Catalysis and Adsorption
Catalysis and Adsorption
Catalysis and Adsorption
Briefly explain the Progressive Conversion Model for the gas-solid non-catalytic
Solid reactant is converted continuously and progressively throughout the particle.
The reaction rates are different at different locations within the particle.
This model does not match with the real situations.
It is the best simple representation for the majority of reacting gas-solid systems. However,
Slow reaction of a gas with a very porous solid will not fit to the reality.
State all the assumptions made in the Shrinking Core Model used for gas-solid non-
catalytic reactions.
The assumptions made in the Shrinking Core Model used for gas-solid non-catalytic reactions
The pellet retains its shape during reaction.
There is no gaseous region between the pellet and the product layer.
The temperature is uniform throughout the heterogeneous region.
The densities of the porous product and the reactant (solid) are the same, so that the
total radius of the pellet does not change with time.
Diffusion of the gaseous reactant A through the gas film surrounding the particle to
the surface of solid particle… reactant A diffuses to the external surface of the solid
particle from the bulk gas phase through the gas film. external diffusion.
Penetration of A by diffusion through pores and cracks in the blanket (layer) of ash to
the surface of the unreacted core. Pore or internal diffusion.
Reaction of gaseous A with solid B at the surface of the unreacted core (reaction
Diffusion of any gaseous products back to the exterior surface of solid through the ash
(ash layer). Reverse internal diffusion.
Diffusion of gaseous products through the gas film back into the body of gas Reverse
external diffusion.
In a gas-solid non-catalytic reaction, a 4mm solid is 7/8th converted. What is the diameter
of the shrinking core?
1 0.875
Unreacted core dc=2mm
Time conversion relation ship for the spherical particle. Film, ash and reaction control
Reaction control