Exp SC 6 - Chapter 08

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Habitat of
the Living Organisms
Expected Learning Outcomes

Knowledge to be gained: •Habitat and its components • Types of habitat •Adaptations in a habitat
Skill to be developed: •Categorisation of a habitat based on its observable properties.
Attitude to be inculcated: •Importance of habitat and the living environment.

HABITAT animals, plants and microorganisms in a

Living organisms are found almost particular area, which becomes the living
everywhere. ey are found on land, in area or habitat for these organisms.
burrows, deep down in the Earth, in water, Some examples of habitats are grasslands,
oceans, high snow-bound mountains, hills forests, ponds, rivers, oceans, hilly areas,
and even in very hot deserts. coastal areas, deserts, etc.
Many organisms, such as spiders, lizards, Plants and animals living in different
mice, termites, cockroaches, etc., live with us habitats are different from each other. e
in our homes, even if we do not want them to. organisms in a habitat have adapted to
A place where an organism lives is called its survive in their particular habitat.
habitat. e habitat is a part of the COMPONENTS OF HABITAT
environment of a region. A habitat does not consist of only living
Living organisms are dependent on each organisms. Other components like soil,
other for their food and other needs. temperature, light, air, etc., are also a part of
erefore, you will nd several types of it. Based on living and non-living, the
Habitat of the Living Organisms 95
components of any habitat can be divided for their food. ey are always found to
into the following: exist close to where their food is available.
u Biotic components Abiotic Components
u Abiotic components e non-living things present in a habitat
Biotic components are its abiotic components. Abiotic
e term “biotic” means “living.” So, all the components are also called non-living
living organisms present in a habitat components. ey include air, water,
make up the biotic components in the sunlight, soil, rocks, etc. ey constitute the
habitat. e biotic components include all physical environment and affect the living
plants, animals and microorganisms present organisms found in the habitat.
in the habitat. e y constitute the Abiotic factors, such as temperature,
biological environment and affect other
sunlight, amount of water, nature of soil and
living organisms found in the habitat.
other such things, are dependent on the
Living organisms that make up the biotic weather and climate of a place.
environment are dependent on each other
Mention the biotic and abiotic components present
(a) in a pond (b) in the forest (c) on the mountains (d) in the desert


e habitats are broadly grouped into two u Forest habitat u Grassland habitat
types, namely terrestrial and aquatic u Desert habitat u Tundra habitat
habitats. u Mountain habitat
e term “terra” in Latin means “land”. The Forests are large areas of land which are
organisms living on land are called thickly covered with tall trees, short
terrestrial organisms, and their habitat is bushes and creepers. e plants in the forest
called terrestrial habitat or land habitat. occur in three layers (Fig.1):
Terrestrial habitats show great variations in u Tall trees form the canopy.
climatic conditions, temperature, rainfall u Short trees and bushes form the
and the structure of the land. Based on these undergrowth.
variations, terrestrial habitats can further be u Grasses and other vegetation on the forest
classi ed into various types. ese are as oor form the oor vegetation.
96 Exploring Science-6
Canopy layer

Under growth layer

Floor vegetation Fig.3 A temperate forest

Fig.1 Structure of a forest u Temperate forests: Temperate forests are
e forest is home to different types of warm and humid during summer, but cold
animals: and dry in winter. e annual rainfall is 150
u Some animals live underground in holes cm and the temperature ranges from -10°C
or tunnels. to 30°C. ey have deciduous trees which
u Some animals live on the forest oor. shed their leaves in autumn and grow new
u A large number of animals live on trees. leaves in spring.
Based on temperature, moisture and types of u Boreal forests: Boreal forests grow in the
trees, there are three main types of forests. Taiga region, which lies between the poles
They are tropical rainforests, temperate and temperate zone. ey have a short
forests and boreal forests. summer and a long winter. ey receive
u Tropical rainforests: Tropical rainforests heavy snowfall. Temperature in boreal
are hot and moist. ey get rain throughout forests ranges from -10°C to 30°C. Trees in
the year with an average rainfall of 200 cm. boreal forests are evergreen, like pine, r and
ey have temperatures between 20°C and spruce. ey are conical in shape and have
34°C. ey grow in areas between the needle-like leaves.
equator and the tropics. Rainforests are very
rich in both, plant and animal variety.

