Big Data in Product Lifecycle Management
Big Data in Product Lifecycle Management
Big Data in Product Lifecycle Management
DOI 10.1007/s00170-015-7151-x
Received: 26 November 2014 / Accepted: 12 April 2015 / Published online: 12 May 2015
# Springer-Verlag London 2015
Abstract Recently, “Big Data” has attracted not only re- 23andMe, Facebook, and Wikipedia [1]. For example,
searchers’ but also manufacturers’ attention along with the Facebook processed more than 500 TB of information every
development of information technology. In this paper, the day in 2012. Apart from the social network area, online busi-
concept, characteristics, and applications of “Big Data” are ness has also witnessed a stunning growth in the last few years
briefly introduced first. Then, the various data involved in such as Tmall (Alibaba), which made over 300 billion RMB
the three main phases of product lifecycle management in sales on November 11, 2013, the “Bachelor Day” celebrat-
(PLM) (i.e., beginning of life, middle of life, and end of life) ed by young single Chinese. Moreover, in the areas of science
are concluded and analyzed. But what is the relationship be- researches like biology, the amount of data is increasing with
tween these PLM data and the term “Big Data”? Whether the the exponential growth speed [2]. While these numbers seem
“Big Data” concept and techniques can be employed in incredible, growing volumes of data are the inevitable devel-
manufacturing to enhance the intelligence and efficiency of opment trends in various areas. On the other hand, researches
design, production, and service process, and what are the po- related to those growing data have been conducted in recent
tential applications? Therefore, in order to answer these ques- years, like data mining and knowledge management [3–7].
tions, the existing applications of “Big Data” in PLM are However, the utilization of “Big Data” in product lifecycle
summarized, and the potential applications of “Big Data” management (PLM) significantly lags behind other areas, es-
techniques in PLM are investigated and pointed out. pecially for electronic commerce. Even worse, it is common
that some manufacturers either do not store data or know little
Keywords Big Data . Manufacturing . Product lifecycle about how to use these data. This situation makes the different
management . Potential application links in the manufacturing chain to not be connected efficient-
ly and data will not be generated, transmitted, and stored suc-
cessfully. Does it mean that manufacturing will miss “Big
1 Introduction Data” since manufacturing enterprises are faced with such a
dilemma? As clearly stated in the technical report from
A large amount of digital data can be generated by people McKinsey Global Institute [8], in the PLM area, the benefits
linked with social networks like Twitter, Google, Verizon, of “Big Data” techniques will permeate the entire manufactur-
ing value chain, mainly in research and development, supply
chain management, manufacturing, service, and other steps,
* Fei Tao which makes manufacturing to reduce the development cycle,
optimizing the assembly process, increasing yields, and meet
customer needs. In other words, the future of “Big Data” in
School of Astronautics, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China PLM is promising.
School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beihang “Big Data,” a new product of data engineering in the infor-
University, Beijing 100191, China mation explosion age, has caught countless people’s eyes both
School of Advanced Engineering, Beihang University, in academic and industrial community recently. There have
Beijing 100191, China been more than 1000 research papers concerned about “Big
668 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2015) 81:667–684
Data” since 2000. Although the concept of “Big Data” in still far from enough because many promising “Big Data”
PLM is quite a new idea, a number of papers related to knowl- applications remained undeveloped yet. In fact, there is a
edge management and data mining in manufacturing or PLM strong need for “Big Data” in nowadays PLM to realize the
have been published in recent years. The following three as- aim of TQCSEFK (i.e., fastest Time-to-market, highest Qual-
pects are summarized as the existing applications of “Big Da- ity, lowest Cost, best Service, cleanest Environment, greatest
ta” in PLM. Flexibility, and high Knowledge). Thus [19], academic re-
searches about “Big Data” in PLM are extremely valuable
(1) Data management and scheduling based on “Big Data.” and pressing.
Once data are obtained, the issue about how to manage In addition, the existing works about “Big Data” related to
them efficiently must be considered. “Big Data” manage- PLM mentioned above is primarily concerned with only one
ment is quite a concern for scientists, and some research part of PLM or a product, which have not explored from the
results have been achieved. For example, vertical ex- viewpoint of the whole lifecycle of product and manufactur-
change of information through all levels of the factory ing. What is more, no specific and detailed application of “Big
is validated in an integrative information model [1] and Data” has been figured out in existing works. For example, it
new solutions based on “Big Data” have been proposed is better to divide the process of MC into several steps and
to build a better data warehouse for more data, more researching what “Big Data” can be utilized in the different
speed, and more users [9]. Besides, batch task scheduling steps, respectively.
is facilitated by the dynamic, real-time characteristics of Therefore, to complete the lack of academic studies of “Big
“Big Data” [10]. Moreover, in the area of meta-schedul- Data” in PLM, it is necessary to propose a comprehensive and
ing, efficient and cost effective scheduling algorithms are systematic framework of the detailed applications of “Big Da-
presented to solve the “Big Data” problems [11]. ta” in PLM. In this framework, PLM is divided into three parts
(2) Supply chain management (SCM) based on “Big Data.” and the subdivisions continue to be separated into more spe-
Different from the traditional concept of logistics, SCM cific steps accordingly. Actually, not all of the divided steps
indicates the networks of companies which collaborate are suitable for “Big Data” employment which leaves a heavy
together. Specific techniques like social media and real- task to distinguish the potential ones from the improper ones.
time simulation gaming have been used to strengthen the Aiming at each potential one, the existing and promising ap-
supply chain collaboration [12] which calls for the appli- plications of “Big Data” are introduced and analyzed thor-
cation of “Big Data” since these techniques must gener- oughly. Thus, the purpose of this paper is achieved which is
ate a large volume of data. Besides, “Big Data” has en- to provide a roadmap to direct and guide the related research
abled predictive analytics in a Maker Movement Supply works in the future.
