Doc. 0905
Doc. 0905
Doc. 0905
To establish and maintain a system for handling customer complaints received from Customers and
making improvements within the plant activities.
Applicable to all complaints (Rejection / Warranty) received from the customer on product quality &
returned Products.
3.1 HOD (QA) is overall responsible for handling the customer complaints.
3.2 QA Executive is responsible for registering and coordinating the customer complaints.
3.3 Respective HODs’ are responsible for taking corrective and preventive measures in their area of
activity for avoiding such complaints in future.
3.4 Other specific responsibilities and authorities are as given in description.
S. No. Activity Responsibility Ref. Doc.
4.1 Receive Customer Complaint verbally on telephone or written MD/
by letter or by email or fax from customer or by personal visit. HOD - Mktg.
4.2 In case when complaint is received by MD/ HOD (Mktg), MD
HOD (Marketing) forwards the same to HOD (QA) for /HOD - (Mktg)/QA
In case when complaint is received by HOD QA, same to be
forward to MD/DIRECTOR.
4.2.1 Note down the complaint on Customer Complaint Report. QA Exec. F01-0905
4.3 Based upon the nature of the complaint, make the Action plan
and share it to customer within 24 hours (if requested by
customer). ForCountermeasure Report, reply to customer
within a week.
4.3.1 After analyzing the root cause of the problem, its QA Exec. F01-0903
countermeasure report is filled in QPCR or 5W or 8D sheet
4.3.3 As per the action taken against the problem, if there are any
changes required in the standard documents then it should be
mentioned in the QPCR format send by the customer and
review of the standard documents to be done.
4.4 If required, visit at customer end and analyze the probable HOD (QA) /
cause of complaint by discussion with customer representative QA Exec
/ verification with product. Make the minutes of meetings for
4.4.2 If required, collect the rejected samples from Customer for QA Exec
further investigation at Customer end. If the corrective action
is to be taken on the complete lot at Customer end, arrange for
lifting the same. Keep the returned materials duly identified. Analyze the HOD (QA) /
returned materials / samples for the defects observed and QA Exec
decide the corrective action & keep the records. As & when Countermeasure sheet is raised by the customer, HOD / Exec.QA
investigate &analyze the cause of the problem & take
corrective action, and reply back on same report.
4.7 If required, carry out joint analysis of failed pieces for HOD(QA) F02-0905
probable causes at customer end & maintain records of the / Q.A Exec.
4.8 Collect the Field Failure items from customer end for further QA Exec.
investigation / analysis at SEI and keep such items duly
4.10 Warranty Analysis & C/M report is sent to Customer as per HOD(QA)/ F03-0905
requirement of customer. QA Exec.
4.12 All records are maintained as per Procedure on Control of QA Exec. 0707
Quality Records
IATF 16949:2016