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Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 93 (2020) 105529

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Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat

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Research paper

Revealing the role of the effector-regulatory t cell loop on

autoimmune disease symptoms via nonlinear analysis
Wenjing Zhang a,∗, Pei Yu b
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, 79409 USA
Applied Mathematics, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5B7

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this paper, we investigate the influence of the effector-regulatory (Teff-Treg) T cell inter-
Received 30 December 2019 action on the T-cell-mediated autoimmune disease dynamics. The simple 3-dimensional
Revised 13 July 2020
Teff-Treg model is derived from the two-step model reduction of an established 5-
Accepted 4 September 2020
dimensional model. The reduced 4- and 3-dimensional models preserve the dynamical
Available online 9 September 2020
behaviors in the original 5-dimensional model, which represents the chronic and relapse-
remitting autoimmune symptoms. Moreover, we find three co-existing limit cycles in the
reduced 3-dimensional model, in which two stable periodic solutions enclose an unstable
one. The existence of multiple limit cycles provides a new mechanism to explain varying
oscillating amplitudes of lesion grade in multiple sclerosis. The complex multiphase symp-
tom could be caused by a noise-driven Teff population traveling between two coexisting
stable periodic solutions. The simulated phase portrait and time history of coexisting limit
cycles are given correspondingly.
© 2020 Published by Elsevier B.V.

1. Introduction

1.1. Self-tolerance and T-cell-mediated autoimmune disorder

Self-tolerance is a state in which the immune system can attack foreign pathogens, but avoids mounting tissue-
destructive responses against the organism’s own body. The failure of self-tolerance mechanisms leads to autoimmunity.
However, even for a healthy immune system, both positive and negative selections of T cells during their generation by
the thymus, are not fail-proof. This results in the production of auto-reactive T cells to be released to peripheral blood.
The escaped auto-reactive T cells are regulated by peripheral tolerance mechanisms to avoid the immune responses against
the organism’s own tissues. Discrimination of self versus non-self antigens is a delicate process. One common factor in pe-
ripheral tolerance, which most studies have focused on, is the interaction between dendritic cells (DCs) and T cells. Great
progress has been achieved since the discovery of regulatory T cells by Sakaguchi et al. in 1995 [22].
The DC-T-cell interaction occurs in the adaptive immune response. It is initiated when immature DCs, such as professional
antigen presenting cells (pAPCs), settle at a site of infection or inflammation and then become activation and mature. Upon
being activated, the pAPCs provide essential signals to transform naive T cells, with the same specific antigen receptor, into
effector T cells. The activation process of the naive T cells is combined with a proliferation phase, which seems to require

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: wenjing.zhang@ttu.edu (W. Zhang), pyu@uwo.ca (P. Yu).

1007-5704/© 2020 Published by Elsevier B.V.
2 W. Zhang and P. Yu / Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 93 (2020) 105529

Fig. 1. Diagrams for the DC-T-cell interaction (left panel) and for the mathematical model (1).

cytokine interleukin-2 (IL-2) [7]. Among the naive T cells, there exist auto-reactive T cells which carry specific self-antigen
receptors in the periphery and mount a response against the host’s own body. The auto-reactive effector T cells (referred
as effector T cells in the rest of the text) are regulated by regulatory T cells (TReg ). The TReg cells show immunosuppressive
actions mainly by two mechanisms, one removing pAPCs and another eliminating auto-reactive T cells from the system. A
diagram showing the CD-T-cell interaction and corresponding mechanism is given in the left panel of Fig. 1.
The homeostasis between auto-reactive effector T cells and regulatory T cells (Teff-Treg homeostasis) results in a balanced
peripheral tolerance state, while a dysfunction or imbalance in the Teff-Treg homeostasis could induce Type 1 diabetes [17],
multiple sclerosis [19], and cancer [21]. A broad understanding of the dynamics between the effector T cells and regulatory
T cells not only gives new insights in the complex autoimmune symptom, but also promotes therapeutic manipulation.

1.2. The 5-dimensional mathematical model with relapsing-Remitting dynamics

In this paper, the study of T cell-mediated autoimmune disease dynamics is based on an established 5-dimensional
ODE model in [32]. The model captures the self-tolerance and autoimmune disorder states, including stable, oscillating, and
relapsing-remitting (recurrent) autoimmune disorder solutions. The model is described by the following ODE equations. And
the corresponding diagram between various cell population and the mechanisms are provided in the right panel of the
Fig. 1.

A˙ = f v˜ G − σ1 (Rn + dRd )A − b1 A − μA A,
R˙ n = (π3 E + β )A − μn Rn − ξ Rn ,
R˙ d = c ξ Rn − μd Rd ,
E˙ = λE A − σ3 (Rn + dRd )E − b3 E − μE E,
G˙ = γ E − v˜ G − μG G, (1)
where the dot denotes differentiation with respect to time t, and A, Rn , Rd , E and G represent respectively the cell popula-
tions of mature pAPCs, active, terminally differentiated TReg , auto-reactive effector T cells, and the particular self-antigen of
interest. All cell populations are specific for a given self-antigen. The cycle of autoimmunity starts at pAPCs (A) up-taking
self antigen (G) at the rate of v˜ G. Upon taking up a given antigen molecule, the probability of the maturation of this pAPC
is denoted as f (0 < f < 1). The mature pAPCs then activate naive T cells, including both auto-reactive T cells and TReg cells.
The activation and proliferation process requires IL-2 [7], which is produced by the auto-reactive effector T cells themselves
at the rate of π 3 EA, from other sources, such as DCs and/or conventional T cells [10,26], at the rate of β . Recent experi-
ments discovered a new TReg cells subpopulation, which is generated by conventional natural TReg cells (nTReg ) [3]. These
terminally differentiated suppressors show more efficient suppressible capacity but live with a shorter lifetime. Note that a
W. Zhang and P. Yu / Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 93 (2020) 105529 3

Table 1
Parameter values used in previous models [1].

Parameter Value Parameter Value

v˜ 0.0025 A/G day d 2

π3 0.0256 Rn /E/A/day c 23 = 8
λE 1000 E/A/day β 200 Rn /A/day
σ 1,3 3 × 10−6 /(Rn or Rd )/day γ 2000 G/E/day
b1 0.25/day b3 0.25/day
μA 0.2/day μE 0.2/day
μG 5/day μn 0.1/day
μd 0.2/day ξ 0.025/day
α A/E/day (Bifur. parameter) f 1.0 × 10−4 ∈ (0, 1 ) (Bifur. parameter)
η1 b1 + μA (PBP) η2 b3 + μE (PBP)

fraction of TReg cells, ξ Rn , is further developed into terminally differentiated TReg cells (Rd ) at the rate of cξ Rn . After activa-
tion, the auto-reactive effector T cells attack the host body and release self-antigen at the rate of γ E. This vicious cycle is
regulated by the TReg cells (Rn and Rd ) with the particular self-antigen of interest. The down-regulation process removes the
auto-reactive effector T cells at the rate of σ1 (Rn + dRd )A and the mature pAPCs at the rate of σ3 (Rn + dRd )E. In addition,
the TReg cells carrying other antigens eliminate the mature pAPCs and auto-reactive T cells at rates of b1 A and b3 E. For
convenience, the elimination rates of A, Rn , Rd , E, and G are denoted as μA , μn , μd , μE , and μG , respectively. The definitions
of the system parameters can be found in [32], and their values used in model (1) are listed in Table 1, where PBP stands
for “Potential Bifurcation Parameter.”

1.3. Understanding complex autoimmune symptoms via nonlinear dynamics

The clinical and pathological outcomes of autoimmune diseases are multiple and diverse. Taking multiple sclerosis for
example, other than chronic and relapsing-remitting forms of the disease [6], shown in Fig. 2 (a) and (c), we observe that
the severity and frequency of autoimmune symptoms vary considerably among individual patients [11]. Experimental data
show lesion grade of multiple sclerosis oscillations in high level with multiple amplitudes [4], see Fig. 2(b). This disease
outcome pattern can have a dynamical explanation as the coexistence of multiple stable cycles. Complicated dynamical
motions travel and shift among coexisting stable cycles in a random manner [2,9]. This idea was first proposed by Earn et al.
[9] to explain the irregular dynamics in measles epidemics after the introduction of mass vaccination. Coexisting attractors
are revealed in a non-autonomous system by introducing a seasonally varying transmission rate. As to the autonomous
systems, the coexisting multiple stable cycles may be generated from Hopf bifurcation. Up to now, most of the established
works are limited to bifurcation of the single limit cycle. Two limit cycles can be demonstrated in numerical simulation
from a subcritical Hopf bifurcation. But the corresponding analytical study involves large symbolic computation. Identifying
multiple limit cycles in disease dynamics could provide new insights in understanding the intrinsic nonlinear interactions.
In this paper, we focus on the study of limit cycles arising from Hopf bifurcation. The mathematical theory is related to the
well-known Hilbert’s 16th problem [13]. Very recently, bifurcation of multiple limit cycles has been found in a 3-dimensional
physical system [18], and in 2-dimensional population and disease models [15,29,33], showing the interesting bistable or
even tri-stable phenomenon, which involves equilibria and oscillating motions.
Nevertheless, other forms of coexisting attractors have been proposed which may cause complex dynamics, such as the
coexisting positive stable equilibria, and the coexisting stable equilibria and stable limit cycle. Driven by stochastic noise,
the solutions travel within these stable attractors. Because within the reasonable parameter region, the proposed models

