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ISSN(print): 2643-9840, ISSN(online): 2643-9875

Volume 06 Issue 05 May 2023
DOI: 10.47191/ijmra/v6-i5-18, Impact Factor: 7.022
Page No. 1969-1981

Attitude towards Social Media and English Language Competency

of Grade 11 Students of Surigao State College of Technology

Khim J M. Cavite-Dotillos
Surigao State College of Technology (SSCT)

ABSTRACT: This study determined the attitude towards Social Media and English Language Competency of Grade 11 students of
Surigao State College of Technology, Surigao City. Specifically, the demographic profile of the respondents, the attitude towards
social media and English language competency in reading and writing of the respondents were determined. The significant
difference on the ratings of respondents towards Social Media and the two macro skills in English Language with respect to th eir
profile and the significant relationship between the attitude of respondents towards social media and English Language
Competency were also ascertained. The data were gathered from the 31 Grade 11 students. The data were analysed through
frequency count and percent, weighted mean and standard deviation, one–way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Scheffe’s test,
Pearson product moment of correlation and t-test. The findings of the study are: Most of the respondents spend 1-1.5 hours a
day in using social media specially Facebook to look for advanced career opportunities, for self-expression, for academic school
work, to interact with friends, make new friends, and coordinating group projects in their classes. Their parents have monthl y
income of less than 5000 and they used the Filipino language when using their social media account. The respondents have positive
attitude towards social media. The respondents showed a failing result in English language competency in terms of reading and
writing skills. No significant difference existed on the English language competency of the respondents as to reading and writing
when grouped according to their profile, and no significant relationship was found between attitude towards social media and the
English language competency of the respondents in terms of reading and writing skills. The study concluded that: Access to
social media especially Facebook has been affordable to the students despite meager income of parents; that they use social
media to look for advanced career opportunities, for self-expression, for academic school work, to interact with friends, make
new friends, and coordinating group projects in the classes. The Grade 11 students, regardless of profile, lack technical skills in
writing and understanding what they read, in defining words, comparing words, identifying the main idea of a paragraph, in
pointing-out the topic sentence, and in analyzing and interpreting important lines, and students’ favorable attitude towards social
media does not have a connection to their reading and writing skills. The recommendations of the study are: The students should
be reminded that constant engagement to social media due to their positive attitude may hinder their studies which may lead to
poor performance in school, the parents being the partners of the school may monitor the whereabouts of their children and
periodically check the school if their children are attending their classes, and teachers may incorporate in their classes th e use of
social media such as giving of assignments and other instructions related to their classes so that their students may not only
engage in social media for chatting but also for educational purposes, and teachers should encourage their students to use En glish
language in using Facebook to improve their English language competency.

KEYWORDS: social media, English Language Competency, Teaching-Learning Process, Facebook.

Social media is making dramatic growth in dynamic environment nowadays. People already use social media as a form or catharsi s
of their emotions. Social media is an online medium of interaction which let people build relations, share ideas, and communi cate
information and bounding society sentimental streams. Motives of social media is connecting and building social contacts and
sharing of ideas, it can be for person to person like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for personal motive, personalized blogs for
personal thoughts and view point (Ehrlich, 2011).
There are growing influences of social media in the lives of students. One of the influences of social media is the peculiar
occurrence of Internet slang, further raising the question of the impact to students’ academic performance. This internet slangs
have gone on to influence which deteriorated the students’ vocabulary and English language competency of students mainly the

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Attitude towards Social Media and English Language Competency of Grade 11 Students of Surigao State College of
two macro skills: Reading and Writing. With technology constantly changing, educators must reevaluate their techniques in order
to teach their students effectively like the teachers may consider the relationship between students’ attention spans and the ir
social media use (Masuhay, 2018).
Based on the researcher’s observations and experiences, social media sites have become a major form of communication
today whereby language use has been impacted in various areas especially in students’ learning. A problem arises when users are
not able to differentiate formal language from informal language as more often than not; the students at Senior High School Level
are inclined to use improper formats and sentences that negate standard English. Young users use literally half their week engaging
in social media communication, thereby giving rise to a brand of internet slang which is entirely their own (Liu, Wu & Gong, 2021).
The English Language Competency of students is affected by these growing influences of social media to the attitude of
students. English language competency is now a requirement in all areas of work, study, entertainment and communication. Used
almost extensively in inter-state and international communication, it is important to have a working language of the English
Language (Paseka, 2000). Thus, this study was conducted to determine the relationship between the attitude of respondents
towards social media and their English language competency.