Chain [13] and the combination between “Big Data” and The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 briefly de-
advanced manufacturing techniques has remodeled sup- scribes the concept, characteristics, and applications of “Big
ply chains into demand chains which may lead to fewer Data.” In order to enable the applications of “Big Data” in
wastes and fast customer response [14]. PLM, various data involved in the three main phases of
(3) Application of “Big Data” in mass customization (MC). PLM are summarized and analyzed in Section 3. A framework
MC has been deemed as a competitive method which of the potential applications of “Big Data” in PLM is illustrat-
provides every customer with personalized products ed in Section 4, as well as the detailed explanations for those
through high process flexibility and integration [15]. applications. The advantages and challenges for applying
“Big Data” analytics is regarded as one of the three major “Big Data” in PLM are analyzed respectively in Section 5
technological enablers for mass customization, which and Section 6. At the end of the paper, Section 7 concludes
has pushed the development of the Third Industrial Rev- the whole manuscript and points out the future works.
olution [16, 17]. To develop the MC system, the involve-
ment of advanced manufacturing techniques (AMTs) is
indispensable and fundamental [18]. More specifically, 2 Big Data
to some extent, it is the integration of a series of infor-
mation and process flexibility techniques that makes the 2.1 Concept of “Big Data” and its brief history
MC concept arise [15]. Not only should manufacturers
collect real-time online customization data of every con- 2.1.1 Concept of “Big Data”
sumer, but also they need to establish cooperative allo-
cation of all resources through the network. The concept of “Big Data” has not been precisely defined as
there is lots of buzz around it [20]. It has been declared as a
Although the existing research works about “Big Data” in new kind of economic asset, like currency or gold [21], which
PLM have played important roles in improving PLM, they are is strongly competitive in economics. The creator of the “Day
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2015) 81:667–684 669
in the Life” photography series even suggests that “Big Data” generally introduces what research contributions have been
is an intelligent tool to combat poverty, crime, and pollution done on “Big Data.”
A convincing definition of “Big Data” focuses not only on
the size of data in storage but also on other important attributes 2.2 Characteristics of “Big Data”
of “Big Data,” like data variety and data velocity [22]. For
example, the definition from Wikipedia illustrates that “Big Properties of “Big Data” have been concluded as “5Vs theo-
Data” is a term for any collection of large and complex data ry” and the most famous 3Vs are volume, variety, and veloc-
sets which are difficult to be analyzed by traditional data pro- ity, which were introduced by Gartner analyst Laney D in a
cessing methods. In a more straight definition, “Big Data” just 2001 META Group research publication [31].
means data that it is too big, too fast, or too hard for existing
tools to process [20]. & Volume refers to the large amount of data. The data stor-
age unit in “Big Data” has reached to TB and PB.
2.1.2 Brief history of “Big Data” & Variety refers to the great number of types of data includ-
ing weblog, music, video, picture, geographical position,
The story of how data became big started many years before etc.
the current fervent concern on “Big Data.” Seventy years ago, & Velocity refers to the high speed of data process, which is
the first attempt to quantify the growth rate in the volume of the most distinct feature from the traditional database.
data was made, known as the “information explosion” [23].
Since then, papers related to information collecting [24], stor- Nowadays, the other 2Vs have been added to the model as
age [25], and processing [26] have greatly contributed to the follows.
boom of “Big Data.”
The first article in the ACM digital library to use the term & Variability refers to the expansion in the range of values of
“Big Data” is “Application controlled demand paging for out data. Because it can cover the full range of human (and
of core visualization” [27] in the Proceedings of the IEEE 8th machine) experience, “Big Data” always shows more var-
conference on Visualization in 1997. From then on, the con- iance than traditional datasets.
cept of “Big Data” has gradually become accepted by scien- & Value refers to the low density and the high overall value
tists and researchers. of “Big Data.” Among the large quantity of data, only a
In 1989, Howard D, then a Gartner Group analyst, pro- quite small part of information is useful and there is a need
posed “business intelligence” as “concepts and methods to to evaluate them. Through data analytic methods, valued
improve business decision making by using fact-based sup- information can always be obtained and used in business
port systems” [28]. Business Intelligence and Analytics operation.
(BI&A) has emerged as an important area of study for both
practitioners and researchers [29] related to data analytics According to the 5Vs model, not only the sheer amount of
problems. In 2011, the paper entitled “Big Data: The next data but also other characteristics of “Big Data” can bring
frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity” [8] by challenges to “Big Data” management, where the data set is
McKinsey Global Institute truly brought “Big Data” before too large, data values change too fast, and it does not follow
public eyes. At the same year, Science magazine published a the rules of conventional database management and systems
special online collection: Dealing with Data, which discussed [36]. With the need to ensure the real-time or near real-time
issues of “Big Data” in scientific research. responses for huge amount of data in seconds, advanced data
The academic milestones [8, 27, 30–35] in the brief history analytics methods should be proposed to handle the 5Vs of
of “Big Data” since 1997 are illustrated in Fig. 1, which “Big Data.”
2.3 Application of “Big Data” [39]. In order to create an effective cost management policy
for EC environment, a complex and extensible metric for data
Although the concept of “Big Data” is extremely hot nowa- enquiry [40] is proposed and Hadoop is applied in EC logistic
days, some people have pointed out that “Big Data” exists (ECL Hadoop) to decrease the cost of I/O in Map Reduce
only on paper, and it has been deemed as a theoretical percep- [41].
tion which cannot be put into practical applications.
However, countless examples have illustrated that the
2.3.2 Financial trading
viewpoint above is wrong and “Big Data” truly has brought
momentous changes for our daily life. For example, the suc-
“Big Data” is especially important for financial service com-
cesses of Wal-Mart and Amazon have relied a lot on “Big
panies because the biggest task for them is making use of
Data.” Wal-Mart, the largest retailer in the USA, has a cus-
information to obtain as many profits as possible. For exam-
tomer database that contains around 43 terabytes of data,
ple, by analyzing changes in search terms related to finance in
which is larger than the database used by the Internal Revenue
Google query and Wikipedia pages, stock market moves can
Services for collecting income taxes [37]. “Big Data” makes it
be predicted from the vast new data [42, 43]. It has been
available to store and analyze the large volume of data about
suggested that online data may help decision makers to obtain
customers which provides the opportunity to gain competitive
new insight into early information gathering. Besides, when
advantages [38].
building the internet finance trading platform, there are also
The major applications of “Big Data” in various aspects are
the needs for “Big Data” processing methods, like providing
illustrated in Fig. 2. Some of them are summarized as follows.
subscribers an operative link with financial markets by a
multi-purpose data processing system [44]. Not only can the
system provide supports for necessary financial transactions
2.3.1 Electronic commerce
or services, but it also may build a remote trading platform to
kinds of pre-select traders.
