Data Center Workgroup Final Report - 202403011437205305
Data Center Workgroup Final Report - 202403011437205305
Data Center Workgroup Final Report - 202403011437205305
March 1, 2024
March 1, 2024
It is with great pleasure that we submit to you the final report of the Frederick County Data Centers
Workgroup, formed by you in June 2023. Since our first meeting, the Workgroup has undertaken its
task diligently and collaboratively, befitting the importance of our charge – to ensure that growth in
data center development in Frederick County occurs responsibly, with benefits to the community
maximized and external costs minimized.
We commend you for appointing a Workgroup that reflects the diversity of interests in Frederick
County, and ensures that all voices have been heard. The workgroup conducted its review in the
daylight, with all full workgroup meetings open to the public, recorded and preserved for future review.
The recommendations contained in this report represent a beginning, not an end. While the
Frederick County Critical Data Infrastructure ordinance can and must be amended to reflect the
demands and impact of the data center industry, and while noise, water use, power consumption and
more can be monitored, incentivized and restricted, when necessary, it is clear that this industry will
continue to evolve. Ongoing attention will be needed to ensure that the residents and businesses of
Frederick County are neither overly burdened by digital infrastructure growth, nor that we heedlessly
restrict a modern industry.
Our workgroup remains ready to answer additional questions you and others may have. Thank you
again for this opportunity.
Table of Contents
Background on Data Centers Workgroup formation1
Mission and goals of workgroup1
Future landscape and trends
trends 3
Workgroup membership
membership 3
Description of process4
North Star Principles4
Topline findings, challenges, and recommendations5
In-depth Issue 1: Siting 6
In-depth Issue 2: Sustainability9
Incentives to achieve desired sustainability outcomes11
In-depth Issue 3: Community benefits
benefits 13
Overall benefits
benefits 13
Main Recommendations
Recommendations 13
Potential additional revenues: A discussion
discussion 13
Taxation: A dissenting view
[Faith Klareich, Chair of the Frederick County Sustainability Commission]14
Cost-benefit analyses: A discussion 15
More on Community Benefits Agreements16
Community Benefit Agreements: A dissenting view
[Faith Klareich, Chair of the Frederick County Sustainability Commission]16
Next steps16
Appendix 118
Appendix 219
Background on Data Centers Workgroup formation
The Frederick County Data Centers Workgroup was created in June 2023 by County Executive Jessica
Fitzwater to examine existing laws and to provide thoughtful guidance on shaping growth of a relatively
new and rapidly changing technology industry poised for expansion in Frederick County.
The County Executive and the County Council are seeking to develop a model for critical data
infrastructure that leverages benefits of data center construction and operation while protecting
environmental resources and Frederick County’s quality of life and economic prosperity.
County Executive Fitzwater announced the formation of the Data Centers Workgroup (DCW) while, via
executive order, calling for a pause in individual zoning map amendments that could allow for new
data center construction in Frederick County, so that growth and expansion would not take place in a
piecemeal fashion.
The recommendations of the DCW are intended to guide policy and regulatory updates so that data
infrastructure growth and expansion occurs in a manner that is in the best interests of Frederick
County residents.
In particular, the DCW was asked to examine the experiences of communities in Northern Virginia,
notably Loudoun County, where data centers have been constructed rapidly and are raising concerns
among many residents. As County Executive Fitzwater noted when she announced the creation of the
workgroup: “The data center industry brought economic and tax benefits to Northern Virginia, and it
also brought concerns about environmental sustainability, energy and water usage, noise, vibration,
and impacts on the quality of life.”
application of Rowan Digital Infrastructure, which seeks to build on 151 acres of the Quantum
Loophole campus, also known as the Frederick Clean Cloud Community. Construction is expected to
begin in Spring 2024, generating a projected 300 construction jobs. Rowan builds facilities and then
secures an end user to bring the project online. According to the company, an end user is typically
identified closer to when site development is scheduled. Rowan estimates 100 operational jobs upon
project completion.
