SOP For Practical Training Sessions
SOP For Practical Training Sessions
SOP For Practical Training Sessions
2. The practical scope shall be in compliance to the Knowledge Level outlined in Appendix
I (Basic Knowledge Requirements), of SLCAIS 66.
3. Technical Instructor should plan the practical in accordance with the SLCAIS 66, in
liaison with the Assistant Training Coordinator and the Practical Assessor as outlined in
Appendix I (Basic Knowledge Requirements) of SLCAIS 66.
4. The Technical Instructor and the Training Coordinator shall verify the feasibility of
accommodating the practical by selecting most suitable and nearest service provider for the
effective accommodation of practical and brief Examination Manager about the all above
arrangements to conduct the practical effectively.
5. The Training Coordinator is to obtain the authority for the practical and inform the
related service provider for the preparation at least 3 days prior and obtain nominations of
qualified Instructors and Practical Assessors for the practical (from MQA Authorized List) and
instruct them about the training programme and level to be covered as indicated in the Appendix
I (Basic Knowledge Requirements) of SLCAIS 66.
6. The Technical Instructors and the nominated Practical Assessors must make arrangement
to conduct the practical at 0800 Hrs to 1400 Hrs as it requires covering the number of practical
hours as per the MTOE. Accordingly, the departure time from HTTC for the practical shall be,
7. The nominated Practical Assistant of HTTC is to take early and prompt actions to arrange
the bus on time to meet the requirement laid down above. Any unforeseen changes w.r.t the
programme and the transportations are to be communicated with the Examination Manager
8. Training Coordinator is to ensure that the particular Technical Instructors and the
nominated Practical Assessors are available for the practical as scheduled.
9. The Practical Instructor is to ensure that the CAASL Log Book records of part 2.2 Basic
Skill are annotated by the authorized Assessor at the service provider as per the instruction in
Appendix III of SLCAIS 66.
10. After completing the practical training, the nominated Practical Assistant is responsible to
sign all the documents by the Practical Assessor and the Technical Training Manager.