Medical Physics 4

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Ministry of Higher Education

& Scientific Research

AL-Noor University College
Department of Dentistry
Medical Physics - First Stage
Assistant Professor
Dr. Jameel M. A. Sulaiman
Ph.D. in Applied Physics
Academic Year :2023-2024
Chapter Four
Heat and Cold in Medicine
Heat & Low Temperature
I. As molecules of all materials are moving so they
have kinetic energy.
II. The average kinetic energy of an ideal gas can be
shown to be directly proportional with
temperature. (The same thing is for liquids and
III. An increase of temperature of any material
means an increase in the energy of molecules of
that material.
I. In order to increase the temperature of a gas it is
necessary to increase the average kinetic energy of its
molecules by putting the gas in contact with a flame , the
energy transferred from the flame to the gas causing
temperature rise is called heat.
II. If enough heat added to a solid, it melts, forming a liquid.
The liquid may be changed to a gas by adding more heat.
Adding still more heat converts gas to ions.
III. While adding heat to substance increase its molecular
kinetic energy, which increase its temperature , the
reverse is also true, heat can be removed from a substance
to lower the temperature. Low temperature referred to as
the cryogenic region (absolute zero,-273.15°c
Thermometry & Temperature Scales

Temperature is difficult to measure

directly, so we usually measure it
indirectly by measuring one of many
physical properties that change with
Temperature Scale Type
1. Fahrenheit scale (°F): In this scale the freezing
temperature is 32°F and boiling point is 212°F
,and normal body temperature is about 98.6°F .
2. The Celsius (°C): The freezing point is 0°C and
the boiling point is 100°C,in between is divided
into 100 division.
3. The Kelvin scale (°K): The absolute scale this
scale has the same divisions as the Celsius but
takes the 0° K at the absolute zero which is =
Change Temperature
1. To change °C to °F : [°C= (°F-32) 5/9]

2. To change °F to °C : [°F=°C (9/5)+32]

3. Also °C=°K-273

4. Or °K=°C+273
1.Glass-liquid Thermometer
 Medical thermometers used to measure body temperature,
due to the sensitive and accurate
 When the thermometer is heated the liquid inside will
expand more than the glass causing the liquid to rise in the
capillary, for mercury it expand 1.8% from (0-100°C).
 These kinds of thermometers are used in the clinics by
doctors, so they are also called doctor’s thermometers.
 It is used to measure human body temperature in the range
of 35 °C to 42 °C.
 Medical thermometers are cleaned before and after each use,
with alcohol.
I. As the fever temperature is needed to be
precise it has a thin capillary less than
0.1mm in diameter, which makes the
mercury to rise higher per degree.
II. In the fever thermometer, because the
mercury is raising in a very thin capillary a
better vision is made by making the front
glass tube convex to act like a magnifying
lens and the back of the tube is opaque,
white colored. The temperature usually
taken underneath the tongue or in the
FILAC Fast Temp Electronic Thermometer, Single Probe
A precise temperature by searching for and analyzing
trends that are unique to a patient's individual body site.
Accurate measurement times are as fast as four seconds
for oral readings and 10 seconds for auxiliary and rectal
readings probe.

BD Basic Digital Thermometer

Features of the BD Basic Digital Thermometer:
Scale: Fahrenheit. Use: Oral, Rectal, Underarm use

