Free Radicals Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant
Free Radicals Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant
Free Radicals Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant
ABSTRACT: Free radicals and other reactive oxygen species penetrate. Hence, the evolution of multicellular aerobes and
(ROS) are constantly formed in the human body. Free-radical of antioxidant defense mechanisms is intimately related.
mechanisms have been implicated in the pathology of several Interest in free radicals began with the work of Moses
human diseases, including cancer, atherosclerosis, malaria, and Gomberg (1), who in 1900 demonstrated the existence of the
rheumatoid arthritis and neurodegenerative diseases. For exam- triphenylmethyl radical (Ph3C·). A free radical is any chemi-
ple, the superoxide radical (O·2−) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
cal species (capable of independent existence) that possesses
are known to be generated in the brain and nervous system
in vivo, and several areas of the human brain are rich in iron,
one or more unpaired electrons, an unpaired electron being
which appears to be easily mobilizable in a form that can stim- one that is alone in an orbital. Radicals are generally less sta-
ulate free-radical reactions. Antioxidant defenses to remove O·2− ble than nonradicals, although their reactivities vary. The sim-
and H2O2 exist. Superoxide dismutases (SOD) remove O2·− by plest free radical is an atom of the element hydrogen. The hy-
greatly accelerating its conversion to H2O2. Catalases in perox- drogen atom contains one proton and a single unpaired elec-
isomes convert H2O2 into water and O2 and help to dispose of tron, which qualifies it as a free radical—often denoted by the
H2O2 generated by the action of the oxidase enzymes that are insertion of the radical dot (·) to indicate that one or more un-
located in these organelles. Other important H2O2-removing paired electrons is present.
enzymes in human cells are the glutathione peroxidases. When Once radicals form, they can react either with another rad-
produced in excess, ROS can cause tissue injury. However, tis- ical or with another molecule by various interactions. The rate
sue injury can itself cause ROS generation (e.g., by causing ac-
and selectivity of these types of reactions depend on high con-
tivation of phagocytes or releasing transition metal ions from
damaged cells), which may (or may not, depending on the situ-
centrations of the radicals, on delocalization of the single
ation) contribute to a worsening of the injury. Assessment of ox- electron of the radical (thus increasing its life time), and on
idative damage to biomolecules by means of emerging tech- the absence of weak bonds in any other molecules present
nologies based on products of oxidative damage to DNA (e.g., with which the radical could interact (see Table 1). Most bio-
8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine), lipids (e.g., isoprostanes), and pro- logical molecules are nonradicals that contain only paired
teins (altered amino acids) would not only advance our under- electrons. Extensive discussions on free-radical chemistry
standing of the underlying mechanisms but also facilitate sup- may be found elsewhere (2–7).
plementation and intervention studies designed and conducted Gerschman et al. (8) proposed that “oxygen poisoning and
to test antioxidant efficacy in human health and disease. radiation injury have at least one common basis of action,
JAOCS 75, 199–212 (1998). possibly the formation of oxidizing free radicals.” This pio-
neering idea soon began to capture the imaginations of scien-
KEY WORDS: Antioxidants, atherosclerosis, DNA damage,
flavonoids, free radicals, 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine, isoprostanes,
tists. In the early 1960s, superoxide was found to be associ-
lipid peroxidation, oxidative protein damage, oxidative stress, ated with a number of enzymes, including xanthine oxidase.
phytochemicals. However, it was believed that this free radical was “bound”
to the enzyme. In 1968, it was discovered that superoxide was
secreted into solution (9–11), allowing superoxide to mediate
Humans and other aerobes are able to tolerate oxygen (O2) cellular toxicity.
because, at the same time that organisms were evolving elec- The role of free-radical reactions in human disease, biol-
tron transport chains and other enzyme systems to use it, an- ogy, toxicology, and the deterioration of food has become an
tioxidant defenses to protect against the toxic effects of O2 area of intense interest. In the main, the free-radical reaction
were evolving in parallel. The predecessors of the anaerobic of lipid peroxidation is an important issue in the food indus-
bacteria that exist today followed the “blind” evolutionary try where manufacturers minimize oxidation in lipid-contain-
path of restricting themselves to environments that O2 did not ing foods by use of antioxidants during the manufacturing
*Address correspondence to Dr. O.I. Aruoma, Pharmacology Group, King’s process; foods are produced that maintain their nutritional
College London, Manresa Road, London SW3 6LX, Great Britain. quality over a defined shelf life. By contrast, biomedical sci-
Copyright © 1998 by AOCS Press 199 JAOCS, Vol. 75, no. 2 (1998)
Chemical Reactions of Free Radicalsa
Unimolecular Radical Reactions
Reactions result from the instability of the first formed radical. The radicals may completely decompose or rearrange before reaction with other
molecules or radicals present.