This study is anchored on the Sociocultural Theory of Vygotsky (1978) cited by McLeod, S. A. (2014). This theory is ideally suited
in examining the attitude towards social media and English language competency from within a community of learners.
Language and social interactions play a role in human development, and serve as cultural practices that can l ead to the
construction of knowledge shared by members of the community. In terms of how this might contribute to social media, virtual
connections with other learners and experts around the world can potentially offer a rich environment for socio -cultural language
exchange and affects language competency. Social media spaces can also provide virtual spaces and offer promising opportuniti es
to learn through observation, where, students can observe others, interpret their attitude, and adjust their own styles of
interacting in social media. Students can attend to the linguistic characteristics of the input from the speakers with whom they
interact, they can reflect on their own language system and imitate, take note of their errors and use their computer -enhanced
communication opportunities to improve or deteriorate their own production, be oral, reading, or written.
Social media offer spaces shared by communities of individuals and they can be considered social practices. Social media
can allow users to “write (themselves) into being”. This formation of identity or writing into being takes place, through shared
postings, feedback from the community, reflection and self-appraisals. Identity can be constructed virtually in these social spaces
by posting, sharing ideas, media preferences, news items and possibly bring this virtual practices into reality in class and affects
English language competency skills.

Figure 1 presents the research paradigm.

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Attitude towards Social Media and English Language Competency of Grade 11 Students of Surigao State College of
The first box is the students’ attitude towards social media. The second box contained the demographic profile as to time spe nt
in social media, social media sites used, purposes in using social media, social media and family monthly income and language
used in social media.
Time spent in social media is considered because if a student spends a lot of time in social media, it will make him forget
the value of studying his lessons thereby influencing his attitude and learning English language competency.Social media sites
used is also considered because it is important to know what websites and how often they use these websites because it is
assumed that social media sites used may affect their attitudes and their way of thinking.
Purposes in using social media is also considered in the study because it is assumed that students’ behaviour, attitude,
self-esteem, relationships may affect their English language competency.
Social media and family monthly income is also taken into account as McLoyd (2011) mentioned that financial resources
at home influence the quality of the goods that parents can purchase for their children’s learning. He provided several expla nations
for why family income might affect the child’s academic achievement.
Language used in social media is also a factor. This study examines the use of social media and its relationship with
learners’ English language competency and willingness to communicate in any medium of language they prefer to use while using
social media.The third box contains the affective factor which is the English Language Competency–Two Macro Skills: Reading and
Writing. The attitude towards social media and English language competency may affect the performance.
These independent variables may be singly or all together affect the student’s dependent variable which is the English
Language Competency. It contains the two macro skills such as reading and writing. Reading results in the acquisition of new
knowledge, which in turn fuel the skills in reading as a factor that involves comprehension, vocabulary, analogy, topic sentence,
main idea or theme and analysis and interpretation. On the other hand, writing skills involve critical response, development of
one’s idea, structure of response, language use: sentences and word choice grammar, and mechanics.


This study aimed to determine the attitude towards Social Media and English Language Competency of the Grade 11 students of
Surigao State College of Technology, Surigao City.
Specifically, this study sought answers to the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents as to:

1.1 time spent in social media,
1.2 social media sites used,
1.3 purposes in using social media sites,
1.4 family monthly income, and
1.5 language used in social media?

2. What is the attitude of the respondents towards social media?

3. To what extent do the respondents demonstrate the English Language Competency in reading and writing skills as to:
3.1 reading skills, and
3.1.1 comprehension
3.1.2 vocabulary
3.1.3 analogy
3.1.4 main idea or theme
3.1.5 topic sentence
3.1.5 analysis and Interpretation
3.2 Writing Skills,
3.2.1 critical response
3.2.2 development of the one’s ideas
3.2.3 structure of the response
3.2.4 sentence, word choice, grammar, and mechanics.