Fig.2 A tropical rainforest Fig.4 A boreal forest

Habitat of the Living Organisms 97
Fig.5 Grassland habitat Fig.6 Desert habitat Fig.7 Tundra habitat
Grassland Habitat animals include gerbils, kangaroos, rats,
Grassland habitats are hot and partly dry snakes, scorpions and camels. To escape the
areas where grasses are the main plants, scorching heat of the sun during daytime,
and trees and shrubs are few. Here, the most of the desert animals dig burrows.
annual rainfall varies from 50 cm to 90 cm. Despite harsh conditions, some plants, like
Grasslands provide home and food to several cacti (opuntia), date palm, acacia and
herbivores and carnivores. Zebras, giraffes, succulent plants also grow in desert.
deer, buffaloes and elephants are herbivores Tundra Habitat (Cold Desert)
and lions, tigers, hyenas and foxes are the
Tundra habitats are always covered with
carnivores found here.
snow. So, they are very cold and dry. ey
Desert Habitat (Hot Desert)
are found around the poles. Here, the
Desert habitats are very dry places where vegetation is very scanty and in the form of
rainfall is scarce, i.e., less than 25 cm. some grasses.
About one- h of the Earth's land surface is
Polar bears, reindeer, weasels, Arctic foxes,
snowshoe hares and snow dogs are the
Deserts can be hot or cold, but they are animals found in Tundra habitat. Polar bears
always dry. have fur and a thick layer of fat under their
Hot deserts are extremely hot in the daytime, skin, which is called blubber. It protects
with temperature reaching upto 45°C-60°C, them from the extremely cold climate of the
but they become cooler at night. Some desert region.

Knowledge Booster
• Terrestrial animals that live on trees are called arboreal animals. Monkeys, tree snakes and squirrels
are some arboreal animals.
• Birds and insects that fly in the air are called aerial animals.
• Organisms which live in both aqua c and terrestrial habitats are called amphibious animals. Frogs
and toads are some amphibious animals.
• Sahara, Kalahari and Thar are hot deserts. Antarc ca, Gobi and Greenland are cold deserts.
• Animals living on mountains have fur on their body to withstand the chilly winds.

98 Exploring Science-6
Fig.8 Mountain habitat Fig.9 Freshwater habitat Fig.10 Marine habitat

Mountain Habitat Ponds, pools, lakes, rivers and swamps

Very high hills are called mountains. form the freshwater habitat . Lotus,
Mountain habitats are those that rise much Hydrilla, Vallisneria and Lily are freshwater
higher than the land surrounding them. plants, while sh, ducks, tortoises and
ey are rocky and very cold. Snowfall dolphins are freshwater animals. Plants
occurs in winter, followed by chilly winds.
growing in freshwater are called
e trees on the mountains are cone shaped.
eir leaves are needle-like so that snow can
just slide off. Snow leopard, sheep, yak and Seas and oceans have saline (salty) water.
mountain goat are found in the mountains. ey form the marine habitat . e
AQUATIC HABITAT organisms living there are called marine
organisms. Whales, seals, turtles star sh,
e organisms living in water are called
sharks, etc., are marine animals, whereas
aquatic organisms, and their habitat is
called aquatic habitat or water habitat. algae like Sargassum, Fucus, etc., are marine
Oceans, seas, rivers, ponds, lakes, pools, etc., plants.
are examples of aquatic habitat. Plants growing near seashores in saline water
Based on their salinity (amount of salt conditions are called halophytes.
present in water), the aquatic habitats can be You have learnt about different types of
divided into:
habitats. ink about the different plants
u Freshwater habitat and and animals found there and ll in the table
u Marine habitat given below.