Fig. 2. Clinical courses of multiple sclerosis: (A) Chronic, (B) Multiphase, and (C) Relapse-remitting. Vertical axis denotes the lesion grade. Experimental
data is from source [4].
4 W. Zhang and P. Yu / Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 93 (2020) 105529

admit one trivial equilibrium solution (boundary equilibrium) and one positive equilibrium solution, and these two equilib-
rium solutions cannot be simultaneously stable. Thus, the case of coexisting positive stable equilibria does not occur in the
models of this paper. Note that no Hopf bifurcation may occur from the trivial equilibrium solution. However, the case of
the coexisting positive stable equilibrium and stable limit cycle can be generated by a subcritical Hopf bifurcation on the
positive equilibrium. The occurrence of a subcritical Hopf bifurcation induces a stable equilibrium, which is enclosed by a
small unstable limit cycle, and further for generalized Hopf bifurcation, a larger stable limit cycle may exist, which encloses
the unstable smaller limit cycle and the stable equilibrium. Similarly, if the positive equilibrium is unstable, supercrtical
Hopf bifurcation may occur, leading to a stable limit cycle, and further for generalized Hopf bifurcation, there may exist a
large usstable limit cycle which enclosed the smaller stable limit cycle and the unstable equilibrium. Such bifurcations may
cause complex dynamics in the system. In this paper, we will pay particular attention on the multiple limit cycles due to
Hopf bifurcation.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. To facilitate revealing the dynamics of the Teff-Treg loop, in Section 2,
we introduce model reductions via an iterative formula based on geometric singular perturbation theory. Bifurcation anal-
ysis results and numerical simulations demonstrate that the two reduced models inherit the intrinsic dynamical behaviors
from the original model. The proof of the existence of three limit cycles and the corresponding simulation in non-scaled
parameter values are proved in Section 3. Conclusion and discussion are drawn in Section 4.

2. Model reductions and comparison

2.1. Model reduction from 5 dimension to 4 dimension

The first step in model reduction is based on the Geometric Singular Perturbation Theory (GSPT) [23], which eliminates
the fast variable by substituting it with its higher-order approximation. The following multiple time scale ODE model illus-
trates the basic idea,
X˙ = f (t, X, Y, ), Y˙ = g(t, X, Y, ), (2)
where the slow variable is denoted as X ∈ Rm ,
the fast variable as Y ∈ Rn ,
t ∈ R denotes time, and is a small perturbation
(0 <  1). Here, the fast variable Y (t, ) = h(t, X, ) is considered as the integral manifold with an asymptotic expansion,
given by
h(t, X, ) = φ (X, t ) + h1 (X, t ) + 2
h2 (X, t ) + · · · , (3)
where h(t, X, 0 ) = φ (X, t ), solved from g(t, X, Y, 0 ) = 0, is a zero-order approximation of the slow integral manifold. The
approximation of h(t, X, ) in (3) gets better with the increase of the terms. Consequently, the solution of the following
X˙ = f (t, X, h(t, X, )), (4)
provides a good approximate solution for the original system (2) restricted to the slow manifold. Note that the Quasi-Steady
State Assumption (QSSA) [25] can be represented by the similar form of equations:
X˙ = f (t, X, Y, ), 0 = g(t, X, Y, ). (5)
Considering the parameter values in Table 1, we rewrite model (1) as
x˙ = ζ (x, ) + F˜ (x, )y,
y˙ = ξ (x, ) + G˜ (x, )y,
where = 1/γ , with x being the slow variable and y the fast variable, and
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
A −σ1 (Rn + dRd )A − b1 A − μA A
⎜R n ⎟ ⎜ ( π3 E + β ) A − μ n R n − ξ R n ⎟
x = ⎝ ⎠, ζ (x, ) = ⎝ ⎠,
Rd c ξ R n − μd R d
E λE A − σ3 (Rn + dRd )E − b3 E − μE E (7)

v˜ + μG
F˜ = ( f v˜ , 0, 0, 0 )T , y = G, ξ (x, ) = E, G˜ = − .
Note that the parameter value of γ is much larger than that of the other two parameters v˜ and μG (see Table 1), and
so = 1γ may be treated as a small perturbation. For the sake of application, we keep the real parameter values in the
5-dimensional system (1) with no dimensionalization. Then, we apply the higher-order approximation analysis to find the
solution of system (6). To achieve this, we use the equation for the slow curve φ (x) [23], and set = 0 in the second
equation of (6) to obtain
v˜ + μG
0 = ξ (x, 0 ) + G˜ (x, 0 )y = E − G.
W. Zhang and P. Yu / Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 93 (2020) 105529 5

The above equation yields a set of critical points (equilibria on the fast manifold), given by
G= E.
v˜ + μG
Suppose the asymptotic expansion of the solution on the slow manifold is given by y = h(x, ) = φ (x ) + h1 (x ) + 2h
2 (x ) +
· · · , which is substituted into the second equation of (6) to yield

dh ∂ h dx ∂ h d d
y˙ = (x, ) = + = ξ + G˜ y = ξ + G˜ h(x, ) = ξ + G˜ h, where =0
dt ∂ x dt ∂ dt dt

from which we obtain

ζ + F˜h = ξ + G˜ h. (8)
Thus, simply solving h from Eq. (8) we get
ξ − hx ζ
h= .
hx F˜ − G˜
Now, applying the iterative process algorithm from [20,23,24] gives

E γ ξ − ϕx(k−1) ζ
ϕ (0 ) = φ ( x ) = − = E, ϕ (k ) = , k = 1, 2, . . . ,
G˜ v˜ + μG ϕx(k−1) F˜ − G˜

∂ϕ (0) ∂ϕ (0) ∂ϕ (0) ∂ϕ (0) γ
ϕx(0) = , , , = 0, 0, 0, .
∂A ∂ Rn ∂ Rd ∂E v˜ + μG
Therefore, the slow invariant manifold in the zero-order approximation is written as
G = h (x ) = φ (x ) = E, (9)
v˜ + μG
which exactly equals that obtained by applying the QSSA method in (5).
Consequently, the reduced 4-dimensional model derived by either the Geometric Singular Perturbation Theory (GSPT) or
the QSSA method is given by
f v˜ γ
A˙ = α E − σ1 (Rn + dRd )A − b1 A − μA A, where α = ,
v˜ + μG
R˙ n = (π3 E + β )A − μn Rn − ξ Rn ,
R˙ d = c ξ Rn − μd Rd ,
E˙ = λE A − σ3 (Rn + dRd )E − b3 E − μE E. (10)
It should be noted that the parameter λE in the last equation of (10) is also very large, comparing with other parameters
in this equation, and so E can also be treated as a fast variable. Hence, we may treat both G and E as fast variables to reduce
the 5-dimensional system (1) to a 3-dimensional system. Since the goal of this paper is to investigate the influence of the
effector-regulatory T cell loop on the autoimmune disease dynamics, we will focus on the state variables representing the
effector and regulatory T cells (E, Rn , and Rd ) to obtain a simple model showing the desired disease behaviors (including
self-tolerance and relapse-remitting, multiphase courses, and chronic autoimmune symptoms). Therefore, we will choose the
variables A and G to reduce the 5-dimensional system (1) to a 3-dimensional system. This is more challenging compared to
simply taking the variable E as a fast variable, showing a non-trivial and more interesting reduction process.

2.2. Model reduction from 4 dimension to 3 dimension

The recurrent behavior observed in the 5-dimensional model is inherited by the reduced 4-dimensional model (10),
as shown in Figs. 3 and 4. The simulations shown in Fig. 3 indicate that the ratio between the pAPCs (A) and the auto-
reactive effector cells (E) approaches to a constant. This implies that either A or E can be reduced. Since this paper studies
the effect of interaction between auto-reactive T cells and TReg cells on autoimmune diseases, we will further use E to
represent A.
First, we point out that the proof of the well-posedness of model (10) provided in [32] guarantees the positiveness and
boundedness of its solutions. That is, all solutions A(t), Rn (t), Rd (t) and E(t) for t > 0 are positive and bounded. Then, we
obtain the load of pAPCs by solving the first equation of system (10) for the variable A(t) as follows:
g(s )ds
t t
A(t ) = e− 0 A (0 ) + 0 α E ( s ) e− s g(u )du
6 W. Zhang and P. Yu / Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 93 (2020) 105529

Fig. 3. Time-history of the 4-dimensional model (10).