Reaction in which the radical decomposes to give a stable molecule and a new radical.
1. Breaking of an adjacent C–C bond in a cyclic system with concomitant formation of a new bond, usually carbonyl and a new isomeric
2. Migration of an atom, via intramolecular abstraction by the radical center, thus creating a new, isomeric radical.
Radical-Molecule Interactions
Addition to unsaturated systems:
1. Addition of a radical to an olefinic double bond to give a new, saturated radical. Typical reaction is the radical-induced polymerization of
2. Addition of a radical to an aromatic double bond. This intermediate step is widespread in free-radical chemistry, e.g., in the radical sub-
stitution of aromatic compounds (homolytic aromatic substitution). The net overall reaction is displacement of an aromatic substituent by
a radical:
AR–X + Y· → AR–Y + X·
Abstraction or displacement: SH 2 reactions :
1. Biomolecular reaction involving homolytic attack of a radical on a molecule. The radical attacks a univalent atom, usually a terminal
halogen or hydrogen in an abstraction reaction to give rise to a new radical, e.g.,
Ph· + CBrCl3 → ·CCl3 + PhBr
2. Homolytic substitution at multivalent atoms also occurs, but both do not normally occur at saturated carbon centers.
Reaction with oxidizing agents:
Radicals readily undergo 1-electron oxidations with oxidizing reagents of suitable redox potential to give positive ions. Example is the Meer-
wein reaction, which involves the oxidation of cinnamyl-derived radicals by cupric ions:
PhC· HCHRCO Et + Cu2+ → PhC+HCHRCO Et + Cu+
2 2
Radical-Radical Interactions
Dimerization or radical coupling:
Localized radicals (methyl, phenyl radicals) react readily with little chance of dimerization. Only delocalized radicals have a high probability
of dimerization in solution. Thus,
R’· + R”· → R’ − R”
When R’ = R”, the reaction is dimerization; and when R’ ≠ R”, the reaction is radical coupling or combination.
Radical disproportionation:
Involves collision of the radicals, resulting in the abstraction of an atom, usually hydrogen, by one radical from the other. This leads to the
formation of two stable molecules, with the atom abstracted being β to the radical center:c e.g., the disproportionation of two phenylethyl
radicals to give styrene and ethylbenzene.
The reader is referred to References 2–7 for an extensive overview of the reaction sequences highlighted in this table and an examination of the complex
chemistry of organic radicals.
SH2 stands for substitution homolytic biomolecular.
The disproportionation reaction derives its driving force from the formation of two new strong bonds and from the fact that the β–CH bonds in radicals are
usually weak.
entists and clinicians are interested in antioxidants because (HOCl), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), singlet oxygen 1∆g
they protect the body against damage by reactive oxygen (often written as 1O2), and ozone (O3) are not free radicals but
species (11–21). The rest of this article will focus on biomed- can easily lead to free-radical reactions in living organisms.
ical aspects of free radicals. The term “reactive oxygen species” (ROS) is often used to
include not only the radicals OH·, RO2·, NO· and O2·− but also
the nonradicals HOCl, 1O2, ONOO−, O3, and H2O2.