4. Is there a significant difference on the ratings of respondents towards Social Media and the two macro skills in English Language
with respect to their demographic profile?

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Attitude towards Social Media and English Language Competency of Grade 11 Students of Surigao State College of
5. Is there a significant relationship between the attitude of respondents towards Social Media and English Language

At 0.05 level of significance, it was hypothesized that:
Ho1: There is no significant difference on the ratings of respondents towards Social Media and the two macro skills in English
Language with respect to their demographic profile.
Ho2: There is no significant relationship between the Attitude towards Social Media and the English Language Competency of the


The results of this study may provide knowledge and information to the following:

School Administrators. The findings may provide them the information about the growing influences of social media in the lives
of students. With these, it may offer them with the needed insights and the exact information to improve or re -evaluate their
educators’ techniques in order to teach effectively, which may serve as input in planning for seminars or workshops.

English Teachers. The findings of this study may enrich their knowledge and provide ideas on how to handle students who are
excessively driven to social media, to utilize non-instructional social media use that cannot be grouped with educationally
beneficial activities.
Students. The study may provide them the opportunity to know and manage themselves of their attitude towards social media
usage. Moreover, they may also understand the impediments of the attitude towards social media in learning the two macro skills
such as: reading and writing.

Parents. This study is of great help to the parents for they may understand their children more and give full support on their
studies. They may also be made to realize that their partnership with the teachers in the development of their children’s skills and
attitude that is important.
Researchers. This study may serve as reference for those who want to look into issues related to students’ attitude towards the
social media and on English Language Competency. Recommendations offered may also be basis for further studies.


To facilitate the delimitation in understanding the intention and content of this study, the following parameters were specified.
Focus. The focus of the study was on the students’ attitude towards Social Media and English Language Competency among the
Grade 11 students of Surigao State College of Technology.

Respondents. The respondents of the study were the 31 Grade 11 students of Surigao State College of Technology.

Place and Time. This study was conducted at Surigao State College of Technology Surigao City during the Second Semester of
Academic Year 2016–2017.

Definition of Terms
To facilitate better understanding of the study, the following terms were defined conceptually and operationally:

Attitude. This term refers to the settled way of thinking or feelings and values of students towards Social Media.

Decoding. It is the application of understanding of phonics and the rules that English words follow to correctly pronounce or read
the word.

Encoding. It refers to the process of converting body of information from one system to another system in th e form of codes that
takes form of a symbol, sign or letters used to represent secret meaning.
English Language Competency. It refers to the ability of an individual to express or accomplish competitiveness in reading and
writing in an acquired language. Competency in English Language demonstrate both accuracy and fluency and use a variety of
discourse strategies.

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Attitude towards Social Media and English Language Competency of Grade 11 Students of Surigao State College of
Macro Skills. It refers to the primary key, main and the largest skill set relative to a particular context. It is commonly referred to
in English Language. The two macro skills in English are reading and writing.

Reading. It is the process in interpreting and evaluating written language, symbols and text with understanding and fluency.

Social Media. It is the practice of expanding the number of one’s business and social contact by making connections through
individuals, often through internet-based programs or sites.

Time Spent in Social Media. This refers to the average number of hours spent daily in social media.

Writing. Is the activity or skill of marking coherent words on paper and composing text.

This chapter presents the research design, research environment, respondents, research instrument, ethics and data gathering
procedure and data analysis employed in the course of the investigation.

Research Design
The researcher made use of the quantitative research design specifically the descriptive survey was employed. This design was
deemed appropriate because this study determined the attitude towards social media and English language competency of
students. The independent variables which are the attitude towards social media and the profile of the respondents were
compared with the dependent variable which is their English language competency.
Research Environment
The study was conducted at Surigao State College of Technology, Main Campus, located at Barangay Taft, Narciso Street Surigao
City (see Figure 2.). It was established on September 15, 1969, with the name Surigao del Norte School of Arts and Trades. It has
undergone various changes in its name, administration and excellent development in its structure and facilities through the years.
On June 5, 1998, it was formally named as Surigao State College of Technology.
Surigao State College of Technology is a public college in the Philippines with three annexes namely: Surigao State College of
Technology, Mainit Campus, Del Carmen Campus and Malimono Campus. It is mandated to provide higher vocational, professional
and technological instruction and training in the fields of agriculture, fisheries, engineering and sciences, as well as short -term
technical courses. It is also mandated to provide primary consideration to the integration of research/studies for the development
of the Province of Surigao Del Norte. Surigao State College of Technology also offers K to 12 senior high school programs wit h
three tracks TVL, STEM and HUMS wherein it provides sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong lear ners,
and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship.