Electronic commerce (EC) is a form of trading which empha-
sizes online communication between customers and firms.
Here comes “Big Data” to help build relational markets as 2.3.3 Government
well as increasing customers’ abilities to find appropriate in-
formation on the Web. According to Liu and Arnett’s survey The trend of “Big Data” in government is facilitated by im-
of webmasters from Fortune 1000 companies, an analysis of proved access to information. In 2009, Washington started
data is concluded to be essential for Web site success in EC [45], a Web site that provides the public with a
Customers’ demands Product function, configuration, Design Materials list, suppliers list, electronic drawings,
packaging, quality, cost, brand, specifications computer programming codes, configuration
and other related expectation parameters, location parameters, tolerance
parameters, intensity of materials, etc.
Maintenance and failure Main breakdown problems, Production Assemble instruction, production specifications,
information frequency of maintenance, information production history data, production plan,
failure rate, critical component inventory status, etc.
list, root causes, etc. [50]
Cooperative corporation Alternative supplier information,
information alternative outsourcing company
information, etc.
design. When it comes to the data in these two steps, the The data during production are more ever-changing as the
general trend is from multiform to relatively single form. manufacturing processes are always dynamic which continu-
At the step of marketing analysis, the most important task is ously produce real-time data. Numerous sensors are installed
meeting customers’ demands, which may exist in kinds of in the work shop to monitor the parameters of environment,
forms. The variety of data forms include comments on blogs, equipment, and the products themselves. While some data
the videos they upload on the Internet, the Web sites they might be stable, others are changing dramatically along with
mark, and their related purchasing behaviors. Besides these the flow of product manufacturing.
unspecific demands, the information from MOL and EOL like The data related to products are always in the biggest vol-
customers’ complaints and sales performance of similar prod- umes and highest rates of change. When a product is being
ucts can also make a big difference in achieving the purpose of produced, to ensure the product quality is up to standard,
marketing analysis-providing goals for product design. especially in Precision Manufacturing, all design demands
At the step of product design, the data involved can be should be obeyed strictly like size tolerance, geometric toler-
traced from the description of needs to the specific product ance, and surface roughness. Thus, configuration parameters
function description and finally to the detailed design specifi- like thickness and length, location parameters like coordinate,
cations like drawings of the product configurations, the accu- tolerance parameters like concentricity, and even the intensity
rate programming codes for the automated manufacturing of material should be monitored at any time to decrease the
equipment, and all kinds of parameters. Moreover, it is neces- risk of inferior quality product. In conclusion, in this phase,
sary to make use of the maintenance and failure information to the data from the stage of product design will be regarded as
modify and improve product design constantly. Based on the the standards of product production that the data from both the
history information of breakdowns and root causes, current monitoring and the testing of products are served to reach the
products can be designed more efficiently and reliably. standards.
User manual Product function introduction, installation Product status Degree of quality of each component,
guide, use condition, precautions, etc. information performance definition, etc.
Production Assemble instruction, production Usage environment Usage condition (e.g., average humidity,
information specifications, production history data, information internal/external temperature), user mission
production plan, inventory status, etc. profile, usage time, etc.
Maintenance Spare part ID list, price of spare part, Maintenance Maintenance engineers, tools, dates, places,
supporting maintenance/service instructions, plan costs, failure causes, etc.
information etc. [50]
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2015) 81:667–684 673
Maintenance history Components’ IDs in problem, installed Recycling part Reuse part or component, remanufacturing
information date, maintenance engineers’ IDs, information information, quality of remanufacturing
list of replaced parts, aging statistics part or component, etc.
after substitution, maintenance cost, etc.
Product status Degree of quality of each component, EOL product status Product/part/component lifetime, recycling/
information performance definition, etc. information reuse rate of each component or part, etc.
Usage environment Usage condition (e.g., average humidity, Dismantling Ease to disassemble, reuse or recycling
information internal/external temperature), information value, disassembly cost, remanufacturing
user mission profile, usage time, etc. cost, disposal cost, etc.
When it comes to equipment, things are a little different as In current maintenance models, posterior or breakdown
various kinds of equipment might be applied to produce only maintenance is outdated and of low efficiency. By combining
one kind of product. And as the wear of equipment is a long- maintenance supporting information with product status infor-
term process, prediction is much more involved in it than mation, a great deal of malfunctions can be predicted and
monitoring or testing. However, it does not mean that moni- prevented before happening. The output data of this phase
toring is no longer important in this step. As the data are still are detailed plans for maintenance, which include failure
from sensors on equipment, estimating equipment wear just causes and solutions.
puts an emphasis on advanced analytics methods to handle
these data for prediction use.
3.2.3 EOL
In the EOL period, when the only focus is how to process various cars with various customers, respectively. To handle
obsolete products, “Big Data” plays an important role in mak- the large volume of information from the great amount of
ing EOL product recovery decision and reverse logistics plan. customers is not an easy task only by traditional analytical
All these activities and their according potential applica- methods. Here comes the concept of “Big Data” which makes
tions of “Big Data” are illustrated in Fig. 3. it possible to pick the most matched customers from the vast
ocean of information.
4.2 Beginning of life There are three types of data which can contribute to deter-
mining targeted customers group: Historical data like whether
4.2.1 Marketing analysis the person has ever bought a similar product or how his money
has been spent, which can be obtained from the sale phase;
There are two parts of the tasks of marketing analysis. First, market research data from questionnaires and studying papers;
figuring out who our customers are, and the other is knowing and the last type of data has emerged with the development of
what their needs are. Customers have various needs and de- the Internet which is from the person’s browsing recording
sires, depending upon the characteristics of the customer. and preferred Web sites.