W. Zhang and P. Yu / Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 93 (2020) 105529 7

Fig. 4. Bifurcation diagrams of effector T cell E in terms of parameters f and α are plotted in (a) and (b,c). H and BP denote Hopf and transcritical
bifurcation critical points.


g(t ) = b1 + μA + σ1 [Rn (t ) + dRd (t )].

g(s )ds
t t
F (t ) = A(t ) − e− 0 A (0 ) − 0 α E ( s ) e− s g(u )du
ds ≡ 0 for t > 0.
8 W. Zhang and P. Yu / Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 93 (2020) 105529

 t t t 
g(s )ds
0 = lim F (t ) = lim A(t ) − e− 0 A (0 ) − 0 α E ( s ) e− s g(u )du
t→+∞ t→+∞
 t t 
= lim A(t ) − 0 α E ( s ) e− s g(u )du
 t t 0 
g(u )du
= lim A(t ) − lim e− 0 α E ( s ) e−
s g(u )du
t→+∞ t→+∞
 t s 
α E (s ) e 0 g(u )du
= lim A(t ) − 0
t .
t→+∞ e 0 g(u )du

Now it is seen from the second term of the above equation thatboth the functions on the numerator and denominator of
this term are well defined, and the term is in the form of + ∞
+∞ with respect to t. Moreover, the derivatives of both two
functions with respect to t exist when the solutions of the system are convergent. Therefore, we can apply the L’Hospital’s
Rule to this term to obtain
α E (t ) e 0 g(u)du α E (t )
0 = lim A(t ) − t = lim A(t ) − .
t→+∞ g(t )e 0 g(u )du t→+∞ b1 + μA + σ1 (Rn (t ) + dRd (t ))
Hence, we may assume that in the long run,
α E (t )
A(t ) = , t → +∞. (11)
b1 + μA + σ1 [Rn (t ) + dRd (t )]
The analogous procedure applied on the last equation of the model (10) yields
λE A(t )
E (t ) = , t → +∞. (12)
b3 + μE + σ3 [Rn (t ) + dRd (t )]
According to the parameter values in Table 1, we have b1 = b3 , μA = μE , and σ1 = σ3 . The Eqs. (11) and (12) yield
A(t ) α A(t ) α
= ⇒ = , t → +∞. (13)
E (t ) λE E (t ) λE
The preceding equation shows a proportional relation between E(t) and A(t) when the solutions of the system (10) con-
In a case that the parameter values in system (10) give periodic solutions, a numerical simulation in Fig. 3(b) still demon-
strates the proportional relation between E(t) and A(t). We confirm the result from the simulation by rigorous mathematical
proof. Due to the positiveness and boundedness of the solutions in model (10) proved in [32], the first and fourth equations
of the system (10) yield that
A dA
d E dt
E − A dE
dt E2
1 2 
= 2 α E − σ1 (Rn + dRd )AE − b1 AE − μA AE − λE A2 + σ3 (Rn + dRd )AE + b3 AE + μE AE
= α − λE , (14)
under the conditions b1 = b3 , μA = μE , and σ1 = σ3 .√We then apply the technique of separating variables to (14) to obtain

α + λE A 
√ 1√ d A = dt and further √ E
= exp 2 α
√ √ E √
α − λE A λE t . It is easy to see that the right side of the
α + λE A
α − λE A
above equation goes to positive infinity as t → +∞. Since E is bounded according to Eq. (14), we have that the solution of
the Eq. (14) converges to its equilibrium

A α
lim (t ) = . (15)
t→+∞ E λE
In the case that the parameters do not satisfy the conditions: b1 = b3 , μA = μE , and σ1 = σ3 , the proportional relation
between E(t) and A(t) is shown numerically through different choices of parameters in Fig. 3(c).
In order to investigate how the effector-regulatory T cell loop affects the autoimmune disease dynamics, we focus on
the state variables E, Rn , and Rd . Thus, substituting A(t) given in (11) into the 4-dimensional model (10) yields a reduced
3-dimensional model as follows:
α ( π3 E + β ) E
R˙ n = − ( μn + ξ ) R n ,
(b1 + μA ) + σ1 (Rn + dRd )
R˙ d = c ξ Rn − μd Rd ,
αλE E
E˙ = − σ3 (Rn + dRd )E − (b3 + μE )E. (16)
(b1 + μA ) + σ1 (Rn + dRd )
W. Zhang and P. Yu / Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 93 (2020) 105529 9

2.3. Model comparison through bifurcation analysis

This subsection shows that the intrinsic dynamical behaviors in the original 5-dimensional model (1) are preserved in
the reduced 4- and 3-dimensional models in (10) and (16). The qualitative behaviors of the three models are summarized
in the bifurcation diagrams in Fig. 4. All three models have a trivial equilibrium E0 indicating immune tolerance and a
non-trivial equilibrium E1 indicating autoimmunity/autoimmune disorder. Two equilibrium solutions cross and exchange
their stability at a transcritical bifurcation, denoted as ‘BP’ (branching point) in the bifurcation diagrams. Hopf bifurcation
occurs from the non-trivial equilibrium E1 in all three models and serves as an oscillating source. With variation of the
bifurcation parameters, all three models exhibit immune tolerance state (no auto-reactive effector T cell E), stable minor
autoimmune disorder (small amount of E), oscillating autoimmune disorder (oscillating E value with small period), and
recurrent autoimmune disorder (oscillating E value with large period). Detailed bifurcation and stability analyses are given
in Appendix A. The summarized analytical results are presented by bifurcation diagrams in Fig. 4 with following details.
• For the 5-dimensional model (1) with b1 + μA = 0.45 day−1 per A, b3 + μE = 0.45 day−1 per E and the pAPC-maturation
rate f as the bifurcation parameter, a transcritical bifurcation occurs at (A, Rn , Rd , E, G, f ) = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.6253 × 10−4 ),
and a Hopf bifurcation at
(A, Rn , Rd , E, G, f ) = (10.7712, 50822.5071, 50822.5071, 15226.4112, 6087.706811, 5.0067 × 10−4 ).
The first Lyapunov coefficient (the first focus value) is −3.4244 × 10−3 , which indicates that the Hopf bifurcation is
supercritical and gives rise to stable periodic solutions. Three time-history inserted in Fig. 4(a) show mild, oscillating,
and recurrent autoimmune disorders.
• For the 4-dimensional model (10) with b1 + μA = 0.45 day−1 per A, b3 + μE = 0.45 day−1 per E and the new pAPC-
maturation rate α as the bifurcation parameter, a transcritical bifurcation occurs at (A, Rn , Rd , E, α ) = (0, 0, 0, 0, 1.125 ×
10−4 ), and a Hopf bifurcation at
(A, Rn , Rd , E, α ) = (10.1708, 47530.5529, 47530.5529, 15006.1115, 0.0 0 05 ).
The first Lyapunov coefficient is −4.800984 × 10−5 , so the Hopf bifurcation is supercritical. The 4-dimensional model
shows the same qualitative time-history behaviors as that in the 5-dimensional model.
• For the 3-dimensional model (16) with b1 + μA = 0.45 day−1 per A, b3 + μE = 0.25 day−1 per E and the pAPC-maturation
rate α as the bifurcation parameter, a transcritical bifurcation occurs at (Rn , Rd , E, α ) = (0, 0, 0, 1.125 × 10−4 ), and a Hopf
bifurcation at
(Rn , Rd , E, α ) = (45467.7438, 45467.7438, 14856.5206, 0.0 0 0566 ).
The first Lyapunov coefficient is −5.458792 × 10−5 , so the Hopf bifurcation is also supercritical. The 3-dimensional model
shows the similar qualitative time-history behaviors as the 5- and 4-dimensional models. Two saddle-node bifurcations
of periodic orbits happen at α p1 = 5.663989 × 10−4 and α p2 = 5.663994 × 10−4 , where two limit cycles are generated.
This implies the existence of three limit cycles where α ∈ (α p1 , α p2 ). We prove this prediction in the next section. Note
that since α is a combination of the parameters ν˜ , μG , f and γ , the actural region in the original parameter space is not
The bifurcation diagrams and analysis results are obtained by using the numerical bifurcation package MatCont [8]. The
other parameter values are taken from Table 1. Both the iterative method and the QSSA method are an approximation of
the slow invariant manifold. Therefore, the desired model behaviors is changed during model reduction procedures. With
properly chosen parameter values, the three models demonstrate the same qualitative dynamical behaviors, which confirms
that the reduced models (10) and (16) are reliable and requires less computation in analysis.