Extensive reviews on the role of free radicals in biology
Free radicals of importance in living organisms include hy- and medicine abound (22–30). Scheme 1 summarizes the
droxyl (OH·), superoxide (O2·−) nitric oxide (NO·), and per- mechanisms of cellular damage in oxidative stress. “Oxida-
oxyl (RO2·). Peroxynitrite (ONOO−), hypochlorous acid tive stress” is the term that refers to the imbalance between
generation of ROS and the activity of the antioxidant de- unwanted oxidant and is often regarded as the most toxic air
fenses. Severe oxidative stress can cause cell damage and pollutant (33). O3 can form in laboratory equipment that has
death. It has been implicated in numerous human diseases high-energy ultraviolet (UV)-producing lamps and in urban
(Table 2). In mammalian cells, oxidative stress appears to air as a result of photochemical reactions and pollution. The
lead to increases in the levels of free Ca2+ and iron within tissue most susceptible to damage upon exposure to O3 is the
cells (31,32). Indeed, Orrenius et al. (31) have suggested that lung. The biological effect of O3 is often attributed to its abil-
excessive rises in intracellular free Ca2+ may cause DNA ity to cause oxidation or peroxidation of biomolecules either
fragmentation by activating endonucleases. The importance directly or via free-radical mechanisms (34–36).
of oxidative stress injury depends on the molecular target, the Nitric oxide (NO). NO· is a free radical. It is widely
severity of the stress, and the mechanism by which the oxida- thought that the endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF)
tive stress is imposed, i.e., drug-induced, Fenton chemistry, produced by vascular endothelium, which is an important me-
trauma, enzyme activation [e.g., NO· synthase (NOS) activ- diator of vascular responses induced by several pharmacolog-
ity], etc. Brief comments on some of the ROS are worthwhile. ical agents (including bradykinin and acetylcholine), is iden-
Ozone. This pale blue gas, which is not produced in vivo, tical to NO· (37,39). Vascular endothelial cells that line the
serves as an important protective shield against solar radia- blood vessels also seem to produce small amounts of O2·−,
tion in the atmosphere. Close to the earth’s surface, O3 is an some of which could react with NO to produce nonradical
Some Clinical Conditions in Which Free Radicals and Other Reactive Oxygen Species
Are Thought to Be Involveda,b
Parkinson’s disease Rheumatoid arthritis
Neurotoxins Glomerulonephritis
Vitamin E deficiency Autoimmune diseases (HIV/AIDS)
Hyperbaric oxygen Vasculitis (hepatitis B virus)
Hypertensive cerebrovascular injury ALCOHOLISM
Aluminum overload AGING
Allergic encephalomyelitis (demyelinating diseases) Age-related macular degeneration
Potentiation of traumatic injury RADIATION INJURY
Photic retinopathy Nutritional deficiencies (kwashiorkor)
Occular hemorrhage Thalassemia and other chronic anemias treated
Cataractogenesis with multiple blood transfusions
Degenerative retinal damage Dietary iron overload (red wine, beer brewed in
Retinopathy of prematurity iron pots)
HEART AND CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Idiopathic hemochromatosis
Atherosclerosis RED BLOOD CELLS
Adriamycin cardiotoxicity Fanconi’s anemia
Keshan disease (selenium deficiency) Sickle cell anemia
Alcohol cardiomyopathy Favism
KIDNEY Malaria
Metal ion-mediated nephrotoxicity Protoporphyrin photo-oxidation
Aminoglycoside nephrotoxicity LUNG
Autoimmune nephrotic syndromes Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT Mineral dust pneumoconiosis
NSAID-induced GI tract lesionsa Bleomycin toxicity
Oral iron poisoning Hypoxia
Endotoxin liver injury Cigarette smoke effect
Diabetogenic actions of alloxan Emphysema
Halogenated hydrocarbon liver injury ARDS (some forms)
FFA-induced pancreatitis Oxidant pollutants (O3, SO2, NO2)
Stroke/myocardial infarction
Organ transplantation
Abbreviations: ARDS, adult respiratory distress syndrome; NSAID, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug; FFA, free fatty acid.