Thus, the first question is to identify which kind of customers All these three types of data are of great volumes especially
has higher probabilities to buy the products. the last one. The combination of these data needs “Big Data”
processing technology to help make decisions about targeting
Figuring out who are promising customers For example, as customers. A Targeting and Allocation of Promotional Spend
a company to manufacture cars, although the targeted cus- (TAPS) system has been proposed to help make decisions by
tomers are relatively wide, it is still mean to rank the cus- using a combination of historical data, market research data,
tomers based on their ages, genders, and salaries. However, and the intuition and expert knowledge of a group of man-
even if the promising customers can be focused on middle- agers [57].
aged men with salaries that can afford their lives, when a more
accurate targeting is needed as there is more than one type of Discerning customers’ needs for product One of the impor-
car being produced in the company, it is advisable to match tant tasks of the PLM is to ensure customers’ satisfaction
which means customers’ requirements should be analyzed manage the complex correlations between needs and
before the product design. functions.
Customers’ needs fall into three broad categories: quality
and function of product, time frame, and cost effectiveness. Presenting solutions to meet the design requirements
Different customers have different particular emphases on Decisions made at the conceptual design stage have sig-
products. Some customers may have the preference for high- nificant influence on costs, performance, reliability, safe-
quality products while others tend to purchasing low-price ty, and environmental impact of product. However, the
ones. The data related to how to find out promising customers design requirements and constraints during this early
still go for here. phase are usually imprecise, approximate, and even un-
According to Maslow’s hierarchy of customer experience, practical. Aiming at presenting the appropriate solutions
a successful manufacturer can not only meet the basic needs of to meet the design specification in conceptual design, var-
customers but also anticipate their needs. Thus, the task here is ious techniques and tools have been put forward based on
not simply collecting demands from customers but forecasting the Internet and Web techniques [62]. For example, shar-
customers’ unspoken needs by advanced analysis methods. ing and reusing distributed design knowledge and infor-
As the source and foundation of forecasting is always from mation for product family design and platform-based
their related purchasing behaviors, correlative recent product development [58, 63], establishing agent-based
searching recordings, and comments on their social networks, knowledge management system for decision support of
there is no doubt that “Big Data” can have a significant influ- modular product collaborative design [63], implementing
ence on customers’ needs discerning. Web-based decision support tool to better support the
multiplicity of contexts required [64], and developing cre-
4.2.2 Product design ative design tools (CDT) to provide designers with flexi-
ble creative design environment to enhance their creative
Product design is an iterative, complex, decision-making en- design thinking [65] all present the potential of “Big Da-
gineering process. It usually starts with the identification of ta” in PLM.
several needs, proceeds through a sequence of activities to All these methods mentioned above are relied on
seek an optimal solution to the problem, and ends with a knowledge database and knowledge management sys-
detailed description of the product. Generally, a design pro- tem. However, in the future, when design repository
cess consists of three phases: product design specification, [66] becomes bigger and bigger, “Big Data” techniques
conceptual design, and detailed design [58]. have to be introduced to handle the large number of
A study conducted by Lotter B [59] indicates that as much diverse data.
as 75 % of the cost of a product is being committed during the
design phase. Since the design process is vitally important in Making final decisions on details of product Detailed de-
the PLM, it is meaningful to research on keeping the cycle of sign of product is the last design activity before the
manufacturing functioning smoothly and cost effectively. production begins. The hardest design problems must
With the fast development of “Big Data” in recent years, var- be addressed by the detailed design; otherwise, the de-
ious advanced techniques have been introduced to support the sign is not truly complete. Compared with source code,
design phase. detailed design is still abstract but should be specific
enough to ensure that translation to source is a precise
Turing the needs to specific functions Quality function de- mapping instead of a rough interpretation.
ployment (QFD) [60] is a structured methodology to translate A template for detailed design would not be of much
customers’ needs into specific quality development. To create use since each detailed design is likely to be unique and
a comprehensive QFD matrix, there is no doubt that a large quite different from other designs. What are actually
amount of data should be obtained and analyzed with various helpful are examples in regard to guidance on detailed
kinds of techniques and algorithms [61]. design. There are countless examples which can be used
QFD matrices become highly competitive due to the high for reference, although only a small part of them are
density of product information found therein. Among the var- valuable. In other words, the task here is to find out
ious techniques based on QFD, house of quality is only a the most relevant example as detailed as possible to
traditional one which will be gradually weeded out since it is give comprehensive instruction for the new product.
no longer suitable for the high speed of data explosion. As the There are lots of detailed design contents like Struc-
customers’ requirements cannot be listed exhaustively as well tural Chart, Control-Flow Model, Class Diagram, and
as the product design requirements, let alone evaluation for the Collaboration Diagram. Each content has a data dictio-
relationship between them, it is necessary to propose a new nary to correspond to and the data dictionaries cover all
QFD approach to meet the challenges of “Big Data” and to kinds of information which have great effects on
676 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2015) 81:667–684
product design. Only by “Big Data” techniques can the lifecycle. In this part, only product quality monitoring in fac-
large volume of details be compared effectively and the tories are discussed about.
best example be proposed for the new product. Future manufacturing systems will need to process large
amounts of complex data which are provided to workers for
maintaining the proper function and desired production per-
4.2.3 Procurement
formance due to a rising demand on visibility and vertical
integration of factory floor devices with higher level systems.
In the procurement step, the main task is to choose qualified
For example, a context-aware industrial monitoring system
suppliers based on the Bill of Material and other consider-
that integrates context data and existing plant information
ations like price and reputation. The choosing process is relat-
can provide only the most relevant information for users dy-
ed to diverse factors, and it requires the handling of advanced
namically [70]. Complex event processing has been imple-
data analytics. For a number of factories, not all components
mented in shop floor to monitor for event-driven manufactur-
are produced by themselves because of the lack of particular
ing processes [71]. Besides, with the help of RFID techniques,
techniques or equipment. At that time, determining an advis-
huge amount of RFID-enabled production data have been
able outsourcing policy is significant.
generated which call for the participation of “Big Data” tech-
niques to monitor and track the product quality in real time
Choosing qualified suppliers In most cases, suppliers are
chosen under uncertain circumstances. Thus, effective
methods to evaluate different cooperative suppliers are of sig-
Simulation and testing of product Product testing is an in-
nificance. Especially in the world of global cooperation, a
dispensable phase for product manufacturing especially for
large amount of data about suppliers’ history performance,
those complex big products which need to be assembled by
reputation, and other influence factors are required as well as
various small components since every fault of component is
various advanced data analysis methods. For example, a com-
fatal for the product’s normal operation.