3. Bifurcation of multiple limit cycles in the 3-dimensional model

The diverse oscillating amplitudes of the lesion grades in multiple sclerosis indicates that the Teff-Treg interaction might
have coexisting stable periodic solutions. To investigate this hypothesis, we focus on the 3-dimensional Teff-Treg model and
study the coexisting multiple periodic solutions. We first briefly explain how to use the method of normal forms to study
bifurcation of multiple limit cycles. Suppose the general nonlinear differential system under consideration is given in the
form of
z˙ = J (ζ˜ )z + f(z, ζ˜ ), z ∈ Rn , ζ˜ ∈ R, (17)
where ζ˜ is a parameter, J (ζ˜ )z and f(z, ζ˜ ) represent the linear and nonlinear parts of the system, respectively. We assume
f is analytic and f(0, ζ˜ ) = 0, implying that z = 0 is an equilibrium point of the system for all μ. (If the equilibrium is not
at the origin, one can simply use a translation to shift it to the origin.) So J (ζ˜ ) is the Jacobian of the system evaluated
at the equilibrium point z = 0. Further, suppose that at a critical point ζ˜ = ζ˜c , J contains a purely imaginary pair and its
other eigenvalues have negative real part. Then by applying a linear transformation z = T x and a shifting on the parameter,
ζ˜ = ζ˜c + ζ , we obtain a new system,
x˙ = (ζ )x + F (x, ζ ), (18)
10 W. Zhang and P. Yu / Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 93 (2020) 105529

whose Jacobian matrix (ζ ) is now in the Jordan canonical form, with
1 (ζ ) 0 α (ζ ) ω (ζ )
(ζ ) = , where 1 (ζ ) = ,
0 2 (ζ ) −ω (ζ ) α (ζ )
and 2 (ζ ) is an (n − 2 ) × (n − 2 ) matrix, corresponding to the remaining n − 2 eigenvalues with negative real part. Note
that α (0 ) = 0 and ω (0 ) = ωc > 0, and that the transversality condition is given by

dα (ζ ) 
v0 = = 0.
ζ =0

Next, with center manifold theory [5] and normal form theory of Hopf bifurcation [12,13], we apply the following nonlinear
x1 = ωc v + ai j ui1 u2j , x2 = −ωc u + bi j ui1 u2j , x3 = · · · , · · · , xn = · · · ,
i+ j=k i+ j=k

where x1 and x2 correspond to the normal form transformation while x3 , , xn correspond to the center manifold trans-
formation into system (18) to obtain the normal form,

u˙ 1 = v0 u1 + τ0 u2 + v1 u1 (u21 + u22 ) − τ1 u2 (u21 + u22 ) + v2 u1 (u21 + u22 )2 − τ2 u2 (u21 + u22 )2 + · · ·

u˙ 2 = v0 u2 − τ0 u1 + v1 u2 (u21 + u22 ) − τ1 u1 (u21 + u22 ) + v2 u2 (u21 + u22 )2 − τ2 u1 (u21 + u22 )2 + · · · .
Finally, applying the polar coordinate transformation: u1 = r sin θ , u2 = r cos θ into the above equations yields the following
normal form in the polar coordinates up to the (2k + 1 )th order term:

r˙ = r (v0 ζ + v1 r 2 + v2 r 4 + · · · + vk r 2k ),
θ˙ = ωc + τ0 ζ + τ1 r2 + τ2 r4 + · · · + τk r2k , (19)
where τ 0 is also obtained from the linear analysis, r and θ denote the amplitude and phase of motion, respectively. Both vk
and τ k are explicitly expressed in terms of the original system’s coefficients. vk is called the kth-order Lyapunov constant
(or kth-order focus value) of the Hopf-type critical point (the origin). vk and τ k (k ≥ 1) are obtained by using some symbolic
computation software package.
The basic idea of finding k small-amplitude limit cycles of the dynamical system, z˙ = J (ζ˜ )z + f(z, ζ˜ ) around the origin
is as follows: first, find the conditions such that v0 = v1 = · · · = vk−1 = 0 (note that v0 = 0 is automatically satisfied at the
critical point), but vk = 0, and then perform appropriate small perturbations to show the existence of k limit cycles.
We should point out that the linear transformation used to get the system (18) can be very involved, in particular for
systems with dimension higher than three. Moreover, in general, even the original system (17) has a simple form, the trans-
formed system (18) may be much more complicated. However, this process is not avoidable in order to calculate the focus
values for the Hopf bifurcation analysis and determining the limit cycles and their stability.

3.1. Three limit cycles arising from hopf bifurcation

In this subsection, we will use the 3-dimensional model (16) to prove the existence of three limit cycles bifurcating from
a degenerate Hopf critical point. To simplify the analysis, we let σ1 = 0 in (16), which yields
α ( π3 E + β ) E
R˙ n = − ( μn + ξ ) R n ,
( b 1 + μA )
R˙ d = c ξ Rn − μd Rd ,
αλE E
E˙ = − σ3 (Rn + dRd )E − (b3 + μE )E. (20)
( b 1 + μA )
To further simplify the analysis, introducing the following dimensionless variables:

Rn = μ1 X, Rd = μ2 , Y, E = μ3 Z, τ = μ4 t, (21)
( b 3 + μE ) 2 b 3 + μE (b1 +μA )(b3 +μE )3
where μ1 = c ξ σ3 d
, μ2 = σ3 d , μ3 = αβ c ξ σ3 d , μ4 = b3 + μE , into (20) we obtain
= m1 Z 2 + Z − m2 X,

= X − m3 Y,

= m4 Z − m5 X Z − Y Z − Z, (22)

W. Zhang and P. Yu / Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 93 (2020) 105529 11

π3 (b1 +μA )(b3 +μE )3 μd αλ b +μ

where m1 = αβ 2 c ξ σ3 d
, m2 = bμn++μξ , m3 = b +μ , m4 = (b +μ )(bE +μ ) , m5 = c3 ξ dE . The parametrization using μk , k =
3 E 3 E 1 A 3 E
1, 2, 3, 4 makes the new variables, X, Y, Z, and the new parameters, mk , k = 1, 2, · · · , 5 dimensionless. For example, μ3 has
the unit [E], yielding Z dimensionless.
Using the parameter values given in Table 1 and assuming α = 0.0 0 05, we have μ1 = 168, 750 [Rn ], μ2 = 75, 0 0 0 [Rd ],
μ3 = 1708597.75 [E], μ4 = 0.45/ day, which agree with the units of the state variables and time. Moreover, the new param-
eters are indeed dimensionless, given by
2187 5 4
m1 = = 43.74, m2 = ≈ 0.277778, m3 = ≈ 0.4 4 4 4 4 4,
50 18 9
200 9
m4 = ≈ 2.469136, m5 = = 1.125. (23)
81 8
It is easy to obtain two equilibrium solutions from (22) as follows:
m3 ( m4 − 1 ) ( m4 − 1 ) 1 4m1 m2 m3 (m4 −1 )
E0 : ( 0 , 0 , 0 ), E1 : , , 1+ −1 , ( m4 ≥ 1 ). (24)
1 + m3 m5 1 + m3 m5 2m1 1+m3 m5

A simple linear analysis based on the Jacobian of (22) shows that when m4 < 1, the immune-tolerance equilibrium E0 is
stable while the autoimmune-disorder equilibrium E1 does not exist; when m4 > 1, E0 becomes unstable and E1 emerges
to exist. The characteristic polynomial for E1 is given by P1 (λ ) = λ3 + a1 λ2 + a2 λ + a3 , where a1 = m2 + m3 , a2 = m2 m3 +
m5 a3
1+m m , and
3 5

a3 = 1 + m3 m5 + 4m1 m2 m3 ( m4 − 1 ) 1 + m3 m5 + 4m1 m2 m3 ( m4 − 1 ) − 1 + m3 m5 .
It is obvious that a3 > 0 when m4 > 1, and a3 = 0 when m4 = 1, indicating that m4 = 1 is a transcritical point between the
two equilibrium solutions E0 and E1 . Note that a1 > 0 for any positive values of the parameters, and a2 , a3 > 0 for m4 ≥ 1.
Therefore, when m4 > 1, the only possible bifurcation which may occur from the autoimmune-disorder equilibrium E1 is
Hopf bifurcation. The Hopf critical point is determined by the condition, 2 = a1 a2 − a3 = 0, where
2 = 2m1 m2 m3 m5 (m2 + m3 )(1 + m3 m5 ) − (1 −m2 m5 ) 1 + m3 m5 + 4m1 m2 m3 (m4 −1 )
2m1 ( 1 + m3 m5 )
× 1 + m3 m5 + 4m1 m2 m3 (m4 −1 )− 1 + m3 m5 .