Figure 2. Location Map of Surigao State College of Technology

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Attitude towards Social Media and English Language Competency of Grade 11 Students of Surigao State College of
The respondents of the study were the 31 Grade 11 Section-E students of Surigao State College of Technology. This section is
composed of one track which is Technical Vocational Livelihood Program (TVL). The entire class population was the respondents
of this study.
Table 1 shows the distribution of respondents in this study.

Table 1. Distribution of Respondents

Year & Section F
Grade 11–E TVL 31
Grand Total 31

Research Instrument
The present study made use of a researcher-made instrument in collecting data especially on profiling and on English Language
Competency. It consists of three parts. Part 1 asked information as to students’ time spent in social media, social media sites
used, purposes in using social media, family monthly income, and language used in social media . Part II contained items that
solicited information on the Attitude on Social Media adopted but modified from the study of Russell and Hollander (1975). Pa rt
III determined the English Language Competency of the respondents.
To determine the attitude of respondents towards social media, the following scale was used:
Scale Parameter Verbal Interpretation Qualitative Description
4 3.50-4.00 Strongly Agree Highly Positive attitude.
3 2.50-3.49 Agree Positive attitude.
2 1.50-2.49 Disagree Fairly Positive attitude.
1 1.00-1.49 Strongly Disagree Negative attitude.

A draft of the instrument was presented to the adviser and suggestions and recommendations of the questionnaire were
integrated. After that, a dry-run was conducted to non-respondents specifically the 20 Grade 11 students of Surigao Del Norte
National High School and analysis of the test items.

A dry-run was conducted to determine the inter-rater reliability of the rubrics by which r-values of 0.93, 0.86, 0.79, 0.87 and 0.92
were obtained for writing and a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.71 for reading comprehension which indicates very high reliability of the

Ethics and Data Gathering Procedure

A letter of request was sent to Surigao State College of Technology Senior High School Focal Person (Appendix A) requesting
permission to administer the questionnaire. Another letter addressed to the Focal Person (Appendix B) asking the guidance
support staff to conduct part II of the questionnaire which involved the affective factor of the respondents.
Upon approval of the requests, the guidance support staff of Surigao State College of Technology conducted the Part II
of the questionnaire for the purpose of unbiased result. On the following day, Part I and Part III were administered by the
researcher herself to the same respondents. After 30 minutes of answering the test, the researcher immediately re trieved the

Data Analysis
To analyze the data of the study, the following statistical tools were employed:

Frequency Count and Percent. These were used to determine the profile of the respondents.

Weighted Mean and Standard Deviation. This was employed to determine the English language competency of the 31 Grade 11
students along the different content areas and on each statement of the attitude test.

One–Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Scheffe’s Test. These were used to determine the significant difference in the
students' English language competency with respect to the profile of the respondents.

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Attitude towards Social Media and English Language Competency of Grade 11 Students of Surigao State College of
Pearson Product Moment of Correlation and T-test. These were utilized to determine the relationship between attitude towards
social media and English language competency.


The answers to the problems stated in Chapter 1 are presented and discussed in this section. The presentation follows accordi ng
to the order of statement of the problem.

Profile of Respondents
Table 2 presents the profile of respondents as to time spent in social media, social media sites used, purposes in using soci al
media, family monthly income and language used in social media.