Workgroup membership
The DCW is composed of a diverse group of community leaders representing industry, agriculture,
technology, environment, labor and more. It is led by co-chairs Frederick County Councilmember
Renee Knapp; and Karen Cannon, Executive Director of Mobilize Frederick.
Other members include:
● Daryl Boffman, business and technology consultant and civic leader
● Harry George, retired telecommunications executive and environmental advocate
● Faith Klareich, Chair of the Frederick County Sustainability Commission
● Mike McHale, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 24
● Kelly Schulz, Executive Director, Maryland Tech Council
● Brian Sweeney, representative, Frederick County Farm Bureau
● Chris Vigliotti, Brunswick City Councilmember
● Paul Walker, retired client solutions executive and environmental advocate
● Kraig Walsleben, Rodgers Consulting
Description of process
The DCW held its first public meeting on August 2, 2023, and the full committee met eight times be-
tween then and February 2024.
The DCW collected public input at every juncture, and conducted fact-finding via presentations from a
variety of groups, which can be found in Appendix 1.
Much of the DCW work was performed by subgroups focusing on siting, sustainability and community
● Siting Subgroup: Recommendations on where data centers should be allowed and require-
ments on landscaping, screening, and buffering [Members: H. George, B. Sweeney, K. Walsleben]
● Sustainability Subgroup: Recommendations on performance standards and issues related to
light, sound, vibration, water, waste and energy. [Members: F. Klareich, M. McHale, P. Walker]
● Community Benefits Subgroup: Recommendations on taxation, workforce development pro-
grams, economic development opportunities, and other benefits which could be provided by the
data century industry [Members: D. Boffman, K. Schulz, C. Vigliotti]
The data collected by these subgroups can be found on the Frederick County Data Centers Workgroup
web page located here
North Star Principles
The Workgroup kept the following foundational principles at the forefront of discussions and
● Frederick County is and should remain a welcoming destination for residents and
businesses, including for the builders and operators of digital infrastructure such as data centers.
● Data centers and other digital enterprises locating in Frederick County should set and achieve
best-in-class standards for corporate stewardship,
stewardship, environmental sustainability,
sustainability, and
overall community benefit.
● The data center industry is an intensive user of power, water and land, as well as a
revenues. Both the industry and policy makers in Frederick County
generator of jobs and tax revenues.
should seek to maximize benefits and mitigate costs associated with data centers.
for communities… that wish to achieve specific goals outlined in a comprehensive plan or other public
The Workgroup has concluded that the features of a CDI floating zone within GI and LI zones would
provide significant benefits. Such floating zones would be applicant driven and would meet the
criteria and standards for siting as established by the County through the existing CDI ordinance, or an
amended or replacement ordinance.
The application for floating zone designation would entail significant public notice and input. After an
application is submitted, public notice would be given; public hearings would be conducted by the
Frederick County Planning Commission; and public hearings and approval by the County Council would
be required.
Applying the above standards: The Siting Subgroup reviewed Frederick County maps that identified
planning regions, power transmission lines, fiber long haul networks, latency coverage, zoning,
agricultural preservation areas and other data. By applying the above standards, the Siting Subgroup
identified three growth areas in the southern tier of Frederick County – Adamstown, Brunswick and
Urbana – that meet DCW workgroup criteria. This identification of these three clusters is neither
exhaustive nor exclusionary but is intended to show that thoughtful data center development could be
accommodated by adhering to standards proposed by the DCW as well as the LFMP.
As noted above, the County Executive and County Council may wish to consider establishing an overall
upper limit on data center development in Frederick County which would be applied to these areas
and other sites, with a cap on total facility square footage, total land acreage, energy usage or another
metric to be determined.
