Level 2
Level 2
Level 2
• Bag Technique is a tool making use of a public health bag through which the nurse,
during his/her home visit, can perform nursing procedures with ease and deftness, saving
time and effort with the end in view of rendering effective nursing care.
• Public Health Bag is an essential and indispensible equipment of the public health nurse
which he/she has to carry along when he/she goes out home visiting. It contains basic
medications and articles which are necessary for giving care.
• To render effective nursing care to clients and/or members of the family during home visit.
1. The use of the bag technique should minimize of not totally prevent the spread of infection
from individuals to families, hence, to the community.
2. Bag technique should save time and effort on the part of the nurse in the performance of
nursing procedures.
3. Bag technique should not overshadow concern for the patient rather should show the
effectiveness of total care given to an individual or family.
4. Bag technique can be performed in a variety of ways depending upon agency policies,
actual home situation, etc., as long as principles of avoiding transfer of infection is carried
_________________________ Clinical Instructor’s ___________________
Student’s Signature Printed Name & Signature Date
La Consolacion University Philippines
Catmon, City of Malolos, Bulacan
Benedict’s Test
1. Place 5cc. of Benedict’s solution in a clear test tube.
Heat. If color changed, discard.
2. Add 8-10 drops of urine and mix thoroughly.
3. Boil for several minutes (at least 2 minutes).
* BLUE (-) - no sugar present
* GREEN (+) - slight trace
* YELLOW (++) - trace
* ORANGE (+++) - moderate amount
* RED (++++) - large amount
16. Massage the area gently with an alcohol swab except the
heparin or insulin injection site.
17. Do not recap the used needle. Discard the needle and
syringe in the appropriate receptacle.
18. Assist the client to a position of comfort.
19. Chart the administration of the medication.
20. Evaluate the response of the client to medication within
an appropriate time frame.
• To enable the nurse to handle or touch sterile objects freely without contaminating them.
• To prevent transmission of potentially infective organisms from the nurse’s hands to
clients at high risk for infection
• The patient remains free of exposure to potential infection-causing microorganisms.
• Sterile Gloves
• PPE, if indicated
1. Review the client’s record or discuss with the
client exactly what procedure will be performed
that requires a sterile gloves.
2. Ensure the sterility of the package of gown.
Check that the sterile glove package is dry and
unopened and is still valid and not beyond the
expiration date.
3. Prior to performing the procedure, introduce self
and verify the client’s identity using agency
protocol. Explain to the client what you are
going to do, why it is necessary.
4. Perform hand hygiene and observe other
appropriate infection prevention procedures.
5. Provide for client privacy.
6. Open the package of the sterile gloves.
• Place the package of gloves on a clean, dry
• Some gloves are packed in an inner as well as an
outer package. Open the outer package without
contaminating the gloves or the inner package.
• Remove the inner package from the outer
• Open the inner package according to the
manufacturer’s directions. Some manufacturers
provide a numbered sequence for opening the
flaps and folded tabs to grasp for opening the
La Consolacion University Philippines
Catmon, City of Malolos, Bulacan
• To provide a barrier between microorganisms on the nurse’s uniform and the client.
• To maintain a microbe free covering over the nurse’s uniform.
• To prevent a nosocomial infection associated with an invasive procedure, such as
handling delivery.
• Surgical Mask
• Surgical cap/bonnet
• Sterile gown
1. Review the client’s record or discuss with the
client exactly what procedure will be performed
that requires a sterile gowning technique.
2. Ensure the sterility of the package of gown.
Check that the sterile gown package is dry and
unopened. Inspect the autoclaving tape used to
secure the gown. Note that it confirms the
sterility of the contents.
3. Prior to performing the procedure, introduce self
and verify the client’s identity using agency
protocol. Explain to the client what you are
going to do, why it is necessary.
4. Don mask and cap. Carry out surgical hand
scrubbing for at least 5 minutes each hand.
5. Pick up a gown, grasping inside surface at the
6. Stand away from the sterile pack and table. Hold
gown at arm’s length away from your body to
allow the gown to unfold by itself. Be careful not
to allow gown to touch the floor or any unsterile
Rationale: Contact of outer surface of gown with
a dirty or clean surface would result in gown
7. Hold gown by inside, open shoulder seams and
insert each hand through armholes.