Table 2. Profile of Respondents

Profile f(n=31) Percent
0-30 minutes 5 16.1
Time Spent in 1-1.5 hours 17 54.8
Social Media 2.5-3 hours 5 16.1
3-3.5 hours 4 12.9
Social Media Facebook 25 80.6
Sites Used Facebook and Instagram 6 19.4
I use social media to interact with my friends. 4 12.9
I use social media for my academic school work. 5 16.1
Purposes in
I use social media to look for advanced career opportunities. 8 25.81
using Social
I use social media to make new friends. 4 12.9
I use social media for coordinating group projects in my classes. 4 12.9
I use social media and other technology tools for self-expression. 6 19.4
less than 5000 17 54.8
Monthly 3000-4999 2 6.5
Income 5000-9999 8 25.8
10000 or more 4 12.9
English 8 25.8
Filipino 14 45.2
used in Social
Mother Tongue 5 16.1
All 4 12.9

It can be seen that the respondents spent time in social media differently. From the 31 respondents, 17 (54.8%) spent 1-1.5 hours
a day, the same frequency of 5 (16.1%) for 0-30 minutes and 2.5-3 hours, while 4 (12.9%) respondents spent for 3-3.5 hours.
As to the social media used, the respondents are more attracted in Facebook with a frequency of 25 (80.6%) while only
6 (19.4%) are active in Facebook and Instagram.
As to the purposes of engaging-in the social media, the respondents expressed on the statement “I use social media to
look for advanced career opportunities.” as the number reason since it obtained the highest frequency of 8 (25.81%). “I use Social
Media and other technology tools for self-expression.” obtained the second highest frequency of 6 (19.4). “I use social media for
my academic school work.” ranked third with a frequency of 5 (16.1%). “I use social media to interact with my friends.”, “I use
social media to make new friends.” and “I use social media for coordinating group projects in my classes.” obtained similar
frequency of 4 (12.9%). The results revealed that the respondents believed that social media can help them intensify their chances
of making them more aware and updated of their environment.
As to the monthly income, most respondents are having an income of below 5,000 with a frequency of 17 (54.8%); 8
(25.8%) are having an income of 5000-9999; 4 (12.8%) are on the bracket 10,000 or more while only 2 (6.5%) belonged to an
income of 3,000-4,999.
As to the language used in social media, the Table revealed that Filipino obtained the highest frequency of 14 (45.2%);
English with 8 (25.8%); Mother Tongue 5 (16.1%) and 4(12.9%) made use of the Filipino, English and Mother Tongue.

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Attitude towards Social Media and English Language Competency of Grade 11 Students of Surigao State College of
Attitude towards Social Media
Table 3 reflects the attitude of the respondents towards social media. It can be gleaned that the average mean of 2.86; descr ibed
as Agree and interpreted as Positive. This implies that social media have great role in the educational systems today. Stephen
(2015) elaborated that social media is an evolving method of communication. It makes more sense to embrace it, minimize the
negatives and teach students’ new ways of engaging with social media, their instructors, and each other that will support them in
becoming connected learners with the skills to become successful connected workers.”

Table 3. Attitude towards Social Media

Statement Mean SD Description Interpretation
1. Learning via Social Media makes
3.10 0.65 Agree Positive
learning more interesting.
2. I have positive attitudes for learning
2.94 0.57 Agree Positive
via Social Media.
3. I have positive attitudes towards
2.97 0.66 Agree Positive
English as a Language.
4. The use of Social Media makes learning
2.97 0.55 Agree Positive
5. Social Media encourages me to spend
2.87 0.56 Agree Positive
more time learning English.
6. I feel confident posting information
that might be of interest to other 2.74 0.44 Agree Positive
7. I increase my participation in classes
2.58 0.62 Agree Positive
when I am allowed to contribute through social media.
8. I am able to connect with peers in
2.68 0.70 Agree Positive
social media than face to face.
9. I use social media for self-expression. 2.68 0.87 Agree Positive
10. Social media enhances my confidence to write in English. 2.71 0.53 Agree Positive
11. Social media helps me overcome
2.87 0.56 Agree Positive
language mistakes.
12. I learn new words via social media. 2.94 0.68 Agree Positive
13. Social media enhances my English
2.97 0.60 Agree Positive
communication skills.
14. I practice writing in English via
2.68 0.70 Agree Positive
social media.
15. Social media enhances my confidence to write in English. 2.87 0.62 Agree Positive
16. Social media enhances my confidence in communicating. 3.10 0.70 Agree Positive
17. Social media enhances confidence to
2.94 0.73 Agree Positive
read English Materials.
18. I can confidently express ideas and
2.94 0.63 Agree Positive
myself through social media.
Average 2.86 0.30 Agree Positive