It is seen that when m4 > 1, 2 > 0 if m2 m5 ≥ 1. In other words, the autoimmune-disorder equilibrium E1 exists when
m4 > 1 and always stable if m2 m5 ≥ 1.
Now suppose m4 > 1 and m2 m5 < 1. Then, we may determine one parameter from the equation 2 = 0 to get the Hopf
critical condition. Since both m1 and m4 contain the parameter α , if we choose α as the bifurcation parameter, we may use
both m1 and m4 to determine the Hopf critical point, so that the computation becomes simpler. Thus, let
15(1 + m3 m5 )
m4 = 1 + . (25)
4m1 m2 m3
Then, we have E1 : 15 3
4m1 m2 m3 , 4m1 m2 m3 , 2m1 . It follows that 2 = 1
m1 m1 (m2 + m3 )m2 m3 − 6(1 − m2 m5 ) . Solving  = 0
for m1 we find the Hopf critical point, defined by
6 ( 1 − m2 m5 )
m1H = , ( m2 m5 < 1 ), (26)
m2 m3 ( m2 + m3 )
where the subscript H denotes Hopf bifurcation. Further, suppose the characteristic polynomial equation P1 (λ ) = 0 has one
real eigenvalue λ1 (m1 ) and a pair of complex conjugate, λ2,3 (m1 ) = α (m1 ) ± i ω (m1 ). It should be noted that λ(m1 ), α (m1 )
and ω(m1 ) contain other parameters, m2 , m3and m5 . Then, at this critical point m1 = m1H , we have λ1 (m1H ) = − (m2 +
m2 m3 (1+m3 m5 )
m3 ) < 0, α (m1H ) = 0, and ω (m1H ) = ωc = 1−m2 m5 > 0. Moreover, we can show that the transversal condition is
∂α − m22 m23 (m2 + m3 )2
(m1H ) = < 0.
∂ m1 12[ m2 (m2 + 2m3 )(1 − m2 m5 ) + m3 (m2 + m3 ) ]
Next, introducing the following affine transformation,
⎛ ⎞
4m 1 m 2 m 3
X x1
⎜ 15 ⎟
Y = ⎝ 4m 1 m 2 m 3 ⎠ + T x2 , (27)
Z 3 x3
2m 1
12 W. Zhang and P. Yu / Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 93 (2020) 105529

⎡ ⎤
4Tc − 4mω2c Tc − m43
⎢ 2 m5 )ωc

T = ⎣−4m5 Tc − 4(1−m
m2 m3
Tc 4
m2 m3 ⎦,
1 0 1
(1−m m )
in which Tc = (m +m )[1+(2m 5−m )m ] , into system (22) we obtain
2 3 3 2 5

= ωc x2 + 21C1 3(1 − m2 m5 )2 x21 − C2 x23 − 2C4 x1 x3 + 8C3 (x1 + x3 )x2 ,

= −ωc x1 − 21C1 3C3 x21 + C5 x23 + 2C6 x1 x3 − 8(1 − m2 m5 )2 (x1 + x3 )x2 ,

dx3 2 
= − (m2 +m3 )x3 − (1−m 2 m5 )
3x21 +11x23 + 14x1 x3 − m82 +ωm
( x1 + x3 )x2 , (28)
dτ 2C1 3

1 − m2 m5
C0 = ,
m2 m3
C1 = m2 (m2 + 2m3 )(1 − m2 m5 ) + m3 (m2 + m3 ),
C2 = C0 m2 (8m2 +5m3 )(1 −m2 m5 ) + 8m3 (m2 + m3 ) ,
C3 = C0 m2 (1 − m2 m5 ) + m3 ωc ,
C4 = C0 m2 (4m2 +m3 )(1 −m2 m5 ) + 4m3 (m2 +m3 ) ,
C0 "   #
C5 = (1 −m2 m5 ) 11m2 +8m3 − m2 m5 (8m2 +5m3 ) +3m3 (1+m3 m5 ) ωc ,
1 + m3 m5
C0 "   #
C6 = (1 −m2 m5 ) 7m2 +4m3 − m2 m5 (4m2 +m3 ) +3m3 (1+m3 m5 ) ωc . (29)
1 + m3 m5
To analyze the co-existing multiple limit cycle, we need the following theorem.

Theorem 3.1 [13]. Suppose that the focus values of a dynamical system depend on k parameters, expressed
as v j = v j ( 1 , 2 , . . . , k ), j = 0, 1, . . . , k, satisfying v j (0, · · · , 0 ) = 0, j = 0, 1, . . . , k − 1, vk (0, , 0) = 0, and
∂ (v0 , v1 , ..., vk−1 )
det ∂ ( 1 , 2 , ..., k ) (0, · · · , 0 ) = 0. Then, for any given 0 > 0, there exist 1, 2, ..., k, and δ > 0 with | j | < 0, j=
1, 2, . . . , k, such that the equation r˙ = 0 has exactly k real positive roots for r (i.e., the system has exactly k limit cycles) in a
δ -ball with the center at the origin.
Now we apply the Maple program, developed by [1–9,11–33] for computing the normal forms of Hopf and generalized
Hopf bifurcation, to system (28) to obtain the first-order focus value:
(1 − m2 m5 )2C0  3
v1 = m (m − m3 )(3m2 − m3 )(4m2 + 5m3 ) m25
(m2 + m3 )C1 (C1 + 3m2 m3 (1 + m3 m5 )ωc 2 2
− 2m2 (12m42 − 6m32 m3 − 24m22 m23 + 19m2 m33 + 17m43 )m5
4 3 2 2 3 4

+ 12m2 − 11m2 m3 − 54m2 m3 − 11m2 m3 + 12m3 ,
where C0 and C1 are given in (29), and the lengthy expressions of v2 and v3 are given in Appendix B. Eliminating m5 from
the equations v1 = v2 = v3 = 0 yields two resultants R1 and R2 , given below.
R1 = m3 (m2 + m3 )(382993712640m14 13 12 2
2 − 246 88134 99792m2 m3 − 2, 505, 129, 112, 368m2 m3
+ 19404049804717m11 3 10 4 9 5 8 6
2 m3 + 5219812803460m2 m3 − 56169587613643m2 m3 − 4550405074296m2 m3
+ 80872559181716m72 m73 − 4, 550, 405, 074, 296m62 m83 − 56169587613643m52 m93 + 5219812803460m42 m10

3 − 250512911236 8m2 m3 − 246 88134 99792m2 m3 + 382993712640m3 ),

+ 19404049804717m32 m11 2 12 13 14

R2 = m3 (m2 + m3 )(115506827889574685029171200m28 27
2 + 4502226 89604 990045276979200m2 m3
− 37875283963356971237606682624m26 2 2 3
2 m3 + 139745513641296176774666515008m2 5m3
+ 284, 816, 537, 546, 699, 598, 961, 284, 939, 088m24 4 23 5
2 m3 − 1723592850506689778830751030756m2 m3
− 3670269011319496547801373570 05m22 6 21 7
2 m3 + 97890 05276920435124180 050948698m2 m3
− 596422340 0 065875781864664122257m20 8 19 9
2 m3 − 28984737061956193514958093718206m2 m3
+ 35, 371, 467, 678, 053, 842, 190, 106, 965, 542, 250m18 10 17 11
2 m3 + 40947994302655830081652722612998m2 m3
W. Zhang and P. Yu / Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 93 (2020) 105529 13

− 82713210459466591878221526688783m16 12 15 13
2 m3 − 20887923765040971540296549983998m2 m3
+ 108289991024276586687163544516454m14 14 13 15
2 m3 − 20887923765040971540296549983998m2 m3
− 82713210459466591878221526688783m12 16 11 17
2 m3 + 40947994302655830081652722612998m2 m3
+ 35371467678053842190106965542250m10 18 9 19
2 m3 − 28984737061956193514958093718206m2 m3
− 596422340 0 065875781864664122257m82 m20 7 21
3 + 9789005276920435124180050948698m2 m3
− 367026901131949654780137357005m62 m22 5 23
3 − 1723592850506689778830751030756m2 m3
+ 284816537546699598961284939088m42 m24 3 25
3 + 139, 745, 513, 641, 296, 176, 774, 666, 515, 008m2 m3
− 37875283963356971237606682624m22 m26 27
3 + 4502226 89604 990 04527697920 0m2 m3

3 )
+ 115506827889574685029171200m28

It is seen that both R1 and R2 are homogeneous polynomials in m2 and m3 , implying that there is only one independent
parameter in the two resultant equations, and thus in general the two equations cannot have common roots. In fact, we
have solved R1 = 0 to find all real solutions, but none of them satisfies R2 = 0. Hence, there do not exist solutions for
v1 = v2 = v3 = 0 and so four limit cycles are not possible. The next best possibility is to have v1 = v2 = 0, but v3 = 0,
resulting in three limit cycles. To achieve this, eliminating m5 from the two equations: v1 = v2 = 0, we obtain a solution
m (m ,m )
m5 = m5n (m2 ,m3 ) , where
5d 2 3

m5n = 213741440640 0 0m27 26 25 2

2 + 1188346985280 0 0m2 m3 − 4794751441480 0 0m2 m3
− 5481271008815280m24 3 23 4 22 5
2 m3 − 13507352249617216m2 m3 + 12412808431981556m2 m3
+ 117135532565906326m21 6 20 7 19 8
2 m3 + 148045354846367345m2 m3 − 262017055499069879m2 m3
− 8626120 0392076790 0m18 9 17 10 16 11
2 m3 − 260317794638374263m2 m3 + 1835814505818420596m2 m3
+ 2, 267, 385, 996, 444, 092, 787m15 12 14 13 13 14
2 m3 − 1357790948583708704m2 m3 − 4529168469392504891m2 m3
− 1382834409101326402m12 15 11 16 10 17
2 m3 + 4, 266, 811, 161, 155, 274, 661m2 m3 + 3867751454144 8186 88m2 m3
− 1460631793126538701m92 m18 8 19 7 20
3 − 3464898161995151148m2 m3 − 724354171263863719m2 m3
+ 1396914337871123724m62 m21 5 22 4 23
3 + 826, 669, 182, 455, 270, 361m2 m3 − 150574078703701575m2 m3
− 241722794839289274m32 m24 2 25 26
3 − 36853404199264836m2 m3 + 19698628056951024m2 m3
+ 5, 508, 921, 575, 646, 720m27
3 ,

