Determining The Chemical Resistance of Concrete Products To Acid Attack
Determining The Chemical Resistance of Concrete Products To Acid Attack
Determining The Chemical Resistance of Concrete Products To Acid Attack
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: C1898 − 20
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Fri May 14 13:39:07 EDT 2021
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(UFRGS) Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul ((UFRGS) Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
C1898 − 20
(Stage III) (for example, < ~4 pH). This document provides 7. Test Specimens
standard test methods to assess the effects of acid in Stage 3 for 7.1 The number of specimens required is dependent upon
concrete. the number of test media to be employed, the number of
4.2 As described in Guide C1894, acid immersion testing different temperatures at which testing is performed, and the
should be used with great caution in specifying concrete as this frequency of test intervals. The test specimens shall consist of
is a final stage of deterioration and the concrete may not be sets of a minimum of three prisms for one medium at a single
exposed to the conditions of this test. temperature and for each test interval. In addition, one set of at
4.3 The results obtained by these test methods should serve least three specimens shall be available for test immediately
as a guide in, but not as the sole basis for, selection of a following the conditioning period, and other sets of at least
chemical-resistant material for a particular application. No three, equivalent to the number of test temperatures, for the
attempt has been made to incorporate into this test method all total test period. Calculate the total number of specimens
the various factors that may affect the performance of a required as follows:
material when subjected to actual service. 7.2 Make all specimens for a single determination from a
single mix.
5. Apparatus 7.3 The specimens will be prisms (with dimensions 50 by
5.1 Equipment, capable of weighing materials or specimens 50 by 200 mm (63 mm)).
to 60.3 % accuracy.
5.2 Equipment for Mixing, consisting of a container of 8. Preparation of Specimens
suitable size, preferably made of corrosion-resistant metal, or a 8.1 Specimen Preparation—Specimens shall be made in
porcelain pan, and a strong, sturdy spatula or trowel. accordance with Practice C192/C192M.
5.3 Specimen Molds: Equipment—Molds to manufacture
9. Conditioning
concrete prisms with dimensions 50 by 50 by 200 mm (63
mm) for acid immersion testing. 9.1 Cure the specimens in the mold in a moist cabinet
maintained at a temperature of 23 6 2°C, (73 6 4°F) and a
NOTE 1—The material from which the mold is constructed must be
chemically inert and have antistick properties. Polyethylene, relative humidity of not less than 98 % or under wet mats, for
polypropylene, polytetrafluoroethylene, and metal forms having either a 28 days, with the specimens being removed from the molds at
sintered coating of tetrafluoroethylene or a suitable release agent compat- the age of 24 h.
ible with the material being tested are satisfactory.
5.4 Massing Equipment, of adequate capacity, suitable for 10. Test Conditions
accurate weighing to 0.001 g. 10.1 The testing temperature shall be 23 6 2°C (73 6 4°F)
5.5 Micrometer, suitable for accurate measurement to 0.03 (Note 3).
mm (0.001 in.). NOTE 3—The testing temperature can be modified to better simulate
5.6 Containers: anticipated service life conditions however this must be noted and
5.6.1 Wide-Mouth Glass Jars, of sufficient capacity, fitted
with plastic or plastic-lined metal screw caps for lowtempera- 10.2 Test medium as described in Section 6.
ture tests involving media of low volatility. 10.2.1 A solution-to-sample volume ratio of 4.2:1 shall be
5.6.2 Erlenmeyer Flasks, of sufficient capacity, each fitted used.
with standard-taper joints and a reflux condenser attachment 10.2.2 The samples were elevated from the bottom of the
for use with volatile media. containers to prevent uneven exposure.
5.6.3 Containers, as described in 5.6.1 and 5.6.2 having an 10.2.3 The pH of the solution shall be measured every 7
inert coating on their inner surfaces, or containers of a suitable days and replaced with newly prepared solution.
inert material for use with media which attack glass. 10.2.4 The solutions are not agitated or stirred during each
7 day immersion cycle.
5.7 Testing Machine—May be of any type of sufficient
capacity which will meets the requirements of Test Method 11. Procedure
11.1 Measurement of Specimens:
5.8 Equipment—A benchtop pH meter with an accuracy of 11.1.1 Immediately following the conditioning period, mea-
60.01. sure the cross-sectional dimensions of all test specimens to the
nearest 250 µm (0.01 in.) using a micrometer. Take two
6. Test Media
measurements for each dimension at mid-height and perpen-
6.1 Two test media shall be used: a sulfuric acid concentra- dicular to the load axis and average them.
tion resulting in a pH of 2.00 and a pH of 0.50 (Note 2).