The statements “Learning via social media makes learning more interesting.” and “Social media enhances my confidence in
communicating” obtained the highest mean of 3.10; described as Positive. These entail that social media for the respondents have
given them the possibility to easily talk to each other, to exchange opinions with confidence and learning for them becomes more
Moreover, “I have positive attitude towards English as a Language”, “The use of Social Media makes learning easier” and
“Social media enhances my English communication skills” ranked second with the mean of 2.97, interpreted as Positive. These

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Attitude towards Social Media and English Language Competency of Grade 11 Students of Surigao State College of
means that the respondents believed that social media have helped them to make their learning more enhancing with English as
a language used in interacting and engaging with each other.
The findings confirmed the ideas of Joosten, T. (2012) that using social media to give students hands-on experience can
be adapted to fit almost any course. Rather than written assignments, a blog or creative project–such as the Digital Media Asia
Wiki–can be assigned. An added benefit for students using social media for course work is that, once published online, it forms
the beginning of an online portfolio visible, and marketable, to future employees. Building an online portfol io or establishing a
hobby such as blogging, or social networking, helps demonstrate skills and understanding, and network with potentially useful
contacts for the future.
The statements “I have positive attitudes for learning via Social Media”; “I learn new words via social media.”, “I learn
new words via social media” “Social media enhances confidence to read English Materials” and “I can confidently express ideas
and myself through social media” ranked third with the mean of 2.94, interpreted as Positive. The respondents have also shown
positive attitudes on social media by being confident in posting information that might be of interest to other people; by having a
belief that Social media helps them overcome their language mistakes, provide them an avenue for self-expression, and enhance
their confidence to write in English.
Russel (2011) emphasized that social media has revolutionized the way people communicate today, it has spawned a
new generation of communication for companies to use …yes, social media has already made a big impact in less than five years
of its existence. Whether one looks at the rise and dominance of Facebook or Twitter in Southeast Asia, China’s huge online
population and its own unique social media landscape, or Japan and its mobile internet obsession –social media is huge in Asia.
Like the West, social media presents a huge opportunity for schools, universities and other educational organizations to reach out
and connect with students and prospective students. But how can schools and universities go about using social media in a positive
way to help both students and the educational organizations themselves? The traditional paradigm in which assignments are given
out in class, written on paper (or by PC) and discussed in a classroom is more flexible than ever before. The internet, and social
media have revolutionized the way a person communicates with friends, and even those that he does not know…or
donot yet know. This same revolution has a hugely positive potential for the education system to help engage and develop
Generally, social media is important to one’s professional and personal life. These sites allow a person to exchange
information quickly and easily, catch up with friends and family and potentially get hired in the field being eyed for. The m ore
a person use social media, the more he/she will benefit from it as well.

English Language Competency

Seen in Table 4 is the English language competency of the respondents. The language competency of the respondents is measured
in terms of their reading and writing skills.

Table 4. English Language Competency of the Respondents

Skill Mean SD Rating Description
Comprehension 4.10 1.66 3.5 Failed
Vocabulary 5.45 2.67 3.2 Failed
Analogy 3.13 1.38 3.7 Failed
Main Idea 2.26 1.06 3.7 Failed
Topic Sentence 3.16 1.61 3.7 Failed
Analysis and Interpretation 2.13 1.02 4.1 Failed
Total 20.03 6.84 3.7 Failed
Writing 34.55 15.38 Failed

It can be gleaned in Table 4 that the respondents obtained the rating below 3.0 with a description of Failed in all areas in reading
as well as in writing. This means that after the respondents were given an actual test on both reading and writing, they were not
able to meet the passing requirement of 3.0 which fell under the category of Failed. This could be deduced further that the
respondents may be able to perform better if the tests were given through online since they displayed positive attitude towar ds
social media as reflected in Table 4.

