Agile Organization Introducing Self-Managed Teams

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Agile organization: Introducing self-managed teams

Chapter · December 2021


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2 authors:

Lucia Kohnová Nikola Salajová

Comenius University Bratislava Comenius University Bratislava


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Agile organization: Introducing self-managed teams

Lucia Kohnová1 and Nikola Salajová2

Faculty of management, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia
Faculty of management, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia,

Abstract. The current changes in the business environment, which are accompa-
nied by strong technological developments, have led to the acceleration of change
and the constant need to adapt to the market. At present, companies have to cope
with a number of changes, both in terms of the implementation of new technolo-
gies, changes in the content and scope of work of employees and in the overall
approach to management. An agile approach to leadership and the creation of
self-managed teams is a trend that has gained in popularity in recent years. Many
researches already point to the fact that agile teams increase the flexibility of the
organization and contribute to higher employee satisfaction with work. However,
the transition from the classic rigid approach to employee management to agile
is challenging and many organizations approach it only cautiously. The main goal
of the study was to analyze the level of implementation of self-organized teams
and the level of employee participation in planning their work tasks in Slovak
companies and to examine the differences based on the size of the organization.
When collecting data, we focused on 50 companies while obtaining information
from the HR department on employee management. We found out that up to 74%
of Slovak companies do not plan to implement agile principles within their teams.
An interesting fact is that more SMEs than large companies are interested in this
trend. Survey has also shown that only 8% organizations enable employees to
plan tasks independently. Especially in large companies, scheduling tasks with a
supervisor is very important. Slovakia, as an industrial country, is significantly
affected by technological changes, but the adaptation of technologies without ap-
propriate changes in management may not lead to the expected results in the con-
text of future competitiveness.

Keywords: Agile management, self-managed teams, self-organization.

1 Introduction

In recent years, agile methods have become increasingly popular in the world. Agile
methods have been incorporated into their philosophies not only by multinational cor-
porations, but also by universities, telecommunications, banks, the automotive industry
and many small and medium-sized companies [1]. Strategic agility is the background
for organizations that want to successfully face changes in the environment. Organiza-
tions that fail to adapt will not survive. An agile organization must be resilient, able to

Management Trends in the Context of Industry 4.0

Copyright © 2021 EAI
DOI 10.4108/eai.4-12-2020.2303550

anticipate, initiate and seize opportunities. For these organizations is important the re-
lationship with employees and how they feel identified with organizational mission [2].
As a result, there is a growing demand for effective human resource management in
agile environments [3]. Important factors in employee agility are adaptive behavior,
which means the employee's ability to respond to ongoing changes in the environment,
and proactive behavior, which is the employee's ability to create new opportunities [4].
Sherehiy and Karowowski (2014) summarized the five dimensions of work organiza-
tion that have a significant impact on employee performance. These dimensions are: a)
work requirements: the effort the employee needs to make to perform the work; b) con-
trol / autonomy of work: the degree of independence that the employee has at work and
the autonomy of deciding how to perform the work; c) work complexity: the degree to
which the work is complex; d) diversity of skills: what skills and abilities of employee
the work requires; e) unpredictability of work: to what scale work is unpredictable and
represents uncertainty for the employee [5]. Regarding to employees, the topic of agile
teams is an increasingly discussed topic today. The fact that cooperating teams achieve
better results than groups of individually working individuals has been known for
a long time [1]. If organizations decide to implement agile teams, they must accept that
until individuals in the teams learn a new way of leading the team, their results will be
achieved at a slower pace [6].