Recommendation - CDI amendments: The DCW rec-
ommends the following additional changes to the Frederick
County CDI ordinance:
● Setback requirements:
requirements: Increase setback
requirements to 100 feet, or double building height,
whichever is greater
● Vegetative screening:
screening: Amend vegetative screening
requirements so that any plantings be replaced within 90 days of failure or notification of failure
● Exterior lighting:
lighting: Amend exterior lighting to adhere to the Five Principles for Responsible Out-
door Lighting by the Dark Sky and the Illuminating Engineering Society
Considerations: As the Frederick County Department of Planning and
Additional Siting Considerations:
Development Review and the Frederick County Planning Commission advise the County Executive and
County Council on implementation of the above recommendations, they should consider the below
additional considerations:
● Protection of land that has a high percentage of prime soil classes I - III
● Viewshed impact
● Impact to recreational areas, including municipal, County, State, and National parks
● Impact to nearby fragile ecosystems/watersheds
● Proximity to schools, daycare centers, health care facilities, houses of worship, residential
developments and other sensitive facilities
● Environmental justice (consideration of housing that has been previously impacted by
industrial or other environmental issues, and the avoidance of compounding these issues).
o A commitment that the sustainability program adheres to at least one industry-accepted
sustainability framework with published goals and performance metrics aimed toward
continuous improvement in sustainability metrics. At a minimum, the program should
include energy and water use, local ecology, zero waste, and Climate Solutions Now Act
zero emissions attainment goals.
● Economic incentives should be defined and included in the CDI ordinance to meet key
sustainability goals and are discussed further below.
Noise is one of the most frequently cited community concerns regarding data center developments.
Outside noise factors include the operation of generators, chillers, condensers, compressors, fans
and more. Many pieces of data center equipment run 24/7 and generate noise on a constant and
consistent basis.
Recommendation – Updates and revisions to Frederick County Sound
Management Regulations
A framework for testing, monitoring, and reporting on sound from data center sites should be
developed and implemented. This framework should include:
● Baseline testing to determine ambient sound levels prior to construction
● Specified reporting intervals
● A process and procedures for Frederick County to require additional testing and reporting
based on complaints
● Consideration should be given to the creation of a noise abatement fund which could be
funded in part by penalties generated by continued violations of a proposed noise ordinance
● Sound levels at property boundaries should not exceed 55 dBA, although consideration should
be given to the noise volumes of like users operating in proximity to each other (e.g. two adjacent
data centers need not be considered independently)
● Sensitive facilities such as schools, healthcare facilities, houses of worship, etc. should be
located in such a way as to minimize likelihood of data center sound traveling to those facilities.
The above-referenced potential noise abatement fund could be used to mitigate excessive noise
in sensitive facilities that predate data center developments
● An overall approach to noise abatement should be required as part of planning applications
● Frederick County should plan for staff training or third-party verification to conduct sound
monitoring efforts, especially for complaint investigations.
● Additional information and resources on the Sustainability Subgroup’s recommendations re-
garding noise can be found on the Frederick County Data Centers Workgroup web page
could be offset.
Considerations: As the Frederick County Department of Planning and
Additional Sustainability Considerations:
Development Review and the Frederick County Planning Commission advise the County Executive and
County Council on implementation of the above recommendations, they should consider the below
additional considerations:
● Water
o Maximize pervious surfaces within data center development
o Prohibit use of groundwater/well water on site of development
o Consider retention of stormwater runoff for onsite usage
o Diffuse rain or stored water runoff prior to entering streams or tributaries
o Ensure storm drains are not in proximity to fuel storage
o Utilize submerged ground wetlands for cooling runoff to reduce thermal load on ground-
water recharge
● Backup Power
o Require use of Tier 4 or best-in-class generators
o Prioritize use of alternative fuels such as HVO or Green Hydrogen when possible
o Minimize backup power testing and duration. Restrict to business hours
o Prohibit connection of backup power source to grid for possible “peaker” or “peak
shaving” use
o Require above-ground storage of fuel used for backup generators
● Noise
o Require noise attenuation on mechanical equipment (generators, chillers, air handlers,
o Install mechanical equipment at ground level rather than on rooftops to reduce noise
● Power
o Require disclosure of power purchase agreements
o Require purchase of renewable energy to the extent possible
o Install solar where feasible (rooftops, parking canopies, etc.)
● Management of buildings at end of life
o Consider requirements that buildings be repurposed or demolished at end of useful life.