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Attitude towards Social Media and English Language Competency of Grade 11 Students of Surigao State College of
Alrubail (2015) conducted a study on oral and written communication of the students. One of the questions in his study is, do
these digital tools impact students’ oral and written communication in the classroom? There is a general consensus among
teachers that these tools do blur the line between “formal” and “informal” writing. Teachers pointed out that “writing” does not
just encompass academic writing done in the classroom. This indicates that more teachers are attuned that writing as a genre is
evolving further than essays, reports, and in class writing assignments. However, when teachers and students were asked if they
would consider blogging, posting and texting to be writing, both parties did not think so. Writing to teachers and students w as
confined in the parameters of classroom assignments. Teachers need to help students see that their blogging, texting, tweeting
on social media is real writing. Their writing is real writing because their writing is their voice. Student voice needs to be nurtured
and appreciated in the classroom, regardless the outlet they use to communicate it. When teachers show the importance of formal
communication to be practiced on social media platforms, students are more inclined to practice good digital citizenship.
Students will believe in themselves if teachers believe in them. We can believe that they produce great thoughts and
ideas. We can also believe that social media's powerful element of connectedness can help to pass on students' thoughts to drive
impactful change in this world.

Difference on English Language Competency

Table 5 shows the difference on English language competency when grouped by time spent in social media.

Table 5. Difference on English Language Competency grouped by Time Spend in Social Media
Variable F p Decision Interpretation
Comprehension .10 .96 Not Rejected Not Significant
Vocabulary 1.34 .28 Not Rejected Not Significant
Analogy .86 .47 Not Rejected Not Significant
Reading Main Idea .29 .83 Not Rejected Not Significant
Topic Sentence .05 .99 Not Rejected Not Significant
Analysis and Interpretation 1.99 .14 Not Rejected Not Significant
Total .33 .81 Not Rejected Not Significant
Writing 2.01 .14 Not Rejected Not Significant

Gleaned from the Table are p-values which are greater than 0.05 level of significance when the English language competency in
terms of reading and writing were grouped according to time spent in social media. These led to the non -rejection of the null
hypotheses which suggest that there is no significant difference on English language competency of the respondents as to reading
and writing with respect to the time they spend in social media. This further means that no matter how long or short period o f
time the respondents spend in social media, their reading and writings skills are not necessarily affected.
Table 6 shows the difference on English language competency when grouped by social media sites used.

Table 6. Difference on English Language Competency grouped by Social Media Sites Used
Variable F p Decision Interpretation
Comprehension .15 .70 Not Rejected Not Significant
Vocabulary .00 .96 Not Rejected Not Significant
Analogy 3.16 .09 Not Rejected Not Significant
Main Idea .38 .54 Not Rejected Not Significant
Topic Sentence .08 .78 Not Rejected Not Significant
Analysis and Interpretation .01 .92 Not Rejected Not Significant
Total .10 .76 Not Rejected Not Significant
Writing .02 .90 Not Rejected Not Significant

Reflected in the Table are p-values which are greater than 0.05 when the English language competency in terms of reading and
writing were grouped according to social media sites used. These led to the non-rejection of the null hypotheses which suggest
that there is no significant difference on English language competency of the respondents as to reading and writing with respect

IJMRA, Volume 6 Issue 5 May 2023 Page 1978

Attitude towards Social Media and English Language Competency of Grade 11 Students of Surigao State College of
to the social media sites they used. This goes to show that their reading and writing skills are not influenced with the kind of social
media sites they are linked with.
Table 7 shows the difference on English language competency when grouped by purposes in using social media.

Table 7. Difference on English Language Competency grouped by Purposes in using Social Media
Variable F p Decision Interpretation
Comprehension 1.45 .23 Not Rejected Not Significant
Vocabulary .54 .80 Not Rejected Not Significant
Analogy 1.28 .30 Not Rejected Not Significant
Reading Main Idea .81 .59 Not Rejected Not Significant
Topic Sentence .41 .89 Not Rejected Not Significant
Analysis and Interpretation 1.37 .27 Not Rejected Not Significant
Total .78 .61 Not Rejected Not Significant
Writing .74 .64 Not Rejected Not Significant

Revealed in the Table are p-values which are greater than 0.05 when the English language competency in terms of reading and
writing were grouped according to purposes in using social media. These led to the non -rejection of the null hypotheses which
suggest that there is no significant difference on English language competency of the respondents as to reading and writing with
respect to their purposes in using social media. This puts forward of the idea that the respondents’ reading and writing skills have
no connection with the purposes of going into the social media.
The difference in English competency with respect to monthly income is shown in the next Table.