In the forest On the mountain In the desert In marine water In freshwater

Habitat of the Living Organisms 99

Fill in the blanks
1. e organisms living in water are called ______________ organisms.
2. Plants growing near seashores in saline conditions are called ______________.
3. Short trees and bushes form the ______________ layer of the forest.
4. ______________ forests have deciduous trees.

ADAPTATIONS availability and, plants and animals living in

e presence of speci c features and this habitat have developed speci c features
habitats, which enables a plant or an to store water and survive on very little water.
animal to survive in a particular habitat, is For example, only plants like cactus and
called adaptation . It means that the animals like camels can survive in a hot
organisms found in any habitat have desert habitat because they require less
adapted to survive efficiently in their amount of water and have speci c water
p ar ticu lar habitat . For example: A retention capabilities. ese speci c features
freshwater sh can survive in fresh water, but have developed over thousands of years.
the same sh may nd it difficult to survive in Let us study the features of animals and
marine water. plants living in different habitats in detail.
Organisms live happily in the habitats they
are born in. is is because they have some AQUATIC ADAPTATIONS
special features which help them live in their e living organisms found in water develop
habitats comfortably and successfully. A sh certain features to cope with the conditions
can live in water, a monkey on tree and a prevailing in water, such as water pressure,
camel in desert, because each one of these movement of water, breathing in water, etc.
organisms has developed some special ese are called aquatic adaptations.
features that help them to survive in their
Adaptations in Aquatic Animals
Aquatic animals like the sh have the
If animals found in one habitat are taken
following adaptations to live in water:
out of their natural habitat and moved into
a different habitat, they will nd it hard to u Streamlined and spindle-shaped body:
survive. For example, sh can’t live on land; is reduces friction with water and helps
and pine trees found in boreal forests won’t aquatic animals swim easily.
survive in hot tropical rainforests. u Gills: To breathe in oxygen dissolved in
Similarly, deserts have very little water water.

100 Exploring Science-6

u Fins: To propel the sh in water and help surface of the water. ey have spongy
in swimming. and swollen leaves and stems which help
u Caudal n: e caudal n steers the body them to oat (Fig.12).
and helps in changing the direction of sh u Submerged plants: Plants like hydrilla,
while swimming. vallisneria, etc., remain under water and
u Scaly and slippery skin: e hard their roots are embedded in the mud. ey
waterproof scales and slime on the body have narrow leaves with no stomata. e
surface protect aquatic animals from narrow thin ribbon-like leaves blend in the
other predators like dolphins and whales. owing water of rivers and streams and do
Dorsal n
not obstruct the ow of water (Fig.13).
Eye Caudal n
u Fixed oating plants: Plants like lotus
and trapa are attached to the soil at the
bottom of the pond and the rest of their
part oats on the surface of the water.
Gills ey have long and hollow stems. eir
Lateral n leaves are broad and saucer-shaped
Fig.11 A sh showing aquatic adaptations
Adaptations in Aquatic Plants Knowledge Booster
Aquatic plants (hydrophytes) are of three Whales and dolphins have lungs. They come to
types: the water surface for breathing. Their nostrils are
called blowholes from which the air goes out as if
u Floating plants: Plants like pistia, water from a blowpipe and produces a shower of
hyacinth and lemna oat freely on the water.