Exergen TAT 5000 Temporal Scanner - Infrared Thermometer

Features of the Exergen TAT 5000 Temporal Scanner: Taking a
temperature with a light stroke across the forehead, the Temporal
Scanner provides an innovative method of temperature assessment,
based on infrared readings of temporal artery blood flow. The
temporal artery area has a long history of temperature
measurement. The Temporal Scanner is fast, accurate, easy to use,
and gentle enough to be used even on a sleeping patient.
2. Thermistor is a type of resistor whose resistance changes rapidly

with the small change in temperature. In other words, it is a type of resistor

in which the flow of electric current changes rapidly with small change in
temperature. The word thermistor is derived from the combination of words
“thermal” and “resistor”. Thermistors are classified into two types based on
how they behave with the change in temperature:
•Negative Temperature Co-efficient (NTC) thermistors
•Positive Temperature Co-efficient (PTC) thermistors
• Thermistors it is easy to measure temperature changes
of 0.01°C,therefore are used quite often in medicine
because of their sensitivity.
• Thermistors are occasionally placed in nose to
monitor the breathing rate of patients by showing the
temperature change between inspired cool air and
expired warm air. This instrument is called
penumograph. different temperatures, a voltage is
produced that depends on the temperature difference.
• A pneumatograph or spirograph, is a device for
recording velocity and force of chest movements
during respiration.
1. Thermocouple is a measuring device consisting of two wires
of different metals joined at each end.
2. If the two wires are at different temperature , a voltage is
produced that depends on the temperature difference.
3. Usually one of the wires is kept at a reference temperature
such as in an ice-water bath.
4. The copper-constantan thermocouple can be used to
temperature from {-190 °C to 300°C}.
5. For 100°C temperature difference, the voltage produced is
only about 0.004V.
6. Thermocouple can be made small enough to measure the
temp of individual cells.
Body's Temperature & Thermograph
1. The surface of the body temperature is slightly
different in different parts.
2. Depending on external physical factors and
internal metabolic and blood supply to the skin.
3. Measurement of surface temperature though to be
useful in diagnosis of some diseases, which may
change locally the skin temperature.
4. All objects regardless on the temperature emit heat
radiation from a part of the body which can be
measured by thermograph instrument.
Thermograph is an instrument that produces a trace or image
representing a record of the varying temperature or infrared
radiation over an area or during a period of time
 Thermography usually taken in a rather cold
room to increase the temperature difference
between region of poor and normal blood
supply consequently the contrast improved the
machine can detect 0.2°C temperature
difference and record the thermography in two
 The procedure takes about 20 min at room
temperature (20-21 °C).
 Thermography is useful in the study of blood
circulation in the head, differences in the
blood supply between left and right of the
patient, which may reflect problems.
 In diabetic patients the study of blood supply
in legs is important.
 The presence of hot spots in the foot can be
determined before of ulcer forms and
preventative measure can be taken, studies
show a reduction of 20% in limb amputation
of diabetic patients, as seen in figure below.
Biopsy gives information only about the material excised.
Heat radiation power can be measured by:

W= e σT4
T: is the absolute temperature of the body
e: is the emissivity depends upon the emitter material
and its temperature.
for radiation from body e is almost 1.
σ: is the Stefan –Boltzmann constant =5.7×10-12
W/cm2 °K4
What is the power radiated per square
centimeters from human skin their
emissivity (1) at a temperature of 306°k,
what is the power radiated from a nude
body 1.75m2 (1.75×104 cm2) in area?
W= e σT4= (5.7×10-12)(306)4= 0.05w/cm2
W= (0.05) (1.75×104 cm2)= 875 w
The side effect of increasing temperature on healthy body