m5d = 213741440640 0 0m28 27 26 2

2 + 97, 460, 554, 464, 0 0 0m2 m3 − 595, 166, 586, 196, 0 0 0m2 m3
− 4, 997, 728, 501, 003, 280m25 3 24 4 23 5
2 m3 − 8150127640756896m2 m3 + 25502750939333660m2 m3
+ 105, 709, 969, 969, 241, 342m22 6 21 7 20 8
2 m3 + 37, 475, 172, 724, 792, 547m2 m3 − 406356618265396581m2 m3
− 634, 820, 010, 442, 872, 584m19 9 18 10 17 11
2 m3 + 539323353137185649m2 m3 + 2, 157, 010, 906, 102, 053, 040m2 m3
+ 699, 469, 759, 264, 830, 719m16 12 15 13 14 14
2 m3 − 3540419644326357192m2 m3 − 3, 718, 026, 974, 248, 364, 927m2 m3
+ 2555709385019579842m13 15 12 16 11 17
2 m3 + 614 8758703390306 825m2 m3 + 7786371453964 85244m2 m3
− 5, 230, 930, 094, 879, 874, 037m10 18 9 19 8 20
2 m3 − 3192908962822534976m2 m3 + 2, 028, 470, 002, 232, 920, 821m2 m3
+ 2, 674, 364, 728, 431, 707, 460m72 m21 6 22 5 23
3 + 136, 701, 839, 232, 882, 045m2 m3 − 962075072633232645m2 m3
− 384974198754672312m42 m24 3 25 2 26
3 + 86991506457248628m2 m3 + 86755455828494568m2 m3

3 ),
+ 15, 608, 611, 130, 999, 040m2 m27

and a resultant, given by

R12 = m3 (m2 +m3 ) 382, 993, 712, 640m14 13 12 2
2 −2, 468, 813, 499, 792m2 m3 −2, 505, 129, 112, 368m2 m3

+ 19404049804717m11 3 10 4 9 5
2 m3 +5, 219, 812, 803, 460m2 m3 − 56169587613643m2 m3
− 4, 550, 405, 074, 296m82 m63 + 80872559181716m72 m73 − 4550405074296m62 m83
− 56169587613643m52 m93 + 5, 219, 812, 803, 460m42 m10 3 11
3 + 19404049804717m2 m3

− 2505129112368m22 m12 13 14
3 − 246 88134 99792m2 m3 + 382993712640m3 .

Numerically solving R12 = 0 for m3 satisfying m2 > 0 and m3 > 0, we obtain six solutions:
m3 = 0.16053345 · · · m2 , 0.57628811 · · · m2 , 0.62806610 · · · m2 ,
1.59218910 · · · m2 , 1.73524315 · · · m2 , 6.22923122 · · · m2 ,
but only the first and last ones satisfy m5 > 0 and m2 m5 < 1. Thus, we have two solutions:
(m3 , m5 ) = (0.16053345 · · · m2 , 0.64692261 · · · /m2 ), (6.22923122 · · · m2 , 0.22728360 · · · /m2 ),
with m2 > 0 being free to choose.
14 W. Zhang and P. Yu / Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 93 (2020) 105529

Considering the reference values given in (23), we choose m2 = 0.15 and taking the second set of solution for m3 and
m5 , we obtain the following set of solution:

m2 = 0.15, m3 ≈ 0.93438468, m5 ≈ 1.51522401, m1 ≈ 30.5050 0 042, m4 ≈ 3.11887150, (30)

∂ ( v1 ,v2 )
for which v0 = v1 = v2 = 0, v3 ≈ −100322.171764 < 0. Moreover, at the above critical values, we have ∂ (m3 ,m5 ) ≈
−3694.965085 = 0. Thus, by Theorem 3.2 we can conclude that system (20) can have three small-amplitude limit cycles
near the equilibrium solution E1 due to Hopf bifurcation. Summarizing the above results we have the following theorem.
15(1+m3 m5 ) 6(1−m2 m5 )
Theorem 3.2. When m4 = 1 + 4 m1 m2 m3 , system (20) has a Hopf critical point at m1 = m1H = m2 m3 ( m2 +m3 )
(m2 m5 < 1). At the
critical values, (m1 , m3 , m5 ) =(0.102954 · · · /m32 ,
6.22923 · · · m2 , 0.227283 · · · /m2 ), the focus values at the Hopf critical point
satisfy v0 = v1 = v2 = 0, but v3 < 0. Thus, perturbing the parameters m1 , m3 and m5 around the critical values yields three
small-amplitude limit cycles around the origin.

Although Theorem 3.2 indicates that we may have proper parameter values under which three small-amplitude limit cy-
cles exist, to choose appropriate perturbations on the parameters m1 , m3 and m5 such that 0 < v0  −v1  v2  −v3 is not
easy, in particular, when m3 and m5 are solved from a coupled pair of polynomial equations. To achieve this, we first ob-
tain the perturbations on m3 and m5 as m3 = 0.9343846824 + ε1 = 0.6343846824, m5 = 1.5152240140 + ε2 = 1.1652240140,
where ε1 = − 0.3, ε2 = − 0.35 for which m1 and m4 become m1 = 66.3355063219, m4 = 2.0332153874, and the focus values
vi , i = 1, 2, 3 then become v1 = − 1.92038159, v2 = 0.16939725 × 105 , v3 = − 0.22861578 × 108 , while v0 still keeps v0 = 0
since m1 = m1H still holds. This shows that we need one more perturbation on m1 near m1H such that 0 < v0  −v1 . Since
∂ m (m1H ) < 0, we take perturbation on m1 such that m1 = m1H + μ, where μ < 0. Thus, finally we choose μ = − 0.01 to
obtain v0 = ∂∂α
(m1H ) μ = 0.68961642 ×10−5 , and the set of parameter values:

m1 = 66.325506, m2 = 0.15, m3 = 0.634385, m4 = 2.033215, m5 = 1.165224, (31)

which are reasonable values, compared to that given in (23). Under the above parameter values, we let the normal form
equation r˙ equal zero, yielding the polynomial equation, v0 + v1 r 2 + v2 r 4 + v3 r 6 = 0, which in turn results in the solutions
for the amplitudes of the three limit cycles: r1 = 0.001927, r2 = 0.011615, r3 = 0.024543. From the signs of the focus
values, we know that the inner and outer limit cycles are stable since v1 < 0 and v3 < 0, while the one between these two
limit cycles is unstable, and the equilibrium point E1 is an unstable focus. Note that all the three limit cycles are located on
an invariant manifold passing through the unstable focus E1 .
Note that under the perturbed parameter values, v3 is in the order of 108 . We need to check if the highest-order term
in the normal form equation, v3 r6 , gives a small enough value. Indeed, v3 r36 ≈ − 0.004996, shows reasonable for small-
amplitude limit cycles. Further, we should point out that these limit cycles expressed in the variables X, Y and Z seem small,
but they are actually in the order of 0.35 × 103 ~ 0.7 × 104 when transformed back to the original variables Rn , Rd and
E via (21), which are indeed comparable to solutions as shown in Fig. 4(c). The simulation result for the three limit cycles
obtained from the original 3-dimensional system (20) is given in next subsection.

3.2. Simulation for three limit cycles

This subsection presents a simulation for the three limit cycles. We take the parameter values given in (31), and then use
the original 3-dimensional system (20) to perform the simulation. The scaled parameters mi , i = 1, 2, . . . , 5 are transformed
back to the original parameters as

λE = 1164.104, b3 = 0.2661, μn = 0.044913, μd = 0.295680, α = 0.0 0 036633.

The equilibrium representing autoimmune disorder is given by

E1 : (Rn , Rd , E ) = (68224.45, 46147.49, 11718.53 ).