Rationale: Inside surface of gown is considered
La Consolacion University Philippines
Catmon, City of Malolos, Bulacan
12. Tuck clean sheet so that it does not touch used soiled
bottom sheet.
13. Miter top corner & tuck length under mattress
14. If plastic drawsheet is used, pull over folded bottom sheets
& tuck
15. Cover plastic drawsheet if used, with cloth drawsheet
16. Tuck nearest side, fanfold another portion towards pt back
17. Raising side rails assist pt in rolling towards you over
linen raising side rail.
18. Move to the other side of bed & lower rail
19. Remove soiled linen & place in hamper. Remove gloves &
wash hands.
20. Straighten mattress pad
21. Pull & tuck drawsheet, if used
22. Move pt to center of the bed
23. Place top sheet on bed, removing bath blanket
24. Add blanket & spread, make toe pleat if appropriate, &
miter bottom corners.
25. Put clean case on pillow
26. reattach cell light & reinstate equipment
27. Place bed in low position
1. Evaluate using the ff. criteria
a. patient comfort
b. smooth, wrinkled free surface
c. tight corners
d. bed in low position
e. bed & side rails correct position
f. call light & other items within pt reach
La Consolacion University Philippines
Catmon, City of Malolos, Bulacan
1. Document any assessment data or change in pts clinical
1. Plan moving technique.
2. Wash your hands.
3.Obtain assisstive devices.
1. Identify patient.
2. Raise bed to high position.
3. Put bed in flat position.
4. Move the patient as follows:
a. Have the patient bend knees and places sole firmly on bed.
b. Have patient grasp overhead trapeze, side rails, or headboard.
c. Slide your hands and arms under patient’s hips, facing foot of
bed, without foot ahead of inside foot.
d. Instruct the patient to move with you at count.
e. On count, patient pulls with arms and pushes with feet as you
5. Position patient correctly.
6. Make sure safety devices are in place.
7. Wash your hands.
1. Evaluate position for alignment.
2. Evaluate patient comfort.
1. Record time and position on flow sheet or nurse’s notes.
La Consolacion University Philippines
Catmon, City of Malolos, Bulacan
1. Move patient into chair.
2. Place feet flat against floor.
3. Position knees and hips at right angle.
4. Straighten spine.
5. Support elbows on armrests.
6.Place handrolls, footrest, or bolsters if needed.
1. Place patient in supine position.
2. Elevate head of bed 18-20 inches
(approximately 45 degrees)
1. Place patient in supine position.
2. Elevate head of bed to angle of over 45
1. Place patient in supine position.
2. Elevate head of bed to angle less than 45
degrees (usually 20 – 30 degrees).
1. Have patient sit up in bed with overbed table
across lap.
2. Pad table with pillows and elevate to
comfortable lap.
3. Have patient lean forward with head and arms
resting on table.
1. Position patient on back.
La Consolacion University Philippines
Catmon, City of Malolos, Bulacan
1. Check chart for information related to patient’s ability to
participate in the procedure being planned.
2. Assess patient for specific symptoms.
3. Check to see what supplies are in room.
1. Determine assistance needed.
2. Determine what supplies and equipment are needed.
3. Wash your hands.
4. Obtain supplies: Toothbrush, toothpaste or powder, cup of
water, emesis basin, face towel, dental floss, clean gloves.
1. Identify patient.
2. Explain procedure to patient.
3. Provide for patient’s privacy.
4. Raise bed for appropriate working level.
5. Provide oralcare
a. Place towel under patient’s chin.
b. Put on clean gloves.
c. Moisten toothbrush and apply cleansing agent.
d. Brush teeth.
e. Allow patient to rinse with water.
f. Wipe patient mouth
g. Use swabs or gauze to cleanse all surfaces of the mouth.
h. Rinse patients mouth.
i. Wipe patient’s mouth.
j. Lubricate lips as needed.
k. Return bed to low positioning.
La Consolacion University Philippines
Catmon, City of Malolos, Bulacan
18. Put on clean gloves. Empty and clean the urinal, measuring
urine in graduated container, as necessary. Discard trash
receptacle with used toilet paper per facility policy.
19. Remove gloves and additional PPE, if used, and perform
hand hygiene.