I. It was found that the most breast cancers has

1°C higher than that the other side (healthy)
(since the tumor often increase the blood
flow) and it was thought that this will be good
procedure for early breast cancer detection.
II. It was found that one third of thousands
women, have abnormal thermograph of the
breast and less than 1% has shown cancer.
Heat Therapy
Heat was recognized as therapeutic agent
several thousand years ago, it has a primary
therapeutic effects due to:
1. An increase in metabolism resulting in
relaxation of the blood capillaries
2. An increase in blood supply to cool down
the heated area.
Medical Methods of Heat Therapy
1. Conductive Method
 Heat can transfer by conduction, the quantity of heat
transfer depends on: temperature difference, time of
contact, area of contact and thermal conductivity of the
materials, and this can be done by several ways such as:
hot bath, hot packs and electric heating pad.
 As a result; the conduction heat method lead to local
surface heating to used in the treatment such as;
arthritis, neuritis, strains, sinusitis and back pain.
2. Radiant Heat Method:
Heat radiation can be achieved by using infrared radiation
(IR), it penetrates about 3mm in the skin. It can be
produced glowing coils and by 250 watts incandescent
lamps. The wavelengths used are between (800 -1000nm)
an excessive exposure can cause:
1. Reddening
2. and sometimes swelling (edema).
Longer exposure can cause skin browning or hardening.
It is considered to be more effective than conductive
heating because it can penetrate deeper.
Heat therapy has also been used in cancer
treatment in combination with
The tumor is heated about 42°C for
approximately 30 minutes, and the
radiation treatment is given after heat
3. Diathermy Method
Diathermy method utilized the shortwaves of
electromagnetic spectrum such as; radio range
(10m) and microwave range (12cm), where short
wave diathermy penetrate deep into tissue (more
than method of conductive and radiant).
Since heat from diathermy penetrates deeper into
the body than radiant and conductive heat, thus it
is useful for internal heating and has been used in
the treatment of inflammation such as, skeleton,
bursitis, and neuralgia.
Different methods are used for transferring the
electromagnetic energy into the body:
1. The part of the body to be treated is placed
between two plates (electrodes) connected
with high frequency power supply.
2. The charged particles of the tissue will be
attracted to one plate and to other
depending upon the sign of the alternating
voltage on the plate.
3. This movement will produce resistive
heating (joule).
2. By transferring short wave energy into the body by
magnetic induction.
a. This can be done by either placing a coil around
the region to be treated or by (pancake) coil
placed near the part of the body to be treated.
b. The alternating current in the coil produces an
alternating magnetic field in the tissue,
consequently an alternating (eddy) currents are
induced , producing joule heating in the region be
c. Short wave diathermy can penetrate deep into
tissue. It can be used in relieving muscle spasms,
protruded intervertebral disc pain, joints with
minimal soft tissue coverage such as knee, elbow.
3. Microwave diathermy can be produced in special
tube called (magnetron) and emitted from the
applicator (antenna) which can be placed several
inches from the region to be treated.
Microwave can penetrate deeper into the tissue
causing heating.
It is used in: fractures, sprains, strains, bursitis,
injuries and tendons.
The frequency used is 900MHz, which is found
more effective than other frequencies in therapy.
It causes more uniform heating around bony
4. Ultrasonic Waves
a. These waves are different from
electromagnetic waves. It produces
mechanical vibration inside tissue.
b. It is the same as the sound waves but it has
much higher frequencies about 1MHz with
power of several watts per centimeter.
c. It can move the tissue particles backward
and forward with high frequency, in doing
so it can increase the kinetic energy
consequently it heats the tissue.
d. Ultrasound can be produced by special
transducers placed in direct contact with
the skin.
e. It is used for reliving tightness and
scarring occurring in joint disease.
f. It can dispose more heat in bones, as
bones are better absorber for ultrasonic
energy than soft tissue.
g. It is also, used in deep therapy.
5. Cryogenics
a. Cryogenics is the science of very low temperatures, it
is used in biology and called cryobiology.
b. Low temperature can be produced by liquefying
c. It was succeeded to produce liquid air (-196 °C) in
1877 and liquid helium (-269°C) in 1908.
d. For solid carbon dioxide it is (-79°C) and liquid
nitrogen (-196°C).
e. These cold liquids have many medical and biological
f. The storages of liquefied gases is rather difficult
because it can take heat rapidly from the environment by
conduction, convection, and radiation.
g. A special container has been designed by Dewar
(1892) and its named after his death, this composed from
two cylindrical bottles made of glass or stainless steel
one inside the other and a vacuum in between, this can
prevent heat transfer by conduction and convection.
h. The two bottles are both silvered so that radiation
striking the surface is reflected rather than absorbed,
they are as good reflector and poor radiation for heat, the
contact between them is made only at the top to
minimize heat losses by conduction, as seen in figure
Details of a Dewar container for cryogenic liquids
Dewar Cylindrical Bottles
Medical & biological advantages from cold liquids

