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The Impact of Social Media Usage in English Writing Among the High School Students

in Selangor

Kanageshwari Munisvararajan

English Language and Literature Department

Faculty of Language and Communication
Sultan Idris Education University, Tanjong Malim, Malaysia

Social media such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Tiktok plays prime role in this 21 st
century as communication medium. The development in the current technology world has
lead the people to the wide range of exposure towards social media. In addition, regardless
age almost everyone exposed and use social media for entertainment, communication and
business purposes. However, it also proven that young generation people are more addicted
to the usage of social media. Despite social media plays a major role as an effective
communication in this current era, social media do impact the high school students English
writing. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine the frequency of social media usage
and the impact of social media towards high school students’ writing skills. In order to
achieve the aim of this study, questionnaires were used as the main instrument to collect data
which were distributed to 30 secondary school students in Selangor. The questionnaire was
employed to support quantitative research design and the data collected were analysed and
tabulated using frequencies and percentages. In conclusion, data analysed have shown that
social media does have an impact towards the secondary school students’ writing skills.
Keywords: 21st century learning, social media, ESL learning, writing skills

1.0 Introduction

Technology has moved human civilization forward in the last two decades more than it has in

the previous two centuries, particularly with the introduction of the Internet and Information

and Telecommunication Technologies (ICT) (Adnan et al., 2021). Social media is a web-

based platform which facilitates the sharing of ideas, experiences, and information with the

community through an online platform. Individuals can build groups on the internet using

social media platforms, which allows information exchange and new friendships

(Ramazanoğlu, 2020). Social media networks such Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and Instagram

are the largest social media networks that has been used widely by people all around the

world. Over the last few decades, social media has been the most essential communication

medium in the community. According to a Pew Research Center study from 2015, 76 % of

teenagers use social media, and 71 % of them are seen to be using more than one platform in

social media (Lenhart, 2015). This illustrates that teenagers are the largest community of

social media users. Teenagers utilize these platforms to communicate with their friends, keep

up with their favourite celebrities or sports figures, and take part in conversations that they

find important. We can’t deny the fact that social media is the best web-based entertainment

platform. However, it has been observed that social media does impact students’ academic

performances. In view of that fact, social media have had a huge impact on how students

interact with information outside of the classroom. Social media also has shown an impact on

the educational environment by contributing to a changing notion of literacy. Many

university students in Malaysia struggle with English writing (Karim et al., 2020).

According to Ramazanoğlu (2020), a total of 794 high school students took part in a

survey, and are more likely to develop internet addiction than those who connect from home.

In addition, the usage of social media also impacts the students’ writing skills especially in

the English language in terms of usage of short form words, bilingual word choices and

grammar. The main purpose of this study is to determine the usage and impact of social

media use in English writing among the high school students in Selangor.

1.1 Problem Statement

The English language is known as a worldwide language. Therefore, acquisition and learning

the English skills are essential in this 21 st century. One of the objectives of the Malaysia

Education Blueprint 2013-2025 (MEB) is to develop skilled persons who can operate

effectively in a worldwide economy where English is the international language of

communication (Tahir et al., 2021). According to Yamat et al. (2014), a lack of English

language proficiency among Malaysian students has always been a barrier to academic

performance and job search efforts. Many Malaysian students, according to Naginder (2006)

and Jalaludin and Bakar (2008), do not achieve reasonable English Language literacy despite

learning English in school for 11 years. The writing skill is one of the most important skills

which should be mastered by the second language learners in Malaysia. According to Lim

(2013), the value of writing extends beyond the classroom context, as writing is more than

just a portion of a standardized test.

The usage of social media is also one of the major factors for poor writing skills

among high school students in Malaysia. Malaysian high school students tend to fail to

master the writing skill due the influence of social media. The main goal of this study is to

determine the usage and the impact of social media in English writing among the high school

students in Malaysia. This study would enable to create an awareness on the usage of social

media and its impact on English writing among the high school students in Selangor.

1.2 Research Objectives

This study means to discover the usage and impact of social media in English writing among

the high school students in Selangor. The objectives of the study, thus could be summarized

as follows:

1.2.1 To determine the frequency of social media usage in a Likert scale among the high

school students in Selangor.

1.2.2 To determine the impact of social media in English writing among the High school

students in Selangor in terms of : The usage of short form words. The usage of grammar. The usage of bilingual words.