bination of the TOPSIS method with the analytical hierarchy
Test data generated by automatic test equipment (ATE)
process (AHP) or FUZZY is examined to be useful to choose
manufacturing environments is no exception to the increased
suppliers under uncertainty [67].
volume of data during the product lifecycle. The challenge of
this enormous amount of test data is how to provide people
Determining outsourcing policy Nowadays, tide of globali-
with effective ways to make decisions from it. For example, in
zation, rapid technological evolution, and need for cost reduc-
the complex and critical aerospace industry where data visu-
tion have motivated quite a part of companies to turn to
alization reaches its limit because of huge data volume, pre-
outsourcing. In the current environment, the objective of
dictive algorithms on “Big Data” from manufacturing test
outsourcing is to make production not only more economic
environments are proposed [73]. “Big Data” techniques can
but also more strategic, technological, and social [68]. Thus,
be applied to answer new questions about the correlation of
determining the outsourcing policy is a crucial step in PLM
test data with the number of profits in the future.
which requires the involvement of “Big Data” techniques. For
example, analytic network process (ANP) and the balanced
scorecard (BSC) are combined to build a cohesive decision
4.2.5 Equipment management
model for outsourcing strategy which has been confirmed as
robust [69].
Equipment management is an activity which concerns closely
with the overall production process which influences product
4.2.4 Product manufacturing quality and energy consumption. Among the works in equip-
ment management, wear estimation and energy conservation
As the core in BOL, and even in the whole PLM, product are main potential application areas.
manufacturing definitely generates vast data, like production
specifications. Product quality monitoring and simulation are Estimating equipment wear “Big Data” techniques have
two activities that have close relationships with “Big Data” gradually entered into the equipment wear estimation phase
processing. because of their strong abilities to collect, integrate, transport,
process, and analyze dynamic and real-time data from increas-
Monitoring product quality A product test reveals a prod- ing number of sensors on equipment; for example, various
uct’s performance at a single point in time, but products are advanced monitoring and estimation models including kinds
continuously flowing from suppliers to factories to ware- of algorithms like integration of artificial neural networks
houses to retailers and finally to customers. And product qual- (ANN) and fuzzy logic [74], the least squares version of sup-
ity monitoring system is needed at all phases of product port vector machines (LS-SVM) and singular spectrum
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2015) 81:667–684 677
analysis (SSA) [75], Adaptive Neuro fuzzy Inference system requirements, provide replenishment techniques, and track
(ANFIS) [76], and neural network-based sensor fusion [77]. product status. For example, a decision support system apply-
ing modified fuzzy neural network (EFNN) has been pro-
Increasing equipment energy efficiency The whole life cy- posed for managing spares inventory in a central warehouse
cle of manufacturing not only involves the flow of materials to achieve the optimal performance [79]. The overall optimi-
along the cycle but also the energy in it. Among the disparate zation of storage assignment methods, routing methods, order
kinds of energy spent along the cycle, the energy consumption batching, and zoning still waits to be explored [80]. “Big
of equipment might account for a large part. Thus, increasing Data” techniques are among the most potential methods to
the energy efficiency of equipment is an issue that should be deal with it.
addressed as soon as possible.
There are generally two ways to decrease the equipment
4.3.2 Product transport
energy consumption. First, improving the principles and con-
figurations of equipment, and second, proposing energy man-
Transportation system has changed dramatically since the
age methods for equipment operation. No matter in which
happening of “Smart City.” With the help of volume sensors,
solutions, there are promising application areas for “Big Da-
transport networks can be easily established based on the in-
ta.” Particularly for the second one, in a workshop which
formation transmitted from these sensors, which provide pre-
includes hundreds of different types of machines, it is truly a
requisites for the applications of “Big Data” techniques in
cumbersome job to arrange which machine should operate at
product transport phase.
what speed at what time. With the help of “Big Data,” the
optimization of equipment operation procedures can be rela-
Tracing product Generally speaking, customers tend to have
tively easy to achieve.
knowledge of where their products are and when their prod-
ucts will arrive. Thus, a query system should be established to
4.3 Middle of life
present the information about product status as well as the
truck locations. Because the data in the system will be updated
4.3.1 Warehouse managing
along with the transport process, “Big Data” techniques are
needed to support the operation of this system.
Warehouse management is a vital part of logistics since the
benign warehouse operation can ensure the smooth circulation
Green transport planning In today’s environmental-
of goods from manufacturer to retailers. However, along with
friendly society, reducing transport-related emission has be-
the expanding of trading areas, warehouse management has
come one of the most important considerations when making
become a complex structure which should consider the rela-
transport plan. For example, some companies would like to
tionships between decision factors globally. At the same time,
seek opportunities to share transportation with other compa-
the conventional approaches cannot continue to undertake the
nies that deliver products to the same regions. In order to
heavy task which leads to the emergency of “Big Data” appli-
achieve effective sharing which can both decrease emission
cations in warehouse management.
and ensure transport efficiency, a decision system should be
proposed based on the external information from other com-
Order process For some factories whose operation model is
panies. It is definitely a tough task as the data have almost
pull production, order processing might happen before prod-
uct manufacturing. In that case, as customers’ expectations for
product have an exponential growth in the volume of infor-
mation, the order process is a serious problem which requires 4.3.3 Customer service
“Big Data” analytic methods [78]. For put production facto-
ries, order process seems much conventional which involves In recent years, “service” is an importance form of product
the work of extracting useful information to appropriate for- which is sold independently or with other actual products. In
mats. However, since the orders may be generated at any some degree, the quality of customer service plays a signifi-
moment, processing them more timely and accurately is not cant role in customers’ satisfaction. As for a company, there
as easy as it looks in “Big Data” time. are various kinds of products manufactured, assembled, and
transported all around the world every day. It is totally a hard
Inventory management In order to meet challenges along work to establish and maintain good relationships with cus-
with global trade, inventory management should be improved tomers from different backgrounds. Thus, “Big Data” tech-
to a more intelligent level. To balance the need for product niques should be introduced to customer service process as
availability and the need for minimizing stock holding costs, an effective and efficient method to increase customers’ satis-
an intelligent inventory should be built to identify inventory faction when using the products.