Fig.12 Floating aquatic plants Fig.13 Submerged aquatic plants Fig.14 Fixed aquatic plants

Habitat of the Living Organisms 101

Fig.15 Leaf insect and Stick insect found in tropical rainforest Fig.16 Temperate forest in autumn
TERRESTRIAL ADAPTATIONS they are not easily spotted against their
Terrestrial habitat is vast and varied. us, surroundings. is blending of animals
plants and animals living here have a variety with their surroundings in shape and
of adaptations. colour is called camou aging. (Fig.15)
Adaptations in Tropical Rainforest u C amou aging enables animals and
Habitat insects to hide themselves from their
Plants in tropical rainforests show the predators.
following adaptations: u Some animals found in tropical rain-
u Tropical rainforests have tall evergreen forests have very specialised eating
trees. eir leaves form a dense canopy habits. For example, parrots and toucans
which prevents sunlight from reaching eat nuts and have very strong curved
the forest oor. Due to excessive rain, beaks to crack open the tough shells.
trees get plenty of water to grow. Adaptations to Temperate Forest Habitat
u e leaves of trees are large, having u To tolerate the cold during winter, the
specialised tips called drip tips. e drip deciduous trees found in temperate forests
tips allow the raindrops to drop off from shed their leaves in autumn and grow new
the leaves. is protects the leaves from leaves in spring. (Fig.16)
rotting and allows raindrops to reach the u eir leaves are thin and broad.
forest oor. u During winter, the animals living in
A wide variety of animal species is found in temperate forests either migrate to warmer
rainforests because of the availability of regions or hibernate. Animals like bats,
plenty of food and mild weather. ere are he dgehogs, many sp e cies of sh,
also numerous species of insects found in amphibians and reptiles go on hibernation.
tropical rainforests. Some animals like squirrels and ants gather
A leaf insect has a green leaf-like body, and a food during summer and store it for
stick insect resembles a dry stick or twig. So, winter.
102 Exploring Science-6
Fig.17 Needle leaves of pine tree Fig.18 Desert foxes in a burrow Fig.19 Camel—the ship of the desert
Adaptations to Boreal Forest Habitat these adaptations found in a desert camel
u Since it snows heavily during winters in which make the camel best suited to the
this region, trees in the boreal forests are harsh environment of the hot desert.
conical in shape for snow to slide off easily. u Camels have thick skin and no sweat
u Boreal trees get less sunlight and, glands to prevent loss of water.
therefore, less energy. ey conserve u Camels can store water for seven months
energy by not shedding their leaves. by drinking a large quantity of water at a
u e needle-like leaves of the trees prevent time.
water loss by evaporation and they also u ey excrete thick urine.
allow snow to slide down. (Fig.17) u Humps on their backs store fat. is fat
u e animals found in this region are can be broken down into energy and
usually white in colour to camou age water during an emergency.
them with the snow. ey have thick u Large and padded soles help the camels in
layers of fur or feathers to keep them walking on loose sand without sinking.
warm. Some animals hibernate during u Long eyelashes and ear hair protect the
winter or move to warmer places. eyes and ears of the camel from the
Adaptations for Desert Habitat blowing sand.
Desert animals have to tolerate scorching u Long legs keep the body away from the
heat and water loss during the day. Some hot sand.
desert animals, like desert rats, lizards and e camel is best adapted to live in deserts. It
snakes, stay in deep burrows during the can run and walk on sand easily. erefore, it
daytime to avoid intense heat. ey become is called the ship of the desert. (Fig.19)
active only at night when it is cool. Such
Plants growing in deserts are called
animals are called nocturnal animals.
xerophytes. ey face scarcity of water and
Camels show several of adaptations to intense heat. e following general
survive in the desert. Let’s study some of adaptations can be noticed in desert plants:
Habitat of the Living Organisms 103
u Desert plants have long roots to absorb with the dry grass while hunting. (Fig.21)
water from deeper layers of the soil. u eir eyes are in the front, which help
u ey have juicy and eshy stems that them in locating the prey straight ahead
store water. erefore, desert plants are and keep the line of vision aligned with
also called succulents. their movement during the hunt.
u To reduce the loss of water through u ey have long and strong canine teeth
transpiration, the leaves in desert plants which help them in tearing into the esh.
are modi ed into spines, as in cacti.
(Fig.20) Adaptations for Mountain Habitat
u To carry out photosynthesis in the Wide ranges of terrestrial plants and animals
absence of leaves, the stem becomes green are found in mountain habitats. It is usually
with chlorophyll. Also, it is covered with a cold up in the mountains and sometimes,
waxy layer to retain as much water as there is snowfall. Some mountains are so
possible. high that they are covered in snow
Adaptations for Grassland Habitat perennially.
Adaptations in herbivores: Herbivorous Plants growing in mountains have many
animals of grassland (like deer, giraffes and adaptive features. e shape of the plants
zebra) have the following adaptations: found high up in the mountains is similar to
u ey have strong teeth for chewing and the plants found in boreal forests. e plants
cutting hard grass. here are usually cone-shaped, such as pine
u eir ears are long to detect the trees. ey have sharp needle-like leaves,
movement of predators. which help the snow to slide down.
u ey have long legs and hooves to run fast Since the conditions present in high
and escape predators. mountains are very similar to boreal
u ey have eyes on the sides of their head habitats, the animals found in both habitats
which help them to look in all the are also very similar. Animals living in
directions for the presence of predators. mountain habitats have a number of
Adaptations in carnivores: Carnivores prey adaptations. Animals such as yak, polar bear
upon herbivores. ey have the following and snow leopard have thick fur on their
adaptations: body to keep them warm and protect them
u ey have sharp claws to catch, hold and from the cold. e mountain goats (like ibex)
tear the bodies of their prey. have strong hooves which help them to climb
u eir skin is light brown in colour or steeply inclined surfaces and run on the
patchy. is helps them to camou age rocky mountain surface.
104 Exploring Science-6
Fig.20 Modi ed leaf of cactus Fig.21 A leopard hiding in dry grass Fig.22 Mountain habitat