Skin injury due to solar radiation, porphyria, contact dermatitis, and photosensitizers may also involve free-radical mecha-
products. Thus, variation in the production of NO· and O2·− damage supercoiled DNA in plasmid pBR322 (52). A sug-
by endothelium might provide one mechanism for the regula- gested toxicity of NO· involves its reaction with O2·− to give
tion of vascular tone and hence blood pressure. ONOO−, a reaction that occurs with a rate constant of 6.7 ×
A role for NO· has also been demonstrated in such human 109 M−1s−1 (53). ONOO− has been suggested to mediate NO-
diseases as malaria, where NO· appears to be partly involved dependent toxicity. In addition to DNA base nitration men-
in resistance to malaria infection, in cardiovascular disease, tioned above, ONOO− potentiates the activation of guanylate
acute inflammation, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and cyclase; has bactericidal activity and trypanocidal activity,
diabetes. NO· exerts potent actions in the regulation of cell converting low-density lipoprotein (LDL) to a form that may
function and tissue viability—this includes the recognized be recognized by the macrophage scavenger receptor; induces
ability to mediate signal transduction via stimulation of peroxidation of lipids; oxidizes methionine and SH residues
guanylate cyclase-mediated cGMP synthesis (reviewed in in proteins; depletes antioxidants (e.g., ascorbate, gluta-
Refs. 37–43). Sessa et al. (44) advocated that in dogs, thione), nitrates tyrosine residues; and inactivates α1-antipro-
“chronic exercise, presumably by increasing endothelial shear teinase (α1AP) (the major inhibitor of serine proteases in
stress, increases EDRF/NO· production and endothelial cell human body fluids). Indeed, nitration of tyrosine residues ap-
NO· synthase gene expression, and may contribute to the ben- pears to be a “marker” of ONOO−-dependent damage in vivo
eficial effects of exercise on the cardiovascular effort.” The (42,54–63).
reaction between NO· and O2·− leads to DNA oxidative dam- Peroxyl radicals (RO2·). These radicals are intermediate
age owing to the formation of ONOO−, which may have OH·- species formed during lipid oxidation chain reactions, such as
like potential, leading to the formation of nitroguanine and the oxidation of polyunsaturated fats, resulting in deteriora-
other loose products (45–51). ONOO− has the propensity to tion of lipid-containing foods. Lipid peroxidation may be ini-
tiated by any species that has sufficient reactivity to abstract In the context of food handling, HOCl is a major active
a hydrogen atom from a polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) constituent of chlorine-based bleaches that are often used to
side chain (such as those of arachidonic acid and linolenic disinfect equipment with which foods will come into contact.
acid, for example) in membrane lipids. Arachidonic acid is a Perhaps most significant is the observation that phenolic com-
precursor of prostaglandins and leukotrienes. It contains a pounds can react effectively with HOCl, hence protecting sus-
number of methylene-interrupted double bonds, which are ceptible targets against oxidation (76,77). This may have
particularly prone to hydrogen atom abstraction (64). Al- physiological significance, given the interest in the use of di-
though much has been written about the mechanism and bio- etary natural antioxidants to manipulate disease states (78).
logical significance of lipid peroxidation, there seems to be Superoxide radicals (O2·−). O2·− is an oxygen-centered rad-
no unanimity in the methods for its measurement. Delineation ical with selective reactivity. This species is produced by a
of lipid peroxidation as a major pathway in most degenera- number of enzyme systems, by autooxidation reactions, and
tive diseases (Table 2) would depend on adequate standard- by nonenzymatic electron transfers that univalently reduce
ization and control of measurement conditions. The link be- molecular oxygen. In aqueous solution, O2·− can oxidize
tween DNA damage, faulty repair of DNA, proto-oncogene ascorbic acid. It can also reduce certain iron complexes such
activation, and the ability of some of the end-products of lipid as cytochrome c and ferric-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
peroxidation to act as promoters of carcinogenesis is widely (Fe3+-EDTA). Superoxide dismutase (SOD) accelerates the
discussed (65,66). dismutation of O2·−, converting it to H2O2 and O2. For an au-
End-products of lipid peroxidation could have profound thoritative review, see References 10 and 79.
effects on vascular function because of their ability to mimic Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Like HOCl and O3, H2O2 is
or antagonize the actions of some of the stereospecific prod- not a free radical. It can cross membranes and may slowly ox-
ucts formed by cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase enzymes. idize a number of compounds. H2O2 can be formed in vivo
For example, the F2-isoprostanes are generated by the peroxi- when O2·− dismutates and also by many oxidase enzymes.