678 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2015) 81:667–684
Training Increasing with the complexity of operating ma- Product regular inspection In traditional mode, only pre-
chines or software, it is not uncommon that products some- cious products can have regular inspection, and this inspection
times cannot perform well because of the inaccurate behaviors is usually in the form of on-the-spot service. Nowadays, with
of customers. Although every matter of attention has been the rapid development of the Internet and remote service,
explicated in user manual, training is always needed when it product regular inspection can be done even without bothering
comes to products with high precise, value, or risk. customers by remote sensing. Based on the information from
As mentioned above, because of the wide spread of prod- regular inspection, customized suggestions can be given to
ucts, it may be impossible to dispatch instructors for each customers for normal usage. Thus, the process of transforming
customer. Thus, periodically arranging classes for customers inspection information into meaningful advice needs the con-
are necessary and cost efficient since traditional one-to-one tribution of “Big Data” techniques.
model has become inconvenient and unprofitable. At that
time, training has been transformed to a planning problem like
organizing school. Teaching buildings, equipment, faculty, 4.3.5 Corrective maintenance
and class schedules all should be considered and a large
amount of data will be analyzed to make correct decisions. The importance of maintenance has increased because of its
In the other hand, the whole training planning ought to be able role in keeping and improving system availability and safety,
to adapt to the changes like sales performance which means as well as product quality [81] and manufacture service [82].
only knowledge management with high speed like “Big Data” In people’s daily life, corrective maintenance is still the main
can be applied. maintenance mode nowadays. However, even for this tradi-
tional maintenance mode, it is no longer limited to returning
Online enquiry Enquiry is a kind of supplement to training products back to factories or sending the maintenance person-
and it usually has two channels as phone and Internet. Enquiry nel to customers.
on the phone is comparatively an old but still popular method
because of its timeliness while online enquiry often means Establishing the e-maintenance system The development
leaving a message which means it is not suitable for emergen- of communication and information techniques has allowed
cy situation. the popularity of e-maintenance, which integrates existing
However, with the development of business intelligence, tele-maintenance with Web service and modern e-collabora-
online enquiry is an indispensable trend and ensuring quick tion. Not only information but also knowledge and e-
response to customers’ enquiries is a critical characteristic for intelligence are shared and exchanged to facilitate reaching
its wide use. In some cases, auto reply has shown its potential the best maintenance decisions [81].
by figuring out key words in questions and searching for the Some researchers have focused on applying “Big Data”
according answers for them. This process is complex which techniques to construct e-maintenance system which has made
involves pattern recognition, machine learning, and related remarkable headway. For example, a new e-maintenance sys-
techniques in database. All of them have close relationships tem has been proposed to achieve near-zero-downtime perfor-
to “Big Data.” mance on a sharable, quick, and convenient platform through
integrating the existent advanced techniques with distributed
sources [83].
4.3.4 Product support
In traditional utility phase, it seems that manufacturer has little 4.3.6 Preventive and predictive maintenance
to do with products. However, with the development of RFID,
every product has its own sensor and its status information can The RFID technology and Internet of Things (IoT) have made
be generated and transmitted to manufacturer. It is applicable it totally possible to track the products through its birth to
for manufacturer to provide product support by remote mon- death and to link the products to their manufacturer. Thus,
itoring and inspection. the “Big Data” appearance can provide opportunities for a
new maintenance generation like preventive and predictive
Product quality real-time monitoring The service life of a maintenance. Both of them are different from corrective main-
product is always calculated by year which means that mon- tenance because actions will be taken to prevent the failure
itoring a product through its life span must generate an amaz- before it actually occurs in these two maintenance modes. In
ing number of data. However, to analyze product degradation other words, as maintenance has gradually developed towards
patterns, it is necessary to monitor product status continuous- this direction, the boundary between utility and maintenance
ly, which needs “Big Data” techniques to handle the sensor is no longer clear and maintenance happens as long as prod-
data. ucts are being used.
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2015) 81:667–684 679
Fault detection and degradation monitoring As is men- 5 Key advantages of applying “Big Data” in PLM
tioned in the product supporting phase, RFID techniques have
made it possible to monitor product real-time status. From the The use of “Big Data” will become the basis of competition
information of the utility phase, the degradation pattern can be and growth for individual manufacturers. “Big Data” tech-
recognized, like material aging mechanism in specific envi- niques can be employed in manufacturing to enhance the in-
ronment. However, how to project an ideal preventive main- telligence and efficiency of design, production, service pro-
tenance program which can prevent all equipment failures cess, and other kinds of aspects, which are briefly described as
before occurring is still a tough job considering the striking follows.
amount of data. Transforming the status information to de-
tailed maintenance plan requires “Big Data” techniques to (1) Enhancing the quality and innovation of product design
analyze and optimize. and achieving socialization design.
By applying “Big Data” techniques in product design
4.4 End of life phase, the comprehensive quality of product design can
be improved, as well as innovation. Through a general
4.4.1 EOL product recovery decision survey of the world top 500 enterprises, it can be easily
concluded that they all have superior design capability.
With the high-speed upgrade of current products, especially in The common feature for these companies is that they
electrical and electronic product market during the last few usually search for feedbacks of the users on the Internet.
decades, much focus and effort have been placed on the waste In some circumstances, like company’s online commu-
of these products. In order to reduce their negative impacts on nity, users are even permitted to join in the design phase.
environment and human, in EOL period, the wastes need to be Furthermore, these feedbacks can be quickly involved
properly handled, processed, disposed, and, if applicable, into product design with the help of “Big Data” analysis
remanufactured, recycled, or reused [84]. capability. Since the customers have participated in the
design phase by themselves, the final products are more
Predicting remaining lifetime of parts or components likely welcomed by them. For example, Xiaomi Compa-
While a product cannot be used any longer, it does not mean ny in China ( is a typical successful
that every component of it is useless. In most cases, the re- representative.
maining value of parts is worth to be predicted which helps to Besides, when it comes to high-end manufacturing,
decide what to recycle. The predicting process is not an easy excellent product design projects require long-term ac-
work which involves the maintenance history data and the cumulations of design data. For instance, products made
component ID from the BOL and MOL periods. from the same materials can be totally different in quality
and duration of life. The variances in quality are mainly
Product recovery optimization After figuring out the re- caused by the diverse material ratios and process tech-
maining lifetime of each component, dismantlers can do niques, which are mostly relied on the storage of data and
EOL product recovery optimization with the objective of experience. Thus, if the “Big Data” concept and tech-
maximizing values of EOL products considering product sta- niques can be applied in the whole design phase of
tus. At this phase, “Big Data” techniques can be applied to PLM, all designers can treat the design tasks as the em-
decide suitable EOL recovery options such as recycle, reuse, ployment of data rather than dodging responsibility. In
remanufacturing, and disposal [52]. other words, the management ability decides the level of
data realization and application.