2 Literature review

Unlike a traditional team, an agile team is able to self-organization, arranged in a flat

hierarchy, capable of reacting quickly to changes in the environment. Team members
work closely together, meet, communicate to explore of issues of the best way. Other
assumptions for a successful agile team are motivating individuals, fulfilling a common
vision of the project, continuous learning to be able to adapt to changing needs and
environments. In common meetings, each team member is expected to engage in dis-
cussion and provide feedback [7]. Šochová & Kunce (2014) present that the condition
for the creation of a self-organized team is a common goal and vision. Team members
need to know the customer well and know how they want to use the product. Another
important element is the trust between team members, the customer and the whole com-
pany [1]. Cockburn and Highsmith (2001) state that an agile team is characterized by
self-organization and cohesive cooperation within the organization and beyond. Self-
organizing teams are able to work in different variations to solve ad-hoc problems [8].
Guzzo & Dickson (1996) refer to self-organizing teams as self-managing teams, where
members perform interconnected tasks. Team members are responsible for their work,
they can plan, divide tasks and make decisions [9]. On the other hand, middle managers
are not protagonists of self-organized teams, as they lose authority and, in some cases
- shorten the hierarchy – they can lose their position [10]. According to Chow and Cao
(2007), an effective agile team consists of members who dispose of special skills, are
motivated, well trained, managers have agile knowledge and apply an adaptive leader-
ship style [11]. Hoda et al. (2013) define self-organizing teams as teams with a high
degree of autonomy. Members are able to organize themselves in performing tasks [12].

Autonomous agile teams usually maintain a higher emotional relation to the organiza-
tion, leading to greater commitment, motivation to perform, and a desire for responsi-
bility. As a result, employees pay more attention to their work, which leads to greater
creativity, higher productivity and quality of services [13,14]. Accepting agility causes
a visible change in productivity, efficiency and brings satisfaction to team members.
Agility also reduces team members' time required for routine tasks, and team members
can gain a higher ranking in the team [15]. One of the important benefits for employees
to become a member of an agile team can be strengthening their position in the organ-
ization [16]. Managers of Deloitte company (2010) report the following benefits of a
self-organized team: increased productivity, greater motivation, clear responsibility and
reliability, employee development and growth, better team cohesion [17]. However,
implementing self-organizing teams is challenging. Organizations often think that em-
ployees can just move from traditional hierarchically organized work to a self-orga-
nized type of work without education and any training. Not all employees are ready to
work without directions from a superior and are not ready to take responsibility. There-
fore, the provision of training and coaching is very important when moving to self-
organized teams [10].
Agile teams can work in both physical and virtual environments, as members can be
distributed in different geographic locations [18]. The essential elements of the success
of a virtual agile team are the right structure, the team's ability to constantly improve,
be self-managing, make collective decisions and apply shared leadership. Forming team
like this is time consuming and requires professional coaching [19]. One of the condi-
tions for the functioning of a successful agile virtual team is the selection of a adequate
technology. The organization should pay attention to technologies that achieve high-
speed connectivity, dispose of newer PCs with licensed software, and high-quality au-
diovisual conferencing tools [20]. On the other hand, there are also negatives that occur
in agile team. Whithworth & Biddle (2007) identify several negative aspects associated
with agile teams: a) stress or exhaustion of team members throughout the day where
they were too active; b) 'burnout syndrome' caused by constant contact with the same
people every day or performing the same project activities; c) the inability of individu-
als to fit into an agile team; d) difficulties and stress of individuals in transitioning to
an agile team culture [21].
Self-organizing teams do not form and prosper in isolation. They depend on the sup-
port of top management and the involvement of customers in the process [22]. Good-
man et al. (1988) identified in self-organizing teams as the most important attributes:
a) employees responsible for product development with related tasks; b) the autonomy
of the employees in the dividing of tasks, the work schedule and the way the work is
done; c) mutual communication [23].
Self-organizing teams face permanently new challenges in performing day-to-day
project management activities [24]. One of the challenges of agility is to effectively
measure team performance. However, agile teams use their own metrics that emerge
from identified needs. Commonly used metrics are customer satisfaction, delivery on-
time, business value, quality, productivity, predictability [25]. In an agile team, mem-
bers should act initiative not only within the team, but also beyond its borders, thus in
cooperation with the customer. The agile team should be made up of individuals who