1.3 Research Questions

This study aims to discover answers and explanations on research questions which are based

on the research objectives mentioned above.

1.3.1 What is the frequency usage of social media among the High school students in


1.3.2 What is the impact of social media usage in English writing among the High

school students in Selangor in terms of : The usage of short form words? The usage of grammar? The usage of bilingual words?

1.4 Definitions

Social Media

Users construct online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other

content through modes of electronic communication such as websites for social networking

and microblogging (Manning, Jimmie, 2014).

Writing Skills

Writing abilities are special qualities that enable writers to transform their thoughts into

meaningful words and psychologically interact with the message (Harmer, 2007:33).

2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

Social media is an Internet based technology that is used to create and share online

information, which helps facilitate media and information sharing, collaboration, and

participation (Evans, 2014). Additionally, social media enables interaction and

communication between two or more people. Platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter,

LinkedIn, and YouTube hold a great possibility facilitating students’ learning through an

online channel by presenting massive opportunities for learners to gain access to and gather

information to build, modify, and share their knowledge (Gaytan, 2013). With technologies

growing rapidly, the presence of social media becomes more persistent, and with this, the

potential to support learning and motivate students is abundant (Gikas & Grant, 2013).

Social media is constantly used by many students around the world to communicate

and socialize with others. Social media is now considered a popular technologically

supported learning tool for public and academic use. 1.93 billion people utilize mobile

technology for social media platforms (Regan, 2015). Since then, social media usage has

continued to rise, and it has reached to a point where schools are now integrating social

media tools into students’ organizational learning process which allows individuals to

observe, gain, and share knowledge within their communities. With the current pandemic,

education has been forced into conducting their teaching and learning through online. With

students spending more time with the computer being online now, the usage of social media

among students has now raised a question on if students are becoming too addicted to and if

it is affecting their writing skills.

2.2 Social Media in Education

In recent years, social technologies have been indeed very widely used by students daily.

There are many free and low-cost apps that can help improve the academic world. Through

these applications, people can connect with each other and create a social media-focused

culture (Mao, 2014). Lau (2012) reported that online social networks help initiate learning

activities among students. Through social networks, students can develop their knowledge

and connect with like-minded individuals.

Mao (2014) investigated a few aspects of students and their use of social media. To

name the aspects are their affordances for social media, their attitudes and beliefs on new

technologies, and related impediments and issues in using social media. Findings to this

investigation indicated that students displayed positive attitudes and beliefs about social

media use in education and believed they could improve their learning when using social

media and enjoy using social media for an assignment, now with most of school being done


However, some students thought that social media creates a distraction and time is

wasted using social media rather than actually spending them on assignments and homework.

The study results also suggest that scaffolding is necessary for social media to be used as

effective learning tools (Mao, 2014).

2.3 Barriers of the usage of social media

Many studies have demonstrated the benefits of using online networks in education (Al-

Rahmi & Othman, 2013a; Chen et al., 2010; Faizi et al., 2013; Junco et al., 2011). According

to Gurcan (2015), social media can be used in various academic settings to improve the

communication skills of students and teachers. Therefore, it facilitates the exchange of

information among peers which provides an opportunity for learners to continually connect

and learn within academic environments.

The increasing popularity of social media in the classroom has gained widespread

acceptance (Al-Rahmi & Othman, 2013b). However, this adoption of this powerful tool is

observed to be highlighting the struggles students face in managing between personal and

professional lives. Rahmi and Othman (2013a) further mentioned in the study that there is

indeed a need to control and manage students’ time on the use of social media, as it would

have a negative effect on the academic performance of students.

2.4 The contributions of social media in students’ performance

Social media can help students connect with each other and improve their learning

experience. It can also encourage collaboration and communication. In the study conducted

by Al-Rahmi and Othman (2013) on the impacts social media have on students’ academic

performance, showed results which brought to light that social media integration facilitates

and assists students’ academic experience. Additionally, social media integration also

increased the interaction within the class among students and teachers, which indirectly

increases students’ participation and enhances collaborative learning.