Enhancing the resource-saving recycling activities One of What is more, applying “Big Data” techniques in
the main purposes of recycling is to reduce the wasted prod- product design phase can enhance the socialization de-
ucts’ harm to the environment. Thus, it is necessary to ensure sign. Before the boom of “Big Data,” product design was
that the recycling process itself is energy saving and environ- completed by employees from a single company. How-
mentally friendly. Aiming at achieving this goal, “Big Data” ever, designers all around the world can be accessed by
techniques should be applied to establish an intelligent deci- the Internet nowadays without the limitation of region.
sion support system (DSS) to enhance and further resource- Project managers can outsource the design work to more
saving and recycling activities associated with minimizing skilled and professional designers, like through
environmental impacts and resource consumption during
recycling. For example, backtrack-free search technique and (2) Improving the accuracy, quality, and output of
a flexible and efficient database query have been proposed in production.
an intelligent DSS to guarantee synchronizing recycling activ- The second advantage of “Big Data” in PLM is locat-
ities [85]. ed in the production plant since “Big Data” techniques
680 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2015) 81:667–684
can help improve the accuracy, quality, and output of Services [87], Industry 4.0 is an integrated term for tech-
production. In fact, the information degree of Chinese nologies and concepts of value chain organization, which
advanced manufacturing is actually high, where machine facilitates the development of Smart Factory. CPS can
tool in production line is almost automated. From the build virtual copy of the physical world [88] by monitor-
moment raw materials are sent into production plant to ing physical processes over IoT, in which CPS commu-
the moment final products are obtained, manual labor is nicate and cooperate with each other and humans in real
not necessarily required. Every computer numerical con- time. The core of Industry 4.0 is data, and the integration
trol (CNC) machine is just like a computer, and there are of IT, manufacturing, and operation system is the method
dozens of quality control points along a production line to acquire data more timely, quickly, and flexibly [89].
which will generate a huge amount of data per minute. If Take an ideal intelligent production plant as an exam-
a company has many factories around the world, the ple; all manufacturing devices, components to be proc-
company itself is a standard “Big Data” application mar- essed, and loading robots are equipped with CPS, which
ket. have wireless Internet capability. Not connected by the
Although “Big Data” seems new for manufacturing central controller unit, components are directly related to
companies, it is not that terrifying since company man- processing equipment. Moreover, independent transpor-
agers can start small. At the beginning, data can be col- tation cars can send components to loading robots ac-
lected as the dimension of individual machines. Then, by cording to the underground sensing lines. All informa-
combining with pre-established models, “Big Data” ap- tion including production and sales files required for
plication may be gradually formed. Through the accumu- continuing processes will be carried on by the compo-
lation of a month or a year, it can be analyzed that which nent itself.
factors might have influence on quality. Based on these (5) Accurately predicting product demands.
analysis results, products and manufacturing processes Figuring out customers’ needs accurately and quickly
can be improved reasonably. is an effective means for manufacturers to increase cus-
(3) Providing accurate, high-quality, personalized product tomers’ approval with the loyalty. With the assistance of
service. “Big Data,” marketing can be more precise and specific
By using “Big Data” techniques, it can provide accu- than ever, which presents great opportunities for “Cus-
rate, high-quality, personalized product service for users, tomization.” Not only explicit needs will be met but also
including consulting, after sale, maintenance, and safety diverse latent demands can be predicted and fulfilled by
service. In recent years, it has been reported that service manufacturer through “Big Data” techniques.
has played a more important role than manufacturing on Except for customer’s needs, the performance of sim-
economy, which seems to show that service and ilar existing products may also help predict demands for
manufacturing are opposite to each other. However, ser- new products. Thus, how to figure out and analyze the
vice and manufacturing are actually not that contrary performance of existing products is a problem that
since the two parts have both been incorporated into should be considered carefully because it is not only a
PLM. simple survey but also a series of data analysis tasks
In the MOL period, since product use status is always which involves “Big Data” techniques.
being monitored and transmitted back to factory, cus- (6) Accurately predicting supplier’s performance.
tomers may no longer worry about sudden breakdowns. Employing “Big Data” techniques into suppliers pick-
Through the real-time monitoring for products, effective ing is necessary since data are the best proofs for
and timely maintenance suggestions can be provided by predicting suppliers’ performances. In fact, there usually
“Big Data” analysis to make users acquire more value. are more than one or two parameters to evaluate sup-
For example, General Electric Company has applied var- pliers’ performances. Price, quality, popularity, region,
ious sensors on its jet engines and rigs for preventive environment, or even politics all need to be considered
maintenance. Moreover, during the EOL period, the if accurate predictions about supplier performances are
quality of service is worth to be emphasized and “Big hoped to be made. Besides, the evaluations of kinds of
Data” can exert a positive effect on it by making cus- suppliers are in different forms, like work reports, cus-
tomers feel convenient and comfortable with a reason- tomers’ feedbacks, news reports, Internet reviews,
able recycle plan. peer assessments, and so on. When choosing a sup-
(4) Accelerating the integration of IT, manufacturing, and plier, factors above are not equally important since
operation system to enter the age of intelligent different fields have different emphases. How to
manufacturing or Industry 4.0. assign weights to different factors is relied on the
Based on the technological concepts of cyber- past data accumulation and “Big Data” techniques
physical systems (CPS), IoT [86], and Internet of instead of conjecture.
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2015) 81:667–684 681
(7) Providing manufacturing equipment with intelligent widespread development of the Internet, customers’
sensing, management, and maintenance. needs can be analyzed by their behaviors on the Internet.