are constantly improving their working methods and are able to accept change and feed-
back in all areas of work [26, 27]. Barker (1993) states in his study that members of
self-managing teams achieved a lower rate of absenteeism because they set strict norms
for arrival in advance [28].
Hoda et al. (2010) presented in their research of effective way of organizing auton-
omy teams in an agile environment. They state that team members should assume 6
tasks to facilitate work organization [22]:
1. Mentor - provides initial leadership, supports agile methods in the team and ensures
their observance
2. Coordinator - communicates with customers about their requirements and possible
3. Translator - transforms the language used by customers into team terminology in
order to improve communication
4. Champion - receives the support of top management in context of the formation of
pilot teams able to self-organizing
5. Promoter - ensures the involvement of customers in the process of work of an agile
team, thus creating cooperation between members and customers
6. Terminator - eliminates members who are unable to adapt to an agile approach, thus
blocking productivity

2.1 Barriers of agile teams

The performance of an agile team depends not only on the team's ability to manage
and perform work, but also on the organizational context provided by the organization's
management. Stray et al. (2018) define barriers that can restrain the performance of
agile teams [29]:
a) Objectives are not clear and common: this barrier occurs when members are more
concerned with examining what will be achieved and, in the result, team activities are
not coordinated.
b) Lack of trust: unless there is trust in the team, members are not committed to achiev-
ing the goals. If a manager constantly monitors team members, there is a lack of trust
between them, which can reduce the level of responsibility of members in performing
c) High dependence on others: if a team needs to get acceptance for outputs from
managers, stakeholders, it loses the power of independent decision-making
d) Limited coaching and organizational support: teams often do not have adequate
resources and have difficulties with sustainability. Managers are not trained to lead an
autonomous team.
e) Diversity in standards: Standards are informal rules that guide a team and the be-
havior of team members. These standards often do not support the strategic thinking
that is necessary in agile teams.

3 Materials and methods

The main goal of the study was to analyze the level of implementation of self-orga-
nized teams and the level of employee participation in planning their work tasks in
Slovak companies and to examine the differences based on the size of the organization.
The research data were collected through a questionnaire distributed to 50 HR special-
ists. The questions used in questionnaire were: "Is there a discussion in your company
about self-management, self-managed teams?" with possible options:
• No, I have not met with the term yet;
• No, but we have noticed this trend;
• There is a talk of this, but the company does not plan any changes;
• Yes, there is an interest in establishing self - management, self - managed
• Yes, the company is already implementing (has established) self-managed
and "To what extent does the employee in your company participate in planning their
work tasks?" with possible options:
• Employee plans his tasks all by himself;
• Employee plans his own tasks and consults with her superior;
• The work tasks of the employee are planned by the superior, he also consults
with the employee;
• The work tasks of the employee are planned only by the superior.
The survey was part of a research project that collected data in February 2020. In the
research, companies were analyzed according to the size of the organization. The Chi
square test was used in the analysis to reveal the significance of the differences, the
significance was tested at the level of p = 0.05.

4 Results

In this research paper we have analyzed 50 Slovak companies and their attitude towards
self-managed, agile teams. From the sample companies, 14% are already introducing
(or have introduced) self-managed teams. However, 74% do not plan to introduce this
change in organizing teams. While most of the companies have at least met with the
term, 22% of the companies have never heard the term.

Yes, the company is already implementing

(has established) self-managed teams
Yes, there is an interest in establishing self
- management, self - managed teams
There is a talk of this, but the company
does not plan any changes

No, but we have noticed this trend

No, I have not met with the term yet

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

Fig. 1. Percentage comparison of Slovak companies in approach to agile management of teams.