dation of arachidonic acid via the generation of RO2· isomers, H2O2 at low (micromolar) levels also seems to be poorly re-
which undergo endocyclization to prostaglandin-like com- active. However, higher levels of H2O2 can attack several cel-
pounds. Their formation in vivo appears to be enhanced under lular energy-producing systems; for example, it inactivates
conditions of oxidative stress, such as smoking, exposure to the glycolytic enzyme glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydro-
xenobiotics, and pathological conditions associated with in- genase. H2O2 also forms OH· in the presence of transition
flammation (67,68). The mechanism of LDL oxidation pos- metal ions, and O2 can facilitate this reaction.
sesses the general characteristics of lipid peroxidation reac- Hydroxyl radicals. OH· is a highly reactive oxygen-cen-
tions and free-radical reactions (69). tered radical with an estimated half-life in cells of only
Hypochlorous acid. HOCl is produced by the neutrophil- 10−9 s. Most studies on OH·, prior to the discovery of SOD,
derived enzyme myeloperoxidase at sites of inflammation and were done by radiation chemists. One feature of OH· is that it
when activated neutrophils infiltrate reoxygenated tissue (28). begets another radical, i.e., when it reacts with a molecule,
The enzyme oxidizes chloride ions, Cl−, in the presence of the result is the formation of another radical species. The re-
H2O2. A total of 5 × 106 activated human neutrophils in 1 mL sulting species usually has lower reactivity than OH·. OH· at-
produces 88 µM HOCl in 2 h at 22°C (70). HOCl is not a free tacks all proteins, DNA, PUFA in membranes, and almost any
radical, but it is a potent chlorinating and oxidizing agent. It biological molecule it touches.
has recently been suggested that the formation of cholesterol In the case of OH· generation by Fenton-type chemistry,
chlorohydrins could disrupt cell membranes and lead to cell the extent of OH· formation is largely determined by the
lysis and death (71). On the basis of this observation, the cho- availability and location of the metal ion catalyst. In an
lesterol chlorohydrins have been suggested to be potential in vitro study, in which the technique of gas chromatogra-
biomarkers for oxidative damage associated with neu- phy–mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring
trophil/monocyte activation (71). HOCl can attack many (GC/MS/SIM) was used to compare the role of copper and
other biological molecules. For example, the proteolytic in- iron ions in promoting damage to DNA by H2O2, added cop-
hibitor alpha-1-antiproteinase (α1AP) is the major inhibitor per ions (80) were significantly more reactive in causing
in human plasma of proteolytic enzymes, such as elastase. DNA damage in the presence of H2O2 than were equimolar
α1AP accounts for about 90% of the elastase-inhibitory ca- iron ions. The availability of “free” iron and copper in vivo is
pacity of the human serum (72). Thus, its inactivation by controlled. Iron ions are absorbed from the gut and trans-
HOCl might greatly potentiate tissue damage because elas- ported to iron-requiring cells by the protein transferrin. Iron
tase is also released from activated neutrophils. HOCl attacks specifically bound to transferrin does not participate in free-
primary amines and sulfhydryl groups in proteins and chlori- radical reactions. Excess iron is stored as ferritin and hemo-
nates purine bases in DNA (73,74). Kozumbo et al. (75) have siderin in an attempt to keep the iron pool as small as possi-
demonstrated that physiological levels of HOCl can react ble. Most or all of the plasma copper in humans is attached to
with substituted aryl amine (e.g., aniline, 1-naphthylamine, the protein ceruloplasmin, which will not stimulate free-radi-
and 1-naphthol) to form long-lived products that bind DNA cal reactions under normal conditions (81,82). Hydroxyl radi-
and are genotoxic to human cells. cal generation can take place when the hemostasis is altered.