The simulated two trajectories are shown in Fig. 5. Fig. 5(a) depicts a 3-dimensional phase portrait in the Rn − Rd − E space,
and Fig. 5(b) shows the projection of the phase portrait on the Rn − Rd plane, with the two initial points:

(Rn , Rd , E ) = (68224.0, 46147.0, 120 0 0.0 ), (72620.0, 47512.0, 11300.0 ). (32)

The first initial point is close to the equilibrium point E1 . The trajectory starting from this point converges to the smaller
stable limit cycle, while the trajectory starting from the second initial point converges to the larger stable limit cycle. The
unstable limit cycle is between the two stable limit cycles, restricted on an invariant manifold (which is not shown in this
figure). It can be seen from this figure that the three limit cycles are located on a quite ‘flat’ invariant manifold (very close
to a plane) whose local approximation is the center manifold associated with the Hopf bifurcation. All trajectories converge
to this invariant manifold and finally either converge to the smaller limit cycle or the large limit cycle. This mathematical
finding implies that the autoimmune disorder symptoms can stay in a stable chronic state with small oscillation under
little outside stimuli, while this balance can be broken with intense outside perturbations such as stress, wounds, exposing
W. Zhang and P. Yu / Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 93 (2020) 105529 15

Fig. 5. Simulated two trajectories of the 3-dimensional model (20) for λE = 1164.104, b3 = 0.2661, μn = 0.044913, μd = 0.295680, α = 0.0 0 036633 (and
other parameter values are taken from Table 1), with one converging to the larger stable limit cycle and the other to the smaller limit cycle (the unstable
limit cycle between the two stable limit cycles is not shown in the figure): (a) a 3-dimensional phase portrait in the Rn − Rd − E space; and (b) a
projection of 3-dimensional phase portrait on the Rn − Rd plane. (c) Bifurcation diagram with the amplitude of the periodic solution from the supercritical
Hopf bifurcation. One insert shows two stable limit cycles near the Hopf critical point, indicating that the effector T cell population may oscillate either
along the larger limit cycle or the smaller limit cycle, depending upon initial conditions, leading to multiphase autoimmune. The other insert (α = 0.005)
denotes an special limit cycle far away from the Hopf critical point, leading to the recurrent autoimmune condition.

to sunlights, etc., which may dramatically exaggerate the autoimmune symptoms. A bifurcation diagram of the non-trivial
equilibrium E1 is plotted in Fig. 5(c), showing that a supercritical Hopf bifurcation occurs at

(Rn , Rd , E, α ) = (68226.1569, 46148.6451, 11718.6158, 0.0 0 04 ).

The corresponding first Lyapunov coefficient from MatCont output is −9.2949 × 10−5 . Two time-history inserts are given
in Fig. 4, one shows two stable periodic solutions generated from the two initial conditions in (32), and the shows the
recurrent auto-reactive effector T cells.
The existence of three limit cycles shows an interesting multiphase course phenomenon in multiple sclerosis [4]. In
contrast to the classical bistable states with two stable equilibria, the co-existence of three limit cycles leads to a bistable
phenomenon, containing two stable and one unstable periodic solutions and two unstable equilibria (E0 and E1 ). Therefore,
16 W. Zhang and P. Yu / Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 93 (2020) 105529

Fig. 6. Simulated Teff population time history of the 3-dimensional model (20), with the same parameter values as used in Fig. 5 (a) and (b). The red and
blue curves denote two coexisting stable periodic solutions, generated using the two initial conditions given in (32). The black curve is the simulation of
the trajectory when white noise (5e-3 normrnd(0, 0.5, 3) in Matlab code) is added, which travels between the red and blue stable periodic solutions. (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

depending upon the initial conditions, a trajectory eventually converges either to the smaller stable limit cycle or the larger
stable limit cycle. Biologically, this phenomenon indicates that a patient could experience a more complex situation and
need a careful diagnosis.

4. Conclusion and discussion

A tug of war between auto-reactive effector T cells (Teff) and regulatory T cells (Treg) can result in broad immune re-
sponses, from immune tolerance to chronic, progressive, and recurrent autoimmune disorders. The understanding of the
balance between tolerance and autoimmunity is difficult. Fortunately, mathematical modeling helps to bridge the complex
Teff-Treg interactions to nonlinear dynamical systems. The complex and diverse autoimmune symptoms can then be ana-
lyzed through rigorous mathematical analyses. The analytical results may provide new autoimmune-disorder causing mech-
anisms. In this paper, we successfully capture the multiphase lesion grade in multiple sclerosis by studying the coexistence
of multiple stable cycles in a simple 3-dimensional Teff-Treg model. The multiple autoimmune-disorder oscillating stages
may potentially cause the multiphase symptom.
The Teff-Treg interaction model is derived from an established 5-dimensional autoimmune disease model [32] which
was used to consider the dynamics among the pAPC cells, two Treg subpopulations, Teffs, and the particular self-antigen of
interest. In Section 2, we reduce the 5-dimensional model (1) to a 4-dimensional model (10) through an iterative method
based on geometric singular perturbation theory, and further to a 3-dimensional model (16) according to the proportional
relation between the pAPCs and Teffs. The two steps in the model reduction keep the intrinsic dynamical behaviors of
the original 5-dimensional model, such as immune tolerance, chronic and relapse-remitting autoimmune disorders. Further-
more, the reduced 3-dimensional Teff-Treg model has the advantage to reveal more underlying dynamics, with the limited
computational capacity. For bifurcation analysis, we choose f, the proportion of antigen molecules up-taken to lead mature
pAPC, as bifurcation parameter for the 5-dimensional model. It follows that f is a factor of α in the reduced 4-dimensional
and 3-dimensional models. Both f and α measure the pAPC maturation rate. The bifurcation diagrams in Fig. 4 show stable
positive Teff levels at 0 < f < 5.0067 × 10−4 in (a), 0 < α < 5 × 10−4 in (b) and 0 < α = 5.66 × 10−4 in (c), which show the
bifurcation parameter values between the transcritical (BP) and Hopf (H) bifurcation points. This stable positive activated
Teff level could potentially maintain the positive stable lesion grade in the chronic multiple sclerosis, as shown in Fig. 2 (a).
For all three models (1), (10), and (16), Hopf bifurcations occur with the growth of pAPC maturation rates, leading to a
regular oscillations for Teff population. It implies that the activation of both Teff and Treg are normally regulated with the
growth of pAPC maturation rate, and the interaction between the Teff and Treg cells generates regular periodic solutions.
Further increasing the pAPC maturation rate in all three models (1), (10), and (16) show recurrent Teff oscillation between
the high level spikes and the low level flat bottom (see Fig. 3). It implies that the immune system with a high activation
rate of pAPCs in the response to self-antigen can exaggerate the activation of both Teff and Treg. Their interaction is a tug
of war, which can only suppress Teff at a low level for a period of time. Teff level can escape the suppression from time to
time and shoot up to an extremely high level, which could cause irreversible damage. This explains the flat high level lesion
grade in relapse-remitting multiple sclerosis data, as shown in Fig. 2(c).
To further explain the cause of the multiphase symptom in multiple sclerosis, we focus on the multiple stable coexist-
ing periodic solutions, which can be generated from a Hopf bifurcation. Due to the heavy symbolic computation involved
in analyzing the co-existing multiple limit cycles, we have used the 3-dimensional model (20) to consider only the Treg
down-regulation on Teff, and rescale it to a dimensionless 3-dimensional model (22) with fewer parameters. Center mani-
W. Zhang and P. Yu / Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 93 (2020) 105529 17

fold theory and normal form theory are applied to reduce the order and parameter number to yield the normal form in the
polar coordinates (19) near a Hopf bifurcation. The codimension of the generalized Hopf bifurcation can be used to deter-
mine the maximal number of small-amplitude limit cycles bifurcating in system (19) around the origin. We prove that the
codimension of the generalized Hopf bifurcation is three and then use the sufficient conditions given in Theorem 3.1 to show
that three limit cycles can occur (two stable ones sandwich an unstable one), enclosing a unstable equilibrium solution. The
amplitudes of coexisting limit cycles from the dimensionless 3-dimensional model (19) are small, but their corresponding
amplitudes in the non-scaled 3-dimensional model (20) are not, as shown in Figs. 5(a) and (b). The diverse amplitudes of the
lesion grade oscillations in Fig. 2(b) may potentially be a result of a noise-driven Teff population level traveling between the
coexisting stable periodic solutions, see Fig. 6. The parameter range for the existence of the coexisting three limit cycles is
between two saddle-node bifurcations of periodic orbits, where two limit cycles merge and disappear. That is α ∈ (α p1 , α p2 ),
f v˜ γ
where α p1 = 5.663989 × 10−4 and α p2 = 5.663994 × 10−4 . Recalling the expression of the parameter combination α = v˜ +μ
in Eq. (10), we conclude that three coexisting limit cycles exist if the parameter combination of the pAPC maturation prob-
f v˜ γ
ability f and engulfing rate v˜ , self-antigen release and decay rates γ and μG satisfies v˜ +μ ∈ (α p1 , α p2 ), but the region in
the original parameter space is not small.
In the reduction (from the 5-dimensional system to the 4-dimensional system), the iterative method based on the ge-
ometric singular perturbation theory (GSPT) and the quasi-steady-state assumption (QSSA) method work equally well in
terms of the qualitative preservation of the relapse-remitting behaviors. The iterative method gives an asymptotic expansion
formula for the slow invariant manifold, which is more accurate in approximation but it involves more complicated com-
putation in comparison with the QSSA method. In terms of the iterative method, the QSSA method is an approximation of
the slow invariant manifold in the zero-order asymptotic expansions. Therefore, the parameter values for the desired model
behaviors are changed between the original model and the reduced models. This discrepancy can be avoided by properly
choosing parameter values as shown in Section 2. We mainly focus on the parameters in the algebraic equations of the
reduced systems for their value modification, such as in the reduced 4-dimensional system. Quantitatively, the modified
parameter ranges, which yield consistent behaviors during model reduction, give a guide for data fitting.
Moreover, dimensionless is a good method to reduce the computation effort. But the new dimensionless parameters are
algebraic combinations of the original ones, thus hardly reflect the influence of the original parameter values on the model
dynamics. We purposely keep the original parameter values in our analysis as much as possible. The parameter rescaling in
(21) and (22) are reversible. This allows us to transfer the parameter values found in model (22) back to the 3-dimensional
model (20) with the state variables representing Teff and Treg populations, and then guilds us for the numerical simulation
on the 3-dimensional model (20), as shown in Fig. 5.
The analysis and results given in this paper also indicate that the compromise between simplicity and accuracy leads
to the simplest model preserving the intrinsic dynamics and revealing the underlying mechanisms. In particular, bi-stability
generated from bifurcation of three limit cycles is found from the 3-dimensional autoimmune disease model. This new and
interesting bistable phenomenon only involves two stable periodic solutions (limit cycles) without any stable equilibria. The
rich dynamical behaviors revealed from the 3-dimensional model may explain the observation from the clinical data in
multiple sclerosis [4], which shows chronic, relapsing-remitting, and multiphase courses as depicted in Fig. 2, where the pa-
rameter data are taken from [4]. This shows that our approach presented in this paper is not only theoretically significant,
but also very useful in predicting dynamical behaviors in real systems. Biologically, complex autoimmune disease patterns
are demonstrated by a simple Teff-Treg interaction model, showing the important role of the Treg in T-cell-mediated au-
toimmunity. The Teff-Treg competition for cytokine IL-2 will be investigated in our future research.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have
appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

