SF 9 Non Graded Progress Report
SF 9 Non Graded Progress Report
SF 9 Non Graded Progress Report
Certificate of Transfer
Admitted to: _________________________________________________________
Eligible for Admission to: ______________________________________________
4TH ____________________________
SF 9-Non-Graded
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES Performance Indicators 1 2 3 4
REGION VII Expresses need to eat or drink through non-verbal and/or verbal means
BOHOL Chews and swallows different kinds of foods
Swallows liquid like soup Distinguishes different types of sounds
Picks up food with fingers or scoops with spoon Comprehends simple and familiar stories
Picks up and eats finger food Listens attentively to stories, poems/rhymes
Sips and drinks liquid SPEAKING
Eats with spoon and fork
Increases vocabulary to describe things
Uses the table knife for spreading
Increases vocabulary to express one’s feelings
Cuts food using the table knife
Distinguishes edible and non-edible foods and substances Increases vocabulary to share information
Peels/unwraps food Answers and responds to questions accordingly
Uses table napkins Narrates simple and familiar stories
Exhibits table setting skills READING
TOILETING Discriminates similarities and differences between pictures and objects
Uses comfort room/toilet bowl to urinate or defecate Classifies objects according to function
Uses the toilet paper to clean-up self and disposes it properly Notes details in pictures
Uses dipper correctly
Visualizes objects and pictures from memory
Cleans self with soap and water after toileting
Comprehends picture stories
Removes/puts on shoes or slippers Performs relevant study skills
Removes/puts on socks WRITING
Removes/puts on clothes Holds/grips pencil properly
Opens and closes dressing implements (zip/unzip, button/unbutton) Traces lines and shapes
GROOMING AND HYGEINE Traces letters, numbers, and one’s name properly
Washes and dries hands properly Copies lines, shapes, letters, numbers, and one’s name properly
Cleans own face Draws basic figures
Brushes Teeth
Uses basic strokes correctly
Combs/brushes hair