For example, copper and iron ions released into perfusates isms are also involved in this good and bad scenario. They
can cause ischemia/reperfusion injury (83). Ramos et al. (84), generate O2·−, H2O2, and (in the case of neutrophils) HOCl as
using the electron spin resonance (ESR) spin-trapping sys- one of their mechanisms for killing foreign organisms
tem, detected OH· as the α-hydroxyethyl spin-trapped adduct (26,27). This essential defense mechanism can go awry: sev-
of 4-pyridyl 1-oxide N-tert-butylnitrone, formed from phor- eral diseases (such as rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory
bol 12-myristate 13-acetate-stimulated human neutrophils bowel disease) are accompanied by excessive phagocyte acti-
and monocytes without the addition of supplemental iron. In vation and resulting tissue damage, to which ROS contribute.
systems that lacked myeloperoxidase, it is necessary to add Human defenses against ROS-induced damage include the
iron to detect the OH· adduct. Thus, human neutrophils and enzymes catalase and glutathione peroxidase (both of which
monocytes can generate OH· through a myeloperoxidase-de- remove H2O2, as well as SOD, which catalyzes the dismuta-
pendent mechanism (85), which could have microbicidal im- tion of O2·− to form H2O2 and O2· −). Glutathione peroxidase is
plications. generally thought to be more important than catalase as a
Tissue injury can itself cause ROS generation (e.g., by H2O2-removing system in humans. Catalase is located in per-
causing activation of phagocytes or releasing transition metal oxisomes, whereas glutathione peroxidase is localized in the
ions from damaged cells), which may (or may not, depending mitochondria and cytosol, a similar distribution to that of
on the situation) contribute to a worsening of the injury. For SOD. Interestingly, in mammalian (including human) tissues,
example, the sequelae of traumatic brain injury and stroke SOD is mainly an intracellular enzyme. Only small amounts
may involve a postinjury stimulation of iron ion-dependent are present in extracellular fluids, such as plasma, cere-
free-radical reactions. Parkinson’s disease is caused by death brospinal fluid or synovial fluid. In addition, some low-mole-
of cells in the substantia nigra. Lysis of dead cells could cause cular-mass substances, such as uric acid, ascorbate (vitamin
iron ion release. Thus, patients with Parkinson’s disease may C), glutathione, tocopherol (vitamin E), ubiquinol, ergoth-
be under oxidative stress, and free-radical reactions probably ioneine, hypotaurine, and lipoic acid, may act as antioxidants
contribute to the degeneration of the substantia nigra (86). in the human body. Much has been written about the antioxi-
dant status of the biological system. References 17, 19, 78,
and 88–98 are illustrative.
PROTECTION AGAINST ROS-INDUCED DAMAGE The rates of free-radical generation probably increase in
Some generation of ROS in vivo is unavoidable and may be most diseases, although we still do not know how important
deliberate; NO· is a typical example. The most important they are in promoting tissue injury, mainly because of the lim-
route for the formation of NO· is the oxidation of arginine itations of the assays used to measure them. The development
by NOS of which there are two types: the constitutive cal- and validation of assays, indicated in Table 3 for humans,
cium/calmodulin-dependent forms (cNOS), which produce should allow us to rapidly evaluate the role of free radicals in
low levels of NO·, and the inducible forms (iNOS). The disease pathology and establish a logical basis for the thera-
iNOS, which have tightly bound calmodulin, are permanently peutic use of antioxidants. Numerous antioxidant supplemen-
active and are capable of generating high levels of NO· tation studies (17,18,99–117) for the primary prevention of
(37,38,42,43,87). The phagocytes (neutrophils, monocytes, chronic diseases have been undertaken. The principal end-
macrophages, eosinophils) that defend against foreign organ- point has always been “incidence” of the respective disease,
Measurement of Oxidative Damage in Humansa
Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry–selected ion monitoring detection of oxidized base products
High-performance liquid chromatography-based assays for oxidized base products
Single gel electrophoresis assay (COMET ASSAY)
Measurement of conjugated dienes
Measurement of isoprostanes
Measurement of hydroperoxides
Measurement of thiobarbituric acid-reactive materials by HPLC
Catalase, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione peroxidase
Steady-state protein damage can be quantified in terms of the numbers of protein carbonyls and modified
tyrosine residues. Total ongoing (repaired) protein damage can be indicated by the concentration of modified
tyrosines and fluorescent bityrosines in urine.