11.2 Exposure, Weighing, and Visual Inspection of Test
6.2 pH of the test Media shall be prepared to 60.03. Specimens—Following the conditioning period, record the
NOTE 2—The pH of the solution can be modified to better simulate mass of all the specimens to the nearest 0.001 g on an
anticipated service life conditions however this must be noted and analytical balance and record the values. Prior to immersion,
reported. record a brief description of the color and surface appearance
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C1898 − 20
of the specimens and the color and clarity of the test medium. S2 average flexural = strength of a set of specimens follow-
Place the massed specimens in a suitable container or ing the test period in MPa (psi).
containers, taking care to prevent the faces from coming in Construct a graph employing the percentage of
contact with each other. The total number of specimens per
change in average strength of the specimens broken at a given
container is not limited except by the ability of the container to
examination period after immersion in a particular test medium
hold the specimens, plus the required amount of test medium
at a given temperature, plotting the percentage of change in
per specimen. Add sufficient quantity of the test medium to
strength as the ordinate and the test period, in days, as the
completely immerse each specimen, and place the closed
container in a constant-temperature oven adjusted to the The absolute strength should be shown for the
required temperature or in a suitably adjusted liquid bath.
initial specimen (100 % value) and the final specimen. These
Examine the specimens after 1, 7, 14, 28, 56, and 84 days of
values should be noted parenthetically near the plot point of
immersion to determine the rate of attack.
each value.
NOTE 4—Other inspection periods may be employed, and the test
method may be terminated prior to 84 days if desired.
11.5 Mass Change of Tested Specimens:
11.5.1 Mass Change—Calculate to the nearest 0.01 % the
11.2.1 At each interval the samples shall be removed from percentage loss or gain in mass of the specimens during
their respective containers and brushed with a stiff-bristle immersion for each examination period, taking the conditioned
plastic brush to remove loose material. weight as 100 % as follows (Note 6):
11.2.2 Clean the specimens by three quick rinses in running
Change in mass ~%! 5 @ ~ W 2 C ! ⁄C # 3 100% (2)
cold tap water and quick dry by blotting with a paper towel
between each rinse. For each test specimen prepared after final where:
blotting, allow the specimen to dry for 1⁄2 h before massing. C = conditioned mass of specimen, g, and
Mass all specimens to the nearest 0.001 g. W = mass of specimen after immersion, g.
11.2.3 Note any indication of surface attack on the NOTE 6—A result showing a plus (+) sign shall indicate a gain in weight
specimen, any discoloration of the test medium, and the and a minus (–) sign shall indicate a loss.
formation of any sediment. Construct a graph employing the average percent-
11.3 Changing of Test Medium—The solution shall be age of mass change of all the specimens at a given examination
replaced every 7 days. period after immersion in a particular test medium at a given
temperature, plotting the percentage of mass change as the
11.4 Flexural Testing of Specimens: ordinate and the test period, in days, as the abscissa
11.4.1 Determine the flexural strength for one set of speci-
mens after each desired inspection period for each medium and 12. Interpretation of Results
each test temperature and for one set of specimens after aging
12.1 Mass Change—The rate of weight change with time is
in water for the total test period at the test temperature.
of more significance than the actual value at any time. A plot of
11.4.2 The elapsed time between the removal of the speci- the test results will indicate whether a particular material will
mens from the test medium and testing should be uniform for approach constant mass in time or will continue to change in
all specimens. weight as the test progresses.
11.4.3 Perform the flexural tests at 23 6 2°C (73 6 4°F).
11.4.4 Perform the flexural tests, using third-point loading, 12.2 Appearance of Specimen—Visual inspection of the
in compliance with Test Method C78/C78M (Note 5). Load the exposed specimen for surface cracks, loss of gloss, etching,
test specimen to failure and record the maximum load. Calcu- pitting, softening, etc., is very important in cases where initial
late the flexural strength using the specimen dimensions from mass changes are high.
immediately before the specimen was placed in the test 12.3 Appearance of Test Medium—Discoloration of the test
medium. medium and the formation of sediment are significant factors.
An initial discoloration coupled with a high mass loss may
NOTE 5—Surface damage may require a strong plaster of paris (for
example, Hydrostone or equivalent) or an equivalent material to be
indicate extraction of soluble components.
applied to the locations where the beam comes in contact with the loading 12.4 Change in Flexural Strength—The rate of flexural
rollers. strength change with time is of more significance than the
11.4.5 Change in Strength—Calculate to the nearest 0.01 % actual value at any time. A plot of the test results will indicate
the percentage decrease or increase in strength of the specimen whether a particular material will approach constant flexural
during immersion for each examination period, taking the strength in time or will continue to change as the test
strength after conditioning as 100 %. progresses.
Change in flexural strength ~%! 5 @ ~ S 1 2 S 2 ! ⁄S 1 # 3 100% (1)
13. Report
13.1 Report the following information:
S1 average flexural = strength of a set of specimens follow- 13.1.1 Mixture proportions by mass.
ing the conditioning period in MPa 13.1.2 Any deviations from the prescribed conditioning
(psi), and procedures.
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C1898 − 20
13.1.3 Total duration of test and examination periods, in 13.1.7 Graph showing percent change in the flexural
days. For each examination period the following data are strength plotted against the test period, if multiple flexural
required: strength tests were performed. Mass and average percentage of mass change of the 14. Precision and Bias
14.1 Precision—The precision of this test method has not Appearance of the specimens after immersion (sur- been determined.
face cracks, loss of gloss, etching, pitting, softening, etc.
14.2 Bias—No statement on bias is made as there is no
13.1.4 Appearance of the test medium (discoloration,
accepted reference material suitable for determining the bias.
sediment, etc.).
13.1.5 Average percent change in the flexural strength of 15. Keywords
specimens. 15.1 acid attack; chemical-resistant; concrete; microbially-
13.1.6 Graph showing percent mass change plotted against induced concrete corrosion (MICC); mortar; portland cement;
the test period. wastewater
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