In-depth Issue 3: Community benefits
Overall benefits
The incorporation of data centers into the Frederick County economy can provide a variety of financial
and other benefits. Neighboring jurisdictions in Northern Virginia have realized significant tax revenues
and other in-kind contributions from data center development.
The Community Benefits subgroup has identified the following benefits that will likely accrue from such
● Site Improvement:
Improvement: As with the Quantum Loophole proposal repurposing the former Alcoa
site, data center development can bring new uses and modern development to brownfields,
General Industrial and Light Industrial zones.
● Low Impact on County and Municipal Services:
Services: As contrasted with residential
development and other commercial development, data center development will provide an
expanded tax base with a relatively low burden on many municipal services such as education
and transportation.
● Potential Infrastructure Enhancements:
Enhancements: To undertake development, data center
developers may improve or be required to improve nearby roads, water and sewer lines, fiber
optic networks and electrical infrastructure.
● Real Property Taxes:
Taxes: An analysis produced by Sage Consulting, commissioned by the
Maryland Tech Council, estimated that Frederick County would realize approximately $41 million
annually when the Quantum Loophole site is fully developed – a process that could take more
than a decade. The revenue would be realized based on a real property rate of $2.00 per $100
in assessed property value, with no additional taxes or fees imposed. The full Sage Consulting
report can be found on the Frederick County Data Centers Workgroup web page.
Main Recommendations
Community Benefit Agreements - The County should require Community Benefit Agreements
(CBAs) to be included in the Site Plan approval process. More information on such agreements is
provided below.
High Energy Use Surcharge – The county should consider imposing a high energy use surcharge to
encourage energy efficient building standards and cooling technologies. No revenue projections have
been provided to the Community Benefits Subgroup. This concept is in place in Montgomery County.
Therefore, it may be preferable to adopt performance-based requirements that can adjust
automatically (such as the state Building Energy Performance Standard program will be doing with the
updated inputs into the benchmarking tool for compliance) over time as technology evolves. Such a
taxation system would allow “best in class” players in the industry to figure out how to deploy/
configure emerging technologies since they are more expert and understand the business case.
If Frederick County moves forward on a business property tax, it should set a threshold high enough to
avoid taxing small or generational farms as well as other small and emerging businesses.
Instead, the tax could focus on larger resource consuming industries, incentivizing sustainability
standards through reductions or abatements. If companies choose to avoid incentivized technology
deployments, the county would have the opportunity to use those funds toward clean and renewable
energy projects or other expenditures that would advance the trajectory of reducing greenhouse gas
emissions to meet future goals.
More on Community Benefits Agreements
Community Benefit Agreements (CBAs) are legal agreements between the community and developers,
stipulating the benefits a developer agrees to fund or furnish, in exchange for community support of a
project. Many jurisdictions have negotiated and deployed CBAs with data center developers, and the
DCW recommends that Frederick County formalize agreements of mutual benefit with data centers,
refining them for individual opportunity.
Categories of opportunities:
● Education and workforce development and training
● Scholarship programs and internships
● Job creation commitments
● Local hiring commitments
● Job Fairs
● Non-Profit contributions
● Financial and in-kind contributions to support community priorities
Next steps
● Amendments to the Frederick County Critical Digital Infrastructure ordinance should be drafted
to reflect the main recommendations of the DCW, including:
o Creation of a CDI Floating Zone that can be applied within GI and LI zoning areas
o Alterations of setback, lighting and vegetative replacement requirements
o Inclusion of sustainability goals and plans.
● Amendments to or the creation of a new Frederick County noise ordinance should take place.
● A high energy use surcharge should be reviewed in detail.
● Frederick County planning staff should review the information contained in and linked to this
report to advise on additional recommendations regarding viewsheds, soil and more.
● Discussions must continue to take place regarding personal business property tax and related
incentives that would ensure compliance with sustainability goals.
● Policy makers must continually monitor industry trends so that regulations can be adjusted
when needed.
The members of the Data Center Workgroup conducted a wide-ranging assessment of a growing and
fast-developing industry, and quickly recognized that many challenges remain for local governments
seeking to protect and enhance the quality of life for residents while remaining welcoming to new
digital businesses.