Uric acid/allantoin, glutathione, flavonoids, vitamins E and C, β-carotene
There are several indicators of the extent of oxidative damage in humans. Only the most common are included in this
i.e., incidence of cancer or cardiovascular disease. In a depar- damage and repair) have been detected in DNA isolated from
ture from this, Duthie et al. (20) investigated the extent of ox- human cells and tissues. The pattern of damage to the purine
idative DNA damage in Scottish men aged 50–59 years. Their and pyrimidine bases bears the chemical fingerprint of OH·
result suggests that long-term antioxidant supplementation attack, suggesting that OH· formation occurs within the nu-
can decrease both endogenous and exogenous oxidative DNA cleus in vivo (117–123) (Scheme 2, DNA base products).
damage in lymphocytes. I suggest that the application and However, this raises the question of how OH· could be pro-
validation of the biochemical markers in Table 3 should be duced in the nucleus. If OH· is attacking DNA, it must be pro-
built into future supplementation studies to evaluate the phar- duced close to the DNA because OH· is so reactive that it can-
macology of antioxidants (drug- or plant-derived antioxi- not diffuse from its site of formation. Background radiation
dants). It is necessary to balance this with the choice of popu- may be one source, but radiation-generated OH· is formed
lation, formulation and dose of antioxidants being used, the over the whole cell and only a small fraction hits DNA (119).
expected outcome variables, and the pathologic end points. Other potential sources of OH· or OH·-like species include
the decomposition of ONOO−, the reaction of O2·− with
HOCl, the attack of HOCl on DNA bases, and generation of
chlorinated products. The greatest interest has been in reac-
The remainder of this article will focus on the technology tions of transition-metal ions with H2O2 as a source of OH·
(emerging and established) for assessing the products of ox- (80, 120–122). The key question is whether “catalytic” tran-
idative damage to DNA, proteins, and lipids in context human sition-metal ions (e.g., iron and copper ions) are really in
diseases. close proximity to DNA in vivo. Although iron and copper
Measurement of oxidative DNA damage. Oxidative dam- seem to be present in the nucleus (123,124), it remains to be
age to DNA seems to occur continuously in vivo, in that low established why and how they reach the DNA because these
levels (presumably a “steady-state” balance between DNA ions are normally carefully sequestered by the human body.
However, oxidative stress and cell death can liberate metal propensity to undergo lipid peroxidation. But do PUFA really
ions from their normal sequestration sites and might then bind peroxidize faster than saturated fatty acids in vivo? This ques-
to DNA, a powerful metal ion chelator. Extensive reviews on tion is particularly important in relation to proposals that in-
the chemistry and measurement of oxidative DNA damage creases in dietary polyunsaturate/saturate ratios are beneficial
may be found in References 120 and 125. Base products may to health (reviews in 64,66,137). The ability to measure levels
be measured essentially as described in References 126–130. of isoprostanes and hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids (HETE)
There are two types of measurement of oxidative DNA represents an important development in attempts to measure
damage. Steady-state damage can be measured when DNA is clinically relevant oxidative lipid damage. The hydroperox-
isolated from human cells and tissues and analyzed for base ides HETE and isoprostanes are biologically active. HETE
damage products: it presumably reflects the balance between are chemotactic for neutrophils and facilitate calcium uptake
damage and DNA repair. Hence, a rise in steady-state oxida- and protein kinase C mobilization (138, 139). The 12-HETE
tive DNA damage could be due to increased damage and/or are involved in adrenocorticotropin and parathyroid secretion,
decreased repair. The measurement of baseline levels of ox- modulation of mitogenic processes, and lymphocyte function
idatively modified DNA bases, although important, does not (140–142), while the 15-HETE may inhibit neutrophil migra-
necessarily provide information as to whether this damage is tion across cytokine-activated endothelium (143). HETE can
in active genes or quiescent DNA. It is important also to have be measured by GC–MS, operated in the negative ion chemi-
an index of total DNA damage in the human body, i.e., the cal ionization mode (144–146). Isoprostanes (Scheme 3) are
“input” side of the steady-state equation. The most common a series of prostaglandin-like compounds that are formed dur-