CRediT authorship contribution statement

Wenjing Zhang: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Validation, Formal analysis, Writing - original draft, Writing
- review & editing. Pei Yu: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Validation, Formal analysis, Writing - original draft,
Writing - review & editing.


W. Zhang was supported by Texas Tech University New Faculty Startup Funds. P. Yu was supported by the Natural Sci-
ences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (No. R2686A02). The authors thank the two reviewers for their time and
for providing very useful and detailed constructive comments and suggestions.
18 W. Zhang and P. Yu / Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 93 (2020) 105529

Appendix A.

The paper [32] shows that all solutions of the three systems (1), (10) and (16) are non-negative, if the initial conditions
are taken non-negative, and moreover they are bounded. Thus, we omit this part of proving the well-posedness of the
three systems, and start from determining the equilibrium solutions of these systems. Then, based on the stability of the
equilibrium solutions we present a bifurcation analysis.

A1. Equilibrium solutions

It is easy to show that all the three models have two equilibrium solutions, one of them is a trivial solution (immune
tolerance) E0 at the origin, and the other is the non-trivial solution (autoimmune disorder) E1 = (A1 , Rn1 , Rd1 , E1 ), where
cξ γ
Rd1 = μ Rn1 for all three models; G1 = v˜ +μ E1 for the 5-dimensional model; while
d G
(v˜ + μG ) σ1 (μd + dcξ )Rn1 + (b1 + μA )μd
E1 = A1 ,
f v˜ γ μd
μd π3 (v˜ + μG )(b1 + μA ) A1 + f v˜ βγ
Rn1 = A1 ,
f v˜ γ μd (μn + ξ ) − π3 (v˜ + μG )σ1 (μd + cdξ )A21
f v˜ γ
for the 5-dimensional and 4-dimensional models, provided that v˜ +μ is replaced by α for the 4-dimensional model. For the
3-dimensional model (16), the solutions for E1 and Rn1 are determined from two quadratic polynomials in E and Rn , which
are omitted here for brevity.

A2. Stability of equilibrium E0

To find the stability of the equilibrium solutions E0 and E1 , we evaluate the Jacobian matrix of the linearized system at
these equilibrium solutions to obtain characteristic polynomials and then use the Routh-Hurwitz criterion [14] to determine
their stability. The characteristic polynomial for E0 is given by P0 (L ) = (L + μn + ξ )(L + μd )Pˆ0 (L ), where

⎪L + (b1 +μA )(b b+3 +μμE )−αλE , for 3-dimensional model,

⎪L2 + (b1 + μ 1 A

⎪ A + b 3 + μE ) L

⎪ +(b1 + μA )(b3 + μE ) − αλE ,  for 4-dimensional model,

Pˆ0 (L ) = L + b1 + μA + b3 + μE + v˜ + μG L
3 2

⎪ + (b1 + μA + b3 + μE )(v˜ + μG )


⎪ +(b1 + μA )(b3 + μE ) L

f v˜ γ
+(v˜ + μG ) (b1 + μA )(b3 + μE ) − v˜ + μG λE , for 5-dimensional model.
f v˜ γ
Noticing α = v˜ +μ , we can see that the trivial equilibrium of all the three models are stable (unstable) if (b1 + μA )(b3 +
μE ) − αλE > 0 (< 0 ). A static bifurcation occurs at the critical point determined by (b1 + μA )(b3 + μE ) − αλE = 0. Further,
it can be shown that the non-trivial equilibrium E1 exists for (b1 + μA )(b3 + μE ) − αλE ≤ 0.

A3. Stability of equilibrium E1

Next, we consider the stability of the non-trivial equilibrium E1 . Evaluating the Jacobian at E1 yields the characteristic
L3 + a31 L2 + a32 L + a33 , for 3-dimensional model,
P1 (L ) = L4 + a41 L3 + a42 L2 + a43 L + a44 , for 4-dimensional model, (35)
L5 + a51 L4 + a52 L3 + a53 L2 + a54 L + a55 , for 5-dimensional model,
a33 = αλE − (b1 + μA )(b3 + μE ) P3 ,
a44 = αλE − (b1 + μA )(b3 + μE ) P4 ,
f v˜ γ f v˜ γ
a55 = λE − (b1 + μA )(b3 + μE ) P5 , =α , (36)
v˜ + μG v˜ + μG
in which Pi , (i = 3, 4, 5 ) are polynomial functions in the system parameters; and other coefficients aij are expressed in
terms of the system parameters. It is seen that at α = (b1 + μA )(b3 + μE )/λE , we have a33 = a44 = a55 = 0, and obtain
P3 > 0, P4 > 0, P5 > 0. This indicates that the equilibrium E1 of the three models are stable if αλE − (b1 + μA )(b3 + μE ) > 0,
and the condition, αλE − (b1 + μA )(b3 + μE ) = 0, defines a critical point. Comparing this stability condition with that for
W. Zhang and P. Yu / Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 93 (2020) 105529 19

the equilibrium E0 , we can conclude that for all the three models, the two equilibria E0 and E1 exchange their sta-
bility at a transcritical bifurcation point, determined by αλE − (b1 + μA )(b3 + μE ) = 0. (Note that E1 does not exist for
αλE − (b1 + μA )(b3 + μE ) < 0.)
It is easy to see from (34) that there is no Hopf bifurcation from the equilibrium E0 for the 3-dimensional and 4-
dimensional models. For the 5-dimensional model, it can be shown that another Routh-Hurwitz condition is also satisfied,
2 = b1 + μA + b3 + μE + v˜ + μG × (b1 + μA + b3 + μE )(v˜ + μG ) + (b1 + μA )(b3 + μE )
f v˜ γ
−(v˜ + μG ) (b1 + μA )(b3 + μE ) − λ
v˜ + μG E
= (b1 + μA + b3 + μE )(b1 + μA + v˜ + μG ) × (b3 + μE + v˜ + μG ) + f v˜ γ λE > 0,

which implies that the 5-dimensional model also does not have Hopf bifurcation from the trivial equilibrium E0 .

A.4. Hopf bifurcation from equilibrium E1

To find possible Hopf bifurcations from the equilibrium E1 , we may use the criterion established in [28], which gives
necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of Hopf bifurcation in a general n-dimensional system as n−1 = 0 (and
other stability conditions still hold), and thus we have the Hopf critical conditions determined by the following formulas for
the three models:
2 = a31 a32 − a33 = 0, for 3-dimensional model,
3 = (a41 a42 − a43 ) a43 − a44 a241 = 0, for 4-dimensional model, (37)
4 = (a51 a52 −a53 )(a53 a54 −a52 a55 )(a51 a54 −a55 )2 = 0, for 5-dimensional model.

Note that all the formulas derived so far in this section are expressed explicitly in terms of the system parameters, and
thus the formulas given in (37) are quite involved, in particular for 4 , since too many parameters are contained in the
Having established the above formulas, we can now give a general bifurcation picture for these models. Suppose the
transcritical bifurcation point determined from (34) be as α t or ft , where the subscript index ‘t’ denotes ‘transcritical’, and
the Hopf bifurcation point determined from (37) as α H or fH , where the subscript index ‘H’ stands for ‘Hopf’. Then, we have
the following bifurcation scenario:
α =α
E0 (Stable for α < αt ) α⇒
E1 (Stable for αt < α < αH ) ⇒H Limit Cycles,

where α can be replaced by f for the 5-dimensional or 4-dimensional model.

Appendix B.

The lengthy expressions of the focus values v2 and v3 (which are used in Section 3.1) that we obtained using our Maple
program [27] are listed below.
20 W. Zhang and P. Yu / Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 93 (2020) 105529

Supplementary material

Supplementary material associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.cnsns.2020.


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