As mentioned in Section 4.2.5, “Big Data” techniques For example, Google search records will be saved as the
have great potentials in equipment management, espe- base for future product promotion. When data are con-
cially in estimating equipment wearing and increasing nected to the Internet, the volume of them must be quite
equipment energy efficiency. As for advanced huge. Data collection is not an easy work as it seems.
manufacturing, machines are quite significant since few- In addition, the other kind of data collection is about
er manual labors are used. In other words, the health sensing product or equipment quality in real time, which
status of equipment decides whether the production pro- may result in more data in a quicker way. The capability
cess can operate normally. The situation of equipment is of sensor is really important for “Big Data” since if no
like the quality of products, which should be real-time useful data can be collected, all advantages discussed
monitored in case of sudden breakdown. above are like castle in the air. Thus, because of its foun-
(8) Supervising and controlling energy consumption and dation role in “Big Data,” data collection is the primary
discharge. task in which properties of kinds of sensors and collec-
In today’s environmentally friendly society, energy tion methods should be carefully considered.
conservation and emission reduction are two important (2) Data storage and transfer in PLM.
tasks in various areas, including manufacturing. From It is quite a hard and serious job to ensure intact data
what has been discussed above, “Big Data” techniques storage and transfer in PLM since any small lack may
can have a positive effect on supervising and controlling contribute to severe mistakes. “Software as a Service”
energy consumption and discharge. For example, in the (SaaS) is proposed to handle the problems in storing
“procurement” step during BOL as well as the “product and transferring large volumes of data. When data are
transport” step during MOL, “Big Data” can help make generated where large-scale storage is unavailable,
intelligent decisions concerned with the shortest dis- Globus Online, a type of Dropbox, provides powerful
tance, the minimum fuel consumption, and the maxi- storage capacity to transfer the data [91]. However, trans-
mum profit. By making use of the sufficient data, the fer protocols associated with large, unstructured data sets
greenest transport path can be planned to cause the still have challenges to get over to ensure the speed and
fewest wastes. safety of it [92]. When it focuses on “Big Data” in PLM,
Additionally, in the step of warehouse management, the data forms in BOL have already been incredibly var-
efficient order processing mechanisms mainly rely on the ious. As different kinds of data flow along the lifecycle, it
advanced “Big Data” techniques. If all data can be man- may be stored and then transferred to any form, like
aged shapely and intelligently, there may be a huge re- number, picture, chart, light, temperature, and so on.
duction of energy costs about warehouse. Off course, the (3) Data process based on manufacturing knowledge and
recycle phase also illustrates strengths of “Big Data” on experience.
reducing wastes and energy since the original purpose of Although “Data Mining” (DM) or the so-called
recycle is just energy conservation and emission Knowledge Discover in Database (KDD) is an area
reduction. where a lot of researches have been conducted, its appli-
cation in manufacturing is still hard work since combin-
ing manufacturing laws and knowledge with DM is ac-
tually innovative and challenging. In fact, data process
6 Challenges ahead with the features of manufacturing is more than
employing existing data process methods to manufactur-
As a new concept, “Big Data” has met knotty and profound ing cases. To get the desired results which can serve for
challenges like collection, storage, transfer, and security of design, production, transportation, maintenance, and re-
data [90]. When “Big Data” is applied in PLM, more specific cycle, data process in manufacturing should be deliber-
challenges have emerged which seriously hold back the po- ated with the involvement of manufacturing specialized
tential applications. laws and knowledge.
(4) System, service platform, and tool of “Big Data” in
(1) Data collection in PLM. PLM.
When it comes to “Big Data,” the first problem is how One of the obstacles that seriously impedes the wide-
to collect useful data in effective and time-saving spread of “Big Data” in PLM is its high threshold. A
methods. Maybe several years ago, questionnaire survey company, especially a small company, does not have
was the best way to figure out what interests customers the resources, like money or time, to develop a system
most. However, in the “Big Data” age, with the or a platform for certain data. The products manufactured
682 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2015) 81:667–684
by various companies are different, and it is not reason- accompany with the whole lifecycle of product. In BOL peri-
able to apply the “Big Data” system which is successful od, “Big Data” can discern customers’ needs and then take
in one company to another indiscriminately. Thus, it is advantages of these needs to instruct product design intelli-
quite a challenging job to develop a “Big Data” system gently. Besides, products’ quality and equipment’ wear pat-
that can be employed by different companies just with terns can both be monitored by the combination of “Big Data,
some small changes for adapting to their according fea- ” IoT, and cloud capacity [95]. In MOL period, the center of
tures. In addition, systems, service platforms, and tools attention has been transformed from products to service for
of “Big Data” in PLM are urgently required. customers, and the data are always acquired by RFID tech-
(5) Security of PLM data. niques. Based on these remote sensing data, decisions related
To make sure that “Big Data” techniques can always to logistics, utility, and maintenance should be made which
operate normally, security of PLM data is a challenge rely on the participation of “Big Data,” as the data generation
that must be overcame. To prevent the leak of data, se- process is long and real time. In the end part of PLM, the main
curity systems with advanced encryption algorithms task here is to cope with the data obtained before and building
used in financial trading can be borrowed in manufactur- decision support system with the help of “Big Data.”
ing area [93]. Like in financial or high-tech company, In the future, the primary task is addressing the problem
data equal to treasure. Even when a small part of data about how to apply “Big Data” in each specific phase in detail.
is stolen by competitors, there is a high chance that the What hardware facilities are required to construct and what
whole design of a new product will be obtained by them. advanced algorithms are needed to be improved are both
Besides, the safety issues from external partners or com- worth to be studied [96, 97], as well as the specific enabling
petitors and the lack of trust between data analysts and techniques and methods for realizing the better combination of
decision makers can also bring about great challenges for “Big Data” with multiple techniques like IoT, cloud capacity,
“Big Data” in PLM. Only by understanding the mean- and distributed processing techniques [98].
ings of all data will decision makers propose intelligent
and practical ideas. Thus, if data analysts conceal parts of Acknowledgments This work is financially supported in part by NSFC
data because there are not enough methods to ensure the project (No. 51475032), the Beijing Youth Talent Plan under Grant
29201411, Beijing Natural Science Foundation (4152032), and the Fun-
security of data, the whole manufacturing company may
damental Research Funds for the Central Universities in China.
suffer unnecessary damages.
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ization is another urgent challenge for “Big Data.” When
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