Moderately low temperature, were used successfully to cool

down hamsters to (-5°C) freezing 50 to 60 % of the water in
their bodies, and then reviving them, for short term
preservation moderate low temperature, was successful in
some types of tissue blood and semen, low temperature have
been used for long term preservation of blood, sperm, bone
marrow, and tissue. It has been found that for long term,
survival the tissue should be stored at very low temp. , since
the biochemical and physical processes that sustain life are
temperature dependent, lowering the temperature reduce the
rates of the processes, liquid nitrogen (-196°C) proved to be
much better for preservation than solid carbon dioxide (-
Blood Storage
I. For conventional blood storage it can be stored with
anticoagulant at 4°C, about 1% of the red blood cells
hemolysis (break) each day so the blood will not be
suitable for use after 21 day, for rare blood types
should be stored for longer periods, other procedures
were used.
II. Blood can be preserved for very long periods of time
if it frozen rapidly in liquid nitrogen (-196°C).The
rate of freezing is very important to revive the cell
after thawing them.
Preservation Materials
Also some preservation materials
(protective agents) added such as
glycerol improves the cell survival.
Sometimes and especially in blood
these materials can present a
problem to remove them from the
There are two ways to freeze the blood to (-196°C):

1. Blood is kept on the surface of liquid nitrogen and

then it will be frozen in small droplets in very short
time forming sand like particles, and then stored at
liquid nitrogen temperature (-196°C).
2. The blood is kept in a thin wall highly heat
conductive with large surface area metal container
and the spacing between the walls of the container is
small to maintain a small thickness of blood inside
the container, the container with the blood is
immersed into the liquid nitrogen bath making very
rapid cooling as shown in figure below.
The preservation of large tissue like bone,
muscles is still under searches as storage
of them involves some problems:
1. Because of its large physical
dimensions it is difficult to cool down
all the cells at the same rate.
2. Adding and removing protective agents
is difficult.
3. Some work has been carried out to
preserve cornea and skin.
The cryogenic is a process used to destroy cells,
which is called cryosurgery. It has several
1. Cause a little bleeding
2. The volume of the tissue destroyed can be
3. Little pain because low temperature desensitize
the nerves
4. Very short recovery
Uses of Cryosurgery
One of the first uses of cryosurgery is in the
treatment of Parkinson's disease, (shaking
palsy), this disease causes uncontrolled
shaking in the arms and legs (tremors). It is
possible to treat this disease by destroying
parts of the thalamus of the brain that
controls nerve impulse to the other part of
the nerve system.
Parkinson's disease, (shaking palsy)
& thalamus brain tissue
The treatment undergoes while
the patient in conscious, the
probe at (-10°C) moved into the
appropriate parts of the
thalamus causing temporary
The frozen area can recover if the
probe tip is removed in less than 30
sec, while the surgeon is moving the
probe and when the tremors stops he
will keep the probe a few minutes at
temperature near -85°C this region
will be destroyed,
then the tips is warmed and removed,
the destroyed tissue will form a cyst,
which does not interferes with the
normal body function, successful
results were obtained in more than 90%
of cases. Other common uses of
cryosurgery are in tumors and warts.
Cryosurgery is used in several types of eye surgery:

1. In retinal detachment, a cooled tip is applied to the

outside of the eyeball in the vicinity of the
detachment a reaction occurs that acts in weld the
retina to the wall of the eyeball
2. Extraction of the lens, remove the darkened lens,
in this procedure the cold probe is touched to the
front of the lens, the probe sticks to the lens
making the lens easy to remove.
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