When comparing large companies to SMEs in our sample, we observed that SMEs in
were not in the process of introducing self-managed teams, however 29% of SMEs are
interested in introducing this agile approach, significantly more than large companies
(Chi square = 5.06, p value = 0.02). Further, 43% of SMEs talk about agile approach,
while the do not plan any specific changes in the business. Interestingly more large
companies in our sample have not met the term, or just noticed this trend without any
plans of introducing it to the company.

5% SME
No, I have not No, but we have There is a talk Yes, there is an Yes, the
met with the noticed this of this, but the interest in company is
term yet trend company does establishing self already
not plan any - management, implementing
changes self - managed (has established)
teams self-managed

Fig. 2. Percentage comparison of large and SME Slovak companies in approach to agile man-
agement of teams.

To compare the plans with actual way of managing employees, we have looked at to
which extent companies involve employees in the process of organizing their work. In
the analyzed sample, 86% of companies cooperate with employees in planning their
work content. 38% of companies realize the approach where superior plans the work
for employee and consults with him, 48% realize approach where employee plans their
own work and consults with the superior. Only 8% of companies let the employee to
plan their work alone. Similarly, 8% of companies let only the superior to plan the work
for employee.

The work tasks of the employee are

planned only by the superior
The work tasks of the employee are
planned by the superior, he also…
Employee plans his own tasks and
consults with her superior

Employee plans his tasks all by himself

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Fig. 3. Percentage comparison of Slovak companies in planning employee work tasks.

When comparing large companies and SMEs, 21% of SMEs let the employees to plan
their work by themselves, while this difference was found to be statistically significant
at p<0,05 (Chi-square = 6.98, p value = 0.01). Further 64% of SMEs in our sample let
the employee plan the work while consulting with the superior. For large companies in
this sample, the role of superior in planning the employee´s work is more significant.

Employee plans his Employee plans his The work tasks of The work tasks of
tasks all by himself own tasks and the employee are the employee are
consults with her planned by the planned only by the
superior superior, he also superior
consults with the


Fig. 4. Percentage comparison of large and SME Slovak companies in planning employee work

5 Discussion and conclusion

In today's world of disruption, agility for organizations should not be an option, but
a matter of course. For the success of organization, it is not enough to "do agile", but
"be agile" is needed, which means that it is necessary to implement an agile approach,
especially in the whole culture of organization. It is also important to note that agility
is a commitment to provide added value to the customer more quickly and to be able to
adapt more quickly to changing conditions [30]. In addition, if an organization does not
have sufficiently qualified employees, able to work in self-organized teams, this can be
a barrier to the development of agile adoption [15]. The survey identified findings based
on the introduction of self-organized teams in Slovak companies. Although the intro-
duction of agile teams is essential to support agile principles in the organization, up to
74% of Slovak companies do not plan to implement this change within their teams. An
interesting fact is that more SMEs than large companies are interested in this trend,
which could be understood in the context of power distance and the number of employ-
ees. Many SMEs can seem to be more agile, while company management is often very
close to the self-managed team. Survey has also shown that up to 86% of Slovak com-
panies collaborate with employees to plan their tasks. Only 8% organizations enable
employees to plan tasks independently. The Chi square test found that especially in
large companies, scheduling tasks with a supervisor is very important.
Based on our research, we can review that most of the surveyed Slovak companies
are not interested in introducing agile principles into their teams. However, companies
should reflect on this agile trend, as, as Deloitte (2018) points out, by introducing agile
techniques, companies can increase their chances of keeping employees. Self-organized
teams work autonomously, and they are empowered to decide on many issues, it can be
more attractive for members because they develop their potential [17]. Moreover, the
emergence of agile teams increases the importance of trust between team members, as
members are free to develop the processes they prioritize and set goals they consider as
appropriate. Team members who work together and trust each other are essential to the
success of an agile organization. [31].

This research was supported and funded by APVV-17-0656 titled Transformation of
Paradigm in Management of Organizations in the Context of Industry 4.0.

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