Online social media helps students connect and collaborate in a virtual community. It

can also encourage them to discuss the same content in a similar environment. This increases

a chance of student learning enhancing communication outside the traditional classroom

situation. However, when narrowed down to reviewing students' writing skills academically,

it is concerning to observe the influence too much of social media has on students' written


2.5 The usage of language in social media

The use of language on social media sites is characterized by aspects of the language, to

name a few, emoticons, acronyms, and vocabulary alteration. Acronym is a feature of

language popularly used on social media. It is in which the initial letters of different words

are put together and pronounced as a whole sentence in an abbreviated form. Will (2014)

states that the use of acronyms (abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words are

pronounced as a word) are now commonplace substitutes to whole sentence, e.g., lol (Laugh

out loud and tgif (thank God it’s Friday). English Language used on social media is a variety

that is undeniably different from Standard English language of everyday use.

While Standard English is based on grammatical rules and accordance, language use

on social media is indeed a complete opposite where it does not abide by any grammatical

rules or accordance. Language use on social media is open to just any word for use as far as it

makes meaning to the recipient. Nevertheless, language use on social media is in fact

posturing a lot of threat to Standard English language usage as students nowadays don’t take

the writing of Standard English as seriously as they should.

2.6 Students’ writing performance in school

Writing is a medium used by humans to communicate emotion and language. It is often

accompanied by the recording of signs and symbols. Writing depends on many of the similar

structures of a speech. To name a few, use of vocabulary, grammar, and semantics, with the

added dependency on a system of signs and symbols usually in the form of the alphabet

(Fatimayin, 2015). Nowadays, as we go through our students’ written work, we realize the

non-existent aspects of capitalization and punctuation becoming quite a norm.

Voegtlin (2010) submits her claims that her students’ writing changed as their social

media use increased and has noticed the use of abbreviated text spellings. She further

emphasizes that her students are more likely to write phrases that they see in text messages,

such as “smthng’ or ‘smbdy’ in their writing rather than learn to spell the word correctly.

2.7 The effects of social media on students’ writing

As it has been highlighted thus far, it is noticeable that with the introduction of social media

onto the scene, the effect it has on students’ writing is gradually but surely manifesting. The

effect of social media language is seen mostly in these areas: grammar and spelling errors and

the usage of text language. Grammar and spelling errors are the common errors social media

language has brought on to the English Language. As important as it has been as one of the

key features in good Standard Language, abbreviations, wrong spelling, and omission of rules

of grammar seem to be acceptable on social media.

This has brought conflicts to writing as students use these inappropriate and incorrect

grammar and spellings in their writings at school. Adding on, abbreviations that are common

in social media are frowned upon in formal writing. Students should spell words completely

and not use ‘text speak’ or ‘slang’. It is vital to note that students’ academic writing is now

marked by social media abbreviated words (text speak) and slang.

2.8 Theoretical Framework

igure 1

Figure 1 shows the usage and impact of social media in English writing among the high

school students in Malaysia. The cognitivism and social constructivism theory is the

backbone for the entire research study. Learning and comprehension, according to social

constructivist theory, are intrinsically social, and that rather than knowledge being embedded

in the individual, information is acquired through cultural activities and the use of what

Vygotsky refers to as "tools of intellectual adaptation “(Abderrahim & Gutiérrez-Colón

Plana, 2021). The students’ acquisition and influence of the language usage in social media

has been tested through the students writing ability in English language. Therefore, Social

Constructivism theory has been measured by the distribution of questionnaires on the

frequency usage of social media among the high school students in Malaysia.

In addition, Cognitive theorists supported the idea that the mind plays a major part in

learning, focusing on the period of time between the appearance of an external stimulus and

the student's reaction (Picciano, 2017). This study, the cognitivism theory measured through

the students’ stimulus and responding on English writing skills.

The independent variable of the research is the usage of social media among the high

school students in Malaysia. Meanwhile the dependent variable of the research is the impact

of social in English writing among the high school students in Malaysia. The expected

outcome in this research is the students’ performance in writing due to the usage of social


3.0 Methodology

3.1 Introduction

This chapter explains the methodology employed to gather and analyze the data which are

relevant to the research. This chapter includes the research design, sampling and sample size.

Furthermore, it discusses the instrument used to collect the data and methods of analyzing the

data gathered in order to support the findings of the research.

3.2 Research Design

There are two types of research approaches, according to Kombo (2006) it was mentioned

that quantitative approach techniques use numerical data or data that are quantified and

qualitative approach that uses non-numerical data or data that have not been quantified.

