positioning your brand/product as
competitively priced
c. product quality
● positioning your brand as something of
high quality