Fig.23 Yak Fig.24 Snow leopard Fig.25 Ibex (mountain goat)

Choose the correct option and ll in the blanks
1. Pistia, water hyacinth and lemna are ___________ ( oating/submerged) plants.
2. Trees that have leaves throughout the year are called _________ (deciduous/evergreen) trees.
3. e ____________ (camel/tiger) is called the ship of the desert.
4. e ears of the herbivores are _______________ (long/short).
5. e skin of the carnivores is ______________ (light blue/light brown) in colour.

Habitat : A place where an organism lives in nature.
Abiotic : Non-living component of a habitat.
Biotic : Living component of a habitat.
Evergreen trees : Trees that have leaves throughout the year.
Deciduous trees : Trees that shed leaves annually.
Adaptation : Capability of an organism to adjust to the environment.
Camou age : Merging with the surroundings.
Hibernation : Long winter sleep.
Xerophytes : Plants adapted to grow in desert areas where water is scarce.
Transpiration : Loss of water vapour from the surface of leaves through stomata.
Succulent : A plant having juicy and eshy stem or leaves.

Habitat of the Living Organisms 105

Points to Remember
u A place where an organism lives in nature is called its habitat.
u Several kinds of plants and animals may share the same habitat.
u A habitat includes physical surroundings, climate and all organisms living around.
u Non-living physical components of the habitat are called abiotic components.
u All life forms such as plants, animals and humans form the biotic components of a habitat.
u ere are many types of habitats, however, they are broadly grouped as terrestrial and aquatic
u Forests are large areas of land, thickly covered with tall trees, short bushes and creepers.
u Grasslands are hot and dry areas where grasses are the main plants.
u Deserts are very dry places where rainfall is scarce.
u Tundra habitat is found around the poles.
u Aquatic habitat is broadly divided into marine and freshwater habitats.
u e presence of speci c features and habits which enable a plant or an animal to live in a
particular habitat is called adaptation.
u During winter, the animals living in temperate forests either migrate to warmer regions or
u Aquatic plants and animals have adaptations for survival in underwater conditions.
u Desert plants and animals have adaptations to reduce loss of water.
u Plants and animals of different forests have adaptations to weather and different climatic
u Organisms living in very cold conditions have adaptations to keep themselves warm.