Table 8. Difference on English Language Competency grouped by Monthly Income

Variable F p Decision Interpretation
Comprehension 1.83 .16 Not Rejected Not Significant
Vocabulary 1.48 .24 Not Rejected Not Significant
Analogy 2.64 .07 Not Rejected Not Significant
Reading Main Idea .83 .49 Not Rejected Not Significant
Topic Sentence 1.33 .29 Not Rejected Not Significant
Analysis and Interpretation 1.62 .21 Not Rejected Not Significant
Total 2.95 .05 Not Rejected Not Significant
Writing .20 .90 Not Rejected Not Significant

Presented in the Table are p-values which are greater than 0.05 when the English language competency in terms of reading and
writing were grouped according to monthly income. These led to the non-rejection of the null hypotheses which suggest that
there is no significant difference on English language competency of the respondents as to reading and writing with respect to
their monthly income. This further entails that whether the respondents belong to a well-off family or not, their reading and
writing skills are not necessarily affected.
The difference in English competency with respect to language used in social media is shown in the next Table.

Table 9. Difference on English Language Competency grouped by Medium of Communication

Variable F p Decision Interpretation
Comprehension .60 .62 Not Rejected Not Significant
Vocabulary 1.80 .17 Not Rejected Not Significant
Analogy .78 .51 Not Rejected Not Significant
Reading Main Idea 2.08 .13 Not Rejected Not Significant
Topic Sentence .62 .61 Not Rejected Not Significant
Analysis and Interpretation 1.41 .26 Not Rejected Not Significant
Total .94 .43 Not Rejected Not Significant
Writing 2.06 .13 Not Rejected Not Significant

IJMRA, Volume 6 Issue 5 May 2023 Page 1979

Attitude towards Social Media and English Language Competency of Grade 11 Students of Surigao State College of
Observed in the Table are p-values which are greater than 0.05 when the English language competency in terms of reading and
writing were grouped according to language used in social media. These led to the non -rejection of the null hypotheses which
suggest that there is no significant difference on English language competency of the respondents as to reading and writing with
respect to the language used in social media.

Relationship between the Respondents’ Attitude towards Social Media and English Language Competency
Table 10 shows the relationship between attitude of respondents towards social media and English Language competency.

Table 10. Relationship between Attitude of Respondents towardsSocial Media and English Language Competency
Variable r p Decision Interpretation
Comprehension -.08 .67 Not Rejected Not Significant
Vocabulary .02 .90 Not Rejected Not Significant
Analogy .02 .91 Not Rejected Not Significant
Reading Main Idea -.15 .42 Not Rejected Not Significant
Topic Sentence -.07 .72 Not Rejected Not Significant
Analysis and Interpretation .11 .54 Not Rejected Not Significant
Total .00 .99 Not Rejected Not Significant
Writing .04 .83 Not Rejected Not Significant

Shown in the Table are p-values which are greater than 0.05 when the attitude of the respondents is correlated to their English
language competency. These led to the non-rejection of the null hypotheses which suggest that there is no significant relationship
between the attitude of the respondents and their English language competency. This means that whether their attitude to soci al
media is negative or positive, their reading and writing skills remain independent and not related.

Based on the findings of the study, it is concluded that:
1. Access to social media especially Facebook has been affordable to the students despite meager income of parents in order to
look for advanced career opportunities, for self-expression, for academic school work, to interact with friends, make new
friends, and coordinating group projects in their classes.
2. The Grade 11 students, regardless of profile, lack technical skills in writing and understanding what they read, in giving
meaning to words, comparing words, identifying the main idea of a paragraph, in pointing-out the topic sentence, and in
analyzing and interpreting important lines.
3. Students’ favorable attitude towards social media does not have a connection to their reading and writing skills.

The following recommendations are given:
1. The students should be reminded that constant engagement to social media due to their positive attitude may hinder their
studies which may lead to poor performance in school.
2. The parents being the partners of the school may monitor the whereabouts of their children and check in the school if their
children are attending their classes.
3. The teachers may incorporate in their classes the use of social media such as giving of assignments and o ther instructions
related to their classes so that their students may not only engage in social media for chatting but for educational purposes .
4. Teachers should encourage their students to use English language in using Facebook to improve their English lan guage

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