Lessons learned from neighboring jurisdictions and a variety of stakeholders have been valuable. The
Workgroup thanks all individuals and businesses who provided data and input, including Tom Lynch
and Pat Murray, who participated with the workgroup for several months.
The recommendations contained in this report reflect next steps needed to insure thoughtful planning
and a commitment to sustainability for Frederick County’s digital infrastructure. But the work is not
done and all analyses are not completed. Leaders in Frederick County must continue to stay abreast
of industry trends and community needs as the digital world evolves.
Appendix 1
Presentations and testimony
The following groups provided presentations and background information, and relevant materials can
be found on the Frederick County Data Centers Workgroup web site:
Appendix 2
Data Center Sustainability – Drivers and Public Policy Resources
Much work has been done by policy makers as well as the data center industry to develop
sustainability standards. Some relevant examples that may be leveraged by Frederick County for
implementing its own standards include:
● Public policy in place and under development calling for publication of Climate Threats &
Impacts from operations and metrics for data center operators as part of ESG reporting (US SEC,
● Buildings-based energy efficiency standards (i.e., BEPS) and regulatory rules at component
level (ENERGY STAR and EU Ecodesign Regulations for servers and data storage products)
● Industry sustainability goals for carbon neutral operations and publicly reported metrics on
progress announced by major members (GOOG, MSFT, AWS).
● Open CDI industry groups (The Green Grid, iMason’s) and corporate leaders (Iron Mountain,
Schneider Electric) “create tools, provide technical expertise, and advocate….optimization of
energy and resource efficiency of Data Center ecosystems which enable a low carbon economy.”
(Quantum Loophole is a member of iMason’s Climate Accord (250 companies, 130 countries,
$6T market cap).
In developing amendments to the CDI ordinance, staff and legislators should review and incorporate
elements from these sources for data center environmental sustainability practices:
● IEA Tracking Data Centres and Data Transmission Network updated July 2023
● Guide to Environmental Sustainability Metrics for Data Centers, white paper, Schneider Electric,
updated June 2023.
Increased requirements for transparency may focus attention on reduced energy use and associated
GHG emissions from data centers:
● Regulatory and voluntary schemes to improve energy efficiency at the component level
(e.g. servers, data storage, heating, ventilation and air conditioning [HVAC]) such as ENERGY
STAR and EU Ecodesign Regulations for servers and data storage products.
● Buildings-based data centre energy efficiency guidance standards: the EU Code of Conduct on
Data Centre Energy Efficiency, CLC/TS 50600-5-1, BREEAM SD 5068 (United Kingdom) and IGBC
Green Data Center Rating System (India).
● The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) effective in the EC from 2024 onwards
requires large organisations … to report sustainability indicators, energy, and carbon emissions.
● In the US , similar reporting mandates are underway at the state level in Oregon and Virginia.
● The US SEC has proposed guidelines for public companies to disclose climate-related risks in
data centers including Scope 1, 2, 3 GHG emissions; Metrics and targets for GHG reductions, &
Governance for managing climate-related risks.
● The Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), will introduce energy and sustainability reporting require-
ments for data centres in the EU from May 2024. Data centres with installed capacity > 500 kW
will report total energy consumption – including the renewables share – water usage, and waste
heat utilisation.
● In China, the government has called for average power use effectiveness (PUE) of 1.25 in the
east and 1.2 in the west of the country as part of its Eastern Data and Western Computing
project. Major cities have minimum PUE requirements for new data centers.
● In January 2021 data centre operators and industry associations in Europe launched the
Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact, pledging to make data centres climate-neutral by 2030 with
intermediate (2025) targets for power usage effectiveness and carbon-free energy.
● The Open Compute Project is a collaborative community focused on redesigning hardware
technology to efficiently support the growing demands on computing infrastructure.
● The 24/7 Carbon-free Energy Compact, coordinated by Sustainable Energy for All and the Unit-
ed Nations, includes three data center operators: Google, Microsoft and Iron Mountain.