Therefore, the primary research design used in this research is the quantitative design

approach. This is due to the fact that it offers a complete description and analysis of a

research subject, without limiting the scope of the research and the nature of participant’s

responses (Collis & Hussey, 2013). The study adopted a descriptive survey research design.

This method was considered suitable as it enabled the researchers to investigate the already

existing situation and acquire first-hand information from the respondents in order to

interpret, discuss and report situations as they exist. Moreover, this research indicates one

way ANOVA which consists of one independent variable.

3.3 Sampling

The research sampling consisted of secondary school students in the state of Selangor. The

students were chosen randomly based on a snowball sampling method. 30 students were then

selected using a convenience sampling method based on the availability of the students.

These students are from a city demographic background therefore, they are exposed to daily

usage of social media. Therefore, random sampling methods were instilled towards the

participants of this research since these students are suitable to investigate the impact of

social media towards their writing skills.

3.4 Data Collection

3.4.1 Instruments

The main instrument used in this research is by using questionnaires. The questionnaire was

mainly adapted from a research conducted by Subair S. ‘Tayo (2019) which was a designed

and validated instrument entitled “Social Media Usage and Influence Questionnaire (SMUI-

Q)”. The questionnaires were then developed using Google Form in order to elicit responses

from respondents due to the restriction faced for the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak which has

contributed to the limitation of meeting the respondent in person. Questionnaires were used to

collect quantitative data and then data were then analyzed using frequencies and percentages.

3.5 Data Analysis

Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used in the analysis of data to accommodate

the nature of the research questions dealt in the data collection. The data analysis will be

managed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software to analyze the

quantitative data retrieved using the questionnaires distributed. The researcher made use of

Spearman Rho correlation coefficients’ inferential statistical test. This non-parametric

statistical test was used to measure the degree of association between students’ social media

usage and the level of impact this has on their writing abilities. In this study, this test was

used to test the relationship between the mean score of social media usage scale and students’

writing ability. Accordingly, the result below 0.05 is a perfect positive correlation and above

signifies a negative correlation.

3.6 Reliability of Data

It is concerned with consistency of responses with which repeated measures produce the

same result across time and across observers (Saunder et al 2003) three criteria are used in

measuring reliability test retest reliability, Alternate form reliability and internal consistency

reliability. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient is commonly used to test the manner in which

reliable measures and instruments were apparent (Katanda, 2004). A 95 % confidence

interval was set during the planning stage in order to achieve accepted levels of data

reliability. In addition, the usage of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and Excel

were used to verify reliability of the edited data using Cronbach’s test.

3.7 Ethical Considerations

The process of data collection has followed strictly on the ethical consideration elements in

conducting a research. The participants were all briefed and have given their consent

voluntarily before engaging in the questionnaire form. The anonymity of the participants will

be kept throughout the procedure of this study.

4.0 Findings

4.1 The usage of Social Media

I frequently I prefer social

I frequently use social I am aware of I do not mind media more
use social media for my the impact of being without than books
media in a academic social media the usage of for academic
daily basis. purposes. usage. social media purposes

N Valid 30 30 30 30 30

Missing 0 0 0 0 0
Mean 4.0333 2.9667 4.2000 3.1333 3.2000
Std. Deviation 1.06620 1.06620 .71438 1.04166 1.15669

Table 1.0

Table 1.0 shows the statistics analysis for the usage of social media among high school

students in Malaysia.

4.2 The preferences on short form words

I seldom
I frequently I prefer the I find it more make errors It became a
use short usage of comfortable in essay habit to use
form words short form and easy to writing due to short form
while typing in word while use short the usage of words in
the social typing in the forms in short form English essay
media social media chatting words writing

N Valid 30 30 30 30 30

Missing 0 0 0 0 0
Mean 4.1333 3.9333 3.9667 3.5000 2.2000
Std. Deviation .97320 1.08066 1.03335 1.10641 1.12648

Table 1.1

Table 1.1 shows the high schools students’ preference on short form words in Malaysia.

4.3 The usage of grammar

I am only
My friends about the I frequently
from social message make
I am really media received and grammar
concerned I improve my frequently not about the errors in my
about my grammar point out my grammar English
grammar through the grammar usage of my writing due to
while using usage of errors in post social media social media
social media social media or on chats friends usage

N Valid 30 30 30 30 30

Missing 0 0 0 0 0
Mean 2.9333 2.8000 2.3000 3.4667 2.2333
Std. Deviation 1.36289 1.06350 1.29055 .89955 1.10433

Table 1.2

Table 1.2 shows the high school students’ usage of grammar in Malaysia.