approach has been to assess the “output” side, i.e., trying to ing peroxidation of arachidonic acid, although probably simi-
estimate the rate of repair of oxidized DNA. lar products are formed from other PUFA. Because they are
Several DNA base damage products are excreted in human structurally similar to prostaglandin F2α, the compounds are
urine, including the nucleoside 8-hydroxy-deoxyguanosine collectively referred to as F2-isoprostanes. These compounds
(8-OHdG), 8-hydroxy-adenine, and 7-methyl-8-hydroxygua- can be measured in plasma (35 ± 6 pg/mL) and urine (1600 ±
nine (131–133), but the one most exploited is 8-OHdG, usu- 600 pg/mg creatinine) of healthy volunteers, indicative of on-
ally measured by a method involving high-performance liq- going lipid peroxidation even in healthy human subjects. Most
uid chromatography (HPLC) with electrochemical detection. of the plasma isoprostanes is esterified to phospholipids, but
GC/MS has also been used to measure 8-OHdG in urine, and some are “free.” One of the isoprostanes, 8-iso PGF2α,
the limit of detection was 1.8 pmol, corresponding to a level is a powerful renal vasoconstrictor and decreases kidney blood
of 8-OHdG in urine of 35 nM (134). The level of 8-OHdG in flow and glomerular filtration rate by almost half at
urine is presumably unaffected by the diet because nucleo- low nanomolar concentrations. It has been suggested that ele-
sides are not absorbed from the gut. The question of whether vated circulating concentrations of F2-isoprostanes may con-
any 8-OHdG is metabolized to other products in humans has tribute to the pathology of hepatorenal syndrome, an almost
not been rigorously addressed. It is also possible that some or uniformly fatal disorder characterized by the development
all of the 8-OHdG excreted in urine may arise not from DNA, of kidney failure in patients with severe liver disease. Urinary
but from deoxyGTP (dGTP) in the DNA precursor pool of excretion of isoprostanes is elevated in patients with sclero-
nucleotides. An enzyme has been described that hydrolyzes derma and in smokers (extensive reviews may be found in
dGTP-containing oxidized guanine to prevent its incorpora- Refs. 67,68,144,147,148). Isoprostanes and their metabolites
tion into DNA (135,136). The development of alternative uri- can be measured in human urine, and this may prove to be
nary markers of total-body oxidative damage, to address these a valuable assay of whole-body lipid peroxidation if a
uncertainties and to validate measurements of guanine dam- confounding effect of diet can be ruled out. The mechanism of
age products in DNA by HPLC and GC/MS is the focus of formation of the isoprostanes is shown in Scheme 3, including
current investigations (reviewed in Ref. 137). the pathways (without the sterochemical orientation for clar-
ity) that lead to the formation of four regioisomers (I–IV) of
isoprostanes. The endoperoxides can undergo reduction to
produce F2-isoprostanes or rearrangements to form the E2-iso-
prostanes, D2-isoprostanes, and/or isothromboxanes (68).
Lipid peroxidation is important in vivo. It contributes to the
development of cardiovascular diseases, such as preeclamp-
sia and atherosclerosis, and the end-products of this process
[particularly cytotoxic aldehydes, such as malondialdehyde
(MDA) and 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE)] can cause damage to Oxidative damage to proteins in vivo may affect the function
proteins and to DNA. Peroxidation causes impairment of bio- of receptors, enzymes, transport proteins, etc. and perhaps
logical membrane functioning, e.g., decreases fluidity, inacti- generate new antigens that provoke immune responses. Prod-
vates membrane-bound enzymes and receptors, and may ucts of oxidative protein damage can contribute to secondary
change nonspecific calcium ion permeability (31,32). The damage to other biomolecules, e.g., inactivation of DNA re-
more unsaturated a fatty acid side-chain, the greater its pair enzymes and loss of fidelity of DNA polymerases in
SCHEME 3. Reprinted by kind permission of Elsevier Science Inc. from Reference 68.
replicating DNA (149–151). the balance between oxidative protein damage and the repair
The chemical reactions that result from attack of ROS of (or, more likely, hydrolytic removal of) damaged proteins.
upon proteins are complex (152). Free-radical attack upon The only product exploited to date has been hydroxylated
proteins generates radicals from amino acid residues, and phenylalanine. For example, levels of ortho-tyrosine and di-
electrons can be transferred between different amino acids tyrosine in human lens proteins have been reported in rela-
(Scheme 4, products of oxidative protein damage) (137,149). tion to age (153). RNS in Scheme 4 refers to reactive nitro-
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