A. Tick (3) the Correct Option
1. Which of the following denotes the living organisms of the habitat?
(a) Biotic components (b) Abiotic components
(c) Canopy (d) None of these
2. e layer of vegetation containing tall trees in a forest is called ______________.
(a) blubber (b) under-growth
(c) forest oor (d) canopy

106 Exploring Science-6

3. Polar bears can be found in which habitat?
(a) Forest habitat (b) Grassland habitat
(c) Tundra habitat (d) Marine habitat
4. e organisms living on land are called ______________.
(a) marine organisms (b) terrestrial organisms
(c) xerophytes (d) hydrophytes
B. Fill in the Blanks with Suitable Words
1. A place where an organism lives in nature is called its ______________.
2. e term ______________ means living.
3. ______________ trees shed their leaves in autumn and grow new leaves in spring.
4. Deserts are very dry places where ______________ is scarce.
5. Plants growing in freshwater are called ______________.
C. Very Short-Answer-Type Questions
1. What is a habitat?
2. e organisms found in a habitat are well adapted to survive in it. True or False?
3. Name the various types of terrestrial habitats.
4. Ponds, pools and lakes make up the marine habitat. True or False?
5. Adaptations are speci c features developed over thousands of years. True or False?
6. Name the three types of freshwater aquatic plants (hydrophytes).
7. e hump on the backs of camels store water. True or False?
8. What are xerophytes?
D. Short-Answer-Type Questions
1. Differentiate between abiotic and biotic components of a habitat.
2. What is the characteristic feature of deciduous trees?
3. What is a desert? Name a few plants and animals found in a hot desert.
4. Where do we nd Tundra habitat? Name a few plants and animals found in a tundra habitat.
5. What are hydrophytes and halophytes?
6. What kind of adaptations are found in insects and birds of tropical rainforests?
7. How do animals adapt to survive cold winters in temperate forests?
8. Why are camels called ‘the ship of the desert’?

Habitat of the Living Organisms 107

E. Long-Answer-Type Questions
1. Explain in brief, the various types of forest habitats.
2. Describe the features of a grassland habitat.
3. What is adaptation? Explain with the help of two examples.
4. Write the adaptations in sh which help them to survive in an aquatic habitat.
5. Mention an adaptation in the plants of:
a. tropical rainforest b. temperate forests c. boreal forests d. deserts
6. What is aquatic habitat? Describe in brief the various types of aquatic habitat.
7. Describe the adaptive features of animals living in the tundra region.
8. What adaptations are found in herbivores and carnivores of grasslands?

1. How do hibernating animals survive the long winter without eating?
2. If the habitat of polar bears was to be changed from the Antarctic to the lower mountains,
what adaptations would be needed in their bodies?
3. Why do mountain habitats and boreal forests have similar vegetation?

Activity Zone

Project Work

A. Work in groups of 4 and nd out the different plants and animals found in different habitats.
Study how they have adapted in their habitats. Make an informative chart on it.
B. With the help of your parents, surf the internet to nd out about the kind of plants that grow in
seawater. What are these plants called? Write a detailed note on your ndings and compare it
with the ndings of your classmates.

Science Excursion

C. Visit a nearby zoo. Study how animals are kept there and what type of food is given to them.
Make a report of your visit in your notebook. Click a few pictures of your visit to stick alongside
the report. In your report, categorise the animals you saw in the zoo into herbivores, carnivores
and omnivores.

108 Exploring Science-6

Memory Map 1

Abiotic Biotic Consumers
THE ENVIRONMENT (heterotrophs)


Memory Map 2

Terrestrial Aquatic

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this Chapter:

Habitat of the Living Organisms 109

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