4.4 The usage of Bilingual words

I frequently
I understand I seldom face make errors
I frequently better when I I find comfort difficulties in in essay
use bilingual read posts with the writing writing due to
while chatting from social usage of suitable the usage of
on social media in bilinguals in words in bilingual
media bilingual social media English words

N Valid 30 30 30 30 30

Missing 0 0 0 0 0
Mean 3.3667 3.0000 3.3667 3.4000 2.4000
Std. Deviation 1.24522 1.20344 1.06620 1.03724 1.32873

Table 1.3

Table 1.3 shows the usage of bilingual words among the high school students in Malaysia due

to the usage of social media.

4.2 Discussion

4.2.1 The usage of social media among the high school students in Selangor.

Figure 1

Based on Figure 1, a total of 40% of the respondents strongly agreed and 36.7 % of the

respondents agreed with the statement on the frequent usage of social media on a daily basis.

This illustrates that the high school students in Malaysia frequently use social media on a

daily basis.

4.2.2 The impact of social media in English writing in terms of the usage of short form


Figure 2

Based on Figure 2, a total of 43.3% and 36.7% of the respondents strongly agreed and

agreed, respectively, to frequently applying the short form of words while typing in social

media. This is indeed a clear illustration of the high frequencies in which high school students

in Malaysia regularly, and to be more specific, very commonly use social media daily. It is to

be noted that due to this frequent usage, their academic writing aspect may indeed be altered.

As students do not find the need to use proper language features while using social media,

this may be a lead affecting their academic writing performance and formal use of the

language, maybe not now but in the long run.

4.2.3. The impact of social media in English writing in terms of the usage of grammar.

Figure 3

Based on Figure 3, the frequency of 43.3% the respondents disagreed and 26.7 % of

respondents strongly disagreed with statement of frequently making grammar errors in

English writing. Meanwhile 13.3 % of the respondents stayed neutral for this statement. The

remaining 13.3% of the respondents agree and 3.7 % of the respondents strongly agreed to

the statement. This illustrates that the high school students are aware of the usage of

grammar in English writing and most of them seldom make errors in writing even though

they frequently use social media on a daily basis. Therefore, according to statistical analysis,

the usage of social media does not illustrate an impact in the grammar usage in English


4.2.4. The impact of social media in English writing in terms of the usage of bilingual


Figure 4

As illustrated in Figure 4, 13.3% of the participants involved strongly agree that they seldom

faced difficulty in writing suitable words in English. Next, the majority percentage of 40% of

the number have shown that they agree to infrequently faced difficulties in writing suitable

words, while 20% have stated neutral for this question. On the other hand, 26.7% disagree

that they seldom encounter difficulty finding suitable words in writing in the English

language. Therefore, based on the statistical analysis, a bigger percentage of the participants

do not find it difficult to write suitable words in the English language.

5.0 Conclusion

5.1 Implications of the Research

The usage of social media has widely broadened in this 21st century and cannot be

neglected as the world is moving forward with advanced technology. Students today are

considered to be the natives of technology, and due to this, the effects social media has on

students' English language is indeed a glaring subject that should be noted. Considering the

fact that there are pros and cons in using social media, the usage of social media, however,

totally relies on the user's perception and preference. The usage of social media is viewed as

one of the major factors for poor writing skills among high school students in Malaysia.

Malaysian high school students tend to fail to master the writing skill due the influence of

social media. Based on this study, it has highlighted that there is presence in the usage and

the impact of social media in English writing among the high school students in Malaysia.

Basic skills that are considered crucial in writing such as proper use of grammar and

vocabulary are now considerably omitted due to the fact of students being given a platform in

which they can apply these forms which contradict the Standard form of the language. It is

clear that based on the findings and survey done, there is indeed at least a partial influence of

students’ writing being affected by the influence of too much social media.


This study was conducted on a small scale using participants only from a few schools in

Selangor. As Selangor can be considered an urban area, the students who participated in the

study may be those who have more exposure and opportunities to apply the English language

correctly and in formal situations. Comparably, a wider range of participants may produce

more specific and accurate data for better analysis. Time constraint and limited participants

were some issues faced when collection of data.


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